int cli_chm_open(int fd, const char *dirname, chm_metadata_t *metadata, cli_ctx *ctx) { struct stat statbuf; int retval; cli_dbgmsg("in cli_chm_open\n"); if ((retval = chm_init_metadata(metadata)) != CL_SUCCESS) { return retval; } if (fstat(fd, &statbuf) == 0) { if (statbuf.st_size < CHM_ITSF_MIN_LEN) { return CL_ESTAT; } metadata->m_length = statbuf.st_size; metadata->map = fmap(fd, 0, metadata->m_length); if (!metadata->map) { return CL_EMAP; } } else { char err[128]; cli_warnmsg("fstat() failed: %s\n", cli_strerror(errno, err, sizeof(err))); return CL_ESTAT; } if (!itsf_read_header(metadata)) { goto abort; } itsf_print_header(&metadata->itsf_hdr); if (!itsp_read_header(metadata, metadata->itsf_hdr.dir_offset)) { goto abort; } itsp_print_header(&metadata->itsp_hdr); metadata->chunk_offset = metadata->itsf_hdr.dir_offset+CHM_ITSP_LEN; /* TODO: need to check this first calculation, currently have no files of this type */ if (metadata->itsp_hdr.index_head > 0) { metadata->chunk_offset += metadata->itsp_hdr.index_head * metadata->itsp_hdr.block_len; } metadata->num_chunks = metadata->itsp_hdr.index_tail - metadata->itsp_hdr.index_head + 1; /* Versions before 3 didn't have a data_offset */ /* TODO: need to check this calculation, currently have no files of this type */ if (metadata->itsf_hdr.version < 3) { metadata->itsf_hdr.data_offset = metadata->itsf_hdr.dir_offset + CHM_ITSP_LEN + (metadata->itsp_hdr.block_len*metadata->itsp_hdr.num_blocks); } while (metadata->num_chunks) { if (read_chunk(metadata) != CL_SUCCESS) { cli_dbgmsg("read_chunk failed\n"); goto abort; } if (read_control_entries(metadata) == FALSE) { goto abort; } metadata->num_chunks--; metadata->chunk_offset += metadata->itsp_hdr.block_len; } if (!metadata->sys_content.length || !metadata->sys_control.length || !metadata->sys_reset.length) { cli_dbgmsg("sys file missing\n"); goto abort; } metadata->ufd = chm_decompress_stream(fd, metadata, dirname, ctx); if (metadata->ufd == -1) { goto abort; } metadata->chunk_entries = 0; metadata->chunk_data = NULL; metadata->chunk_offset = metadata->itsf_hdr.dir_offset+CHM_ITSP_LEN; metadata->num_chunks = metadata->itsp_hdr.index_tail - metadata->itsp_hdr.index_head + 1; return CL_SUCCESS; abort: funmap(metadata->map); return CL_EFORMAT; }
int main(void) { char in[3000], sent[500], code[50], file[200], mime[100], moved[200], length[100], auth[200], auth_dir[500], start[100], end[100]; char *result=NULL, *hostname, *hostnamef, *lines, *ext=NULL, *extf, *auth_dirf=NULL, *authf=NULL, *rangetmp; int buffer_chunks; long filesize, range=0; get_conf(); create_and_bind(); //Important stuff happens here. while(1) { sin_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if ((new_fd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, &sin_size)) == -1) { perror("accept"); continue; } if (!fork()) { close(sockfd); if (read(new_fd, in, 3000) == -1) { perror("recive"); } else { lines = strtok(in, "\n\r"); do { hostname = strtok(NULL, "\n\r"); if (hostname[0] == 'R' && hostname[1] == 'a' && hostname[2] == 'n' && hostname[3] == 'g' && hostname[4] == 'e') { rangetmp = hostname; strcpy(code, "206 Partial Content"); } } while (hostname[0] != 'H' || hostname[1] != 'o' || hostname[2] != 's' || hostname[3] != 't'); hostnamef = strtok(hostname, " "); hostnamef = strtok(NULL, " "); result = strtok(lines, " "); result = strtok(NULL, " "); if (strcmp(code, "206 Partial Content") == 0 ) { rangetmp = strtok(strpbrk(rangetmp, "="), "=-"); range = atoi(rangetmp); } strcpy(file, result); if (opendir(file)){ if (file[strlen(file)-1] == '/'){ strcat(file, "/index.html"); openfile=fopen (file, "r"); if (openfile){ strcpy(code, "200 OK"); } else { //Here should be some kind of directory listing strcpy(file, "/404.html"); openfile = fopen (file, "r"); strcpy(code, "404 Not Found"); } } else { strcpy(code, "301 Moved Permanently"); strcpy(moved, "Location: http://"); strcat(moved, hostnamef); strcat(moved, result); strcat(moved, "/"); } } else { openfile=fopen (file, "rb"); if (openfile){ if (strlen(code) < 1) { strcpy (code, "200 OK"); } } else { strcpy(file, "/404.html"); openfile = fopen (file, "r"); strcpy(code, "404 Not Found"); } } } if (strcmp(code, "301 Moved Permanently") != 0){ fseek (openfile , 0 , SEEK_END); filesize = ftell (openfile); rewind (openfile); if (range > 0) { sprintf(end, "%d", filesize); filesize = filesize - range; sprintf(start, "%d", range); fseek (openfile , range , SEEK_SET); } buffer_chunks = filesize/1048576; if(filesize%1048576 > 0){ buffer_chunks++; } sprintf(length, "%d", filesize); buffer_counter = 0; buffer = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*1048576); } if (strcmp(code, "404 Not Found") != 0 && strcmp(code, "301 Moved Permanently") !=0){ ext = strtok(file, "."); while(ext != NULL){ ext = strtok(NULL, "."); if (ext != NULL){ extf = ext; } } } else { extf="html"; } /* Maybe I should read mime types from a file. At least for now, add here what you need.*/ if (strcmp(extf, "html") == 0){ strcpy (mime, "text/html"); } else if(strcmp(extf, "jpg") == 0){ strcpy (mime, "image/jpeg"); } else if(strcmp(extf, "gif") == 0){ strcpy (mime, "image/gif"); } else if(strcmp(extf, "css") == 0){ strcpy (mime, "text/css"); } else { strcpy(mime, "application/octet-stream"); } strcpy(sent, "HTTP/1.1 "); strcat(sent, code); strcat(sent, "\nServer: qshttpd 0.3.0\n"); if(strcmp(code, "301 Moved Permanently") == 0){ strcat(sent, moved); strcat(sent, "\n"); } strcat(sent, "Content-Length: "); if(strcmp(code, "301 Moved Permanently") != 0){ strcat(sent, length); } else { strcat(sent, "0"); } if(strcmp(code, "206 Partial Content") == 0) { strcat(sent, "\nContent-Range: bytes "); strcat(sent, start); strcat(sent, "-"); strcat(sent, end); strcat(sent, "/"); strcat(sent, end); } strcat(sent, "\nConnection: close\nContent-Type: "); strcat(sent, mime); strcat(sent, "; charset="); strcat(sent, charset); strcat(sent, "\n\n"); write(new_fd, sent, strlen(sent)); while (buffer_counter < buffer_chunks) { read_chunk(); write(new_fd, buffer, 1048576); } close(new_fd); exit(0); } close(new_fd); } return 0; }
int cli_chm_open(const char *dirname, chm_metadata_t *metadata, cli_ctx *ctx) { STATBUF statbuf; int retval; cli_dbgmsg("in cli_chm_open\n"); if ((retval = chm_init_metadata(metadata)) != CL_SUCCESS) { return retval; } metadata->map = *ctx->fmap; if(metadata->map->len < CHM_ITSF_MIN_LEN) return CL_ESTAT; metadata->m_length = metadata->map->len; if (!itsf_read_header(metadata)) { goto abort; } itsf_print_header(&metadata->itsf_hdr); if (!itsp_read_header(metadata, metadata->itsf_hdr.dir_offset)) { goto abort; } itsp_print_header(&metadata->itsp_hdr); metadata->chunk_offset = metadata->itsf_hdr.dir_offset+CHM_ITSP_LEN; /* TODO: need to check this first calculation, currently have no files of this type */ if (metadata->itsp_hdr.index_head > 0) { metadata->chunk_offset += metadata->itsp_hdr.index_head * metadata->itsp_hdr.block_len; } metadata->num_chunks = metadata->itsp_hdr.index_tail - metadata->itsp_hdr.index_head + 1; /* Versions before 3 didn't have a data_offset */ /* TODO: need to check this calculation, currently have no files of this type */ if (metadata->itsf_hdr.version < 3) { metadata->itsf_hdr.data_offset = metadata->itsf_hdr.dir_offset + CHM_ITSP_LEN + (metadata->itsp_hdr.block_len*metadata->itsp_hdr.num_blocks); } while (metadata->num_chunks) { if (read_chunk(metadata) != CL_SUCCESS) { cli_dbgmsg("read_chunk failed\n"); goto abort; } if (read_control_entries(metadata) == FALSE) { goto abort; } metadata->num_chunks--; metadata->chunk_offset += metadata->itsp_hdr.block_len; } if (!metadata->sys_content.length || !metadata->sys_control.length || !metadata->sys_reset.length) { cli_dbgmsg("sys file missing\n"); goto abort; } metadata->ufd = chm_decompress_stream(metadata, dirname, ctx); if (metadata->ufd == -1) { goto abort; } metadata->chunk_entries = 0; metadata->chunk_data = NULL; metadata->chunk_offset = metadata->itsf_hdr.dir_offset+CHM_ITSP_LEN; metadata->num_chunks = metadata->itsp_hdr.index_tail - metadata->itsp_hdr.index_head + 1; return CL_SUCCESS; abort: return CL_EFORMAT; }
