int main() { char buf[17] = " "; Accel accel; beginMyOled(); initI2CAccel(&accel, I2C2); // show ID sprintf(buf, "ID: %x", accelReadReg((const)&(accel), 0x0)); displayOnOLED(buf,0); int data[3]; unsigned int i, dec; while (TRUE){ if (! ( accelReadReg((const)&(accel), 0x30) & BIT_7) ) continue; // only update when data is ready. readAccel(&accel); for (i=0; i<3; i++) // convert to g * 100 data[i] = map(0,0xff,0,100,accel.axis[i]); for (i=0; i<3; i++){ if (data[i] < 0){ data[i] *= -1; // show as decimal sprintf(buf, "%c: -%d.%02d g", i+0x58, data[i]/100, (data[i] - data[i]/100)); }else // (ascii) 0x58 = X sprintf(buf, "%c: %02d.%02d g", i+0x58, data[i]/100, (data[i] - data[i]/100)); displayOnOLED(buf,i+1); } } return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(){ init(); setup(); while(1){; #ifdef ACCEL if(millis() - timer > 10){ readAccel(); timer = millis(); } #endif #ifdef DEMO if(millis() - demotimer > 50){ if(digitalRead(switchpin) == LOW){ Serial.println(F("switch low")); demosend(); } demotimer = millis(); } #endif if(canSend){ flush(); } checkRecv(); } return 0; }
/** *\brief Meant to decide the setpoint of where the quadcopter should be. It does so by setting the target accelerometer reading for both x and y */ void ForegroundMotorDriver() { readAccel(); //determineNextTargetAccel(); //approachNextTargetAccel(goalTargetAccel_X, 'x'); //approachNextTargetAccel(goalTargetAccel_Y, 'y'); }
/* * send acc. data to uart 3 */ void sendAcclData(void) { readAccel(); int aMagnitude = abs(Ax) + abs(Ay) + abs(Az); short b; unsigned char accl[20]; accl[19] = '\0'; b = usprintf((char*) accl, "%i,%i,%i\n", Ax, Ay, Az); #ifndef wlan nrf24l01p_send(accl); #else for (int i = 0; i < b; i++) { ROM_UARTCharPut(UART3_BASE, accl[i]); } //ROM_UARTCharPut(UART3_BASE, '\n'); #endif b = usprintf((char*) accl, "%i\n", aMagnitude); #ifndef wlan nrf24l01p_send(accl); #else for (int i = 0; i < b; i++) { ROM_UARTCharPut(UART3_BASE, accl[i]); } //ROM_UARTCharPut(UART3_BASE, '\n'); #endif }
void TR_ADXL345::get_xyz(float* xyz) { int readings[3]; readAccel(readings); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { xyz[i] = readings[i] * gains[i]; } }
/*************************************************************************** PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************************/ void Adafruit_LSM9DS0::read() { /* Read all the sensors. */ readAccel(); readMag(); readGyro(); readTemp(); }
void TR_ADXL345::calibrate() { int i, x, y, z, count = 100; float xSum = 0.0, ySum = 0.0, zSum = 0.0; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { readAccel(&x, &y, &z); xSum += x; ySum += y; zSum += z; delay(10); } offset[0] = xSum / count; offset[1] = ySum / count; offset[2] = zSum / count; }
void MPU6000::init() { // Reset device. txbuf[0] = mpu6000::REG_PWR_MGMT_1; txbuf[1] = 0x80; exchange(2); chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); // TODO(yoos): Check whether or not datasheet specifies this holdoff. // Set sample rate to 1 kHz. txbuf[0] = mpu6000::REG_SMPLRT_DIV; txbuf[1] = 0x00; exchange(2); // Set DLPF to 4 (20 Hz gyro bandwidth1 Hz accelerometer bandwidth) txbuf[0] = mpu6000::REG_CONFIG; txbuf[1] = 0x04; exchange(2); // Wake up device and set clock source to Gyro Z. txbuf[0] = mpu6000::REG_PWR_MGMT_1; txbuf[1] = 0x03; exchange(2); // Set gyro full range to 2000 dps. We first read in the current register // value so we can change what we need and leave everything else alone. // See DS p. 12. txbuf[0] = mpu6000::REG_GYRO_CONFIG | (1<<7); exchange(2); chThdSleepMicroseconds(0); // TODO(yoos): Without this, the GYRO_CONFIG register does not get set. This was not the case in the old C firmware. Why? txbuf[0] = mpu6000::REG_GYRO_CONFIG; txbuf[1] = (rxbuf[1] & ~0x18) | 0x18; exchange(2); // Set accelerometer full range to 16 g. See DS p. 13. txbuf[0] = mpu6000::REG_ACCEL_CONFIG | (1<<7); exchange(2); txbuf[0] = mpu6000::REG_ACCEL_CONFIG; txbuf[1] = (rxbuf[1] & ~0x18) | 0x18; exchange(2); // Read once to clear out bad data? readGyro(); readAccel(); }
