/* See lookup_ip's comment */ struct dns_query * lookup_hostname(const char *ip, DNSCB callback, void *data) { struct dns_query *query = rb_malloc(sizeof(struct dns_query)); int aftype; if(!rb_inet_pton_sock(ip, (struct sockaddr *)&query->addr)) { rb_free(query); return NULL; } aftype = GET_SS_FAMILY(&query->addr); if(aftype == AF_INET) query->type = QUERY_PTR_A; else if(aftype == AF_INET6) query->type = QUERY_PTR_AAAA; else { rb_free(query); return NULL; } query->id = query_count++; query->callback = callback; query->data = data; query->query.ptr = query; query->query.callback = handle_lookup_hostname_reply; gethost_byaddr(&query->addr, &query->query); return query; }
struct Client *make_local_person_full(const char *nick, const char *username, const char *hostname, const char *ip, const char *realname) { struct Client *client; client = make_client(NULL); rb_dlinkMoveNode(&client->localClient->tnode, &unknown_list, &lclient_list); client->servptr = &me; rb_dlinkAdd(client, &client->lnode, &client->servptr->serv->users); make_user(client); SetClient(client); rb_inet_pton_sock(ip, (struct sockaddr *)&client->localClient->ip); rb_strlcpy(client->name, nick, sizeof(client->name)); rb_strlcpy(client->username, username, sizeof(client->username)); rb_strlcpy(client->host, hostname, sizeof(client->host)); rb_inet_ntop_sock((struct sockaddr *)&client->localClient->ip, client->sockhost, sizeof(client->sockhost)); rb_strlcpy(client->info, realname, sizeof(client->info)); add_to_client_hash(client->name, client); return client; }
static void resolve_ip(char **parv) { char *requestid = parv[1]; char *iptype = parv[2]; char *rec = parv[3]; int aftype; struct dns_request *req; if(strlen(requestid) >= REQIDLEN) exit(3); req = rb_malloc(sizeof(struct dns_request)); req->revfwd = REQREV; strcpy(req->reqid, requestid); if(!rb_inet_pton_sock(rec, (struct sockaddr *)&req->addr)) exit(6); aftype = GET_SS_FAMILY(&req->addr); switch (*iptype) { case '4': req->reqtype = REVIPV4; if(aftype != AF_INET) exit(6); break; case '6': req->reqtype = REVIPV6; if(aftype != AF_INET6) exit(6); break; default: exit(7); } req->query.ptr = req; req->query.callback = send_answer; gethost_byaddr(&req->addr, &req->query); }
struct Client *make_remote_person_full(struct Client *server, const char *nick, const char *username, const char *hostname, const char *ip, const char *realname) { struct Client *client; struct sockaddr addr; client = make_client(server); make_user(client); SetRemoteClient(client); client->servptr = server; rb_dlinkAdd(server, &server->lnode, &server->servptr->serv->users); rb_inet_pton_sock(ip, &addr); rb_strlcpy(client->name, nick, sizeof(client->name)); rb_strlcpy(client->username, username, sizeof(client->username)); rb_strlcpy(client->host, hostname, sizeof(client->host)); rb_inet_ntop_sock(&addr, client->sockhost, sizeof(client->sockhost)); rb_strlcpy(client->info, realname, sizeof(client->info)); add_to_client_hash(nick, client); add_to_hostname_hash(client->host, client); return client; }
