コード例 #1
NS_IMETHODIMP nsAbDirectoryQuery::DoQuery(nsIAbDirectory *aDirectory,
                                          nsIAbDirectoryQueryArguments* arguments,
                                          nsIAbDirSearchListener* listener,
                                          PRInt32 resultLimit, PRInt32 timeOut,
                                          PRInt32* _retval)

  nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> supportsExpression;
  nsresult rv = arguments->GetExpression(getter_AddRefs(supportsExpression));

  nsCOMPtr<nsIAbBooleanExpression> expression(do_QueryInterface(supportsExpression, &rv));

  bool doSubDirectories;
  rv = arguments->GetQuerySubDirectories(&doSubDirectories);

  rv = query(aDirectory, expression, listener, doSubDirectories, &resultLimit);

  rv = NS_FAILED(rv) ? queryError(listener) : queryFinished(listener);

  *_retval = 0;
  return rv;
コード例 #2
void MsgAudioSelectionEngine::HandleQueryCompletedL(CMdEQuery& aQuery,
        TInt aError)
    if (aError == KErrCancel)
        emit queryError(aError);
        QMap<QString,QString> nameUriList;
        CMdEObjectQuery* query = static_cast<CMdEObjectQuery*> (&aQuery);
        TInt count = query->Count();
        for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            CMdEObject* object =
                    (CMdEObject*) query->TakeOwnershipOfResult(i);
            CMdEPropertyDef& propDef = MsgAudioSelectionEngine::PropertyDefL(
                    iSession, MsgAudioSelectionEngine::EAttrFileName);

            CMdEProperty* property = 0;
            TInt err = object->Property(propDef, property, 0);
            if (err != KErrNotFound && property)
                QString songName(XQConversions::s60DescToQString(
                QString uriValue(XQConversions::s60DescToQString(
                //insert into the map
                nameUriList.insertMulti(uriValue, songName);
        //now get all the song names and sort them
        iNameList = nameUriList.values();
        // go through the song list and get the associated uri
        // insert into the uri list
        int nameListTotal = iNameList.count();
        for(int nameListCount = 0; 
            QString key = nameUriList.key(iNameList.at(nameListCount));
        // emit the list to the model
        emit queryComplete(iNameList, iUriList);
コード例 #3
ファイル: memorydump.cpp プロジェクト: wxdublin/insight-vmi
Instance MemoryDump::queryInstance(const int queryId, KnowledgeSources src) const
    // The very first component must be a variable
    Variable* v = _factory->findVarById(queryId);

    if (!v)
        queryError(QString("Variable with ID 0x%1 does not exist")
                .arg(queryId, 0, 16));

    return v->toInstance(_vmem, BaseType::trLexicalAndPointers, src);
コード例 #4
ファイル: memorydump.cpp プロジェクト: wxdublin/insight-vmi
Instance MemoryDump::queryInstance(const QString& queryString,
                                   KnowledgeSources src) const
    QStringList components = queryString.split('.', QString::SkipEmptyParts);

    if (components.isEmpty())
        queryError("Empty query string given");

	Instance result, prev;
	while (!components.isEmpty()) {
		result = getNextInstance(components.first(), result, src);

        if (!result.isValid()) {
            QString s(prev.fullName());
            if (!s.isEmpty())
                s += ".";
            s += components.first();
            if (result.origin() == Instance::orCandidate)
                queryError(QString("The selected member candidate for \"%1\" is invalid")
            else if (result.origin() == Instance::orRuleEngine)
                queryError(QString("The instance \"%1\" returned by the rule engine is invalid.")
                queryError(QString("The instance \"%1\" is invalid (origin: %2)")

        prev = result;