/* * read and calculate heading with basic tilt compensation * @returns float containing heading value -> -180 to +180 * */ float getHeading(void) { readMagneto(); readAccel(); double pitch, roll; if ((Az > 9500 && Az < 10050) || (Az < -9500 && Az > -10050)) { pitch = roll = 0; } else { pitch = getPitch(); roll = getRoll(); } int Xh = Mx * cos(pitch) + Mz * sin(pitch); // Virtual X and Virtual Y (corrected) int Yh = Mx * sin(pitch) * sin(roll) + My * cos(roll) - Mz * sin(roll) * cos(pitch); float heading = (atan2f(Yh, Xh) * 180 / M_PI); if (heading < 0) { heading = 360 + heading; } return heading; }
void Pheeno::sensorFusionPositionUpdate(float timeStep, float northOffset){ if (millis() - positionUpdateTimeStart >= timeStep){ timeStep = (millis() - positionUpdateTimeStart)/1000; //Convert ms to s positionUpdateTimeStart = millis(); readEncoders(); int countL = encoderCountL; int countR = encoderCountR; float Dr = pi * wheelDiameter * (countR - oldSFPUEncoderCountR) / (encoderCountsPerRotation * motorGearRatio); // Linear distance right wheel has rotated. float Dl = pi * wheelDiameter * (countL - oldSFPUEncoderCountL) / (encoderCountsPerRotation * motorGearRatio); // Linear distance left wheel has rotated. //Check integer roll over! if (countL < 0 && oldSFPUEncoderCountL > 0){ Dl = pi*wheelDiameter * ((countL - (-32768)) + (32767 - oldSFPUEncoderCountL)) / (encoderCountsPerRotation * motorGearRatio); // Linear distance left wheel has rotated. } if (countR < 0 && oldEPUEncoderCountR > 0){ Dr = pi*wheelDiameter * ((countR - (-32768)) + (32767 - oldSFPUEncoderCountR)) / (encoderCountsPerRotation * motorGearRatio); // Linear distance left wheel has rotated. } float Dc = (Dr + Dl)/2; //Distance center of bot has moved read by encoders. oldSFPUEncoderCountR = countR; oldSFPUEncoderCountL = countL; float botD = 0.8 * Dc + 0.2 * botVel * timeStep; readCompass(northOffset); if (botA0 > -pi/2 && botA0 < pi/2){ botA = 0.9 * wrapToPi(botA + (Dr - Dl)/axelLength) + 0.1 * wrapToPi(deg2rad(IMUOrientation)); } else{ botA = 0.9 * wrapTo2Pi(botA + (Dr - Dl)/axelLength) + 0.1 * wrapTo2Pi(deg2rad(IMUOrientation)); } botXPos += botD * cos(botA0 + (botA-botA0)/2); botYPos += botD * sin(botA0 + (botA-botA0)/2); readAccel(); botVel = 0.95 * Dc/timeStep + 0.05 * (botVel + IMUACCY * timeStep); botA0 = botA; } }
static msg_t Thread1(void *arg) { (void)arg; // Next deadline. systime_t time; chRegSetThreadName("accelreader"); // Reader thread loop. time = chTimeNow(); while (TRUE) { readAccel(); chMtxLock(&accelMtx); // Reprogramming the four PWM channels using the accelerometer data. if (accel_y[4] < 0) { pwmEnableChannel(&PWMD4, 0, (pwmcnt_t)-accel_y[4]); pwmEnableChannel(&PWMD4, 2, (pwmcnt_t)0); } else { pwmEnableChannel(&PWMD4, 2, (pwmcnt_t)accel_y[4]); pwmEnableChannel(&PWMD4, 0, (pwmcnt_t)0); } if (accel_x[4] < 0) { pwmEnableChannel(&PWMD4, 1, (pwmcnt_t)-accel_x[4]); pwmEnableChannel(&PWMD4, 3, (pwmcnt_t)0); } else { pwmEnableChannel(&PWMD4, 3, (pwmcnt_t)accel_x[4]); pwmEnableChannel(&PWMD4, 1, (pwmcnt_t)0); } chMtxUnlock(); // Waiting until the next 250 milliseconds time interval. chThdSleepUntil(time += MS2ST(100)); } return (msg_t)0; }
