void CharacterNetwork::RandomizeVariables(void) { printf("Character %llu--------RandomizeVariables\n", GetNetworkID()); if (randomMT()%2) { _x = randomMT(); printf("x changed to %5.2f\n", _x); } if (randomMT()%2) { _y = randomMT(); printf("y changed to %5.2f\n", _y); } if (randomMT()%2) { _velocityX = randomMT(); printf("_velocityX changed to %5.2f\n", _velocityX); } if (randomMT()%2) { _velocityY = randomMT(); printf("_velocityX changed to %5.2f\n", _velocityY); } if (randomMT()%2) { _state = randomMT(); printf("_state changed to %i\n", _state); } // write history transformationHistory.Write(_x, _y, _velocityX, _velocityY, _state, RakNet::GetTimeMS()); }
static PyObject *sendAuthChallenge(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { //cn, domain, reqid, publicKey //return answer to challenge int cn; char *domain; uint id; char *publicKey; server::clientinfo *ci; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "isIs", &cn, &domain, &id, &publicKey)) return 0; ci = server::getinfo(cn); if(!ci) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid cn specified"); return 0; } uint seed[3] = { randomMT(), randomMT(), randomMT() }; vector<char> challengeBuf; vector<char> answerBuf; void *parsedKey = parsepubkey(publicKey); genchallengestr(parsedKey, seed, sizeof(seed), challengeBuf, answerBuf); freepubkey(parsedKey); sendf(ci->clientnum, 1, "risis", N_AUTHCHAL, domain, id, challengeBuf.getbuf()); return Py_BuildValue("s", answerBuf.getbuf()); }
static void sample_cosweight(ri_vector_t *outdir, const ri_vector_t normal) { int i; double r[2]; double cost, sint, phi; ri_vector_t v; ri_vector_t basis[3]; ri_ortho_basis(basis, normal); r[0] = randomMT(); r[1] = randomMT(); cost = sqrt(r[0]); sint = sqrt(1.0 - r[0]); phi = 2.0 * M_PI * r[1]; v.f[0] = (float)(cos(phi) * sint); v.f[1] = (float)(sin(phi) * sint); v.f[2] = (float)cost; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { outdir->f[i] = v.f[0] * basis[0].f[i] + v.f[1] * basis[1].f[i] + v.f[2] * basis[2].f[i]; } outdir->f[3] = 1.0; }
/* Sample a random point on the subpixel (x, y). */ static int sample_pixel(ri_vector_t *dir, int x, int y) { double p[2]; /* random sampling point */ float fov; float flen; /* focal length */ ri_vector_t v; ri_camera_t *camera; camera = ri_render_get()->context->option->camera; fov = camera->fov; flen = 1.0f / (float)tan((fov * M_PI / 180.0) * 0.5); p[0] = (randomMT() + x); p[1] = (randomMT() + y); dir->f[0] = (2.0 * p[0] - (double)pixwidth ) / (double)pixwidth; dir->f[0] *= (camera->screen_window[1] - camera->screen_window[0]) / 2; dir->f[1] = (2.0 * p[1] - (double)pixheight) / (double)pixheight; dir->f[1] *= (camera->screen_window[3] - camera->screen_window[2]) / 2; dir->f[2] = flen; dir->f[3] = 1.0f; //assert(dir->f[0] >= -1.0); //assert(dir->f[0] <= 1.0); //assert(dir->f[1] >= -1.0); //assert(dir->f[1] <= 1.0); ri_vector_transform(&v, *dir, &c2w); /* camera to world */ /* dir = v - camera.pos */ ri_vector_sub(dir, v, cam_pos); ri_vector_normalize3(dir); return 1; }
double unif_rand(){ //double value=((double)rand())/RAND_MAX; //mexPrintf("%f, RAND_MAX %d\n", value, RAND_MAX); //return value; //return ((double)rand())/RAND_MAX; return (((double)randomMT())/((double)MAX_UINT_COKUS)); }
static unsigned char sample_reflection_type(const ri_material_t *material) { unsigned char type; double d, s, t; double r; d = ri_vector_ave(material->kd); s = ri_vector_ave(material->ks); t = ri_vector_ave(material->kt); assert(d + s + t <= 1.0); r = randomMT() * (d + s + t); /* randomly choose reflection type */ if (r < d) { /* diffuse */ type = 'D'; } else if (r < d + s) { /* specular reflection */ type = 'S'; } else { /* specular refraction */ type = 'T'; } return type; }
int main(void) { int j, k; // you can seed with any uint32, but the best are odds in 0..(2^32 - 1) seedMT(4357); uint32 MAX=pow(2, 32)-1; // print the first 2,002 random numbers seven to a line as an example // for(j=0; j<2002; j++) // printf(" %10lu%s", (unsigned long) randomMT(), (j%7)==6 ? "\n" : ""); double test_val; for(k=0;k<100;k++) for(j=0; j<2000002; j++) { test_val = ((double)randomMT()/(double)MAX); if (test_val>=1.0){ printf("Problem"); return(0); } //printf(" %f%s", test_val , (j%7)==6 ? "\n" : ""); } printf("Success"); return(1); }
double rfrac(void) { /* * Return a pseudo-random value in the range { 0.0 <= x < 1.0 }. * Use randomMT() which returns a 32 bit PRN and multiply by 1/(1<<32). */ return (double) (randomMT() * 0.00000000023283064365386962890625); }
void GameState::GivePerkToPlayer(int perk, int team, bool calledFromNetwork) { int i; unsigned char perksLost[NUMBER_OF_PERKS_TO_LOSE_FROM_VICIOUS_HEX]; assert(team==1 || team==2); if (team==user->GetTeam()) { // Once we choose a perk, choose our next group of random perks FillPerksArray(); directSound->PlaySound(soundContainer->sounds[SELECTED_PERK_SOUND], false); } players[team-1].GiveUnhandledEventPerk(perk); // Handle instaneous effect perks if (perk==EARTH_ELEMENTAL) { // 10% of max castle health to damage for the opposite team DamageCastle(!