コード例 #1
ファイル: Spherical.cpp プロジェクト: RobR89/KayLib
LatLonHead Spherical::get() const {
  LatLonHead llh = get_rad();
  llh.Latitude = radiansToDegrees(llh.Latitude);
  llh.Longatude = radiansToDegrees(llh.Longatude);
  llh.Heading = radiansToDegrees(llh.Heading);
  return llh;
コード例 #2
EulerAnglesStruct Quaternion::getEulerAngles(void) const {
    EulerAnglesStruct eulerAnglesStruct;
    eulerAnglesStruct.roll = radiansToDegrees(atan2(2.0f * (q[2] * q[3] - q[0] * q[1]), 2.0f * q[0] * q[0] - 1.0f + 2.0f * q[3] * q[3]));
    eulerAnglesStruct.pitch = radiansToDegrees(-atan((2.0f * (q[1] * q[3] + q[0] * q[2])) / sqrt(1.0f - pow((2.0f * q[1] * q[3] + 2.0f * q[0] * q[2]), 2.0f))));
    eulerAnglesStruct.yaw = radiansToDegrees(atan2(2.0f * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]), 2.0f * q[0] * q[0] - 1.0f + 2.0f * q[1] * q[1]));
    return eulerAnglesStruct;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Camera.cpp プロジェクト: iravid/Robot
void Camera::lookAt(glm::vec3 position) {
    assert(position != _position);
    glm::vec3 direction = glm::normalize(position - _position);
    _verticalAngle = radiansToDegrees(asinf(-direction.y));
    _horizontalAngle = -radiansToDegrees(atan2f(-direction.x, -direction.z));
コード例 #4
DEGREES dirOf(Point pt, Point from){
	//This function returns which direction the robot would have
	//to travel in to get to [pt] if it started at [from].

	//Note: this function's comments assume that from is mainRobot.loc,
	//because in most cases it is

	if(!isPtInField(pt) || !isPtInField(from)) return NULL;

	INCHES triWidth = pt.x - from.x; //triangle's width (length of horizontal side)
	INCHES triHeight = pt.y - from.y; //triangle's height (length of vertical side)

	//stores the measure of the angle that is across from the triangle's "width" (horizontal) leg
	DEGREES angleAcrossWidth = radiansToDegrees(atan((float)triWidth / (float)triHeight));

	//stores the measure of the angle that is across from the triangle's "height" (vertical) leg
	DEGREES angleAcrossHeight = radiansToDegrees(atan((float)triHeight / (float)triWidth));

	//It seems that this series of if statements is necessary,
	//even without the abs() function around the 2nd and 3rd lines
	//of code in this function. Please feel free to experiment with
	//and correct any code.

	//Return the direction of from from pt.

	if(from.y < pt.y){ //if robot above point
		if(from.x < pt.x) //if robot left
			return 180 - angleAcrossWidth; //or angleAcrossHeight + 90
		else if(from.x > pt.x) //if robot right
			return 180 + angleAcrossWidth; //or -angleAcrossHeight - 90
		else //if robot has the same x value (if they are on the same vertical line)
			return 180;
	else if(from.y > pt.y){ //if robot below point
		if(from.x < pt.x) //if robot left
			return angleAcrossWidth; //or 90 - angleAcrossHeight
		else if(from.x > pt.x) //if robot right
			return 270 + angleAcrossHeight; //or 270 + angleAcrossHeight
		else //if robot has the same x value (if they are on the same vertical line)
			return 0;
	else{ //if robot has the same y value (if they are on the same horizontal line)
		if(from.x < pt.x) //if robot left
			return 90;
		else if(from.x > pt.x) //if robot right
			return 270;
		else //if the point and the robot coincide
			return COINCIDENCE;
コード例 #5
// Descr: test degrees to radians and radians to degrees
// Implementation details: See gtest/samples for GTest syntax and usage
TEST(GeometryTest, D2RandR2D)
    //test converting Degrees to Radians
    // I know this 'should' be EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ, but even though the values were good to the 5th or 6th decimal place, it was failing.
    // So, there you go.
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(degreesToRadians(1),0.0174532925 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(degreesToRadians(254),4.4331363 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(degreesToRadians(360),6.283185307 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(degreesToRadians(15),0.261799388 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(radiansToDegrees(3.14),179.908747671 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(radiansToDegrees(0.174532925),10 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(radiansToDegrees(1.745329252),100 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(radiansToDegrees(.1234567),7.073547863 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(radiansToDegrees(6.195918845),355 );
コード例 #6
ファイル: FlyCamera.cpp プロジェクト: xiangzhi/cs559-Fall2014
//a direct clone from the old getCamera by changing it to glm
glm::mat4 FlyCamera::getCamera(){

