コード例 #1
void Visualization::updateCameraVelocity(float dt, bool forward, bool backward, bool left, bool right, bool fast)
    float cameraKeySpeed = 22.0f;
    if (fast)
        cameraKeySpeed *= 4.0f;
    float cameraKeyAcceleration = 100.f;
    if (forward) //Forward
        m_cameraVelocity[2] -= dt * cameraKeyAcceleration;
        m_cameraVelocity[2] = rcMax(m_cameraVelocity[2],-cameraKeySpeed);
    else if (backward) // Backward
        m_cameraVelocity[2] += dt * cameraKeyAcceleration;
        m_cameraVelocity[2] =  rcMin(m_cameraVelocity[2],cameraKeySpeed);
    else if (m_cameraVelocity[2] > 0)
        m_cameraVelocity[2] -= dt * cameraKeyAcceleration;
        m_cameraVelocity[2] =  rcMax(m_cameraVelocity[2],0.f);
        m_cameraVelocity[2] += dt * cameraKeyAcceleration;
        m_cameraVelocity[2] =  rcMin(m_cameraVelocity[2],0.f);
    if (right) // Right
        m_cameraVelocity[0] += dt * cameraKeyAcceleration;
        m_cameraVelocity[0] =  rcMin(m_cameraVelocity[0],cameraKeySpeed);
    else if (left) // Left
        m_cameraVelocity[0] -= dt * cameraKeyAcceleration;
        m_cameraVelocity[0] = rcMax(m_cameraVelocity[0],-cameraKeySpeed);
    else if (m_cameraVelocity[0] > 0)
        m_cameraVelocity[0] -= dt * cameraKeyAcceleration;
        m_cameraVelocity[0] =  rcMax(m_cameraVelocity[0],0.f);
        m_cameraVelocity[0] += dt * cameraKeyAcceleration;
        m_cameraVelocity[0] =  rcMin(m_cameraVelocity[0],0.f);
コード例 #2
ファイル: ConvexVolumeTool.cpp プロジェクト: 0jpq0/server
void ConvexVolumeTool::handleRender()
	DebugDrawGL dd;
	// Find height extents of the shape.
	float minh = FLT_MAX, maxh = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < m_npts; ++i)
		minh = rcMin(minh, m_pts[i*3+1]);
	minh -= m_boxDescent;
	maxh = minh + m_boxHeight;

	dd.begin(DU_DRAW_POINTS, 4.0f);
	for (int i = 0; i < m_npts; ++i)
		unsigned int col = duRGBA(255,255,255,255);
		if (i == m_npts-1)
			col = duRGBA(240,32,16,255);
		dd.vertex(m_pts[i*3+0],m_pts[i*3+1]+0.1f,m_pts[i*3+2], col);

	dd.begin(DU_DRAW_LINES, 2.0f);
	for (int i = 0, j = m_nhull-1; i < m_nhull; j = i++)
		const float* vi = &m_pts[m_hull[j]*3];
		const float* vj = &m_pts[m_hull[i]*3];
		dd.vertex(vj[0],minh,vj[2], duRGBA(255,255,255,64));
		dd.vertex(vi[0],minh,vi[2], duRGBA(255,255,255,64));
		dd.vertex(vj[0],maxh,vj[2], duRGBA(255,255,255,64));
		dd.vertex(vi[0],maxh,vi[2], duRGBA(255,255,255,64));
		dd.vertex(vj[0],minh,vj[2], duRGBA(255,255,255,64));
		dd.vertex(vj[0],maxh,vj[2], duRGBA(255,255,255,64));
コード例 #3
static float distToPoly(int nvert, const float* verts, const float* p)
	float dmin = FLT_MAX;
	int i, j, c = 0;
	for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++)
		const float* vi = &verts[i*3];
		const float* vj = &verts[j*3];
		if (((vi[2] > p[2]) != (vj[2] > p[2])) &&
			(p[0] < (vj[0]-vi[0]) * (p[2]-vi[2]) / (vj[2]-vi[2]) + vi[0]) )
			c = !c;
		dmin = rcMin(dmin, distancePtSeg2d(p, vj, vi));
	return c ? -dmin : dmin;
コード例 #4
ファイル: RecastMeshDetail.cpp プロジェクト: infini/_task
static float distToPoly(int nvert, const dtCoordinates* verts, const dtCoordinates& p)

	float dmin = FLT_MAX;
	int i, j, c = 0;
	for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++)
		const dtCoordinates vi( verts[i] );
		const dtCoordinates vj( verts[j] );
		if (((vi.Z() > p.Z()) != (vj.Z() > p.Z())) &&
			(p.X() < (vj.X()-vi.X()) * (p.Z()-vi.Z()) / (vj.Z()-vi.Z()) + vi.X()) )
			c = !c;
		dmin = rcMin(dmin, distancePtSeg2d(p, vj, vi));
	return c ? -dmin : dmin;
コード例 #5
static int fixupCorridor(dtPolyRef* path, const int npath, const int maxPath,
						 const dtPolyRef* visited, const int nvisited)
	int furthestPath = -1;
	int furthestVisited = -1;
	// Find furthest common polygon.
	for (int i = npath-1; i >= 0; --i)
		bool found = false;
		for (int j = nvisited-1; j >= 0; --j)
			if (path[i] == visited[j])
				furthestPath = i;
				furthestVisited = j;
				found = true;
		if (found)

	// If no intersection found just return current path. 
	if (furthestPath == -1 || furthestVisited == -1)
		return npath;
	// Concatenate paths.	

	// Adjust beginning of the buffer to include the visited.
	const int req = nvisited - furthestVisited;
	const int orig = rcMin(furthestPath+1, npath);
	int size = rcMax(0, npath-orig);
	if (req+size > maxPath)
		size = maxPath-req;
	if (size)
		memmove(path+req, path+orig, size*sizeof(dtPolyRef));
	// Store visited
	for (int i = 0; i < req; ++i)
		path[i] = visited[(nvisited-1)-i];				
	return req+size;
コード例 #6
// Calculate minimum extend of the polygon.
static float polyMinExtent(const float* verts, const int nverts)
	float minDist = FLT_MAX;
	for (int i = 0; i < nverts; i++)
		const int ni = (i+1) % nverts;
		const float* p1 = &verts[i*3];
		const float* p2 = &verts[ni*3];
		float maxEdgeDist = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < nverts; j++)
			if (j == i || j == ni) continue;
			float d = distancePtSeg2d(&verts[j*3], p1,p2);
			maxEdgeDist = rcMax(maxEdgeDist, d);
		minDist = rcMin(minDist, maxEdgeDist);
	return rcSqrt(minDist);
コード例 #7
unsigned char* RecastTileBuilder::build(float x, float y, const AABB& lastTileBounds, int& dataSize) {
	int gw = 0, gh = 0;

	float bmin[3];
	float bmax[3];

	bmin[0] = bounds.getXMin();
	bmin[1] = bounds.getYMin();
	bmin[2] = bounds.getZMin();

	bmax[0] = bounds.getXMax();
	bmax[1] = bounds.getYMax();
	bmax[2] = bounds.getZMax();

	rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, settings.m_cellSize, &gw, &gh);
	const int ts = (int) settings.m_tileSize;
	const int tw = (gw + ts - 1) / ts;
	const int th = (gh + ts - 1) / ts;

	// Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated.
	// There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon.
	int tileBits = rcMin((int) ilog2(nextPow2(tw * th)), 14);
	int polyBits = 22 - tileBits;
	m_maxTiles = 1<<tileBits;
	m_maxPolysPerTile = 1<<polyBits;

	dtNavMeshParams params;
	params.orig[0] = bounds.getXMin();
	params.orig[1] = bounds.getYMin();
	params.orig[2] = bounds.getZMin();

	//rcVcopy(params.orig, m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMin());
	params.tileWidth = settings.m_tileSize * settings.m_cellSize;
	params.tileHeight = settings.m_tileSize * settings.m_cellSize;
	params.maxTiles = m_maxTiles;
	params.maxPolys = m_maxPolysPerTile;

	dtStatus status;
	this->lastTileBounds = lastTileBounds;
	return buildTileMesh(x, y, dataSize);
コード例 #8
void BuildContext::doLog(const rcLogCategory category, const char* msg, const int len)
	if (!len) return;
	if (m_messageCount >= MAX_MESSAGES)
	char* dst = &m_textPool[m_textPoolSize];
	int n = TEXT_POOL_SIZE - m_textPoolSize;
	if (n < 2)
	char* cat = dst;
	char* text = dst+1;
	const int maxtext = n-1;
	// Store category
	*cat = (char)category;
	// Store message
	const int count = rcMin(len+1, maxtext);
	memcpy(text, msg, count);
	text[count-1] = '\0';
	m_textPoolSize += 1 + count;
	m_messages[m_messageCount++] = dst;
コード例 #9
/// @par
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcAllocPolyMeshDetail, rcPolyMesh, rcCompactHeightfield, rcPolyMeshDetail, rcConfig
bool rcBuildPolyMeshDetail(rcContext* ctx, const rcPolyMesh& mesh, const rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
						   const float sampleDist, const float sampleMaxError,
						   rcPolyMeshDetail& dmesh)
	if (mesh.nverts == 0 || mesh.npolys == 0)
		return true;
	const int nvp = mesh.nvp;
	const float cs = mesh.cs;
	const float ch = mesh.ch;
	const float* orig = mesh.bmin;
	const int borderSize = mesh.borderSize;
	rcIntArray edges(64);
	rcIntArray tris(512);
	rcIntArray stack(512);
	rcIntArray samples(512);
	float verts[256*3];
	rcHeightPatch hp;
	int nPolyVerts = 0;
	int maxhw = 0, maxhh = 0;
	rcScopedDelete<int> bounds = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*mesh.npolys*4, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!bounds)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMeshDetail: Out of memory 'bounds' (%d).", mesh.npolys*4);
		return false;
	rcScopedDelete<float> poly = (float*)rcAlloc(sizeof(float)*nvp*3, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!poly)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMeshDetail: Out of memory 'poly' (%d).", nvp*3);
		return false;
	// Find max size for a polygon area.
	for (int i = 0; i < mesh.npolys; ++i)
		const unsigned short* p = &mesh.polys[i*nvp*2];
		int& xmin = bounds[i*4+0];
		int& xmax = bounds[i*4+1];
		int& ymin = bounds[i*4+2];
		int& ymax = bounds[i*4+3];
		xmin = chf.width;
		xmax = 0;
		ymin = chf.height;
		ymax = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < nvp; ++j)
			if(p[j] == RC_MESH_NULL_IDX) break;
			const unsigned short* v = &mesh.verts[p[j]*3];
			xmin = rcMin(xmin, (int)v[0]);
			xmax = rcMax(xmax, (int)v[0]);
			ymin = rcMin(ymin, (int)v[2]);
			ymax = rcMax(ymax, (int)v[2]);
		xmin = rcMax(0,xmin-1);
		xmax = rcMin(chf.width,xmax+1);
		ymin = rcMax(0,ymin-1);
		ymax = rcMin(chf.height,ymax+1);
		if (xmin >= xmax || ymin >= ymax) continue;
		maxhw = rcMax(maxhw, xmax-xmin);
		maxhh = rcMax(maxhh, ymax-ymin);
	hp.data = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxhw*maxhh, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!hp.data)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMeshDetail: Out of memory 'hp.data' (%d).", maxhw*maxhh);
		return false;
	dmesh.nmeshes = mesh.npolys;
	dmesh.nverts = 0;
	dmesh.ntris = 0;
	dmesh.meshes = (unsigned int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*dmesh.nmeshes*4, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!dmesh.meshes)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMeshDetail: Out of memory 'dmesh.meshes' (%d).", dmesh.nmeshes*4);
		return false;
	int vcap = nPolyVerts+nPolyVerts/2;
	int tcap = vcap*2;
	dmesh.nverts = 0;
	dmesh.verts = (float*)rcAlloc(sizeof(float)*vcap*3, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!dmesh.verts)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMeshDetail: Out of memory 'dmesh.verts' (%d).", vcap*3);
		return false;
	dmesh.ntris = 0;
	dmesh.tris = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*tcap*4, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!dmesh.tris)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMeshDetail: Out of memory 'dmesh.tris' (%d).", tcap*4);
		return false;
	for (int i = 0; i < mesh.npolys; ++i)
		const unsigned short* p = &mesh.polys[i*nvp*2];
		// Store polygon vertices for processing.
		int npoly = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < nvp; ++j)
			if(p[j] == RC_MESH_NULL_IDX) break;
			const unsigned short* v = &mesh.verts[p[j]*3];
			poly[j*3+0] = v[0]*cs;
			poly[j*3+1] = v[1]*ch;
			poly[j*3+2] = v[2]*cs;
		// Get the height data from the area of the polygon.
		hp.xmin = bounds[i*4+0];
		hp.ymin = bounds[i*4+2];
		hp.width = bounds[i*4+1]-bounds[i*4+0];
		hp.height = bounds[i*4+3]-bounds[i*4+2];
		getHeightData(chf, p, npoly, mesh.verts, borderSize, hp, stack, mesh.regs[i]);
		// Build detail mesh.
		int nverts = 0;
		if (!buildPolyDetail(ctx, poly, npoly,
							 sampleDist, sampleMaxError,
							 chf, hp, verts, nverts, tris,
							 edges, samples))
			return false;
		// Move detail verts to world space.
		for (int j = 0; j < nverts; ++j)
			verts[j*3+0] += orig[0];
			verts[j*3+1] += orig[1] + chf.ch; // Is this offset necessary?
			verts[j*3+2] += orig[2];
		// Offset poly too, will be used to flag checking.
		for (int j = 0; j < npoly; ++j)
			poly[j*3+0] += orig[0];
			poly[j*3+1] += orig[1];
			poly[j*3+2] += orig[2];
		// Store detail submesh.
		const int ntris = tris.size()/4;
		dmesh.meshes[i*4+0] = (unsigned int)dmesh.nverts;
		dmesh.meshes[i*4+1] = (unsigned int)nverts;
		dmesh.meshes[i*4+2] = (unsigned int)dmesh.ntris;
		dmesh.meshes[i*4+3] = (unsigned int)ntris;
		// Store vertices, allocate more memory if necessary.
		if (dmesh.nverts+nverts > vcap)
			while (dmesh.nverts+nverts > vcap)
				vcap += 256;
			float* newv = (float*)rcAlloc(sizeof(float)*vcap*3, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
			if (!newv)
				ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMeshDetail: Out of memory 'newv' (%d).", vcap*3);
				return false;
			if (dmesh.nverts)
				memcpy(newv, dmesh.verts, sizeof(float)*3*dmesh.nverts);
			dmesh.verts = newv;
		for (int j = 0; j < nverts; ++j)
			dmesh.verts[dmesh.nverts*3+0] = verts[j*3+0];
			dmesh.verts[dmesh.nverts*3+1] = verts[j*3+1];
			dmesh.verts[dmesh.nverts*3+2] = verts[j*3+2];
		// Store triangles, allocate more memory if necessary.
		if (dmesh.ntris+ntris > tcap)
			while (dmesh.ntris+ntris > tcap)
				tcap += 256;
			unsigned char* newt = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*tcap*4, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
			if (!newt)
				ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMeshDetail: Out of memory 'newt' (%d).", tcap*4);
				return false;
			if (dmesh.ntris)
				memcpy(newt, dmesh.tris, sizeof(unsigned char)*4*dmesh.ntris);
			dmesh.tris = newt;
		for (int j = 0; j < ntris; ++j)
			const int* t = &tris[j*4];
			dmesh.tris[dmesh.ntris*4+0] = (unsigned char)t[0];
			dmesh.tris[dmesh.ntris*4+1] = (unsigned char)t[1];
			dmesh.tris[dmesh.ntris*4+2] = (unsigned char)t[2];
			dmesh.tris[dmesh.ntris*4+3] = getTriFlags(&verts[t[0]*3], &verts[t[1]*3], &verts[t[2]*3], poly, npoly);
	return true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: RecastRegion.cpp プロジェクト: Orav/kbengine
/// @par
/// Non-null regions will consist of connected, non-overlapping walkable spans that form a single contour.
/// Contours will form simple polygons.
/// If multiple regions form an area that is smaller than @p minRegionArea, then all spans will be
/// re-assigned to the zero (null) region.
/// Watershed partitioning can result in smaller than necessary regions, especially in diagonal corridors. 
/// @p mergeRegionArea helps reduce unecessarily small regions.
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// The region data will be available via the rcCompactHeightfield::maxRegions
/// and rcCompactSpan::reg fields.
/// @warning The distance field must be created using #rcBuildDistanceField before attempting to build regions.
/// @see rcCompactHeightfield, rcCompactSpan, rcBuildDistanceField, rcBuildRegionsMonotone, rcConfig
bool rcBuildRegions(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
					const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea)
	const int w = chf.width;
	const int h = chf.height;
	rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> buf = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount*4, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!buf)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildRegions: Out of memory 'tmp' (%d).", chf.spanCount*4);
		return false;

