コード例 #1
ファイル: CPUInfo.cpp プロジェクト: Karlson2k/xbmc
int CCPUInfo::getUsedPercentage()
  if (!m_nextUsedReadTime.IsTimePast())
    return m_lastUsedPercentage;

  unsigned long long userTicks;
  unsigned long long niceTicks;
  unsigned long long systemTicks;
  unsigned long long idleTicks;
  unsigned long long ioTicks;

  if (!readProcStat(userTicks, niceTicks, systemTicks, idleTicks, ioTicks))
    return m_lastUsedPercentage;

  userTicks -= m_userTicks;
  niceTicks -= m_niceTicks;
  systemTicks -= m_systemTicks;
  idleTicks -= m_idleTicks;
  ioTicks -= m_ioTicks;

  if(userTicks + niceTicks + systemTicks + idleTicks + ioTicks == 0)
    return m_lastUsedPercentage;
  int result = (int) (double(userTicks + niceTicks + systemTicks) * 100.0 / double(userTicks + niceTicks + systemTicks + idleTicks + ioTicks) + 0.5);

  m_userTicks += userTicks;
  m_niceTicks += niceTicks;
  m_systemTicks += systemTicks;
  m_idleTicks += idleTicks;
  m_ioTicks += ioTicks;

  m_lastUsedPercentage = result;

  return result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Proc.cpp プロジェクト: bigzz/gator
bool readProcSysDependencies(const uint64_t currTime, Buffer *const buffer, DynBuf *const printb, DynBuf *const b1, DynBuf *const b2) {
	bool result = false;

	DIR *proc = opendir("/proc");
	if (proc == NULL) {
		logg.logMessage("opendir failed");
		return result;

	struct dirent *dirent;
	while ((dirent = readdir(proc)) != NULL) {
		char *endptr;
		const int pid = strtol(dirent->d_name, &endptr, 10);
		if (*endptr != '\0') {
			// Ignore proc items that are not integers like ., cpuinfo, etc...

		if (!printb->printf("/proc/%i/stat", pid)) {
			logg.logMessage("DynBuf::printf failed");
			goto fail;
		ProcStat ps;
		if (!readProcStat(&ps, printb->getBuf(), b1)) {
			logg.logMessage("readProcStat failed");
			goto fail;

		if (ps.numThreads <= 1) {
			const char *const image = readProcExe(printb, pid, -1, b1);
			if (image == NULL) {
				logg.logMessage("readImage failed");
				goto fail;

			buffer->marshalComm(currTime, pid, pid, image, ps.comm);
		} else {
			if (!readProcTask(currTime, buffer, pid, printb, b1, b2)) {
				logg.logMessage("readProcTask failed");
				goto fail;

	if (gSessionData.mFtraceRaw) {
		if (!gSessionData.mFtraceDriver.readTracepointFormats(currTime, buffer, printb, b1)) {
			logg.logMessage("FtraceDriver::readTracepointFormats failed");
			goto fail;

	result = true;


	return result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Proc.cpp プロジェクト: bigzz/gator
static bool readProcTask(const uint64_t currTime, Buffer *const buffer, const int pid, DynBuf *const printb, DynBuf *const b1, DynBuf *const b2) {
	bool result = false;

	if (!b1->printf("/proc/%i/task", pid)) {
		logg.logMessage("DynBuf::printf failed");
		return result;
	DIR *task = opendir(b1->getBuf());
	if (task == NULL) {
		logg.logMessage("opendir failed");
		// This is not a fatal error - the thread just doesn't exist any more
		return true;

	struct dirent *dirent;
	while ((dirent = readdir(task)) != NULL) {
		char *endptr;
		const int tid = strtol(dirent->d_name, &endptr, 10);
		if (*endptr != '\0') {
			// Ignore task items that are not integers like ., etc...