  glm::mat4 m(1.0f);
  glm::mat4 m2(1.0f);
  glm::mat4 m3(1.0f);
  m = glm::translate(m, glm::vec3(-posX, -posY, -posZ));
  m2 = glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f),radiansToDegrees(-direction), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
  glm::mat4 c3 = m2;
  m3 = m2 * m;
  c3 = m3;
  m2 = glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), radiansToDegrees(pitch), glm::vec3(1, 0, 0));
  glm::mat4 c4 = m2;
  m = m2 * m3;
  return m;
コード例 #7
ファイル: CGPointUtils.c プロジェクト: antiraum/DIS2
CGFloat angleBetweenPoints(CGPoint first, CGPoint second) {
	CGFloat height = second.y - first.y;
	CGFloat width = first.x - second.x;
	CGFloat rads = atan(height/width);
	return radiansToDegrees(rads);
	//degs = degrees(atan((top - bottom)/(right - left)))
コード例 #8
ファイル: ParticlesBombfire.cpp プロジェクト: mengtest/Game-2
void ParticlesBombfire::update(const float time){
	sf::Vector2f tempPosition;
	b2Vec2 positionVector;
	for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++){
		if (particles.at(i) != NULL){

			// Set particle position at bomb burning hole.
			positionVector = directionPoint(0,0,direction, 0.25f);
			positionVector.x *= visual->getBlockSize();
			positionVector.y *= visual->getBlockSize();
			tempPosition.x = emitter.x + positionVector.x;
			tempPosition.y = emitter.y + positionVector.y;
			particles.at(i)->sprite.setPosition(tempPosition.x, tempPosition.y);
			particles.at(i)->direction += particles.at(i)->rotationSpeed*time*0.01;
			particles.at(i)->sprite.setRotation( radiansToDegrees(particles.at(i)->direction) );
			// Since it's an array of pointers the speed penalty of this quickfix is neglectable.
			if(particles.at(i)->timer > particles.at(i)->lifetime){
				delete particles.at(i);
				particles.at(i) = NULL;

	timer += time;
コード例 #9
ファイル: CTRNNViz.cpp プロジェクト: buhrmann/dynmx
void CTRNNNeuronViz::onMouseMove(const Vec4f& mPos)
    int N = m_ctrnn->getSize();
    m_selected = -1;

    // Update mouse info: transform mouse position into local space angle and radius
    Vec4f posLocal = mPos - m_pTM->getTranslate();
    float angle = radiansToDegrees(atan2(posLocal.x, posLocal.y));
    if(angle < 0)
        angle += 360.0f;

    const float networkRadius = m_width / 2.5;
    const float neuronRadius = networkRadius / N + 6;
    int neuron = (int)angle / (360 / (int) N);
    float neuronAngle = -((float)neuron + 0.5f) * TWO_PI / N + PI_OVER_TWO;
    Vec4f neuronPos (networkRadius * cosf(neuronAngle), networkRadius * sinf(neuronAngle), 0.0f, 1.0);
    float dist = neuronPos.distance(posLocal);

    if(dist < neuronRadius)
        m_selected = neuron;
コード例 #10
ファイル: imageprocess.c プロジェクト: astok/unpaper
 * Detects rotation at one edge of the area specified by left, top, right, bottom.
 * Which of the four edges to take depends on whether shiftX or shiftY is non-zero,
 * and what sign this shifting value has.
static double detectEdgeRotation(float deskewScanRange, float deskewScanStep, int deskewScanSize, float deskewScanDepth, int shiftX, int shiftY, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, struct IMAGE* image) {
    // either shiftX or shiftY is 0, the other value is -i|+i
    // depending on shiftX/shiftY the start edge for shifting is determined
    double rangeRad;
    double stepRad;
    double rotation;
    int peak;
    int maxPeak;
    double detectedRotation;
    double m;