	return result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: qparsequery.cpp プロジェクト: GMaxera/QtParse
void QParseQuery::onQueryReply( QParseReply* reply ) {
	if ( reply->getHasError() ) {
		emit queryError( reply->getErrorMessage() );
	// elaborate the result and create objects
	QParse* parse = QParse::instance();
	QJsonArray results = reply->getJson()["results"].toArray();
	QList<QParseObject*> parseObjects;
	for( int i=0; i<results.count(); i++ ) {
		QJsonObject object = results.at(i).toObject();
		// call the constructor passing the json object data
		QParseObject* parseObject = qobject_cast<QParseObject*>(metaParseObject.newInstance( Q_ARG(QJsonObject, object), Q_ARG(QObject*, parse) ));
		parseObjects << parseObject;
	emit queryResults( parseObjects );
コード例 #6
ファイル: llares.cpp プロジェクト: AlchemyDev/Carbon
void LLQueryResponder::queryResult(const char *buf, size_t len)
	const char *pos = buf;
	int qdcount = DNS_HEADER_QDCOUNT(pos);
	int ancount = DNS_HEADER_ANCOUNT(pos);
	int nscount = DNS_HEADER_NSCOUNT(pos);
	int arcount = DNS_HEADER_ARCOUNT(pos);
	int ret;

	if (qdcount == 0 || ancount + nscount + arcount == 0)
		goto bail;

	pos += NS_HFIXEDSZ;

	for (int i = 0; i < qdcount; i++)
		std::string ignore;
		size_t enclen;

		ret = LLAres::expandName(pos, buf, len, i == 0 ? mQuery : ignore,
		if (ret != ARES_SUCCESS)
			goto bail;

		pos += enclen;

		if (i == 0)
			int t = DNS_QUESTION_TYPE(pos);
			switch (t)
			case RES_A:
			case RES_NS:
			case RES_CNAME:
			case RES_PTR:
			case RES_AAAA:
			case RES_SRV:
				mType = (LLResType) t;
				LL_INFOS() << "Cannot grok query type " << t << LL_ENDL;
				goto bail;

		pos += NS_QFIXEDSZ;
		if (pos > buf + len)
			goto bail;
	ret = parseSection(buf, len, ancount, pos, mAnswers);
	if (ret != ARES_SUCCESS)
		goto bail;

	ret = parseSection(buf, len, nscount, pos, mAuthorities);
	if (ret != ARES_SUCCESS)
		goto bail;

	ret = parseSection(buf, len, arcount, pos, mAdditional);

	mResult = ret;
	if (mResult == ARES_SUCCESS)
	} else {
コード例 #7
ファイル: memorydump.cpp プロジェクト: wxdublin/insight-vmi
QString MemoryDump::dump(const QString& type, quint64 address, int length,
                         const ColorPalette& col) const
    if (type == "char") {
        char c;
        if (_vmem->readAtomic(address, &c, sizeof(char)) != sizeof(char))
            queryError(QString("Cannot read memory from address 0x%1")
                       .arg(address, (_specs.sizeofPointer << 1), 16, QChar('0')));
        return QString("%1 (0x%2)").arg(c).arg(c, (sizeof(c) << 1), 16, QChar('0'));
    if (type == "int") {
        qint32 i;
        if (_vmem->readAtomic(address, (char*)&i, sizeof(qint32)) != sizeof(qint32))
            queryError(QString("Cannot read memory from address 0x%1")
                       .arg(address, (_specs.sizeofPointer << 1), 16, QChar('0')));
        return QString("%1 (0x%2)").arg(i).arg((quint32)i, (sizeof(i) << 1), 16, QChar('0'));
    if (type == "long") {
        qint64 l;
        if (_vmem->readAtomic(address, (char*)&l, sizeof(qint64)) != sizeof(qint64))
            queryError(QString("Cannot read memory from address 0x%1")
                       .arg(address, (_specs.sizeofPointer << 1), 16, QChar('0')));
        return QString("%1 (0x%2)").arg(l).arg((quint64)l, (sizeof(l) << 1), 16, QChar('0'));
    if (type == "raw" || type == "hex") {
        QString ret;
        const int buflen = 256, linelen = 16;
        char buf[buflen];
        char bufstr[linelen + 1] = {0};

