コード例 #1
ファイル: test-rb-tree.c プロジェクト: dlove24/dl-calg
RBTree* create_tree (void) {
  RBTree* tree;
  int i;

  /* Create a tree and fill with nodes */

  tree = rb_tree_new ( (RBTreeCompareFunc) int_compare);

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_VALUES; ++i) {
    test_array[i] = i;
    rb_tree_insert (tree, &test_array[i], &test_array[i]);

  return tree;
コード例 #2
ファイル: rbtree.c プロジェクト: Gloniya/libckit
int rb_tree_insert(rb_tree_t *tree, const void *key, size_t key_len,
                   const void *val, size_t val_len)
    void *key_copy, *val_copy;

    key_copy = malloc(key_len);

    if (!key_copy)
        return -1;

    val_copy = malloc(val_len);

    if (!val_copy)
        return -1;

    memcpy(key_copy, key, key_len);
    memcpy(val_copy, val, val_len);

    return rb_tree_insert(tree, key_copy, key_len, val_copy, val_len);
コード例 #3
ファイル: test-rb-tree.c プロジェクト: dlove24/dl-calg
void test_rb_tree_child (void) {
  RBTree* tree;
  RBTreeNode* root;
  RBTreeNode* left;
  RBTreeNode* right;
  int values[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
  int* p;
  int i;

  /* Create a tree containing some values. Validate the
   * tree is consistent at all stages. */

  tree = rb_tree_new ( (RBTreeCompareFunc) int_compare);

  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    rb_tree_insert (tree, &values[i], &values[i]);

  /* Check the tree */

  root = rb_tree_root_node (tree);
  p = rb_tree_node_value (root);
  assert (*p == 2);

  left = rb_tree_node_child (root, RB_TREE_NODE_LEFT);
  p = rb_tree_node_value (left);
  assert (*p == 1);

  right = rb_tree_node_child (root, RB_TREE_NODE_RIGHT);
  p = rb_tree_node_value (right);
  assert (*p == 3);

  /* Check invalid values */

  assert (rb_tree_node_child (root, -1) == NULL);
  assert (rb_tree_node_child (root, 10000) == NULL);
  assert (rb_tree_node_child (root, 2) == NULL);
  assert (rb_tree_node_child (root, -100000) == NULL);

  rb_tree_free (tree);
コード例 #4
ファイル: test-rb-tree.c プロジェクト: dlove24/dl-calg
void test_rb_tree_insert_lookup (void) {
  RBTree* tree;
  RBTreeNode* node;
  int i;
  int* value;

  /* Create a tree containing some values. Validate the
   * tree is consistent at all stages. */

  tree = rb_tree_new ( (RBTreeCompareFunc) int_compare);

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_VALUES; ++i) {
    test_array[i] = i;
    rb_tree_insert (tree, &test_array[i], &test_array[i]);

    assert (rb_tree_num_entries (tree) == i + 1);
    validate_tree (tree);

  assert (rb_tree_root_node (tree) != NULL);

  /* Check that all values can be read back again */

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_VALUES; ++i) {
    node = rb_tree_lookup_node (tree, &i);
    assert (node != NULL);
    value = rb_tree_node_key (node);
    assert (*value == i);
    value = rb_tree_node_value (node);
    assert (*value == i);

  /* Check that invalid nodes are not found */

  i = -1;
  assert (rb_tree_lookup_node (tree, &i) == NULL);
  i = NUM_TEST_VALUES + 100;
  assert (rb_tree_lookup_node (tree, &i) == NULL);

  rb_tree_free (tree);
コード例 #5
ファイル: cached-access.c プロジェクト: MarkTseng/alilua
int cached_access(unsigned long key, const char *path)
    rb_access_key_t rbk = {0};
    rb_access_key_t *_rbk = NULL;
    rb_tree_node_t *tnode = NULL;
    rbk.key = key;

    if(rb_tree_find(&rb_access_tree, &rbk, &tnode) == RB_OK) {
        _rbk = (rb_access_key_t *)((char *)tnode + sizeof(rb_tree_node_t));

        if(now - _rbk->last > 10) {
            _rbk->last = now;
            _rbk->exists = access(path, F_OK);

        return _rbk->exists;

    } else {
        tnode = malloc(sizeof(rb_tree_node_t) + sizeof(rb_access_key_t));

        if(tnode) {
            memset(tnode, 0, sizeof(rb_tree_node_t) + sizeof(rb_access_key_t));

            _rbk = (rb_access_key_t *)((char *)tnode + sizeof(rb_tree_node_t));
            _rbk->key = key;
            _rbk->exists = access(path, F_OK);

            if(rb_tree_insert(&rb_access_tree, _rbk, tnode) != RB_OK) {
                _rbk = NULL;

            } else {
                return _rbk->exists;

    return -1;
コード例 #6
ファイル: test-rb-tree.c プロジェクト: dlove24/dl-calg
void test_rb_tree_to_array (void) {
  RBTree* tree;
  int entries[] = { 89, 23, 42, 4, 16, 15, 8, 99, 50, 30 };
  int sorted[]  = { 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 30, 42, 50, 89, 99 };
  int num_entries = sizeof (entries) / sizeof (int);
  int i;
  int** array;

  /* Add all entries to the tree */

  tree = rb_tree_new ( (RBTreeCompareFunc) int_compare);

  for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
    rb_tree_insert (tree, &entries[i], NULL);

  assert (rb_tree_num_entries (tree) == num_entries);

