コード例 #1
ファイル: MaxQpsThread.C プロジェクト: aeslaughter/moose
MaxQpsThread::operator()(const ConstElemRange & range)
  ParallelUniqueId puid;
  _tid = puid.id;

  // For short circuiting reinit
  std::set<ElemType> seen_it;
  for (const auto & elem : range)
    // Only reinit if the element type has not previously been seen
    if (seen_it.insert(elem->type()).second)
      FEType fe_type(FIRST, LAGRANGE);
      unsigned int dim = elem->dim();
      unsigned int side = 0; // we assume that any element will have at least one side ;)

      // We cannot mess with the FE objects in Assembly, because we might need to request second
      // derivatives
      // later on. If we used them, we'd call reinit on them, thus making the call to request second
      // derivatives harmful (i.e. leading to segfaults/asserts). Thus, we have to use a locally
      // allocated object here.
      std::unique_ptr<FEBase> fe(FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));

      // figure out the number of qps for volume
      std::unique_ptr<QBase> qrule(QBase::build(_qtype, dim, _order));
      if (qrule->n_points() > _max)
        _max = qrule->n_points();

      unsigned int n_shape_funcs = fe->n_shape_functions();
      if (n_shape_funcs > _max_shape_funcs)
        _max_shape_funcs = n_shape_funcs;

      // figure out the number of qps for the face
      // NOTE: user might specify higher order rule for faces, thus possibly ending up with more qps
      // than in the volume
      std::unique_ptr<QBase> qrule_face(QBase::build(_qtype, dim - 1, _face_order));
      fe->reinit(elem, side);
      if (qrule_face->n_points() > _max)
        _max = qrule_face->n_points();
コード例 #2
MultiAppProjectionTransfer::assembleL2From(EquationSystems & es, const std::string & system_name)
  unsigned int n_apps = _multi_app->numGlobalApps();
  std::vector<NumericVector<Number> *> from_slns(n_apps, NULL);
  std::vector<MeshFunction *> from_fns(n_apps, NULL);
  std::vector<MeshTools::BoundingBox *> from_bbs(n_apps, NULL);

  // get bounding box, mesh function and solution for each subapp
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_apps; i++)
    if (!_multi_app->hasLocalApp(i))

    MPI_Comm swapped = Moose::swapLibMeshComm(_multi_app->comm());

    FEProblem & from_problem = *_multi_app->appProblem(i);
    EquationSystems & from_es = from_problem.es();
    MeshBase & from_mesh = from_es.get_mesh();
    MeshTools::BoundingBox * app_box = new MeshTools::BoundingBox(MeshTools::processor_bounding_box(from_mesh, from_mesh.processor_id()));
    from_bbs[i] = app_box;

    MooseVariable & from_var = from_problem.getVariable(0, _from_var_name);
    System & from_sys = from_var.sys().system();
    unsigned int from_var_num = from_sys.variable_number(from_var.name());

    NumericVector<Number> * serialized_from_solution = NumericVector<Number>::build(from_sys.comm()).release();
    serialized_from_solution->init(from_sys.n_dofs(), false, SERIAL);
    // Need to pull down a full copy of this vector on every processor so we can get values in parallel
    from_slns[i] = serialized_from_solution;

    MeshFunction * from_func = new MeshFunction(from_es, *serialized_from_solution, from_sys.get_dof_map(), from_var_num);
    from_fns[i] = from_func;


  const MeshBase& mesh = es.get_mesh();
  const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();

  LinearImplicitSystem & system = es.get_system<LinearImplicitSystem>(system_name);

  FEType fe_type = system.variable_type(0);
  AutoPtr<FEBase> fe(FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
  QGauss qrule(dim, fe_type.default_quadrature_order());
  const std::vector<Real> & JxW = fe->get_JxW();
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & phi = fe->get_phi();
  const std::vector<Point> & xyz = fe->get_xyz();

  const DofMap& dof_map = system.get_dof_map();
  DenseMatrix<Number> Ke;
  DenseVector<Number> Fe;
  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;

  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = mesh.active_local_elements_end();
  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
    const Elem* elem = *el;

    fe->reinit (elem);

    dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);
    Ke.resize (dof_indices.size(), dof_indices.size());
    Fe.resize (dof_indices.size());

    for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp < qrule.n_points(); qp++)
      Point qpt = xyz[qp];
      Real f = 0.;
      for (unsigned int app = 0; app < n_apps; app++)
        Point pt = qpt - _multi_app->position(app);
        if (from_bbs[app] != NULL && from_bbs[app]->contains_point(pt))
          MPI_Comm swapped = Moose::swapLibMeshComm(_multi_app->comm());
          f = (*from_fns[app])(pt);

      // Now compute the element matrix and RHS contributions.
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
        // RHS
        Fe(i) += JxW[qp] * (f * phi[i][qp]);

        if (_compute_matrix)
          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < phi.size(); j++)
            // The matrix contribution
            Ke(i,j) += JxW[qp] * (phi[i][qp] * phi[j][qp]);
      dof_map.constrain_element_matrix_and_vector(Ke, Fe, dof_indices);

      if (_compute_matrix)
        system.matrix->add_matrix(Ke, dof_indices);
      system.rhs->add_vector(Fe, dof_indices);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_apps; i++)
    delete from_fns[i];
    delete from_bbs[i];
    delete from_slns[i];
コード例 #3
MultiAppProjectionTransfer::assembleL2To(EquationSystems & es, const std::string & system_name)
  unsigned int app = es.parameters.get<unsigned int>("app");