        // Make sure we got a valid length
        if (length < 0)
            queryError(QString("No valid length given for dumping raw memory"));

        int totalBytesRead = 0, col = 0;
        while (length > 0) {
            int bytesRead = _vmem->readAtomic(address, buf, qMin(buflen, length));
            length -= bytesRead;

            int i = 0;
            while (i < bytesRead) {
                // New line every 16 bytes begins with address
                if (totalBytesRead % 16 == 0) {
                    if (totalBytesRead > 0) {
                        ret += QString("  |%0|\n").arg(bufstr, -linelen);
                        memset(bufstr, 0, linelen + 1);
                        col = 0;
                    ret += QString("%1 ").arg(address, _specs.sizeofPointer << 1, 16, QChar('0'));

                // Wider column after 8 bytes
                if (totalBytesRead % 8 == 0)
                    ret += ' ';
                // Write the character as hex string
                if ((unsigned char)buf[i] < 16)
                    ret += '0';
                ret += QString::number((unsigned char)buf[i], 16) + ' ';
                // Add character to string buffer, if it's an ASCII char
                if ( ((unsigned char)buf[i] >= 32) && ((unsigned char)buf[i] < 127) )
                    bufstr[col] = buf[i];
                    bufstr[col] = '.';


        // Finish it up
        if (col > 0) {
            while (col < linelen) {
                ret += "   ";
                if (col % 8 == 0)
                    ret += ' ';
            ret += QString("  |%0|").arg(bufstr, -linelen);

        return ret;

	QStringList components = type.split('.', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
	Instance result;
    if (!components.isEmpty()) {
		// Get first instance
		result = getInstanceAt(components.first(), address, QStringList("user"));
		while (!components.isEmpty()) {
			result = getNextInstance(components.first(), result, ksNone);
		return QString("%1%2%3 (ID%4 0x%5%6) @%7 0x%8%9\n")
				.arg((uint)result.type()->id(), 0, 16)
				.arg(result.address(), 0, 16)
				.arg(col.color(ctReset)) + result.toString(&col);

    queryError3("Unknown type: " + type,
    		QueryException::ecUnresolvedType, type);

    return QString();
コード例 #8
ファイル: memorydump.cpp プロジェクト: wxdublin/insight-vmi
Instance MemoryDump::getNextInstance(const QString& component,
									 const Instance& instance,
									 KnowledgeSources src) const
	Instance result;
	QString typeString, symbol, offsetString, candidate, arrayIndexString;
	bool okay;
//    quint32 compatibleCnt = 0;

	// A component should have the form (symbol(-offset)?)?symbol(<candidate>)?([index])?
#define SYMBOL "[A-Za-z0-9_]+"
#define NUMBER "\\d+"
	QRegExp re(
						"(" SYMBOL ")"
							"\\s*-\\s*(" SYMBOL ")"
				"\\s*(" SYMBOL ")\\s*"
				"(?:<\\s*(" NUMBER ")\\s*>\\s*)?"
				"((?:\\[\\s*" NUMBER "\\s*\\]\\s*)*)\\s*");
	if (!re.exactMatch(component)) {
		queryError(QString("Could not parse a part of the query string: %1")
	// Set variables according to the matching
	typeString = re.cap(1);
	offsetString = re.cap(2).trimmed();
	symbol = re.cap(3);
	candidate = re.cap(4);
	arrayIndexString = re.cap(5).trimmed();

	int candidateIndex = candidate.isEmpty() ? -1 : candidate.toInt();

//	debugmsg(QString("1: %1, 2: %2, 3: %3, 4: %4, 5: %5")
//			 .arg(re.cap(1))
//			 .arg(re.cap(2))
//			 .arg(re.cap(3))
//			 .arg(re.cap(4))
//			 .arg(re.cap(5)));

	// A candidate index of 0 means to ignore the alternative types
	if (candidateIndex == 0)
		src = static_cast<KnowledgeSources>(src|ksNoAltTypes);

