コード例 #1
ファイル: curie.c プロジェクト: nevali/raptor
 * Resolves a given uri depending on whether or not it is a fully
 * qualified IRI, a CURIE, or a short-form XHTML reserved word for
 * @rel or @rev as defined in the XHTML+RDFa Syntax Document.
 * @param context the current processing context.
 * @param uri the URI part to process.
 * @return the fully qualified IRI, or NULL if the conversion failed
 *         due to the given URI not being a short-form XHTML reserved
 *         word. The memory returned from this function MUST be freed.
char* rdfa_resolve_relrev_curie(rdfacontext* context, const char* uri)
   char* rval = NULL;
   int i = 0;
   const char* resource = uri;

   // check to make sure the URI doesn't have an empty prefix
   if(uri[0] == ':')

   // search all of the XHTML @rel/@rev reserved words for a
   // case-insensitive match against the given URI
   for(i = 0; i < XHTML_RELREV_RESERVED_WORDS_SIZE; i++)
      if(strcasecmp(g_relrev_reserved_words[i], resource) == 0)
         // since the URI is a reserved word for @rel/@rev, generate
         // the full IRI and stop the loop.
         rval = rdfa_join_string(XHTML_VOCAB_URI, g_relrev_reserved_words[i]);

   // if none of the XHTML @rel/@rev reserved words were found,
   // attempt to resolve the value as a standard CURIE
   if(rval == NULL)
      rval = rdfa_resolve_curie(context, uri, CURIE_PARSE_RELREV);
   return rval;
コード例 #2
ファイル: curie.c プロジェクト: nevali/raptor
rdfalist* rdfa_resolve_curie_list(
   rdfacontext* rdfa_context, const char* uris, curieparse_t mode)
   rdfalist* rval = rdfa_create_list(3);
   char* working_uris = NULL;
   char* uptr = NULL;
   char* ctoken = NULL;
   working_uris = rdfa_replace_string(working_uris, uris);

   // go through each item in the list of CURIEs and resolve each
   ctoken = strtok_r(working_uris, RDFA_WHITESPACE, &uptr);
   while(ctoken != NULL)
      char* resolved_curie = NULL;

         (mode == CURIE_PARSE_ABOUT_RESOURCE) ||
         (mode == CURIE_PARSE_PROPERTY))
         resolved_curie =
            rdfa_resolve_curie(rdfa_context, ctoken, mode);
      else if(mode == CURIE_PARSE_RELREV)
         resolved_curie =
            rdfa_resolve_relrev_curie(rdfa_context, ctoken);

      // add the CURIE if it was a valid one
      if(resolved_curie != NULL)
         rdfa_add_item(rval, resolved_curie, RDFALIST_FLAG_TEXT);
      ctoken = strtok_r(NULL, RDFA_WHITESPACE, &uptr);

   return rval;
コード例 #3
ファイル: rdfa.c プロジェクト: Distrotech/raptor
 * Handles the start_element call
static void start_element(void *parser_context, const char* name,
   const char* prefix, const char* URI, int nb_namespaces,
   const char** namespaces, int nb_attributes, int nb_defaulted,
   const char** attributes)
   rdfacontext* root_context = (rdfacontext*)parser_context;
   rdfalist* context_stack = (rdfalist*)root_context->context_stack;
   rdfacontext* context = rdfa_create_new_element_context(context_stack);
   char* xml_lang = NULL;
   const char* about_curie = NULL;
   char* about = NULL;
   const char* src_curie = NULL;
   char* src = NULL;
   const char* type_of_curie = NULL;
   rdfalist* type_of = NULL;
   const char* rel_curie = NULL;
   rdfalist* rel = NULL;
   const char* rev_curie = NULL;
   rdfalist* rev = NULL;
   const char* property_curie = NULL;
   rdfalist* property = NULL;
   const char* resource_curie = NULL;
   char* resource = NULL;
   const char* href_curie = NULL;
   char* href = NULL;
   char* content = NULL;
   const char* datatype_curie = NULL;
   char* datatype = NULL;

   if(1) {
        raptor_parser* rdf_parser = (raptor_parser*)context->callback_data;

   rdfa_push_item(context_stack, context, RDFALIST_FLAG_CONTEXT);