	const int LOG_NB_STACKS = 3;
	const int NB_STACKS = 1 << LOG_NB_STACKS;
	rcIntArray lvlStacks[NB_STACKS];
	for (int i=0; i<NB_STACKS; ++i)

	rcIntArray stack(1024);
	rcIntArray visited(1024);
	unsigned short* srcReg = buf;
	unsigned short* srcDist = buf+chf.spanCount;
	unsigned short* dstReg = buf+chf.spanCount*2;
	unsigned short* dstDist = buf+chf.spanCount*3;
	memset(srcReg, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount);
	memset(srcDist, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount);
	unsigned short regionId = 1;
	unsigned short level = (chf.maxDistance+1) & ~1;

	// TODO: Figure better formula, expandIters defines how much the 
	// watershed "overflows" and simplifies the regions. Tying it to
	// agent radius was usually good indication how greedy it could be.
//	const int expandIters = 4 + walkableRadius * 2;
	const int expandIters = 8;

	if (borderSize > 0)
		// Make sure border will not overflow.
		const int bw = rcMin(w, borderSize);
		const int bh = rcMin(h, borderSize);
		// Paint regions
		paintRectRegion(0, bw, 0, h, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;
		paintRectRegion(w-bw, w, 0, h, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;
		paintRectRegion(0, w, 0, bh, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;
		paintRectRegion(0, w, h-bh, h, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;

		chf.borderSize = borderSize;
	int sId = -1;
	while (level > 0)
		level = level >= 2 ? level-2 : 0;
		sId = (sId+1) & (NB_STACKS-1);

//		ctx->startTimer(RC_TIMER_DIVIDE_TO_LEVELS);

		if (sId == 0)
			sortCellsByLevel(level, chf, srcReg, NB_STACKS, lvlStacks, 1);
			appendStacks(lvlStacks[sId-1], lvlStacks[sId], srcReg); // copy left overs from last level

//		ctx->stopTimer(RC_TIMER_DIVIDE_TO_LEVELS);

		// Expand current regions until no empty connected cells found.
		if (expandRegions(expandIters, level, chf, srcReg, srcDist, dstReg, dstDist, lvlStacks[sId], false) != srcReg)
			rcSwap(srcReg, dstReg);
			rcSwap(srcDist, dstDist);
		// Mark new regions with IDs.
		for (int j=0; j<lvlStacks[sId].size(); j+=3)
			int x = lvlStacks[sId][j];
			int y = lvlStacks[sId][j+1];
			int i = lvlStacks[sId][j+2];
			if (i >= 0 && srcReg[i] == 0)
				if (floodRegion(x, y, i, level, regionId, chf, srcReg, srcDist, stack))
	// Expand current regions until no empty connected cells found.
	if (expandRegions(expandIters*8, 0, chf, srcReg, srcDist, dstReg, dstDist, stack, true) != srcReg)
		rcSwap(srcReg, dstReg);
		rcSwap(srcDist, dstDist);
	// Merge regions and filter out smalle regions.
	rcIntArray overlaps;
	chf.maxRegions = regionId;
	if (!mergeAndFilterRegions(ctx, minRegionArea, mergeRegionArea, chf.maxRegions, chf, srcReg, overlaps))
		return false;

	// If overlapping regions were found during merging, split those regions.
	if (overlaps.size() > 0)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildRegions: %d overlapping regions.", overlaps.size());

	// Write the result out.
	for (int i = 0; i < chf.spanCount; ++i)
		chf.spans[i].reg = srcReg[i];
	return true;
コード例 #11
void Sample_TileMesh::handleSettings()

	if (imguiCheck("Keep Itermediate Results", m_keepInterResults))
		m_keepInterResults = !m_keepInterResults;

	if (imguiCheck("Build All Tiles", m_buildAll))
		m_buildAll = !m_buildAll;
	imguiSlider("TileSize", &m_tileSize, 16.0f, 1024.0f, 16.0f);
	if (m_geom)
		char text[64];
		int gw = 0, gh = 0;
		const float* bmin = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMin();
		const float* bmax = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMax();
		rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh);
		const int ts = (int)m_tileSize;
		const int tw = (gw + ts-1) / ts;
		const int th = (gh + ts-1) / ts;
		snprintf(text, 64, "Tiles  %d x %d", tw, th);

		// Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated.
		// There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon.
		int tileBits = rcMin((int)ilog2(nextPow2(tw*th)), 14);
		if (tileBits > 14) tileBits = 14;
		int polyBits = 22 - tileBits;
		m_maxTiles = 1 << tileBits;
		m_maxPolysPerTile = 1 << polyBits;
		snprintf(text, 64, "Max Tiles  %d", m_maxTiles);
		snprintf(text, 64, "Max Polys  %d", m_maxPolysPerTile);
		m_maxTiles = 0;
		m_maxPolysPerTile = 0;
	if (imguiButton("Save"))
		Sample::saveAll("all_tiles_navmesh.bin", m_navMesh);

	if (imguiButton("Load"))
		m_navMesh = Sample::loadAll("all_tiles_navmesh.bin");
		m_navQuery->init(m_navMesh, 2048);

	char msg[64];
	snprintf(msg, 64, "Build Time: %.1fms", m_totalBuildTimeMs);
コード例 #12
static int rasterizeTileLayers(BuildContext* ctx, CMapMesh* geom,
							   const int tx, const int ty,
							   const rcConfig& cfg,
							   TileCacheData* tiles,
							   const int maxTiles)
	if (!geom || !geom->GetChunkyMesh())
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTile: Input mesh is not specified.");
		return 0;
	FastLZCompressor comp;
	RasterizationContext rc;
	const float* verts = geom->GetVerts();
	const int nverts = geom->GetNumVerts();
	const rcChunkyTriMesh* chunkyMesh = geom->GetChunkyMesh();
	// Tile bounds.
	const float tcs = cfg.tileSize * cfg.cs;
	rcConfig tcfg;
	memcpy(&tcfg, &cfg, sizeof(tcfg));

	tcfg.bmin[0] = cfg.bmin[0] + tx*tcs;
	tcfg.bmin[1] = cfg.bmin[1];
	tcfg.bmin[2] = cfg.bmin[2] + ty*tcs;
	tcfg.bmax[0] = cfg.bmin[0] + (tx+1)*tcs;
	tcfg.bmax[1] = cfg.bmax[1];
	tcfg.bmax[2] = cfg.bmin[2] + (ty+1)*tcs;
	tcfg.bmin[0] -= tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs;
	tcfg.bmin[2] -= tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs;
	tcfg.bmax[0] += tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs;
	tcfg.bmax[2] += tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs;
	// Allocate voxel heightfield where we rasterize our input data to.
	rc.solid = rcAllocHeightfield();
	if (!rc.solid)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'solid'.");
		return 0;
	if (!rcCreateHeightfield(ctx, *rc.solid, tcfg.width, tcfg.height, tcfg.bmin, tcfg.bmax, tcfg.cs, tcfg.ch))
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not create solid heightfield.");
		return 0;
	// Allocate array that can hold triangle flags.
	// If you have multiple meshes you need to process, allocate
	// and array which can hold the max number of triangles you need to process.
	rc.triareas = new unsigned char[chunkyMesh->maxTrisPerChunk];
	if (!rc.triareas)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'm_triareas' (%d).", chunkyMesh->maxTrisPerChunk);
		return 0;
	float tbmin[2], tbmax[2];
	tbmin[0] = tcfg.bmin[0];
	tbmin[1] = tcfg.bmin[2];
	tbmax[0] = tcfg.bmax[0];
	tbmax[1] = tcfg.bmax[2];
	int cid[512];// TODO: Make grow when returning too many items.
	const int ncid = rcGetChunksOverlappingRect(chunkyMesh, tbmin, tbmax, cid, 512);
	if (!ncid)
		return 0; // empty
	for (int i = 0; i < ncid; ++i)
		const rcChunkyTriMeshNode& node = chunkyMesh->nodes[cid[i]];
		const int* tris = &chunkyMesh->tris[node.i*3];
		const int ntris = node.n;
		memset(rc.triareas, 0, ntris*sizeof(unsigned char));
		rcMarkWalkableTriangles(ctx, tcfg.walkableSlopeAngle,
								verts, nverts, tris, ntris, rc.triareas);
		rcRasterizeTriangles(ctx, verts, nverts, tris, rc.triareas, ntris, *rc.solid, tcfg.walkableClimb);
	// Once all geometry is rasterized, we do initial pass of filtering to
	// remove unwanted overhangs caused by the conservative rasterization
	// as well as filter spans where the character cannot possibly stand.
	rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles(ctx, tcfg.walkableClimb, *rc.solid);
	rcFilterLedgeSpans(ctx, tcfg.walkableHeight, tcfg.walkableClimb, *rc.solid);
	rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans(ctx, tcfg.walkableHeight, *rc.solid);
	rc.chf = rcAllocCompactHeightfield();
	if (!rc.chf)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'chf'.");
		return 0;
	if (!rcBuildCompactHeightfield(ctx, tcfg.walkableHeight, tcfg.walkableClimb, *rc.solid, *rc.chf))
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not build compact data.");
		return 0;
	// Erode the walkable area by agent radius.
	if (!rcErodeWalkableArea(ctx, tcfg.walkableRadius, *rc.chf))
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not erode.");
		return 0;
#if 0
	// (Optional) Mark areas.
	const ConvexVolume* vols = geom->getConvexVolumes();
	for (int i  = 0; i < geom->getConvexVolumeCount(); ++i)
		rcMarkConvexPolyArea(ctx, vols[i].verts, vols[i].nverts,
							 vols[i].hmin, vols[i].hmax,
							 (unsigned char)vols[i].area, *rc.chf);
#endif // 0

	rc.lset = rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet();
	if (!rc.lset)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'lset'.");
		return 0;
	if (!rcBuildHeightfieldLayers(ctx, *rc.chf, tcfg.borderSize, tcfg.walkableHeight, *rc.lset))
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not build heighfield layers.");
		return 0;
	rc.ntiles = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < rcMin(rc.lset->nlayers, MAX_LAYERS); ++i)
		TileCacheData* tile = &rc.tiles[rc.ntiles++];
		const rcHeightfieldLayer* layer = &rc.lset->layers[i];
		// Store header
		dtTileCacheLayerHeader header;
		header.magic = DT_TILECACHE_MAGIC;
		header.version = DT_TILECACHE_VERSION;
		// Tile layer location in the navmesh.
		header.tx = tx;
		header.ty = ty;
		header.tlayer = i;
		dtVcopy(header.bmin, layer->bmin);
		dtVcopy(header.bmax, layer->bmax);
		// Tile info.
		header.width = (unsigned char)layer->width;
		header.height = (unsigned char)layer->height;
		header.minx = (unsigned char)layer->minx;
		header.maxx = (unsigned char)layer->maxx;
		header.miny = (unsigned char)layer->miny;
		header.maxy = (unsigned char)layer->maxy;
		header.hmin = (unsigned short)layer->hmin;
		header.hmax = (unsigned short)layer->hmax;

		dtStatus status = dtBuildTileCacheLayer(&comp, &header, layer->heights, layer->areas, layer->cons,
												&tile->data, &tile->dataSize);
		if (dtStatusFailed(status))
			return 0;

	// Transfer ownsership of tile data from build context to the caller.
	int n = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < rcMin(rc.ntiles, maxTiles); ++i)
		tiles[n++] = rc.tiles[i];
		rc.tiles[i].data = 0;
		rc.tiles[i].dataSize = 0;
	return n;
コード例 #13
/// @par
/// Non-null regions will consist of connected, non-overlapping walkable spans that form a single contour.
/// Contours will form simple polygons.
/// If multiple regions form an area that is smaller than @p minRegionArea, then all spans will be
/// re-assigned to the zero (null) region.
/// Watershed partitioning can result in smaller than necessary regions, especially in diagonal corridors. 
/// @p mergeRegionArea helps reduce unecessarily small regions.
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// The region data will be available via the rcCompactHeightfield::maxRegions
/// and rcCompactSpan::reg fields.
/// @warning The distance field must be created using #rcBuildDistanceField before attempting to build regions.
/// @see rcCompactHeightfield, rcCompactSpan, rcBuildDistanceField, rcBuildRegionsMonotone, rcConfig
bool rcBuildRegions(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
                    const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea)
    const int w = chf.width;
    const int h = chf.height;
    rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> buf = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount*4, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
    if (!buf)
        ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildRegions: Out of memory 'tmp' (%d).", chf.spanCount*4);
        return false;
    rcIntArray stack(1024);
    rcIntArray visited(1024);
    unsigned short* srcReg = buf;
    unsigned short* srcDist = buf+chf.spanCount;
    unsigned short* dstReg = buf+chf.spanCount*2;
    unsigned short* dstDist = buf+chf.spanCount*3;
    memset(srcReg, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount);
    memset(srcDist, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount);
    unsigned short regionId = 1;
    unsigned short level = (chf.maxDistance+1) & ~1;