    rangeRad = degreesToRadians((double)deskewScanRange);
    stepRad = degreesToRadians((double)deskewScanStep);
    detectedRotation = 0.0;
    maxPeak = 0;    
    // iteratively increase test angle,  alterating between +/- sign while increasing absolute value
    for (rotation = 0.0; rotation <= rangeRad; rotation = (rotation>=0.0) ? -(rotation + stepRad) : -rotation ) {    
        m = tan(rotation);
        peak = detectEdgeRotationPeak(m, deskewScanSize, deskewScanDepth, shiftX, shiftY, left, top, right, bottom, image);
        if (peak > maxPeak) {
            detectedRotation = rotation;
            maxPeak = peak;
    return radiansToDegrees(detectedRotation);
コード例 #11
ファイル: RCDPad.cpp プロジェクト: ryanflees/TileMapDemo
void RCDPad::processTouch(cocos2d::CCPoint point)
	CCSpriteFrameCache *cache = CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache();
	m_pressed = true;
	CCPoint center = ccp( rect().origin.x+rect().size.width/2, rect().origin.y+rect().size.height/2 );
	if(distanceBetweenPoints(point, center) < rect().size.width/10){
		m_pressedVector = ccp(0,0);
		m_direction = kDPadNoDirection;
	float radians = vectorToRadians( ccp(point.x-center.x, point.y-center.y) );
	float degrees = radiansToDegrees(radians) + 90;
    float sin45 = 0.7071067812f;
	if(degrees >= 337.5 || degrees < 22.5){
        m_pressedVector = ccp(-1,0);
        m_direction = kDPadLeft;
	}else if(degrees >= 22.5 && degrees < 67.5){
        m_pressedVector = ccp(-sin45,sin45);
        m_direction = kDPadUpLeft;
	}else if(degrees >= 67.5 && degrees < 112.5){
        m_pressedVector = ccp(0,1);
        m_direction = kDPadUp;
	}else if(degrees >= 112.5 && degrees < 157.5){
        m_pressedVector = ccp(sin45,sin45);
        m_direction = kkDPadUpRight;
	}else if(degrees >= 157.5 && degrees < 202.5){
        m_pressedVector = ccp(1,0);
        m_direction = kkDPadRight;
	}else if(degrees >= 202.5 && degrees < 247.5){
        m_pressedVector = ccp(sin45,-sin45);
        m_direction = kDPadDownRight;
	}else if(degrees >= 247.5 && degrees < 292.5){
        m_pressedVector = ccp(0,-1);
        m_direction = kDPadDown;
        m_pressedVector = ccp(-sin45,-sin45);
        m_direction = kDPadDownLeft;

コード例 #12
ファイル: SMCAgent.cpp プロジェクト: buhrmann/dynmx
void SMCAgent::toXml(ci::XmlTree& xml)
  if(m_distanceSensor != NULL)
  xml.push_back(ci::XmlTree("MaxSpeed", toString(m_maxSpeed)));
  float maxAngSpeed = radiansToDegrees(m_maxAngularSpeed);
  xml.push_back(ci::XmlTree("MaxAngularSpeed", toString(maxAngSpeed)));
  xml.push_back(ci::XmlTree("MaxPosition", toString(m_maxPosition)));
  xml.push_back(ci::XmlTree("PositionWraps", toString(m_positionWraps)));
  float maxAngle = radiansToDegrees(m_maxAngle);
  xml.push_back(ci::XmlTree("MaxAngle", toString(maxAngle)));
  xml.push_back(ci::XmlTree("AngleWraps", toString(m_angleWraps)));
  // ctrnn
コード例 #13
ファイル: 12ydrive0.4.c プロジェクト: balty/ftc
// See diagrams: angle = arctan(z/x),
// where gyro sensor faces up, with white part
// is furthest from locus of movement
float angleFromAccel(tSensors sensor)
	int x, y, z;
	float angle; // in radians
	HTACreadAllAxes(sensor, x, y, z);
	angle = atan((float) z / (float) x);
	return radiansToDegrees(angle);
コード例 #14
void testGetAngleBetweenPlanes()
    cout << "Testing GetAngleBetweenPlanes" <<endl;

    int numberOfTests = 100;

