QPixmap QPixmap::grabWindow(WId winId, int x, int y, int w, int h ) { RECT r; GetClientRect(winId, &r); if (w < 0) w = r.right - r.left; if (h < 0) h = r.bottom - r.top; // Create and setup bitmap HDC bitmap_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(qt_win_display_dc()); HBITMAP bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(qt_win_display_dc(), w, h); HGDIOBJ null_bitmap = SelectObject(bitmap_dc, bitmap); // copy data HDC window_dc = GetDC(winId); BitBlt(bitmap_dc, 0, 0, w, h, window_dc, x, y, SRCCOPY); // clean up all but bitmap ReleaseDC(winId, window_dc); SelectObject(bitmap_dc, null_bitmap); DeleteDC(bitmap_dc); QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromWinHBITMAP(bitmap); DeleteObject(bitmap); return pixmap; }
void QFont::initialize() { if (QFontCache::instance) return; shared_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(qt_win_display_dc()); if (!shared_dc) qErrnoWarning("QFont::initialize: CreateCompatibleDC failed"); new QFontCache(); }
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QPixmap QPixmap::grabWindow(WId winId, int x, int y, int w, int h ) { RECT r; GetClientRect(winId, &r); if (w < 0) w = r.right - r.left; if (h < 0) h = r.bottom - r.top; #ifdef Q_OS_WINCE_WM if (qt_wince_is_pocket_pc()) { QWidget *widget = QWidget::find(winId); if (qobject_cast<QDesktopWidget *>(widget)) { RECT rect = {0,0,0,0}; AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, WS_BORDER | WS_CAPTION, FALSE, 0); int magicNumber = qt_wince_is_high_dpi() ? 4 : 2; y += rect.top - magicNumber; } } #endif // Create and setup bitmap HDC bitmap_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(qt_win_display_dc()); HBITMAP bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(qt_win_display_dc(), w, h); HGDIOBJ null_bitmap = SelectObject(bitmap_dc, bitmap); // copy data HDC window_dc = GetDC(winId); BitBlt(bitmap_dc, 0, 0, w, h, window_dc, x, y, SRCCOPY); // clean up all but bitmap ReleaseDC(winId, window_dc); SelectObject(bitmap_dc, null_bitmap); DeleteDC(bitmap_dc); QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromWinHBITMAP(bitmap); DeleteObject(bitmap); return pixmap; }
void QColormap::initialize() { HDC dc = qt_win_display_dc(); screenMap = new QColormapPrivate; screenMap->depth = GetDeviceCaps(dc, BITSPIXEL); screenMap->numcolors = -1; if (GetDeviceCaps(dc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE) screenMap->numcolors = GetDeviceCaps(dc, SIZEPALETTE); if (screenMap->numcolors <= 16 || screenMap->numcolors > 256) // no need to create palette return; LOGPALETTE* pal = 0; int numPalEntries = 6*6*6; // color cube pal = (LOGPALETTE*)malloc(sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + numPalEntries * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)); // Make 6x6x6 color cube int idx = 0; for(int ir = 0x0; ir <= 0xff; ir+=0x33) { for(int ig = 0x0; ig <= 0xff; ig+=0x33) { for(int ib = 0x0; ib <= 0xff; ib+=0x33) { pal->palPalEntry[idx].peRed = ir; pal->palPalEntry[idx].peGreen = ig; pal->palPalEntry[idx].peBlue = ib; pal->palPalEntry[idx].peFlags = 0; idx++; } } } pal->palVersion = 0x300; pal->palNumEntries = numPalEntries; screenMap->hpal = CreatePalette(pal); if (!screenMap->hpal) qErrnoWarning("QColor::initialize: Failed to create logical palette"); free (pal); SelectPalette(dc, screenMap->hpal, FALSE); RealizePalette(dc); PALETTEENTRY paletteEntries[256]; screenMap->numcolors = GetPaletteEntries(screenMap->hpal, 0, 255, paletteEntries); screenMap->palette.resize(screenMap->numcolors); for (int i = 0; i < screenMap->numcolors; i++) { screenMap->palette[i] = qRgb(paletteEntries[i].peRed, paletteEntries[i].peGreen, paletteEntries[i].peBlue); } }
