コード例 #1
// Wrench calculation function
geometry_msgs::Vector3 PanosContactPoints::getForce()
	double Reb[9];
	double kFLong, kFLat, kFrictionE, kFrictionX, kFrictionY;
	int i, j;
	contact = false;
	safe = true; // NaN protection flag
	geometry_msgs::Vector3 Euler;

	geometry_msgs::Quaternion quat = parentObj->states.pose.orientation; // Read vehicle orientation quaternion
	quat2rotmtx(quat, Reb); // Construct the rotation matrix
	Euler = quat2euler(quat);

	geometry_msgs::Wrench tempE, totalE; /** @todo This is a TODO list example */
	geometry_msgs::Vector3 dx,we,vpoint,Ve;

	totalE.force.x = 0;
	totalE.force.y = 0;
	totalE.force.z = 0;
	totalE.torque.x = 0;
	totalE.torque.y = 0;
	totalE.torque.z = 0;

	// Get velocity in the inertial frame
	Ve = parentObj->kinematics.posDot;

	// Read vehicle coordinates

	// Rotate contact points coordinates from body frame to earth frame

	// Place the spring ends to the contact points positions
	for (i=0;i<3;i++)
		for (j=0;j<contactPtsNo;j++) {
			cpi_up[contactPtsNo*i+j] += uavpos[i]; // Place upper spring end to contact point
			if (i==2)
				cpi_up[contactPtsNo*i+j] -= len; //Raise the upper spring end to obtain a visually pleasing result in RViz
			cpi_down[contactPtsNo*i+j]=cpi_up[contactPtsNo*i+j]; // Place lower spring end to contact point

	// Rotate body angular speeds to earth frame
	we = Reb*parentObj->states.velocity.angular;

	// Main calculations for each contact point
	for (i=0;i<contactPtsNo;i++)
		cpi_down[i+2*contactPtsNo]+=len; // Place lower spring end "len" below upper spring end
		// Calculate force arm
		dx.x = (cpi_up[i]-uavpos[0]);
		dx.y = (cpi_up[i+contactPtsNo]-uavpos[1]);
		dx.z = (cpi_up[i+2*contactPtsNo]-uavpos[2]);

		if (cpi_down[i+2*contactPtsNo]>0) // if the lower spring end touches the ground
			cpi_down[i+2*contactPtsNo]=0; // Force lower spring end to stay at ground level
			spp[i]=len+cpi_up[i+2*contactPtsNo]; // Calculate current spring contraction
			spd[i]=(spp[i]-sppprev[i])/parentObj->dt; // Calculate current spring contraction spreed
			vector3_cross(we,dx, &vpoint); // Contact point Earth-frame speed due to vehicle rotation
			vpoint = Ve+vpoint; // Add vehicle velocity to find total contact point velocity

			// Calculate spring force. Acts only upon Earth z-axis
			// tempE.force.z = -(kspring*spp[i] + mspring*spd[i]);
			tempE.force.z = -(springIndex[i]*spp[i] + springIndex[i + contactPtsNo]*spd[i]);
			// Make spring force negative or zero, as the spring lower end isn't fixed on the ground
			if (tempE.force.z > 0)
				tempE.force.z = 0;
			/** @todo model full spring contraction (possibly with exponential force curve after full contraction?) */

			int tempIndex = materialIndex[i];
			// Get longitudinal and lateral friction coefficients for this surface
			kFLong = frictForw[tempIndex];
			kFLat = frictSide[tempIndex];

			if ((inputBrake>0.9) && (i<3)) { // Apply breaks
				kFLong = 1.0;

			// Convert friction coefficients to the Earth frame
			double trackAngle = Euler.z - atan2(vpoint.y, vpoint.x);
			if (i==2) { // Apply steeering
				trackAngle = trackAngle + inputSteer;