    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTests; i++)
        Plane a, b;

        a.atom1.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom1.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom1.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;

        a.atom2.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom2.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom2.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;

        a.atom3.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom3.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom3.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;

        b.atom1.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom1.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom1.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;

        b.atom2.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom2.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom2.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;

        b.atom3.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom3.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom3.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        Point aNormal = getNormal(a);
        Point bNormal = getNormal(b);
        double numerator = aNormal.x * bNormal.x + aNormal.y * bNormal.y + aNormal.z * bNormal.z;
        double aMag = sqrt(aNormal.x * aNormal.x + aNormal.y * aNormal.y + aNormal.z * aNormal.z);
        double bMag = sqrt(bNormal.x * bNormal.x + bNormal.y * bNormal.y + bNormal.z * bNormal.z);
        double denominator = aMag * bMag;

        double thetaR = acos(numerator / denominator);
        double expectedTheta = radiansToDegrees(thetaR);

        double testTheta = getAngle(a, b);

        if (!((testTheta - expectedTheta) / expectedTheta < PRECISION))
            printf("Test GetAngleBetweenPlanes #%d failed. testTheta = %f | expectedTheta = %f.\n", i, testTheta, expectedTheta);

        assert((testTheta - expectedTheta) / expectedTheta < PRECISION);
    cout << "Testing GetAngleBetweenPlanes Completed\n" <<endl;
コード例 #15
ファイル: curval.c プロジェクト: FTCTeam4977/SwerveDev
task main()
  while (true)
    int a = radiansToDegrees(atan2(joystick.joy1_x1,joystick.joy1_y1));
    nxtDisplayString(0, "%i", a);
コード例 #16
void testD2RandR2D()
    cout << "Testing degrees2radins and radian2degrees" << endl;
    //test converting Degrees to Radians
    assert(percentDifference(degreesToRadians(1),0.0174532925) );
    assert(percentDifference(degreesToRadians(45),0.785398163) );
    assert(percentDifference(degreesToRadians(254),4.4331363) );
    assert(percentDifference(degreesToRadians(360),6.283185307) );
    assert(percentDifference(degreesToRadians(15),0.261799388) );

    //test converting Radians to Degrees
    assert(percentDifference( radiansToDegrees(3.14),179.908747671) );
    assert(percentDifference( radiansToDegrees(.1234567),7.073547863) );
    assert(percentDifference( radiansToDegrees(0.174532925),10) );
    assert(percentDifference( radiansToDegrees(1.745329252),100) );
    assert(percentDifference( radiansToDegrees(6.195918845),355) );

    cout << "Testing degrees2radins and radian2degrees Complete\n" << endl;
コード例 #17
ファイル: _LibMPU6050.c プロジェクト: synergia/BalanSyner
/* @brief Get angle Z,X calculated data
 * @param Angle - calculated angle
 * @retval void
inline MPU6050_errorstatus MPU6050_Get_AccAngleXZ_Data( float* Angle ){

   MPU6050_errorstatus errorstatus = MPU6050_NO_ERROR;
   uint8_t xlow,xhigh, zlow, zhigh;

   errorstatus = MPU6050_Read((MPU6050_ADDRESS & 0x7f) << 1, ACCEL_XOUT_L, &xlow, 1);
#ifndef _NoError
   if(errorstatus != 0){
      return errorstatus;

   errorstatus = MPU6050_Read((MPU6050_ADDRESS & 0x7f) << 1, ACCEL_XOUT_H, &xhigh, 1);
#ifndef _NoError
   if(errorstatus != 0){
      return errorstatus;

   errorstatus = MPU6050_Read((MPU6050_ADDRESS & 0x7f) << 1, ACCEL_ZOUT_L, &zlow, 1);
#ifndef _NoError
if(errorstatus != 0){
      return errorstatus;