  FEProblem & from_problem = *_multi_app->problem();
  EquationSystems & from_es = from_problem.es();

  MooseVariable & from_var = from_problem.getVariable(0, _from_var_name);
  System & from_sys = from_var.sys().system();
  unsigned int from_var_num = from_sys.variable_number(from_var.name());

  NumericVector<Number> * serialized_from_solution = NumericVector<Number>::build(from_sys.comm()).release();
  serialized_from_solution->init(from_sys.n_dofs(), false, SERIAL);
  // Need to pull down a full copy of this vector on every processor so we can get values in parallel

  MeshFunction from_func(from_es, *serialized_from_solution, from_sys.get_dof_map(), from_var_num);

  const MeshBase& mesh = es.get_mesh();
  const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();

  LinearImplicitSystem & system = es.get_system<LinearImplicitSystem>(system_name);

  FEType fe_type = system.variable_type(0);
  AutoPtr<FEBase> fe(FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
  QGauss qrule(dim, fe_type.default_quadrature_order());
  const std::vector<Real> & JxW = fe->get_JxW();
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & phi = fe->get_phi();
  const std::vector<Point> & xyz = fe->get_xyz();

  const DofMap& dof_map = system.get_dof_map();
  DenseMatrix<Number> Ke;
  DenseVector<Number> Fe;
  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;

  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = mesh.active_local_elements_end();
  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
    const Elem* elem = *el;

    fe->reinit (elem);

    dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);
    Ke.resize (dof_indices.size(), dof_indices.size());
    Fe.resize (dof_indices.size());

    for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp < qrule.n_points(); qp++)
      Point qpt = xyz[qp];
      Point pt = qpt + _multi_app->position(app);
      Real f = from_func(pt);

      // Now compute the element matrix and RHS contributions.
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
        // RHS
        Fe(i) += JxW[qp] * (f * phi[i][qp]);

        if (_compute_matrix)
          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < phi.size(); j++)
            // The matrix contribution
            Ke(i,j) += JxW[qp] * (phi[i][qp] * phi[j][qp]);
      dof_map.constrain_element_matrix_and_vector(Ke, Fe, dof_indices);

      if (_compute_matrix)
        system.matrix->add_matrix(Ke, dof_indices);
      system.rhs->add_vector(Fe, dof_indices);
コード例 #4
  _console << "Beginning projection transfer " << name() << std::endl;


  // We are going to project the solutions by solving some linear systems.  In
  // order to assemble the systems, we need to evaluate the "from" domain
  // solutions at quadrature points in the "to" domain.  Some parallel
  // communication is necessary because each processor doesn't necessarily have
  // all the "from" information it needs to set its "to" values.  We don't want
  // to use a bunch of big all-to-all broadcasts, so we'll use bounding boxes to
  // figure out which processors have the information we need and only
  // communicate with those processors.
  // Each processor will
  // 1. Check its local quadrature points in the "to" domains to see which
  //    "from" domains they might be in.
  // 2. Send quadrature points to the processors with "from" domains that might
  //    contain those points.
  // 3. Recieve quadrature points from other processors, evaluate its mesh
  //    functions at those points, and send the values back to the proper
  //    processor
  // 4. Recieve mesh function evaluations from all relevant processors and
  //    decide which one to use at every quadrature point (the lowest global app
  //    index always wins)
  // 5. And use the mesh function evaluations to assemble and solve an L2
  //    projection system on its local elements.

  // For every combination of global "from" problem and local "to" problem, find
  // which "from" bounding boxes overlap with which "to" elements.  Keep track
  // of which processors own bounding boxes that overlap with which elements.
  // Build vectors of quadrature points to send to other processors for mesh
  // function evaluations.

  // Get the bounding boxes for the "from" domains.
  std::vector<MeshTools::BoundingBox> bboxes = getFromBoundingBoxes();

  // Figure out how many "from" domains each processor owns.
  std::vector<unsigned int> froms_per_proc = getFromsPerProc();

  std::vector<std::vector<Point> > outgoing_qps(n_processors());
  std::vector<std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, unsigned int> > element_index_map(n_processors());
  // element_index_map[i_to, element_id] = index
  // outgoing_qps[index] is the first quadrature point in element

  if (! _qps_cached)
    for (unsigned int i_to = 0; i_to < _to_problems.size(); i_to++)
      MeshBase & to_mesh = _to_meshes[i_to]->getMesh();

      LinearImplicitSystem & system = * _proj_sys[i_to];

      FEType fe_type = system.variable_type(0);
      std::unique_ptr<FEBase> fe(FEBase::build(to_mesh.mesh_dimension(), fe_type));
      QGauss qrule(to_mesh.mesh_dimension(), fe_type.default_quadrature_order());
      const std::vector<Point> & xyz = fe->get_xyz();

      MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = to_mesh.local_elements_begin();
      const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = to_mesh.local_elements_end();

      unsigned int from0 = 0;
      for (processor_id_type i_proc = 0;
           i_proc < n_processors();
           from0 += froms_per_proc[i_proc], i_proc++)
        for (el = to_mesh.local_elements_begin(); el != end_el; el++)
          const Elem* elem = *el;
          fe->reinit (elem);

          bool qp_hit = false;
          for (unsigned int i_from = 0;
               i_from < froms_per_proc[i_proc] && ! qp_hit; i_from++)
            for (unsigned int qp = 0;
                 qp < qrule.n_points() && ! qp_hit; qp ++)
              Point qpt = xyz[qp];
              if (bboxes[from0 + i_from].contains_point(qpt + _to_positions[i_to]))
                qp_hit = true;

          if (qp_hit)
            // The selected processor's bounding box contains at least one
            // quadrature point from this element.  Send all qps from this element
            // and remember where they are in the array using the map.
            std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> key(i_to, elem->id());
            element_index_map[i_proc][key] = outgoing_qps[i_proc].size();
            for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp < qrule.n_points(); qp ++)
              Point qpt = xyz[qp];
              outgoing_qps[i_proc].push_back(qpt + _to_positions[i_to]);

    if (_fixed_meshes)
      _cached_index_map = element_index_map;
    element_index_map = _cached_index_map;

  // Request quadrature point evaluations from other processors and handle
  // requests sent to this processor.

  // Non-blocking send quadrature points to other processors.
  std::vector<Parallel::Request> send_qps(n_processors());
  if (! _qps_cached)
    for (processor_id_type i_proc = 0; i_proc < n_processors(); i_proc++)
      if (i_proc != processor_id())
        _communicator.send(i_proc, outgoing_qps[i_proc], send_qps[i_proc]);

  // Get the local bounding boxes.
  std::vector<MeshTools::BoundingBox> local_bboxes(froms_per_proc[processor_id()]);
    // Find the index to the first of this processor's local bounding boxes.
    unsigned int local_start = 0;
    for (processor_id_type i_proc = 0;
         i_proc < n_processors() && i_proc != processor_id();
      local_start += froms_per_proc[i_proc];

    // Extract the local bounding boxes.
    for (unsigned int i_from = 0; i_from < froms_per_proc[processor_id()]; i_from++)
      local_bboxes[i_from] = bboxes[local_start + i_from];

  // Setup the local mesh functions.
  std::vector<MeshFunction *> local_meshfuns(froms_per_proc[processor_id()], NULL);
  for (unsigned int i_from = 0; i_from < _from_problems.size(); i_from++)
    FEProblemBase & from_problem = *_from_problems[i_from];
    MooseVariable & from_var = from_problem.getVariable(0, _from_var_name);
    System & from_sys = from_var.sys().system();
    unsigned int from_var_num = from_sys.variable_number(from_var.name());

    MeshFunction * from_func = new MeshFunction(from_problem.es(),
         *from_sys.current_local_solution, from_sys.get_dof_map(), from_var_num);
    local_meshfuns[i_from] = from_func;

  // Recieve quadrature points from other processors, evaluate mesh frunctions
  // at those points, and send the values back.
  std::vector<Parallel::Request> send_evals(n_processors());
  std::vector<Parallel::Request> send_ids(n_processors());
  std::vector<std::vector<Real> > outgoing_evals(n_processors());
  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > outgoing_ids(n_processors());
  std::vector<std::vector<Real> > incoming_evals(n_processors());
  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > incoming_app_ids(n_processors());
  for (processor_id_type i_proc = 0; i_proc < n_processors(); i_proc++)
    // Use the cached qps if they're available.
    std::vector<Point> incoming_qps;
    if (! _qps_cached)
      if (i_proc == processor_id())
        incoming_qps = outgoing_qps[i_proc];
        _communicator.receive(i_proc, incoming_qps);
      // Cache these qps for later if _fixed_meshes
      if (_fixed_meshes)
        _cached_qps[i_proc] = incoming_qps;
      incoming_qps = _cached_qps[i_proc];

    outgoing_evals[i_proc].resize(incoming_qps.size(), OutOfMeshValue);
    if (_direction == FROM_MULTIAPP)
      outgoing_ids[i_proc].resize(incoming_qps.size(), libMesh::invalid_uint);
    for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp < incoming_qps.size(); qp++)
      Point qpt = incoming_qps[qp];

      // Loop until we've found the lowest-ranked app that actually contains
      // the quadrature point.
      for (unsigned int i_from = 0; i_from < _from_problems.size(); i_from++)
        if (local_bboxes[i_from].contains_point(qpt))
          outgoing_evals[i_proc][qp] = (* local_meshfuns[i_from])(qpt - _from_positions[i_from]);
          if (_direction == FROM_MULTIAPP)
            outgoing_ids[i_proc][qp] = _local2global_map[i_from];

    if (i_proc == processor_id())
      incoming_evals[i_proc] = outgoing_evals[i_proc];
      if (_direction == FROM_MULTIAPP)
        incoming_app_ids[i_proc] = outgoing_ids[i_proc];
      _communicator.send(i_proc, outgoing_evals[i_proc], send_evals[i_proc]);
      if (_direction == FROM_MULTIAPP)
        _communicator.send(i_proc, outgoing_ids[i_proc], send_ids[i_proc]);