  /* Convert to an array and check the contents */

  array = (int**) rb_tree_to_array (tree);

  for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
    assert (*array[i] == sorted[i]);

  free (array);

  /* Test out of memory scenario */

  alloc_test_set_limit (0);

  array = (int**) rb_tree_to_array (tree);
  assert (array == NULL);
  validate_tree (tree);

  rb_tree_free (tree);
コード例 #7
ファイル: test-rb-tree.c プロジェクト: dlove24/dl-calg
void test_out_of_memory (void) {
  RBTree* tree;
  RBTreeNode* node;
  int i;

  /* Create a tree */

  tree = create_tree();

  /* Set a limit to stop any more entries from being added. */

  alloc_test_set_limit (0);

  /* Try to add some more nodes and verify that this fails. */

  for (i = 10000; i < 20000; ++i) {
    node = rb_tree_insert (tree, &i, &i);
    assert (node == NULL);
    validate_tree (tree);

  rb_tree_free (tree);
コード例 #8
ファイル: cdirect.c プロジェクト: Decatf/nlopt
nlopt_result cdirect_unscaled(int n, nlopt_func f, void *f_data,
			      const double *lb, const double *ub,
			      double *x,
			      double *minf,
			      nlopt_stopping *stop,
			      double magic_eps, int which_alg)
     params p;
     int i;
     double *rnew;
     nlopt_result ret = NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

     p.magic_eps = magic_eps;
     p.which_diam = which_alg % 3;
     p.which_div = (which_alg / 3) % 3;
     p.which_opt = (which_alg / (3*3)) % 3;
     p.lb = lb; p.ub = ub;
     p.stop = stop;
     p.n = n;
     p.L = 2*n+3;
     p.f = f;
     p.f_data = f_data;
     p.xmin = x;
     p.minf = HUGE_VAL;
     p.work = 0;
     p.iwork = 0;
     p.hull = 0;
     p.age = 0;

     rb_tree_init(&p.rtree, cdirect_hyperrect_compare);

     p.work = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * (2*n));
     if (!p.work) goto done;
     p.iwork = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
     if (!p.iwork) goto done;
     p.hull_len = 128; /* start with a reasonable number */
     p.hull = (double **) malloc(sizeof(double *) * p.hull_len);
     if (!p.hull) goto done;

     if (!(rnew = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * p.L))) goto done;
     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
	  rnew[3+i] = 0.5 * (lb[i] + ub[i]);
	  rnew[3+n+i] = ub[i] - lb[i];
     rnew[0] = rect_diameter(n, rnew+3+n, &p);
     rnew[1] = function_eval(rnew+3, &p);
     rnew[2] = p.age++;
     if (!rb_tree_insert(&p.rtree, rnew)) {
	  goto done;

     ret = divide_rect(rnew, &p);
     if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) goto done;

     while (1) {
	  double minf0 = p.minf;
	  ret = divide_good_rects(&p);
	  if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) goto done;
	  if (p.minf < minf0 && nlopt_stop_f(p.stop, p.minf, minf0)) {
	       ret = NLOPT_FTOL_REACHED;
	       goto done;

     *minf = p.minf;
     return ret;
コード例 #9
ファイル: cdirect.c プロジェクト: Decatf/nlopt
/* divide rectangle idiv in the list p->rects */
static nlopt_result divide_rect(double *rdiv, params *p)
     int i;
     const int n = p->n;
     const int L = p->L;
     double *c = rdiv + 3; /* center of rect to divide */
     double *w = c + n; /* widths of rect to divide */
     double wmax = w[0];
     int imax = 0, nlongest = 0;
     rb_node *node;

     for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
	  if (w[i] > wmax)
	       wmax = w[imax = i];
     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	  if (wmax - w[i] <= wmax * EQUAL_SIDE_TOL)
     if (p->which_div == 1 || (p->which_div == 0 && nlongest == n)) {
	  /* trisect all longest sides, in increasing order of the average
	     function value along that direction */
	  double *fv = p->work;
	  int *isort = p->iwork;
	  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
	       if (wmax - w[i] <= wmax * EQUAL_SIDE_TOL) {
		    double csave = c[i];
		    c[i] = csave - w[i] * THIRD;
		    FUNCTION_EVAL(fv[2*i], c, p, 0);
		    c[i] = csave + w[i] * THIRD;
		    FUNCTION_EVAL(fv[2*i+1], c, p, 0);
		    c[i] = csave;
	       else {
		    fv[2*i] = fv[2*i+1] = HUGE_VAL;
	  sort_fv(n, fv, isort);
	  if (!(node = rb_tree_find(&p->rtree, rdiv)))
	       return NLOPT_FAILURE;
	  for (i = 0; i < nlongest; ++i) {
	       int k;
	       w[isort[i]] *= THIRD;
	       rdiv[0] = rect_diameter(n, w, p);
	       rdiv[2] = p->age++;
	       node = rb_tree_resort(&p->rtree, node);
	       for (k = 0; k <= 1; ++k) {
		    double *rnew;
		    ALLOC_RECT(rnew, L);
		    memcpy(rnew, rdiv, sizeof(double) * L);
		    rnew[3 + isort[i]] += w[isort[i]] * (2*k-1);
		    rnew[1] = fv[2*isort[i]+k];
		    rnew[2] = p->age++;
		    if (!rb_tree_insert(&p->rtree, rnew)) {
     else {
	  int k;
	  if (nlongest > 1 && p->which_div == 2) { 
               /* randomly choose longest side */
	       i = nlopt_iurand(nlongest);
	       for (k = 0; k < n; ++k)
		    if (wmax - w[k] <= wmax * EQUAL_SIDE_TOL) {
			 if (!i) { i = k; break; }
	       i = imax; /* trisect longest side */
	  if (!(node = rb_tree_find(&p->rtree, rdiv)))
	       return NLOPT_FAILURE;
	  w[i] *= THIRD;
	  rdiv[0] = rect_diameter(n, w, p);
	  rdiv[2] = p->age++;
	  node = rb_tree_resort(&p->rtree, node);
	  for (k = 0; k <= 1; ++k) {
	       double *rnew;
	       ALLOC_RECT(rnew, L);
	       memcpy(rnew, rdiv, sizeof(double) * L);
	       rnew[3 + i] += w[i] * (2*k-1);
	       FUNCTION_EVAL(rnew[1], rnew + 3, p, rnew);
	       rnew[2] = p->age++;
	       if (!rb_tree_insert(&p->rtree, rnew)) {
		    return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
     return NLOPT_SUCCESS;
コード例 #10
ファイル: extstruct.c プロジェクト: drpicox/mcxx
void extensible_struct_set_field(extensible_struct_t* extensible_struct, 
        const char* field_name,
        void *data)
    rb_tree_insert(extensible_struct->hash, uniquestr(field_name), data);
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: lvlingyu11/RedBlackTree
void main()