#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG > 0
   if(1) {
      int i;

      /* dump all arguments sent to this callback */
      fprintf(stdout, "DEBUG: SAX.startElementNs(%s", (char *) name);
      if (prefix == NULL)
          fprintf(stdout, ", NULL");
          fprintf(stdout, ", %s", (char *) prefix);
      if (URI == NULL)
          fprintf(stdout, ", NULL");
          fprintf(stdout, ", '%s'", (char *) URI);
      fprintf(stdout, ", %d", nb_namespaces);

      /* dump all namespaces */
      if (namespaces != NULL) {
          for (i = 0;i < nb_namespaces * 2;i++) {
              fprintf(stdout, ", xmlns");
              if (namespaces[i] != NULL)
                  fprintf(stdout, ":%s", namespaces[i]);
              fprintf(stdout, "='%s'", namespaces[i]);

      /* dump all attributes */
      fprintf(stdout, ", %d, %d", nb_attributes, nb_defaulted);
      if (attributes != NULL) {
          for (i = 0;i < nb_attributes * 5;i += 5) {
              if (attributes[i + 1] != NULL)
                     stdout, ", %s:%s='", attributes[i + 1], attributes[i]);
                  fprintf(stdout, ", %s='", attributes[i]);
              fprintf(stdout, "%.4s...', %d", attributes[i + 3],
                      (int)(attributes[i + 4] - attributes[i + 3]));
      fprintf(stdout, ")\n");

   /* start the XML Literal text */
   if(context->xml_literal == NULL)
      context->xml_literal = rdfa_replace_string(context->xml_literal, "<");
      context->xml_literal_size = 1;
      context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
         context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size, "<", 1);
   context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
      context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size,
      name, strlen(name));

      /* append namespaces to XML Literal */
      raptor_namespace_stack* nstack = &context->sax2->namespaces;
      raptor_namespace* ns;
      raptor_namespace** ns_list = NULL;
      size_t ns_size;
      void** umap = context->uri_mappings;
      char* umap_key = NULL;
      void* umap_value = NULL;

      /* if the namespaces are not defined, then neither is the xml:lang */
      context->xml_literal_xml_lang_defined = 0;

      ns_size = 0;
      ns_list = raptor_namespace_stack_to_array(nstack, &ns_size);
      qsort((void*)ns_list, ns_size, sizeof(raptor_namespace*),

      while(ns_size > 0)
      while(*umap != NULL)
         unsigned char insert_xmlns_definition = 1;
         const char* attr = NULL;

         /* get the next mapping to process */

         umap_key = (char*)raptor_namespace_get_prefix(ns);
         umap_value = (char*)raptor_uri_as_string(raptor_namespace_get_uri(ns));
         rdfa_next_mapping(umap++, &umap_key, &umap_value);

         /* check to make sure that the namespace isn't already
          * defined in the current element. */
         if(attributes != NULL)
            const char** attrs = attributes;
            while((*attrs != NULL) && insert_xmlns_definition)
               attr = *attrs++;

               /* if the attribute is a umap_key, skip the definition
                * of the attribute. */
               if(strcmp(attr, umap_key) == 0)
                  insert_xmlns_definition = 0;

         /* if the namespace isn't already defined on the element,
          * copy it to the XML Literal string. */
            /* append the namespace attribute to the XML Literal */
            context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
               context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size,
               " xmlns", strlen(" xmlns"));

            /* check to see if we're dumping the standard XHTML namespace or
             * a user-defined XML namespace */
            if(strcmp(umap_key, XMLNS_DEFAULT_MAPPING) != 0)
               context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
                  context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size, ":", 1);
               context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
                  context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size,
                  umap_key, strlen(umap_key));