(team-1), CASTLE_HEALTH/10.0f); } else if (perk==FIRE_ELEMENTAL) { // Immediately kill all enemy demons for (i=0; i < (int)demonList.size(); i++) if (demonList[i]->GetTeam() != team) demonList[i]->Die(UNKNOWN_DAMAGE, false, false); // Not necessary to send a packet for each demon dying } else if (perk==WATER_ELEMENTAL) { // Immediate full mana players[team-1].SetMana(players[team-1].GetMaxMana()); } else if (perk==AIR_ELEMENTAL && calledFromNetwork==false) // Switch teams sends the packet and switches the team manually so don't do it again here { // Half the enemy demons join your team for (i=0; i < (int)demonList.size(); i++) if (demonList[i]->GetTeam() != team && (randomMT() % 2 == 0)) demonList[i]->SwitchTeams(true); // This function is called only for the local player and from the network code, so is always a direct trigger } else if (perk==VICIOUS_HEX && calledFromNetwork==false) // Network code takes away the perks manually { // Enemy loses two perks players[!(team-1)].LosePerks(NUMBER_OF_PERKS_TO_LOSE_FROM_VICIOUS_HEX, perksLost); } else if (perk==UNHOLY_PACT) { // +3 perks, castle has 1 hp castleHealth[team-1]=1; players[team-1].SetRemainingPerks(players[team-1].GetRemainingPerks()+3); } if (team==user->GetTeam() && (rakServer->IsActive() || rakClient->IsConnected()) && calledFromNetwork==false) { // This is a trigger so send it out over the network TransmitChoosePerk(perk,perksLost[0],perksLost[1]); } }
void FullyConnectedMesh2::AssignOurFCMGuid(unsigned int responseAssignedConnectionCount) { // Only assigned once ever RakAssert(ourFCMGuid==0); unsigned int randomNumber = randomMT(); ourFCMGuid |= randomNumber; uint64_t reponse64 = responseAssignedConnectionCount; ourFCMGuid |= reponse64<<32; }
void FullyConnectedMesh2::AssignOurFCMGuid(void) { // Only assigned once ever RakAssert(ourFCMGuid==0); unsigned int randomNumber = randomMT(); randomNumber ^= (unsigned int) (RakNet::GetTimeUS() & 0xFFFFFFFF); randomNumber ^= (unsigned int) (rakPeerInterface->GetGuidFromSystemAddress(UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS).g & 0xFFFFFFFF); ourFCMGuid |= randomNumber; uint64_t reponse64 = totalConnectionCount; ourFCMGuid |= reponse64<<32; }
bool Corpus::genBinaryTrainingData( string class1) { if( !documentType) { debug( "error: document type assigned is NULL. \n"); return false; } vector<DataSample*> *trainDataVec = new vector<DataSample*>(), *testDataVec = new vector<DataSample*>(); this->documentType = documentType; // count documents to balance posi/neg examples. int doc1 = 0, docp = 0; for( int gi = 0; gi < this->newsgroupN; gi++) { for( int di = 0; di < this->D[gi]; di++) { Document* doc = documents[gi][di]; if( doc->newsgroup == class1) { doc1++; } docp++; } } int train_pos = 0, train_neg = 0, test_pos = 0, test_neg = 0; for( int gi = 0; gi < this->newsgroupN; gi++) { for( int di = 0; di < this->D[gi]; di++) { Document* doc = documents[gi][di]; if( doc->newsgroup != class1 && (double)randomMT()/(double)UINT32_MAX >= (double)doc1/(double)(docp-doc1)) // join or not, flip a coin. continue; DataSample* sample = new DataSample(); sample->W = doc->W; if( doc->W == 0) continue; sample->label = (doc->newsgroup == class1 ? 1 : -1); sample->words = doc->words; if( documentType[gi][di] == true) { // then it is training data. trainDataVec->push_back(sample); train_pos += (sample->label+1)/2; train_neg += (1-sample->label)/2; }else{ testDataVec->push_back(sample); test_pos += (sample->label+1)/2; test_neg += (1-sample->label)/2; } } } debug( "Binary Training [%s], train split:%d/%d, test split:%d/%d\n", class1.c_str(), train_pos, train_neg, test_pos, test_neg); this->trainData = &trainDataVec->at(0); this->trainDataSize = trainDataVec->size(); this->testData = &testDataVec->at(0); this->testDataSize = testDataVec->size(); this->documentType = documentType; return true; }
void ri_random_vector_cosweight( ri_vector_t v_out, const ri_vector_t n) { double theta, phi; ri_vector_t tn, bn, nn; ri_vector_t tb; calc_tangent_and_binormal(tn, bn, n); theta = acos(sqrt(1.0 - randomMT())); phi = 2.0 * M_PI * randomMT(); ri_vector_copy(nn, n); /* D = T*cos(phi)*sin(theta) + B*sin(phi)*sin(theta) + N*cos(theta) */ ri_vector_scale(tn, tn, cos(phi) * sin(theta)); ri_vector_scale(bn, bn, sin(phi) * sin(theta)); ri_vector_scale(nn, nn, cos(theta)); ri_vector_add(tb, tn, bn); ri_vector_add(v_out, tb, nn); }
bool RakServer::Start( unsigned short AllowedPlayers, unsigned long connectionValidationInteger, int threadSleepTimer, unsigned short port ) { bool init; RakPeer::Disconnect( 30L ); init = RakPeer::Initialize( AllowedPlayers, port, threadSleepTimer ); RakPeer::SetMaximumIncomingConnections( AllowedPlayers ); // Random number seed long time = RakNet::GetTime(); seedMT( time ); seed = randomMT(); if ( seed % 2 == 0 ) // Even seed--; // make odd nextSeed = randomMT(); if ( nextSeed % 2 == 0 ) // Even nextSeed--; // make odd return init; }
bool RakServer::Start( unsigned short AllowedPlayers, unsigned int depreciated, int threadSleepTimer, unsigned short port, const char *forceHostAddress ) { bool init; RakPeer::Disconnect( 30 ); init = RakPeer::Initialize( AllowedPlayers, port, threadSleepTimer, forceHostAddress ); RakPeer::SetMaximumIncomingConnections( AllowedPlayers ); // Random number seed long time = RakNet::GetTime(); seedMT( time ); seed = randomMT(); if ( seed % 2 == 0 ) // Even seed--; // make odd nextSeed = randomMT(); if ( nextSeed % 2 == 0 ) // Even nextSeed--; // make odd return init; }