	rb_root = (rb_node *)malloc(sizeof(rb_node));
	double start,finish;
	result = fopen("result.txt","w");
	rb_tree *TREE;
	FILE *fp;

   unsigned int list[100000];
	int j=0;
	if (!(fp=fopen("read.txt","r")))
		printf("Cannot open the file. \n");
    while (j<100000)

	TREE = rb_tree_init(list,100000);
	int height;
	height = getHeight(TREE);
	printf("The height of the tree is %d\n",height);
	fprintf(result,"The height of the tree is: %d\n",height);
	printf("The rbtree is : \n");
	fprintf(result,"The initial tree is:\n");
	int size1=getSize(TREE);
	fprintf(result,"The size of the initial tree is: %d \n",size1);
    //select the node according to the rank
	rb_tree *select_node;
	fprintf(result,"EXPERIMENT1: OS_select Operation\n");
	int r;
	for (int k=0; k<10; k++)
	    printf("Please input the rank of the element to find the data:\n");
	    scanf("%d", &r);
        fprintf(result,"The element of rank %d is: %u\n",r,select_node->data);
	fprintf(result,"EXPERIMENT2: Search Operation\n");
	rb_tree* search_node;
	fprintf(result,"We try to find the first ten elements in the input file\n");
	for (int k=0; k<10; k++)
		if(search_node != rb_root)
			fprintf(result,"The %dth element is FOUND!\n",k+1);
	fprintf(result,"EXPERIMENT3: Find the rank of the element\n");
	int rank,rank_p;
	for(int k=0; k<10; k++)
		fprintf(result,"We try to find the rank of the %dth element of the input file: \n",k);
		fprintf(result,"The rank of the %dth element is: %d\n",k,rank);
	unsigned int insert_list[100];
	unsigned int del_list[100];
	if (!(fp=fopen("insert.txt","r")))
		printf("Cannot open the file. \n");
		fscanf(fp, "%u", &insert_list[j]);
	if (!(fp=fopen("remove.txt","r")))
		printf("Cannot open the file. \n");
		fscanf(fp, "%u", &del_list[j]);
	fprintf(result,"EXPERIMENT4:Insert Operation\n");
	for (j=0; j<100; j++)
		rb_node *insert_node=(rb_node *)malloc(sizeof(rb_node));
		int flag=rb_tree_insert(TREE,insert_node);
		if (flag == 0)
			   fprintf(result,"The insertion of %dth element has successed!\n",j);
			   height = getHeight(TREE);
			   fprintf(result,"After insertion of %dth element the height of the tree is: %d\n",j,height);
			fprintf(result,"The insertion of %dth element has failed!\n",j);
	int size2=getSize(TREE);
	fprintf(result,"The size of the tree after insertion is: %d\n",size2);
	fprintf(result,"EXPERIMENT5:Deletion Operation\n");
	for(j=0; j<100; j++)
		int flag_del=rb_tree_delete(TREE,del_list[j]);
		if (flag_del == 0)
			fprintf(result,"The deletion of %dth element has successed!\n",j);
			height = getHeight(TREE);
			fprintf(result,"After deletion of %dth element the height of the tree is: %d\n",j,height);
			fprintf(result,"The deletion of %dth element has failed!\n",j);
	int size3=getSize(TREE);
    fprintf(result,"The size of the tree after deletion is: %d\n",size3);
	fprintf(result,"Successful! \n");

free_rbtree (TREE);

