コード例 #1
ファイル: SolarPlacer.cpp プロジェクト: marvin2k/ogdf
void SolarPlacer::placeOneNode(MultilevelGraph &MLG)
	NodeMerge * lastNM = MLG.getLastMerge();
	double x = 0.0;
	double y = 0.0;
	int i = 0;

	node sun = MLG.getNode(lastNM->m_changedNodes.front());
	std::vector< std::pair<int, double> > positions = lastNM->m_position;

	node merged = MLG.undoLastMerge();

	if (positions.size() > 0) {
		for (const std::pair<int, double> &p : positions) {
			double factor = p.second;
			node other_sun = MLG.getNode(p.first);
			x += MLG.x(sun) * factor + MLG.x(other_sun) * (1.0f-factor);
			y += MLG.y(sun) * factor + MLG.y(other_sun) * (1.0f-factor);
	} else {
		x += MLG.x(sun);
		y += MLG.y(sun);

	OGDF_ASSERT(i > 0);
	if (positions.size() == 0 || m_randomOffset) {
		x += randomDouble(-1.0, 1.0);
		y += randomDouble(-1.0, 1.0);
	MLG.x(merged, (x / static_cast<double>(i)));
	MLG.y(merged, (y / static_cast<double>(i)));
コード例 #2
std::vector<cmst::Point2D> cmst::TestcaseGenerator(int num_lower_bound/* = 100*/, int num_upper_bound/* = 500*/,
                              double x_upper_bound/* = MAX_X*/, double y_upper_bound/* = MAX_Y*/)
    // srand(time(NULL));
    int numberPoints = randomInt(num_lower_bound, num_upper_bound);

    #ifdef DEBUG
    debugout << "Generating " << numberPoints << " random points" << std::endl;
    #endif // DEBUG

    std::vector<cmst::Point2D> points;
    for(int i = 0; i < numberPoints; i++)
        points.push_back(cmst::Point2D(randomDouble(0.0, x_upper_bound), randomDouble(0.0, y_upper_bound)));

    // delete the same points
    std::sort(points.begin(), points.end());
    points.erase(std::unique(points.begin(), points.end()), points.end());

    while (points.size() < numberPoints)
        cmst::Point2D p( randomDouble(0.0, x_upper_bound), randomDouble(0.0, y_upper_bound) );
        if (std::lower_bound(points.begin(), points.end(), p) == points.end())
            std::sort(points.begin(), points.end());

    return points;
コード例 #3
ファイル: BarycenterPlacer.cpp プロジェクト: lncosie/ogdf
void BarycenterPlacer::placeOneNode(MultilevelGraph &MLG)
	node merged = MLG.undoLastMerge();
	double x = 0.0;
	double y = 0.0;
	double i = 0.0;
	for(adjEntry adj : merged->adjEdges) {
		if(m_weightedPositions) {
			double weight = 1.0 / MLG.weight(adj->theEdge());
			i = i + weight;
			x += MLG.x(adj->twinNode()) * weight;
			y += MLG.y(adj->twinNode()) * weight;
		} else {
			i = i + 1.f;
			x += MLG.x(adj->twinNode());
			y += MLG.y(adj->twinNode());

	OGDF_ASSERT(i > 0);
	x = x / i;
	y = y / i;

	MLG.x(merged, x + ((m_randomOffset)?(float)randomDouble(-1.0, 1.0):0.f));
	MLG.y(merged, y + ((m_randomOffset)?(float)randomDouble(-1.0, 1.0):0.f));
コード例 #4
ファイル: Flower.cpp プロジェクト: raouldc/Flowers
	// initialise geometry parameters
	angleWithXAxis=(GLfloat) randomDouble(0,90);	// in degree (!)
	stemHeight=(GLfloat) randomDouble(0.3,0.5);
	leafAngle=(GLfloat) randomDouble(30,70);		// in degree (!)
	// initialise material parameters
コード例 #5
void GeneticAlgorithm::resetParameters(int nPopulation, double scaleFactor, double crossingProbability){
	_scaleFactor = scaleFactor;
	_crossingProbability = crossingProbability;
	_nPopulation = nPopulation;
	delete [] _populationParametersOld;
	delete [] _populationParametersNew;

