コード例 #1
ファイル: System.cpp プロジェクト: moncar/FYS3150-8
bool System::newStepMetropolis()

    int i, j;
    double wf_new, wf_old;

    // taking a new, random step
    for (i=0; i<NumberOfParticles; i++)
        for (j=0; j<NumberOfDimensions; j++)
            NewPosition(i,j) = OldPosition(i,j)+StepLength*(ran0(&RandomSeed)-0.5);

    // calculating new wave-function
    wf_new = Wavefunction->evaluateWavefunction(NewPosition);
    wf_old = Wavefunction->getOldWavefunction();

    // metropolis test:
    if(ran0(&RandomSeed) <= (wf_new*wf_new)/(wf_old*wf_old))    // STEP ACCEPTED
            OldPosition = NewPosition;
            return true;
    else    // STEP REFUSED
        return false;
コード例 #2
void PDESolver::GaussRandomWalk(vec *x){
    double l0, r, theta, bin, L; vec X; long idum; int N,n; ofstream myfile;
    X = *x; l0 = sqrt(2*dt); idum = -1; bin = 1./20; myfile.open("MC_normal_movie.txt");

    for (int t=0;t<=Nt;t++){
        N = X.n_rows; n = 0;            // n will determine how many new particles to be added in x = 0

        for (int i=0;i<N;i++){
            r = sqrt(-log(1. - ran0(&idum)));            // Getting a random number
            theta = 2*pi*ran0(&idum);

            L = l0 * r*cos(theta); // From normal distribution

            if (X(i) < bin) {n += 1;} // This particle will move away from bin 0. Need to add one more.

            X(i) += L; // Particle changes position following the normal distribution

            if (X(i) < bin && X(i) >= 0) {n -= 1;} // This particle has arrived at bin 0. Need to add one less
        int i = 0;
        while (i<N){
            if      (X(i) > 1){X.shed_row(i); N-=1;} // Remove particle and reduce total particle #
            else if (X(i) < 0){X.shed_row(i); N-=1;} // Remove particle and reduce total particle #
            else              {i++;}
        for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
            X.insert_rows(0,1); X(0) = 0; // Maintaining # of particles at x=0
        for (int elem=0; elem<X.n_rows; elem++){myfile << X(elem) << " ";}; myfile << endl;
    *x = sort(X);
コード例 #3
ファイル: rate.c プロジェクト: jeffhammond/ga
void fill_random(double *a, int isize)
    long *idum;
    long i, j;

    j = 38282;
    idum = &j;
    a[0] = (double)ran0(idum);
    for (i=0; i<(long)isize; i++) {
        a[i] = (double)(10000.0*ran0(idum));
コード例 #4
void PDESolver::RandomWalk(vec *x)
    double l0, r; vec X; long idum; int N,n; ofstream myfile;
    X = *x; l0 = sqrt(2*dt); idum = -1; myfile.open("MC_uniform_movie.txt");

    for (int t=0;t<=Nt;t++){
        N = X.n_rows; n = 0;            // n will determine how many new particles to be added in x = 0

        for (int i=0;i<N;i++){
            r = ran0(&idum);            // Getting a random number

            if (X(i) < 1e-13) {n += 1;} // This particle will move away from x0. Need to add one more.

            if (r>0.5) {X(i) += l0;}    // Move to the right
            else       {X(i) -= l0;}    // Move to the left

            if (abs(X(i)) < 1e-13) {n -= 1;} // This particle has arrived at x0. Need to add one less
        int i = 0;
        while (i<N){
            if      (X(i) > 1){X.shed_row(i); N-=1;} // Remove particle and reduce total particle #
            else if (X(i) < 0){X.shed_row(i); N-=1;} // Remove particle and reduce total particle #
            else              {i++;}
        for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
            X.insert_rows(0,1); X(0) = 0; // Maintaining # of particles at x=0
        for (int elem=0; elem<X.n_rows; elem++){myfile << X(elem) << " ";}; myfile << endl;
    *x = sort(X);
コード例 #5
ファイル: p5funcs.cpp プロジェクト: tellewsen/Project5astro
void random_sphere(cube &data_vector,double R_0,long &idum,int n_planets){
    double u;
    double v;
    double w;
    double c =2*M_PI;
    double r;
    double theta;
    double phi;