    // TODO: Figure better formula, expandIters defines how much the 
    // watershed "overflows" and simplifies the regions. Tying it to
    // agent radius was usually good indication how greedy it could be.
//    const int expandIters = 4 + walkableRadius * 2;
    const int expandIters = 8;

    if (borderSize > 0)
        // Make sure border will not overflow.
        const int bw = rcMin(w, borderSize);
        const int bh = rcMin(h, borderSize);
        // Paint regions
        paintRectRegion(0, bw, 0, h, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;
        paintRectRegion(w-bw, w, 0, h, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;
        paintRectRegion(0, w, 0, bh, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;
        paintRectRegion(0, w, h-bh, h, regionId|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); regionId++;

        chf.borderSize = borderSize;
    while (level > 0)
        level = level >= 2 ? level-2 : 0;
        // Expand current regions until no empty connected cells found.
        if (expandRegions(expandIters, level, chf, srcReg, srcDist, dstReg, dstDist, stack) != srcReg)
            rcSwap(srcReg, dstReg);
            rcSwap(srcDist, dstDist);
        // Mark new regions with IDs.
        for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
                const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
                for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                    if (chf.dist[i] < level || srcReg[i] != 0 || chf.areas[i] == RC_NULL_AREA)
                    if (floodRegion(x, y, i, level, regionId, chf, srcReg, srcDist, stack))
    // Expand current regions until no empty connected cells found.
    if (expandRegions(expandIters*8, 0, chf, srcReg, srcDist, dstReg, dstDist, stack) != srcReg)
        rcSwap(srcReg, dstReg);
        rcSwap(srcDist, dstDist);
    // Filter out small regions.
    chf.maxRegions = regionId;
    if (!filterSmallRegions(ctx, minRegionArea, mergeRegionArea, chf.maxRegions, chf, srcReg))
        return false;
    // Write the result out.
    for (int i = 0; i < chf.spanCount; ++i)
        chf.spans[i].reg = srcReg[i];
    return true;
コード例 #14
ファイル: RecastFilter.cpp プロジェクト: SkyFire/sandshroud
void rcFilterLedgeSpans(const int walkableHeight,
						const int walkableClimb,
						rcHeightfield& solid)
	rcTimeVal startTime = rcGetPerformanceTimer();

	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;
	const int MAX_HEIGHT = 0xffff;
	// Mark border spans.
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			for (rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s; s = s->next)
				// Skip non walkable spans.
				if ((s->flags & RC_WALKABLE) == 0)
				const int bot = (int)(s->smax);
				const int top = s->next ? (int)(s->next->smin) : MAX_HEIGHT;
				// Find neighbours minimum height.
				int minh = MAX_HEIGHT;

				// Min and max height of accessible neighbours.
				int asmin = s->smax;
				int asmax = s->smax;

				for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
					int dx = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
					int dy = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
					// Skip neighbours which are out of bounds.
					if (dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx >= w || dy >= h)
						minh = rcMin(minh, -walkableClimb - bot);

					// From minus infinity to the first span.
					rcSpan* ns = solid.spans[dx + dy*w];
					int nbot = -walkableClimb;
					int ntop = ns ? (int)ns->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
					// Skip neightbour if the gap between the spans is too small.
					if (rcMin(top,ntop) - rcMax(bot,nbot) > walkableHeight)
						minh = rcMin(minh, nbot - bot);
					// Rest of the spans.
					for (ns = solid.spans[dx + dy*w]; ns; ns = ns->next)
						nbot = (int)ns->smax;
						ntop = ns->next ? (int)ns->next->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
						// Skip neightbour if the gap between the spans is too small.
						if (rcMin(top,ntop) - rcMax(bot,nbot) > walkableHeight)
							minh = rcMin(minh, nbot - bot);
							// Find min/max accessible neighbour height. 
							if (rcAbs(nbot - bot) <= walkableClimb)
								if (nbot < asmin) asmin = nbot;
								if (nbot > asmax) asmax = nbot;
				// The current span is close to a ledge if the drop to any
				// neighbour span is less than the walkableClimb.
				if (minh < -walkableClimb)
					s->flags |= RC_LEDGE;
				// If the difference between all neighbours is too large,
				// we are at steep slope, mark the span as ledge.
				if ((asmax - asmin) > walkableClimb)
					s->flags |= RC_LEDGE;
	rcTimeVal endTime = rcGetPerformanceTimer();
//	if (rcGetLog())
//		rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_PROGRESS, "Filter border: %.3f ms", rcGetDeltaTimeUsec(startTime, endTime)/1000.0f);
	if (rcGetBuildTimes())
		rcGetBuildTimes()->filterBorder += rcGetDeltaTimeUsec(startTime, endTime);
コード例 #15
ファイル: RecastLayers.cpp プロジェクト: xiangyuan/Unreal4
static bool CollectLayerRegionsMonotone(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf, const int borderSize,
										unsigned short* srcReg, rcLayerRegionMonotone*& regs, int& nregs)
	const int w = chf.width;
	const int h = chf.height;

	const int nsweeps = chf.width;
	rcScopedDelete<rcLayerSweepSpan> sweeps = (rcLayerSweepSpan*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcLayerSweepSpan)*nsweeps, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!sweeps)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "CollectLayerRegionsMonotone: Out of memory 'sweeps' (%d).", nsweeps);
		return false;

	// Partition walkable area into monotone regions.
	rcIntArray prev(256);
	unsigned short regId = 0;

	for (int y = borderSize; y < h-borderSize; ++y)
		unsigned short sweepId = 0;

		for (int x = borderSize; x < w-borderSize; ++x)
			const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];

			for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
				const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
				if (chf.areas[i] == RC_NULL_AREA) continue;

				unsigned short sid = 0xffff;

				// -x
				if (rcGetCon(s, 0) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
					const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(0);
					const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(0);
					const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 0);
					if (chf.areas[ai] != RC_NULL_AREA && srcReg[ai] != 0xffff)
						sid = srcReg[ai];

				if (sid == 0xffff)
					sid = sweepId++;
					sweeps[sid].nei = 0xffff;
					sweeps[sid].ns = 0;

				// -y
				if (rcGetCon(s,3) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
					const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(3);
					const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(3);
					const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 3);
					const unsigned short nr = srcReg[ai];
					if (nr != 0xffff)
						// Set neighbour when first valid neighbour is encoutered.
						if (sweeps[sid].ns == 0)
							sweeps[sid].nei = nr;

						if (sweeps[sid].nei == nr)
							// Update existing neighbour
							// This is hit if there is nore than one neighbour.
							// Invalidate the neighbour.
							sweeps[sid].nei = 0xffff;

				srcReg[i] = sid;

		// Create unique ID.
		for (int i = 0; i < sweepId; ++i)
			// If the neighbour is set and there is only one continuous connection to it,
			// the sweep will be merged with the previous one, else new region is created.
			if (sweeps[i].nei != 0xffff && prev[sweeps[i].nei] == sweeps[i].ns)
				sweeps[i].id = sweeps[i].nei;
				sweeps[i].id = regId++;

		// Remap local sweep ids to region ids.
		for (int x = borderSize; x < w-borderSize; ++x)
			const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
			for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
				if (srcReg[i] != 0xffff)
					srcReg[i] = sweeps[srcReg[i]].id;

	// Allocate and init layer regions.
	nregs = (int)regId;
	regs = (rcLayerRegionMonotone*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcLayerRegionMonotone)*nregs, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!regs)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "CollectLayerRegionsMonotone: Out of memory 'regs' (%d).", nregs);
		return false;
	memset(regs, 0, sizeof(rcLayerRegionMonotone)*nregs);
	for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
		regs[i].layerId = 0xffff;
		regs[i].ymin = 0xffff;
		regs[i].ymax = 0;

	rcIntArray lregs(64);

	// Find region neighbours and overlapping regions.
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];

			for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
				const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
				const unsigned short ri = srcReg[i];
				if (ri == 0xffff) continue;

				regs[ri].ymin = rcMin(regs[ri].ymin, s.y);
				regs[ri].ymax = rcMax(regs[ri].ymax, s.y);

				// Collect all region layers.

				// Update neighbours
				for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
					if (rcGetCon(s, dir) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
						const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
						const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
						const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, dir);
						const unsigned short rai = srcReg[ai];
						if (rai != 0xffff && rai != ri)
							addUnique(regs[ri].neis, rai);


			// Update overlapping regions.
			const int nlregs = lregs.size();
			for (int i = 0; i < nlregs-1; ++i)
				for (int j = i+1; j < nlregs; ++j)
					if (lregs[i] != lregs[j])
						rcLayerRegionMonotone& ri = regs[lregs[i]];
						rcLayerRegionMonotone& rj = regs[lregs[j]];
						addUnique(ri.layers, lregs[j]);
						addUnique(rj.layers, lregs[i]);

	return true;
コード例 #16
ファイル: RecastLayers.cpp プロジェクト: xiangyuan/Unreal4
static bool SplitAndStoreLayerRegions(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
									  const int borderSize, const int walkableHeight,
									  unsigned short* srcReg, rcLayerRegionMonotone* regs, const int nregs,
									  rcHeightfieldLayerSet& lset)
	// Create 2D layers from regions.
	unsigned short layerId = 0;

	rcIntArray stack(64);

	for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
		rcLayerRegionMonotone& root = regs[i];
		// Skip already visited.
		if (root.layerId != 0xffff)

		// Start search.
		root.layerId = layerId;
		root.base = 1;

		while (stack.size())
			// Pop front
			rcLayerRegionMonotone& reg = regs[stack[0]];
			for (int j = 1; j < stack.size(); ++j)
				stack[j - 1] = stack[j];

			const int nneis = (int)reg.neis.size();
			for (int j = 0; j < nneis; ++j)
				const int nei = reg.neis[j];
				rcLayerRegionMonotone& regn = regs[nei];
				// Skip already visited.
				if (regn.layerId != 0xffff)
				// Skip if the neighbour is overlapping root region.
				if (root.layers.contains(nei))
				// Skip if the height range would become too large.
				const int ymin = rcMin(root.ymin, regn.ymin);
				const int ymax = rcMin(root.ymax, regn.ymax);
				if ((ymax - ymin) >= 255)

				// Deepen

				// Mark layer id
				regn.layerId = layerId;
				// Merge current layers to root.
				for (int k = 0; k < regn.layers.size(); ++k)
					addUnique(root.layers, regn.layers[k]);
				root.ymin = rcMin(root.ymin, regn.ymin);
				root.ymax = rcMax(root.ymax, regn.ymax);


	// Merge non-overlapping regions that are close in height.
	const unsigned short mergeHeight = (unsigned short)walkableHeight * 4;

	for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
		rcLayerRegionMonotone& ri = regs[i];
		if (!ri.base) continue;

		unsigned short newId = ri.layerId;

		for (;;)
			unsigned short oldId = 0xffff;

			for (int j = 0; j < nregs; ++j)
				if (i == j) continue;
				rcLayerRegionMonotone& rj = regs[j];
				if (!rj.base) continue;

				// Skip if the regions are not close to each other.
				if (!overlapRange(ri.ymin,ri.ymax+mergeHeight, rj.ymin,rj.ymax+mergeHeight))
				// Skip if the height range would become too large.
				const int ymin = rcMin(ri.ymin, rj.ymin);
				const int ymax = rcMin(ri.ymax, rj.ymax);
				if ((ymax - ymin) >= 255)

				// Make sure that there is no overlap when mergin 'ri' and 'rj'.
				bool overlap = false;
				// Iterate over all regions which have the same layerId as 'rj'
				for (int k = 0; k < nregs; ++k)
					if (regs[k].layerId != rj.layerId)
					// Check if region 'k' is overlapping region 'ri'
					// Index to 'regs' is the same as region id.
					if (ri.layers.contains(k))
						overlap = true;
				// Cannot merge of regions overlap.
				if (overlap)

				// Can merge i and j.
				oldId = rj.layerId;

			// Could not find anything to merge with, stop.
			if (oldId == 0xffff)

			// Merge
			for (int j = 0; j < nregs; ++j)
				rcLayerRegionMonotone& rj = regs[j];
				if (rj.layerId == oldId)
					rj.base = 0;
					// Remap layerIds.
					rj.layerId = newId;
					// Add overlaid layers from 'rj' to 'ri'.
					for (int k = 0; k < rj.layers.size(); ++k)
						addUnique(ri.layers, rj.layers[k]);
					// Update heigh bounds.
					ri.ymin = rcMin(ri.ymin, rj.ymin);
					ri.ymax = rcMax(ri.ymax, rj.ymax);

	// Compact layerIds
	layerId = 0;
	if (nregs < 256)
		// Compact ids.
		unsigned short remap[256];
		memset(remap, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*256);
		// Find number of unique regions.
		for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
			remap[regs[i].layerId] = 1;
		for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
			if (remap[i])
				remap[i] = layerId++;
		// Remap ids.
		for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
			regs[i].layerId = remap[regs[i].layerId];
		for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
			regs[i].remap = true;

		for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
			if (!regs[i].remap)
			unsigned short oldId = regs[i].layerId;
			unsigned short newId = ++layerId;
			for (int j = i; j < nregs; ++j)
				if (regs[j].layerId == oldId)
					regs[j].layerId = newId;
					regs[j].remap = false;

	// No layers, return empty.
	if (layerId == 0)
		return true;

	// Create layers.
	rcAssert(lset.layers == 0);

	const int w = chf.width;
	const int h = chf.height;
	const int lw = w - borderSize*2;
	const int lh = h - borderSize*2;

	// Build contracted bbox for layers.
	float bmin[3], bmax[3];
	rcVcopy(bmin, chf.bmin);
	rcVcopy(bmax, chf.bmax);
	bmin[0] += borderSize*chf.cs;
	bmin[2] += borderSize*chf.cs;
	bmax[0] -= borderSize*chf.cs;
	bmax[2] -= borderSize*chf.cs;

	lset.nlayers = (int)layerId;

	lset.layers = (rcHeightfieldLayer*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcHeightfieldLayer)*lset.nlayers, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!lset.layers)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "SplitAndStoreLayerRegions: Out of memory 'layers' (%d).", lset.nlayers);
		return false;
	memset(lset.layers, 0, sizeof(rcHeightfieldLayer)*lset.nlayers);

	// Store layers.
	for (int i = 0; i < lset.nlayers; ++i)
		unsigned short curId = (unsigned short)i;

		// Allocate memory for the current layer.
		rcHeightfieldLayer* layer = &lset.layers[i];
		memset(layer, 0, sizeof(rcHeightfieldLayer));

		const int gridSize = sizeof(unsigned char)*lw*lh;

		layer->heights = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(gridSize, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
		if (!layer->heights)
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "SplitAndStoreLayerRegions: Out of memory 'heights' (%d).", gridSize);
			return false;
		memset(layer->heights, 0xff, gridSize);

		layer->areas = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(gridSize, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
		if (!layer->areas)
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "SplitAndStoreLayerRegions: Out of memory 'areas' (%d).", gridSize);
			return false;
		memset(layer->areas, 0, gridSize);

		layer->cons = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(gridSize, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
		if (!layer->cons)
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "SplitAndStoreLayerRegions: Out of memory 'cons' (%d).", gridSize);
			return false;
		memset(layer->cons, 0, gridSize);

