コード例 #1
ファイル: psm.c プロジェクト: jiamacs/rhype
static sval
psm_l_to_r(struct logical_chunk_info *lci, uval laddr, uval size)
	struct page_share_mgr *psm = PARENT_OBJ(typeof(*psm), psm_lci, lci);

	uval idx = (laddr - lci->lci_laddr) >> LOG_PGSIZE;


	struct logical_chunk_info *next_lci = psm->psm_entries[idx];

	if (next_lci) {
		assert(next_lci->lci_raddr != INVALID_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS,
		       "PSM managed LCI's must use simple translation\n");
		assert(range_subset(next_lci->lci_laddr, next_lci->lci_size,
				    laddr, size), "range mismatch\n");

		raddr = laddr - next_lci->lci_laddr + next_lci->lci_raddr;
	return raddr;
コード例 #2
ファイル: RangeScanner.cpp プロジェクト: kayarre/reconbench
SparseRangeScan* RangeScanner::optical_triangulation()  {
	// first construct image...

	RangeOctree range_octree(&sparse_scan);

	// first determine starting and ending points
	int mid_y = sensor.resy()/2, start_x = sensor.resx(), end_x = 0;
	int mid_x = sensor.resx()/2, start_y = sensor.resy(), end_y = 0;
	Vector3 start_pos, dir_start, end_pos, dir_end;
	sensor.generatePerspectiveRay(start_x, mid_y, start_pos, dir_start);
	sensor.generatePerspectiveRay(end_x, mid_y, end_pos, dir_end);
	//sensor.generatePerspectiveRay(mid_x, start_y, start_pos, dir_start);
	//sensor.generatePerspectiveRay(mid_x, end_y, end_pos, dir_end);
	Vector3 start_pt = start_pos + dir_start*max_range;
	Vector3 end_pt = end_pos + dir_end*min_range;

	// the start and end points determine a frustum for the laser - determine frustum angle
	Vector3 laser_dir_start = start_pt-laser_pos;
	Vector3 laser_dir_end = end_pt-laser_pos;
	double laser_frustum = acos(laser_dir_start.dotProduct(laser_dir_end));
	cout << "laser frustum: " << ((laser_frustum/acos(-1))*180.0) << endl;

	// from the laser frustum and number of stripes, determine angle increment
	double angle_increment = laser_frustum / (double)num_stripes;
	double laser_shift = angle_increment/2.0;

	stripes_processed = 0;

	// populate true image
	double** r_scan = new double*[sensor.resy()];
	double** g_scan = new double*[sensor.resy()];
	double** b_scan = new double*[sensor.resy()];
	for(int y = 0; y < sensor.resy(); y++)  {
		r_scan[y] = new double[sensor.resx()];
		g_scan[y] = new double[sensor.resx()];
		b_scan[y] = new double[sensor.resx()];
		for(int x = 0; x < sensor.resx(); x++)  {
			r_scan[y][x] = 1;
			g_scan[y][x] = 1;
			b_scan[y][x] = 1;

	// compute analytical normals, while also populating original range scan image
	Vector3* pt_normals = new Vector3[sparse_scan.size()];
	for(int p = 0; p < sparse_scan.size(); p++)  {
		Vector3 scan_pt = sparse_scan.getPt(p);
		Vector3 shape_normal = shape->normal(scan_pt);
		pt_normals[p] = shape_normal;
		PixelCoord pix = sparse_scan.getPixel(p);
		Vector3 light_vec = sensor.camera_pos()-scan_pt;

		double dot = fabs(light_vec.dotProduct(shape_normal));
		r_scan[pix.y][pix.x] = (236.0/255.0)*dot;
		g_scan[pix.y][pix.x] = (211.0/255.0)*dot;
		b_scan[pix.y][pix.x] = (143.0/255.0)*dot;

	// ... add points which sensor saw, but laser didn't
	for(int p = 0; p < image_scan.size(); p++)  {
		Vector3 scan_pt = image_scan.getPt(p);
		Vector3 shape_normal = shape->normal(scan_pt);
		PixelCoord pix = image_scan.getPixel(p);
		Vector3 light_vec = sensor.camera_pos()-scan_pt;

		double dot = fabs(light_vec.dotProduct(shape_normal));
		r_scan[pix.y][pix.x] = (236.0/255.0)*dot;
		g_scan[pix.y][pix.x] = (211.0/255.0)*dot;
		b_scan[pix.y][pix.x] = (143.0/255.0)*dot;

	// initialize gaussian fits
	GaussianFit*** gaussian_fits = new GaussianFit**[sensor.resy()];
	for(int y = 0; y < sensor.resy(); y++)  {
		gaussian_fits[y] = new GaussianFit*[sensor.resx()];
		for(int x = 0; x < sensor.resx(); x++)
			gaussian_fits[y][x] = new GaussianFit();

	int fraction = num_stripes/5;

	// now go through each laser shift, and perform optical triangulation
	for(int s = 0; s < num_stripes; s++)  {
		if((s % fraction) == 0)
			cout << ((double)s / (double)num_stripes) << " done with stripe... " << endl;

		laser_shift += angle_increment;
		LaserStripe stripe;
		this->construct_laser_stripe(start_pt, laser_shift, laser_fov, stripe);

		// gather all points which the laser stripe intersects
		vector<int> intersected_geometry;
		range_octree.intersect_stripe(stripe, &intersected_geometry);

