rSequence rpHcpI_hcpIdToSeq ( rpHCPId id ) { rSequence seq = NULL; if( NULL != ( seq = rSequence_new() ) ) { if( !rSequence_addRU8( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID_ORG, ) || !rSequence_addRU8( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID_SUBNET, ) || !rSequence_addRU32( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID_UNIQUE, ) || !rSequence_addRU8( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID_PLATFORM, ) || !rSequence_addRU8( seq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID_CONFIG, ) ) { DESTROY_AND_NULL( seq, rSequence_free ); } } return seq; }
static RVOID processFileIo ( rpcm_tag notifType, rSequence event ) { ProcExtInfo* ctx = NULL; RPNCHAR path = NULL; RPVOID patternCtx = 0; RU8 patternId = 0; RPU8 atomId = NULL; RU32 pid = 0; rSequence newEvent = NULL; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( notifType ); if( rSequence_getSTRINGN( event, RP_TAGS_FILE_PATH, &path ) && HbsGetParentAtom( event, &atomId ) && rSequence_getRU32( event, RP_TAGS_PROCESS_ID, &pid ) ) { if( rMutex_lock( g_mutex ) ) { obsLib_resetSearchState( g_extensions ); if( obsLib_setTargetBuffer( g_extensions, path, rpal_string_strsize( path ) ) ) { while( obsLib_nextHit( g_extensions, &patternCtx, NULL ) ) { if( NULL != ctx || NULL != ( ctx = getProcContext( atomId ) ) ) { patternId = (RU8)PTR_TO_NUMBER( patternCtx ); if( !IS_FLAG_ENABLED( ctx->extBitMask, (RU64)1 << patternId ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "process " RF_U32 " observed file io " RF_U64, pid, patternId + 1 ); ENABLE_FLAG( ctx->extBitMask, (RU64)1 << patternId ); if( NULL != ( newEvent = rSequence_new() ) ) { HbsSetParentAtom( newEvent, atomId ); rSequence_addRU32( newEvent, RP_TAGS_PROCESS_ID, pid ); rSequence_addRU8( newEvent, RP_TAGS_RULE_NAME, patternId + 1 ); rSequence_addSTRINGN( newEvent, RP_TAGS_FILE_PATH, ctx->processPath ); hbs_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_TYPE_ACCESSED, newEvent ); rSequence_free( newEvent ); } } } else { rpal_debug_error( "error getting process context" ); break; } } } rMutex_unlock( g_mutex ); } } }
static rList assembleRequest ( RPU8 optCrashCtx, RU32 optCrashCtxSize ) { rSequence req = NULL; RU32 moduleIndex = 0; rList msgList = NULL; rList modList = NULL; rSequence modEntry = NULL; if( NULL != ( req = rSequence_new() ) ) { // Add some basic info rSequence_addRU32( req, RP_TAGS_MEMORY_USAGE, rpal_memory_totalUsed() ); rSequence_addTIMESTAMP( req, RP_TAGS_TIMESTAMP, rpal_time_getGlobal() ); // If we have a crash context to report if( NULL != optCrashCtx ) { if( !rSequence_addBUFFER( req, RP_TAGS_HCP_CRASH_CONTEXT, optCrashCtx, optCrashCtxSize ) ) { rpal_debug_error( "error adding crash context of size %d to hcp beacon", optCrashCtxSize ); } else { rpal_debug_info( "crash context is being bundled in hcp beacon" ); } } // List of loaded modules if( NULL != ( modList = rList_new( RP_TAGS_HCP_MODULE, RPCM_SEQUENCE ) ) ) { for( moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < RP_HCP_CONTEXT_MAX_MODULES; moduleIndex++ ) { if( NULL != g_hcpContext.modules[ moduleIndex ].hModule ) { if( NULL != ( modEntry = rSequence_new() ) ) { if( !rSequence_addBUFFER( modEntry, RP_TAGS_HASH, g_hcpContext.modules[ moduleIndex ].hash, sizeof( g_hcpContext.modules[ moduleIndex ].hash ) ) || !rSequence_addRU8( modEntry, RP_TAGS_HCP_MODULE_ID, g_hcpContext.modules[ moduleIndex ].id ) || !rList_addSEQUENCE( modList, modEntry ) ) { break; } // We take the opportunity to cleanup the list of modules... if( rpal_thread_wait( g_hcpContext.modules[ moduleIndex ].hThread, 0 ) ) { // This thread has exited, which is our signal that the module // has stopped executing... rEvent_free( g_hcpContext.modules[ moduleIndex ].isTimeToStop ); rpal_thread_free( g_hcpContext.modules[ moduleIndex ].hThread ); rpal_memory_zero( &(g_hcpContext.modules[ moduleIndex ]), sizeof( g_hcpContext.modules[ moduleIndex ] ) ); if( !rSequence_addRU8( modEntry, RP_TAGS_HCP_MODULE_TERMINATED, 1 ) ) { break; } } } } } if( !rSequence_addLIST( req, RP_TAGS_HCP_MODULES, modList ) ) { rList_free( modList ); } } if( NULL != ( msgList = rList_new( RP_TAGS_MESSAGE, RPCM_SEQUENCE ) ) ) { if( !rList_addSEQUENCE( msgList, req ) ) { rList_free( msgList ); rSequence_free( req ); msgList = NULL; } } else { rSequence_free( req ); } } return msgList; }