		// Find layer height bounds.
		int hmin = 0, hmax = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < nregs; ++j)
			if (regs[j].base && regs[j].layerId == curId)
				hmin = (int)regs[j].ymin;
				hmax = (int)regs[j].ymax;

		layer->width = lw;
		layer->height = lh;
		layer->cs = chf.cs;
		layer->ch = chf.ch;

		// Adjust the bbox to fit the heighfield.
		rcVcopy(layer->bmin, bmin);
		rcVcopy(layer->bmax, bmax);
		layer->bmin[1] = bmin[1] + hmin*chf.ch;
		layer->bmax[1] = bmin[1] + hmax*chf.ch;
		layer->hmin = hmin;
		layer->hmax = hmax;

		// Update usable data region.
		layer->minx = layer->width;
		layer->maxx = 0;
		layer->miny = layer->height;
		layer->maxy = 0;

		// Copy height and area from compact heighfield. 
		for (int y = 0; y < lh; ++y)
			for (int x = 0; x < lw; ++x)
				const int cx = borderSize+x;
				const int cy = borderSize+y;
				const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[cx+cy*w];
				for (int j = (int)c.index, nj = (int)(c.index+c.count); j < nj; ++j)
					const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[j];
					// Skip unassigned regions.
					if (srcReg[j] == 0xffff)
					// Skip of does nto belong to current layer.
					unsigned short lid = regs[srcReg[j]].layerId;
					if (lid != curId)

					// Update data bounds.
					layer->minx = rcMin(layer->minx, x);
					layer->maxx = rcMax(layer->maxx, x);
					layer->miny = rcMin(layer->miny, y);
					layer->maxy = rcMax(layer->maxy, y);

					// Store height and area type.
					const int idx = x+y*lw;
					layer->heights[idx] = (unsigned char)(s.y - hmin);
					layer->areas[idx] = chf.areas[j];

					// Check connection.
					unsigned char portal = 0;
					unsigned char con = 0;
					for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
						if (rcGetCon(s, dir) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
							const int ax = cx + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
							const int ay = cy + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
							const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, dir);
							unsigned short alid = srcReg[ai] != 0xffff ? regs[srcReg[ai]].layerId : 0xffff;
							// Portal mask
							if (chf.areas[ai] != RC_NULL_AREA && lid != alid)
								portal |= (unsigned char)(1<<dir);
								// Update height so that it matches on both sides of the portal.
								const rcCompactSpan& as = chf.spans[ai];
								if (as.y > hmin)
									layer->heights[idx] = rcMax(layer->heights[idx], (unsigned char)(as.y - hmin));
							// Valid connection mask
							if (chf.areas[ai] != RC_NULL_AREA && lid == alid)
								const int nx = ax - borderSize;
								const int ny = ay - borderSize;
								if (nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx < lw && ny < lh)
									con |= (unsigned char)(1 << dir);

									// [UE4: make sure that connections are bidirectional, otherwise contour tracing will stuck in infinite loop]
									const int nidx = nx + (ny * lw);
									layer->cons[nidx] |= (unsigned char)(1 << ((dir + 2) % 4));

					layer->cons[idx] |= (portal << 4) | con;

		if (layer->minx > layer->maxx)
			layer->minx = layer->maxx = 0;
		if (layer->miny > layer->maxy)
			layer->miny = layer->maxy = 0;

	return true;
コード例 #17
ファイル: RecastLayers.cpp プロジェクト: xiangyuan/Unreal4
/// @par
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet, rcCompactHeightfield, rcHeightfieldLayerSet, rcConfig
bool rcBuildHeightfieldLayers(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
	const int borderSize, const int walkableHeight,
	rcHeightfieldLayerSet& lset)


	rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> spanBuf4 = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount*4, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!spanBuf4)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'spanBuf4' (%d).", chf.spanCount*4);
		return false;


	unsigned short* srcReg = spanBuf4;
	if (!rcGatherRegionsNoFilter(ctx, chf, borderSize, spanBuf4))
		return false;


	const int w = chf.width;
	const int h = chf.height;
	const int nreg = chf.maxRegions + 1;
	rcLayerRegion* regions = (rcLayerRegion*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcLayerRegion)*nreg, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!regions)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'regions' (%d).", nreg);
		return false;

	// Construct regions
	memset(regions, 0, sizeof(rcLayerRegion)*nreg);
	for (int i = 0; i < nreg; ++i)
		regions[i].layerId = (unsigned short)i;
		regions[i].ymax = 0;
		regions[i].ymin = 0xffff;

	// Find region neighbours and overlapping regions.
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
			for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
				const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
				const unsigned short ri = srcReg[i];
				if (ri == 0 || ri >= nreg)

				rcLayerRegion& reg = regions[ri];
				reg.ymin = rcMin(reg.ymin, s.y);
				reg.ymax = rcMax(reg.ymax, s.y);
				reg.hasSpans = true;

				// Collect all region layers.
				for (int j = (int)c.index; j < ni; ++j)
					unsigned short nri = srcReg[j];
					if (nri == 0 || nri >= nreg)

					if (nri != ri)
						addUniqueLayerRegion(reg, nri);

				// Have found contour
				if (reg.connections.size() > 0)

				// Check if this cell is next to a border.
				int ndir = -1;
				for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
					if (isSolidEdge(chf, srcReg, x, y, i, dir))
						ndir = dir;

				if (ndir != -1)
					// The cell is at border.
					// Walk around the contour to find all the neighbors.
					walkContour(x, y, i, ndir, chf, srcReg, reg.connections);

	// Create 2D layers from regions. 
	unsigned short layerId = 0;
	rcIntArray stack(64);
	for (int i = 0; i < nreg; i++)
		rcLayerRegion& reg = regions[i];
		if (reg.visited || !reg.hasSpans)

		reg.layerId = layerId;
		reg.visited = true;
		reg.base = true;


		while (stack.size())
			int ri = stack.pop();
			rcLayerRegion& creg = regions[ri];
			for (int j = 0; j < creg.connections.size(); j++)
				const unsigned short nei = (unsigned short)creg.connections[j];
				if (nei & RC_BORDER_REG)

				rcLayerRegion& regn = regions[nei];
				// Skip already visited.
				if (regn.visited)
				// Skip if the neighbor is overlapping root region.
				if (reg.layers.contains(nei))
				// Skip if the height range would become too large.
				const int ymin = rcMin(reg.ymin, regn.ymin);
				const int ymax = rcMin(reg.ymax, regn.ymax);
				if ((ymax - ymin) >= 255)

				// visit
				regn.visited = true;
				regn.layerId = layerId;
				// add layers to root
				for (int k = 0; k < regn.layers.size(); k++)
					addUniqueLayerRegion(reg, regn.layers[k]);
				reg.ymin = rcMin(reg.ymin, regn.ymin);
				reg.ymax = rcMax(reg.ymax, regn.ymax);


	// Merge non-overlapping regions that are close in height.
	const unsigned short mergeHeight = (unsigned short)walkableHeight * 4; 
	for (int i = 0; i < nreg; i++)
		rcLayerRegion& ri = regions[i];
		if (!ri.base) continue;

		unsigned short newId = ri.layerId;
		for (;;)
			unsigned short oldId = 0xffff;
			for (int j = 0; j < nreg; j++)
				if (i == j) continue;
				rcLayerRegion& rj = regions[j];
				if (!rj.base) continue;

				// Skip if the regions are not close to each other.
				if (!overlapRange(ri.ymin,ri.ymax+mergeHeight, rj.ymin,rj.ymax+mergeHeight))
				// Skip if the height range would become too large.
				const int ymin = rcMin(ri.ymin, rj.ymin);
				const int ymax = rcMin(ri.ymax, rj.ymax);
				if ((ymax - ymin) >= 255)

				// Make sure that there is no overlap when mergin 'ri' and 'rj'.
				bool overlap = false;
				// Iterate over all regions which have the same layerId as 'rj'
				for (int k = 0; k < nreg; ++k)
					if (regions[k].layerId != rj.layerId)
					// Check if region 'k' is overlapping region 'ri'
					// Index to 'regs' is the same as region id.
					if (ri.layers.contains(k))
						overlap = true;
				// Cannot merge of regions overlap.
				if (overlap)

				// Can merge i and j.
				oldId = rj.layerId;

			// Could not find anything to merge with, stop.
			if (oldId == 0xffff)

			// Merge
			for (int j = 0; j < nreg; ++j)
				rcLayerRegion& rj = regions[j];
				if (rj.layerId == oldId)
					rj.base = 0;
					// Remap layerIds.
					rj.layerId = newId;
					// Add overlaid layers from 'rj' to 'ri'.
					for (int k = 0; k < rj.layers.size(); ++k)
						addUniqueLayerRegion(ri, rj.layers[k]);
					// Update height bounds.
					ri.ymin = rcMin(ri.ymin, rj.ymin);
					ri.ymax = rcMax(ri.ymax, rj.ymax);

	// Compress layer Ids.
	for (int i = 0; i < nreg; ++i)
		regions[i].remap = regions[i].hasSpans;
		if (!regions[i].hasSpans)
			regions[i].layerId = 0xffff;

	unsigned short maxLayerId = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < nreg; ++i)
		if (!regions[i].remap)
		unsigned short oldId = regions[i].layerId;
		unsigned short newId = maxLayerId;
		for (int j = i; j < nreg; ++j)
			if (regions[j].layerId == oldId)
				regions[j].layerId = newId;
				regions[j].remap = false;


	if (maxLayerId == 0)
		return true;

	// Create layers.
	rcAssert(lset.layers == 0);

	const int lw = w - borderSize*2;
	const int lh = h - borderSize*2;

	// Build contracted bbox for layers.
	float bmin[3], bmax[3];
	rcVcopy(bmin, chf.bmin);
	rcVcopy(bmax, chf.bmax);
	bmin[0] += borderSize*chf.cs;
	bmin[2] += borderSize*chf.cs;
	bmax[0] -= borderSize*chf.cs;
	bmax[2] -= borderSize*chf.cs;

	lset.nlayers = (int)maxLayerId;

	lset.layers = (rcHeightfieldLayer*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcHeightfieldLayer)*lset.nlayers, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!lset.layers)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'layers' (%d).", lset.nlayers);
		return false;
	memset(lset.layers, 0, sizeof(rcHeightfieldLayer)*lset.nlayers);

	// Store layers.
	for (int i = 0; i < lset.nlayers; ++i)
		unsigned short curId = (unsigned short)i;

		// Allocate memory for the current layer.
		rcHeightfieldLayer* layer = &lset.layers[i];
		memset(layer, 0, sizeof(rcHeightfieldLayer));

		const int gridSize = sizeof(unsigned char)*lw*lh;

		layer->heights = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(gridSize, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
		if (!layer->heights)
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'heights' (%d).", gridSize);
			return false;
		memset(layer->heights, 0xff, gridSize);

		layer->areas = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(gridSize, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
		if (!layer->areas)
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'areas' (%d).", gridSize);
			return false;
		memset(layer->areas, 0, gridSize);

		layer->cons = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(gridSize, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
		if (!layer->cons)
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'cons' (%d).", gridSize);
			return false;
		memset(layer->cons, 0, gridSize);

		// Find layer height bounds.
		int hmin = 0, hmax = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < nreg; ++j)
			if (regions[j].base && regions[j].layerId == curId)
				hmin = (int)regions[j].ymin;
				hmax = (int)regions[j].ymax;

		layer->width = lw;
		layer->height = lh;
		layer->cs = chf.cs;
		layer->ch = chf.ch;

		// Adjust the bbox to fit the heighfield.
		rcVcopy(layer->bmin, bmin);
		rcVcopy(layer->bmax, bmax);
		layer->bmin[1] = bmin[1] + hmin*chf.ch;
		layer->bmax[1] = bmin[1] + hmax*chf.ch;
		layer->hmin = hmin;
		layer->hmax = hmax;

		// Update usable data region.
		layer->minx = layer->width;
		layer->maxx = 0;
		layer->miny = layer->height;
		layer->maxy = 0;

		// Copy height and area from compact heighfield. 
		for (int y = 0; y < lh; ++y)
			for (int x = 0; x < lw; ++x)
				const int cx = borderSize+x;
				const int cy = borderSize+y;
				const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[cx+cy*w];
				for (int j = (int)c.index, nj = (int)(c.index+c.count); j < nj; ++j)
					const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[j];
					// Skip unassigned regions.
					if (srcReg[j] == 0 || srcReg[j] >= nreg)
					// Skip of does not belong to current layer.
					unsigned short lid = regions[srcReg[j]].layerId;
					if (lid != curId)

					// Update data bounds.
					layer->minx = rcMin(layer->minx, x);
					layer->maxx = rcMax(layer->maxx, x);
					layer->miny = rcMin(layer->miny, y);
					layer->maxy = rcMax(layer->maxy, y);

					// Store height and area type.
					const int idx = x+y*lw;
					layer->heights[idx] = (unsigned char)(s.y - hmin);
					layer->areas[idx] = chf.areas[j];