		// construct image subset, first determine area coverage
		RangeSubset range_subset(sensor.resx(), sensor.resy(), laser_smoother);
		for(unsigned g = 0; g < intersected_geometry.size(); g++)  {
			int pt_ind = intersected_geometry[g];
			PixelCoord pix = sparse_scan.getPixel(pt_ind);

		// populate image with laser
		for(unsigned g = 0; g < intersected_geometry.size(); g++)  {
			int pt_ind = intersected_geometry[g];
			PixelCoord pix = sparse_scan.getPixel(pt_ind);
			Vector3 pt = sparse_scan.getPt(pt_ind);

			double light_sigma = pt.length(laser_pos)*tan(0.5*laser_fov);
			double pulse_dist = stripe.pulse_abs_distance(pt);
			double luminance = this->gaussian_beam(pulse_dist, 0.5*light_sigma);
			luminance = luminance < 0 ? 0 : luminance;

			double noise_scale = (1.0-luminance);
			double noise_magnitude = luminance < additive_noise ? luminance : additive_noise;
			double gaussian_noise = this->sampleNormalDistribution(noise_scale, noise_magnitude);

			Vector3 laser_ray = laser_pos-pt;
			Vector3 pt_normal = pt_normals[pt_ind];
			double cos_falloff = laser_ray.dotProduct(pt_normal);

			double radiance = luminance*cos_falloff+gaussian_noise;
			radiance = radiance > 1 ? 1 : radiance;
			radiance = radiance < 0 ? 0 : radiance;
			int quantized_radiance = 255*radiance;
			radiance = quantized_radiance / 255.0;
			range_subset.contribute_point(pix.x, pix.y, radiance);


		// smooth image

		if(dump_stripes)  {
			char* file_char = new char[300];
			int s_f = stripe_start+stripes_processed+1;
			if(s_f < 10)
				sprintf(file_char, "%s0000%u.png", base_stripe.c_str(), s_f);
			else if(s_f < 100)
				sprintf(file_char, "%s000%u.png", base_stripe.c_str(), s_f);
			else if(s_f < 1000)
				sprintf(file_char, "%s00%u.png", base_stripe.c_str(), s_f);
			else if(s_f < 10000)
				sprintf(file_char, "%s0%u.png", base_stripe.c_str(), s_f);
				sprintf(file_char, "%s%u.png", base_stripe.c_str(), s_f);
			string filename = file_char;
			range_subset.write_to_file(filename, r_scan, g_scan, b_scan);
			delete [] file_char;

		// gather center-of-gravity times
		for(int y = 0; y < sensor.resy(); y++)  {
			for(int x = range_subset.startX(); x <= range_subset.endX(); x++)  {
				double intensity = range_subset.get_intensity(x,y);
				if(intensity > 1e-6)
					gaussian_fits[y][x]->add_point(laser_shift, intensity);

	for(int y = 0; y < sensor.resy(); y++)  {
		delete [] r_scan[y];
		delete [] g_scan[y];
		delete [] b_scan[y];
	delete [] r_scan;
	delete [] g_scan;
	delete [] b_scan;

	double outlier_threshold = 4.0;
	SparseRangeScan* depth_scan = new SparseRangeScan();
	int num_retained = 0, num_peak_rejections = 0, num_std_rejections = 0;
	double ave_weight = 0;
	for(int p = 0; p < sparse_scan.size(); p++)  {
		Vector3 scan_pt = sparse_scan.getPt(p);
		PixelCoord pix = sparse_scan.getPixel(p);

		if(gaussian_fits[pix.y][pix.x]->do_fit())  {
			double peak = gaussian_fits[pix.y][pix.x]->get_peak();
			double std = gaussian_fits[pix.y][pix.x]->get_std();
			if(peak < peak_threshold)  {
				//cout << "rejected " << pix.x << " " << pix.y << " due to peak threshold..." << endl;
			if(std > (0.5*std_threshold*laser_fov))  {
				//cout << "rejected " << pix.x << " " << pix.y << " due to std threshold..." << endl;

			double proper_time = gaussian_fits[pix.y][pix.x]->get_mean();
			Vector3 ray_pos, ray_dir;
			sensor.generatePerspectiveRay(pix.x, pix.y, ray_pos, ray_dir);
			double reference_depth = ray_pos.length(scan_pt);

			LaserStripe stripe;
			this->construct_laser_stripe(start_pt, proper_time, laser_fov, stripe);
			double local_depth = -(ray_pos.dotProduct(stripe.n)+stripe.d) / ray_dir.dotProduct(stripe.n);

			if(fabs(local_depth-reference_depth) > outlier_threshold)

			Vector3 depth_pt = ray_pos + ray_dir*local_depth;
			depth_scan->addPoint(pix, depth_pt);
	cout << "retained " << num_retained << " / " << sparse_scan.size() << " peak rejections: " <<
		num_peak_rejections << " ; std rejections: " << num_std_rejections << endl;

	for(int y = 0; y < sensor.resy(); y++)  {
		for(int x = 0; x < sensor.resx(); x++)
			delete gaussian_fits[y][x];
	for(int y = 0; y < sensor.resy(); y++)
		delete [] gaussian_fits[y];
	delete [] gaussian_fits;
	delete [] pt_normals;

	return depth_scan;