AST_Module* parse_file(const char* fn) { STAT_TIMER(t0, "us_timer_cpyton_parsing"); Timer _t("parsing"); if (ENABLE_PYPA_PARSER) { AST_Module* rtn = pypa_parse(fn); assert(rtn); return rtn; } FILE* fp = popen(getParserCommandLine(fn).c_str(), "r"); BufferedReader* reader = new BufferedReader(fp); AST* rtn = readASTMisc(reader); reader->fill(); ASSERT(reader->bytesBuffered() == 0, "%d", reader->bytesBuffered()); delete reader; int code = pclose(fp); assert(code == 0); assert(rtn->type == AST_TYPE::Module); long us = _t.end(); static StatCounter us_parsing("us_parsing"); us_parsing.log(us); return ast_cast<AST_Module>(rtn); }
AST_Lambda* read_lambda(BufferedReader* reader) { AST_Lambda* rtn = new AST_Lambda(); rtn->args = ast_cast<AST_arguments>(readASTMisc(reader)); rtn->body = readASTExpr(reader); rtn->col_offset = readColOffset(reader); rtn->lineno = reader->readULL(); return rtn; }
static void readMiscVector(std::vector<T*> &vec, BufferedReader *reader) { int num_elts = reader->readShort(); if (VERBOSITY("parsing") >= 2) printf("%d elts to read\n", num_elts); for (int i = 0; i < num_elts; i++) { AST* read = readASTMisc(reader); assert(read->type == T::TYPE); vec.push_back(static_cast<T*>(read)); } }
AST_FunctionDef* read_functiondef(BufferedReader *reader) { if (VERBOSITY("parsing") >= 2) printf("reading functiondef\n"); AST_FunctionDef *rtn = new AST_FunctionDef(); rtn->args = static_cast<AST_arguments*>(readASTMisc(reader)); readStmtVector(rtn->body, reader); rtn->col_offset = readColOffset(reader); readExprVector(rtn->decorator_list, reader); rtn->lineno = reader->readULL(); rtn->name = readString(reader); return rtn; }
AST_Import* read_import(BufferedReader *reader) { AST_Import *rtn = new AST_Import(); rtn->col_offset = readColOffset(reader); rtn->lineno = reader->readULL(); int num_elts = reader->readShort(); for (int i = 0; i < num_elts; i++) { AST* elt = readASTMisc(reader); assert(elt->type == AST_TYPE::alias); rtn->names.push_back(static_cast<AST_alias*>(elt)); } return rtn; }
// Parsing the file is somewhat expensive since we have to shell out to cpython; // it's not a huge deal right now, but this caching version can significantly cut down // on the startup time (40ms -> 10ms). AST_Module* caching_parse(const char* fn) { Timer _t("parsing"); int code; std::string cache_fn = std::string(fn) + "c"; struct stat source_stat, cache_stat; code = stat(fn, &source_stat); assert(code == 0); code = stat(cache_fn.c_str(), &cache_stat); if (code != 0 || cache_stat.st_mtime < source_stat.st_mtime || (cache_stat.st_mtime == source_stat.st_mtime && cache_stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec < source_stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec)) { _reparse(fn, cache_fn); } FILE *fp = fopen(cache_fn.c_str(), "r"); assert(fp); while (true) { char buf[MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH]; int read = fread(buf, 1, MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH, fp); if (read != 4 || strncmp(buf, MAGIC_STRING, MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH) != 0) { fclose(fp); _reparse(fn, cache_fn); fp = fopen(cache_fn.c_str(), "r"); assert(fp); } else { break; } } BufferedReader *reader = new BufferedReader(fp); AST* rtn = readASTMisc(reader); reader->fill(); assert(reader->bytesBuffered() == 0); delete reader; assert(rtn->type == AST_TYPE::Module); long us = _t.end(); static StatCounter us_parsing("us_parsing"); us_parsing.log(us); return static_cast<AST_Module*>(rtn); }
AST_Module* parse(const char* fn) { Timer _t("parsing"); std::string cmdline = "python codegen/ "; cmdline += fn; FILE *fp = popen(cmdline.c_str(), "r"); BufferedReader *reader = new BufferedReader(fp); AST* rtn = readASTMisc(reader); reader->fill(); ASSERT(reader->bytesBuffered() == 0, "%d", reader->bytesBuffered()); delete reader; int code = pclose(fp); assert(code == 0); assert(rtn->type == AST_TYPE::Module); long us = _t.end(); static StatCounter us_parsing("us_parsing"); us_parsing.log(us); return static_cast<AST_Module*>(rtn); }