            /* append the namespace value */
            context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
               context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size, "=\"", 2);
            context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
               context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size,
               (const char*)umap_value, strlen((char*)umap_value));
            context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
               context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size, "\"", 1);

      } /* end while umap not NULL */
      context->xml_literal_namespaces_defined = 1;

   } /* end if namespaces inserted */

   /* Raptor namespace code does this already */
   /* 3. For backward compatibility, RDFa Processors should also permit the
    * definition of mappings via @xmlns. In this case, the value to be mapped
    * is set by the XML namespace prefix, and the value to map is the value of
    * the attribute - an IRI. (Note that prefix mapping via @xmlns is
    * deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of this
    * specification.) When xmlns is supported, such mappings must be processed
    * before processing any mappings from @prefix on the same element. */
   if(namespaces != NULL)
      int ni;

      for(ni = 0; ni < nb_namespaces * 2; ni += 2)
         const char* ns = namespaces[ni];
         const char* value = namespaces[ni + 1];
         /* Regardless of how the mapping is declared, the value to be mapped
          * must be converted to lower case, and the IRI is not processed in
          * any way; in particular if it is a relative path it must not be
          * resolved against the current base. */
         char* lcns = NULL;
         if(ns != NULL)
            /* convert the namespace string to lowercase */
            unsigned int i;
            size_t ns_length = strlen(ns);
            lcns = (char*)malloc(ns_length + 1);
            for(i = 0; i <= ns_length; i++)
               lcns[i] = tolower(ns[i]);

         /* update the URI mappings */
         rdfa_update_uri_mappings(context, lcns, value);

         if(lcns != NULL)

   /* detect the RDFa version of the document, if specified */
   if(attributes != NULL)
      int ci;

      /* search for a version attribute */
      for(ci = 0; ci < nb_attributes * 5; ci += 5)
         const char* attr;
         char* value;
         size_t value_length = 0;

         attr = attributes[ci];
         value_length = attributes[ci + 4] - attributes[ci + 3] + 1;

         if(strcmp(attr, "version") == 0)
            /* append the attribute-value pair to the XML literal */
            value = (char*)malloc(value_length + 1);
            snprintf(value, value_length, "%s", attributes[ci + 3]);
            if(strstr(value, "RDFa 1.0") != NULL)
               context->rdfa_version = RDFA_VERSION_1_0;
            else if(strstr(value, "RDFa 1.1") != NULL)
               context->rdfa_version = RDFA_VERSION_1_1;


       /* Raptor handles xml:lang itself but not 'lang' */
       xml_lang = (char*)raptor_sax2_inscope_xml_language(context->sax2);
       xml_lang = rdfa_replace_string(NULL, xml_lang);

   /* prepare all of the RDFa-specific attributes we are looking for.
    * scan all of the attributes for the RDFa-specific attributes */
   if(attributes != NULL)
      int ci;

      if(context->rdfa_version == RDFA_VERSION_1_1)
         /* process all vocab and prefix attributes */
         for(ci = 0; ci < nb_attributes * 5; ci += 5)
            const char* attr;
            char* value;
            size_t value_length = 0;

            attr = attributes[ci];
            value_length = attributes[ci + 4] - attributes[ci + 3] + 1;

            /* append the attribute-value pair to the XML literal */
            value = (char*)malloc(value_length + 1);
            snprintf(value, value_length, "%s", attributes[ci + 3]);

            /* 2. Next the current element is examined for any change to the
             * default vocabulary via @vocab. */
            if(strcmp(attr, "vocab") == 0)
               if(strlen(value) < 1)
                  /* If the value is empty, then the local default vocabulary
                   * must be reset to the Host Language defined default
                   * (if any). */
                  context->default_vocabulary = NULL;
                  char* resolved_uri;
                  rdftriple* triple;

                  /* If @vocab is present and contains a value, the local
                   * default vocabulary is updated according to the
                   * section on CURIE and IRI Processing. */
                  resolved_uri = rdfa_resolve_uri(context, value);
                  context->default_vocabulary = rdfa_replace_string(
                     context->default_vocabulary, resolved_uri);