  // Gather all of the qp evaluations and pick out the best ones for each qp.
  for (processor_id_type i_proc = 0; i_proc < n_processors(); i_proc++)
    if (i_proc == processor_id())
    _communicator.receive(i_proc, incoming_evals[i_proc]);
    if (_direction == FROM_MULTIAPP)
      _communicator.receive(i_proc, incoming_app_ids[i_proc]);

  std::vector<std::vector<Real> > final_evals(_to_problems.size());
  std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> > trimmed_element_maps(_to_problems.size());

  for (unsigned int i_to = 0; i_to < _to_problems.size(); i_to++)
    MeshBase & to_mesh = _to_meshes[i_to]->getMesh();
    LinearImplicitSystem & system = * _proj_sys[i_to];

    FEType fe_type = system.variable_type(0);
    std::unique_ptr<FEBase> fe(FEBase::build(to_mesh.mesh_dimension(), fe_type));
    QGauss qrule(to_mesh.mesh_dimension(), fe_type.default_quadrature_order());
    const std::vector<Point> & xyz = fe->get_xyz();

    MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = to_mesh.local_elements_begin();
    const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = to_mesh.local_elements_end();

    for (el = to_mesh.active_local_elements_begin(); el != end_el; el++)
      const Elem* elem = *el;
      fe->reinit (elem);

      bool element_is_evaled = false;
      std::vector<Real> evals(qrule.n_points(), 0.);

      for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp < qrule.n_points(); qp++)
        Point qpt = xyz[qp];

        unsigned int lowest_app_rank = libMesh::invalid_uint;
        for (unsigned int i_proc = 0; i_proc < n_processors(); i_proc++)
          // Ignore the selected processor if the element wasn't found in it's
          // bounding box.
          std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, unsigned int> & map = element_index_map[i_proc];
          std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> key(i_to, elem->id());
          if (map.find(key) == map.end())
          unsigned int qp0 = map[key];

          // Ignore the selected processor if it's app has a higher rank than the
          // previously found lowest app rank.
          if (_direction == FROM_MULTIAPP)
            if (incoming_app_ids[i_proc][qp0 + qp] >= lowest_app_rank)

          // Ignore the selected processor if the qp was actually outside the
          // processor's subapp's mesh.
          if (incoming_evals[i_proc][qp0 + qp] == OutOfMeshValue)

          // This is the best meshfunction evaluation so far, save it.
          element_is_evaled = true;
          evals[qp] = incoming_evals[i_proc][qp0 + qp];

      // If we found good evaluations for any of the qps in this element, save
      // those evaluations for later.
      if (element_is_evaled)
        trimmed_element_maps[i_to][elem->id()] = final_evals[i_to].size();
        for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp < qrule.n_points(); qp++)

  // We now have just one or zero mesh function values at all of our local
  // quadrature points.  Stash those values (and a map linking them to element
  // ids) in the equation systems parameters and project the solution.

  for (unsigned int i_to = 0; i_to < _to_problems.size(); i_to++)
    _to_es[i_to]->parameters.set<std::vector<Real>*>("final_evals") = & final_evals[i_to];
    _to_es[i_to]->parameters.set<std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>*>("element_map") = & trimmed_element_maps[i_to];
    _to_es[i_to]->parameters.set<std::vector<Real>*>("final_evals") = NULL;
    _to_es[i_to]->parameters.set<std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>*>("element_map") = NULL;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _from_problems.size(); i++)
    delete local_meshfuns[i];

  // Make sure all our sends succeeded.
  for (processor_id_type i_proc = 0; i_proc < n_processors(); i_proc++)
    if (i_proc == processor_id())
    if (! _qps_cached)
    if (_direction == FROM_MULTIAPP)

  if (_fixed_meshes)
    _qps_cached = true;

  _console << "Finished projection transfer " << name() << std::endl;
コード例 #5
MultiAppProjectionTransfer::assembleL2(EquationSystems & es, const std::string & system_name)
  // Get the system and mesh from the input arguments.
  LinearImplicitSystem & system = es.get_system<LinearImplicitSystem>(system_name);
  MeshBase & to_mesh = es.get_mesh();

  // Get the meshfunction evaluations and the map that was stashed in the es.
  std::vector<Real> & final_evals = * es.parameters.get<std::vector<Real>*>("final_evals");
  std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> & element_map = * es.parameters.get<std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>*>("element_map");

  // Setup system vectors and matrices.
  FEType fe_type = system.variable_type(0);
  std::unique_ptr<FEBase> fe(FEBase::build(to_mesh.mesh_dimension(), fe_type));
  QGauss qrule(to_mesh.mesh_dimension(), fe_type.default_quadrature_order());
  const DofMap& dof_map = system.get_dof_map();
  DenseMatrix<Number> Ke;
  DenseVector<Number> Fe;
  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;
  const std::vector<Real> & JxW = fe->get_JxW();
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & phi = fe->get_phi();