	_populationParametersOld = (Parameters::fitParameters *) mkl_malloc(sizeof(Parameters::fitParameters)*nPopulation,16);
	_populationParametersNew = (Parameters::fitParameters *) mkl_malloc(sizeof(Parameters::fitParameters)*nPopulation,16);

	for(int i  = 0; i < _nPopulation; i++){
		_populationParametersOld[i].c11 = (randomDouble(0.0,1.0))*pow(10,9);
		_populationParametersOld[i].c22 = _populationParametersOld[i].c11;
		_populationParametersOld[i].c33 = _populationParametersOld[i].c11;
		_populationParametersOld[i].c44 = (randomDouble(0.0,1.0))*pow(10,9);
		_populationParametersOld[i].c55 = _populationParametersOld[i].c44;
		_populationParametersOld[i].c66 = _populationParametersOld[i].c44;
		_populationParametersOld[i].c12 = (randomDouble(0.0,1.0))*pow(10,9);
		_populationParametersOld[i].c13 = _populationParametersOld[i].c12;
		_populationParametersOld[i].c23 = _populationParametersOld[i].c12;
		_populationParametersOld[i].chiSq = 1;
		_populationParametersOld[i].chiSq = calculateResidual(&_populationParametersOld[i],0);

	//delete _integerDistribution;
	delete [] ints1;
	delete [] ints2;
	delete [] ints3;

	ints1 = new int[_nPopulation];
    ints2 = new int[_nPopulation];
    ints3 = new int[_nPopulation];
コード例 #6
ファイル: SolarPlacer.cpp プロジェクト: SiteView/NNMQT
void SolarPlacer::placeOneNode(MultilevelGraph &MLG)
	NodeMerge * lastNM = MLG.getLastMerge();
	float x = 0.0;
	float y = 0.0;
	int i = 0;

	node sun = MLG.getNode(lastNM->m_changedNodes.front());
	std::vector< std::pair<int, float> > positions = lastNM->m_position;

	node merged = MLG.undoLastMerge();

	if (positions.size() > 0) {
		for (std::vector< std::pair<int, float> >::iterator j = positions.begin(); j != positions.end(); j++) {
			float factor = (*j).second;
			node other_sun = MLG.getNode((*j).first);
			x += MLG.x(sun) * factor + MLG.x(other_sun) * (1.0f-factor);
			y += MLG.y(sun) * factor + MLG.y(other_sun) * (1.0f-factor);
	} else {
		x += MLG.x(sun);
		y += MLG.y(sun);

	OGDF_ASSERT(i > 0);
	if (positions.size() == 0 || m_randomOffset) {
		x += (float)randomDouble(-1.0, 1.0);
		y += (float)randomDouble(-1.0, 1.0);
	MLG.x(merged, (x / static_cast<float>(i)));
	MLG.y(merged, (y / static_cast<float>(i)));
コード例 #7
 * @brief AgentCluster::moveRandomly Moves the agent randomly across the search space, a distance
 * related to the Agent's foraging range. If the newly selected position has a lower hapiness
 * level than the original, the agent is moved back to the original spot.
 * @param agent Agent to move.
void AgentCluster::moveRandomly(Agent *agent) {
    double initialX = agent->x;
    double initialY = agent->y;
    double initialHappiness = agent->happiness;

    double moveMagnitude =  randomDouble(0.0, agent->foragingRange * RANDOM_MOVE_FACTOR + 1);
    double moveDirection = randomDouble(0, 360) * (PI / 180.0);

    double posX = initialX + (cos(moveDirection) * moveMagnitude);
    double posY = initialY + (sin(moveDirection) * moveMagnitude);

    Q_ASSERT_X(nanTest(posX), "Failed NaN", __FUNCTION__);
    Q_ASSERT_X(nanTest(posY), "Failed NaN", __FUNCTION__);

    if (posX > m_dataMaxX)
        posX = m_dataMaxX;
    else if (posX < m_dataMinX)
        posX = m_dataMinX;
    if (posY > m_dataMaxY)
        posY = m_dataMaxY;
    else if (posY < m_dataMinY)
        posY = m_dataMinY;

    agent->x = posX;
    agent->y = posY;
    double newHappiness = calculateHappiness(agent);
    if (newHappiness >= initialHappiness) { //did we find a better position?
        agent->happiness = newHappiness;