int open_file_tydemux(tystream_holder_t * tystream, char *filename) { chunknumber_t probe_hz; chunknumber_t chunk_lnr; chunknumber_t int_chunk_nr; vstream_t * vstream; chunk_t * chunk; if(infile) { printf("Error input file allready open\n"); return(0); } //printf("%s:\n", filename); infile = open_input(filename, 0); if (infile == -1) { totalchunks= -1; /* Total chunks */ infile = 0; /* FD of input file */ chunk_in_buf = -1; printf("Error opening file\n"); return(0); } tystream->tivo_probe = 1; probe_hz = totalchunks/10; tystream->tivo_probe = 1; tystream->tivo_version = V_2X; for(chunk_lnr=1, int_chunk_nr=0 ; chunk_lnr < totalchunks; chunk_lnr = chunk_lnr + probe_hz, int_chunk_nr++ ){ vstream = new_vstream(); /* Lets fake it and do a read buffer */ vstream->start_stream = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * CHUNK_SIZE); vstream->size = sizeof(uint8_t) * CHUNK_SIZE ; vstream->current_pos = vstream->start_stream; vstream->end_stream = vstream->start_stream + vstream->size; read_a_chunk(infile, chunk_lnr, vstream->start_stream); tystream->vstream = vstream; chunk = read_chunk(tystream, (int)chunk_lnr, 1); chunk_in_buf = chunk_lnr; if(chunk != NULL) { tystream->chunks = add_chunk(tystream, chunk, tystream->chunks); } free_vstream(vstream); tystream->vstream=NULL; } if(!tivo_probe_tystream(tystream)) { totalchunks= -1; /* Total chunks */ infile = 0; /* FD of input file */ chunk_in_buf = -1; return(0); } get_start_chunk_tivo(tystream); tystream->tivo_probe = 0; /* We assume that the first chunk to be used is chunk 0 */ read_a_chunk(infile, (int)tystream->start_chunk, buf); chunk_in_buf = (int)tystream->start_chunk; return(1); }
void get_start_chunk_tivo(tystream_holder_t * tystream) { /* interation */ int i; /* Marker */ int gotit; /* Chunks */ int chunk_lnr; chunk_t * chunk; vstream_t * vstream; chunk_lnr=0; gotit=0; vstream = new_vstream(); /* Lets fake it and do a read buffer */ vstream->start_stream = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * CHUNK_SIZE); vstream->size = sizeof(uint8_t) * CHUNK_SIZE ; vstream->current_pos = vstream->start_stream; vstream->end_stream = vstream->start_stream + vstream->size; tystream->vstream = vstream; while(1) { vstream->current_pos = vstream->start_stream; vstream->eof=0; read_a_chunk(infile, chunk_lnr, vstream->start_stream); chunk = read_chunk(tystream, (int64_t)chunk_lnr, 1); chunk_in_buf = chunk_lnr; if(chunk != NULL) { for(i=0; i < chunk->nr_records; i++){ if(chunk->record_header[i].type == tystream->right_audio){ gotit=1; break; } } free_chunk(chunk); } if(!gotit) { chunk_lnr++; } else { break; } } free_vstream(vstream); tystream->vstream=NULL; tystream->start_chunk = (int64_t)chunk_lnr; tystream->number_of_chunks = 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch; int layout = 0; /* handle command line options */ opt_list = 0; opt_verbose = 0; opt_skip = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "l:tsvVh?")) > 0) { switch (ch) { case 'l': if (optarg[0] < '0' || optarg[0] > '0' + max_layout || optarg[1] != '\0') usage(); layout = optarg[0] - '0'; break; case 't': opt_list = 1; break; case 'v': opt_verbose = 1; break; case 's': opt_skip = 1; break; case 'V': printf("V%s\n", VERSION); exit(0); break; case 'h': case '?': default: usage(); break; } } /* extract rest of command line parameters */ if ((argc - optind) < 1 || (argc - optind) > 2) usage(); if (strcmp(argv[optind], "-") == 0) { /* image file from stdin ? */ img_file = 0; } else { img_file = open(argv[optind], O_RDONLY); if (img_file < 0) prt_err(1, errno, "Open image file failed"); } if (layout == 0) { detect_chunk_size(); } else { chunk_size = possible_layouts[layout-1].chunk_size; spare_size = possible_layouts[layout-1].spare_size; } spare_data = data + chunk_size; // Skip first chunk if (opt_skip) lseek(img_file, chunk_size+spare_size, SEEK_SET); if ((argc - optind) == 2 && !opt_list) { if (mkdirpath(argv[optind+1]) < 0) prt_err(1, errno, "Can't mkdir %s", argv[optind+1]); if (chdir(argv[optind+1]) < 0) prt_err(1, errno, "Can't chdir to %s", argv[optind+1]); } umask(0); init_obj_list(); while (read_chunk()) { process_chunk(); } set_dirs_utime(); close(img_file); return 0; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int i; fprintf(stderr,"ARM Library unpacker. Copyright 1997 by Ilfak Guilfanov. Version 1.00\n"); if ( argc < 2 ) fatal("Usage: unlib libfile"); strcpy(infile,argv[1]); FILE *fp = qfopen(infile,"rb"); if ( fp == NULL ) fatal("Can't open library %s",infile); chunk_header_t hd; if ( qfread(fp, &hd, sizeof(hd)) != sizeof(hd) || (hd.ChunkFileId != AOF_MAGIC && hd.ChunkFileId != AOF_MAGIC_B) ) fatal("Bad library format"); if ( hd.ChunkFileId == AOF_MAGIC_B ) { // BIG ENDIAN mf = 1; hd.max_chunks = swap(hd.max_chunks); hd.num_chunks = swap(hd.num_chunks); } chunk_entry_t *ce = qnewarray(chunk_entry_t,size_t(hd.max_chunks)); if ( ce == NULL ) nomem("chunk entries (%d)",size_t(hd.max_chunks)); qfread(fp, ce, sizeof(chunk_entry_t)*size_t(hd.max_chunks)); if ( mf ) for ( i=0; i < hd.max_chunks; i++ ) swap_chunk_entry(ce+i); int vrsn = -1; int diry = -1; int data = 0; for ( i=0; i < hd.max_chunks; i++ ) { if ( ce[i].file_offset == 0 ) continue; if ( strncmp(ce[i].chunkId,LIB_DIRY,sizeof(ce[i].chunkId)) == 0 ) diry = i; if ( strncmp(ce[i].chunkId,LIB_VRSN,sizeof(ce[i].chunkId)) == 0 ) vrsn = i; if ( strncmp(ce[i].chunkId,LIB_DATA,sizeof(ce[i].chunkId)) == 0 ) data++; } if ( diry == -1 ) fatal("Can't find library directory!"); if ( data == 0 ) fatal("No modules in the library!"); if ( vrsn == -1 ) fatal("Can't determine library version!"); ulong *version = (ulong *)read_chunk(fp,ce,vrsn); if ( mf ) *version = swap(*version); if ( *version != 1 ) fatal("Wrong library version (%ld)",*version); qfree(version); ulong *dir = (ulong *)read_chunk(fp,ce,diry); ulong *end = dir + size_t(ce[diry].size/4); while ( dir < end ) { ulong idx = *dir++; /* ulong elen = */ *dir++; ulong dlen = *dir++; if ( mf ) { idx = swap(idx); dlen = swap(dlen); } if ( idx != 0 ) { printf("%ld. %s\n",idx,dir); strncpy(modname,(char *)dir,sizeof(modname)); modname[sizeof(modname)-1] = '\0'; void *core = read_chunk(fp,ce,idx); outfp = qfopen(modname,"wb"); if ( outfp == NULL ) { warning("Can't open output file %s",modname); } else { qfwrite(outfp,core,size_t(ce[size_t(idx)].size)); qfclose(outfp); } qfree(core); } dir += size_t(dlen/4); } qfree(dir); qfclose(fp); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cerr << "#error missing parameter.\n" << std::flush ; return 0; } std::ifstream ifs(argv[1], std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary); std::istreambuf_iterator<char> it(ifs); std::istreambuf_iterator<char> last; std::cout << "#if defined(COMPOST_LOADING_SOURCE_VERSION)\n" "\n" "COMPOST_SRC_VERSION(0)\n" "\n" "#elif defined(COMPOST_LOADING_SOURCE_INFO)\n" "\n" ; if (read_chunk(it) != "RIFF") { std::cerr << "#error not RIFF file.\n" << std::flush ; return EXIT_FAILURE; } /*auto file_size = */read_int<std::uint32_t>(it); if (read_chunk(it) != "WAVE") { std::cerr << "#error not WAVE format.\n" << std::flush ; return EXIT_FAILURE; } while (read_chunk(it) != "fmt ") { auto chunk_size = read_int<std::uint32_t>(it); std::advance(it, chunk_size); } auto fmt_size = read_int<std::uint32_t>(it); auto format_tag = read_int<std::uint16_t>(it); auto channels = read_int<std::uint16_t>(it); auto samples_per_sec = read_int<std::uint32_t>(it); auto bytes_per_sec = read_int<std::uint32_t>(it); auto block_size = read_int<std::uint16_t>(it); auto bits_per_sample = read_int<std::uint16_t>(it); std::cout << format_tag << ",\n" << channels << ",\n" << samples_per_sec << ",\n" << bytes_per_sec << ",\n" << block_size << ",\n" << bits_per_sample << ",\n" ; std::advance(it, fmt_size - 16); while (read_chunk(it) != "data") { auto chunk_size = read_int<std::uint32_t>(it); std::advance(it, chunk_size); } auto data_size = read_int<std::uint32_t>(it); std::size_t size = data_size / (bits_per_sample / CHAR_BIT); std::cout << size << "\n" << "\n" "#elif defined(COMPOST_LOADING_SOURCE_DATA)\n" "\n" ; if (size > 0) { if (bits_per_sample == 16) { for (std::size_t i = 1; i != size; ++i) { std::cout << read_int<std::int16_t>(it) << ",\n" ; } std::cout << read_int<std::int16_t>(it) << "\n" ; } else if (bits_per_sample == 8) { for (std::size_t i = 1; i != size; ++i) { std::cout << read_int<std::uint8_t>(it) << ",\n" ; } std::cout << read_int<std::uint8_t>(it) << "\n" ; } } std::cout << "\n" "#endif\n" << std::flush ; }