   errorstatus = MPU6050_Read((MPU6050_ADDRESS & 0x7f) << 1, ACCEL_ZOUT_H, &zhigh, 1);
#ifndef _NoError
   if(errorstatus != 0){
      return errorstatus;

   int16_t X = (xhigh << 8 | xlow);
   int16_t Z = (zhigh << 8 | zlow);

   float tempAngle = 0.0f;
   tempAngle = radiansToDegrees( atanf( ( (float)Z )/ ( (float)X ) ) );
   if(   ( Z < 0 && tempAngle < 0 )
      || ( Z > 0 && tempAngle > 0 )
      *Angle = tempAngle;
   else if( Z > 0 && tempAngle < 0 )
      *Angle = 180 + tempAngle;
   else if( Z < 0 && tempAngle > 0 )
      *Angle = -180 + tempAngle;
   *Angle += ANGLE_OFFSET;
   return errorstatus;
コード例 #18
float Quaternion::Angle(const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2)
    float dotProduct = Dot(q1, q2);
    if(dotProduct > 1)
        dotProduct = 1;
    else if(dotProduct < -1)
        dotProduct = -1;
    return radiansToDegrees(acosf(dotProduct));
コード例 #19
// Descr: evident
TEST(GeometryTest, GetAngleBetweenPlanes)

    int numberOfTests = 100;

    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTests; i++)
        Plane a, b;

        a.atom1.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom1.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom1.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;

        a.atom2.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom2.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom2.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;

        a.atom3.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom3.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        a.atom3.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;

        b.atom1.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom1.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom1.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;

        b.atom2.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom2.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom2.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;

        b.atom3.x = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom3.y = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;
        b.atom3.z = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10;

        Point aNormal = getNormal(a);
        Point bNormal = getNormal(b);

        double numerator = aNormal.x * bNormal.x + aNormal.y * bNormal.y + aNormal.z * bNormal.z;
        double aMag = sqrt(aNormal.x * aNormal.x + aNormal.y * aNormal.y + aNormal.z * aNormal.z);
        double bMag = sqrt(bNormal.x * bNormal.x + bNormal.y * bNormal.y + bNormal.z * bNormal.z);
        double denominator = aMag * bMag;

        double thetaR = acos(numerator / denominator);
        double expectedTheta = radiansToDegrees(thetaR);

        double testTheta = getAngle(a, b);

