// Visits all PtNodes in post-order depth first manner.
// For example, visits c -> b -> y -> x -> a for the following dictionary:
// a _ b _ c
//   \ x _ y
bool DynamicPatriciaTrieReadingHelper::traverseAllPtNodesInPostorderDepthFirstManner(
        TraversingEventListener *const listener) {
    bool alreadyVisitedChildren = false;
    // Descend from the root to the root PtNode array.
    if (!listener->onDescend(getPosOfLastPtNodeArrayHead())) {
        return false;
    while (!isEnd()) {
        if (!alreadyVisitedChildren) {
            if (mNodeReader.hasChildren()) {
                // Move to the first child.
                if (!listener->onDescend(mNodeReader.getChildrenPos())) {
                    return false;
            } else {
                alreadyVisitedChildren = true;
        } else {
            if (!listener->onVisitingPtNode(&mNodeReader, mMergedNodeCodePoints)) {
                return false;
            if (isEnd()) {
                // All PtNodes in current linked PtNode arrays have been visited.
                // Return to the parent.
                if (!listener->onReadingPtNodeArrayTail()) {
                    return false;
                if (mReadingStateStack.size() <= 0) {
                if (!listener->onAscend()) {
                    return false;
                alreadyVisitedChildren = true;
            } else {
                // Process sibling PtNode.
                alreadyVisitedChildren = false;
    // Ascend from the root PtNode array to the root.
    if (!listener->onAscend()) {
        return false;
    return !isError();
コード例 #2
/*! \fn     guiAskForLoginSelect(pNode* p, cNode* c, uint16_t parentNodeAddress)
*   \brief  Ask for user login selection / approval
*   \param  p                   Pointer to a parent node
*   \param  c                   Pointer to a child node
*   \param  parentNodeAddress   Address of the parent node
*   \param  bypass_confirmation Bool to bypass authorisation request
*   \return Valid child node address or 0 otherwise
uint16_t guiAskForLoginSelect(pNode* p, cNode* c, uint16_t parentNodeAddress, uint8_t bypass_confirmation)
    uint16_t first_child_address, temp_child_address;
    uint16_t picked_child = NODE_ADDR_NULL;
    uint16_t addresses[4];
    uint8_t led_mask;
    int8_t i, j;
    // Check parent node address
    if (parentNodeAddress == NODE_ADDR_NULL)
        return NODE_ADDR_NULL;
    // Read the parent node
    readParentNode(p, parentNodeAddress);
    // Read its first child address
    first_child_address = p->nextChildAddress;
    // Check if there are stored credentials
    if (first_child_address == NODE_ADDR_NULL)
        return NODE_ADDR_NULL;
    // Read child node
    readChildNode(c, first_child_address);
    // Check if there's only one child, that's a confirmation screen
    if (c->nextChildAddress == NODE_ADDR_NULL)
        confirmationText_t temp_conf_text;
        // Prepare asking confirmation screen
        temp_conf_text.lines[0] = readStoredStringToBuffer(ID_STRING_CONFACCESSTO);
        temp_conf_text.lines[1] = (char*)p->service;
        temp_conf_text.lines[2] = readStoredStringToBuffer(ID_STRING_WITHTHISLOGIN);
        temp_conf_text.lines[3] = (char*)c->login;
        // Prompt user for confirmation, flash the screen
        if ((bypass_confirmation == TRUE) || (guiAskForConfirmation(0xF0 | 4, &temp_conf_text) == RETURN_OK))
            picked_child = first_child_address;
        temp_child_address = first_child_address;
        uint8_t action_chosen = FALSE;
        while (action_chosen == FALSE)
            // Draw asking bitmap
            oledBitmapDrawFlash(0, 0, BITMAP_LOGIN, 0);
            // Write domain name on screen
            char temp_string[INDEX_TRUNCATE_SERVICE_CENTER+1];
            memcpy(temp_string, (char*)p->service, sizeof(temp_string));
            temp_string[INDEX_TRUNCATE_SERVICE_CENTER] = 0;
            oledPutstrXY(0, 24, OLED_CENTRE, temp_string);
            // Clear led_mask
            led_mask = 0;
            i = 0;
            // List logins on screen
            while ((temp_child_address != NODE_ADDR_NULL) && (i != 4))
                // Read child node to get login
                readChildNode(c, temp_child_address);
                // Print Login at the correct slot
                displayCredentialAtSlot(i, (char*)c->login, INDEX_TRUNCATE_LOGIN_FAV);            
                // Store address in array, fetch next address
                addresses[i] = temp_child_address;
                temp_child_address = c->nextChildAddress;
            // If nothing after, hide right arrow
            if ((i != 4) || (c->nextChildAddress == NODE_ADDR_NULL))
                oledFillXY(177, 25, 16, 14, 0x00);
                led_mask |= LED_MASK_RIGHT;
            // Light only the available choices
            for (j = i; j < 4; j++)
                led_mask |= (1 << j);
            // Display picture
            // Get touched quarter
            j = getTouchedPositionAnswer(led_mask);
            // Check its validity, knowing that by default we will return NODE_ADDR_NULL
            if (j == -1)
                // Time out
                action_chosen = TRUE;
            else if (j < i)
                picked_child = addresses[j];
                action_chosen = TRUE;
            else if (j == TOUCHPOS_LEFT)
                // If there is a previous children, go back 4 indexes
                if (addresses[0] != first_child_address)
                    c->prevChildAddress = addresses[0];
                    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        temp_child_address = c->prevChildAddress;
                        readChildNode(c, temp_child_address);
                    // otherwise, return
                    action_chosen = TRUE;