    //otherwise, move back...
    agent->x = initialX;
    agent->y = initialY;
コード例 #8
void GeneticAlgorithm::cubicParameters(double * pOld, double * pNew, double * rand1, double * rand2, double * rand3){
		double p = randomDouble(0,1);
		if(p > _crossingProbability){
			pNew[0] = pOld[0];
			pNew[0] = rand1[0] + _scaleFactor*(rand2[0] - rand3[0]);
		p = randomDouble(0,1);
		if(p > _crossingProbability){
			pNew[3] = pOld[3];
			pNew[3] = rand1[3] + _scaleFactor*(rand2[3] - rand3[3]);
		p = randomDouble(0,1);
		if(p > _crossingProbability){
			pNew[6] = pOld[6];
			pNew[6] = rand1[6] + _scaleFactor*(rand2[6] - rand3[6]);
			pNew[1] = pNew[0];
			pNew[2] = pNew[0];
			pNew[4] = pNew[3];
			pNew[5] = pNew[3];
			pNew[7] = pNew[6];
			pNew[8] = pNew[6];

コード例 #9
ファイル: RandomPlacer.cpp プロジェクト: marvin2k/ogdf
void RandomPlacer::placeOneNode(MultilevelGraph &MLG, DPoint center, double radius)
	node merged = MLG.undoLastMerge();
	float angle = (float)randomDouble(0.0, 2 * Math::pi);
	float randRadius = float(sqrt(randomDouble(0.0, radius * radius)));
	MLG.x(merged, cos(angle) * randRadius + ((m_randomOffset)?(float)randomDouble(-1.0, 1.0):0.f));
	MLG.y(merged, sin(angle) * randRadius + ((m_randomOffset)?(float)randomDouble(-1.0, 1.0):0.f));
コード例 #10
void ZeroPlacer::placeOneNode(MultilevelGraph &MLG)
	NodeMerge * NM = MLG.getLastMerge();
	node parent = MLG.getNode(NM->m_changedNodes[0]);
	node merged = MLG.undoLastMerge();
	MLG.x(merged, MLG.x(parent) + ((m_randomOffset)?(float)randomDouble(-m_randomRange, m_randomRange):0.f));
	MLG.y(merged, MLG.y(parent) + ((m_randomOffset)?(float)randomDouble(-m_randomRange, m_randomRange):0.f));
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: libjared/term-terrain
void diamondSquareRecurse(double* map, int x, int y, int w, int h, double noiseScale) {
	if (w <= 2 || h <= 2) {
	//do diamond square for this region
	int x2 = x + w-1; //rightmost cell
	int y2 = y + h-1; //bottom cell
	double topLeft = get(map, y, x);
	double topRght = get(map, y, x2);
	double botLeft = get(map, y2, x);
	double botRght = get(map, y2, x2);
	//diamond step
	double averageCorners = (topLeft + topRght + botLeft + botRght)/4.0;
	double newCenter = averageCorners - ((randomDouble() - 0.5) * noiseScale * 2); //getNoise(step);
	int centerX = x + w / 2;
	int centerY = y + h / 2;
	set(map, centerY, centerX, newCenter);
	//square step
	int midX = x + w/2;
	int midY = y + h/2;
	//top = avg(tl, tr) + noise
	double top = (topLeft + topRght)/2.0 + (randomDouble() - 0.5) * noiseScale;
	if (get(map, y, midX) == -1.0)
		set(map, y, midX, top);
	//bot = avg(bl, br) + noise
	double bot = (botLeft + botRght)/2.0 + (randomDouble() - 0.5) * noiseScale;
	if (get(map, y2, midX) == -1.0)
		set(map, y2, midX, bot);
	//lef = avg(tl, bl) + noise
	double lef = (topLeft + botLeft)/2.0 + (randomDouble() - 0.5) * noiseScale;
	if (get(map, midY, x) == -1.0)
		set(map, midY, x, lef);
	//rig = avg(tr, br) + noise
	double rig = (topRght + botRght)/2.0 + (randomDouble() - 0.5) * noiseScale;
	if (get(map, midY, x2) == -1.0)
		set(map, midY, x2, rig);
	//if can divide, do so for each quarter

