コード例 #1
void qr_solve(double x[], int m, int n, double a[], double b[])


    QR_SOLVE solves a linear system in the least squares sense.


    If the matrix A has full column rank, then the solution X should be the
    unique vector that minimizes the Euclidean norm of the residual.

    If the matrix A does not have full column rank, then the solution is
    not unique; the vector X will minimize the residual norm, but so will
    various other vectors.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    11 September 2012


    John Burkardt


    David Kahaner, Cleve Moler, Steven Nash,
    Numerical Methods and Software,
    Prentice Hall, 1989,
    ISBN: 0-13-627258-4,
    LC: TA345.K34.


    Input, int M, the number of rows of A.

    Input, int N, the number of columns of A.

    Input, double A[M*N], the matrix.

    Input, double B[M], the right hand side.

    Output, double QR_SOLVE[N], the least squares solution.
  double a_qr[n * m], qraux[n], r[m], tol;
  int ind, itask, jpvt[n], kr, lda;

  r8mat_copy(a_qr, m, n, a);
  lda = m;
  tol = r8_epsilon() / r8mat_amax(m, n, a_qr);
  itask = 1;

  ind = dqrls(a_qr, lda, m, n, tol, &kr, b, x, r, jpvt, qraux, itask); UNUSED(ind);
コード例 #2
void triangle_node_data_example ( int node_num, int node_dim, int node_att_num,
  int node_marker_num, double node_coord[], double node_att[],
  int node_marker[] )


    TRIANGLE_NODE_DATA_EXAMPLE returns the node information for the example.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    09 November 2010


    John Burkardt


    Input, int NODE_NUM, the number of nodes.

    Input, int NODE_DIM, the spatial dimension.

    Input, int NODE_ATT_NUM, number of node attributes listed on each
    node record.

    Input, int NODE_MARKER_NUM, 1 if every node record includes a final
    boundary marker value.

    Output, double NODE_COORD[NODE_DIM*NODE_NUM], the nodal coordinates.

    Output, double NODE_ATT[NODE_ATT_NUM*NODE_NUM], the nodal attributes.

    Output, int NODE_MARKER[NODE_MARKER_NUM*NODE_NUM], the node markers.
  double node_coord_save[2*21] = {
    0.0, 0.0,
    1.0, 0.0,
    2.0, 0.0,
    3.0, 0.0,
    4.0, 0.0,
    0.0, 1.0,
    1.0, 1.0,
    2.0, 1.0,
    3.0, 1.0,
    4.0, 1.0,
    0.0, 2.0,
    1.0, 2.0,
    2.0, 2.0,
    3.0, 2.0,
    4.0, 2.0,
    0.0, 3.0,
    1.0, 3.0,
    2.0, 3.0,
    0.0, 4.0,
    1.0, 4.0,
    2.0, 4.0 };
  int node_marker_save[21] = {
    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
    1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1,
    1 };

  r8mat_copy ( 2, 21, node_coord_save, node_coord );
  i4vec_copy ( 21, node_marker_save, node_marker );

コード例 #3
ファイル: test_eigen.c プロジェクト: spino327/jburkardt-c
void r8mat_orth_uniform ( int n, int *seed, double a[] )


    R8MAT_ORTH_UNIFORM returns a random orthogonal matrix.


    An R8MAT is a doubly dimensioned array of R8 values, stored as a vector
    in column-major order.

    The inverse of A is equal to A'.

    A * A'  = A' * A = I.

    Columns and rows of A have unit Euclidean norm.

    Distinct pairs of columns of A are orthogonal.

    Distinct pairs of rows of A are orthogonal.

    The L2 vector norm of A*x = the L2 vector norm of x for any vector x.

    The L2 matrix norm of A*B = the L2 matrix norm of B for any matrix B.

    The determinant of A is +1 or -1.

    All the eigenvalues of A have modulus 1.

    All singular values of A are 1.

    All entries of A are between -1 and 1.


    Thanks to Eugene Petrov, B I Stepanov Institute of Physics,
    National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, for convincingly
    pointing out the severe deficiencies of an earlier version of
    this routine.

    Essentially, the computation involves saving the Q factor of the
    QR factorization of a matrix whose entries are normally distributed.
    However, it is only necessary to generate this matrix a column at
    a time, since it can be shown that when it comes time to annihilate
    the subdiagonal elements of column K, these (transformed) elements of
    column K are still normally distributed random values.  Hence, there
    is no need to generate them at the beginning of the process and
    transform them K-1 times.

    For computational efficiency, the individual Householder transformations
    could be saved, as recommended in the reference, instead of being
    accumulated into an explicit matrix format.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    26 August 2011


    John Burkardt


    Pete Stewart,
    Efficient Generation of Random Orthogonal Matrices With an Application
    to Condition Estimators,
    SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,
    Volume 17, Number 3, June 1980, pages 403-409.


    Input, int N, the order of A.

    Input/output, int *SEED, a seed for the random number generator.

    Output, double A[N*N], the orthogonal matrix.
  double *a2;
  int i;
  int j;
  double *v;
  double *x;
  Start with A = the identity matrix.
  r8mat_identity ( n, a );
  Now behave as though we were computing the QR factorization of
  some other random matrix.  Generate the N elements of the first column,
  compute the Householder matrix H1 that annihilates the subdiagonal elements,
  and set A := A * H1' = A * H.

  On the second step, generate the lower N-1 elements of the second column,
  compute the Householder matrix H2 that annihilates them,
  and set A := A * H2' = A * H2 = H1 * H2.

  On the N-1 step, generate the lower 2 elements of column N-1,
  compute the Householder matrix HN-1 that annihilates them, and
  and set A := A * H(N-1)' = A * H(N-1) = H1 * H2 * ... * H(N-1).
  This is our random orthogonal matrix.
  x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );

  for ( j = 1; j < n; j++ )
  Set the vector that represents the J-th column to be annihilated.
    for ( i = 1; i < j; i++ )
      x[i-1] = 0.0;
    for ( i = j; i <= n; i++ )
      x[i-1] = r8_normal_01 ( seed );
  Compute the vector V that defines a Householder transformation matrix
  H(V) that annihilates the subdiagonal elements of X.
    v = r8vec_house_column ( n, x, j );
  Postmultiply the matrix A by H'(V) = H(V).
    a2 = r8mat_house_axh_new ( n, a, v );

    free ( v );

    r8mat_copy ( n, n, a2, a );

    free ( a2 );

  free ( x );