		ASSERT_LT( (testTheta - expectedTheta) / expectedTheta, PRECISION);
コード例 #20
//This method extracts the ZYX Euler angles from the rotation matrix.
void Matrix3::extractEulerZYX(float &xDegrees, float &yDegrees, float &zDegrees)
    //Diagram of the Euler ZYX Matrix:
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    //| cY * cZ,               | -cY * sZ,               |  sY      |
    //| cZ * sX * sY + cX * sZ |  cX * cZ - sX * sY * sZ | -cY * sX |
    //| sX * sZ - cX * cZ * sY |  cZ * sX + cX * sY * sZ |  cX * cY |
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    //Case 1: -pi/2 < arcsin(sY) < pi/2 (or, -1 < sY < 1).  This solution is
    if(-1 + 0.000001f <= m_Matrix[2][0] && m_Matrix[2][0] <= 1 - 0.000001f)
        xDegrees = radiansToDegrees(atan2f(-m_Matrix[2][1], m_Matrix[2][2]));
        yDegrees = radiansToDegrees(asinf(m_Matrix[2][0]));
        zDegrees = radiansToDegrees(atan2f(-m_Matrix[1][0], m_Matrix[0][0]));
    //Case 2: arcsin(sY) = pi/2 (or, sY = 1).  This solution is not unique, so
    //the x-angle is set to 0.
    else if(1 - 0.000001f < m_Matrix[2][0] && m_Matrix[2][0] < 1 + 0.000001f)
        yDegrees = 90;
        xDegrees = 0;
        zDegrees = radiansToDegrees(atan2f(m_Matrix[0][1], m_Matrix[1][1]));
    //Case 3: arcsin(sY) = -pi/2 (or, sY = -1).  This solution is not unique,
    //so the x-angle is set to 0.
        yDegrees = -90;
        xDegrees = 0;
        zDegrees = radiansToDegrees(atan2f(m_Matrix[0][1], m_Matrix[1][1]));
コード例 #21
//This method extracts the ZXY Euler angles from the rotation matrix.
void Matrix3::extractEulerZXY(float &xDegrees, float &yDegrees, float &zDegrees)
    //Diagram of the Euler ZXY Matrix:
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    //| cY * cZ + sX * sY * sZ | cZ * sX * sY - cY * sZ |  cX * sY |
    //| cX * sZ                | cX * cZ                | -sX      |
    //| cY * sX * sZ - cZ * sY | cY * cZ * sX + sY * sZ |  cX * cY |
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    //Case 1: -pi/2 < arcsin(sX) < pi/2 (or, -1 < sX < 1).  This solution is
    if(-1 + 0.000001f <= m_Matrix[2][1] && m_Matrix[2][1] <= 1 - 0.000001f)
        xDegrees = radiansToDegrees(asinf(-m_Matrix[2][1]));
        yDegrees = radiansToDegrees(atan2f(m_Matrix[2][0], m_Matrix[2][2]));
        zDegrees = radiansToDegrees(atan2f(m_Matrix[0][1], m_Matrix[1][1]));
    //Case 2: arcsin(sX) = pi/2 (or, sX = 1).  This solution is not unique, so
    //the y-angle is set to 0.
    else if(1 - 0.000001f < -m_Matrix[2][1] && -m_Matrix[2][1] < 1 + 0.000001f)
        xDegrees = 90;
        yDegrees = 0;
        zDegrees = radiansToDegrees(atan2f(-m_Matrix[1][0], m_Matrix[0][0]));
    //Case 3: arcsin(sX) = -pi/2 (or, sX = -1).  This solution is not unique,
    //so the y-angle is set to 0.
        xDegrees = -90;
        yDegrees = 0;
        zDegrees = radiansToDegrees(atan2f(-m_Matrix[1][0], m_Matrix[0][0]));
コード例 #22
ファイル: globegame.cpp プロジェクト: Tkachov/scummvm
void GlobeGame::globePointToLatLong(const GlobeGame::Point3D &pt, int16 latOrigin, int16 longOrigin,
		int16 &latitude, int16 &longitude) {
	Point3D scratch = pt;

	// Translate globe center to origin.
	scratch.x -= kGlobeCenter.x;
	scratch.y -= kGlobeCenter.y;
	scratch.z -= kGlobeCenter.z;

	// Rotate around z axis latOrigin degrees to bring equator parallel with XZ plane
	float theta = degreesToRadians(latOrigin);
	float s = sin(theta);
	float c = cos(theta);
	float x = scratch.x * c - scratch.y * s;
	float y = scratch.y * c + scratch.x * s;
	scratch.x = x;
	scratch.y = y;

	// Calculate latitude
	latitude = (int16)radiansToDegrees(asin(scratch.y / kGlobeRadius));

	// Rotate around y axis longOrigin degrees to bring longitude 0 to positive X axis
	theta = degreesToRadians(longOrigin);
	s = sin(theta);
	c = cos(theta);
	x = scratch.x * c - scratch.z * s;
	float z = scratch.z * c + scratch.x * s;
	scratch.x = x;
	scratch.z = z;

	// Calculate longitude
	longitude = (int16)radiansToDegrees(acos(scratch.x / sqrt(scratch.x * scratch.x + scratch.z * scratch.z)));

	if (scratch.z < 0)
		longitude = -longitude;
コード例 #23
void TextStruct::transform(const CTMatrix& transformationMatrix)
   CBasesVector basesVector(m_pnt.x,m_pnt.y,1.,radiansToDegrees(m_angleRadians),m_mirror);

   m_pnt.x = (DbUnit)basesVector.getOrigin().x;
   m_pnt.y = (DbUnit)basesVector.getOrigin().y;

   double scale = basesVector.getScale();
   m_height = (DbUnit)(m_height * scale);
   m_width  = (DbUnit)(m_width  * scale);

   m_angleRadians = (DbUnit)degreesToRadians(basesVector.getRotation());
   m_mirror       = basesVector.getMirror();
コード例 #24
ファイル: CTRNNViz.cpp プロジェクト: buhrmann/dynmx
void CTRNNWheelViz::onMouseMove(const Vec4f& mPos)
    m_selected = -1;
    const float r3 = m_width / 2;
    const float r2 = r3 - 5;
    const float r1 = r2 - 10;