void SystemAddressList::RandomizeOrder(void) { unsigned index, size, randIndex; SystemAddress temp; size = systemList.Size(); for (index=0; index < size; index++) { randIndex=index + (randomMT() % (size-index)); if (randIndex!=index) { temp=systemList[index]; systemList[index]=systemList[randIndex]; systemList[randIndex]=temp; } } }
// Fill the output array with up to NUMBER_OF_PERKS_TO_DRAW perks you can still select and return how much of the array was filled. int Player::GetUnusedPerks(int output[NUMBER_OF_PERKS_TO_DRAW]) { int outputIndex=0, numberOfUnusedPerks; numberOfUnusedPerks = GetNumberOfUnusedPerks(); if (numberOfUnusedPerks <= NUMBER_OF_PERKS_TO_DRAW) { // Just return all the remaining perks for (int i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_PERKS; i++) { if (hasPerk[i]==false) { output[outputIndex++]=i; if (outputIndex==NUMBER_OF_PERKS_TO_DRAW) break; } } } else // We have more perks available than we want to pick { // Randomly pick NUMBER_OF_PERKS_TO_DRAW. This is not the most efficient way to do it but it doesn't matter in this situation while (outputIndex < NUMBER_OF_PERKS_TO_DRAW) { do { // Pick one output[outputIndex] = randomMT() % NUMBER_OF_PERKS; } while (hasPerk[output[outputIndex]]==true); // If it is already used pick again hasPerk[output[outputIndex]]=true; // Temporarily set to true so we don't pick it twice outputIndex++; } // Set the ones we temporarily set to true to false again for (int i=0; i < outputIndex; i++) hasPerk[output[i]]=false; } return outputIndex; }
// Lose some number of perks void Player::LosePerks(int numberOfPerksToLose, unsigned char perksLost[]) { assert(numberOfPerksToLose>0); int index,perksLostIndex=0; int numberOfLosablePerks = GetNumberOfLosablePerks(); if (numberOfLosablePerks <= numberOfPerksToLose) { // Just go down the array and set all perks to false // Just return all the remaining perks for (int i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_PERKS; i++) { if (perkLosable[i]) { if (hasPerk[i]==true) { hasPerk[i]=false; assert(perksLostIndex < numberOfPerksToLose); perksLost[perksLostIndex++]=i; } } } } else { // Keep picking among losable perks until we hit the desired amount // Randomly pick NUMBER_OF_PERKS_TO_DRAW. This is not the most efficient way to do it but it doesn't matter in this situation while (numberOfPerksToLose>0) { do { // Pick one index = randomMT() % NUMBER_OF_PERKS; } while (hasPerk[index]==false || perkLosable[index]==false); // If we cannot lose this perk because it is not losable or we don't have it pick again hasPerk[index]=false; assert(perksLostIndex < numberOfPerksToLose); perksLost[perksLostIndex++]=index; numberOfPerksToLose--; } } }
/* * russian roulette to choose whether continue tracing or not according to * surface material. * return 1 for continue, return 0 not. * */ static int russian_roulette(const ri_material_t *material) { double d, s, t; double r; r = randomMT(); d = ri_vector_ave(material->kd); s = ri_vector_ave(material->ks); t = ri_vector_ave(material->kt); assert(d + s + t <= 1.0); if (r > d + s + t) { /* reject */ return 0; } return 1; }
bool Corpus::genTrainingDataRandom( double percent) { // srand( (unsigned)time( NULL)); vector<DataSample*> *trainDataVec = new vector<DataSample*>(), *testDataVec = new vector<DataSample*>(); if( percent < 0 || percent > 1) { debug( "error: random percentage is out of range [0,1].\n"); return false; } if( documentType != NULL) { // clean document type. for( int i = 0; i < newsgroupN; i++) { if( documentType[i] != NULL) delete documentType[i]; } delete documentType; } documentType = new bool*[newsgroupN]; for( int gi = 0; gi < this->newsgroupN; gi++) { documentType[gi] = new bool[D[gi]]; for( int di = 0; di < D[gi]; di++) { double proposed = (double)(randomMT()%1000000)/1000000.0; Document* doc = documents[gi][di]; DataSample* sample = new DataSample(); sample->W = doc->W; sample->label = gi; sample->words = doc->words; if( proposed <= percent) {// give to training. documentType[gi][di] = true; trainDataVec->push_back(sample); }else{ documentType[gi][di] = false; testDataVec->push_back(sample); } } } if( this->trainData != 0) delete[] trainData; if( this->testData != 0) delete[] testData; this->trainData = &trainDataVec->at(0); this->trainDataSize = trainDataVec->size(); this->testData = &testDataVec->at(0); this->testDataSize = testDataVec->size(); return true; }
// Function name : StrangeLivingCreature::StrangeLivingCreature // Description : // Return type : // Argument : StrangeNNGene* aGene StrangeLivingCreature::StrangeLivingCreature( StrangeNNGene* aGene ) : gene_( aGene ) , spawnCount_( 0 ) , feedCount_( 0 ) , angle_( randomMT() % 360 ) , eyeRadius_( 50 ) , eyeAngle_( 45 ) , xLevel_( 0 ) , yLevel_( 0 ) , angleLevel_( 0 ) , eyeRadiusLevel_( 0 ) , eyeAngleLevel_( 0 ) , bodyRadius_( MIN_BODY_RADIUS ) , bodyRadiusLevel_( 0 ) , angleChange_( 0 ) { // Construct the brain if ( gene_.get() != NULL ) brain_.reset(new StrangeNeuralNetwork( gene_.get() )); }