// This is a function that uses the FIFO to accumulate sample of accelerometer and gyro data, average // them, scales them to gs and deg/s, respectively, and then passes the biases to the main sketch // for subtraction from all subsequent data. There are no gyro and accelerometer bias registers to store // the data as there are in the ADXL345, a precursor to the LSM9DS0, or the MPU-9150, so we have to // subtract the biases ourselves. This results in a more accurate measurement in general and can // remove errors due to imprecise or varying initial placement. Calibration of sensor data in this manner // is good practice. void LSM9DS1::calibrate(bool autoCalc) { uint8_t data[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; uint8_t samples = 0; int ii; int32_t aBiasRawTemp[3] = {0, 0, 0}; int32_t gBiasRawTemp[3] = {0, 0, 0}; // Turn on FIFO and set threshold to 32 samples enableFIFO(true); setFIFO(FIFO_THS, 0x1F); while (samples < 0x1F) { samples = (xgReadByte(FIFO_SRC) & 0x3F); // Read number of stored samples } for(ii = 0; ii < samples ; ii++) { // Read the gyro data stored in the FIFO readGyro(); gBiasRawTemp[0] += gx; gBiasRawTemp[1] += gy; gBiasRawTemp[2] += gz; readAccel(); aBiasRawTemp[0] += ax; aBiasRawTemp[1] += ay; aBiasRawTemp[2] += az - (int16_t)(1./aRes); // Assumes sensor facing up! } for (ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { gBiasRaw[ii] = gBiasRawTemp[ii] / samples; gBias[ii] = calcGyro(gBiasRaw[ii]); aBiasRaw[ii] = aBiasRawTemp[ii] / samples; aBias[ii] = calcAccel(aBiasRaw[ii]); } enableFIFO(false); setFIFO(FIFO_OFF, 0x00); if (autoCalc) _autoCalc = true; }
void computeAccelRTBias(void) { uint16_t samples; float accelSum[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; accelCalibrating = true; for (samples = 0; samples < 2000; samples++) { readAccel(); accelSum[XAXIS] += rawAccel[XAXIS].value; accelSum[YAXIS] += rawAccel[YAXIS].value; accelSum[ZAXIS] += rawAccel[ZAXIS].value; delayMicroseconds(1000); } accelRTBias[XAXIS] = accelSum[XAXIS] / 2000.0f; accelRTBias[YAXIS] = accelSum[YAXIS] / 2000.0f; accelRTBias[ZAXIS] = (accelSum[ZAXIS] / 2000.0f) - (9.8056f / fabs(sensorConfig.accelScaleFactor[ZAXIS])); accelCalibrating = false; }
void SysTick_Handler(void) { uint8_t index; uint32_t currentTime; sysTickCycleCounter = *DWT_CYCCNT; sysTickUptime++; #if defined(USE_MADGWICK_AHRS) | defined(USE_MARG_AHRS) if ((systemReady == true) && (accelCalibrating == false) && (gyroCalibrating == false) && (magCalibrating == false)) #endif #if defined(USE_CHR6DM_AHRS) if ((systemReady == true) && (accelCalibrating == false) && (gyroCalibrating == false) && (magCalibrating == false) && (ahrsCalibrating == false)) #endif { frameCounter++; if (frameCounter > FRAME_COUNT) frameCounter = 1; /////////////////////////////// currentTime = micros(); deltaTime1000Hz = currentTime - previous1000HzTime; previous1000HzTime = currentTime; readAccel(); #if defined(USE_MADGWICK_AHRS) | defined(USE_MARG_AHRS) accelSum200Hz[XAXIS] += rawAccel[XAXIS].value; accelSum200Hz[YAXIS] += rawAccel[YAXIS].value; accelSum200Hz[ZAXIS] += rawAccel[ZAXIS].value; #endif accelSum100Hz[XAXIS] += rawAccel[XAXIS].value; accelSum100Hz[YAXIS] += rawAccel[YAXIS].value; accelSum100Hz[ZAXIS] += rawAccel[ZAXIS].value; readGyro(); gyroSum200Hz[ROLL] += rawGyro[ROLL].value; gyroSum200Hz[PITCH] += rawGyro[PITCH].value; gyroSum200Hz[YAW] += rawGyro[YAW].value; gyroSum100Hz[ROLL] += rawGyro[ROLL].value; gyroSum100Hz[PITCH] += rawGyro[PITCH].value; gyroSum100Hz[YAW] += rawGyro[YAW].value; gyroSum500Hz[ROLL] += rawGyro[ROLL].value; gyroSum500Hz[PITCH] += rawGyro[PITCH].value; gyroSum500Hz[YAW] += rawGyro[YAW].value; /////////////////////////////// if ((frameCounter % COUNT_500HZ) == 0) { frame_500Hz = true; for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) { gyroSummedSamples500Hz[index] = gyroSum500Hz[index]; gyroSum500Hz[index] = 0.0f; } } /////////////////////////////// if ((frameCounter % COUNT_200HZ) == 0) { frame_200Hz = true; for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) { #if defined(USE_MADGWICK_AHRS) | defined(USE_MARG_AHRS) accelSummedSamples200Hz[index] = accelSum200Hz[index]; accelSum200Hz[index] = 0.0f; #endif gyroSummedSamples200Hz[index] = gyroSum200Hz[index]; gyroSum200Hz[index] = 0.0f; } } /////////////////////////////// if ((frameCounter % COUNT_100HZ) == 0) { frame_100Hz = true; for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) { accelSummedSamples100Hz[index] = accelSum100Hz[index]; accelSum100Hz[index] = 0.0f; gyroSummedSamples100Hz[index] = gyroSum100Hz[index]; gyroSum100Hz[index] = 0.0f; } if (frameCounter == COUNT_100HZ) { readTemperatureRequestPressure(); } else if (frameCounter == FRAME_COUNT) { readPressureRequestTemperature(); } else { readPressureRequestPressure(); } pressureSum += uncompensatedPressure.value; } /////////////////////////////// if (((frameCounter + 1) % COUNT_50HZ) == 0) { readMag(); magSum[XAXIS] += rawMag[XAXIS].value; magSum[YAXIS] += rawMag[YAXIS].value; magSum[ZAXIS] += rawMag[ZAXIS].value; } if ((frameCounter % COUNT_50HZ) == 0) { frame_50Hz = true; } /////////////////////////////// if ((frameCounter % COUNT_10HZ) == 0) frame_10Hz = true; /////////////////////////////// if ((frameCounter % COUNT_5HZ) == 0) frame_5Hz = true; /////////////////////////////// if ((frameCounter % COUNT_1HZ) == 0) frame_1Hz = true; /////////////////////////////////// executionTime1000Hz = micros() - currentTime; /////////////////////////////// } }
void TR_ADXL345::readAccel(int* xyz) { readAccel(xyz, xyz + 1, xyz + 2); }
void BMA180::readAccel(int * buff) { readAccel(&buff[0], &buff[1], &buff[2]); }
void readSensors() { readGyro(); readAccel(); readMag(); }
void SysTick_Handler(void) { uint8_t index; uint32_t currentTime; sysTickCycleCounter = *DWT_CYCCNT; sysTickUptime++; if ((systemReady == true ) && (cliBusy == false) && (accelCalibrating == false) && (escCalibrating == false) && (gyroCalibrating == false) && (magCalibrating == false)) { frameCounter++; if (frameCounter > FRAME_COUNT) frameCounter = 1; /////////////////////////////// currentTime = micros(); deltaTime1000Hz = currentTime - previous1000HzTime; previous1000HzTime = currentTime; readAccel(); accelSum200Hz[XAXIS] += rawAccel[XAXIS].value; accelSum200Hz[YAXIS] += rawAccel[YAXIS].value; accelSum200Hz[ZAXIS] += rawAccel[ZAXIS].value; accelSum100Hz[XAXIS] += rawAccel[XAXIS].value; accelSum100Hz[YAXIS] += rawAccel[YAXIS].value; accelSum100Hz[ZAXIS] += rawAccel[ZAXIS].value; readGyro(); gyroSum200Hz[ROLL ] += rawGyro[ROLL ].value; gyroSum200Hz[PITCH] += rawGyro[PITCH].value; gyroSum200Hz[YAW ] += rawGyro[YAW ].value; /////////////////////////////// if ((frameCounter % COUNT_200HZ) == 0) { frame_200Hz = true; for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) { accelSummedSamples200Hz[index] = accelSum200Hz[index]; accelSum200Hz[index] = 0.0f; gyroSummedSamples200Hz[index] = gyroSum200Hz[index]; gyroSum200Hz[index] = 0.0f; } } /////////////////////////////// if ((frameCounter % COUNT_100HZ) == 0) { frame_100Hz = true; for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) { accelSummedSamples100Hz[index] = accelSum100Hz[index]; accelSum100Hz[index] = 0.0f; } if (frameCounter == COUNT_100HZ) readTemperatureRequestPressure(); else if (frameCounter == FRAME_COUNT) readPressureRequestTemperature(); else readPressureRequestPressure(); pressureSum += uncompensatedPressure.value; } /////////////////////////////// if ((frameCounter % COUNT_50HZ) == 0) { frame_50Hz = true; } /////////////////////////////// if (((frameCounter + 1) % COUNT_10HZ) == 0) newMagData = readMag(); if ((frameCounter % COUNT_10HZ) == 0) frame_10Hz = true; /////////////////////////////// if ((frameCounter % COUNT_5HZ) == 0) frame_5Hz = true; /////////////////////////////// if ((frameCounter % COUNT_1HZ) == 0) frame_1Hz = true; /////////////////////////////////// executionTime1000Hz = micros() - currentTime; /////////////////////////////// } }
int main() { int32_t bemf_vals[4] = {0,0,0,0}; int32_t bemf_vals_filt[4] = {0,0,0,0}; init(); // set up DMA/SPI buffers init_rx_buffer(); init_tx_buffer(); // set up pid structs pid_struct pid_structs[4]; { uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) init_pid_struct(&(pid_structs[i]), i); } update_dig_pin_configs(); config_adc_in_from_regs(); //debug_printf("starting\n"); int low_volt_alarmed = 0; // Loop until button is pressed uint32_t count = 0; while (1) { count += 1; { // only sample motor backemf 1/4 of the time const uint8_t bemf_update_time = (count % 4 == 1); if (bemf_update_time) { // idle breaking MOT0_DIR1_PORT->BSRRH |= MOT0_DIR1; MOT0_DIR2_PORT->BSRRH |= MOT0_DIR2; MOT1_DIR1_PORT->BSRRH |= MOT1_DIR1; MOT1_DIR2_PORT->BSRRH |= MOT1_DIR2; MOT2_DIR1_PORT->BSRRH |= MOT2_DIR1; MOT2_DIR2_PORT->BSRRH |= MOT2_DIR2; MOT3_DIR1_PORT->BSRRH |= MOT3_DIR1; MOT3_DIR2_PORT->BSRRH |= MOT3_DIR2; } // let the motor coast // delay_us(700); // now I squeeze in most sensor updates instead of just sleeping uint32_t before = usCount; update_dig_pins(); int16_t batt = adc_update(); readAccel(); readMag(); readGyro(); if (batt < 636) // about 5.75 volts { configDigitalOutPin(LED1_PIN, LED1_PORT); low_volt_alarmed = 1; if (count % 50 < 10) // low duty cycle to save battery { LED1_PORT->BSRRL |= LED1_PIN; // ON } else { LED1_PORT->BSRRH |= LED1_PIN; // OFF } } else if (low_volt_alarmed) { // make sure led is off coming out of the low voltage alarm configDigitalOutPin(LED1_PIN, LED1_PORT); LED1_PORT->BSRRH |= LED1_PIN; // OFF low_volt_alarmed = 0; } if (adc_dirty) { adc_dirty = 0; config_adc_in_from_regs(); } if (dig_dirty) { dig_dirty = 0; update_dig_pin_configs(); } uint32_t sensor_update_time = usCount - before; const uint16_t us_delay_needed = 700; const uint8_t got_time_to_burn = sensor_update_time < us_delay_needed; if (got_time_to_burn) { // sleep the remainder of the coasting period before sampling bemf delay_us(us_delay_needed-sensor_update_time); } if (bemf_update_time) { update_bemfs(bemf_vals, bemf_vals_filt); // set the motor directions back up update_motor_modes(); uint8_t channel; for (channel = 0; channel < 4; ++channel) { uint8_t shift = 2*channel; uint8_t motor_mode = (aTxBuffer[REG_RW_MOT_MODES] & (0b11 << shift)) >> shift; motor_update(bemf_vals[channel], bemf_vals_filt[channel], &pid_structs[channel], channel, motor_mode); } } else { // updating sensors doesnt' take as long as all of the adc for backemf updates // sleep a bit so that our time through the loop is consistent for PID control delay_us(222); } } }