		if (!printb->printf("/proc/%i/task/%i/stat", pid, tid)) {
			logg.logMessage("DynBuf::printf failed");
			goto fail;
		ProcStat ps;
		if (!readProcStat(&ps, printb->getBuf(), b1)) {
			logg.logMessage("readProcStat failed");
			goto fail;

		const char *const image = readProcExe(printb, pid, tid, b2);
		if (image == NULL) {
			logg.logMessage("readImage failed");
			goto fail;

		buffer->marshalComm(currTime, pid, tid, image, ps.comm);

	result = true;


	return result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: CPUInfo.cpp プロジェクト: Karlson2k/xbmc
  m_fProcStat = m_fProcTemperature = m_fCPUFreq = NULL;
  m_cpuInfoForFreq = false;
#elif defined(TARGET_WINDOWS)
  m_cpuQueryFreq = NULL;
  m_cpuQueryLoad = NULL;
  m_lastUsedPercentage = 0;
  m_cpuFeatures = 0;

#if defined(TARGET_DARWIN)
  size_t len = 4;
  std::string cpuVendor;
  // The number of cores.
  if (sysctlbyname("hw.activecpu", &m_cpuCount, &len, NULL, 0) == -1)
      m_cpuCount = 1;

  // The model.
#if defined(__ppc__) || defined (TARGET_DARWIN_IOS)
  const NXArchInfo *info = NXGetLocalArchInfo();
  if (info != NULL)
    m_cpuModel = info->description;
  // NXGetLocalArchInfo is ugly for intel so keep using this method
  char buffer[512];
  len = 512;
  if (sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.brand_string", &buffer, &len, NULL, 0) == 0)
    m_cpuModel = buffer;

  // The CPU vendor
  len = 512;
  if (sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.vendor", &buffer, &len, NULL, 0) == 0)
    cpuVendor = buffer;
  // Go through each core.
  for (int i=0; i<m_cpuCount; i++)
    CoreInfo core;
    core.m_id = i;
    core.m_strModel = m_cpuModel;
    core.m_strVendor = cpuVendor;
    m_cores[core.m_id] = core;

#elif defined(TARGET_WINDOWS)
  HKEY hKeyCpuRoot;

  if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyCpuRoot) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
    DWORD num = 0;
    std::vector<CoreInfo> cpuCores;
    wchar_t subKeyName[200]; // more than enough
    DWORD subKeyNameLen = sizeof(subKeyName) / sizeof(wchar_t);
    while (RegEnumKeyExW(hKeyCpuRoot, num++, subKeyName, &subKeyNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
      HKEY hCpuKey;
      if (RegOpenKeyExW(hKeyCpuRoot, subKeyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hCpuKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        CoreInfo cpuCore;
        if (swscanf_s(subKeyName, L"%i", &cpuCore.m_id) != 1)
          cpuCore.m_id = num - 1;
        wchar_t buf[300]; // more than enough
        DWORD bufSize = sizeof(buf);
        DWORD valType;
        if (RegQueryValueExW(hCpuKey, L"ProcessorNameString", NULL, &valType, (LPBYTE)buf, &bufSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
            valType == REG_SZ)
          g_charsetConverter.wToUTF8(std::wstring(buf, bufSize / sizeof(wchar_t)), cpuCore.m_strModel);
          cpuCore.m_strModel = cpuCore.m_strModel.substr(0, cpuCore.m_strModel.find(char(0))); // remove extra null terminations
        bufSize = sizeof(buf);
        if (RegQueryValueExW(hCpuKey, L"VendorIdentifier", NULL, &valType, (LPBYTE)buf, &bufSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
            valType == REG_SZ)
          g_charsetConverter.wToUTF8(std::wstring(buf, bufSize / sizeof(wchar_t)), cpuCore.m_strVendor);
          cpuCore.m_strVendor = cpuCore.m_strVendor.substr(0, cpuCore.m_strVendor.find(char(0))); // remove extra null terminations
        DWORD mhzVal;
        bufSize = sizeof(mhzVal);
        if (RegQueryValueExW(hCpuKey, L"~MHz", NULL, &valType, (LPBYTE)&mhzVal, &bufSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
            valType == REG_DWORD)
          cpuCore.m_fSpeed = double(mhzVal);