	int newW = w/2+1;
	int newH = h/2+1;
	if (newW < 3 && newH < 3) {
	newW = max(newW, 3);
	newH = max(newH, 3);
	double newNoiseScale = noiseScale * pow(2.0, -0.75);
	diamondSquareRecurse(map, x,       y,       newW, newH, newNoiseScale);
	diamondSquareRecurse(map, centerX, y,       newW, newH, newNoiseScale);
	diamondSquareRecurse(map, x,       centerY, newW, newH, newNoiseScale);
	diamondSquareRecurse(map, centerX, centerY, newW, newH, newNoiseScale);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Monster.cpp プロジェクト: BichengLUO/PlanarSight
Monster::Monster(Point p) : pos(p)
	double rd = randomDouble();
	walkDirection = rd * DOUBLE_PI;
	viewDirection = walkDirection;
	rd = randomDouble();
	range = minViewAngle + rd * (maxViewAngle - minViewAngle);
	speed = 0.8;
	hunt = false;
	visible = true;
	//range = PI / 20;
コード例 #13
void FunctionTree::generateGrow(Function *currentNode, int maxDepth){
	if (maxDepth > 1) {
		currentNode->l = new Function;
		currentNode->l->p = currentNode;
		currentNode->l->rChild = false;
		if (randomDouble()>growTerminalRate) generateGrow(currentNode->l, maxDepth-1);
		if (currentNode->functionType < 5) {
			currentNode->r = new Function;
			currentNode->r->p = currentNode;
			currentNode->r->rChild = true;
			if (randomDouble()>growTerminalRate) generateGrow(currentNode->r, maxDepth-1);
コード例 #14
 * @brief AgentCluster::start Runs the AgentCluster algorithm.
 * @details It initializes the agent population, and then simply calls the functions built for each
 * of the three main clustering phases.
void AgentCluster::start() {

    //Init the population to random positions;
    m_dataMinX = m_data[0]->x;
    m_dataMinY = m_data[0]->y;
    m_dataMaxX = m_dataMinX;
    m_dataMaxY = m_dataMinY;
    for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_data.size(); i++) {
        ClusterItem* item = m_data[i];
        if (item->x > m_dataMaxX)
            m_dataMaxX = item->x;
        else if (item->x < m_dataMinX)
            m_dataMinX = item->x;

        if (item->y > m_dataMaxY)
            m_dataMaxY = item->y;
        else if (item->y < m_dataMinY)
            m_dataMinY = item->y;

    if (m_swarmSize == -1) {
        m_swarmSize = (int)((double)m_data.size() * SWARM_SIZE_FACTOR);
    for (int i = 0; i < m_swarmSize; i++) {
        Agent* agent = new Agent();
        agent->x = randomDouble(m_dataMinX, m_dataMaxX);
        agent->y = randomDouble(m_dataMinY, m_dataMaxY);
    printf("Created a swarm containing %i agents...\n", m_swarmSize);

    m_agentSensorRange = averageClusterDistance() * SENSOR_TO_AVG_DIST_RATIO;
    m_minRange = m_agentSensorRange * 0.2;

    m_agentStepSize = m_agentSensorRange * STEP_SIZE_TO_SENSOR_RATIO;
    m_dataConcentrationSlope = -(m_agentSensorRange - m_minRange);
    m_crowdingConcetrationSlope = (double)(-1) / m_agents.size();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_agents.size(); i++)
        m_agents[i]->foragingRange = m_agentSensorRange / 2.0;

    //Start each of the three clustering phases, in order

    emit finished();
コード例 #15
SampleTemplate SampleTemplateGenerator::generateTemplateFromPosition(
  const Vector2<double>& posSeen, const Vector2<double>& posReal,
  const Pose2D& postOdometry) const
  SampleTemplate newTemplate;
  double r = posSeen.abs() + theFieldDimensions.goalPostRadius;
  double distUncertainty = sampleTriangularDistribution(standardDeviationGoalpostSampleBearingDistance);
  if(r+distUncertainty > standardDeviationGoalpostSampleBearingDistance)
    r += distUncertainty;
  Vector2<double> realPosition = posReal;
  double minY = std::max<double>(posReal.y - r, static_cast<double>(theFieldDimensions.yPosRightFieldBorder));
  double maxY = std::min<double>(posReal.y + r, static_cast<double>(theFieldDimensions.yPosLeftFieldBorder));
  Vector2<double> p;
  p.y = minY + randomDouble()*(maxY - minY);
  double xOffset(sqrt(sqr(r) - sqr(p.y - posReal.y)));
  p.x = posReal.x;
  p.x += (p.x > 0) ? -xOffset : xOffset;
  if(theFieldDimensions.isInsideCarpet(p) && checkTemplateClipping(p))
    double origAngle = (realPosition-p).angle();
    double observedAngle = posSeen.angle();
    Pose2D templatePose(origAngle-observedAngle, p);
    Pose2D odometryOffset = theOdometryData - postOdometry;
    templatePose += odometryOffset;
    newTemplate = templatePose;
    newTemplate.timestamp = theFrameInfo.time;
  return newTemplate;
コード例 #16
 * @brief AgentCluster::moveTowards Moves the first agent towards the second one.
 * @param agentOne The agent being moved.
 * @param agentTwo The agent who is being moved towards.
void AgentCluster::moveTowards(Agent *agentOne, Agent *agentTwo) {
    double crowdingFactor = (agentOne->crowdingRange + agentTwo->crowdingRange) * 0.5;
    double agentDistance = pointDistance(agentOne->x, agentTwo->x, agentOne->y, agentTwo->y) - crowdingFactor;