    // update mouse info: transform mouse position into local space angle and radius
    Vec4f posLocal = mPos - m_pTM->getTranslate();
    float radius = posLocal.length();
    float angle = radiansToDegrees(atan2(posLocal.x, posLocal.y));
    if(angle < 0) angle += 360.0f;
    if(radius > r1 && radius < r3)
        m_selected = (int)angle / (360 / (int) m_ctrnn->getSize());
コード例 #25
// GLfloat bearingSensor(cellID)
// Last modified: 08Nov2009
// Returns the relative bearing (in degrees) from the robot
// with the parameterized ID and this robot.
// Returns:    the relative bearing from robot[ID] and this robot
// Parameters:
//      cellID       in/out  the ID of the robot
GLfloat Robot::bearingSensor(GLint &cellID)

    // get the vector between the auctioneer and this robot
    Vector e = (*(Vector *)this) - (*(Vector *)env->getCell(cellID));

    // get the distance between the auctioneer and this robot
    GLfloat dist = e.magnitude();

    // get the bearing between the auctioneer and this robot
    GLfloat bearing = radiansToDegrees(atan2(e.y, e.x));

    // subtract the bearing between the auction and this robot
    // from the auctioneer's heading
    bearing = env->getCell(cellID)->getHeading() - bearing;

    return bearing;
}   // bearingSensor(GLint &)
コード例 #26
KDvoid AnalogStick::resetDirection ( KDvoid )
	if ( m_tPressedVector.x == 0 && m_tPressedVector.y == 0 )
		m_nDirection = AS_NO_DIRECTION;

	KDfloat		fRadians = vectorToRadians ( m_tPressedVector );
	KDfloat		fDegrees = radiansToDegrees ( fRadians ) + 90;
	if ( fDegrees >= 337.5f || fDegrees < 22.5f )
		m_nDirection = AS_LEFT;
	else if ( fDegrees >= 22.5f && fDegrees < 67.5f )
		m_nDirection = AS_UP_LEFT;
	else if ( fDegrees >= 67.5f && fDegrees < 112.5f )
		m_nDirection = AS_UP;
	else if ( fDegrees >= 112.5f && fDegrees < 157.5f )
		m_nDirection = AS_UP_RIGHT;
	else if ( fDegrees >= 157.5f && fDegrees < 202.5f )
		m_nDirection = AS_RIGHT;
	else if ( fDegrees >= 202.5f && fDegrees < 247.5f )
		m_nDirection = AS_DOWN_RIGHT;
	else if ( fDegrees >= 247.5f && fDegrees < 292.5f )
		m_nDirection = AS_DOWN;
		m_nDirection = AS_DOWN_LEFT;
コード例 #27
 * The main task
task main(){

  nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(0, "Dexter Ind.");
  nxtDisplayCenteredBigTextLine(1, "IMU");
  nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(3, "Test 3");
  nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(5, "Connect sensor");
  nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(6, "to S1");

  // If configuration fails, the program ends.
  if (!DIMUconfigAccel(DIMU, DIMU_ACC_RANGE_2G))

  while(nNxtButtonPressed == kNoButton)
		z_val = DIMUreadAccelZAxis10Bit(DIMU);
		x_val = DIMUreadAccelXAxis10Bit(DIMU);

		// Since the axes are constantly 90 degrees apart, we can use the sum of forces law,
		// which looks like the pythagorean theorem, to discover the total force along both axes.
		Gforce = sqrt(pow(z_val, 2) + pow(x_val, 2));

		// Then we divide both values received by the total force to get numbers on the interval [-1,1].
		// This way we can input them into the arcsine and arccosine functions.
		z_val = z_val/Gforce;
		x_val = x_val/Gforce;

		pXrads[0] = asin(x_val);
		pXrads[1] = PI-pXrads[0]; //other possible X tilt value.
		pZrads[0] = acos(z_val);
		pZrads[1] = -1*pZrads[0]; //other possible Z tilt value.