	// If the given instance is Null, we interpret this as the first component
	// in the query string and will therefore try to resolve the variable.
	if (!instance.isValid()) {
		 Variable* v = _factory->findVarByName(symbol);

		if (!v)
			queryError(QString("Variable does not exist: %1").arg(symbol));

		if (candidateIndex > 0) {
			if (v->altRefTypeCount() < candidateIndex)
				queryError(QString("Variable \"%1\" does not have a candidate "
								   "with index %2")
			result = v->altRefTypeInstance(_vmem, candidateIndex - 1);
		else {
			result = v->toInstance(_vmem, BaseType::trLexical, src);
	else {
		// Dereference any pointers/arrays first
		result = instance.dereference(BaseType::trAnyNonNull);

		// Did we get a null instance?
		if (!(result.type()->type() & StructOrUnion) &&
			(result.isNull() || !result.toPointer()))
			queryError(QString("Member \"%1\" is null")
		// We have a instance therefore we resolve the member
		if (!(result.type()->type() & StructOrUnion))
            queryError(QString("Member \"%1\" is not a struct or union")

        if (!result.memberExists(symbol))
            queryError(QString("Struct \"%1\" has no member named \"%2\"")

        // Do we have a candidate index?
        if (candidateIndex > 0) {
            if (result.memberCandidatesCount(symbol) < candidateIndex)
                queryError(QString("Member \"%1\" does not have a candidate "
                                   "with index %2")
            result = result.memberCandidate(symbol, candidateIndex - 1);
        else {
            result = result.member(symbol, BaseType::trLexical, 0, src);

	if (!result.isValid())
		return result;
	// Cast the instance if necessary
	if (!typeString.isEmpty()) {
		quint32 offset = 0;
		// Is a offset given?
		if (!offsetString.isEmpty()) {
			// Is the offset given as string or as int?
			offset = offsetString.toUInt(&okay, 10);
			if (!okay) {
				// String.
				BaseType* type = getType(typeString);
				if (!type ||
					!(type->type() & StructOrUnion))
					queryError(QString("The given type \"%1\" is not a struct "
					            "or union and therefore has no offset")
				Structured* structd = dynamic_cast<Structured *>(type);
				if (!structd->memberExists(offsetString)) {
					queryError(QString("Struct of type \"%1\" has no member "
					            "named \"%2\"")
				else {
					StructuredMember* structdMember =
					offset = structdMember->offset();

		// Get address
		size_t address;
		if (result.type()->type() & (rtPointer))
			address = (size_t)result.toPointer() - offset;
			address = result.address() - offset;
		result = getInstanceAt(typeString, address, result.fullNameComponents());
	// Add array index
	if (!arrayIndexString.isEmpty()) {
		QRegExp reArrayIndex("\\[\\s*(" NUMBER ")\\s*\\]\\s*");
		QStringList matches;
		int strpos = 0;
		while (strpos < arrayIndexString.size() &&
			   (strpos = arrayIndexString.indexOf(reArrayIndex, strpos)) >= 0)
			strpos += reArrayIndex.cap(0).size();

		for (int i = 0; i < matches.count(); ++i) {
			quint32 arrayIndex = matches[i].toUInt(&okay, 10);

			if (okay) {
				// Is the result already an instance list?
				if (result.isList()) {
					InstanceList list(result.toList());
					if (arrayIndex < (quint32)list.size())
						result = list[arrayIndex];
						queryError(QString("Given array index %1 is out of bounds.")
				else {
					// Is this a pointer or an array type?
					Instance tmp = result.arrayElem(arrayIndex);
					if (!tmp.isNull())
						result = tmp.dereference(BaseType::trLexical);
					// Manually update the address
					else {
						result.addToAddress(arrayIndex * result.type()->size());
			else {
				queryError(QString("Given array index %1 could not be converted "
								   "to a number.")
	// Try to dereference this instance as deep as possible
	return result.dereference(BaseType::trLexicalAndPointers);