static rString assembleOutboundStream ( RpHcp_ModuleId moduleId, rList payload, RU8 sessionKey[ CRYPTOLIB_SYM_KEY_SIZE ], RU8 sessionIv[ CRYPTOLIB_SYM_IV_SIZE ] ) { rString str = NULL; rSequence hdrSeq = NULL; rSequence hcpid = NULL; rBlob blob = NULL; RPCHAR encoded = NULL; RPU8 encBuffer = NULL; RU64 encSize = 0; RPU8 finalBuffer = NULL; RU32 finalSize = 0; RPCHAR hostName = NULL; RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; OBFUSCATIONLIB_DECLARE( payHdr, RP_HCP_CONFIG_PAYLOAD_HDR ); str = rpal_stringbuffer_new( 0, 0, FALSE ); if( NULL != str ) { if( NULL != ( hdrSeq = rSequence_new() ) ) { if( NULL != ( hcpid = hcpIdToSeq( g_hcpContext.currentId ) ) ) { // System basic information // Host Name if( NULL != ( hostName = libOs_getHostName() ) ) { rSequence_addSTRINGA( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HOST_NAME, hostName ); rpal_memory_free( hostName ); } else { rpal_debug_warning( "could not determine hostname" ); } // Internal IP rSequence_addIPV4( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_IP_ADDRESS, libOs_getMainIp() ); if( rSequence_addSEQUENCE( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ID, hcpid ) && rSequence_addRU8( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HCP_MODULE_ID, moduleId ) && rSequence_addBUFFER( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_SYM_KEY, sessionKey, CRYPTOLIB_SYM_KEY_SIZE ) && rSequence_addBUFFER( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_SYM_IV, sessionIv, CRYPTOLIB_SYM_IV_SIZE ) ) { if( NULL != g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken && 0 != g_hcpContext.enrollmentTokenSize ) { rSequence_addBUFFER( hdrSeq, RP_TAGS_HCP_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN, g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken, g_hcpContext.enrollmentTokenSize ); } if( NULL != payload ) { blob = rpal_blob_create( 0, 0 ); } if( NULL == payload || NULL != blob ) { if( rSequence_serialise( hdrSeq, blob ) && ( NULL == payload || rList_serialise( payload, blob ) ) ) { encSize = compressBound( rpal_blob_getSize( blob ) ); encBuffer = rpal_memory_alloc( (RU32)encSize ); if( NULL == payload || NULL != encBuffer ) { if( NULL == payload || Z_OK == compress( encBuffer, (uLongf*)&encSize, (RPU8)rpal_blob_getBuffer( blob ), rpal_blob_getSize( blob ) ) ) { FREE_N_NULL( blob, rpal_blob_free ); if( NULL == payload || CryptoLib_fastAsymEncrypt( encBuffer, (RU32)encSize, getC2PublicKey(), &finalBuffer, &finalSize ) ) { FREE_N_NULL( encBuffer, rpal_memory_free ); if( NULL == payload || base64_encode( finalBuffer, finalSize, &encoded, TRUE ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; if( NULL != payload ) { FREE_N_NULL( finalBuffer, rpal_memory_free ); DO_IFF( rpal_stringbuffer_add( str, "&" ), isSuccess ); OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( payHdr ); DO_IFF( rpal_stringbuffer_add( str, (RPCHAR)payHdr ), isSuccess ); DO_IFF( rpal_stringbuffer_add( str, encoded ), isSuccess ); OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( payHdr ); } IF_VALID_DO( encoded, rpal_memory_free ); } IF_VALID_DO( finalBuffer, rpal_memory_free ); } } IF_VALID_DO( encBuffer, rpal_memory_free ); } } IF_VALID_DO( blob, rpal_blob_free ); } } } rSequence_free( hdrSeq ); } if( !isSuccess ) { rpal_stringbuffer_free( str ); str = NULL; } } return str; }