/*! Creates a \c HBITMAP equivalent to the QPixmap, based on the given \a format. Returns the \c HBITMAP handle. It is the caller's responsibility to free the \c HBITMAP data after use. \warning This function is only available on Windows. \sa fromWinHBITMAP() */ HBITMAP QPixmap::toWinHBITMAP(HBitmapFormat format) const { QRasterPixmapData* d = static_cast<QRasterPixmapData*>(data); int w = d->image.width(); int h = d->image.height(); HDC display_dc = qt_win_display_dc(); // Define the header BITMAPINFO bmi; memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(bmi)); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = w; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -h; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = w * h * 4; // Create the pixmap uchar *pixels = 0; HBITMAP bitmap = CreateDIBSection(display_dc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **) &pixels, 0, 0); if (!bitmap) { qErrnoWarning("QPixmap::toWinHBITMAP(), failed to create dibsection"); return 0; } if (!pixels) { qErrnoWarning("QPixmap::toWinHBITMAP(), did not allocate pixel data"); return 0; } // Copy over the data QImage::Format imageFormat = format == NoAlpha ? QImage::Format_RGB32 : QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied; const QImage image = d->image.convertToFormat(imageFormat); int bytes_per_line = w * 4; for (int y=0; y<h; ++y) memcpy(pixels + y * bytes_per_line, image.scanLine(y), bytes_per_line); return bitmap; }
void QRasterWindowSurface::flush(QWidget *widget, const QRegion &rgn, const QPoint &offset) { Q_D(QRasterWindowSurface); // Not ready for painting yet, bail out. This can happen in // QWidget::create_sys() if (!d->image || rgn.rectCount() == 0) return; #ifdef Q_WS_WIN QRect br = rgn.boundingRect(); if (!qt_widget_private(window())->isOpaque && window()->testAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground) && (qt_widget_private(window())->data.window_flags & Qt::FramelessWindowHint)) { QRect r = window()->frameGeometry(); QPoint frameOffset = qt_widget_private(window())->frameStrut().topLeft(); QRect dirtyRect = br.translated(offset + frameOffset); SIZE size = {r.width(), r.height()}; POINT ptDst = {r.x(), r.y()}; POINT ptSrc = {0, 0}; BLENDFUNCTION blend = {AC_SRC_OVER, 0, (BYTE)(255.0 * window()->windowOpacity()), Q_AC_SRC_ALPHA}; RECT dirty = {dirtyRect.x(), dirtyRect.y(), dirtyRect.x() + dirtyRect.width(), dirtyRect.y() + dirtyRect.height()}; Q_UPDATELAYEREDWINDOWINFO info = {sizeof(info), NULL, &ptDst, &size, d->image->hdc, &ptSrc, 0, &blend, Q_ULW_ALPHA, &dirty}; ptrUpdateLayeredWindowIndirect(window()->internalWinId(), &info); } else { QPoint wOffset = qt_qwidget_data(widget)->wrect.topLeft(); HDC widget_dc = widget->getDC(); QRect wbr = br.translated(-wOffset); BitBlt(widget_dc, wbr.x(), wbr.y(), wbr.width(), wbr.height(), d->image->hdc, br.x() + offset.x(), br.y() + offset.y(), SRCCOPY); widget->releaseDC(widget_dc); } #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG static bool flush = !qgetenv("QT_FLUSH_WINDOWSURFACE").isEmpty(); if (flush) { SelectObject(qt_win_display_dc(), GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); Rectangle(qt_win_display_dc(), 0, 0, d->image->width() + 2, d->image->height() + 2); BitBlt(qt_win_display_dc(), 1, 1, d->image->width(), d->image->height(), d->image->hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } #endif #endif #ifdef Q_WS_X11 extern void *qt_getClipRects(const QRegion &r, int &num); // in qpaintengine_x11.cpp extern QWidgetData* qt_widget_data(QWidget *); QPoint wOffset = qt_qwidget_data(widget)->wrect.topLeft(); if (widget->window() != window()) { XFreeGC(X11->display, d_ptr->gc); d_ptr->gc = XCreateGC(X11->display, widget->handle(), 0, 0); } QRegion wrgn(rgn); if (!wOffset.isNull()) wrgn.translate(-wOffset); if (wrgn.rectCount() != 1) { int num; XRectangle *rects = (XRectangle *)qt_getClipRects(wrgn, num); XSetClipRectangles(X11->display, d_ptr->gc, 0, 0, rects, num, YXBanded); } QPoint widgetOffset = offset + wOffset; QRect clipRect = widget->rect().translated(widgetOffset).intersected(d_ptr->image->image.rect()); QRect br = rgn.boundingRect().translated(offset).intersected(clipRect); QPoint wpos = br.topLeft() - widgetOffset; #ifndef QT_NO_MITSHM if (d_ptr->image->xshmpm) { XCopyArea(X11->display, d_ptr->image->xshmpm, widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, br.x(), br.y(), br.width(), br.height(), wpos.x(), wpos.y()); d_ptr->needsSync = true; } else if (d_ptr->image->xshmimg) { XShmPutImage(X11->display, widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, d_ptr->image->xshmimg, br.x(), br.y(), wpos.x(), wpos.y(), br.width(), br.height(), False); d_ptr->needsSync = true; } else #endif { int depth = widget->x11Info().depth(); const QImage &src = d->image->image; if (src.format() != QImage::Format_RGB32 || depth < 24 || X11->bppForDepth.value(depth) != 32) { Q_ASSERT(src.depth() >= 16); const QImage sub_src(src.scanLine(br.y()) + br.x() * (uint(src.depth()) / 8), br.width(), br.height(), src.bytesPerLine(), src.format()); QX11PixmapData *data = new QX11PixmapData(QPixmapData::PixmapType); data->xinfo = widget->x11Info(); data->fromImage(sub_src, Qt::NoOpaqueDetection); QPixmap pm = QPixmap(data); XCopyArea(X11->display, pm.handle(), widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, 0 , 0 , br.width(), br.height(), wpos.x(), wpos.y()); } else { // qpaintengine_x11.cpp extern void qt_x11_drawImage(const QRect &rect, const QPoint &pos, const QImage &image, Drawable hd, GC gc, Display *dpy, Visual *visual, int depth); qt_x11_drawImage(br, wpos, src, widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, X11->display, (Visual *)widget->x11Info().visual(), depth); } } if (wrgn.rectCount() != 1) XSetClipMask(X11->display, d_ptr->gc, XNone); #endif // FALCON #ifdef Q_WS_MAC Q_UNUSED(offset); // This is mainly done for native components like native "open file" dialog. if (widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen)) { return; } #ifdef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA this->needsFlush = true; this->regionToFlush += rgn; // The actual flushing will be processed in [view drawRect:rect] qt_mac_setNeedsDisplay(widget); #else // Get a context for the widget. CGContextRef context; CGrafPtr port = GetWindowPort(qt_mac_window_for(widget)); QDBeginCGContext(port, &context); CGContextRetain(context); CGContextSaveGState(context); // Flip context. CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, widget->height()); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1, -1); // Clip to region. const QVector<QRect> &rects = rgn.rects(); for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) { const QRect &rect = rects.at(i); CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height())); } CGContextClip(context); QRect r = rgn.boundingRect().intersected(d->image->image.rect()); const CGRect area = CGRectMake(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(d->image->cg); CGImageRef subImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image, area); qt_mac_drawCGImage(context, &area, subImage); CGImageRelease(subImage); CGImageRelease(image); QDEndCGContext(port, &context); // Restore context. CGContextRestoreGState(context); CGContextRelease(context); #endif // QT_MAC_USE_COCOA #endif // Q_WS_MAC }
void QRasterWindowSurface::flush(QWidget *widget, const QRegion &rgn, const QPoint &offset) { Q_D(QRasterWindowSurface); // Not ready for painting yet, bail out. This can happen in // QWidget::create_sys() if (!d->image) return; #ifdef Q_WS_WIN QRect br = rgn.boundingRect(); #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE if (!qt_widget_private(window())->isOpaque && d->canUseLayeredWindow) { QRect r = window()->frameGeometry(); QPoint frameOffset = qt_widget_private(window())->frameStrut().topLeft(); QRect dirtyRect = br.translated(offset + frameOffset); SIZE size = {r.width(), r.height()}; POINT ptDst = {r.x(), r.y()}; POINT ptSrc = {0, 0}; Q_BLENDFUNCTION blend = {AC_SRC_OVER, 0, (int)(255.0 * window()->windowOpacity()), Q_AC_SRC_ALPHA}; RECT dirty = {dirtyRect.x(), dirtyRect.y(), dirtyRect.x() + dirtyRect.width(), dirtyRect.y() + dirtyRect.height()}; Q_UPDATELAYEREDWINDOWINFO info = {sizeof(info), NULL, &ptDst, &size, d->image->hdc, &ptSrc, 0, &blend, Q_ULW_ALPHA, &dirty}; (*ptrUpdateLayeredWindowIndirect)(window()->internalWinId(), &info); } else #endif { QPoint wOffset = qt_qwidget_data(widget)->wrect.topLeft(); HDC widget_dc = widget->getDC(); QRect wbr = br.translated(-wOffset); BitBlt(widget_dc, wbr.x(), wbr.y(), wbr.width(), wbr.height(), d->image->hdc, br.x() + offset.x(), br.y() + offset.y(), SRCCOPY); widget->releaseDC(widget_dc); } #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG static bool flush = !qgetenv("QT_FLUSH_WINDOWSURFACE").isEmpty(); if (flush) { SelectObject(qt_win_display_dc(), GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); Rectangle(qt_win_display_dc(), 0, 0, d->image->width() + 2, d->image->height() + 2); BitBlt(qt_win_display_dc(), 1, 1, d->image->width(), d->image->height(), d->image->hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } #endif #endif #ifdef Q_WS_X11 extern void *qt_getClipRects(const QRegion &r, int &num); // in qpaintengine_x11.cpp extern QWidgetData* qt_widget_data(QWidget *); QPoint wOffset = qt_qwidget_data(widget)->wrect.topLeft(); if (widget->window() != window()) { XFreeGC(X11->display, d_ptr->gc); d_ptr->gc = XCreateGC(X11->display, widget->handle(), 0, 0); } QRegion wrgn(rgn); if (!wOffset.isNull()) wrgn.translate(-wOffset); QRect wbr = wrgn.boundingRect(); int num; XRectangle *rects = (XRectangle *)qt_getClipRects(wrgn, num); XSetClipRectangles(X11->display, d_ptr->gc, 0, 0, rects, num, YXBanded); QRect br = rgn.boundingRect().translated(offset); #ifndef QT_NO_MITSHM if (d_ptr->image->xshmpm) { XCopyArea(X11->display, d_ptr->image->xshmpm, widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, br.x(), br.y(), br.width(), br.height(), wbr.x(), wbr.y()); XSync(X11->display, False); } else #endif { const QImage &src = d->image->image; br = br.intersected(src.rect()); if (src.format() != QImage::Format_RGB32) { QX11PixmapData *data = new QX11PixmapData(QPixmapData::PixmapType); data->xinfo = widget->x11Info(); data->fromImage(src, Qt::AutoColor); QPixmap pm = QPixmap(data); XCopyArea(X11->display, pm.handle(), widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, br.x() , br.y() , br.width(), br.height(), wbr.x(), wbr.y()); } else { // qpaintengine_x11.cpp extern void qt_x11_drawImage(const QRect &rect, const QPoint &pos, const QImage &image, Drawable hd, GC gc, Display *dpy, Visual *visual, int depth); qt_x11_drawImage(br, wbr.topLeft(), src, widget->handle(), d_ptr->gc, X11->display, (Visual *)widget->x11Info().visual(), widget->x11Info().depth()); } } #endif // FALCON #ifdef Q_WS_MAC // qDebug() << "Flushing" << widget << rgn << offset; // d->image->image.save("flush.png"); // Get a context for the widget. #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA CGContextRef context; CGrafPtr port = GetWindowPort(qt_mac_window_for(widget)); QDBeginCGContext(port, &context); #else extern CGContextRef qt_mac_graphicsContextFor(QWidget *); CGContextRef context = qt_mac_graphicsContextFor(widget); #endif CGContextSaveGState(context); // Flip context. CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, widget->height()); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1, -1); // Clip to region. const QVector<QRect> &rects = rgn.rects(); for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) { const QRect &rect = rects.at(i); CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height())); } CGContextClip(context); QRect r = rgn.boundingRect(); const CGRect area = CGRectMake(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(d->image->cg); CGImageRef subImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image, area); qt_mac_drawCGImage(context, &area, subImage); CGImageRelease(subImage); CGImageRelease(image); // CGSize size = { d->image->image.width(), d->image->image.height() }; // CGLayerRef layer = CGLayerCreateWithContext(d->image->cg, size, 0); // CGPoint pt = { 0, 0 }; // CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint(context, pt, layer); // CGLayerRelease(layer); // Restore context. CGContextRestoreGState(context); #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA QDEndCGContext(port, &context); #else CGContextFlush(context); #endif #endif }