					// Check connection.
					unsigned char portal = 0;
					unsigned char con = 0;
					for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
						if (rcGetCon(s, dir) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
							const int ax = cx + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
							const int ay = cy + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
							const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, dir);
							unsigned short alid = (srcReg[ai] < nreg) ? regions[srcReg[ai]].layerId : 0xffff;
							// Portal mask
							if (chf.areas[ai] != RC_NULL_AREA && lid != alid)
								portal |= (unsigned char)(1<<dir);
								// Update height so that it matches on both sides of the portal.
								const rcCompactSpan& as = chf.spans[ai];
								if (as.y > hmin)
									layer->heights[idx] = rcMax(layer->heights[idx], (unsigned char)(as.y - hmin));
							// Valid connection mask
							if (chf.areas[ai] != RC_NULL_AREA && lid == alid)
								const int nx = ax - borderSize;
								const int ny = ay - borderSize;
								if (nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx < lw && ny < lh)
									con |= (unsigned char)(1<<dir);

					layer->cons[idx] = (portal << 4) | con;

		if (layer->minx > layer->maxx)
			layer->minx = layer->maxx = 0;
		if (layer->miny > layer->maxy)
			layer->miny = layer->maxy = 0;

	return true;
コード例 #18
ファイル: RecastArea.cpp プロジェクト: Blumfield/ptc
bool rcErodeWalkableArea(rcContext* ctx, int radius, rcCompactHeightfield& chf)
    const int w = chf.width;
    const int h = chf.height;
    unsigned char* dist = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*chf.spanCount, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
    if (!dist)
        ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "erodeWalkableArea: Out of memory 'dist' (%d).", chf.spanCount);
        return false;
    // Init distance.
    memset(dist, 0xff, sizeof(unsigned char)*chf.spanCount);
    // Mark boundary cells.
    for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
        for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                if (chf.areas[i] != RC_NULL_AREA)
                    const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
                    int nc = 0;
                    for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
                        if (rcGetCon(s, dir) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    // At least one missing neighbour.
                    if (nc != 4)
                        dist[i] = 0;
    unsigned char nd;
    // Pass 1
    for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
        for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
                if (rcGetCon(s, 0) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    // (-1,0)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(0);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(0);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 0);
                    const rcCompactSpan& as = chf.spans[ai];
                    nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[ai]+2, 255);
                    if (nd < dist[i])
                        dist[i] = nd;
                    // (-1,-1)
                    if (rcGetCon(as, 3) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                        const int aax = ax + rcGetDirOffsetX(3);
                        const int aay = ay + rcGetDirOffsetY(3);
                        const int aai = (int)chf.cells[aax+aay*w].index + rcGetCon(as, 3);
                        nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[aai]+3, 255);
                        if (nd < dist[i])
                            dist[i] = nd;
                if (rcGetCon(s, 3) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    // (0,-1)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(3);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(3);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 3);
                    const rcCompactSpan& as = chf.spans[ai];
                    nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[ai]+2, 255);
                    if (nd < dist[i])
                        dist[i] = nd;
                    // (1,-1)
                    if (rcGetCon(as, 2) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                        const int aax = ax + rcGetDirOffsetX(2);
                        const int aay = ay + rcGetDirOffsetY(2);
                        const int aai = (int)chf.cells[aax+aay*w].index + rcGetCon(as, 2);
                        nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[aai]+3, 255);
                        if (nd < dist[i])
                            dist[i] = nd;
    // Pass 2
    for (int y = h-1; y >= 0; --y)
        for (int x = w-1; x >= 0; --x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
                if (rcGetCon(s, 2) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    // (1,0)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(2);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(2);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 2);
                    const rcCompactSpan& as = chf.spans[ai];
                    nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[ai]+2, 255);
                    if (nd < dist[i])
                        dist[i] = nd;
                    // (1,1)
                    if (rcGetCon(as, 1) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                        const int aax = ax + rcGetDirOffsetX(1);
                        const int aay = ay + rcGetDirOffsetY(1);
                        const int aai = (int)chf.cells[aax+aay*w].index + rcGetCon(as, 1);
                        nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[aai]+3, 255);
                        if (nd < dist[i])
                            dist[i] = nd;
                if (rcGetCon(s, 1) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    // (0,1)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(1);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(1);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 1);
                    const rcCompactSpan& as = chf.spans[ai];
                    nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[ai]+2, 255);
                    if (nd < dist[i])
                        dist[i] = nd;
                    // (-1,1)
                    if (rcGetCon(as, 0) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                        const int aax = ax + rcGetDirOffsetX(0);
                        const int aay = ay + rcGetDirOffsetY(0);
                        const int aai = (int)chf.cells[aax+aay*w].index + rcGetCon(as, 0);
                        nd = (unsigned char)rcMin((int)dist[aai]+3, 255);
                        if (nd < dist[i])
                            dist[i] = nd;
    const unsigned char thr = (unsigned char)(radius*2);
    for (int i = 0; i < chf.spanCount; ++i)
        if (dist[i] < thr)
            chf.areas[i] = RC_NULL_AREA;
    return true;
コード例 #19
/// @par
/// Non-null regions will consist of connected, non-overlapping walkable spans that form a single contour.
/// Contours will form simple polygons.
/// If multiple regions form an area that is smaller than @p minRegionArea, then all spans will be
/// re-assigned to the zero (null) region.
/// Partitioning can result in smaller than necessary regions. @p mergeRegionArea helps 
/// reduce unecessarily small regions.
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// The region data will be available via the rcCompactHeightfield::maxRegions
/// and rcCompactSpan::reg fields.
/// @warning The distance field must be created using #rcBuildDistanceField before attempting to build regions.
/// @see rcCompactHeightfield, rcCompactSpan, rcBuildDistanceField, rcBuildRegionsMonotone, rcConfig
bool rcBuildRegionsMonotone(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
                            const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea)
    const int w = chf.width;
    const int h = chf.height;
    unsigned short id = 1;
    rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> srcReg = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
    if (!srcReg)
        ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildRegionsMonotone: Out of memory 'src' (%d).", chf.spanCount);
        return false;
    memset(srcReg,0,sizeof(unsigned short)*chf.spanCount);

    const int nsweeps = rcMax(chf.width,chf.height);
    rcScopedDelete<rcSweepSpan> sweeps = (rcSweepSpan*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcSweepSpan)*nsweeps, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
    if (!sweeps)
        ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildRegionsMonotone: Out of memory 'sweeps' (%d).", nsweeps);
        return false;
    // Mark border regions.
    if (borderSize > 0)
        // Make sure border will not overflow.
        const int bw = rcMin(w, borderSize);
        const int bh = rcMin(h, borderSize);
        // Paint regions
        paintRectRegion(0, bw, 0, h, id|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); id++;
        paintRectRegion(w-bw, w, 0, h, id|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); id++;
        paintRectRegion(0, w, 0, bh, id|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); id++;
        paintRectRegion(0, w, h-bh, h, id|RC_BORDER_REG, chf, srcReg); id++;
        chf.borderSize = borderSize;
    rcIntArray prev(256);

    // Sweep one line at a time.
    for (int y = borderSize; y < h-borderSize; ++y)
        // Collect spans from this row.
        unsigned short rid = 1;
        for (int x = borderSize; x < w-borderSize; ++x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
                if (chf.areas[i] == RC_NULL_AREA) continue;
                // -x
                unsigned short previd = 0;
                if (rcGetCon(s, 0) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(0);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(0);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 0);
                    if ((srcReg[ai] & RC_BORDER_REG) == 0 && chf.areas[i] == chf.areas[ai])
                        previd = srcReg[ai];
                if (!previd)
                    previd = rid++;
                    sweeps[previd].rid = previd;
                    sweeps[previd].ns = 0;
                    sweeps[previd].nei = 0;

                // -y
                if (rcGetCon(s,3) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
                    const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(3);
                    const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(3);
                    const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 3);
                    if (srcReg[ai] && (srcReg[ai] & RC_BORDER_REG) == 0 && chf.areas[i] == chf.areas[ai])
                        unsigned short nr = srcReg[ai];
                        if (!sweeps[previd].nei || sweeps[previd].nei == nr)
                            sweeps[previd].nei = nr;
                            sweeps[previd].nei = RC_NULL_NEI;

                srcReg[i] = previd;
        // Create unique ID.
        for (int i = 1; i < rid; ++i)
            if (sweeps[i].nei != RC_NULL_NEI && sweeps[i].nei != 0 &&
                prev[sweeps[i].nei] == (int)sweeps[i].ns)
                sweeps[i].id = sweeps[i].nei;
                sweeps[i].id = id++;
        // Remap IDs
        for (int x = borderSize; x < w-borderSize; ++x)
            const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
            for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
                if (srcReg[i] > 0 && srcReg[i] < rid)
                    srcReg[i] = sweeps[srcReg[i]].id;


    // Filter out small regions.
    chf.maxRegions = id;
    if (!filterSmallRegions(ctx, minRegionArea, mergeRegionArea, chf.maxRegions, chf, srcReg))
        return false;

    // Store the result out.
    for (int i = 0; i < chf.spanCount; ++i)
        chf.spans[i].reg = srcReg[i];

    return true;
コード例 #20
ファイル: RecastFilter.cpp プロジェクト: lev1976g/easywow
void rcFilterLedgeSpans(rcContext* ctx, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb,
	rcHeightfield& solid)


	const int w = solid.width;
	const int h = solid.height;
	const int MAX_HEIGHT = 0xffff;

	// Mark border spans.
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			for (rcSpan* s = solid.spans[x + y*w]; s; s = s->next)
				// Skip non walkable spans.
				if (s->area == RC_NULL_AREA)

				const int bot = (int)(s->smax);
				const int top = s->next ? (int)(s->next->smin) : MAX_HEIGHT;

				// Find neighbours minimum height.
				int minh = MAX_HEIGHT;

				// Min and max height of accessible neighbours.
				int asmin = s->smax;
				int asmax = s->smax;

				for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
					int dx = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
					int dy = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
					// Skip neighbours which are out of bounds.
					if (dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx >= w || dy >= h)
						minh = rcMin(minh, -walkableClimb - bot);

					// From minus infinity to the first span.
					rcSpan* ns = solid.spans[dx + dy*w];
					int nbot = -walkableClimb;
					int ntop = ns ? (int)ns->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
					// Skip neightbour if the gap between the spans is too small.
					if (rcMin(top, ntop) - rcMax(bot, nbot) > walkableHeight)
						minh = rcMin(minh, nbot - bot);

					// Rest of the spans.
					for (ns = solid.spans[dx + dy*w]; ns; ns = ns->next)
						nbot = (int)ns->smax;
						ntop = ns->next ? (int)ns->next->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
						// Skip neightbour if the gap between the spans is too small.
						if (rcMin(top, ntop) - rcMax(bot, nbot) > walkableHeight)
							minh = rcMin(minh, nbot - bot);

							// Find min/max accessible neighbour height.
							if (rcAbs(nbot - bot) <= walkableClimb)
								if (nbot < asmin) asmin = nbot;
								if (nbot > asmax) asmax = nbot;

				// The current span is close to a ledge if the drop to any
				// neighbour span is less than the walkableClimb.
				if (minh < -walkableClimb)
					s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;

				// If the difference between all neighbours is too large,
				// we are at steep slope, mark the span as ledge.
				if ((asmax - asmin) > walkableClimb)
					s->area = RC_NULL_AREA;

コード例 #21
void Sample_TempObstacles::handleSettings()

    if (imguiCheck("Keep Itermediate Results", m_keepInterResults))
        m_keepInterResults = !m_keepInterResults;

    imguiSlider("TileSize", &m_tileSize, 16.0f, 128.0f, 8.0f);

    int gridSize = 1;
    if (m_geom)
        const float* bmin = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMin();
        const float* bmax = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMax();
        char text[64];
        int gw = 0, gh = 0;
        rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh);
        const int ts = (int)m_tileSize;
        const int tw = (gw + ts-1) / ts;
        const int th = (gh + ts-1) / ts;
        snprintf(text, 64, "Tiles  %d x %d", tw, th);

        // Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated.
        // There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon.
        int tileBits = rcMin((int)dtIlog2(dtNextPow2(tw*th*EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE)), 14);
        if (tileBits > 14) tileBits = 14;
        int polyBits = 22 - tileBits;
        m_maxTiles = 1 << tileBits;
        m_maxPolysPerTile = 1 << polyBits;
        snprintf(text, 64, "Max Tiles  %d", m_maxTiles);
        snprintf(text, 64, "Max Polys  %d", m_maxPolysPerTile);
        gridSize = tw*th;
        m_maxTiles = 0;
        m_maxPolysPerTile = 0;


    imguiLabel("Tile Cache");
    char msg[64];

    const float compressionRatio = (float)m_cacheCompressedSize / (float)(m_cacheRawSize+1);

    snprintf(msg, 64, "Layers  %d", m_cacheLayerCount);
    snprintf(msg, 64, "Layers (per tile)  %.1f", (float)m_cacheLayerCount/(float)gridSize);

    snprintf(msg, 64, "Memory  %.1f kB / %.1f kB (%.1f%%)", m_cacheCompressedSize/1024.0f, m_cacheRawSize/1024.0f, compressionRatio*100.0f);
    snprintf(msg, 64, "Navmesh Build Time  %.1f ms", m_cacheBuildTimeMs);
    snprintf(msg, 64, "Build Peak Mem Usage  %.1f kB", m_cacheBuildMemUsage/1024.0f);



    if (imguiButton("Save"))

    if (imguiButton("Load"))
        m_navQuery->init(m_navMesh, 2048);


コード例 #22
ファイル: ConvexVolumeTool.cpp プロジェクト: 0jpq0/server
void ConvexVolumeTool::handleClick(const float* /*s*/, const float* p, bool shift)
	if (!m_sample) return;
	InputGeom* geom = m_sample->getInputGeom();
	if (!geom) return;
	if (shift)
		// Delete
		int nearestIndex = -1;
		const ConvexVolume* vols = geom->getConvexVolumes();
		for (int i = 0; i < geom->getConvexVolumeCount(); ++i)
			if (pointInPoly(vols[i].nverts, vols[i].verts, p) &&
							p[1] >= vols[i].hmin && p[1] <= vols[i].hmax)
				nearestIndex = i;
		// If end point close enough, delete it.
		if (nearestIndex != -1)
		// Create

		// If clicked on that last pt, create the shape.
		if (m_npts && rcVdistSqr(p, &m_pts[(m_npts-1)*3]) < rcSqr(0.2f))
			if (m_nhull > 2)
				// Create shape.
				float verts[MAX_PTS*3];
				for (int i = 0; i < m_nhull; ++i)
					rcVcopy(&verts[i*3], &m_pts[m_hull[i]*3]);
				float minh = FLT_MAX, maxh = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < m_nhull; ++i)
					minh = rcMin(minh, verts[i*3+1]);
				minh -= m_boxDescent;
				maxh = minh + m_boxHeight;
				geom->addConvexVolume(verts, m_nhull, minh, maxh, (unsigned char)m_areaType);
			m_npts = 0;
			m_nhull = 0;
			// Add new point 
			if (m_npts < MAX_PTS)
				rcVcopy(&m_pts[m_npts*3], p);
				// Update hull.
				if (m_npts > 1)
					m_nhull = convexhull(m_pts, m_npts, m_hull);
					m_nhull = 0;
コード例 #23
// Purpose: 
bool CRecastMesh::Build( CMapMesh *pMapMesh )
	double fStartTime = Plat_FloatTime();

	Reset(); // Clean any existing data

	BuildContext ctx;

	ctx.enableLog( true );

	dtStatus status;
	V_memset(&m_cfg, 0, sizeof(m_cfg));

	// Init cache
	rcCalcBounds( pMapMesh->GetVerts(), pMapMesh->GetNumVerts(), m_cfg.bmin, m_cfg.bmax );
	rcCalcGridSize(m_cfg.bmin, m_cfg.bmax, m_cfg.cs, &m_cfg.width, &m_cfg.height);
	int gw = 0, gh = 0;
	rcCalcGridSize(m_cfg.bmin, m_cfg.bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh);
	const int ts = (int)m_tileSize;
	const int tw = (gw + ts-1) / ts;
	const int th = (gh + ts-1) / ts;

	// Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated.
	// There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon.
	int tileBits = rcMin((int)dtIlog2(dtNextPow2(tw*th*EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE)), 14);
	if (tileBits > 14) tileBits = 14;
	int polyBits = 22 - tileBits;
	m_maxTiles = 1 << tileBits;
	m_maxPolysPerTile = 1 << polyBits;

