コード例 #1
ファイル: functions.cpp プロジェクト: swanandgore/rappertk
void sphereVolSample(vector<float>& cen, float rad, vector<float>& sample) {
    float dx, dy, dz;
    while(1) {
        dx = (ran01() * 2 - 1) * rad;
        dy = (ran01() * 2 - 1) * rad;
        dz = rad*rad - dx*dx - dy*dy;
        if(dz < 0) continue;
        dz = sqrt(dz);
        if(ran01() > 0.5) dz *= -1;
        sample[0] = cen[0] + dx;
        sample[1] = cen[1] + dy;
        sample[2] = cen[2] + dz;
コード例 #2
ファイル: functions.cpp プロジェクト: swanandgore/rappertk
// generates a random normalized vector
// is uniformly distributed over sphere surface
// taken from sphere point picking in mathworld
void randomNormalVector(vector<float> & v) {
//    while(1) {
//        v[0] = -1. + 2.* ran01();
//        v[1] = -1. + 2.* ran01();
//        v[2] = 1 - v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1];
//        if(v[2] < 0) continue;
//        v[2] = sqrt(v[2]);
//        return;
//    }
    float theta = 2. * M_PI * ran01();
    float phi = acos(2. * ran01() - 1);
    v[0] = sin(phi) * cos(theta);
    v[1] = sin(phi) * sin(theta);
    v[2] = cos(phi);
コード例 #3
ファイル: utilities.c プロジェクト: lightbluex/EMASsourcecode
long int roulette(double* elments, long element_size)
	int i=0;
	double sum=0.0;
	double rnd=0.0;
	double* prob=malloc( element_size*sizeof(double) );
	rnd = ran01( &seed );
	for(i=0;i<element_size; i++)
		sum += elments[i];
	for(i=0;i<element_size; i++)
	return i;
コード例 #4
ファイル: functions.cpp プロジェクト: swanandgore/rappertk
// given a vector X, find normal vectors Y,Z such that X,Y,Z are mutually perpendicular
void findYZgivenX( vector<float> & givenX, vector<float> & Y, vector<float> & Z ) {
    vector<float> X(3);
    normalize_point(X, givenX);

    int a=0, b=1, c=2;
    if( fabs(X[a]) < 1e-2 ) { a=1; b=2; c=0; }
    if( fabs(X[a]) < 1e-2 ) { a=2; b=0; c=1; }
    assert ( fabs(X[a]) > 1e-2 );

    Y[b] = -1. + (2.*ran01()); Y[c] = -1. + (2.*ran01());
    //cout << "rands " << Y[b] << "\nrands " << Y[c] << endl;
    Y[a] = -1 * (X[b]*Y[b] + X[c]*Y[c]) / X[a];
    normalize_point(Y, Y);

    cross_product(Z, X, Y);
    normalize_point(Z, Z);
コード例 #5
ファイル: rand.c プロジェクト: Yu-Che-Gao/GA
int rnd(int low,int high)
/* Pick a random integer between low and high */
    int i;

    if(low >= high)
        i = low;
        i = (int)((ran01(&seed) * (high - low + 1)) + low);
        if(i > high) i = high;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ant.c プロジェクト: Yu-Che-Gao/GA
int find_var_valueno(int vno)
double q , sum ,ranno;

int valueno, nmax;
valueno = find_no_of_max( vno, &nmax );
/*printf(" for %d vno, q= %f ,ranno= %f , nmax =%d valueno= %d \n",vno,q,ranno,nmax,valueno);*/

if((q<q0) && (nmax==1))
 #if (localupdate==1)
 (var[vno]).trail[valueno] *= (1-gamma);
 return valueno;
 for(valueno=0; valueno -1 < var[vno].nvalues && sum < ranno ; valueno++)
 sum += (var[vno]).prob[valueno] ;
 }//endfo valueno loop

  #if (localupdate==1)
  if(valueno > 0 && valueno -1 < var[vno].nvalues)
  	(var[vno]).trail[valueno-1] *= (1-rho);
 return (valueno-1);
}//end of else