  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = to_mesh.active_local_elements_end();
  for (MeshBase::const_element_iterator el = to_mesh.active_local_elements_begin(); el != end_el; ++el)
    const Elem* elem = *el;
    fe->reinit (elem);

    dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);
    Ke.resize (dof_indices.size(), dof_indices.size());
    Fe.resize (dof_indices.size());

    for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp < qrule.n_points(); qp++)
      Real meshfun_eval = 0.;
      if (element_map.find(elem->id()) != element_map.end())
        // We have evaluations for this element.
        meshfun_eval = final_evals[element_map[elem->id()] + qp];

      // Now compute the element matrix and RHS contributions.
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
        // RHS
        Fe(i) += JxW[qp] * (meshfun_eval * phi[i][qp]);

        if (_compute_matrix)
          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < phi.size(); j++)
            // The matrix contribution
            Ke(i,j) += JxW[qp] * (phi[i][qp] * phi[j][qp]);
      dof_map.constrain_element_matrix_and_vector(Ke, Fe, dof_indices);

      if (_compute_matrix)
        system.matrix->add_matrix(Ke, dof_indices);
      system.rhs->add_vector(Fe, dof_indices);
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_operator.C プロジェクト: thelegend6420/queso
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  unsigned int i, j;
  QUESO::EnvOptionsValues opts;
  opts.m_seed = -1;

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  QUESO::FullEnvironment env(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "", "", &opts);
  QUESO::FullEnvironment env("", "", &opts);

  // SLEPc currently gives us a nasty crash with Real==float
  libmesh_example_assert(false, "--disable-singleprecision");

// Need an artificial block here because libmesh needs to
// call PetscFinalize before we call MPI_Finalize
  libMesh::LibMeshInit init(argc, argv);

  libMesh::Mesh mesh(init.comm());
      20, 20, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, libMeshEnums::QUAD4);

  QUESO::FunctionOperatorBuilder builder;

  builder.order = "FIRST";
  builder.family = "LAGRANGE";
  builder.num_req_eigenpairs = 10;

  QUESO::LibMeshNegativeLaplacianOperator precision(builder, mesh);

  libMesh::EquationSystems & es = precision.get_equation_systems();
  libMesh::CondensedEigenSystem & eig_sys = es.get_system<libMesh::CondensedEigenSystem>(

  // Check all eigenfunctions have unit L2 norm
  std::vector<double> norms(builder.num_req_eigenpairs, 0);
  for (i = 0; i < builder.num_req_eigenpairs; i++) {
    norms[i] = eig_sys.calculate_norm(*eig_sys.solution,
    if (abs(norms[i] - 1.0) > TEST_TOL) {
      return 1;

  const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();
  const libMesh::DofMap & dof_map = eig_sys.get_dof_map();
  libMesh::FEType fe_type = dof_map.variable_type(0);
  libMesh::AutoPtr<libMesh::FEBase> fe(libMesh::FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
  libMesh::QGauss qrule(dim, libMeshEnums::FIFTH);
  const std::vector<libMesh::Real> & JxW = fe->get_JxW();
  const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& phi = fe->get_phi();

  libMesh::AutoPtr<libMesh::NumericVector<libMesh::Real> > u, v;
  double ui = 0.0;
  double vj = 0.0;
  double ip = 0.0;

  for (i = 0; i < builder.num_req_eigenpairs - 1; i++) {
    u = eig_sys.solution->clone();
    for (j = i + 1; j < builder.num_req_eigenpairs; j++) {
      libMesh::MeshBase::const_element_iterator el = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
      libMesh::MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = mesh.active_local_elements_end();
      v = eig_sys.solution->clone();
      for ( ; el != end_el; ++el) {
        const libMesh::Elem * elem = *el;
        for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp < qrule.n_points(); qp++) {
          for (unsigned int dof = 0; dof < phi.size(); dof++) {
            ui += (*u)(dof) * phi[dof][qp];
            vj += (*v)(dof) * phi[dof][qp];
          ip += ui * vj * JxW[qp];
          ui = 0.0;
          vj = 0.0;
      std::cerr << "INTEGRAL of " << i << " against " << j << " is: " << ip << std::endl;
      if (abs(ip) > INTEGRATE_TOL) {
        return 1;
      ip = 0.0;
  return 0;
  return 77;
コード例 #7
  // -- NOTE ----
  // The following code is a copy from libMesh project_vector.C plus it adds some features, so we
  // can couple variable values
  // and we also do not call any callbacks, but we use our initial condition system directly.
  // ------------

  // The dimension of the current element
  _dim = _current_elem->dim();
  // The element type
  const ElemType elem_type = _current_elem->type();
  // The number of nodes on the new element
  const unsigned int n_nodes = _current_elem->n_nodes();

  // Get FE objects of the appropriate type
  // We cannot use the FE object in Assembly, since the following code is messing with the
  // quadrature rules
  // for projections and would screw it up. However, if we implement projections from one mesh to
  // another,
  // this code should use that implementation.
  std::unique_ptr<FEBaseType> fe(FEBaseType::build(_dim, _fe_type));