    for(int i=0;i<n_planets;i++){
        u = ran0(&idum);
        v = ran0(&idum);
        w = ran0(&idum);
        r= R_0*pow(u,1./3);
        theta= acos(1.-2.*v);
        phi= c*w;
        data_vector(i,0,0) = r*sin(theta)*cos(phi);;
        data_vector(i,1,0) = r*sin(theta)*sin(phi);
        data_vector(i,2,0) = r*cos(theta);
コード例 #6
ファイル: gasdev.C プロジェクト: jhoffjann/da2_casestudy
float gasdev(long *idum)
	float ran0(long *idum);
	static int iset=0;
	static float gset;
	float fac,rsq,v1,v2;

	if  (iset == 0) {
		do {
		} while (rsq >= 1.0 || rsq == 0.0);
		return v2*fac;
	} else {
		return gset;
コード例 #7
ファイル: getext1k.c プロジェクト: arulk77/gpu.evrc
short e_ran_g(short *seed0)
	static int iset = 0;
	static long gset;
	long rsq, ltemp1, ltemp2;
	short sv1, sv2, rsq_s;
	short shft_fctr, stemp1;
	short shft_fctr1;

/* ======================================================================== */
	long ltmp1, ltmp2;
	short ans = 0;
	short stmp2;
/* ======================================================================== */
	if (iset == 0)
			sv1 = shl(sub(ran0(seed0), 16384), 1);

			sv2 = shl(sub(ran0(seed0), 16384), 1);

			/* rsq = sv1 * sv1 + sv2 * sv2; */
			ltemp1 = L_mult(sv1, sv1);
			ltemp2 = L_mult(sv2, sv2);

			rsq = L_add(L_shr(ltemp1, 1), L_shr(ltemp2, 1));

		if (rsq >= 1073741824 || rsq == 0){
		  /* If condition not met, don't iterate; use */
		  /* rough approximation. */
		   ans = shr(sv1,3);
		   ans = add(ans, shr(sv2,3));
		   ans = add(ans, shr(sub(ran0(seed0), 16384),2));
		   return (ans);
 * error in rsq doesn't seem to contribute to the final error in e_ran_g

		 * rsq scale down by two: input to fnLog must be scaled up by 2.
		rsq = L_shl(rsq, 1);

		/* stemp1 = round(L_negate(fnLog(rsq)));  */
		ltmp1 = L_negate(fnLog(rsq));

		 * rsq must be greater than the log of lsq for the fractional
		 * divide to work. therfore normalize rsq.
		shft_fctr = norm_l(rsq); 
		rsq_s = round(L_shl(rsq, shft_fctr));
		stmp2 = (divide_s(round(ltmp1), rsq_s));

		 * stemp2 must be normalized before taking its square root.
		 * (increases precision).
		shft_fctr1 = norm_s(stmp2);
		ltmp2 = L_deposit_h(shl(stmp2, shft_fctr1));
		stemp1 = sqroot(ltmp2);

		 * shifting involved before taking the square root:
		 * LEFT << shft_fctr. (LEFT because rsq is in the denominator
		 *          of ltemp2 quotion).   
		 * LEFT << 6. (multiply by 2 in original code and multiply by 32
		 *        because output of fnLog scaled down by 32).
		 * RIGHT >> shft_fctr1. (normalization taken before sqroot).
		shft_fctr = shft_fctr + 6 - shft_fctr1;

		 * PROPERTY: sqrt(2^n) = 2^(n/2)
		 * if shft_fctr is odd; multiply stemp1 by sqrt(2)/2  and
		 * increment number of shifts by 1. Can now use shft_fctr / 2.
		if (shft_fctr & 0x0001)
			stemp1 = mult(stemp1, 23170);

		shft_fctr = shr(shft_fctr, 1);

		 * normalize stemp1 for the following multiplication.
		 * adjust shft_fctr accordingly.
		shft_fctr1 = norm_s(stemp1);
		stemp1 = shl(stemp1, shft_fctr1);
		shft_fctr = shft_fctr - shft_fctr1;

		gset = L_mult(sv1, stemp1);

		 * final output is scaled down by 4, therefore shift up by
		 * shft_fctr - 2.
		gset = L_shl(gset, shft_fctr - 2);