/* * mr_webirc - webirc message handler * parv[1] = password * parv[2] = fake username (we ignore this) * parv[3] = fake hostname * parv[4] = fake ip */ static int mr_webirc(struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[]) { struct ConfItem *aconf; const char *encr; if (!strchr(parv[4], '.') && !strchr(parv[4], ':')) { sendto_one(source_p, "NOTICE * :Invalid IP"); return 0; } aconf = find_address_conf(client_p->host, client_p->sockhost, IsGotId(client_p) ? client_p->username : "******", IsGotId(client_p) ? client_p->username : "******", (struct sockaddr *) &client_p->localClient->ip, client_p->localClient->ip.ss_family, NULL); if (aconf == NULL || !(aconf->status & CONF_CLIENT)) return 0; if (!IsConfDoSpoofIp(aconf) || irccmp(aconf->info.name, "webirc.")) { /* XXX */ sendto_one(source_p, "NOTICE * :Not a CGI:IRC auth block"); return 0; } if (EmptyString(aconf->passwd)) { sendto_one(source_p, "NOTICE * :CGI:IRC auth blocks must have a password"); return 0; } if (EmptyString(parv[1])) encr = ""; else if (IsConfEncrypted(aconf)) encr = rb_crypt(parv[1], aconf->passwd); else encr = parv[1]; if (strcmp(encr, aconf->passwd)) { sendto_one(source_p, "NOTICE * :CGI:IRC password incorrect"); return 0; } rb_strlcpy(source_p->sockhost, parv[4], sizeof(source_p->sockhost)); if(strlen(parv[3]) <= HOSTLEN) rb_strlcpy(source_p->host, parv[3], sizeof(source_p->host)); else rb_strlcpy(source_p->host, source_p->sockhost, sizeof(source_p->host)); rb_inet_pton_sock(parv[4], (struct sockaddr *)&source_p->localClient->ip); /* Check dlines now, klines will be checked on registration */ if((aconf = find_dline((struct sockaddr *)&source_p->localClient->ip, source_p->localClient->ip.ss_family))) { if(!(aconf->status & CONF_EXEMPTDLINE)) { exit_client(client_p, source_p, &me, "D-lined"); return 0; } } sendto_one(source_p, "NOTICE * :Congratulations, your host is reset via I:line: %s %s", parv[3], parv[4]); return 0; }
/* * mr_webirc - webirc message handler * parv[1] = password * parv[2] = fake username (we ignore this) * parv[3] = fake hostname * parv[4] = fake ip */ static void mr_webirc(struct MsgBuf *msgbuf_p, struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[]) { struct ConfItem *aconf; const char *encr; struct rb_sockaddr_storage addr; aconf = find_address_conf(client_p->host, client_p->sockhost, IsGotId(client_p) ? client_p->username : "******", IsGotId(client_p) ? client_p->username : "******", (struct sockaddr *) &client_p->localClient->ip, GET_SS_FAMILY(&client_p->localClient->ip), NULL); if (aconf == NULL || !(aconf->status & CONF_CLIENT)) return; if (!IsConfDoSpoofIp(aconf) || irccmp(aconf->info.name, "webirc.")) { /* XXX */ sendto_one(source_p, "NOTICE * :Not a CGI:IRC auth block"); return; } if (EmptyString(aconf->passwd)) { sendto_one(source_p, "NOTICE * :CGI:IRC auth blocks must have a password"); return; } if (EmptyString(parv[1])) encr = ""; else if (IsConfEncrypted(aconf)) encr = rb_crypt(parv[1], aconf->passwd); else encr = parv[1]; if (encr == NULL || strcmp(encr, aconf->passwd)) { sendto_one(source_p, "NOTICE * :CGI:IRC password incorrect"); return; } if (rb_inet_pton_sock(parv[4], (struct sockaddr *)&addr) <= 0) { sendto_one(source_p, "NOTICE * :Invalid IP"); return; } source_p->localClient->ip = addr; rb_inet_ntop_sock((struct sockaddr *)&source_p->localClient->ip, source_p->sockhost, sizeof(source_p->sockhost)); if(strlen(parv[3]) <= HOSTLEN) rb_strlcpy(source_p->host, parv[3], sizeof(source_p->host)); else rb_strlcpy(source_p->host, source_p->sockhost, sizeof(source_p->host)); /* Check dlines now, klines will be checked on registration */ if((aconf = find_dline((struct sockaddr *)&source_p->localClient->ip, GET_SS_FAMILY(&source_p->localClient->ip)))) { if(!(aconf->status & CONF_EXEMPTDLINE)) { exit_client(client_p, source_p, &me, "D-lined"); return; } } sendto_one(source_p, "NOTICE * :CGI:IRC host/IP set to %s %s", parv[3], parv[4]); }