	// Generation params.
	m_cfg.cs = m_cellSize;
	m_cfg.ch = m_cellHeight;
	m_cfg.walkableSlopeAngle = m_agentMaxSlope;
	m_cfg.walkableHeight = (int)ceilf(m_agentHeight / m_cfg.ch);
	m_cfg.walkableClimb = (int)floorf(m_agentMaxClimb / m_cfg.ch);
	m_cfg.walkableRadius = (int)ceilf(m_agentRadius / m_cfg.cs);
	m_cfg.maxEdgeLen = (int)(m_edgeMaxLen / m_cellSize);
	m_cfg.maxSimplificationError = m_edgeMaxError;
	m_cfg.minRegionArea = (int)rcSqr(m_regionMinSize);		// Note: area = size*size
	m_cfg.mergeRegionArea = (int)rcSqr(m_regionMergeSize);	// Note: area = size*size
	m_cfg.maxVertsPerPoly = (int)m_vertsPerPoly;
	m_cfg.tileSize = (int)m_tileSize;
	m_cfg.borderSize = m_cfg.walkableRadius + 3; // Reserve enough padding.
	m_cfg.width = m_cfg.tileSize + m_cfg.borderSize*2;
	m_cfg.height = m_cfg.tileSize + m_cfg.borderSize*2;
	m_cfg.detailSampleDist = m_detailSampleDist < 0.9f ? 0 : m_cellSize * m_detailSampleDist;
	m_cfg.detailSampleMaxError = m_cellHeight * m_detailSampleMaxError;
	// Tile cache params.
	dtTileCacheParams tcparams;
	memset(&tcparams, 0, sizeof(tcparams));
	rcVcopy(tcparams.orig, m_cfg.bmin);
	tcparams.cs = m_cellSize;
	tcparams.ch = m_cellHeight;
	tcparams.width = (int)m_tileSize;
	tcparams.height = (int)m_tileSize;
	tcparams.walkableHeight = m_agentHeight;
	tcparams.walkableRadius = m_agentRadius;
	tcparams.walkableClimb = m_agentMaxClimb;
	tcparams.maxSimplificationError = m_edgeMaxError;
	tcparams.maxTiles = tw*th*EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE;
	tcparams.maxObstacles = 2048;


	m_tileCache = dtAllocTileCache();
	if (!m_tileCache)
		ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not allocate tile cache.");
		return false;
	status = m_tileCache->init(&tcparams, m_talloc, m_tcomp, m_tmproc);
	if (dtStatusFailed(status))
		ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not init tile cache.");
		return false;
	m_navMesh = dtAllocNavMesh();
	if (!m_navMesh)
		ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not allocate navmesh.");
		return false;

	dtNavMeshParams params;
	memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
	rcVcopy(params.orig, m_cfg.bmin);
	params.tileWidth = m_tileSize*m_cellSize;
	params.tileHeight = m_tileSize*m_cellSize;
	params.maxTiles = m_maxTiles;
	params.maxPolys = m_maxPolysPerTile;
	status = m_navMesh->init(&params);
	if (dtStatusFailed(status))
		ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not init navmesh.");
		return false;
	status = m_navQuery->init( m_navMesh, RECAST_NAVQUERY_MAXNODES );
	if (dtStatusFailed(status))
		ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildTiledNavigation: Could not init Detour navmesh query");
		return false;

	// Preprocess tiles.
	m_cacheLayerCount = 0;
	m_cacheCompressedSize = 0;
	m_cacheRawSize = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < th; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < tw; ++x)
			TileCacheData tiles[MAX_LAYERS];
			memset(tiles, 0, sizeof(tiles));
			int ntiles = rasterizeTileLayers(&ctx, pMapMesh, x, y, m_cfg, tiles, MAX_LAYERS);

			for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; ++i)
				TileCacheData* tile = &tiles[i];
				status = m_tileCache->addTile(tile->data, tile->dataSize, DT_COMPRESSEDTILE_FREE_DATA, 0);
				if (dtStatusFailed(status))
					tile->data = 0;
				m_cacheCompressedSize += tile->dataSize;
				m_cacheRawSize += calcLayerBufferSize(tcparams.width, tcparams.height);

	// Build initial meshes
	for (int y = 0; y < th; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < tw; ++x)
			m_tileCache->buildNavMeshTilesAt(x,y, m_navMesh);
	m_cacheBuildTimeMs = ctx.getAccumulatedTime(RC_TIMER_TOTAL)/1000.0f;
	m_cacheBuildMemUsage = ((LinearAllocator *)m_talloc)->high;

	const dtNavMesh* nav = m_navMesh;
	int navmeshMemUsage = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < nav->getMaxTiles(); ++i)
		const dtMeshTile* tile = nav->getTile(i);
		if (tile->header)
			navmeshMemUsage += tile->dataSize;

	DevMsg( "CRecastMesh: Generated navigation mesh %s in %f seconds\n", m_Name.Get(), Plat_FloatTime() - fStartTime );

	return true;
コード例 #24
int OgreDetourTileCache::rasterizeTileLayers(InputGeom* geom, const int tx, const int ty, const rcConfig& cfg, TileCacheData* tiles, const int maxTiles)
    if (!geom || geom->isEmpty()) {
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: buildTile: Input mesh is not specified.");
        return 0;

    if (!geom->getChunkyMesh()) {
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: buildTile: Input mesh has no chunkyTriMesh built.");
        return 0;

//TODO make these member variables?
    FastLZCompressor comp;
    RasterizationContext rc;

    const float* verts = geom->getVerts();
    const int nverts = geom->getVertCount();

    // The chunky tri mesh in the inputgeom is a simple spatial subdivision structure that allows to
    // process the vertices in the geometry relevant to this part of the tile.
    // The chunky tri mesh is a grid of axis aligned boxes that store indices to the vertices in verts
    // that are positioned in that box.
    const rcChunkyTriMesh* chunkyMesh = geom->getChunkyMesh();

    // Tile bounds.
    const float tcs = m_tileSize * m_cellSize;

    rcConfig tcfg;
    memcpy(&tcfg, &m_cfg, sizeof(tcfg));

    tcfg.bmin[0] = m_cfg.bmin[0] + tx*tcs;
    tcfg.bmin[1] = m_cfg.bmin[1];
    tcfg.bmin[2] = m_cfg.bmin[2] + ty*tcs;
    tcfg.bmax[0] = m_cfg.bmin[0] + (tx+1)*tcs;
    tcfg.bmax[1] = m_cfg.bmax[1];
    tcfg.bmax[2] = m_cfg.bmin[2] + (ty+1)*tcs;
    tcfg.bmin[0] -= tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs;
    tcfg.bmin[2] -= tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs;
    tcfg.bmax[0] += tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs;
    tcfg.bmax[2] += tcfg.borderSize*tcfg.cs;

    // This is part of the regular recast navmesh generation pipeline as in OgreRecast::NavMeshBuild()
    // but only up till step 4 and slightly modified.

    // Allocate voxel heightfield where we rasterize our input data to.
    rc.solid = rcAllocHeightfield();
    if (!rc.solid)
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: buildNavigation: Out of memory 'solid'.");
        return 0;
    if (!rcCreateHeightfield(m_ctx, *rc.solid, tcfg.width, tcfg.height, tcfg.bmin, tcfg.bmax, tcfg.cs, tcfg.ch))
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: buildNavigation: Could not create solid heightfield.");
        return 0;

    // Allocate array that can hold triangle flags.
    // If you have multiple meshes you need to process, allocate
    // an array which can hold the max number of triangles you need to process.
    rc.triareas = new unsigned char[chunkyMesh->maxTrisPerChunk];
    if (!rc.triareas)
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: buildNavigation: Out of memory 'm_triareas' ("+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(chunkyMesh->maxTrisPerChunk)+").");
        return 0;

    float tbmin[2], tbmax[2];
    tbmin[0] = tcfg.bmin[0];
    tbmin[1] = tcfg.bmin[2];
    tbmax[0] = tcfg.bmax[0];
    tbmax[1] = tcfg.bmax[2];
    int cid[512];// TODO: Make grow when returning too many items.
    const int ncid = rcGetChunksOverlappingRect(chunkyMesh, tbmin, tbmax, cid, 512);
    if (!ncid)
        return 0; // empty

    for (int i = 0; i < ncid; ++i)
        const rcChunkyTriMeshNode& node = chunkyMesh->nodes[cid[i]];
        const int* tris = &chunkyMesh->tris[node.i*3];
        const int ntris = node.n;

        memset(rc.triareas, 0, ntris*sizeof(unsigned char));
        rcMarkWalkableTriangles(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableSlopeAngle,
                                verts, nverts, tris, ntris, rc.triareas);

        rcRasterizeTriangles(m_ctx, verts, nverts, tris, rc.triareas, ntris, *rc.solid, tcfg.walkableClimb);

    // Once all geometry is rasterized, we do initial pass of filtering to
    // remove unwanted overhangs caused by the conservative rasterization
    // as well as filter spans where the character cannot possibly stand.
    rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableClimb, *rc.solid);
    rcFilterLedgeSpans(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableHeight, tcfg.walkableClimb, *rc.solid);
    rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableHeight, *rc.solid);

    rc.chf = rcAllocCompactHeightfield();
    if (!rc.chf)
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: buildNavigation: Out of memory 'chf'.");
        return 0;
    if (!rcBuildCompactHeightfield(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableHeight, tcfg.walkableClimb, *rc.solid, *rc.chf))
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: buildNavigation: Could not build compact data.");
        return 0;

    // Erode the walkable area by agent radius.
    if (!rcErodeWalkableArea(m_ctx, tcfg.walkableRadius, *rc.chf))
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: buildNavigation: Could not erode.");
        return 0;

    // Mark areas of dynamically added convex polygons
    const ConvexVolume* const* vols = geom->getConvexVolumes();
    for (int i  = 0; i < geom->getConvexVolumeCount(); ++i)
        rcMarkConvexPolyArea(m_ctx, vols[i]->verts, vols[i]->nverts,
                             vols[i]->hmin, vols[i]->hmax,
                             (unsigned char)vols[i]->area, *rc.chf);

    // Up till this part was more or less the same as OgreRecast::NavMeshBuild()
    // The following part is specific for creating a 2D intermediary navmesh tile.

    rc.lset = rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet();
    if (!rc.lset)
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: buildNavigation: Out of memory 'lset'.");
        return 0;
    if (!rcBuildHeightfieldLayers(m_ctx, *rc.chf, tcfg.borderSize, tcfg.walkableHeight, *rc.lset))
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: buildNavigation: Could not build heightfield layers.");
        return 0;

    rc.ntiles = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < rcMin(rc.lset->nlayers, MAX_LAYERS); ++i)
        TileCacheData* tile = &rc.tiles[rc.ntiles++];
        const rcHeightfieldLayer* layer = &rc.lset->layers[i];

        // Store header
        dtTileCacheLayerHeader header;
        header.magic = DT_TILECACHE_MAGIC;
        header.version = DT_TILECACHE_VERSION;

        // Tile layer location in the navmesh.
        header.tx = tx;
        header.ty = ty;
        header.tlayer = i;
        dtVcopy(header.bmin, layer->bmin);
        dtVcopy(header.bmax, layer->bmax);

        // Tile info.
        header.width = (unsigned char)layer->width;
        header.height = (unsigned char)layer->height;
        header.minx = (unsigned char)layer->minx;
        header.maxx = (unsigned char)layer->maxx;
        header.miny = (unsigned char)layer->miny;
        header.maxy = (unsigned char)layer->maxy;
        header.hmin = (unsigned short)layer->hmin;
        header.hmax = (unsigned short)layer->hmax;

        dtStatus status = dtBuildTileCacheLayer(&comp, &header, layer->heights, layer->areas, layer->cons,
                                                &tile->data, &tile->dataSize);
        if (dtStatusFailed(status))
            return 0;

    // Transfer ownsership of tile data from build context to the caller.
    int n = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < rcMin(rc.ntiles, maxTiles); ++i)
        tiles[n++] = rc.tiles[i];
        rc.tiles[i].data = 0;
        rc.tiles[i].dataSize = 0;

    return n;
コード例 #25
bool OgreDetourTileCache::loadAll(Ogre::String filename)
       FILE* fp = fopen(filename.data(), "rb");
       if (!fp) {
           Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Error: OgreDetourTileCache::loadAll("+filename+"). Could not open file.");
           return false;

       // Read header.
       TileCacheSetHeader header;
       fread(&header, sizeof(TileCacheSetHeader), 1, fp);
       if (header.magic != TILECACHESET_MAGIC)
           Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Error: OgreDetourTileCache::loadAll("+filename+"). File does not appear to contain valid tilecache data.");
           return false;
       if (header.version != TILECACHESET_VERSION)
           Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Error: OgreDetourTileCache::loadAll("+filename+"). File contains a different version of the tilecache data format ("+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(header.version)+" instead of "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(TILECACHESET_VERSION)+").");
           return false;

       m_recast->m_navMesh = dtAllocNavMesh();
       if (!m_recast->m_navMesh)
           Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Error: OgreDetourTileCache::loadAll("+filename+"). Could not allocate navmesh.");
           return false;
       dtStatus status = m_recast->m_navMesh->init(&header.meshParams);
       if (dtStatusFailed(status))
           Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Error: OgreDetourTileCache::loadAll("+filename+"). Could not init navmesh.");
           return false;

       m_tileCache = dtAllocTileCache();
       if (!m_tileCache)
           Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Error: OgreDetourTileCache::loadAll("+filename+"). Could not allocate tilecache.");
           return false;
       status = m_tileCache->init(&header.cacheParams, m_talloc, m_tcomp, m_tmproc);
       if (dtStatusFailed(status))
           Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Error: OgreDetourTileCache::loadAll("+filename+"). Could not init tilecache.");
           return false;

       memcpy(&m_cfg, &header.recastConfig, sizeof(rcConfig));

       // Read tiles.
       for (int i = 0; i < header.numTiles; ++i)
               TileCacheTileHeader tileHeader;
               fread(&tileHeader, sizeof(tileHeader), 1, fp);
               if (!tileHeader.tileRef || !tileHeader.dataSize)

               unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)dtAlloc(tileHeader.dataSize, DT_ALLOC_PERM);
               if (!data) break;
               memset(data, 0, tileHeader.dataSize);
               fread(data, tileHeader.dataSize, 1, fp);

               dtCompressedTileRef tile = 0;
               m_tileCache->addTile(data, tileHeader.dataSize, DT_COMPRESSEDTILE_FREE_DATA, &tile);

               if (tile)
                       m_tileCache->buildNavMeshTile(tile, m_recast->m_navMesh);


       // Init recast navmeshquery with created navmesh (in OgreRecast component)
       m_recast->m_navQuery = dtAllocNavMeshQuery();
       m_recast->m_navQuery->init(m_recast->m_navMesh, 2048);

       // Config
       // TODO handle this nicer, also inputGeom is not inited, making some functions crash
       m_cellSize = m_cfg.cs;
       m_tileSize = m_cfg.tileSize;

       // cache bounding box
       const float* bmin = m_cfg.bmin;
       const float* bmax = m_cfg.bmax;