        if (cpuCore.m_strModel.empty())
          cpuCore.m_strModel = "Unknown";
      subKeyNameLen = sizeof(subKeyName) / sizeof(wchar_t); // restore length value
    std::sort(cpuCores.begin(), cpuCores.end()); // sort cores by id
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cpuCores.size(); i++)
      m_cores[i] = cpuCores[i]; // add in sorted order

  if (!m_cores.empty())
    m_cpuModel = m_cores.begin()->second.m_strModel;
    m_cpuModel = "Unknown";

  SYSTEM_INFO siSysInfo;
  m_cpuCount = siSysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;

  if (PdhOpenQueryW(NULL, 0, &m_cpuQueryFreq) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
    if (PdhAddEnglishCounterW(m_cpuQueryFreq, L"\\Processor Information(0,0)\\Processor Frequency", 0, &m_cpuFreqCounter) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
      m_cpuFreqCounter = NULL;
    m_cpuQueryFreq = NULL;
  if (PdhOpenQueryW(NULL, 0, &m_cpuQueryLoad) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_cores.size(); i++)
      if (PdhAddEnglishCounterW(m_cpuQueryLoad, StringUtils::Format(L"\\Processor(%d)\\%% Idle Time", int(i)).c_str(), 0, &m_cores[i].m_coreCounter) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        m_cores[i].m_coreCounter = NULL;
    m_cpuQueryLoad = NULL;
#elif defined(TARGET_FREEBSD)
  size_t len;
  int i;
  char cpumodel[512];

  len = sizeof(m_cpuCount);
  if (sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu", &m_cpuCount, &len, NULL, 0) != 0)
    m_cpuCount = 1;

  len = sizeof(cpumodel);
  if (sysctlbyname("hw.model", &cpumodel, &len, NULL, 0) != 0)
    (void)strncpy(cpumodel, "Unknown", 8);
  m_cpuModel = cpumodel;

  for (i = 0; i < m_cpuCount; i++)
    CoreInfo core;
    core.m_id = i;
    core.m_strModel = m_cpuModel;
    m_cores[core.m_id] = core;
  m_fProcStat = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");
  m_fProcTemperature = fopen("/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/temperature", "r");
  if (m_fProcTemperature == NULL)
    m_fProcTemperature = fopen("/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature", "r");
  if (m_fProcTemperature == NULL)
    m_fProcTemperature = fopen("/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THR0/temperature", "r");
  if (m_fProcTemperature == NULL)
    m_fProcTemperature = fopen("/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ0/temperature", "r");
  // read from the new location of the temperature data on new kernels, 2.6.39, 3.0 etc
  if (m_fProcTemperature == NULL)   
    m_fProcTemperature = fopen("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input", "r");
  if (m_fProcTemperature == NULL)   
    m_fProcTemperature = fopen("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp", "r");  // On Raspberry PIs

  m_fCPUFreq = fopen ("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq", "r");
  if (!m_fCPUFreq)
    m_cpuInfoForFreq = true;
    m_fCPUFreq = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
    m_cpuInfoForFreq = false;

