static int rasqal_graph_next_dg(rasqal_graph_rowsource_context *con) { rasqal_query *query = con->rowsource->query; rasqal_data_graph *dg; con->finished = 0; while(1) { rasqal_literal *o; con->dg_offset++; dg = rasqal_query_get_data_graph(query, con->dg_offset); if(!dg) { con->finished = 1; break; } if(!dg->name_uri) continue; o = rasqal_new_uri_literal(query->world, raptor_uri_copy(dg->name_uri)); if(!o) { RASQAL_DEBUG1("Failed to create new URI literal\n"); con->finished = 1; break; } RASQAL_DEBUG2("Using data graph URI literal <%s>\n", rasqal_literal_as_string(o)); rasqal_rowsource_set_origin(con->rowsource, o); /* this passes ownership of o to con->var */ rasqal_variable_set_value(con->var, o); break; } return con->finished; }
int rasqal_query_write_sparql_20060406(raptor_iostream *iostr, rasqal_query* query, raptor_uri *base_uri) { int i; sparql_writer_context wc; int limit, offset; rasqal_query_verb verb; = query->world; wc.base_uri = NULL; wc.type_uri = raptor_new_uri_for_rdf_concept(query->world->raptor_world_ptr, (const unsigned char*)"type"); wc.nstack = raptor_new_namespaces(query->world->raptor_world_ptr, 1); if(base_uri) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("BASE ", 5, iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_uri(&wc, iostr, base_uri); raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); /* from now on all URIs are relative to this */ wc.base_uri = raptor_uri_copy(base_uri); } for(i = 0; 1 ; i++) { raptor_namespace *nspace; rasqal_prefix* p = rasqal_query_get_prefix(query, i); if(!p) break; raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("PREFIX ", 7, iostr); if(p->prefix) raptor_iostream_string_write(p->prefix, iostr); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(": ", 2, iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_uri(&wc, iostr, p->uri); raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); /* Use this constructor so we copy a URI directly */ nspace = raptor_new_namespace_from_uri(wc.nstack, p->prefix, p->uri, i); raptor_namespaces_start_namespace(wc.nstack, nspace); } if(query->explain) raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("EXPLAIN ", 8, iostr); verb = query->verb; /* These terms are deprecated */ if(query->verb == RASQAL_QUERY_VERB_INSERT || query->verb == RASQAL_QUERY_VERB_DELETE) { verb = RASQAL_QUERY_VERB_UPDATE; } /* Write SPARQL 1.1 (Draft) Update forms */ if(verb == RASQAL_QUERY_VERB_UPDATE) { rasqal_update_operation* update; /* Write SPARQL Update */ for(i = 0; (update = rasqal_query_get_update_operation(query, i)); i++) { int is_always_2_args = (update->type >= RASQAL_UPDATE_TYPE_ADD && update->type <= RASQAL_UPDATE_TYPE_COPY); if(update->type == RASQAL_UPDATE_TYPE_UPDATE) { /* update operations: * WITH ... INSERT { template } DELETE { template } WHERE { template } * INSERT/DELETE { template } WHERE { template } * INSERT/DELETE DATA { triples } */ if(update->graph_uri) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("WITH ", 5, iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_uri(&wc, iostr, update->graph_uri); raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } if(update->delete_templates) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("DELETE ", 7, iostr); if(update->flags & RASQAL_UPDATE_FLAGS_DATA) raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("DATA ", 5, iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_triple_data(&wc, iostr, update->delete_templates, 0); raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } if(update->insert_templates) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("INSERT ", 7, iostr); if(update->flags & RASQAL_UPDATE_FLAGS_DATA) raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("DATA ", 5, iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_triple_data(&wc, iostr, update->insert_templates, 0); raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } if(update->where) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("WHERE ", 6, iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_graph_pattern(&wc, iostr, update->where, -1, 0); raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } } else { /* admin operations: * CLEAR GRAPH graph-uri | DEFAULT | NAMED | ALL * CREATE (SILENT) GRAPH graph-uri | DEFAULT | NAMED | ALL * DROP (SILENT) GRAPH graph-uri * LOAD (SILENT) doc-uri / LOAD (SILENT) doc-uri INTO GRAPH graph-uri * ADD (SILENT) GraphOrDefault TO GraphOrDefault * MOVE (SILENT) GraphOrDefault TO GraphOrDefault * COPY (SILENT) GraphOrDefault TO GraphOrDefault */ raptor_iostream_string_write(rasqal_update_type_label(update->type), iostr); if(update->flags & RASQAL_UPDATE_FLAGS_SILENT) raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(" SILENT", 7, iostr); if(is_always_2_args) { /* ADD, MOVE, COPY are always 2-arg admin operations */ rasqal_query_write_graphref(&wc, iostr, update->graph_uri, RASQAL_UPDATE_GRAPH_ONE); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(" TO", 3, iostr); rasqal_query_write_graphref(&wc, iostr, update->document_uri, RASQAL_UPDATE_GRAPH_ONE); } else if(update->type == RASQAL_UPDATE_TYPE_LOAD) { /* LOAD is 1 or 2 URIs and first one never has a GRAPH prefix */ raptor_iostream_write_byte(' ', iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_uri(&wc, iostr, update->document_uri); if(update->graph_uri) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(" INTO", 5, iostr); rasqal_query_write_graphref(&wc, iostr, update->graph_uri, RASQAL_UPDATE_GRAPH_ONE); } } else { /* everything else is defined by update->applies; only * CLEAR and DROP may apply to >1 graph */ rasqal_query_write_graphref(&wc, iostr, update->graph_uri, update->applies); } raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } } goto tidy; } if(verb != RASQAL_QUERY_VERB_CONSTRUCT) raptor_iostream_string_write(rasqal_query_verb_as_string(query->verb), iostr); if(query->distinct) { if(query->distinct == 1) raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(" DISTINCT", 9, iostr); else raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(" REDUCED", 8, iostr); } if(query->wildcard) raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(" *", 2, iostr); else if(verb == RASQAL_QUERY_VERB_DESCRIBE) { raptor_sequence *lit_seq = query->describes; int count = raptor_sequence_size(lit_seq); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { rasqal_literal* l = (rasqal_literal*)raptor_sequence_get_at(lit_seq, i); raptor_iostream_write_byte(' ', iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_literal(&wc, iostr, l); } } else if(verb == RASQAL_QUERY_VERB_SELECT) { rasqal_query_write_sparql_select(&wc, iostr, query->selects); } raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); if(query->data_graphs) { for(i = 0; 1; i++) { rasqal_data_graph* dg = rasqal_query_get_data_graph(query, i); if(!dg) break; if(dg->flags & RASQAL_DATA_GRAPH_NAMED) continue; rasqal_query_write_data_format_comment(&wc, iostr, dg); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("FROM ", 5, iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_uri(&wc, iostr, dg->uri); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("\n", 1, iostr); } for(i = 0; 1; i++) { rasqal_data_graph* dg = rasqal_query_get_data_graph(query, i); if(!dg) break; if(!(dg->flags & RASQAL_DATA_GRAPH_NAMED)) continue; rasqal_query_write_data_format_comment(&wc, iostr, dg); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("FROM NAMED ", 11, iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_uri(&wc, iostr, dg->name_uri); raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } } if(query->constructs) { raptor_iostream_string_write("CONSTRUCT {\n", iostr); for(i = 0; 1; i++) { rasqal_triple* t = rasqal_query_get_construct_triple(query, i); if(!t) break; raptor_iostream_counted_string_write(" ", 2, iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_triple(&wc, iostr, t); raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("}\n", 2, iostr); } if(query->query_graph_pattern) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("WHERE ", 6, iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_graph_pattern(&wc, iostr, query->query_graph_pattern, -1, 0); raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } if(rasqal_query_get_group_conditions_sequence(query)) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("GROUP BY ", 9, iostr); for(i = 0; 1; i++) { rasqal_expression* expr = rasqal_query_get_group_condition(query, i); if(!expr) break; if(i > 0) raptor_iostream_write_byte(' ', iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_expression(&wc, iostr, expr); } raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } if(rasqal_query_get_having_conditions_sequence(query)) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("HAVING ", 7, iostr); for(i = 0; 1; i++) { rasqal_expression* expr = rasqal_query_get_having_condition(query, i); if(!expr) break; if(i > 0) raptor_iostream_write_byte(' ', iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_expression(&wc, iostr, expr); } raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } if(rasqal_query_get_order_conditions_sequence(query)) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("ORDER BY ", 9, iostr); for(i = 0; 1; i++) { rasqal_expression* expr = rasqal_query_get_order_condition(query, i); if(!expr) break; if(i > 0) raptor_iostream_write_byte(' ', iostr); rasqal_query_write_sparql_expression(&wc, iostr, expr); } raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } limit = rasqal_query_get_limit(query); offset = rasqal_query_get_offset(query); if(limit >= 0 || offset >= 0) { if(limit >= 0) { raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("LIMIT ", 7, iostr); raptor_iostream_decimal_write(limit, iostr); } if(offset >= 0) { if(limit) raptor_iostream_write_byte(' ', iostr); raptor_iostream_counted_string_write("OFFSET ", 8, iostr); raptor_iostream_decimal_write(offset, iostr); } raptor_iostream_write_byte('\n', iostr); } if(query->bindings) rasqal_write_sparql_bindings(&wc, iostr, query->bindings); tidy: raptor_free_uri(wc.type_uri); if(wc.base_uri) raptor_free_uri(wc.base_uri); raptor_free_namespaces(wc.nstack); return 0; }