    if (agentDistance == 0)

    double moveMagnitude = std::min(randomDouble(0, agentOne->foragingRange), agentDistance) * randomDouble(0, 0.9);
    double unitVectorX = (agentTwo->x - agentOne->x) / agentDistance;
    double unitVectorY = (agentTwo->y - agentOne->y) / agentDistance;

    double newX = agentOne->x + (moveMagnitude * unitVectorX);
    double newY = agentOne->y + (moveMagnitude * unitVectorY);

    Q_ASSERT_X(nanTest(newX), "Failed NaN", __FUNCTION__);
    Q_ASSERT_X(nanTest(newY), "Failed NaN", __FUNCTION__);

    if (newX > m_dataMaxX)
        newX = m_dataMaxX;
    else if (newX < m_dataMinX)
        newX = m_dataMinX;
    if (newY > m_dataMaxY)
        newY = m_dataMaxY;
    else if (newY < m_dataMinY)
        newY = m_dataMinY;

    agentOne->x = newX;
    agentOne->y = newY;
    agentOne->happiness = calculateHappiness(agentOne);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Perlin.cpp プロジェクト: Lesterpig/winnie
Perlin::Perlin(int seed, int sx, int sy, double min, double max, int st, int oc, double pers) : sizeX(sx), sizeY(sy), step(st), octaves(oc), persistence(pers) 
	auto g = seed == 0 ? Generator() : Generator(seed);
	int maxWidth = (int) ceil(sizeX * pow(2, octaves - 1) / step);
	int maxHeight = (int) ceil(sizeY * pow(2, octaves - 1) / step);
	v = g.randomDouble(min, max, maxWidth * maxHeight);
コード例 #18
ファイル: ShapesWidget.C プロジェクト: AlexanderKotliar/wt
std::unique_ptr<Shape> ShapesWidget::createRandomShape()
  double size = 6 + randomDouble() * 6;

  ShapeColor c = createRandomColor();
  double x = size + randomDouble() * (width().value() - 2 * size);
  double y = size + randomDouble() * (height().value() - 2 * size);

  const unsigned amountOfShapes = 2;
  unsigned shapeId = randomInt(amountOfShapes);
  if (shapeId == 0)
    return cpp14::make_unique<Circle>(WPointF(x, y), c, size);
    return cpp14::make_unique<Rectangle>(WPointF(x, y), c, size);
コード例 #19
  * Fills the buffer with generated white noise samples.
  * @param samplesCount how many samples to generate
 void WhiteNoiseGenerator::generate(std::size_t samplesCount)
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < samplesCount; ++i)
         m_buffer[i] = m_amplitude * (randomDouble() - 0.5);
コード例 #20
ファイル: MathFunctions.C プロジェクト: ulyssesrr/carmen_lcad
// #####################################################################
double randomDoubleFromNormal(const double s)
        double sum = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<12; i++){
                sum += randomDouble()*2*s - s;
        return sum/2;
コード例 #21
	error = -1;
	rootNode = new Function;
	if ((randomDouble()) > 0.5) generateFull(rootNode, maxInitialTreeDepth);
	else generateGrow(rootNode, maxInitialTreeDepth);
コード例 #22
ファイル: npc.cpp プロジェクト: JoelHough/WidgetTown
void NPC::push()
  moveTimer.stop(); // Stop the clock!

  // If we're just standing here...
  if (direction == -1) {
    // Move somewhere for a bit
    duration = randomDouble(0.5, 4.0);
    direction = randomInt(0, 3);
  } else { // If we're on the move...
    // Take a breather
    duration = randomDouble(2.0, 6.0);
    direction = -1;

  moveDirection(); // Set the moving* bools
  moveTimer.start(int(duration * 1000.0)); // Start the clock!
コード例 #23
ファイル: unittest.cpp プロジェクト: hellocomrade/happygis
void UnitTest::preparePointData(vector<pair<double,double> > &pnts, const Envelope& bbox, const uint64_t size)
    set<pair<double,double> > container;
    while(container.size() < size)
        container.insert(std::make_pair<double,double>(randomDouble(bbox.xmin, bbox.xmax) ,randomDouble(bbox.ymin, bbox.ymax)));
    for(auto itor = container.begin(); itor != container.end(); ++itor)
コード例 #24
ファイル: npc.cpp プロジェクト: JoelHough/WidgetTown
NPC::NPC(QString charsheet, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QObject(), Character(charsheet, parent)
  direction = -1; // Not moving to start with
  duration = randomDouble(2.0, 6.0); // Stand here for a while