  FILE* fCPUInfo = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
  m_cpuCount = 0;
  if (fCPUInfo)
    char buffer[512];

    int nCurrId = 0;
    while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fCPUInfo))
      if (strncmp(buffer, "processor", strlen("processor"))==0)
        char *needle = strstr(buffer, ":");
        if (needle)
          CoreInfo core;
          core.m_id = atoi(needle+2);
          nCurrId = core.m_id;
          m_cores[core.m_id] = core;
      else if (strncmp(buffer, "vendor_id", strlen("vendor_id"))==0)
        char *needle = strstr(buffer, ":");
        if (needle && strlen(needle)>3)
          m_cores[nCurrId].m_strVendor = needle;
      else if (strncmp(buffer, "Processor", strlen("Processor"))==0)
        char *needle = strstr(buffer, ":");
        if (needle && strlen(needle)>3)
          m_cpuModel = needle;
          m_cores[nCurrId].m_strModel = m_cpuModel;
      else if (strncmp(buffer, "BogoMIPS", strlen("BogoMIPS"))==0)
        char *needle = strstr(buffer, ":");
        if (needle && strlen(needle)>3)
          m_cpuBogoMips = needle;
          m_cores[nCurrId].m_strBogoMips = m_cpuBogoMips;
      else if (strncmp(buffer, "Hardware", strlen("Hardware"))==0)
        char *needle = strstr(buffer, ":");
        if (needle && strlen(needle)>3)
          m_cpuHardware = needle;
          m_cores[nCurrId].m_strHardware = m_cpuHardware;
      else if (strncmp(buffer, "Revision", strlen("Revision"))==0)
        char *needle = strstr(buffer, ":");
        if (needle && strlen(needle)>3)
          m_cpuRevision = needle;
          m_cores[nCurrId].m_strRevision = m_cpuRevision;
      else if (strncmp(buffer, "Serial", strlen("Serial"))==0)
        char *needle = strstr(buffer, ":");
        if (needle && strlen(needle)>3)
          m_cpuSerial = needle;
          m_cores[nCurrId].m_strSerial = m_cpuSerial;
      else if (strncmp(buffer, "model name", strlen("model name"))==0)
        char *needle = strstr(buffer, ":");
        if (needle && strlen(needle)>3)
          m_cpuModel = needle;
          m_cores[nCurrId].m_strModel = m_cpuModel;
      else if (strncmp(buffer, "flags", 5) == 0)
        char* needle = strchr(buffer, ':');
        if (needle)
          char* tok = NULL,
              * save;
          tok = strtok_r(needle, " ", &save);
          while (tok)
            if (0 == strcmp(tok, "mmx"))
              m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_MMX;
            else if (0 == strcmp(tok, "mmxext"))
              m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_MMX2;
            else if (0 == strcmp(tok, "sse"))
              m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE;
            else if (0 == strcmp(tok, "sse2"))
              m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE2;
            else if (0 == strcmp(tok, "sse3"))
              m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE3;
            else if (0 == strcmp(tok, "ssse3"))
              m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_SSSE3;
            else if (0 == strcmp(tok, "sse4_1"))
              m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE4;
            else if (0 == strcmp(tok, "sse4_2"))
              m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_SSE42;
            else if (0 == strcmp(tok, "3dnow"))
              m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_3DNOW;
            else if (0 == strcmp(tok, "3dnowext"))
              m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_3DNOWEXT;
            tok = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &save);
    m_cpuCount = 1;
    m_cpuModel = "Unknown";

  StringUtils::Replace(m_cpuModel, '\r', ' ');
  StringUtils::Replace(m_cpuModel, '\n', ' ');

  /* Set some default for empty string variables */
  if (m_cpuBogoMips.empty())
    m_cpuBogoMips = "N/A";
  if (m_cpuHardware.empty())
    m_cpuHardware = "N/A";
  if (m_cpuRevision.empty())
    m_cpuRevision = "N/A";
  if (m_cpuSerial.empty())
    m_cpuSerial = "N/A";

  readProcStat(m_userTicks, m_niceTicks, m_systemTicks, m_idleTicks, m_ioTicks);


  // Set MMX2 when SSE is present as SSE is a superset of MMX2 and Intel doesn't set the MMX2 cap
  if (m_cpuFeatures & CPU_FEATURE_SSE)
    m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_MMX2;

  if (HasNeon())
    m_cpuFeatures |= CPU_FEATURE_NEON;