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { mwSize Lenx; mwIndex i, j, ij; double *x, *RND, *Lsum, *prob; double maxx, r; Lenx = mxGetM(prhs[0])*mxGetN(prhs[0]); x = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); r = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL); Lsum = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); if(nrhs>=3) RND = mxGetPr(prhs[2]); if(nrhs>=4) maxx = mxGetScalar(prhs[3]); else for(i=0, maxx=0;i<Lenx;i++) if (maxx<x[i]) maxx = x[i]; prob = (double *) mxCalloc(maxx, sizeof(double)); for(i=0;i<maxx;i++) prob[i] = r/(r+i); for(ij=0, i=0, Lsum[0]=0;i<Lenx;i++) for(j=0;j<x[i];j++) { if(nrhs<3) { /*if ( ((double) randomMT() / (double) 4294967296.0) <prob[j]) Lsum[0]++;*/ if ((double) randomMT() <= prob[j]*RAND_MAX_32) Lsum[0]++; /*if ( (double) rand() <= prob[j]*RAND_MAX) Lsum[0]++;*/ } else { if (RND[ij++]<=prob[j]) Lsum[0]++; } } }
integer randint(integer maxval) { /* Generates a random integer x where 1<=X<=MAXVAL -RAK- */ integer r = 0; if (maxval) { #if USE_MTWIST r = ((randomMT() % maxval) + 1); #else r = ((rand() % maxval) + 1); #endif } /* #if DO_DEBUG fprintf(debug_file, " rand: %ld\t(%ld)\n", r, maxval); fflush(debug_file); #endif */ return r; };
double unif_rand(){ return (((double)randomMT())/((double)MAX_UINT_COKUS)); }
Packet* RakServer::Receive( void ) { Packet * packet = RakPeer::Receive(); // This is just a regular time based update. Nowhere else good to put it if ( RakPeer::IsActive() && occasionalPing ) { unsigned int time = RakNet::GetTime(); if ( time > broadcastPingsTime || ( packet && packet->data[ 0 ] == ID_RECEIVED_STATIC_DATA ) ) { if ( time > broadcastPingsTime ) broadcastPingsTime = time + 30000; // Broadcast pings every 30 seconds unsigned i, count; RemoteSystemStruct *remoteSystem; RakNet::BitStream bitStream( ( PlayerID_Size + sizeof( short ) ) * 32 + sizeof(unsigned char) ); unsigned char typeId = ID_BROADCAST_PINGS; bitStream.Write( typeId ); for ( i = 0, count = 0; count < 32 && i < remoteSystemListSize; i++ ) { remoteSystem = remoteSystemList + i; if ( remoteSystem->playerId != UNASSIGNED_PLAYER_ID ) { bitStream.Write( remoteSystem->playerId.binaryAddress ); bitStream.Write( remoteSystem->playerId.port ); bitStream.Write( remoteSystem->pingAndClockDifferential[ remoteSystem->pingAndClockDifferentialWriteIndex ].pingTime ); count++; } } if ( count > 0 ) // If we wrote anything { if ( packet && packet->data[ 0 ] == ID_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION ) // If this was a new connection Send( &bitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, packet->playerId, false ); // Send to the new connection else Send( &bitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, UNASSIGNED_PLAYER_ID, true ); // Send to everyone } } } // This is just a regular time based update. Nowhere else good to put it if ( RakPeer::IsActive() && synchronizedRandomInteger ) { unsigned int time = RakNet::GetTime(); if ( time > nextSeedUpdate || ( packet && packet->data[ 0 ] == ID_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION ) ) { if ( time > nextSeedUpdate ) nextSeedUpdate = time + 9000; // Seeds are updated every 9 seconds seed = nextSeed; nextSeed = randomMT(); if ( nextSeed % 2 == 0 ) // Even nextSeed--; // make odd /* SetRandomNumberSeedStruct s; s.ts = ID_TIMESTAMP; s.timeStamp = RakNet::GetTime(); s.typeId = ID_SET_RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED; s.seed = seed; s.nextSeed = nextSeed; RakNet::BitStream s_BitS( SetRandomNumberSeedStruct_Size ); s.Serialize( s_BitS ); */ RakNet::BitStream outBitStream(sizeof(unsigned char)+sizeof(unsigned int)+sizeof(unsigned char)+sizeof(unsigned int)+sizeof(unsigned int)); outBitStream.Write((unsigned char) ID_TIMESTAMP); outBitStream.Write((unsigned int) RakNet::GetTime()); outBitStream.Write((unsigned char) ID_SET_RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED); outBitStream.Write(seed); outBitStream.Write(nextSeed); if ( packet && packet->data[ 0 ] == ID_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION ) Send( &outBitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, packet->playerId, false ); else Send( &outBitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, UNASSIGNED_PLAYER_ID, true ); } } if ( packet ) { // Intercept specific client / server feature packets. This will do an extra send and still pass on the data to the user if ( packet->data[ 0 ] == ID_RECEIVED_STATIC_DATA ) { if ( relayStaticClientData ) { // Relay static data to the other systems but the sender RakNet::BitStream bitStream( packet->length + PlayerID_Size ); unsigned char typeId = ID_REMOTE_STATIC_DATA; bitStream.Write( typeId ); bitStream.Write( packet->playerId.binaryAddress ); bitStream.Write( packet->playerId.port ); bitStream.Write( packet->playerIndex ); bitStream.Write( ( char* ) packet->data + sizeof(unsigned char), packet->length - sizeof(unsigned char) ); Send( &bitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, packet->playerId, true ); } } else if ( packet->data[ 0 ] == ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION || packet->data[ 0 ] == ID_CONNECTION_LOST || packet->data[ 0 ] == ID_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION ) { // Relay the disconnection RakNet::BitStream bitStream( packet->length + PlayerID_Size ); unsigned char typeId; if ( packet->data[ 0 ] == ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION ) typeId = ID_REMOTE_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION; else if ( packet->data[ 0 ] == ID_CONNECTION_LOST ) typeId = ID_REMOTE_CONNECTION_LOST; else typeId = ID_REMOTE_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION; bitStream.Write( typeId ); bitStream.Write( packet->playerId.binaryAddress ); bitStream.Write( packet->playerId.port ); bitStream.Write( ( unsigned short& ) packet->playerIndex ); Send( &bitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, packet->playerId, true ); if ( packet->data[ 0 ] == ID_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION ) { unsigned i; for ( i = 0; i < remoteSystemListSize; i++ ) { if ( remoteSystemList[ i ].playerId != UNASSIGNED_PLAYER_ID && packet->playerId != remoteSystemList[ i ].playerId ) { bitStream.Reset(); typeId = ID_REMOTE_EXISTING_CONNECTION; bitStream.Write( typeId ); bitStream.Write( remoteSystemList[ i ].playerId.binaryAddress ); bitStream.Write( remoteSystemList[ i ].playerId.port ); bitStream.Write( ( unsigned short ) i ); // One send to tell them of the connection Send( &bitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, packet->playerId, false ); if ( relayStaticClientData ) { bitStream.Reset(); typeId = ID_REMOTE_STATIC_DATA; bitStream.Write( typeId ); bitStream.Write( remoteSystemList[ i ].playerId.binaryAddress ); bitStream.Write( remoteSystemList[ i ].playerId.port ); bitStream.Write( (unsigned short) i ); bitStream.Write( ( char* ) remoteSystemList[ i ].staticData.GetData(), remoteSystemList[ i ].staticData.GetNumberOfBytesUsed() ); // Another send to tell them of the static data Send( &bitStream, SYSTEM_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, packet->playerId, false ); } } } } } } return packet; }
void GibbsSamplerLDA( double ALPHA, double BETA, int W, int T, int D, int NN, int OUTPUT, int n, int *z, int *d, int *w, int *wp, int *ztot, int *order, double *probs, int startcond, mwIndex *irtd, mwIndex *jctd, double *srdp, mwIndex *irdp, mwIndex *jcdp ) { int wi,di,i,ii,j,topic, rp, temp, iter, wioffset, dioffset, rowindex, TAVAIL; int n1,n2,ftopic; double totprob, WBETA, r, max; if (startcond == 1) { /* start from previously saved state */ for (i=0; i<n; i++) { wi = w[ i ]; di = d[ i ]; topic = z[ i ]; wp[ wi*T + topic ]++; // increment wp count matrix // increment sparse dp count matrix n1 = (int) *( jcdp + di ); n2 = (int) *( jcdp + di + 1 ); TAVAIL = (n2-n1); ftopic = -1; rowindex = -1; while ((ftopic != topic) & (rowindex < TAVAIL-1)) { rowindex++; ftopic = (int) *( irdp + n1 + rowindex ); } if (ftopic != topic) mexErrMsgTxt("Error....(10)"); srdp[ n1 + rowindex ]++; ztot[ topic ]++; // increment ztot matrix } } if (startcond == 0) { /* random initialization */ if (OUTPUT==2) mexPrintf( "Starting Random initialization\n" ); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { wi = w[ i ]; di = d[ i ]; // what are the available tags? // look up the start and end index for tags associated with this document n1 = (int) *( jctd + di ); n2 = (int) *( jctd + di + 1 ); TAVAIL = (n2-n1); // pick a random topic 0..TAVAIL-1 rowindex = (int) ( (double) randomMT() * (double) TAVAIL / (double) (4294967296.0 + 1.0) ); // convert into a tag topic = (int) *( irtd + n1 + rowindex ); z[ i ] = topic; // assign this word token to this topic wp[ wi*T + topic ]++; // increment wp count matrix ztot[ topic ]++; // increment ztot matrix // increment sparse dp count matrix n1 = (int) *( jcdp + di ); n2 = (int) *( jcdp + di + 1 ); TAVAIL = (n2-n1); ftopic = -1; rowindex = -1; while ((ftopic != topic) & (rowindex < TAVAIL-1)) { rowindex++; ftopic = (int) *( irdp + n1 + rowindex ); } if (ftopic != topic) { mexPrintf( "n1 = %d n2=%d\n" , n1 , n2 ); mexPrintf( "n1 = %d n2=%d (TD)\n" , (int) *( jctd + di ) , (int) *( jctd + di + 1 ) ); mexPrintf( "TAVAIL=%d rowindex=%d topic=%d di=%d\n" , TAVAIL , rowindex , topic , di); for (rowindex=0; rowindex < TAVAIL; rowindex++) { mexPrintf( "rowindex=%d topic=%d topic2=%d \n" , rowindex , (int) *( irdp + n1 + rowindex ) , (int) *( irtd + n1 + rowindex )); } mexErrMsgTxt("Error....(11)"); } srdp[ n1 + rowindex ]++; } } if (OUTPUT==2) mexPrintf( "Determining random order update sequence\n" ); for (i=0; i<n; i++) order[i]=i; // fill with increasing series for (i=0; i<(n-1); i++) { // pick a random integer between i and nw rp = i + (int) ((double) (n-i) * (double) randomMT() / (double) (4294967296.0 + 1.0)); // switch contents on position i and position rp temp = order[rp]; order[rp]=order[i]; order[i]=temp; } //for (i=0; i<n; i++) mexPrintf( "i=%3d order[i]=%3d\n" , i , order[ i ] ); WBETA = (double) (W*BETA); for (iter=0; iter<NN; iter++) { if (OUTPUT >=1) { if ((iter % 10)==0) mexPrintf( "\tIteration %d of %d\n" , iter , NN ); if ((iter % 10)==0) mexEvalString("drawnow;"); } for (ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) { i = order[ ii ]; // current word token to assess wi = w[i]; // current word index di = d[i]; // current document index topic = z[i]; // current topic assignment to word token ztot[topic]--; // substract this from counts wioffset = wi*T; dioffset = di*T; wp[wioffset+topic]--; // decrement sparse dp count matrix n1 = (int) *( jcdp + di ); n2 = (int) *( jcdp + di + 1 ); TAVAIL = (n2-n1); ftopic = -1; rowindex = -1; while ((ftopic != topic) & (rowindex < TAVAIL-1)) { rowindex++; ftopic = (int) *( irdp + n1 + rowindex ); } if (ftopic != topic) mexErrMsgTxt("Error....