                  /* The value of @vocab is used to generate a triple */
                  triple = rdfa_create_triple(
                     context->base, "http://www.w3.org/ns/rdfa#usesVocabulary",
                     resolved_uri, RDF_TYPE_IRI, NULL, NULL);
                     triple, context->callback_data);

            else if(strcmp(attr, "prefix") == 0)
               /* Mappings are defined via @prefix. */
               char* working_string = NULL;
               char* atprefix = NULL;
               char* iri = NULL;
               char* saveptr = NULL;

               working_string = rdfa_replace_string(working_string, value);

               /* Values in this attribute are evaluated from beginning to
                * end (e.g., left to right in typical documents). */
               atprefix = strtok_r(working_string, ":", &saveptr);
               while(atprefix != NULL)
                  /* find the prefix and IRI mappings while skipping whitespace */
                  while((*saveptr == ' ' || *saveptr == '\n' ||
                     *saveptr == '\r' || *saveptr == '\t' || *saveptr == '\f' ||
                     *saveptr == '\v') && *saveptr != '\0')
                  iri = strtok_r(NULL, RDFA_WHITESPACE, &saveptr);

                  /* update the prefix mappings */
                  rdfa_update_uri_mappings(context, atprefix, iri);


                  while((*saveptr == ' ' || *saveptr == '\n' ||
                     *saveptr == '\r' || *saveptr == '\t' || *saveptr == '\f' ||
                     *saveptr == '\v') && *saveptr != '\0')

                  /* get the next prefix to process */
                  atprefix = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &saveptr);

            else if(strcmp(attr, "inlist") == 0)
               context->inlist_present = 1;

      /* resolve all of the other RDFa values */
      for(ci = 0; ci < nb_attributes * 5; ci += 5)
         const char* attr;
         char* value;
         char* attrns;
         char* literal_text;
         size_t value_length = 0;

         attr = attributes[ci];
         attrns = (char*)attributes[ci + 1];
         value_length = attributes[ci + 4] - attributes[ci + 3] + 1;

         /* append the attribute-value pair to the XML literal */
         value = (char*)malloc(value_length + 1);
         literal_text = (char*)malloc(strlen(attr) + value_length + 5);
         snprintf(value, value_length, "%s", attributes[ci + 3]);

         sprintf(literal_text, " %s=\"%s\"", attr, value);
         context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
            context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size,
            literal_text, strlen(literal_text));

         /* if xml:lang is defined, ensure that it is not overwritten */
         if(attrns != NULL && strcmp(attrns, "xml") == 0 &&
            strcmp(attr, "lang") == 0)
            context->xml_literal_xml_lang_defined = 1;

         /* process all of the RDFa attributes */
         if(strcmp(attr, "about") == 0)
            about_curie = value;
            about = rdfa_resolve_curie(
               context, about_curie, CURIE_PARSE_ABOUT_RESOURCE);
         else if(strcmp(attr, "src") == 0)
            src_curie = value;
            src = rdfa_resolve_curie(context, src_curie, CURIE_PARSE_HREF_SRC);
         else if(strcmp(attr, "typeof") == 0)
            type_of_curie = value;
            type_of = rdfa_resolve_curie_list(
               context, type_of_curie,
         else if(strcmp(attr, "rel") == 0)
            context->rel_present = 1;
            rel_curie = value;
            rel = rdfa_resolve_curie_list(
               context, rel_curie, CURIE_PARSE_RELREV);
         else if(strcmp(attr, "rev") == 0)
            context->rev_present = 1;
            rev_curie = value;
            rev = rdfa_resolve_curie_list(
               context, rev_curie, CURIE_PARSE_RELREV);
         else if(strcmp(attr, "property") == 0)
            property_curie = value;
            property =
                  context, property_curie, CURIE_PARSE_PROPERTY);
         else if(strcmp(attr, "resource") == 0)
            resource_curie = value;
            resource = rdfa_resolve_curie(
               context, resource_curie, CURIE_PARSE_ABOUT_RESOURCE);
         else if(strcmp(attr, "href") == 0)
            href_curie = value;
            href =
               rdfa_resolve_curie(context, href_curie, CURIE_PARSE_HREF_SRC);
         else if(strcmp(attr, "content") == 0)
            content = rdfa_replace_string(content, value);
         else if(strcmp(attr, "datatype") == 0)
            datatype_curie = value;