void process_chunk(void) { yaffs_ObjectHeader oh; yaffs_PackedTags2 *pt; object *obj, *eq_obj; int out_file, remain, s; oh = *(yaffs_ObjectHeader *)chunk_data; pt = (yaffs_PackedTags2 *)spare_data; if (pt->t.byteCount == 0xffffffff) /* empty object */ return; else if (pt->t.byteCount != 0xffff) { /* not a new object */ prt_err(0, 0, "Warning: Invalid header at chunk #%d, skipping...", chunk_no); if (++warn_count >= MAX_WARN) prt_err(1, 0, "Giving up"); return; } obj = add_object(&oh, pt); /* listing */ if (opt_verbose) prt_node(obj->path_name, &oh); else if (opt_list) printf("%s\n", obj->path_name); if (opt_list) { if (oh.type == YAFFS_OBJECT_TYPE_FILE) { remain = oh.fileSize; /* skip over data chunks */ while(remain > 0) { if (!read_chunk()) prt_err(1, 0, "Broken image file"); remain -= pt->t.byteCount; } } return; } switch(oh.type) { case YAFFS_OBJECT_TYPE_FILE: remain = oh.fileSize; out_file = creat(obj->path_name, oh.yst_mode & STD_PERMS); if (out_file < 0) prt_err(1, errno, "Can't create file %s", obj->path_name); while(remain > 0) { if (!read_chunk()) prt_err(1, 0, "Broken image file"); s = (remain < pt->t.byteCount) ? remain : pt->t.byteCount; if (xwrite(out_file, chunk_data, s) < 0) prt_err(1, errno, "Can't write to %s", obj->path_name); remain -= s; } close(out_file); lchown(obj->path_name, oh.yst_uid, oh.yst_gid); if ((oh.yst_mode & EXTRA_PERMS) != 0 && chmod(obj->path_name, oh.yst_mode) < 0) prt_err(0, errno, "Warning: Can't chmod %s", obj->path_name); break; case YAFFS_OBJECT_TYPE_SYMLINK: if (symlink(oh.alias, obj->path_name) < 0) prt_err(1, errno, "Can't create symlink %s", obj->path_name); lchown(obj->path_name, oh.yst_uid, oh.yst_gid); break; case YAFFS_OBJECT_TYPE_DIRECTORY: if (pt->t.objectId != YAFFS_OBJECTID_ROOT && mkdir(obj->path_name, oh.yst_mode & STD_PERMS) < 0) prt_err(1, errno, "Can't create directory %s", obj->path_name); lchown(obj->path_name, oh.yst_uid, oh.yst_gid); if ((pt->t.objectId == YAFFS_OBJECTID_ROOT || (oh.yst_mode & EXTRA_PERMS) != 0) && chmod(obj->path_name, oh.yst_mode) < 0) prt_err(0, errno, "Warning: Can't chmod %s", obj->path_name); break; case YAFFS_OBJECT_TYPE_HARDLINK: eq_obj = get_object(oh.equivalentObjectId); if (eq_obj == NULL) prt_err(1, 0, "Invalid equivalentObjectId %u in object %u (%s)", oh.equivalentObjectId, pt->t.objectId,; if (link(eq_obj->path_name, obj->path_name) < 0) prt_err(1, errno, "Can't create hardlink %s", obj->path_name); break; case YAFFS_OBJECT_TYPE_SPECIAL: if (mknod(obj->path_name, oh.yst_mode, oh.yst_rdev) < 0) { if (errno == EPERM || errno == EINVAL) prt_err(0, errno, "Warning: Can't create device %s", obj->path_name); else prt_err(1, errno, "Can't create device %s", obj->path_name); } lchown(obj->path_name, oh.yst_uid, oh.yst_gid); break; case YAFFS_OBJECT_TYPE_UNKNOWN: break; } /* set file date and time */ switch(oh.type) { case YAFFS_OBJECT_TYPE_FILE: case YAFFS_OBJECT_TYPE_SPECIAL: #ifdef HAS_LUTIMES case YAFFS_OBJECT_TYPE_SYMLINK: #endif set_utime(obj->path_name, oh.yst_atime, oh.yst_mtime); break; case YAFFS_OBJECT_TYPE_DIRECTORY: default: break; } }