コード例 #12
int main() {
//  stk_stack* enumResult;
  int option=0;
  int newKey,newKey2;
  int* newInt;
  red_black_node_struct* newNode;
  red_black_tree_struct* tree;

  while(option!=8) {
    printf("choose one of the following:\n");
    printf("(1) add to tree\n(2) delete from tree\n(3) query\n");
    printf("(4) find predecessor\n(5) find sucessor\n(6) enumerate\n");
    printf("(7) print tree\n(8) quit\n");
    do option=fgetc(stdin); while(-1 != option && isspace(option));
      case 1:
	  printf("type key for new node\n");
	  newInt=(int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
      case 2:
	  printf("type key of node to remove\n");
	  if ( ( newNode=rb_exact_query(tree,&newKey ) ) ) rb_delete(tree,newNode);/*assignment*/
	  else printf("key not found in tree, no action taken\n");

      case 3:
	  printf("type key of node to query for\n");
	  if ( ( newNode = rb_exact_query(tree,&newKey) ) ) {/*assignment*/
	    printf("data found in tree at location %i\n",(int)newNode);
	  } else {
	    printf("data not in tree\n");
      case 4:
	  printf("type key of node to find predecessor of\n");
	  if ( ( newNode = rb_exact_query(tree,&newKey) ) ) {/*assignment*/
	    if(tree->nil == newNode) {
	      printf("there is no predecessor for that node (it is a minimum)\n");
	    } else {
	      printf("predecessor has key %i\n",*(int*)newNode->key);
	  } else {
	    printf("data not in tree\n");
      case 5:
	  printf("type key of node to find successor of\n");
	  if ( (newNode = rb_exact_query(tree,&newKey) ) ) {
	    if(tree->nil == newNode) {
	      printf("there is no successor for that node (it is a maximum)\n");
	    } else {
	      printf("successor has key %i\n",*(int*)newNode->key);
	  } else {
	    printf("data not in tree\n");
      case 6:
	  printf("type low and high keys to see all keys between them\n");
/* 	  scanf("%i %i",&newKey,&newKey2);
	  while ( (newNode = StackPop(enumResult)) ) {
      case 7:
      case 8:
		red_black_node_struct *ss ;//= (red_black_node_struct*)start( tree);
		for ( ss= start( tree) ; ss != NULL ; ss = next(tree) ){

	  return 0;
	printf("Invalid input; Please try again.\n");
  return 0;
コード例 #13
nlopt_result mlsl_minimize(int n, nlopt_func f, void *f_data,
			   const double *lb, const double *ub, /* bounds */
			   double *x, /* in: initial guess, out: minimizer */
			   double *minf,
			   nlopt_stopping *stop,
			   nlopt_opt local_opt,
			   int Nsamples, /* #samples/iteration (0=default) */
			   int lds) /* random or low-discrepancy seq. (lds) */
     nlopt_result ret = NLOPT_SUCCESS;
     mlsl_data d;
     int i;
     pt *p;

     if (!Nsamples)
	  d.N = 4; /* FIXME: what is good number of samples per iteration? */
	  d.N = Nsamples;
     if (d.N < 1) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS;

     d.n = n;
     d.lb = lb; d.ub = ub;
     d.stop = stop;
     d.f = f; d.f_data = f_data;
     rb_tree_init(&d.pts, pt_compare);
     rb_tree_init(&d.lms, lm_compare);
     d.s = lds ? nlopt_sobol_create((unsigned) n) : NULL;

     nlopt_set_min_objective(local_opt, fcount, &d);
     nlopt_set_lower_bounds(local_opt, lb);
     nlopt_set_upper_bounds(local_opt, ub);
     nlopt_set_stopval(local_opt, stop->minf_max);

     d.gamma = MLSL_GAMMA;

     d.R_prefactor = sqrt(2./K2PI) * pow(gam(n) * MLSL_SIGMA, 1.0/n);
     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	  d.R_prefactor *= pow(ub[i] - lb[i], 1.0/n);

     /* MLSL also suggests setting some minimum distance from points
	to previous local minimiza and to the boundaries; I don't know
	how to choose this as a fixed number, so I set it proportional
	to R; see also the comments at top.  dlm and dbound are the
	proportionality constants. */
     d.dlm = 1.0; /* min distance/R to local minima (FIXME: good value?) */
     d.dbound = 1e-6; /* min distance/R to ub/lb boundaries (good value?) */

     p = alloc_pt(n);
     if (!p) { ret = NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto done; }

     /* FIXME: how many sobol points to skip, if any? */
     nlopt_sobol_skip(d.s, (unsigned) (10*n+d.N), p->x);

     memcpy(p->x, x, n * sizeof(double));
     p->f = f(n, x, NULL, f_data);
     if (!rb_tree_insert(&d.pts, (rb_key) p)) { 
	  free(p); ret = NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; 
     if (nlopt_stop_forced(stop)) ret = NLOPT_FORCED_STOP;
     else if (nlopt_stop_evals(stop)) ret = NLOPT_MAXEVAL_REACHED;
     else if (nlopt_stop_time(stop)) ret = NLOPT_MAXTIME_REACHED;
     else if (p->f < stop->minf_max) ret = NLOPT_MINF_MAX_REACHED;

     while (ret == NLOPT_SUCCESS) {
	  rb_node *node;
	  double R;

	  get_minf(&d, minf, x);

	  /* sampling phase: add random/quasi-random points */
	  for (i = 0; i < d.N && ret == NLOPT_SUCCESS; ++i) {
	       p = alloc_pt(n);
	       if (!p) { ret = NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto done; }
	       if (d.s) nlopt_sobol_next(d.s, p->x, lb, ub);
	       else { /* use random points instead of LDS */
		    int j;
		    for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) p->x[j] = nlopt_urand(lb[j],ub[j]);
	       p->f = f(n, p->x, NULL, f_data);
	       if (!rb_tree_insert(&d.pts, (rb_key) p)) { 
		    free(p); ret = NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
	       if (nlopt_stop_forced(stop)) ret = NLOPT_FORCED_STOP;
	       else if (nlopt_stop_evals(stop)) ret = NLOPT_MAXEVAL_REACHED;
	       else if (nlopt_stop_time(stop)) ret = NLOPT_MAXTIME_REACHED;
	       else if (p->f < stop->minf_max) ret = NLOPT_MINF_MAX_REACHED;
	       else {
		    find_closest_pt(n, &d.pts, p);
		    find_closest_lm(n, &d.lms, p);
		    pts_update_newpt(n, &d.pts, p);