            if(strlen(datatype_curie) == 0)
               datatype = rdfa_replace_string(datatype, "");
               datatype = rdfa_resolve_curie(context, datatype_curie,
         else if((attrns == NULL && strcmp(attr, "lang") == 0) ||
            (attrns != NULL && strcmp(attrns, "xml") == 0 &&
               strcmp(attr, "lang") == 0))
            xml_lang = rdfa_replace_string(xml_lang, value);


   /* The root element has an implicit @about declaration */
   if(context->depth == 1 && about == NULL && resource == NULL &&
      href == NULL && src == NULL)
      about_curie = "";
      about = rdfa_resolve_curie(
         context, about_curie, CURIE_PARSE_ABOUT_RESOURCE);

   /* The HEAD and BODY element in XHTML and HTML has an implicit
    * about="" on it.
   if(about == NULL && resource == NULL && href == NULL && src == NULL &&
      (context->parent_subject == NULL || type_of != NULL) &&
      ((context->host_language == HOST_LANGUAGE_XHTML1 ||
      context->host_language == HOST_LANGUAGE_HTML) &&
      (strcasecmp(name, "head") == 0 || strcasecmp(name, "body") == 0)))
      about_curie = "";
      about = rdfa_resolve_curie(
         context, about_curie, CURIE_PARSE_ABOUT_RESOURCE);

   /* check to see if we should append an xml:lang to the XML Literal
    * if one is defined in the context and does not exist on the
    * element. */
   if((xml_lang == NULL) && (context->language != NULL) &&
      context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
         context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size,
         " xml:lang=\"", strlen(" xml:lang=\""));
      context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
         context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size,
         context->language, strlen(context->language));
      context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
         context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size, "\"", 1);

      /* ensure that the lang isn't set in a subtree (unless it's overwritten) */
      context->xml_literal_xml_lang_defined = 1;

   /* close the XML Literal value */
   context->xml_literal = rdfa_n_append_string(
      context->xml_literal, &context->xml_literal_size, ">", 1);

   /* 3. The [current element] is also parsed for any language
    *    information, and [language] is set in the [current
    *    evaluation context]; */
   rdfa_update_language(context, xml_lang);

   /***************** FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES ONLY ******************/
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG > 0
      printf("DEBUG: depth = %u\n", context->depth);
      if(about != NULL)
         printf("DEBUG: @about = %s\n", about);
      if(src != NULL)
         printf("DEBUG: @src = %s\n", src);
      if(type_of != NULL)
         printf("DEBUG: @type_of = ");
         printf("DEBUG: @inlist = true\n");
      if(rel != NULL)
         printf("DEBUG: @rel = ");
      if(rev != NULL)
         printf("DEBUG: @rev = ");
      if(property != NULL)
         printf("DEBUG: @property = ");
      if(resource != NULL)
         printf("DEBUG: @resource = %s\n", resource);
      if(href != NULL)
         printf("DEBUG: @href = %s\n", href);
      if(content != NULL)
         printf("DEBUG: @content = %s\n", content);
      if(datatype != NULL)
         printf("DEBUG: @datatype = %s\n", datatype);
      if(xml_lang != NULL)
         printf("DEBUG: @xml:lang = %s\n", xml_lang);