int std_probe_tystream(tystream_holder_t * tystream) { /* Iteration */ off64_t j; /* File size */ off64_t in_file_size; /* Chunks */ chunknumber_t local_nr_chunks; chunknumber_t probe_hz; chunknumber_t chunk_lnr; chunknumber_t int_chunk_nr; chunk_t * chunk; LOG_USERDIAG("Probing TyStream .....\n"); chunk = NULL; if(tystream->vstream) { in_file_size=tystream->vstream->size; } else { in_file_size=tystream->in_file_size; } /* Calculate the probe rate */ local_nr_chunks = (chunknumber_t)(in_file_size/CHUNK_SIZE); probe_hz = local_nr_chunks/10; for(j=0, chunk_lnr=1,int_chunk_nr=0 ; j < in_file_size; j = (j + CHUNK_SIZE*probe_hz), chunk_lnr = chunk_lnr + probe_hz, int_chunk_nr++ ){ chunk = read_chunk(tystream, chunk_lnr, 2048); if(chunk != NULL) { tystream->chunks = add_chunk(tystream, chunk, tystream->chunks); //printf("Chunk %i has %i records\n",int_chunk_nr,chunk->nr_records); } else { //printf("Chunk was null\n"); } } if(tystream->chunks == NULL) { LOG_ERROR("Big ERROR - NO CHUNKS\n"); clear_tystream_audio_probe(tystream, 0); return(0); } if(!probe_tystream_S2(tystream)) { LOG_ERROR("Big ERROR - CAN'T DETECT S1/S2\n"); clear_tystream_audio_probe(tystream, 0); return(0); } if(!probe_tystream_frame_rate(tystream)){ LOG_ERROR("Big ERROR - CAN'T DETECT FRAME RATE\n"); clear_tystream_audio_probe(tystream, 0); return(0); } if(!probe_tystream_audio(tystream)) { LOG_ERROR("Big ERROR - CAN'T DETECT AUDIO TYPE\n"); clear_tystream_audio_probe(tystream, 0); return(0); } if(!probe_audio_tick_size(tystream)) { LOG_ERROR("Big ERROR - CAN'T DETECT AUDIO SIZE\n"); clear_tystream_audio_probe(tystream, 1); return(0); } clear_tystream_audio_probe(tystream, 1); return(1); }
static int dhav_read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt) { DHAVContext *dhav = s->priv_data; int64_t start; int ret; start = avio_tell(s->pb); while ((ret = read_chunk(s)) == 0) ; if (ret < 0) return ret; if (dhav->type == 0xfd && dhav->video_stream_index == -1) { AVStream *st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL); DHAVStream *dst; if (!st) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); st->codecpar->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; switch (dhav->video_codec) { case 0x1: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4; break; case 0x3: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG; break; case 0x2: case 0x4: case 0x8: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_H264; break; case 0xc: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC; break; default: avpriv_request_sample(s, "Unknown video codec %X\n", dhav->video_codec); } st->codecpar->width = dhav->width; st->codecpar->height = dhav->height; st->avg_frame_rate.num = dhav->frame_rate; st->avg_frame_rate.den = 1; st->priv_data = dst = av_mallocz(sizeof(DHAVStream)); if (!st->priv_data) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); dst->last_timestamp = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; dhav->video_stream_index = st->index; avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, 1, 1000); } else if (dhav->type == 0xf0 && dhav->audio_stream_index == -1) { AVStream *st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL); DHAVStream *dst; if (!st) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); st->codecpar->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; switch (dhav->audio_codec) { case 0x07: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S8; break; case 0x0c: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE; break; case 0x10: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE; break; case 0x0a: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW; break; case 0x16: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW; break; case 0x0e: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_ALAW; break; case 0x1a: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AAC; break; case 0x1f: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MP2; break; case 0x21: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MP3; break; case 0x0d: st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_MS; break; default: avpriv_request_sample(s, "Unknown audio codec %X\n", dhav->audio_codec); } st->codecpar->channels = dhav->audio_channels; st->codecpar->sample_rate = dhav->sample_rate; st->priv_data = dst = av_mallocz(sizeof(DHAVStream)); if (!st->priv_data) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); dst->last_timestamp = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; dhav->audio_stream_index = st->index; avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, 1, 1000); } ret = av_get_packet(s->pb, pkt, ret); if (ret < 0) return ret; pkt->stream_index = dhav->type == 0xf0 ? dhav->audio_stream_index : dhav->video_stream_index; if (dhav->type != 0xfc) pkt->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; if (pkt->stream_index >= 0) pkt->pts = get_pts(s, s->streams[pkt->stream_index]->priv_data); pkt->duration = 1; pkt->pos = start; if (avio_rl32(s->pb) != MKTAG('d','h','a','v')) return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; avio_skip(s->pb, 4); return ret; }
void get_start_chunk(tystream_holder_t * tystream) { /* interation */ chunknumber_t j; int i; /* Marker */ int gotit; /* Chunks */ int chunk_lnr; chunk_t * chunk; #if !defined(TIVO) vstream_t * vstream; uint8_t * buffer; #endif if(tystream->right_audio == 0x3c0) { LOG_USERDIAG("Seeking TyStream start of MPEG Layer II audio \n"); } else { LOG_USERDIAG("Seeking TyStream start of AC3 (Dolby Digital) audio \n"); } gotit=0; if(tystream->std_alone) { for(j=0, chunk_lnr=0; j < tystream->in_file_size; j = (j + CHUNK_SIZE) + tystream->byte_offset, chunk_lnr++){ chunk = read_chunk(tystream, chunk_lnr, 1); if(chunk != NULL) { for(i=0; i < chunk->nr_records; i++){ if(chunk->record_header[i].type == tystream->right_audio){ gotit=1; break; } } free_chunk(chunk); } if(gotit){ break; } } } #if !defined(TIVO) else { chunk_lnr=0; buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * CHUNK_SIZE); while(1) { vstream = new_vstream(); memset(buffer,0,sizeof(uint8_t) * CHUNK_SIZE); thread_pipe_peek(tystream->input_pipe, CHUNK_SIZE, buffer); vstream->size = CHUNK_SIZE; vstream->start_stream = vstream->current_pos = buffer; vstream->end_stream = vstream->start_stream + CHUNK_SIZE; tystream->vstream = vstream; chunk = read_chunk(tystream, chunk_lnr, 1); if(chunk != NULL) { for(i=0; i < chunk->nr_records; i++){ if(chunk->record_header[i].type == tystream->right_audio){ gotit=1; break; } } free_chunk(chunk); } vstream->start_stream = vstream->end_stream = vstream->current_pos = NULL; vstream->size = vstream->eof = 0; tystream->vstream=NULL; free(vstream); if(!gotit) { chunk_lnr++; thread_pipe_read(tystream->input_pipe, CHUNK_SIZE, buffer); } else { break; } } free(buffer); } #endif tystream->start_chunk = chunk_lnr; if(tystream->right_audio == 0x3c0) { LOG_USERDIAG("Found start of MPEG Layer II audio \n"); } else { LOG_USERDIAG("Found start of AC3 (Dolby Digital) audio \n"); } LOG_USERDIAG1("Skipping to chunk " I64FORMAT " - reseting chunk numbering \n\n", tystream->start_chunk); tystream->number_of_chunks = 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch; char *ep; int opt_detect; int opt_bad; int opt_chunk; int opt_spare; /* handle command line options */ opt_detect = 0; opt_bad = 0; opt_chunk = 0; opt_spare = 0; opt_list = 0; opt_verbose = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "dbc:s:tvVh?")) > 0) { switch (ch) { case 'd': opt_detect = 1; break; case 'b': opt_bad = 1; break; case 'c': opt_chunk = strtol(optarg, &ep, 0); if (*ep != '\0' || opt_chunk < 0 || opt_chunk > (MAX_CHUNK_SIZE / 1024) ) usage(); break; case 's': opt_spare = strtol(optarg, &ep, 0); if (*ep != '\0' || opt_spare < 0 || opt_spare > MAX_SPARE_SIZE) usage(); break; case 't': opt_list = 1; break; case 'v': opt_verbose = 1; break; case 'V': printf("V%s\n", VERSION); exit(0); break; case 'h': case '?': default: usage(); break; } } /* extract rest of command line parameters */ if ((argc - optind) < 1 || (argc - optind) > 2) usage(); if (strcmp(argv[optind], "-") == 0) { /* image file from stdin ? */ img_file = 0; } else { img_file = open(argv[optind], O_RDONLY); if (img_file < 0) prt_err(1, errno, "Open image file failed"); } if (opt_detect) { detect_flash_layout(1, 0); return 0; } if (opt_chunk == 0 || opt_spare == 0) { detect_flash_layout(0, 1); if (opt_verbose) prt_err(0, 0, "Header check OK, chunk size = %dK, spare size = %d, %sbad block info.", chunk_size/1024, spare_size, spare_off ? "" : "no "); } else { chunk_size = opt_chunk * 1024; spare_size = opt_spare; spare_off = opt_bad ? 