(12)"); srdp[ n1 + rowindex ]--; //mexPrintf( "(1) Working on ii=%d i=%d wi=%d di=%d topic=%d wp=%d dp=%d\n" , ii , i , wi , di , topic , wp[wi+topic*W] , dp[wi+topic*D] ); n1 = (int) *( jctd + di ); n2 = (int) *( jctd + di + 1 ); TAVAIL = (n2-n1); totprob = (double) 0; for (j = 0; j < TAVAIL; j++) { topic = (int) *( irtd + n1 + j ); probs[j] = ((double) wp[ wioffset+topic ] + (double) BETA)/ ( (double) ztot[topic]+ (double) WBETA) * ( (double) srdp[ n1 + j ] + (double) ALPHA / (double) TAVAIL); totprob += probs[j]; } // sample a topic from the distribution r = (double) totprob * (double) randomMT() / (double) 4294967296.0; max = probs[0]; j = 0; while (r>max) { j++; max += probs[j]; } if (j>=TAVAIL) mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong value sampled"); topic = (int) *( irtd + n1 + j ); z[i] = topic; // assign current word token i to topic j wp[wioffset + topic ]++; // and update counts ztot[topic]++; // increment sparse dp count matrix n1 = (int) *( jcdp + di ); n2 = (int) *( jcdp + di + 1 ); TAVAIL = (n2-n1); ftopic = -1; rowindex = -1; while ((ftopic != topic) & (rowindex < TAVAIL-1)) { rowindex++; ftopic = (int) *( irdp + n1 + rowindex ); } if (ftopic != topic) mexErrMsgTxt("Error....(13)"); srdp[ n1 + rowindex ]++; //mexPrintf( "(2) Working on ii=%d i=%d wi=%d di=%d topic=%d wp=%d dp=%d\n" , ii , i , wi , di , topic , wp[wi+topic*W] , dp[wi+topic*D] ); } } }
static void make_seed(unsigned int * output, std::size_t n) { if(!urandom || fread(output, sizeof(unsigned int), n, urandom) < n) loopi(n) output[i] = randomMT(); }
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { double *PQ0, *PQ1, *PQ2, *GAMMA, *X, *XD, *PQ, *probs; double totweight, sumlogprob, pwz, pwd, pwc, proute0, proute1, proute2, prob, rn, max; int *dims, *x, *xtot; int NQ, D, BURNIN, S, NS, NN, LAG, SEED, OUTPUT, i, iter, d, route, r, oldroute, newroute; // Check for proper number of arguments. if (nrhs < 9) { mexErrMsgTxt("At least 9 input arguments required"); } else if (nlhs < 3) { mexErrMsgTxt("3 output arguments required"); } // process the input arguments if (mxIsDouble( prhs[ 0 ] ) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("PQ0 input matrix must be a double precision matrix"); if (mxIsDouble( prhs[ 1 ] ) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("PQ1 input matrix must be a double precision matrix"); if (mxIsDouble( prhs[ 2 ] ) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("PQ2 input matrix must be a double precision matrix"); if (mxIsDouble( prhs[ 3 ] ) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("GAMMA input vector must be a double precision matrix"); // pointer to PQ0 matrix PQ0 = mxGetPr( prhs[ 0 ] ); NQ = mxGetM( prhs[ 0 ] ); D = mxGetN( prhs[ 0 ] ); // pointer to PQ1 matrix PQ1 = mxGetPr( prhs[ 1 ] ); if ( mxGetM( prhs[ 1 ] ) != NQ ) mexErrMsgTxt("PQ1 matrix should have same dimensions as PQ0 matrix"); if ( mxGetN( prhs[ 1 ] ) != D ) mexErrMsgTxt("PQ1 matrix should have same dimensions as PQ0 matrix"); // pointer to PQ2 matrix PQ2 = mxGetPr( prhs[ 2 ] ); if ( mxGetM( prhs[ 2 ] ) != 1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("PQ2 matrix should be a row vector"); if ( mxGetN( prhs[ 2 ] ) != NQ ) mexErrMsgTxt("PQ2 matrix should same number of query words as PQ0 matrix"); // pointer to gamma hyperparameter vector GAMMA = mxGetPr( prhs[ 3 ] ); if ( mxGetM( prhs[ 3 ] ) != 1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("GAMMA input vector must be a row vector"); if ( mxGetN( prhs[ 3 ] ) != 3 ) mexErrMsgTxt("GAMMA input vector must have three entries"); BURNIN = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[4]); if (BURNIN<1) mexErrMsgTxt("Number of burnin iterations must be positive"); NS = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[5]); if (NS<1) mexErrMsgTxt("Number of samples must be greater than zero"); LAG = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[6]); if (LAG<1) mexErrMsgTxt("Lag must be greater than zero"); // seeding SEED = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[7]); seedMT( 1 + SEED * 2 ); // seeding only works on uneven numbers OUTPUT = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[8]); // create output matrices plhs[ 0 ] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( D , 3, mxREAL ); X = mxGetPr( plhs[ 0 ] ); dims = (int *) mxCalloc( 3 , sizeof( int )); dims[ 0 ] = D; dims[ 1 ] = 3; dims[ 2 ] = NQ; plhs[ 1 ] = mxCreateNumericArray( 3,dims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS,mxREAL); XD = mxGetPr( plhs[ 1 ] ); plhs[ 2 ] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( NQ , D, mxREAL ); PQ = mxGetPr( plhs[ 2 ] ); if (OUTPUT==2) { mexPrintf( "Running Special Word Retrieval Gibbs Sampler Version 1.0\n" ); mexPrintf( "Arguments:\n" ); mexPrintf( "\tNumber of docs D = %d\n" , D ); mexPrintf( "\tNumber of query words NQ = %d\n" , NQ ); mexPrintf( "\tHyperparameter GAMMA0 = %4.4f\n" , GAMMA[0] ); mexPrintf( "\tHyperparameter GAMMA1 = %4.4f\n" , GAMMA[1] ); mexPrintf( "\tHyperparameter GAMMA2 = %4.4f\n" , GAMMA[2] ); mexPrintf( "\tSeed number SEED = %d\n" , SEED ); mexPrintf( "\tBurnin BURNIN = %d\n" , BURNIN ); mexPrintf( "\tNumber of samples NS = %d\n" , NS ); mexPrintf( "\tLag between samples LAG = %d\n" , LAG ); } // allocate memory for sampling arrays x = (int *) mxCalloc( NQ * D , sizeof( int )); xtot = (int *) mxCalloc( 3 * D , sizeof( int )); probs = (double *) mxCalloc( 3 , sizeof( double )); // initialize the sampler for (d=0; d<D; d++) { for (i=0; i<NQ; i++) { // pick a random route between 0 