            else if ((j == TOUCHPOS_RIGHT) && (i == 4) && (c->nextChildAddress != NODE_ADDR_NULL))
                // If there are more nodes to display, let it loop
                // temp_child_address = c->nextChildAddress;
                // Wrong position
                temp_child_address = addresses[0];
    return picked_child;
コード例 #3
/*! \fn     favoriteSelectionScreen(pNode* p, cNode* c)
*   \brief  Screen displayed to let the user choose a favorite
*   \param  p                   Pointer to a parent node
*   \param  c                   Pointer to a child node
*   \return Valid child node address or 0 otherwise
uint16_t favoriteSelectionScreen(pNode* p, cNode* c)
    uint16_t picked_child = NODE_ADDR_NULL;
    uint16_t parentAddresses[USER_MAX_FAV];
    uint16_t childAddresses[USER_MAX_FAV];
    uint16_t tempparaddr, tempchildaddr;
    uint8_t action_chosen = FALSE;
    uint8_t nbFavorites = 0;
    uint8_t offset = 0;
    uint8_t led_mask;
    int8_t i, j;
    // Browse through the favorites
    for (i = 0; i < USER_MAX_FAV; i++)
        // Read favorite, check that it is valid
        readFav(i, &tempparaddr, &tempchildaddr);
        // If so, store it in our know addresses
        if (tempparaddr != NODE_ADDR_NULL)
            parentAddresses[nbFavorites] = tempparaddr;
            childAddresses[nbFavorites++] = tempchildaddr;
    // If no favorite, return
    if (nbFavorites == 0)
        return NODE_ADDR_NULL;
    // Loop until the user chooses smth
    while (action_chosen != TRUE)
        // Draw asking bitmap
        oledBitmapDrawFlash(0, 0, BITMAP_LOGIN, 0);
        // Clear led_mask
        led_mask = 0;
        i = 0;
        // List logins on screen
        while (((offset + i) < nbFavorites) && (i != 4))
            // Read child node to get login
            readChildNode(c, childAddresses[offset+i]);
            readParentNode(p, parentAddresses[offset+i]);
            // Print service / login on screen
            displayCredentialAtSlot(i+((i&0x02)<<2), (char*)c->login, INDEX_TRUNCATE_LOGIN_FAV);
            displayCredentialAtSlot(i+((~i&0x02)<<2), (char*)p->service, INDEX_TRUNCATE_LOGIN_FAV);
            // Increment i
        // If nothing after, hide right arrow
        if ((i != 4) || ((offset+i) == nbFavorites))
            oledFillXY(177, 25, 16, 14, 0x00);
            led_mask |= LED_MASK_RIGHT;
        // Light only the available choices
        for (j = i; j < 4; j++)
            led_mask |= (1 << j);
        // Display picture
        // Get touched quarter
        j = getTouchedPositionAnswer(led_mask);
        // Check its validity, knowing that by default we will return NODE_ADDR_NULL
        if (j == -1)
            action_chosen = TRUE;
            // Time out
        else if (j < i)
            // Valid choice, load parent node as it will be used later
            readParentNode(p, parentAddresses[offset+j]);
            picked_child = childAddresses[offset+j];
            action_chosen = TRUE;
        else if (j == TOUCHPOS_LEFT)
            if (offset > 0)
                offset -= 4;
                // User wants to go back
                action_chosen = TRUE;                
        else if ((j == TOUCHPOS_RIGHT) && (i == 4) && ((offset+i) != nbFavorites))
            // If there are more nodes to display
            offset += 4;
    // Return selected child
    return picked_child;
// Visits all PtNodes in PtNode array level pre-order depth first manner, which is the same order
// that PtNodes are written in the dictionary buffer.
// For example, visits a -> b -> x -> c -> y for the following dictionary:
// a _ b _ c
//   \ x _ y
bool DynamicPatriciaTrieReadingHelper::traverseAllPtNodesInPtNodeArrayLevelPreorderDepthFirstManner(
        TraversingEventListener *const listener) {
    bool alreadyVisitedAllPtNodesInArray = false;
    bool alreadyVisitedChildren = false;
    // Descend from the root to the root PtNode array.
    if (!listener->onDescend(getPosOfLastPtNodeArrayHead())) {
        return false;
    if (isEnd()) {
        // Empty dictionary. Needs to notify the listener of the tail of empty PtNode array.
        if (!listener->onReadingPtNodeArrayTail()) {
            return false;
    while (!isEnd()) {
        if (alreadyVisitedAllPtNodesInArray) {
            if (alreadyVisitedChildren) {
                // Move to next sibling PtNode's children.
                if (isEnd()) {
                    // Return to the parent PTNode.
                    if (!listener->onAscend()) {
                        return false;
                    if (mReadingStateStack.size() <= 0) {
                    alreadyVisitedChildren = true;
                    alreadyVisitedAllPtNodesInArray = true;
                } else {
                    alreadyVisitedChildren = false;
            } else {
                if (mNodeReader.hasChildren()) {
                    // Move to the first child.
                    if (!listener->onDescend(mNodeReader.getChildrenPos())) {
                        return false;
                    // Push state to return the head of PtNode array.
                    alreadyVisitedAllPtNodesInArray = false;
                    alreadyVisitedChildren = false;
                } else {
                    alreadyVisitedChildren = true;
        } else {
            if (!listener->onVisitingPtNode(&mNodeReader, mMergedNodeCodePoints)) {
                return false;
            if (isEnd()) {
                if (!listener->onReadingPtNodeArrayTail()) {
                    return false;
                // Return to the head of current PtNode array.
                alreadyVisitedAllPtNodesInArray = true;
    // Ascend from the root PtNode array to the root.
    if (!listener->onAscend()) {
        return false;
    return !isError();