  // Prepare variables for projection
  std::unique_ptr<QBase> qrule(_fe_type.default_quadrature_rule(_dim));
  std::unique_ptr<QBase> qedgerule(_fe_type.default_quadrature_rule(1));
  std::unique_ptr<QBase> qsiderule(_fe_type.default_quadrature_rule(_dim - 1));

  // The values of the shape functions at the quadrature points
  _phi = &fe->get_phi();

  // The gradients of the shape functions at the quadrature points on the child element.
  _dphi = nullptr;

  _cont = fe->get_continuity();

  if (_cont == C_ONE)
    const std::vector<std::vector<GradientType>> & ref_dphi = fe->get_dphi();
    _dphi = &ref_dphi;

  // The Jacobian * quadrature weight at the quadrature points
  _JxW = &fe->get_JxW();
  // The XYZ locations of the quadrature points
  _xyz_values = &fe->get_xyz();

  // Update the DOF indices for this element based on the current mesh
  _dof_indices = _var.dofIndices();

  // The number of DOFs on the element
  const unsigned int n_dofs = _dof_indices.size();
  if (n_dofs == 0)

  // Fixed vs. free DoFs on edge/face projections
  _dof_is_fixed.resize(n_dofs, false);
  _free_dof.resize(n_dofs, 0);

  // Zero the interpolated values

  // In general, we need a series of
  // projections to ensure a unique and continuous
  // solution.  We start by interpolating nodes, then
  // hold those fixed and project edges, then
  // hold those fixed and project faces, then
  // hold those fixed and project interiors

  // Interpolate node values first
  _current_dof = 0;
  for (_n = 0; _n != n_nodes; ++_n)
    // FIXME: this should go through the DofMap,
    // not duplicate _dof_indices code badly!
    _nc = FEInterface::n_dofs_at_node(_dim, _fe_type, elem_type, _n);
    if (!_current_elem->is_vertex(_n))
      _current_dof += _nc;
    if (_cont == DISCONTINUOUS)
      libmesh_assert(_nc == 0);
    else if (_cont == C_ZERO)
    else if (_fe_type.family == HERMITE)
    else if (_cont == C_ONE)
  } // loop over nodes

  // From here on out we won't be sampling at nodes anymore
  _current_node = nullptr;

  // In 3D, project any edge values next
  if (_dim > 2 && _cont != DISCONTINUOUS)
    for (unsigned int e = 0; e != _current_elem->n_edges(); ++e)
      FEInterface::dofs_on_edge(_current_elem, _dim, _fe_type, e, _side_dofs);

      // Some edge dofs are on nodes and already
      // fixed, others are free to calculate
      _free_dofs = 0;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i != _side_dofs.size(); ++i)
        if (!_dof_is_fixed[_side_dofs[i]])
          _free_dof[_free_dofs++] = i;

      // There may be nothing to project
      if (!_free_dofs)

      // Initialize FE data on the edge
      fe->edge_reinit(_current_elem, e);
      _n_qp = qedgerule->n_points();


  // Project any side values (edges in 2D, faces in 3D)
  if (_dim > 1 && _cont != DISCONTINUOUS)
    for (unsigned int s = 0; s != _current_elem->n_sides(); ++s)
      FEInterface::dofs_on_side(_current_elem, _dim, _fe_type, s, _side_dofs);

      // Some side dofs are on nodes/edges and already
      // fixed, others are free to calculate
      _free_dofs = 0;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i != _side_dofs.size(); ++i)
        if (!_dof_is_fixed[_side_dofs[i]])
          _free_dof[_free_dofs++] = i;

      // There may be nothing to project
      if (!_free_dofs)

      // Initialize FE data on the side
      fe->reinit(_current_elem, s);
      _n_qp = qsiderule->n_points();


  // Project the interior values, finally

  // Some interior dofs are on nodes/edges/sides and
  // already fixed, others are free to calculate
  _free_dofs = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n_dofs; ++i)
    if (!_dof_is_fixed[i])
      _free_dof[_free_dofs++] = i;

  // There may be nothing to project
  if (_free_dofs)
    // Initialize FE data
    _n_qp = qrule->n_points();

  } // if there are free interior dofs

  // Make sure every DoF got reached!
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n_dofs; ++i)

  NumericVector<Number> & solution = _var.sys().solution();

  // 'first' and 'last' are no longer used, see note about subdomain-restricted variables below
  // const dof_id_type
  //   first = solution.first_local_index(),
  //   last  = solution.last_local_index();

  // Lock the new_vector since it is shared among threads.
    Threads::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(Threads::spin_mtx);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_dofs; i++)
    // We may be projecting a new zero value onto
    // an old nonzero approximation - RHS
    // if (_Ue(i) != 0.)

