コード例 #1
void IntervalVariable::projectSupCost(Cost cost)
    supCost += cost;
    assert(supCost >= MIN_COST);
    if (getSup() == maxCostValue || supCost > maxCost) queueNC();
    if (CUT(supCost + wcsp->getLb(), wcsp->getUb())) decreaseFast(getSup() - 1);
コード例 #2
void VACVariable::VACproject(Value v, const Cost c)
    //   Cost oldCost = getVACCost(v);
    costs[toIndex(v)] += c;
    //   Cost newCost = getVACCost(v);

    //   if ((v == maxCostValue) || (newCost > maxCost) || CUT(wcsp->getLb() + newCost,wcsp->getUb())) {
    if (CUT(wcsp->getLb() + getCost(v), wcsp->getUb())) {
    //   if (oldCost == MIN_COST) {
    //     queueNC();
    //     queueDAC();
    //     queueEAC1();
    //   }
    //   if ((isNull(oldCost)) && (!isNull(newCost))) {
    //     queueVAC2();
    //   }

    //   if(v == getSupport()) {
    //     Value newSupport = getInf();
    //     Cost minCost = getCost(newSupport);
    //     EnumeratedVariable::iterator iter = begin();
    //     for (++iter; minCost > MIN_COST && iter != end(); ++iter) {
    //         Cost cost = getCost(*iter);
    //         if (cost < minCost) {
    //             minCost = cost;
    //             newSupport = *iter;
    //         }
    //     }
    // 	assert(canbe(newSupport));
    // 	//	cout << "setsupport " << wcspIndex << " " << newSupport << endl;
    // 	setSupport(newSupport);
    //   }
コード例 #3
void IntervalVariable::projectInfCost(Cost cost)
    infCost += cost;
    assert(infCost >= MIN_COST);
    if (getInf() == maxCostValue || infCost > maxCost) queueNC();
    if (CUT(infCost + wcsp->getLb(),wcsp->getUb())) increaseFast(getInf() + 1);
コード例 #4
void VACVariable::VACextend (Value v, const Cost c) {
  if (v == maxCostValue) queueNC();
//   if(cannotbe(getSupport()) || getCost(getSupport())>MIN_COST) { // TO BE REMOVED ???
//     Value newSupport = getInf();
//     Cost minCost = getCost(newSupport);
//     EnumeratedVariable::iterator iter = begin();
//     for (++iter; minCost > MIN_COST && iter != end(); ++iter) {
//         Cost cost = getCost(*iter);
//         if (cost < minCost) {
//             minCost = cost;
//             newSupport = *iter;
//         }
//     }
// 	assert(canbe(newSupport));
// 	//	cout << "setsupport " << wcspIndex << " " << newSupport << endl;
// 	setSupport(newSupport);
//   } 
コード例 #5
void IntervalVariable::increase(Value newInf, bool isDecision)
    if (ToulBar2::verbose >= 2) cout << "increase " << getName() << " " << inf << " -> " << newInf << endl;
#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (isDecision && wcsp->getIsPartOfOptimalSolution() && wcsp->getBestValue(wcspIndex) < newInf) wcsp->setIsPartOfOptimalSolution(false);
    assert(isDecision || !wcsp->getIsPartOfOptimalSolution() || ((wcsp->getTreeDec())?wcsp->getTreeDec()->getRoot()->getUb():wcsp->getUb()) <= ToulBar2::verifiedOptimum || wcsp->getBestValue(wcspIndex) >= newInf);
    if (newInf > inf) {
        if (newInf > sup) {THROWCONTRADICTION;
        } else {
            if (newInf == sup) {assign(newInf);
            } else {
                inf = newInf;
                infCost = MIN_COST;
                if (newInf > maxCostValue) queueNC();           // single diff with increaseFast
                if (ToulBar2::setmin) (*ToulBar2::setmin)(wcsp->getIndex(), wcspIndex, newInf, wcsp->getSolver());