   /* TODO: This isn't part of the processing model, it needs to be
    * included and is a correction for the last item in step #4. */
   if((about == NULL) && (src == NULL) && (type_of == NULL) &&
      (rel == NULL) && (rev == NULL) && (property == NULL) &&
      (resource == NULL) && (href == NULL) &&
      (context->default_vocabulary == NULL) && (prefix == NULL))
      context->skip_element = 1;

   if((rel == NULL) && (rev == NULL))
      if(context->rdfa_version == RDFA_VERSION_1_0)
         /* 4. If the [current element] contains no valid @rel or @rev
          * URI, obtained according to the section on CURIE and URI
          * Processing, then the next step is to establish a value for
          * [new subject]. Any of the attributes that can carry a
          * resource can set [new subject]; */
            context, name, about, src, resource, href, type_of);
            context, name, about, src, resource, href, type_of, property,
            content, datatype);
      if(context->rdfa_version == RDFA_VERSION_1_0)
         /* 5. If the [current element] does contain a valid @rel or @rev
          * URI, obtained according to the section on CURIE and URI
          * Processing, then the next step is to establish both a value
          * for [new subject] and a value for [current object resource]: */
            context, name, about, src, resource, href, type_of);
            context, name, about, src, resource, href, type_of);

   if(context->new_subject != NULL)
#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG > 0
     printf("DEBUG: new_subject = %s\n", context->new_subject);

      /* RDFa 1.0: 6. If in any of the previous steps a [new subject] was set
       * to a non-null value, it is now used to provide a subject for
       * type values; */
      /* RDFa 1.1: 7. If in any of the previous steps a typed resource was set
       * to a non-null value, it is now used to provide a subject for type
       * values;
      if(type_of != NULL)
         rdfa_complete_type_triples(context, type_of);

      /* Note that none of this block is executed if there is no
       * [new subject] value, i.e., [new subject] remains null. */

   if(context->current_object_resource != NULL)
      /* If the element contains both the @inlist and the @rel attributes:
       * the @rel may contain one or more resources, obtained according to
       * the section on CURIE and IRI Processing each of which is used to
       * add an entry to the list mapping as follows:
       * if the local list mapping does not contain a list associated with
       * the IRI, instantiate a new list and add to local list mappings
       * add the current object resource to the list associated with the
       * resource in the local list mapping */
      if(context->rdfa_version == RDFA_VERSION_1_1 && (rel != NULL) &&
         rdfresource_t object_type = RDF_TYPE_IRI;
         if((property != NULL) || (content != NULL))
            object_type = RDF_TYPE_PLAIN_LITERAL;
            if(datatype != NULL)
               object_type = RDF_TYPE_TYPED_LITERAL;
            context, rel, context->current_object_resource, object_type);

      /* 7. If in any of the previous steps a [current object  resource]
       * was set to a non-null value, it is now used to generate triples */
      rdfa_complete_relrev_triples(context, rel, rev);

   if((context->current_object_resource == NULL) &&
      context->rdfa_version == RDFA_VERSION_1_1  && (rel != NULL) &&
      rdfa_save_incomplete_list_triples(context, rel);
   else if((context->current_object_resource == NULL) &&
      ((rel != NULL) || (rev != NULL)))
      /* 8. If however [current object resource] was set to null, but
       * there are predicates present, then they must be stored as
       * [incomplete triple]s, pending the discovery of a subject that
       * can be used as the object. Also, [current object resource]
       * should be set to a newly created [bnode] */
      rdfa_save_incomplete_triples(context, rel, rev);

   /* Ensure to re-insert XML Literal namespace information from this
    * point on... */
   if(property != NULL)
      context->xml_literal_namespaces_defined = 0;

   /* save these for processing steps #9 and #10 */
   context->about = rdfa_replace_string(context->about, about);
   context->resource = rdfa_replace_string(context->resource, resource);
   context->href = rdfa_replace_string(context->href, href);
   context->src = rdfa_replace_string(context->src, src);
   context->content = rdfa_replace_string(context->content, content);
   context->datatype = rdfa_replace_string(context->datatype, datatype);
   context->property = property;

   /* free the resolved CURIEs */