    // This is commented out because of subdomain restricted variables.
    // It can be the case that if a subdomain restricted variable's boundary
    // aligns perfectly with a processor boundary that the variable will get
    // no value.  To counteract this we're going to let every processor set a
    // value at every node and then let PETSc figure it out.
    // Later we can choose to do something different / better.
    //      if ((_dof_indices[i] >= first) && (_dof_indices[i] < last))
      solution.set(_dof_indices[i], _Ue(i));
コード例 #8
ファイル: biharmonic_jr.C プロジェクト: certik/libmesh
void Biharmonic::JR::residual_and_jacobian(const NumericVector<Number> &u,
					   NumericVector<Number> *R,
					   SparseMatrix<Number> *J,
  if (!R && !J)

  // Declare a performance log.  Give it a descriptive
  // string to identify what part of the code we are
  // logging, since there may be many PerfLogs in an
  // application.
  PerfLog perf_log ("Biharmonic Residual and Jacobian", false);

  // A reference to the \p DofMap object for this system.  The \p DofMap
  // object handles the index translation from node and element numbers
  // to degree of freedom numbers.  We will talk more about the \p DofMap
  // in future examples.
  const DofMap& dof_map = get_dof_map();

  // Get a constant reference to the Finite Element type
  // for the first (and only) variable in the system.
  FEType fe_type = dof_map.variable_type(0);

  // Build a Finite Element object of the specified type.  Since the
  // \p FEBase::build() member dynamically creates memory we will
  // store the object as an \p AutoPtr<FEBase>.  This can be thought
  // of as a pointer that will clean up after itself.
  AutoPtr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build(_biharmonic._dim, fe_type));

  // Quadrature rule for numerical integration.
  // With 2D triangles, the Clough quadrature rule puts a Gaussian
  // quadrature rule on each of the 3 subelements
  AutoPtr<QBase> qrule(fe_type.default_quadrature_rule(_biharmonic._dim));

  // Tell the finite element object to use our quadrature rule.
  fe->attach_quadrature_rule (qrule.get());

  // Here we define some references to element-specific data that
  // will be used to assemble the linear system.
  // We begin with the element Jacobian * quadrature weight at each
  // integration point.
  const std::vector<Real>& JxW = fe->get_JxW();

  // The element shape functions evaluated at the quadrature points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = fe->get_phi();

  // The element shape functions' derivatives evaluated at the quadrature points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> >& dphi = fe->get_dphi();

  // The element shape functions'  second derivatives evaluated at the quadrature points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<RealTensor> >& d2phi = fe->get_d2phi();

  // For efficiency we will compute shape function laplacians n times,
  // not n^2
  std::vector<Real> Laplacian_phi_qp;

  // Define data structures to contain the element matrix
  // and right-hand-side vector contribution.  Following
  // basic finite element terminology we will denote these
  // "Je" and "Re". More detail is in example 3.
  DenseMatrix<Number> Je;
  DenseVector<Number> Re;

  // This vector will hold the degree of freedom indices for
  // the element.  These define where in the global system
  // the element degrees of freedom get mapped.
  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices;

  // Old solution
  const NumericVector<Number>& u_old = *old_local_solution;

  // Now we will loop over all the elements in the mesh.  We will
  // compute the element matrix and right-hand-side contribution.  See
  // example 3 for a discussion of the element iterators.

  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = _biharmonic._mesh->active_local_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = _biharmonic._mesh->active_local_elements_end();

  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el) {
    // Store a pointer to the element we are currently
    // working on.  This allows for nicer syntax later.
    const Elem* elem = *el;

    // Get the degree of freedom indices for the
    // current element.  These define where in the global
    // matrix and right-hand-side this element will
    // contribute to.
    dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);

    // Compute the element-specific data for the current
    // element.  This involves computing the location of the
    // quadrature points (q_point) and the shape function
    // values/derivatives (phi, dphi,d2phi) for the current element.
    fe->reinit (elem);

    // Zero the element matrix, the right-hand side and the Laplacian matrix
    // before summing them.
    if (J)
      Je.resize(dof_indices.size(), dof_indices.size());

    if (R)


    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule->n_points(); qp++)
	// Residual and Jacobian share a few calculations:
	// at the very least, in the case of interfacial energy only with a constant mobility,
	// both calculations use Laplacian_phi_qp; more is shared the case of a concentration-dependent
	// mobility and bulk potentials.
	Number u_qp = 0.0, u_old_qp = 0.0, Laplacian_u_qp = 0.0, Laplacian_u_old_qp = 0.0;
	Gradient grad_u_qp(0.0,0.0,0.0), grad_u_old_qp(0.0,0.0,0.0);
	Number M_qp = 1.0, M_old_qp = 1.0, M_prime_qp = 0.0, M_prime_old_qp = 0.0;

	for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
	    Laplacian_phi_qp[i] = d2phi[i][qp](0,0);
	    grad_u_qp(0) += u(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](0);
	    grad_u_old_qp(0) += u_old(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](0);

	    if (_biharmonic._dim > 1)
		Laplacian_phi_qp[i] += d2phi[i][qp](1,1);
		grad_u_qp(1) += u(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](1);
		grad_u_old_qp(1) += u_old(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](1);
	    if (_biharmonic._dim > 2)
		Laplacian_phi_qp[i] += d2phi[i][qp](2,2);
		grad_u_qp(2) += u(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](2);
		grad_u_old_qp(2) += u_old(dof_indices[i])*dphi[i][qp](2);
	    u_qp     += phi[i][qp]*u(dof_indices[i]);
	    u_old_qp += phi[i][qp]*u_old(dof_indices[i]);
	    Laplacian_u_qp     += Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*u(dof_indices[i]);
	    Laplacian_u_old_qp += Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*u_old(dof_indices[i]);
	  } // for i