	  /* distance threshhold parameter R in MLSL */
	  R = d.R_prefactor 
	       * pow(log((double) d.pts.N) / d.pts.N, 1.0 / n);

	  /* local search phase: do local opt. for promising points */
	  node = rb_tree_min(&d.pts);
	  for (i = (int) (ceil(d.gamma * d.pts.N) + 0.5); 
	       node && i > 0 && ret == NLOPT_SUCCESS; --i) {
	       p = (pt *) node->k;
	       if (is_potential_minimizer(&d, p, 
					  R, d.dlm*R, d.dbound*R)) {
		    nlopt_result lret;
		    double *lm;
		    double t = nlopt_seconds();

		    if (nlopt_stop_forced(stop)) {
			 ret = NLOPT_FORCED_STOP; break;
		    if (nlopt_stop_evals(stop)) {
                         ret = NLOPT_MAXEVAL_REACHED; break;
		    if (stop->maxtime > 0 &&
			t - stop->start >= stop->maxtime) {
			 ret = NLOPT_MAXTIME_REACHED; break;
		    lm = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * (n+1));
		    if (!lm) { ret = NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto done; }
		    memcpy(lm+1, p->x, sizeof(double) * n);
		    lret = nlopt_optimize_limited(local_opt, lm+1, lm,
						  stop->maxeval - stop->nevals,
						  stop->maxtime -
						  (t - stop->start));
		    p->minimized = 1;
		    if (lret < 0) { free(lm); ret = lret; goto done; }
		    if (!rb_tree_insert(&d.lms, lm)) { 
			 free(lm); ret = NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
		    else if (nlopt_stop_forced(stop)) ret = NLOPT_FORCED_STOP;
		    else if (*lm < stop->minf_max) 
		    else if (nlopt_stop_evals(stop))
		    else if (nlopt_stop_time(stop))
			 pts_update_newlm(n, &d.pts, lm);

	       /* TODO: additional stopping criteria based
		  e.g. on improvement in function values, etc? */
	       node = rb_tree_succ(node);

     get_minf(&d, minf, x);

     return ret;
コード例 #14
ファイル: redblack_test.c プロジェクト: feelpp/nlopt
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int N, M;
    int *k;
    double kd;
    rb_tree t;
    rb_node *n;
    int i, j;

    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: redblack_test Ntest [rand seed]\n");
        return 1;

    N = atoi(argv[1]);
    k = (int *) malloc(N * sizeof(int));
    rb_tree_init(&t, comp);

    srand((unsigned) (argc > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : time(NULL)));
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        double *newk = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double));
        *newk = (k[i] = rand() % N);
        if (!rb_tree_insert(&t, newk)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error in rb_tree_insert\n");
            return 1;
        if (!rb_tree_check(&t)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "rb_tree_check_failed after insert!\n");
            return 1;

    if (t.N != N) {
        fprintf(stderr, "incorrect N (%d) in tree (vs. %d)\n", t.N, N);
        return 1;

    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        kd = k[i];
        if (!rb_tree_find(&t, &kd)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "rb_tree_find lost %d!\n", k[i]);
            return 1;

    n = rb_tree_min(&t);
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        if (!n) {
            fprintf(stderr, "not enough successors %d\n!", i);
            return 1;
        printf("%d: %g\n", i, n->k[0]);
        n = rb_tree_succ(n);
    if (n) {
        fprintf(stderr, "too many successors!\n");
        return 1;

    n = rb_tree_max(&t);
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        if (!n) {
            fprintf(stderr, "not enough predecessors %d\n!", i);
            return 1;
        printf("%d: %g\n", i, n->k[0]);
        n = rb_tree_pred(n);
    if (n) {
        fprintf(stderr, "too many predecessors!\n");
        return 1;

    for (M = N; M > 0; --M) {
        int knew = rand() % N;  /* random new key */
        j = rand() % M;         /* random original key to replace */
        for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            if (k[i] >= 0)
                if (j-- == 0)
        if (i >= N)
        kd = k[i];
        if (!(n = rb_tree_find(&t, &kd))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "rb_tree_find lost %d!\n", k[i]);
            return 1;
        n->k[0] = knew;
        if (!rb_tree_resort(&t, n)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error in rb_tree_resort\n");
            return 1;
        if (!rb_tree_check(&t)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "rb_tree_check_failed after change %d!\n", N - M + 1);
            return 1;
        k[i] = -1 - knew;

    if (t.N != N) {
        fprintf(stderr, "incorrect N (%d) in tree (vs. %d)\n", t.N, N);
        return 1;

    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        k[i] = -1 - k[i];       /* undo negation above */