		// This stops the screen from flashing.
コード例 #28
task main ()
  // This is the struct that holds all the info on all buttons and joypads/sticks
  tPSP controller;

  int angle;
  int speed;
  int rotation;

  while (true)
    // Read the state of the buttons
    PSPV4readButtons(PSPNXV4, controller);

    // Two controls are used:
    // The left joystick controls speed and direction
    // The right joystick controls rotational speed

    // Calculate the angle we need to travel at using simple geometry
    angle = radiansToDegrees(atan2(-controller.joystickLeft_x, -controller.joystickLeft_y));

    // This is the length of the vector, which is based on the amount we've moved the
    // joystick in the X and Y directions
    speed = sqrt((controller.joystickLeft_x * controller.joystickLeft_x) +

		// Rotation speed is controlled by the right joystick
		rotation = -controller.joystickRight_x;

    nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(1, "%d:%d", controller.joystickLeft_x, controller.joystickLeft_y);
    nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(3, "%d:%d", controller.joystickRight_x, controller.joystickRight_y);
		nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(5, "%d", angle);
		nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(6, "%d", speed);
		nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(7, "%d", rotation);
		MoveRobot(angle, speed, rotation);
  MoveRobot(0, 0, 0);
  while (bSoundActive) EndTimeSlice();
コード例 #29
ファイル: b4 rat.c プロジェクト: mjs513/rsnxt08
//----Determine rotation of robot from encoder values----//
int getRotation()
	float motorBCount = nMotorEncoder[motorB];
	float motorCCount = nMotorEncoder[motorC];
	motorBCount /= 190; //distance between wheels in encoder clicks
	motorCCount /= 190;
	int thetaOne;
	int thetaTwo;
	int thetaThree;
	  motorBCount *= -1;
	  thetaOne = radiansToDegrees(atan(motorBCount));
	  thetaTwo = radiansToDegrees(atan(motorCCount));
    return -(thetaOne + thetaTwo);
	else if(motorCCount<0)
    motorCCount *= -1;
	  thetaOne = radiansToDegrees(atan(motorBCount));
	  thetaTwo = radiansToDegrees(atan(motorCCount));
	  return (thetaOne + thetaTwo);
  else if(motorCCount < 0 && motorBCount < 0)
  	motorBCount *= -1;
  	motorCCount *= -1;
  	thetaOne = radiansToDegrees(atan(motorBCount));
	  thetaTwo = radiansToDegrees(atan(motorCCount));
	  return (thetaOne + thetaTwo);
  	thetaOne = radiansToDegrees(atan(motorBCount));
	  thetaTwo = radiansToDegrees(atan(motorCCount));
	  return (thetaOne - thetaTwo);
  return thetaThree;
コード例 #30
ファイル: CTRNNViz.cpp プロジェクト: buhrmann/dynmx
void CTRNNViz::drawNeuron(int i, const CTRNN* ctrnn, float inner, float outer)
    // white background
    drawDisk(outer, 0.0, 32, 1);

    // disk size indicating output value
    ci::Color col = ctrnn->getState(i) > 0 ? ci::Color(0,0,0) : ci::Color(235.0/255.0, 0.0/255.0, 103.0/255.0);
    if (ctrnn->getOutput(i) < 0) col = ci::Color(235.0/255.0, 0.0/255.0, 103.0/255.0);
    drawDisk(inner * clamp(getOutputNorm(i, ctrnn), 0.0, 1.0), 0.0, 32, 1);

    // ring size indicating external input value
    //glColor3f(181.0/255.0, 206.0/255.0, 26.0/255.0);
    col = ctrnn->getExternalInput(i) > 0 ? ci::Color(185/255.0, 185/255.0, 185/255.0) : ci::Color(235.0/255.0, 205.0/255.0, 221.0/255.0);
    float width = radiansToDegrees(ctrnn->getExternalInput(i) * TWO_PI);
    dmx::drawPartialDisk(inner, outer, 32, 1, 0, width, GLU_FILL);
    ci::gl::drawStrokedCircle(ci::Vec2f(0,0), outer, 32);
    ci::gl::drawStrokedCircle(ci::Vec2f(0,0), inner, 32);