  // The moveTimer compels us
  moveTimer.connect(&moveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(push()));
  moveTimer.setSingleShot(true); // We reset this with a new duration manually
  moveTimer.start(int(duration * 1000.0)); // Start the clock (note msec conversion)
コード例 #25
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: libjared/term-terrain
void initMap(double* map) {
	for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++) {
			double setTo = (fabs(y - HEIGHT/(float)2) / (HEIGHT/(float)2)) *
						   (fabs(x - WIDTH/(float)2) / (WIDTH/(float)2));
			setTo = -1.0;
			//fmin(fmax(setTo, 0), 1);
			//((double)y/HEIGHT) * ((double)x/WIDTH));
			set(map, y, x, setTo);
	set(map, 0, 0, randomDouble());
	set(map, 0, WIDTH-1, randomDouble());
	set(map, HEIGHT-1, 0, randomDouble());
	set(map, HEIGHT-1, WIDTH-1, randomDouble());
コード例 #26
ファイル: Sphere.c プロジェクト: dtsigie/final-c-project
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
  // Seed the random number generator
  // with the time measured in seconds.
  // "time_t" is a just another name for
  // a long (64 bit) integer.
  time_t t = time(NULL) ;
  srand( t ) ;

  double radius = 0.1;
  Vector spheres[51];
  int i; 

  for( i = 0; i < 50; i++ ) {
    double x = randomDouble();
    double y = randomDouble();
    double z = randomDouble();
    Vector center = makeVector( x, y, z );

    spheres[i] = center;	
  } // Create spheres located randomly at centers of components with values between 0 & 1
  int j, k;

 for(j = 0; j < 50; j++){
       for(k = 0; k< 50; k++) {
	 if( magnitude ( diff(spheres[j],spheres[k])) > 0.2){
	    printSphere(spheres[j], radius, spheres[j] );
  }// print non intersecting spheres with colors derived from their center values

} // main( int, char** )
コード例 #27
ファイル: MathFunctions.C プロジェクト: ulyssesrr/carmen_lcad
// #####################################################################
int randomUpToNotIncluding(const int n)
  // NOTE: we don't do (RAND%n) because the low-order bits of the
  // random number may be less random than the high-order bits

  const int result = int(randomDouble() * n);

  // randomDouble() is supposed to be in [0.0, 1.0), but just in case
  // randomDouble()*n happens to equal n due to floating-point
  // weirdness, let's return n-1 to fulfill the "NotIncluding" part of
  // our contract:
  if (result == n)
    return n-1;

  return result;
コード例 #28
     * Fills the buffer with generated pink noise samples.
     * @param samplesCount how many samples to generate
    void PinkNoiseGenerator::generate(std::size_t samplesCount)

        // Voss algorithm initialization
        maxKey = 0xFFFF;
        key = 0;
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < whiteSamplesNum; ++i)
            whiteSamples[i] = randomDouble() - 0.5;

        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < samplesCount; ++i)
            m_buffer[i] = m_amplitude * pinkSample();
コード例 #29
ファイル: Neuron.cpp プロジェクト: shi-314/nn
Neuron::Neuron(size_t numInputs, bool hasBias) {
    this->netInput = 0;
    this->numInputs = numInputs;

    if (hasBias) {
        this->numInputs += 1;

    double XMin = -1;
    double XMax = 1;

    for (size_t n = 0; n < this->numInputs; ++n) {
        double x = randomDouble(XMin, XMax);
コード例 #30
     * Generates a single pink noise sample using Voss algorithm.
     * @return pink noise sample
    double PinkNoiseGenerator::pinkSample()
        int lastKey = key;
        double sum = 0;

        if (key > maxKey)
            key = 0;

        int diff = lastKey ^ key;
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < whiteSamplesNum; ++i)
            if (diff & (1 << i))
                whiteSamples[i] = randomDouble() - 0.5;
            sum += whiteSamples[i];

        return sum / whiteSamplesNum;