    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        rb_node *le, *gt;
        double lek, gtk;
        kd = 0.01 * (rand() % (N * 150) - N * 25);
        le = rb_tree_find_le(&t, &kd);
        gt = rb_tree_find_gt(&t, &kd);
        n = rb_tree_min(&t);
        lek = le ? le->k[0] : -HUGE_VAL;
        gtk = gt ? gt->k[0] : +HUGE_VAL;
        printf("%g <= %g < %g\n", lek, kd, gtk);
        if (n->k[0] > kd) {
            if (le) {
                fprintf(stderr, "found invalid le %g for %g\n", lek, kd);
                return 1;
            if (gt != n) {
                fprintf(stderr, "gt is not first node for k=%g\n", kd);
                return 1;
        } else {
            rb_node *succ = n;
            do {
                n = succ;
                succ = rb_tree_succ(n);
            } while (succ && succ->k[0] <= kd);
            if (n != le) {
                fprintf(stderr, "rb_tree_find_le gave wrong result for k=%g\n", kd);
                return 1;
            if (succ != gt) {
                fprintf(stderr, "rb_tree_find_gt gave wrong result for k=%g\n", kd);
                return 1;

    for (M = N; M > 0; --M) {
        j = rand() % M;
        for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            if (k[i] >= 0)
                if (j-- == 0)
        if (i >= N)
        kd = k[i];
        if (!(n = rb_tree_find(&t, &kd))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "rb_tree_find lost %d!\n", k[i]);
            return 1;
        n = rb_tree_remove(&t, n);
        if (!rb_tree_check(&t)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "rb_tree_check_failed after remove!\n");
            return 1;
        k[i] = -1 - k[i];

    if (t.N != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "nonzero N (%d) in tree at end\n", t.N);
        return 1;


    return 0;
コード例 #15
ファイル: hybrid.c プロジェクト: ImageGuidedTherapyLab/ExLib
static nlopt_result divide_largest(params *p)
     int L = p->L;
     int n = p->n;
     rb_node *node = rb_tree_max(&p->rtree); /* just using it as a heap */
     double minf_start = p->minf;
     double *r = node->k, *rnew = NULL;
     double *x = r + 3, *c = x + n, *w = c + n;
     const double *lb = p->lb, *ub = p->ub;
     int i, idiv;
     double wmax;
     nlopt_result ret;

     /* printf("rect:, %d, %g, %g, %g, %g\n", p->stop->nevals, c[0], c[1], w[0], w[1]); */

     /* check xtol */
     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	  if (w[i] > p->stop->xtol_rel * (ub[i] - lb[i])
	      && w[i] > p->stop->xtol_abs[i])
     if (i == n) return NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED;

     if (p->randomized_div) { /* randomly pick among ~largest sides */
	  int nlongest = 0;
	  wmax = longest(n, w);
	  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	       if (wmax - w[i] < EQUAL_SIDE_TOL * wmax) ++nlongest;
	  i = 1 + nlopt_iurand(nlongest);
	  for (idiv = 0; idiv < n; ++idiv) {
	       if (wmax - w[idiv] < EQUAL_SIDE_TOL * wmax) --i;
	       if (!i) break;
     else { /* just pick first largest side */
	  wmax = w[idiv = 0];
	  for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) if (w[i] > wmax) wmax = w[idiv = i];

     if (fabs(x[idiv] - c[idiv]) > (0.5 * THIRD) * w[idiv]) { /* bisect */
	  double deltac = (x[idiv] > c[idiv] ? 0.25 : -0.25) * w[idiv];
	  w[idiv] *= 0.5;
	  c[idiv] += deltac;
	  r[0] = longest(n, w); /* new diameter */
	  /* r[1] unchanged since still contains local optimum x */
	  r[2] = p->age--;
	  node = rb_tree_resort(&p->rtree, node);

	  rnew = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * L);
	  if (!rnew) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
	  memcpy(rnew, r, sizeof(double) * L);
	  rnew[2] = p->age--;
	  rnew[3+n+idiv] -= deltac*2;
	  if (p->randomized_div)
	       randomize_x(n, rnew);
	       memcpy(rnew+3, rnew+3+n, sizeof(double) * n); /* x = c */
	  ret = optimize_rect(rnew, p);
	  if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { free(rnew); return ret; }
	  if (!rb_tree_insert(&p->rtree, rnew)) {
	       free(rnew); return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
     else { /* trisect */
	  w[idiv] *= THIRD;
	  r[0] = longest(n, w);
	  /* r[1] unchanged since still contains local optimum x */
	  r[2] = p->age--;
	  node = rb_tree_resort(&p->rtree, node);

	  for (i = -1; i <= +1; i += 2) {
	       rnew = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * L);
	       if (!rnew) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
	       memcpy(rnew, r, sizeof(double) * L);
	       rnew[2] = p->age--;
	       rnew[3+n+idiv] += w[i] * i;
	       if (p->randomized_div)
		    randomize_x(n, rnew);
		    memcpy(rnew+3, rnew+3+n, sizeof(double) * n); /* x = c */
	       ret = optimize_rect(rnew, p);
	       if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { free(rnew); return ret; }
	       if (!rb_tree_insert(&p->rtree, rnew)) {
		    free(rnew); return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
     if (p->minf < minf_start && nlopt_stop_f(p->stop, p->minf, minf_start))
     return NLOPT_SUCCESS;
コード例 #16
ファイル: nldrmd.c プロジェクト: Decatf/nlopt
/* Internal version of nldrmd_minimize, intended to be used as
   a subroutine for the subplex method.  Three differences compared
   to nldrmd_minimize:

   *minf should contain the value of f(x)  (so that we don't have to
   re-evaluate f at the starting x).

   if psi > 0, then it *replaces* xtol and ftol in stop with the condition
   that the simplex diameter |xl - xh| must be reduced by a factor of psi 
   ... this is for when nldrmd is used within the subplex method; for
   ordinary termination tests, set psi = 0. 

   scratch should contain an array of length >= (n+1)*(n+1) + 2*n,
   used as scratch workspace. 