       // Copy loaded config back to recast module
       memcpy(&m_recast->m_cfg, &m_cfg, sizeof(rcConfig));

       m_tileSize = m_cfg.tileSize;
       m_cellSize = m_cfg.cs;
       m_tcparams = header.cacheParams;

       // Determine grid size (number of tiles) based on bounding box and grid cell size
       int gw = 0, gh = 0;
       rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh);   // Calculates total size of voxel grid
       const int ts = m_tileSize;
       const int tw = (gw + ts-1) / ts;    // Tile width
       const int th = (gh + ts-1) / ts;    // Tile height
       m_tw = tw;
       m_th = th;

       Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Total Voxels: "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(gw) + " x " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(gh));
       Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Tilesize: "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_tileSize)+"  Cellsize: "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_cellSize));
       Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Tiles: "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_tw)+" x "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_th));

       // Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated.
       // There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon.
       int tileBits = rcMin((int)dtIlog2(dtNextPow2(tw*th*EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE)), 14);
       if (tileBits > 14) tileBits = 14;
       int polyBits = 22 - tileBits;
       m_maxTiles = 1 << tileBits;
       m_maxPolysPerTile = 1 << polyBits;
       Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Max Tiles: " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_maxTiles));
       Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Max Polys: " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_maxPolysPerTile));
       // End config ////

       return true;
コード例 #26
static bool rasterizeTri(const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2,
						 const unsigned char area, rcHeightfield& hf,
						 const float* bmin, const float* bmax,
						 const float cs, const float ics, const float ich,
						 const int flagMergeThr)
	const int w = hf.width;
	const int h = hf.height;
	float tmin[3], tmax[3];
	const float by = bmax[1] - bmin[1];
	// Calculate the bounding box of the triangle.
	rcVcopy(tmin, v0);
	rcVcopy(tmax, v0);
	rcVmin(tmin, v1);
	rcVmin(tmin, v2);
	rcVmax(tmax, v1);
	rcVmax(tmax, v2);
	// If the triangle does not touch the bbox of the heightfield, skip the triagle.
	if (!overlapBounds(bmin, bmax, tmin, tmax))
		return true;
	// Calculate the footprint of the triangle on the grid's y-axis
	int y0 = (int)((tmin[2] - bmin[2])*ics);
	int y1 = (int)((tmax[2] - bmin[2])*ics);
	y0 = rcClamp(y0, 0, h-1);
	y1 = rcClamp(y1, 0, h-1);
	// Clip the triangle into all grid cells it touches.
	float buf[7*3*4];
	float *in = buf, *inrow = buf+7*3, *p1 = inrow+7*3, *p2 = p1+7*3;

	rcVcopy(&in[0], v0);
	rcVcopy(&in[1*3], v1);
	rcVcopy(&in[2*3], v2);
	int nvrow, nvIn = 3;
	for (int y = y0; y <= y1; ++y)
		// Clip polygon to row. Store the remaining polygon as well
		const float cz = bmin[2] + y*cs;
		dividePoly(in, nvIn, inrow, &nvrow, p1, &nvIn, cz+cs, 2);
		rcSwap(in, p1);
		if (nvrow < 3) continue;
		// find the horizontal bounds in the row
		float minX = inrow[0], maxX = inrow[0];
		for (int i=1; i<nvrow; ++i)
			if (minX > inrow[i*3])	minX = inrow[i*3];
			if (maxX < inrow[i*3])	maxX = inrow[i*3];
		int x0 = (int)((minX - bmin[0])*ics);
		int x1 = (int)((maxX - bmin[0])*ics);
		x0 = rcClamp(x0, 0, w-1);
		x1 = rcClamp(x1, 0, w-1);

		int nv, nv2 = nvrow;

		for (int x = x0; x <= x1; ++x)
			// Clip polygon to column. store the remaining polygon as well
			const float cx = bmin[0] + x*cs;
			dividePoly(inrow, nv2, p1, &nv, p2, &nv2, cx+cs, 0);
			rcSwap(inrow, p2);
			if (nv < 3) continue;
			// Calculate min and max of the span.
			float smin = p1[1], smax = p1[1];
			for (int i = 1; i < nv; ++i)
				smin = rcMin(smin, p1[i*3+1]);
				smax = rcMax(smax, p1[i*3+1]);
			smin -= bmin[1];
			smax -= bmin[1];
			// Skip the span if it is outside the heightfield bbox
			if (smax < 0.0f) continue;
			if (smin > by) continue;
			// Clamp the span to the heightfield bbox.
			if (smin < 0.0f) smin = 0;
			if (smax > by) smax = by;
			// Snap the span to the heightfield height grid.
			unsigned short ismin = (unsigned short)rcClamp((int)floorf(smin * ich), 0, RC_SPAN_MAX_HEIGHT);
			unsigned short ismax = (unsigned short)rcClamp((int)ceilf(smax * ich), (int)ismin+1, RC_SPAN_MAX_HEIGHT);
			if (!addSpan(hf, x, y, ismin, ismax, area, flagMergeThr))
				return false;

	return true;
コード例 #27
bool OgreDetourTileCache::configure(InputGeom *inputGeom)
    m_geom = inputGeom;

    // Reuse OgreRecast context for tiled navmesh building
    m_ctx = m_recast->m_ctx;

    if (!m_geom || m_geom->isEmpty()) {
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: OgreDetourTileCache::configure: No vertices and triangles.");
        return false;

    if (!m_geom->getChunkyMesh()) {
        m_recast->m_pLog->logMessage("ERROR: OgreDetourTileCache::configure: Input mesh has no chunkyTriMesh built.");
        return false;


    // Init cache bounding box
    const float* bmin = m_geom->getMeshBoundsMin();
    const float* bmax = m_geom->getMeshBoundsMax();

    // Navmesh generation params.
    // Use config from recast module
    m_cfg = m_recast->m_cfg;

    // Most params are taken from OgreRecast::configure, except for these:
    m_cfg.tileSize = m_tileSize;
    m_cfg.borderSize = (int) (m_cfg.walkableRadius + BORDER_PADDING); // Reserve enough padding.
    m_cfg.width = m_cfg.tileSize + m_cfg.borderSize*2;
    m_cfg.height = m_cfg.tileSize + m_cfg.borderSize*2;

    // Set mesh bounds
    rcVcopy(m_cfg.bmin, bmin);
    rcVcopy(m_cfg.bmax, bmax);
    // Also define navmesh bounds in recast component
    rcVcopy(m_recast->m_cfg.bmin, bmin);
    rcVcopy(m_recast->m_cfg.bmax, bmax);

    // Cell size navmesh generation property is copied from OgreRecast config
    m_cellSize = m_cfg.cs;

    // Determine grid size (number of tiles) based on bounding box and grid cell size
    int gw = 0, gh = 0;
    rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh);   // Calculates total size of voxel grid
    const int ts = m_tileSize;
    const int tw = (gw + ts-1) / ts;    // Tile width
    const int th = (gh + ts-1) / ts;    // Tile height
    m_tw = tw;
    m_th = th;
    Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Total Voxels: "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(gw) + " x " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(gh));
    Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Tilesize: "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_tileSize)+"  Cellsize: "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_cellSize));
    Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Tiles: "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_tw)+" x "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_th));

    // Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated.
    // There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon.
    int tileBits = rcMin((int)dtIlog2(dtNextPow2(tw*th*EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE)), 14);
    if (tileBits > 14) tileBits = 14;
    int polyBits = 22 - tileBits;
    m_maxTiles = 1 << tileBits;
    m_maxPolysPerTile = 1 << polyBits;
    Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Max Tiles: " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_maxTiles));
    Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Max Polys: " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(m_maxPolysPerTile));

    // Tile cache params.
    memset(&m_tcparams, 0, sizeof(m_tcparams));
    rcVcopy(m_tcparams.orig, bmin);
    m_tcparams.width = m_tileSize;
    m_tcparams.height = m_tileSize;
    m_tcparams.maxTiles = tw*th*EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE;
    m_tcparams.maxObstacles = MAX_OBSTACLES;    // Max number of temp obstacles that can be added to or removed from navmesh

    // Copy the rest of the parameters from OgreRecast config
    m_tcparams.cs = m_cfg.cs;
    m_tcparams.ch = m_cfg.ch;
    m_tcparams.walkableHeight = (float) m_cfg.walkableHeight;
    m_tcparams.walkableRadius = (float) m_cfg.walkableRadius;
    m_tcparams.walkableClimb = (float) m_cfg.walkableClimb;
    m_tcparams.maxSimplificationError = m_cfg.maxSimplificationError;

    return initTileCache();
コード例 #28
static void rasterizeTri(const float* v0, const float* v1, const float* v2,
						 const unsigned char area, rcHeightfield& hf,
						 const float* bmin, const float* bmax,
						 const float cs, const float ics, const float ich,
						 const int flagMergeThr)
	const int w = hf.width;
	const int h = hf.height;
	float tmin[3], tmax[3];
	const float by = bmax[1] - bmin[1];
	// Calculate the bounding box of the triangle.
	rcVcopy(tmin, v0);
	rcVcopy(tmax, v0);
	rcVmin(tmin, v1);
	rcVmin(tmin, v2);
	rcVmax(tmax, v1);
	rcVmax(tmax, v2);
	// If the triangle does not touch the bbox of the heightfield, skip the triagle.
	if (!overlapBounds(bmin, bmax, tmin, tmax))
	// Calculate the footpring of the triangle on the grid.
	int x0 = (int)((tmin[0] - bmin[0])*ics);
	int y0 = (int)((tmin[2] - bmin[2])*ics);
	int x1 = (int)((tmax[0] - bmin[0])*ics);
	int y1 = (int)((tmax[2] - bmin[2])*ics);
	x0 = rcClamp(x0, 0, w-1);
	y0 = rcClamp(y0, 0, h-1);
	x1 = rcClamp(x1, 0, w-1);
	y1 = rcClamp(y1, 0, h-1);
	// Clip the triangle into all grid cells it touches.
	float in[7*3], out[7*3], inrow[7*3];
	for (int y = y0; y <= y1; ++y)
		// Clip polygon to row.
		rcVcopy(&in[0], v0);
		rcVcopy(&in[1*3], v1);
		rcVcopy(&in[2*3], v2);
		int nvrow = 3;
		const float cz = bmin[2] + y*cs;
		nvrow = clipPoly(in, nvrow, out, 0, 1, -cz);
		if (nvrow < 3) continue;
		nvrow = clipPoly(out, nvrow, inrow, 0, -1, cz+cs);
		if (nvrow < 3) continue;
		for (int x = x0; x <= x1; ++x)
			// Clip polygon to column.
			int nv = nvrow;
			const float cx = bmin[0] + x*cs;
			nv = clipPoly(inrow, nv, out, 1, 0, -cx);
			if (nv < 3) continue;
			nv = clipPoly(out, nv, in, -1, 0, cx+cs);
			if (nv < 3) continue;
			// Calculate min and max of the span.
			float smin = in[1], smax = in[1];
			for (int i = 1; i < nv; ++i)
				smin = rcMin(smin, in[i*3+1]);
				smax = rcMax(smax, in[i*3+1]);
			smin -= bmin[1];
			smax -= bmin[1];
			// Skip the span if it is outside the heightfield bbox
			if (smax < 0.0f) continue;
			if (smin > by) continue;
			// Clamp the span to the heightfield bbox.
			if (smin < 0.0f) smin = 0;
			if (smax > by) smax = by;
			// Snap the span to the heightfield height grid.
			unsigned short ismin = (unsigned short)rcClamp((int)floorf(smin * ich), 0, RC_SPAN_MAX_HEIGHT);
			unsigned short ismax = (unsigned short)rcClamp((int)ceilf(smax * ich), (int)ismin+1, RC_SPAN_MAX_HEIGHT);
			addSpan(hf, x, y, ismin, ismax, area, flagMergeThr);
コード例 #29
bool rcBuildCompactHeightfield(rcContext* ctx, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb,
	rcHeightfield& hf, rcCompactHeightfield& chf)


	const int w = hf.width;
	const int h = hf.height;
	const int spanCount = rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount(ctx, hf);

	// Fill in header.
	chf.width = w;
	chf.height = h;
	chf.spanCount = spanCount;
	chf.walkableHeight = walkableHeight;
	chf.walkableClimb = walkableClimb;
	chf.maxRegions = 0;
	rcVcopy(chf.bmin, hf.bmin);
	rcVcopy(chf.bmax, hf.bmax);
	chf.bmax[1] += walkableHeight*hf.ch;
	chf.cs = hf.cs;
	chf.ch = hf.ch;
	chf.cells = (rcCompactCell*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcCompactCell)*w*h, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!chf.cells)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.cells' (%d)", w*h);
		return false;
	memset(chf.cells, 0, sizeof(rcCompactCell)*w*h);
	chf.spans = (rcCompactSpan*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcCompactSpan)*spanCount, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!chf.spans)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.spans' (%d)", spanCount);
		return false;
	memset(chf.spans, 0, sizeof(rcCompactSpan)*spanCount);
	chf.areas = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*spanCount, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!chf.areas)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Out of memory 'chf.areas' (%d)", spanCount);
		return false;
	memset(chf.areas, RC_NULL_AREA, sizeof(unsigned char)*spanCount);

	const int MAX_HEIGHT = 0xffff;

	// Fill in cells and spans.
	int idx = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			const rcSpan* s = hf.spans[x + y*w];
			// If there are no spans at this cell, just leave the data to index=0, count=0.
			if (!s) continue;
			rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x + y*w];
			c.index = idx;
			c.count = 0;
			while (s)
				if (s->area != RC_NULL_AREA)
					const int bot = (int)s->smax;
					const int top = s->next ? (int)s->next->smin : MAX_HEIGHT;
					chf.spans[idx].y = (unsigned short)rcClamp(bot, 0, 0xffff);
					chf.spans[idx].h = (unsigned char)rcClamp(top - bot, 0, 0xff);
					chf.areas[idx] = s->area;
				s = s->next;

	// Find neighbour connections.
	int tooHighNeighbour = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x + y*w];
			for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index + c.count); i < ni; ++i)
				rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];

				for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
					rcSetCon(s, dir, RC_NOT_CONNECTED);
					const int nx = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
					const int ny = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
					// First check that the neighbour cell is in bounds.
					if (nx < 0 || ny < 0 || nx >= w || ny >= h)

					// Iterate over all neighbour spans and check if any of the is
					// accessible from current cell.
					const rcCompactCell& nc = chf.cells[nx + ny*w];
					for (int k = (int)nc.index, nk = (int)(nc.index + nc.count); k < nk; ++k)
						const rcCompactSpan& ns = chf.spans[k];
						const int bot = rcMax(s.y, ns.y);
						const int top = rcMin(s.y + s.h, ns.y + ns.h);