	if (_biharmonic._degenerate)
	    M_qp           = 1.0 - u_qp*u_qp;
	    M_old_qp       = 1.0 - u_old_qp*u_old_qp;
	    M_prime_qp     = -2.0*u_qp;
	    M_prime_old_qp = -2.0*u_old_qp;

	for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
	    // RESIDUAL
	    if (R)
		Number ri = 0.0, ri_old = 0.0;
		ri     -= Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_qp;
		ri_old -= Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_old_qp*_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_old_qp;

		if (_biharmonic._degenerate)
		    ri       -= (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_qp*(_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_qp);
		    ri_old   -= (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_old_qp)*M_prime_old_qp*(_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_old_qp);

		if (_biharmonic._cahn_hillard)
		    if (_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL)
			ri += Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*u_qp;
			ri_old += Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_old_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_old_qp*u_old_qp - 1.0)*u_old_qp;
			if (_biharmonic._degenerate)
			    ri     += (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*u_qp;
			    ri_old += (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_old_qp)*M_prime_old_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_old_qp*u_old_qp - 1.0)*u_old_qp;
		      }// if(_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL)

		    if (_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_OBSTACLE || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
			ri -= Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_qp;
			ri_old -= Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_old_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_old_qp;
			if (_biharmonic._degenerate)
			    ri     -= (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_qp;
			    ri_old -= (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_old_qp)*M_prime_old_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_old_qp;
		      } // if(_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_OBSTACLE || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)

		    if (_biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
			  case 2:
			  case 3:
			  }// switch(_biharmonic._log_truncation)
		      }// if(_biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
		  }// if(_biharmonic._cahn_hillard)
		Re(i) += JxW[qp]*((u_qp-u_old_qp)*phi[i][qp]-_biharmonic._dt*0.5*((2.0-_biharmonic._cnWeight)*ri + _biharmonic._cnWeight*ri_old));
	      } // if (R)

	    // JACOBIAN
	    if (J)
		Number M_prime_prime_qp = 0.0;
		if(_biharmonic._degenerate) M_prime_prime_qp = -2.0;
		for (unsigned int j=0; j<phi.size(); j++)
		    Number ri_j = 0.0;
		    ri_j -= Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_phi_qp[j];
		    if (_biharmonic._degenerate)
			ri_j -=
			  Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_prime_qp*phi[j][qp]*_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_qp               +
			  (dphi[i][qp]*dphi[j][qp])*M_prime_qp*(_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_qp)                  +
			  (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*(M_prime_prime_qp*phi[j][qp])*(_biharmonic._kappa*Laplacian_u_qp) +

		    if (_biharmonic._cahn_hillard)
			if(_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL)
			    ri_j +=
			      Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_prime_qp*phi[j][qp]*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*u_qp +
			      Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(3.0*u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*phi[j][qp]        +
			      (dphi[i][qp]*dphi[j][qp])*M_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*u_qp      +
			      (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*u_qp  +
			      (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*(3.0*u_qp*u_qp - 1.0)*phi[j][qp];
			  }// if(_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL)

			if (_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_OBSTACLE || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
			    ri_j -=
			      Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_prime_qp*phi[j][qp]*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_qp                   +
			      Laplacian_phi_qp[i]*M_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*phi[j][qp]                              +
			      (dphi[i][qp]*dphi[j][qp])*M_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_qp                        +
			      (dphi[i][qp]*grad_u_qp)*M_prime_prime_qp*_biharmonic._theta_c*u_qp                    +
			  } // if(_biharmonic._energy == DOUBLE_OBSTACLE || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)

			if (_biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
			      case 2:
			      case 3:
			      }// switch(_biharmonic._log_truncation)
			  }// if(_biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_WELL || _biharmonic._energy == LOG_DOUBLE_OBSTACLE)
		      }// if(_biharmonic._cahn_hillard)
		    Je(i,j) += JxW[qp]*(phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp] - 0.5*_biharmonic._dt*(2.0-_biharmonic._cnWeight)*ri_j);
		  } // for j
	      } // if (J)
	  } // for i
      } // for qp

    // The element matrix and right-hand-side are now built
    // for this element.  Add them to the global matrix and
    // right-hand-side vector.  The \p SparseMatrix::add_matrix()
    // and \p NumericVector::add_vector() members do this for us.
    // Start logging the insertion of the local (element)
    // matrix and vector into the global matrix and vector
    if (R)
	// If the mesh has hanging nodes (e.g., as a result of refinement), those need to be constrained.
	dof_map.constrain_element_vector(Re, dof_indices);
	R->add_vector(Re, dof_indices);

    if (J)
	// If the mesh has hanging nodes (e.g., as a result of refinement), those need to be constrained.
	dof_map.constrain_element_matrix(Je, dof_indices);
	J->add_matrix(Je, dof_indices);
  } // for el