   On output, *fdiff will contain the difference between the high
   and low function values of the last simplex. */
nlopt_result nldrmd_minimize_(int n, nlopt_func f, void *f_data,
			     const double *lb, const double *ub, /* bounds */
			     double *x, /* in: initial guess, out: minimizer */
			     double *minf,
			     const double *xstep, /* initial step sizes */
			     nlopt_stopping *stop,
			     double psi, double *scratch,
			     double *fdiff)
     double *pts; /* (n+1) x (n+1) array of n+1 points plus function val [0] */
     double *c; /* centroid * n */
     double *xcur; /* current point */
     rb_tree t; /* red-black tree of simplex, sorted by f(x) */
     int i, j;
     double ninv = 1.0 / n;
     nlopt_result ret = NLOPT_SUCCESS;
     double init_diam = 0;

     pts = scratch;
     c = scratch + (n+1)*(n+1);
     xcur = c + n;

     rb_tree_init(&t, simplex_compare);

     *fdiff = HUGE_VAL;

     /* initialize the simplex based on the starting xstep */
     memcpy(pts+1, x, sizeof(double)*n);
     pts[0] = *minf;
     if (*minf < stop->minf_max) { ret=NLOPT_MINF_MAX_REACHED; goto done; }
     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
	  double *pt = pts + (i+1)*(n+1);
	  memcpy(pt+1, x, sizeof(double)*n);
	  pt[1+i] += xstep[i];
	  if (pt[1+i] > ub[i]) {
	       if (ub[i] - x[i] > fabs(xstep[i]) * 0.1)
		    pt[1+i] = ub[i];
	       else /* ub is too close to pt, go in other direction */
		    pt[1+i] = x[i] - fabs(xstep[i]);
	  if (pt[1+i] < lb[i]) {
	       if (x[i] - lb[i] > fabs(xstep[i]) * 0.1)
		    pt[1+i] = lb[i];
	       else {/* lb is too close to pt, go in other direction */
		    pt[1+i] = x[i] + fabs(xstep[i]);
		    if (pt[1+i] > ub[i]) /* go towards further of lb, ub */
			 pt[1+i] = 0.5 * ((ub[i] - x[i] > x[i] - lb[i] ?
					   ub[i] : lb[i]) + x[i]);
	  if (close(pt[1+i], x[i])) { ret=NLOPT_FAILURE; goto done; }
	  pt[0] = f(n, pt+1, NULL, f_data);
	  CHECK_EVAL(pt+1, pt[0]);

     for (i = 0; i < n + 1; ++i)
	  if (!rb_tree_insert(&t, pts + i*(n+1))) {
	       ret = NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
	       goto done;

     while (1) {
	  rb_node *low = rb_tree_min(&t);
	  rb_node *high = rb_tree_max(&t);
	  double fl = low->k[0], *xl = low->k + 1;
	  double fh = high->k[0], *xh = high->k + 1;
	  double fr;

	  *fdiff = fh - fl;

	  if (init_diam == 0) /* initialize diam. for psi convergence test */
	       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) init_diam += fabs(xl[i] - xh[i]);

	  if (psi <= 0 && nlopt_stop_ftol(stop, fl, fh)) {
	       ret = NLOPT_FTOL_REACHED;
	       goto done;

	  /* compute centroid ... if we cared about the perfomance of this,
	     we could do it iteratively by updating the centroid on
	     each step, but then we would have to be more careful about
	     accumulation of rounding errors... anyway n is unlikely to
	     be very large for Nelder-Mead in practical cases */
	  memset(c, 0, sizeof(double)*n);
	  for (i = 0; i < n + 1; ++i) {
	       double *xi = pts + i*(n+1) + 1;
	       if (xi != xh)
		    for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
			 c[j] += xi[j];
	  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) c[i] *= ninv;

	  /* x convergence check: find xcur = max radius from centroid */
	  memset(xcur, 0, sizeof(double)*n);
	  for (i = 0; i < n + 1; ++i) {
               double *xi = pts + i*(n+1) + 1;
	       for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
		    double dx = fabs(xi[j] - c[j]);
		    if (dx > xcur[j]) xcur[j] = dx;
	  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) xcur[i] += c[i];
	  if (psi > 0) {
	       double diam = 0;
	       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) diam += fabs(xl[i] - xh[i]);
	       if (diam < psi * init_diam) {
		    goto done;
	  else if (nlopt_stop_x(stop, c, xcur)) {
	       ret = NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED;
	       goto done;

	  /* reflection */
	  if (!reflectpt(n, xcur, c, alpha, xh, lb, ub)) { 
	       ret=NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED; goto done; 
	  fr = f(n, xcur, NULL, f_data);
	  CHECK_EVAL(xcur, fr);