}//end of find valueno
コード例 #7
ファイル: my_set.cpp プロジェクト: Yangsilu/daoopt
int sample_from_probs(double *probs, int num_elements){
	double sum=0;
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<num_elements; i++) sum+= probs[i];
	double randnum = ran01(&seed) * sum;
	sum = 0.0;
	for(i=0; i<num_elements; i++){
		sum+= probs[i];
		if( randnum <= sum ) break;
	if( i>= num_elements ){
		printf("Error in sampling, didn't sample any of the values, sum=%lf\n, randnum=%lf", sum, randnum);
	return i;
コード例 #8
// if fwd, C,N,CA are C,N,CA, else assumed to be N,C,CA
void InformedPhipsiSampler::sample(
        vector<float>& curC, vector<float>& curN, vector<float>& curCA,
        float & phi, float & psi, float & omega, float & r, float & a, float & t) {
    float d0 = calcDist(target, curCA);

    float cisdist = 2.8, transdist = 3.81;

    bool cis = false, trans = false;
    if(cisdist > d0 - targetTol && cisdist < d0 + targetTol) cis = true;
    if(transdist > d0 - targetTol && transdist < d0 + targetTol) trans = true;

    if(cis && trans) { // if both cis and trans are possible, choose one
        if(ran01() > 0.95) trans = false;
    } else if(!cis && !trans) {
        cout << "target unreachable "
            <<curCA[0]<<" "<<curCA[1]<<" "<<curCA[2] << " : " << d0 <<" : "<< targetTol <<" : "<< target[0]<<" "<<target[1]<<" "<<target[2]
            << endl;
    // now either cis or trans is true

    float interCA;
    if(cis) { omega = 0; interCA = cisdist; }
    if(trans) { omega = -180; interCA = transdist; }

    phi = -999; psi = -999;

    // find a,t which take u into restraint sphere with this interCA
    vector<float> tar(3,0), noi(3,0);
    while(1) {
        // add some noise to target, proportional to noise
        linear_combination(tar, 1, target, targetTol*ran01(), noi);
        // for this interCA, find a,t that takes you closest to target
        r = calcDist(curCA, tar);
        a = calcAngle(curN, curCA, tar);
        t = calcDihed(curC, curN, curCA, tar);
        find4thPoint(tar, curC, curN, curCA, interCA, a, t);
        if( calcDist(target, tar) <= targetTol ) break;

    // return a phi-psi value for this a,t if available
    if(fwd) {
        RATdata & ratdata = RATdata::fwdinstance(RATdataPath.c_str());
        vector<PSO>::iterator bi, ei;
        ratdata.range(resn, interCA, a, t, bi, ei);
        int rs = ei - bi;
        assert(rs >= 0);
        if(rs == 0) { return; }
        int incr = (int) floor ( (0.+rs) * ran01() );
        bi += incr;
        phi = bi->r; psi = bi->a; omega = bi->t;
    } else {
        RATdata & ratdata = RATdata::bwdinstance(RATdataPath.c_str());
        vector<PSO>::iterator bi, ei;
        ratdata.range(resn, interCA, a, t, bi, ei);
        int rs = ei - bi;
        assert(rs >= 0);
        if(rs == 0) { return; }
        int incr = (int) floor ( (0.+rs) * ran01() );
        bi += incr;
        psi = bi->r; phi = bi->a; omega = bi->t;
    //cout << phi <<" "<< psi <<" "<< omega << " shd take u from ("<< curCA[0]<<" "<< curCA[1]<<" "<< curCA[2] <<" ";
    //vector<float> exppt(3,0);
    //find4thPoint(exppt, curC, curN, curCA, interCA, a, t);
    //cout << ") to ("<< exppt[0]<<" "<< exppt[1]<<" "<< exppt[2] <<") " << endl;;
コード例 #9
ファイル: FragSampler.cpp プロジェクト: swanandgore/rappertk
int FragSampler::sample(vector<vector<float> > & pts) {
    int myrand = (int) floor ( pts.size() * ran01() );
    pts = samples[myrand];
コード例 #10
ファイル: rand.c プロジェクト: Yu-Che-Gao/GA
double rndreal(double lo ,double hi)
/* real random number between specified limits */
    return((ran01(&seed) * (hi - lo)) + lo);