// Parsing the file is somewhat expensive since we have to shell out to cpython; // it's not a huge deal right now, but this caching version can significantly cut down // on the startup time (40ms -> 10ms). AST_Module* caching_parse(const char* fn) { Timer _t("parsing"); int code; std::string cache_fn = std::string(fn) + "c"; struct stat source_stat, cache_stat; code = stat(fn, &source_stat); assert(code == 0); code = stat(cache_fn.c_str(), &cache_stat); if (code != 0 || cache_stat.st_mtime < source_stat.st_mtime || (cache_stat.st_mtime == source_stat.st_mtime && cache_stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec < source_stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec)) { _reparse(fn, cache_fn); code = stat(cache_fn.c_str(), &cache_stat); assert(code == 0); } FILE* fp = fopen(cache_fn.c_str(), "r"); assert(fp); while (true) { bool good = true; if (good) { char buf[MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH]; int read = fread(buf, 1, MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH, fp); if (read != MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH || strncmp(buf, MAGIC_STRING, MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH) != 0) { if (VERBOSITY()) { printf("Warning: corrupt or non-Pyston .pyc file found; ignoring\n"); } good = false; } } if (good) { int length = 0; fseek(fp, MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH, SEEK_SET); static_assert(sizeof(length) >= CHECKSUM_LENGTH, ""); int read = fread(&length, 1, CHECKSUM_LENGTH, fp); int expected_total_length = MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH + CHECKSUM_LENGTH + length; if (read != CHECKSUM_LENGTH || expected_total_length != cache_stat.st_size) { if (VERBOSITY()) { printf("Warning: truncated .pyc file found; ignoring\n"); } good = false; } } if (!good) { fclose(fp); _reparse(fn, cache_fn); code = stat(cache_fn.c_str(), &cache_stat); assert(code == 0); fp = fopen(cache_fn.c_str(), "r"); assert(fp); } else { break; } } BufferedReader* reader = new BufferedReader(fp); AST* rtn = readASTMisc(reader); reader->fill(); assert(reader->bytesBuffered() == 0); delete reader; assert(rtn->type == AST_TYPE::Module); long us = _t.end(); static StatCounter us_parsing("us_parsing"); us_parsing.log(us); return ast_cast<AST_Module>(rtn); }
// Parsing the file is somewhat expensive since we have to shell out to cpython; // it's not a huge deal right now, but this caching version can significantly cut down // on the startup time (40ms -> 10ms). AST_Module* caching_parse_file(const char* fn) { STAT_TIMER(t0, "us_timer_caching_parse_file"); static StatCounter us_parsing("us_parsing"); Timer _t("parsing"); _t.setExitCallback([](uint64_t t) { us_parsing.log(t); }); int code; std::string cache_fn = std::string(fn) + "c"; struct stat source_stat, cache_stat; code = stat(fn, &source_stat); assert(code == 0); code = stat(cache_fn.c_str(), &cache_stat); if (code != 0 || cache_stat.st_mtime < source_stat.st_mtime || (cache_stat.st_mtime == source_stat.st_mtime && cache_stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec < source_stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec)) { AST_Module* mod = 0; auto result = _reparse(fn, cache_fn, mod); if (mod) return mod; if (result == ParseResult::FAILURE) return NULL; if (result == ParseResult::PYC_UNWRITABLE) return parse_file(fn); code = stat(cache_fn.c_str(), &cache_stat); assert(code == 0); } FILE* fp = fopen(cache_fn.c_str(), "r"); assert(fp); while (true) { bool good = true; if (good) { char buf[MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH]; int read = fread(buf, 1, MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH, fp); if (read != MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH || strncmp(buf, getMagic(), MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH) != 0) { if (VERBOSITY()) { printf("Warning: corrupt or non-Pyston .pyc file found; ignoring\n"); } good = false; } } if (good) { int length = 0; fseek(fp, MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH, SEEK_SET); static_assert(sizeof(length) >= CHECKSUM_LENGTH, ""); int read = fread(&length, 1, CHECKSUM_LENGTH, fp); int expected_total_length = MAGIC_STRING_LENGTH + CHECKSUM_LENGTH + length; if (read != CHECKSUM_LENGTH || expected_total_length != cache_stat.st_size) { if (VERBOSITY()) { printf("Warning: truncated .pyc file found; ignoring\n"); } good = false; } } if (!good) { fclose(fp); AST_Module* mod = 0; auto result = _reparse(fn, cache_fn, mod); if (mod) return mod; if (result == ParseResult::FAILURE) return NULL; if (result == ParseResult::PYC_UNWRITABLE) return parse_file(fn); code = stat(cache_fn.c_str(), &cache_stat); assert(code == 0); fp = fopen(cache_fn.c_str(), "r"); assert(fp); } else { break; } } BufferedReader* reader = new BufferedReader(fp); AST* rtn = readASTMisc(reader); reader->fill(); assert(reader->bytesBuffered() == 0); delete reader; fclose(fp); assert(rtn->type == AST_TYPE::Module); return ast_cast<AST_Module>(rtn); }