	  if (fr < fl) { /* new best point, expand simplex */
	       if (!reflectpt(n, xh, c, gamm, xh, lb, ub)) {
		    ret=NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED; goto done; 
	       fh = f(n, xh, NULL, f_data);
	       CHECK_EVAL(xh, fh);
	       if (fh >= fr) { /* expanding didn't improve */
		    fh = fr;
		    memcpy(xh, xcur, sizeof(double)*n);
	  else if (fr < rb_tree_pred(high)->k[0]) { /* accept new point */
	       memcpy(xh, xcur, sizeof(double)*n);
	       fh = fr;
	  else { /* new worst point, contract */
	       double fc;
	       if (!reflectpt(n,xcur,c, fh <= fr ? -beta : beta, xh, lb,ub)) {
		    ret=NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED; goto done; 
	       fc = f(n, xcur, NULL, f_data);
	       CHECK_EVAL(xcur, fc);
	       if (fc < fr && fc < fh) { /* successful contraction */
		    memcpy(xh, xcur, sizeof(double)*n);
		    fh = fc;
	       else { /* failed contraction, shrink simplex */
		    rb_tree_init(&t, simplex_compare);
		    for (i = 0; i < n+1; ++i) {
			 double *pt = pts + i * (n+1);
			 if (pt+1 != xl) {
			      if (!reflectpt(n,pt+1, xl,-delta,pt+1, lb,ub)) {
				   ret = NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED;
				   goto done;
			      pt[0] = f(n, pt+1, NULL, f_data);
			      CHECK_EVAL(pt+1, pt[0]);
		    goto restart;

	  high->k[0] = fh;
	  rb_tree_resort(&t, high);
     return ret;
コード例 #17
ファイル: crs.c プロジェクト: Allefah/CMVS-PMVS
static nlopt_result crs_init(crs_data *d, int n, const double *x,
			     const double *lb, const double *ub,
			     nlopt_stopping *stop, nlopt_func f, void *f_data,
			     int population, int lds)
     int i;

     if (!population) {
	  /* TODO: how should we set the default population size? 
	     the Kaelo and Ali paper suggests 10*(n+1), but should
	     we add more random points if maxeval is large, or... ? */
	  d->N = 10 * (n + 1); /* heuristic initial population size */
	  d->N = population;
     if (d->N < n + 1) /* population must be big enough for a simplex */

     d->n = n;
     d->stop = stop;
     d->f = f; d->f_data = f_data;
     d->ub = ub; d->lb = lb;
     d->ps = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * (n + 1) * (d->N + 1));
     if (!d->ps) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
     d->p = d->ps + d->N * (n+1);
     rb_tree_init(&d->t, crs_compare);

     /* we can either use pseudorandom points, as in the original CRS
	algorithm, or use a low-discrepancy Sobol' sequence ... I tried
	the latter, however, and it doesn't seem to help, probably
	because we are only generating a small number of random points
	to start with */
     d->s = lds ? nlopt_sobol_create((unsigned) n) : NULL;
     nlopt_sobol_skip(d->s, (unsigned) d->N, d->ps + 1);

     /* generate initial points randomly, plus starting guess x */
     memcpy(d->ps + 1, x, sizeof(double) * n);
     d->ps[0] = f(n, x, NULL, f_data);
     if (!rb_tree_insert(&d->t, d->ps)) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
     if (d->ps[0] < stop->minf_max) return NLOPT_MINF_MAX_REACHED;
     if (nlopt_stop_evals(stop)) return NLOPT_MAXEVAL_REACHED;
     if (nlopt_stop_time(stop)) return NLOPT_MAXTIME_REACHED;
     for (i = 1; i < d->N; ++i) {
	  double *k = d->ps + i*(n+1);
	  if (d->s) 
	       nlopt_sobol_next(d->s, k + 1, lb, ub);
	  else {
	       int j;
	       for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) 
		    k[1 + j] = nlopt_urand(lb[j], ub[j]);
	  k[0] = f(n, k + 1, NULL, f_data);
	  if (!rb_tree_insert(&d->t, k)) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
	  if (k[0] < stop->minf_max) return NLOPT_MINF_MAX_REACHED;
	  if (nlopt_stop_evals(stop)) return NLOPT_MAXEVAL_REACHED;
	  if (nlopt_stop_time(stop)) return NLOPT_MAXTIME_REACHED;	  

     return NLOPT_SUCCESS;;
コード例 #18
ファイル: anagram.c プロジェクト: SavOK/libdict
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc != 2) {
	printf("Expected filename argument.\n");

    FILE *fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    if (!fp) {
	printf("Unable to open file '%s'.\n", argv[1]);

    rb_tree *tree = rb_tree_new(dict_str_cmp, NULL);

    char buf[512];
    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
	if (isupper(buf[0]))	/* Disregard proper nouns. */

	strtok(buf, "\r\n");
	int freq[256] = { 0 };
	memset(freq, 0, sizeof(freq));

	ASSERT(buf[0] != '\0');

	for (char *p = buf; *p; p++)

	char name[1024];
	char *p = name;
	for (int i=1; i<256; i++) {
	    if (freq[i]) {
		ASSERT(freq[i] < 10);

		*p++ = (char) i;
		*p++ = '0' + (char) freq[i];
	*p = 0;

	WordList* word = xmalloc(sizeof(*word));
	word->word = xstrdup(buf);
	WordList** wordp = (WordList**)rb_tree_insert(tree, xstrdup(name), NULL);
	word->next = *wordp;
	*wordp = word;

    rb_itor *itor = rb_itor_new(tree);
    for (rb_itor_first(itor); rb_itor_valid(itor); rb_itor_next(itor)) {
	WordList *word = *rb_itor_data(itor);
	ASSERT(word != NULL);
	if (word->next) {
	    int count = 1;
	    while (word->next)
		count++, word = word->next;
	    printf("%2d:[", count);
	    word = *rb_itor_data(itor);
	    while (word) {
		printf("%s%c", word->word, word->next ? ',' : ']');
		word = word->next;
	word = *rb_itor_data(itor);
	while (word) {
	    WordList *next = word->next;
	    word = next;
    } while (rb_itor_next(itor));

    return 0;