		iset = 1;
		return round(L_shl(L_mult(sv2, stemp1), shft_fctr - 2));
		iset = 0;
		return round(gset);
コード例 #8
ファイル: montecarlo.cpp プロジェクト: fepettersen/FYS4150
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    double lambda = atof(argv[2]);
    int N = atoi(argv[1]);
    double crude_mc,variance;
    double g_sigma = 0;
    int num_cores = 0;
 #if 0
    double start = clock();
#pragma omp parallel 
        double l_sum = 0;
        double r1,r2,theta1,theta2,phi1,phi2;
        double fx = 0;
        double sum_sigma = 0;
        long idum1,idum2,idum3,idum4,idum5,idum6;
        idum1 = time(0)-123; idum2 = time(0)-383;idum3 = time(0)-73;idum4 = time(0)-239; 
        idum5 = time(0)-830;idum6 = time(0)-955;
#pragma omp for
    for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
        r1 = lambda*ran0(&idum1);
        r2 = lambda*ran0(&idum2);
        theta1 = PI*ran0(&idum3);
        theta2 = PI*ran0(&idum4);
        phi1 = 2*PI*ran0(&idum5);
        phi2 = 2*PI*ran0(&idum6);
        fx = r1*r1*r2*r2*f_sub(r1,r2,theta1,theta2,phi1,phi2)*exp(-4*(r1+r2));
        l_sum += fx;
        sum_sigma += fx*fx;
#pragma omp critical
    {crude_mc += l_sum; g_sigma += sum_sigma;num_cores = omp_get_num_threads();}
    double stop = clock();
    double diff = timediff(start,stop)*0.25;
    double var = ((pow(PI,4)*lambda*lambda*4)/N)*(g_sigma-((pow(PI,4)*lambda*lambda*4)/N)*crude_mc*crude_mc);
    cout<<"test: "<<var<<" sdv: "<<sqrt(var)<<" comparisson: "<<var/sqrt(N)<<endl;*/
    crude_mc /= ((double) N);
    g_sigma /= ((double) N);
    variance = g_sigma - crude_mc*crude_mc;
    crude_mc *= lambda*lambda*4*pow(PI,4);
    cout<<"Monte Carlo simulation with N = "<<N<<" gives "<<crude_mc<<endl;
    cout<<"The variance is "<<variance<<" and standard deviation "<<sqrt(variance)<<endl;
    cout<<"This took "<<diff<<" ms on "<<num_cores<<" cores"<<endl;
    double start = clock();
#pragma omp parallel 
        /*Set up private variables for the paralell execution of this loop*/
        double l_sum = 0;
        double l_sum2 = 0;
        double r1,r2,theta1,theta2,phi1,phi2;
        double fx = 0;
        double sum_sigma = 0;
        double sum_sigma2 = 0;
        long idum1,idum2,idum3,idum4,idum5,idum6;
        idum1 = time(0)-123; idum2 = time(0)-383;idum3 = time(0)-73;idum4 = time(0)-239; 
        idum5 = time(0)-830;idum6 = time(0)-955;
#pragma omp for
    for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
        r1 = -log(1-ran0(&idum1));
        r2 = -log(1-ran0(&idum2));
        theta1 = PI*ran0(&idum3);
        theta2 = PI*ran0(&idum4);
        phi1 = 2*PI*ran0(&idum5);
        phi2 = 2*PI*ran0(&idum6);
        fx = (1./1024)*r1*r1*r2*r2*f_sub(r1,r2,theta1,theta2,phi1,phi2);
        if (l_sum > 1e4){
            l_sum2 +=fx;
            sum_sigma2 +=fx*fx;
                l_sum += fx;
                sum_sigma += fx*fx;
#pragma omp critical
        crude_mc +=l_sum+l_sum2; 
        g_sigma += sum_sigma+sum_sigma2; 
        num_cores = omp_get_num_threads();
    double stop = clock();
    double diff = timediff(start,stop)*0.25;
    crude_mc /= ((double) N);
    g_sigma /= ((double) N);
    variance = g_sigma - crude_mc*crude_mc;
    crude_mc *= 4*pow(PI,4);
    cout<<"Monte Carlo simulation with (importance sampling) N = "<<N<<" gives "<<crude_mc<<endl;
    cout<<"correct result: "<<5*PI*PI/(16*16)<<endl;
    cout<<"The variance is "<<variance<<" and standard deviation "<<pow(4,PI)*sqrt(variance/((double) N))<<endl;
    cout<<"This took "<<diff<<" ms on "<<num_cores<<" cores"<<endl;
    return 0;
コード例 #9
ファイル: System.cpp プロジェクト: moncar/FYS3150-8
void System::initializePositionsBruteForce()
    OldPosition = Mat<double>( NumberOfParticles, NumberOfDimensions );
    NewPosition = Mat<double>( NumberOfParticles, NumberOfDimensions );
    a_matrix = Mat<double>( NumberOfParticles, NumberOfParticles );
    mat n = zeros(NumberOfParticles, NumberOfDimensions);

    //setting a random initial position:
    int i, j;
    for (i=0; i<NumberOfParticles; i++)
        for (j=0; j<NumberOfDimensions; j++)
            OldPosition(i,j) = StepLength*(ran0(&RandomSeed)-0.5);

    double N2 = float(NumberOfParticles)/2; // used for setting the a-variable in the jastrow factor