and 2 route = (int) ( (double) randomMT() * (double) 3 / (double) (4294967296.0 + 1.0) ); // assign this query word to this route x[ i + d * NQ ] = route; // update total xtot[ route + d * 3 ] += 1; //if (d<5) mexPrintf( "d=%d i=%d route=%d\n" , d , i , route ); } } // RUN THE GIBBS SAMPLER NN = BURNIN + NS * LAG - LAG + 1; S = 0; for (iter=0; iter<NN; iter++) { if (OUTPUT >=1) { if ((iter % 10)==0) mexPrintf( "\tIteration %d of %d\n" , iter , NN ); if ((iter % 10)==0) mexEvalString("drawnow;"); } // do an iteration for (d=0; d<D; d++) // loop over all docs { for (i=0; i<NQ; i++) // loop over all words in query { oldroute = x[ i + d * NQ ]; xtot[ oldroute + d * 3 ]--; // subtract this from the counts pwz = PQ0[ i + d * NQ ]; pwd = PQ1[ i + d * NQ ]; pwc = PQ2[ i ]; probs[ 0 ] = ((double) xtot[ 0 + d * 3 ] + (double) GAMMA[ 0 ] ) * pwz; probs[ 1 ] = ((double) xtot[ 1 + d * 3 ] + (double) GAMMA[ 1 ] ) * pwd; probs[ 2 ] = ((double) xtot[ 2 + d * 3 ] + (double) GAMMA[ 2 ] ) * pwc; totweight = probs[ 0 ] + probs[ 1 ] + probs[ 2 ]; // sample a route from this distribution rn = (double) totweight * (double) randomMT() / (double) 4294967296.0; max = probs[0]; newroute = 0; while (rn>max) { newroute++; max += probs[newroute]; } x[ i + d * NQ ] = newroute; xtot[ newroute + d * 3 ]++; // add this to the counts } } if ((iter >= BURNIN) && (((iter - BURNIN) % LAG) == 0)) { S++; if (OUTPUT >=1) { //mexPrintf( "\tDrawing sample %d of %d\n" , S , NS ); //mexEvalString("drawnow;"); } // update the return variables with the new counts for (d=0; d<D; d++) { X[ d + 0 * D ] += (double) xtot[ 0 + d * 3 ] + GAMMA[ 0 ]; X[ d + 1 * D ] += (double) xtot[ 1 + d * 3 ] + GAMMA[ 1 ]; X[ d + 2 * D ] += (double) xtot[ 2 + d * 3 ] + GAMMA[ 2 ]; for (i=0; i<NQ; i++) { route = x[ i + d * NQ ]; // current route assignment for (r=0; r<3; r++) { if (r==route) { XD[ d + r*D + i*D*3 ] += (double) 1 + GAMMA[ r ]; // D x 3 x NQ } else { XD[ d + r*D + i*D*3 ] += (double) GAMMA[ r ]; // D x 3 x NQ } } } } } } // NOW CALCULATE PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS for (d=0; d<D; d++) { totweight = 0; for (route=0; route<3; route++) totweight += X[ d + route * D ]; for (route=0; route<3; route++) X[ d + route * D ] /= totweight; for (i=0; i<NQ; i++) { totweight = 0; for (route=0; route<3; route++) totweight += XD[ d + route*D + i*D*3 ]; for (route=0; route<3; route++) XD[ d + route*D + i*D*3 ] /= totweight; } } // NOW CALCULATE RETRIEVAL PROBABILITY for (d=0; d<D; d++) { // the following is correct with a model that has lambda outside the plate -- one route probability for each query proute0 = X[ d + 0 * D ]; proute1 = X[ d + 1 * D ]; proute2 = X[ d + 2 * D ]; for (i=0; i<NQ; i++) { // the following is correct with a model that has lambda inside the plate -- a separate probability for each word //proute0 = XD[ d + 0 * D + i * D * 3 ]; //proute1 = XD[ d + 1 * D + i * D * 3 ]; //proute2 = XD[ d + 2 * D + i * D * 3 ]; pwz = PQ0[ i + d * NQ ]; pwd = PQ1[ i + d * NQ ]; pwc = PQ2[ i ]; prob = proute0 * pwz + proute1 * pwd + proute2 * pwc; PQ[ i + d * NQ ] = prob; //if (d<5) mexPrintf( "d=%d i=%d prob=%4.7f logprob=%4.7f p0=%4.5f p1=%4.5f p2=%4.5f pwz=%4.5f pwd=%4.5f pwc=%4.5f\n" , d , i , prob , sumlogprob , proute0 , proute1 , proute2 , pwz , pwd , pwc ); } //if (d<5) mexPrintf( "d=%d logprob=%4.4f\n" , d , sumlogprob ); } }
char ProfanityFilter::RandomBanChar() { return BANCHARS[randomMT() % (sizeof(BANCHARS) - 1)]; }
int ReliableOrderedConvertedTest::RunTest(DataStructures::List<RakString> params,bool isVerbose,bool noPauses) { RakPeerInterface *sender, *receiver; unsigned int packetNumberSender[32],packetNumberReceiver[32], receivedPacketNumberReceiver, receivedTimeReceiver; char str[256]; char ip[32]; TimeMS sendInterval, nextSend, currentTime, quitTime; unsigned short remotePort, localPort; unsigned char streamNumberSender,streamNumberReceiver; BitStream bitStream; Packet *packet; bool doSend=false; for (int i=0; i < 32; i++) { packetNumberSender[i]=0; packetNumberReceiver[i]=0; } /* if (argc==2) { fp = fopen(argv[1],"wt"); SetMalloc_Ex(LoggedMalloc); SetRealloc_Ex(LoggedRealloc); SetFree_Ex(LoggedFree); } else */ fp=0; destroyList.Clear(false,_FILE_AND_LINE_); sender =RakPeerInterface::GetInstance(); destroyList.Push( sender ,_FILE_AND_LINE_); //sender->ApplyNetworkSimulator(.02, 100, 50); /* if (str[0]==0) sendInterval=30; else sendInterval=atoi(str);*///possible future params sendInterval=30; /* printf("Enter remote IP: "); Gets(ip, sizeof(ip)); if (ip[0]==0)*/ strcpy(ip, ""); /* printf("Enter remote port: "); Gets(str, sizeof(str)); if (str[0]==0)*/ strcpy(str, "60000"); remotePort=atoi(str); /* printf("Enter local port: "); Gets(str, sizeof(str)); if (str[0]==0)*/ strcpy(str, "0"); localPort=atoi(str); if (isVerbose) printf("Connecting...\n"); sender->Startup(1, &SocketDescriptor(localPort,0), 1); sender->Connect(ip, remotePort, 0, 0); receiver =RakPeerInterface::GetInstance(); destroyList.Push( receiver ,_FILE_AND_LINE_); /* printf("Enter local port: "); Gets(str, sizeof(str)); if (str[0]==0)*/ strcpy(str, "60000"); localPort=atoi(str); if (isVerbose) printf("Waiting for connections...\n"); receiver->Startup(32, &SocketDescriptor(localPort,0), 1); receiver->SetMaximumIncomingConnections(32); // if (sender) // sender->ApplyNetworkSimulator(128000, 50, 100); // if (receiver) // receiver->ApplyNetworkSimulator(128000, 50, 100); /*printf("How long to run this test for, in seconds?