						// Check that the gap between the spans is walkable,
						// and that the climb height between the gaps is not too high.
						if ((top - bot) >= walkableHeight && rcAbs((int)ns.y - (int)s.y) <= walkableClimb)
							// Mark direction as walkable.
							const int b = k - (int)nc.index;
							if (b < 0 || b > MAX_LAYERS)
								tooHighNeighbour = rcMax(tooHighNeighbour, b);
							rcSetCon(s, dir, b);

	if (tooHighNeighbour > MAX_LAYERS)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildCompactHeightfield: Heightfield has too many layers %d (max: %d)",
			tooHighNeighbour, MAX_LAYERS);


	return true;
コード例 #30
ファイル: RecastLayers.cpp プロジェクト: 090809/TrinityCore
/// @par
/// See the #rcConfig documentation for more information on the configuration parameters.
/// @see rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet, rcCompactHeightfield, rcHeightfieldLayerSet, rcConfig
bool rcBuildHeightfieldLayers(rcContext* ctx, rcCompactHeightfield& chf,
							  const int borderSize, const int walkableHeight,
							  rcHeightfieldLayerSet& lset)
	rcScopedTimer timer(ctx, RC_TIMER_BUILD_LAYERS);
	const int w = chf.width;
	const int h = chf.height;
	rcScopedDelete<unsigned char> srcReg((unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*chf.spanCount, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!srcReg)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'srcReg' (%d).", chf.spanCount);
		return false;
	memset(srcReg,0xff,sizeof(unsigned char)*chf.spanCount);
	const int nsweeps = chf.width;
	rcScopedDelete<rcLayerSweepSpan> sweeps((rcLayerSweepSpan*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcLayerSweepSpan)*nsweeps, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!sweeps)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'sweeps' (%d).", nsweeps);
		return false;
	// Partition walkable area into monotone regions.
	int prevCount[256];
	unsigned char regId = 0;

	for (int y = borderSize; y < h-borderSize; ++y)
		unsigned char sweepId = 0;
		for (int x = borderSize; x < w-borderSize; ++x)
			const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
			for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
				const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
				if (chf.areas[i] == RC_NULL_AREA) continue;

				unsigned char sid = 0xff;

				// -x
				if (rcGetCon(s, 0) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
					const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(0);
					const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(0);
					const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 0);
					if (chf.areas[ai] != RC_NULL_AREA && srcReg[ai] != 0xff)
						sid = srcReg[ai];
				if (sid == 0xff)
					sid = sweepId++;
					sweeps[sid].nei = 0xff;
					sweeps[sid].ns = 0;
				// -y
				if (rcGetCon(s,3) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
					const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(3);
					const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(3);
					const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, 3);
					const unsigned char nr = srcReg[ai];
					if (nr != 0xff)
						// Set neighbour when first valid neighbour is encoutered.
						if (sweeps[sid].ns == 0)
							sweeps[sid].nei = nr;
						if (sweeps[sid].nei == nr)
							// Update existing neighbour
							// This is hit if there is nore than one neighbour.
							// Invalidate the neighbour.
							sweeps[sid].nei = 0xff;
				srcReg[i] = sid;
		// Create unique ID.
		for (int i = 0; i < sweepId; ++i)
			// If the neighbour is set and there is only one continuous connection to it,
			// the sweep will be merged with the previous one, else new region is created.
			if (sweeps[i].nei != 0xff && prevCount[sweeps[i].nei] == (int)sweeps[i].ns)
				sweeps[i].id = sweeps[i].nei;
				if (regId == 255)
					ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Region ID overflow.");
					return false;
				sweeps[i].id = regId++;
		// Remap local sweep ids to region ids.
		for (int x = borderSize; x < w-borderSize; ++x)
			const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
			for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
				if (srcReg[i] != 0xff)
					srcReg[i] = sweeps[srcReg[i]].id;

	// Allocate and init layer regions.
	const int nregs = (int)regId;
	rcScopedDelete<rcLayerRegion> regs((rcLayerRegion*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcLayerRegion)*nregs, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!regs)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'regs' (%d).", nregs);
		return false;
	memset(regs, 0, sizeof(rcLayerRegion)*nregs);
	for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
		regs[i].layerId = 0xff;
		regs[i].ymin = 0xffff;
		regs[i].ymax = 0;
	// Find region neighbours and overlapping regions.
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[x+y*w];
			unsigned char lregs[RC_MAX_LAYERS];
			int nlregs = 0;
			for (int i = (int)c.index, ni = (int)(c.index+c.count); i < ni; ++i)
				const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[i];
				const unsigned char ri = srcReg[i];
				if (ri == 0xff) continue;
				regs[ri].ymin = rcMin(regs[ri].ymin, s.y);
				regs[ri].ymax = rcMax(regs[ri].ymax, s.y);
				// Collect all region layers.
				if (nlregs < RC_MAX_LAYERS)
					lregs[nlregs++] = ri;
				// Update neighbours
				for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
					if (rcGetCon(s, dir) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
						const int ax = x + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
						const int ay = y + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
						const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, dir);
						const unsigned char rai = srcReg[ai];
						if (rai != 0xff && rai != ri)
							// Don't check return value -- if we cannot add the neighbor
							// it will just cause a few more regions to be created, which
							// is fine.
							addUnique(regs[ri].neis, regs[ri].nneis, RC_MAX_NEIS, rai);
			// Update overlapping regions.
			for (int i = 0; i < nlregs-1; ++i)
				for (int j = i+1; j < nlregs; ++j)
					if (lregs[i] != lregs[j])
						rcLayerRegion& ri = regs[lregs[i]];
						rcLayerRegion& rj = regs[lregs[j]];

						if (!addUnique(ri.layers, ri.nlayers, RC_MAX_LAYERS, lregs[j]) ||
							!addUnique(rj.layers, rj.nlayers, RC_MAX_LAYERS, lregs[i]))
							ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: layer overflow (too many overlapping walkable platforms). Try increasing RC_MAX_LAYERS.");
							return false;
	// Create 2D layers from regions.
	unsigned char layerId = 0;
	static const int MAX_STACK = 64;
	unsigned char stack[MAX_STACK];
	int nstack = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
		rcLayerRegion& root = regs[i];
		// Skip already visited.
		if (root.layerId != 0xff)

		// Start search.
		root.layerId = layerId;
		root.base = 1;
		nstack = 0;
		stack[nstack++] = (unsigned char)i;
		while (nstack)
			// Pop front
			rcLayerRegion& reg = regs[stack[0]];
			for (int j = 0; j < nstack; ++j)
				stack[j] = stack[j+1];
			const int nneis = (int)reg.nneis;
			for (int j = 0; j < nneis; ++j)
				const unsigned char nei = reg.neis[j];
				rcLayerRegion& regn = regs[nei];
				// Skip already visited.
				if (regn.layerId != 0xff)
				// Skip if the neighbour is overlapping root region.
				if (contains(root.layers, root.nlayers, nei))
				// Skip if the height range would become too large.
				const int ymin = rcMin(root.ymin, regn.ymin);
				const int ymax = rcMax(root.ymax, regn.ymax);
				if ((ymax - ymin) >= 255)

				if (nstack < MAX_STACK)
					// Deepen
					stack[nstack++] = (unsigned char)nei;
					// Mark layer id
					regn.layerId = layerId;
					// Merge current layers to root.
					for (int k = 0; k < regn.nlayers; ++k)
						if (!addUnique(root.layers, root.nlayers, RC_MAX_LAYERS, regn.layers[k]))
							ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: layer overflow (too many overlapping walkable platforms). Try increasing RC_MAX_LAYERS.");
							return false;
					root.ymin = rcMin(root.ymin, regn.ymin);
					root.ymax = rcMax(root.ymax, regn.ymax);
	// Merge non-overlapping regions that are close in height.
	const unsigned short mergeHeight = (unsigned short)walkableHeight * 4;
	for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
		rcLayerRegion& ri = regs[i];
		if (!ri.base) continue;
		unsigned char newId = ri.layerId;
		for (;;)
			unsigned char oldId = 0xff;
			for (int j = 0; j < nregs; ++j)
				if (i == j) continue;
				rcLayerRegion& rj = regs[j];
				if (!rj.base) continue;
				// Skip if the regions are not close to each other.
				if (!overlapRange(ri.ymin,ri.ymax+mergeHeight, rj.ymin,rj.ymax+mergeHeight))
				// Skip if the height range would become too large.
				const int ymin = rcMin(ri.ymin, rj.ymin);
				const int ymax = rcMax(ri.ymax, rj.ymax);
				if ((ymax - ymin) >= 255)
				// Make sure that there is no overlap when merging 'ri' and 'rj'.
				bool overlap = false;
				// Iterate over all regions which have the same layerId as 'rj'
				for (int k = 0; k < nregs; ++k)
					if (regs[k].layerId != rj.layerId)
					// Check if region 'k' is overlapping region 'ri'
					// Index to 'regs' is the same as region id.
					if (contains(ri.layers,ri.nlayers, (unsigned char)k))
						overlap = true;
				// Cannot merge of regions overlap.
				if (overlap)
				// Can merge i and j.
				oldId = rj.layerId;
			// Could not find anything to merge with, stop.
			if (oldId == 0xff)
			// Merge
			for (int j = 0; j < nregs; ++j)
				rcLayerRegion& rj = regs[j];
				if (rj.layerId == oldId)
					rj.base = 0;
					// Remap layerIds.
					rj.layerId = newId;
					// Add overlaid layers from 'rj' to 'ri'.
					for (int k = 0; k < rj.nlayers; ++k)
						if (!addUnique(ri.layers, ri.nlayers, RC_MAX_LAYERS, rj.layers[k]))
							ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: layer overflow (too many overlapping walkable platforms). Try increasing RC_MAX_LAYERS.");
							return false;

					// Update height bounds.
					ri.ymin = rcMin(ri.ymin, rj.ymin);
					ri.ymax = rcMax(ri.ymax, rj.ymax);
	// Compact layerIds
	unsigned char remap[256];
	memset(remap, 0, 256);

	// Find number of unique layers.
	layerId = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
		remap[regs[i].layerId] = 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
		if (remap[i])
			remap[i] = layerId++;
			remap[i] = 0xff;
	// Remap ids.
	for (int i = 0; i < nregs; ++i)
		regs[i].layerId = remap[regs[i].layerId];
	// No layers, return empty.
	if (layerId == 0)
		return true;
	// Create layers.
	rcAssert(lset.layers == 0);
	const int lw = w - borderSize*2;
	const int lh = h - borderSize*2;

	// Build contracted bbox for layers.
	float bmin[3], bmax[3];
	rcVcopy(bmin, chf.bmin);
	rcVcopy(bmax, chf.bmax);
	bmin[0] += borderSize*chf.cs;
	bmin[2] += borderSize*chf.cs;
	bmax[0] -= borderSize*chf.cs;
	bmax[2] -= borderSize*chf.cs;
	lset.nlayers = (int)layerId;
	lset.layers = (rcHeightfieldLayer*)rcAlloc(sizeof(rcHeightfieldLayer)*lset.nlayers, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!lset.layers)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'layers' (%d).", lset.nlayers);
		return false;
	memset(lset.layers, 0, sizeof(rcHeightfieldLayer)*lset.nlayers);

	// Store layers.
	for (int i = 0; i < lset.nlayers; ++i)
		unsigned char curId = (unsigned char)i;

		rcHeightfieldLayer* layer = &lset.layers[i];

		const int gridSize = sizeof(unsigned char)*lw*lh;

		layer->heights = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(gridSize, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
		if (!layer->heights)
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'heights' (%d).", gridSize);
			return false;
		memset(layer->heights, 0xff, gridSize);

		layer->areas = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(gridSize, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
		if (!layer->areas)
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'areas' (%d).", gridSize);
			return false;
		memset(layer->areas, 0, gridSize);

		layer->cons = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(gridSize, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
		if (!layer->cons)
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildHeightfieldLayers: Out of memory 'cons' (%d).", gridSize);
			return false;
		memset(layer->cons, 0, gridSize);
		// Find layer height bounds.
		int hmin = 0, hmax = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < nregs; ++j)
			if (regs[j].base && regs[j].layerId == curId)
				hmin = (int)regs[j].ymin;
				hmax = (int)regs[j].ymax;

		layer->width = lw;
		layer->height = lh;
		layer->cs = chf.cs;
		layer->ch = chf.ch;
		// Adjust the bbox to fit the heightfield.
		rcVcopy(layer->bmin, bmin);
		rcVcopy(layer->bmax, bmax);
		layer->bmin[1] = bmin[1] + hmin*chf.ch;
		layer->bmax[1] = bmin[1] + hmax*chf.ch;
		layer->hmin = hmin;
		layer->hmax = hmax;

		// Update usable data region.
		layer->minx = layer->width;
		layer->maxx = 0;
		layer->miny = layer->height;
		layer->maxy = 0;
		// Copy height and area from compact heightfield. 
		for (int y = 0; y < lh; ++y)
			for (int x = 0; x < lw; ++x)
				const int cx = borderSize+x;
				const int cy = borderSize+y;
				const rcCompactCell& c = chf.cells[cx+cy*w];
				for (int j = (int)c.index, nj = (int)(c.index+c.count); j < nj; ++j)
					const rcCompactSpan& s = chf.spans[j];
					// Skip unassigned regions.
					if (srcReg[j] == 0xff)
					// Skip of does nto belong to current layer.
					unsigned char lid = regs[srcReg[j]].layerId;
					if (lid != curId)
					// Update data bounds.
					layer->minx = rcMin(layer->minx, x);
					layer->maxx = rcMax(layer->maxx, x);
					layer->miny = rcMin(layer->miny, y);
					layer->maxy = rcMax(layer->maxy, y);
					// Store height and area type.
					const int idx = x+y*lw;
					layer->heights[idx] = (unsigned char)(s.y - hmin);
					layer->areas[idx] = chf.areas[j];
					// Check connection.
					unsigned char portal = 0;
					unsigned char con = 0;
					for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
						if (rcGetCon(s, dir) != RC_NOT_CONNECTED)
							const int ax = cx + rcGetDirOffsetX(dir);
							const int ay = cy + rcGetDirOffsetY(dir);
							const int ai = (int)chf.cells[ax+ay*w].index + rcGetCon(s, dir);
							unsigned char alid = srcReg[ai] != 0xff ? regs[srcReg[ai]].layerId : 0xff;
							// Portal mask
							if (chf.areas[ai] != RC_NULL_AREA && lid != alid)
								portal |= (unsigned char)(1<<dir);
								// Update height so that it matches on both sides of the portal.
								const rcCompactSpan& as = chf.spans[ai];
								if (as.y > hmin)
									layer->heights[idx] = rcMax(layer->heights[idx], (unsigned char)(as.y - hmin));
							// Valid connection mask
							if (chf.areas[ai] != RC_NULL_AREA && lid == alid)
								const int nx = ax - borderSize;
								const int ny = ay - borderSize;
								if (nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx < lw && ny < lh)
									con |= (unsigned char)(1<<dir);
					layer->cons[idx] = (portal << 4) | con;
		if (layer->minx > layer->maxx)
			layer->minx = layer->maxx = 0;
		if (layer->miny > layer->maxy)
			layer->miny = layer->maxy = 0;
	return true;