			// Calculate the magnitude of the friction force in the Earth frame
			double frictionLong = fabs(sqrt(kFLong*(kFLong*cos(trackAngle)*cos(trackAngle)+kFLat*sin(trackAngle)*sin(trackAngle)))*tempE.force.z);
			frictionLong = std::max(frictionLong - 0.05*frictionLong/sqrt(vpoint.x*vpoint.x + vpoint.y*vpoint.y + 0.001), 0.0); //Aply static friction
			frictionLong = frictionLong*cos(trackAngle);

			double frictionLat = fabs(sqrt(kFLat*(kFLat*sin(trackAngle)*sin(trackAngle)+kFLong*cos(trackAngle)*cos(trackAngle)))*tempE.force.z);
			frictionLat = std::max(frictionLat - 0.05*frictionLat/sqrt(vpoint.x*vpoint.x + vpoint.y*vpoint.y + 0.001), 0.0); //Aply static friction
			frictionLat = frictionLat*sin(trackAngle);

			tempE.force.x = -frictionLong*cos(Euler.z)-frictionLat*sin(Euler.z);
			tempE.force.y = -frictionLong*sin(Euler.z)+frictionLat*cos(Euler.z);

			// Add current contact point force contribution to the total
			totalE.force = totalE.force + tempE.force;
			// Calculate current contact point torque
			vector3_cross(dx,tempE.force, &tempE.torque);
			// Add current contact point torque contribution to the total
			totalE.torque = totalE.torque + tempE.torque;

			if (i==2) {
				// std::cout << kFrictionLong << ',';
				// std::cout << trackAngle << ',';
				// std::cout << kFrictionE << ',';
				// std::cout << tempE.force.x << ',';
				// std::cout << tempE.force.y << ',';
				// // std::cout << tempB.force.z << ',';
				// std::cout << std::endl;

		// If there is no ground contact
		else {
			// Set spring contraction to zero
			spp[i] = 0;
			spd[i] = 0;
		sppprev[i] = spp[i];

	// Chech for rogue NaN results
	if (isnan(totalE.force.x) or isnan(totalE.force.y) or isnan(totalE.force.z)) {
		safe = false; /** @todo remove the safe safety, it is not used*/
		ROS_FATAL("State NAN in PanosGroundReactions force calculation!");

	if (isnan(totalE.torque.x) or isnan(totalE.torque.y) or isnan(totalE.torque.z)) {
		safe = false;
		ROS_FATAL("State NAN in PanosGroundReactions torque calculation!");

	// If there is a ground contact write the resulting wrench
	if (contact and safe) {
		wrenchGround.force= Reb/totalE.force;
		wrenchGround.torque= Reb/totalE.torque;
	// Otherwise there is no wrench created
	else {
		wrenchGround.force.x = 0;
		wrenchGround.force.y = 0;
		wrenchGround.force.z = 0;
		wrenchGround.torque.x = 0;
		wrenchGround.torque.y = 0;
		wrenchGround.torque.z = 0;

	return wrenchGround.force;

コード例 #2
 *  ahrs_step() takes the values from the IMU and produces the
 * new estimated attitude.
	v_t			angles_out,
	f_t			dt,
	f_t			p,
	f_t			q,
	f_t			r,
	f_t			ax,
	f_t			ay,
	f_t			az,
	f_t			heading
	m_t			C;

	m_t			A;
	m_t			AT;
	v_t			X_dot;
	m_t			temp;

	v_t			Xm;
	v_t			Xe;

	/* Construct the quaternion omega matrix */
	rotate2omega( A, p, q, r );

	/* X_dot = AX */
	mv_mult( X_dot, A, X, 4, 4 );

	/* X += X_dot dt */
	v_scale( X_dot, X_dot, dt, 4 );

	v_add( X, X_dot, X, 4 );
	v_normq( X, X );

	printf( "X =" );
	Vprint( X, 4 );
	printf( "\n" );
	/* AT = transpose(A) */
	m_transpose( AT, A, 4, 4 );

	/* P = A * P * AT + Q */
	m_mult( temp, A, P, 4, 4, 4 );
	m_mult( P, temp, AT, 4, 4, 4 );
	m_add( P, Q, P, 4, 4 );
	compute_c( C, X );

	/* Compute the euler angles of the measured attitude */

	 * Compute the euler angles of the estimated attitude
	 * Xe = quat2euler( X )
	quat2euler( Xe, X );

	/* Kalman filter update */

	/* Estimated attitude extraction */
	quat2euler( angles_out, X );