\n"); Gets(str, sizeof(str)); if (str[0]==0)*/ strcpy(str, "12"); currentTime = GetTimeMS(); quitTime = atoi(str) * 1000 + currentTime; nextSend=currentTime; while (currentTime < quitTime) //while (1) { packet = sender->Receive(); while (packet) { // PARSE TYPES switch(packet->data[0]) { case ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED: if (isVerbose) printf("ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED\n"); doSend=true; nextSend=currentTime; break; case ID_NO_FREE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS: if (isVerbose) printf("ID_NO_FREE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS\n"); break; case ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: if (isVerbose) printf("ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION\n"); break; case ID_CONNECTION_LOST: if (isVerbose) printf("ID_CONNECTION_LOST\n"); break; case ID_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED: if (isVerbose) printf("Connection attempt failed\n"); break; } sender->DeallocatePacket(packet); packet = sender->Receive(); } while (doSend && currentTime > nextSend) { streamNumberSender=0; // streamNumber = randomMT() % 32; // Do the send bitStream.Reset(); bitStream.Write((unsigned char) (ID_USER_PACKET_ENUM+1)); bitStream.Write(packetNumberSender[streamNumberSender]++); bitStream.Write(streamNumberSender); bitStream.Write(currentTime); char *pad; int padLength = (randomMT() % 5000) + 1; pad = new char [padLength]; bitStream.Write(pad, padLength); delete [] pad; // Send on a random priority with a random stream // if (sender->Send(&bitStream, HIGH_PRIORITY, (PacketReliability) (RELIABLE + (randomMT() %2)) ,streamNumber, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, true)==false) if (sender->Send(&bitStream, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE_ORDERED ,streamNumberSender, UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, true)==false) packetNumberSender[streamNumberSender]--; // Didn't finish connecting yet? RakNetStatistics *rssSender; rssSender=sender->GetStatistics(sender->GetSystemAddressFromIndex(0)); if (isVerbose) printf("Snd: %i.\n", packetNumberSender[streamNumberSender]); nextSend+=sendInterval; // Test halting // if (rand()%20==0) // nextSend+=1000; } packet = receiver->Receive(); while (packet) { switch(packet->data[0]) { case ID_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION: if (isVerbose) printf("ID_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION\n"); break; case ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: if (isVerbose) printf("ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION\n"); break; case ID_CONNECTION_LOST: if (isVerbose) printf("ID_CONNECTION_LOST\n"); break; case ID_USER_PACKET_ENUM+1: bitStream.Reset(); bitStream.Write((char*)packet->data, packet->length); bitStream.IgnoreBits(8); // Ignore ID_USER_PACKET_ENUM+1 bitStream.Read(receivedPacketNumberReceiver); bitStream.Read(streamNumberReceiver); bitStream.Read(receivedTimeReceiver); if (receivedPacketNumberReceiver!=packetNumberReceiver[streamNumberReceiver]) { //WARNING: If you modify the below code make sure the whole string remains in bounds, sprintf will NOT do it for you. //The error string is 512 in length //Note: Removed buffer checking because chance is insignificant, left code if wanted in future. Needs limits.h ISO C standard. /* int maxIntWorkingCopy= INT_MAX; int maxIntCharLen =0; while (maxIntWorkingCopy>0) {maxIntCharLen++; maxIntWorkingCopy/=10; } if (strlen(lastError)>maxIntCharLen* 3 +27)//512 should be a good len for now {*/ sprintf(lastError,"Expecting %i got %i (channel %i).",packetNumberReceiver[streamNumberReceiver], receivedPacketNumberReceiver, streamNumberReceiver); /* } else { sprintf(lastError,"Did not get what was expected. More details can be given if the error string buffer size is increased."); }*/ if (isVerbose) { RakNetStatistics *rssSender,*rssReceiver; char message[2048]; rssSender=sender->GetStatistics(sender->GetSystemAddressFromIndex(0)); rssReceiver=receiver->GetStatistics(receiver->GetSystemAddressFromIndex(0)); StatisticsToString(rssSender, message, 2); printf("Server stats %s\n", message); StatisticsToString(rssReceiver, message, 2); printf("Client stats%s", message); DebugTools::ShowError(lastError,!noPauses && isVerbose,__LINE__,__FILE__); } return 1; } else if (isVerbose) { printf("Got %i.Channel %i.Len %i.", packetNumberReceiver[streamNumberReceiver], streamNumberReceiver, packet->length); printf("Sent=%u Received=%u Diff=%i.\n", receivedTimeReceiver, currentTime, (int)currentTime - (int) receivedTimeReceiver); } packetNumberReceiver[streamNumberReceiver]++; break; } receiver->DeallocatePacket(packet); packet = receiver->Receive(); } RakSleep(0); currentTime=GetTimeMS(); } if (isVerbose) { RakNetStatistics *rssSender,*rssReceiver; char message[2048]; rssSender=sender->GetStatistics(sender->GetSystemAddressFromIndex(0)); rssReceiver=receiver->GetStatistics(receiver->GetSystemAddressFromIndex(0)); StatisticsToString(rssSender, message, 2); printf("Server stats %s\n", message); StatisticsToString(rssReceiver, message, 2); printf("Client stats%s", message); } if (fp) fclose(fp); return 0; }