    // SETTING THE a-factor:
    for (i=0; i<NumberOfParticles-1; i++)
        for (j=i+1; j<NumberOfParticles; j++)
            // if-test for PARALLELL SPIN ( 0,1,2 = spin up | 3,4,5 = spin down):
            // N2 == 1 -> TWO PARTICLES -> PARALLELL SPIN: a = 1.0
            if ( (N2 == 1 ) || (i < N2 && j < N2) ||  (i >= N2 && j >= N2) )
                a_matrix(i,j) = 1.0;
            else // ANTI-PARALLELL SPIN
                a_matrix(i,j) = 1.0/3.0;

    if (NumberOfParticles == 6)
        for (i=0; i<NumberOfParticles; i++)
            if (i == 0 || i == 3)
                n(i,0) = n(i,1) = 0; // nx = ny = 0
            if (i == 1 || i == 4)
                n(i,0) = 1; // nx = 1
            if (i == 2 || i == 5)
                n(i,1) = 1; // ny = 1

    // THIS MEANS THAT a(i,j) is the relative spin orientation between particle i+1 and j.+1
    // so: a(0,1) = a12 . a(0,2) = a13 . a(1,2) = a23 . etc...

コード例 #10
ファイル: System.cpp プロジェクト: moncar/FYS3150-8
void System::importanceSampling()
    int NOA;            // Number Of Accepted steps
    double I, I2, dx;   // total energy integral
    double T, T2, dt;   // kinetic energy integral
    double V, V2, dv;   // potential energy integral
    int a,b,c,i,j;      // loop variables: a->alpha, b->beta, c->cycles, i->particle, j-> dimension
    int amax = Alpha.n_elem;    // number of total alpha values
    int bmax = Beta.n_elem;     // number of total beta values
    double wf_new, wf_old;
    double greensfunction;
    double D = 0.5;     // diffusion constant

    for (a=0; a<amax; a++)    // LOOP OVER ALPHA VALUES

        for (b=0; b<bmax; b++)    // LOOP OVER BETA VALUES

            dx = I = I2 = NOA = 0;
            dt = T = T2 = 0;
            dv = V = V2 = 0;

            for (c=0; c<NumberOfCycles; c++)
                dx = 0;
                for (i=0; i<NumberOfParticles; i++)
                    // Taking a new, random step, moving one particle only:
                    NewPosition = OldPosition;
                    NewPosition.row(i) = OldPosition.row(i)+Rnd->nextGauss(0,sqrt(StepLength))+QuantumForceOld.row(i)*StepLength*D;

                    wf_new = Wavefunction->evaluateWavefunction(NewPosition);

                    // Metropolis-Hastings algorithm:
                    greensfunction = 0.0;
                        greensfunction += 0.5*(QuantumForceOld(i,j) + QuantumForceNew(i,j))*(D*StepLength*0.5*(QuantumForceOld(i,j)-QuantumForceNew(i,j)) - NewPosition(i,j) + OldPosition(i,j));
                    greensfunction = exp(greensfunction);

                    // Metropolis test:
                    if (ran0(&RandomSeed) <= greensfunction*wf_new*wf_new/(wf_old*wf_old))
                        OldPosition.row(i) = NewPosition.row(i);
                        QuantumForceOld.row(i) = QuantumForceNew.row(i);
                        wf_old = wf_new;
                // Updating integral:

                // LOCAL ENERGY
                dx = TypeHamiltonian->evaluateLocalEnergy(OldPosition);
                I += dx;
                I2 += dx*dx;

                // LOCAL KINETIC ENERGY
                dt = TypeHamiltonian->getKineticEnergy();
                T += dt;
                T2 += dt*dt;

                // LOCAL POTENTIAL ENERGY
                dv = TypeHamiltonian->getPotentialEnergy();
                V += dv;
                V2 += dv*dv;

            NumberOfAcceptedSteps(a,b) = NOA;
            Energy(a,b) = I/double(NumberOfCycles);
            EnergySquared(a,b) = I2/double(NumberOfCycles);
            Variance(a,b) = (EnergySquared(a,b) - Energy(a,b)*Energy(a,b));
            KineticEnergy(a,b) = T/double(NumberOfCycles);
            KineticEnergySquared(a,b) = T2/double(NumberOfCycles);
            PotentialEnergy(a,b) = V/double(NumberOfCycles);
            PotentialEnergySquared(a,b) = V2/double(NumberOfCycles);
            //AvgDistance = 0;