2 : 0; } spare_data = data + chunk_size; if ((argc - optind) == 2 && !opt_list) { if (mkdirpath(argv[optind+1], 0755) < 0) prt_err(1, errno, "Can't mkdir %s", argv[optind+1]); if (chdir(argv[optind+1]) < 0) prt_err(1, errno, "Can't chdir to %s", argv[optind+1]); } umask(0); init_obj_list(); saved_chunk.objectId = 0; while (read_chunk()) { process_chunk(); } set_dirs_utime(); close(img_file); if (warn_chown) #ifdef __CYGWIN__ prt_err(0, 0, "Warning: Can't restore owner/group attribute (limitation of Cygwin/Windows)"); #else prt_err(0, 0, "Warning: Can't restore owner/group attribute, run unyaffs as root"); #endif return 0; }
static int read_body_chunked(http_resp *a_resp, http_req *a_req, http_trans_conn *a_conn) { int l_rv = 0; int l_done = 0; do { /* read a chunk */ l_rv = read_chunk(a_resp, a_conn); if (l_rv == HTTP_TRANS_ERR) return HTTP_TRANS_ERR; if ((a_conn->sync == HTTP_TRANS_ASYNC) && (l_rv == HTTP_TRANS_NOT_DONE)) return HTTP_TRANS_NOT_DONE; /* see if it's the first time */ if (a_conn->sync == HTTP_TRANS_SYNC && a_conn->chunk_len > 0) { if (a_resp->body == NULL) { a_resp->body = malloc(a_conn->chunk_len); memcpy(a_resp->body, a_conn->io_buf, a_conn->chunk_len); a_resp->body_len = a_conn->chunk_len; } /* append it to the body */ else { a_resp->body = realloc(a_resp->body, (a_resp->body_len + a_conn->chunk_len)); memcpy(&a_resp->body[a_resp->body_len], a_conn->io_buf, a_conn->chunk_len); a_resp->body_len += a_conn->chunk_len; } } /* make sure there's at least 2 bytes in the buffer. This happens when a read was 3 bytes as in 0\r\n and there is still 2 bytes ( \r\n ) in the read queue. */ if ((a_conn->chunk_len == 0) && (a_conn->io_buf_alloc < 2)) { a_conn->io_buf_io_left = ( 2 - a_conn->io_buf_alloc ); a_conn->io_buf_io_done = 0; do { l_rv = http_trans_read_into_buf(a_conn); } while (l_rv == HTTP_TRANS_NOT_DONE); ghttpDebug("l_rv: %d chunk_len: %d \n", l_rv, a_conn->chunk_len); /* check for an error */ if (l_rv == HTTP_TRANS_ERR) return HTTP_TRANS_ERR; } if (a_conn->chunk_len == 0) l_done = 1; else { /* clip the buffer */ http_trans_buf_clip(a_conn, &a_conn->io_buf[a_conn->chunk_len + 2]); } a_conn->chunk_len = 0; }while (l_done == 0); return HTTP_TRANS_DONE; }
void render_region_map(image *img, const int32_t rpx, const int32_t rpy, region *reg, region *nregions[4], const textures *tex, const options *opts) { open_region_file(reg); if (reg == NULL || reg->file == NULL) return; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) open_region_file(nregions[i]); chunk_data *chunk, *prev_chunk, *new_chunk, *nchunks[4]; chunk_flags flags = { 1, 1, opts->dark, opts->isometric && !opts->dark && opts->shadows, opts->biomes }; chunk_flags nflags = { 1, opts->isometric, opts->isometric && opts->dark, opts->isometric && !opts->dark && opts->shadows, 0 }; // use rotated chunk coordinates, since we need to draw them from bottom to top for isometric for (int8_t rcz = MAX_REGION_CHUNK; rcz >= 0; rcz--) { for (int8_t rcx = MAX_REGION_CHUNK; rcx >= 0; rcx--) { // get the actual chunk from its rotated coordinates // use the "new" chunk saved by the previous iteration if possible chunk = rcx < MAX_REGION_CHUNK && prev_chunk != NULL ? new_chunk : read_chunk(reg, rcx, rcz, opts->rotate, &flags, opts->ylimits); if (chunk == NULL) { if (rcx < MAX_REGION_CHUNK) free_chunk(prev_chunk); prev_chunk = NULL; continue; } // get neighbouring chunks, either from this region or a neighbouring one nchunks[TOP] = rcz > 0 ? read_chunk(reg, rcx, rcz - 1, opts->rotate, &flags, opts->ylimits) : read_chunk(nregions[TOP], rcx, MAX_REGION_CHUNK, opts->rotate, &nflags, opts->ylimits); nchunks[RIGHT] = rcx < MAX_REGION_CHUNK ? prev_chunk : read_chunk(nregions[RIGHT], 0, rcz, opts->rotate, &nflags, opts->ylimits); nchunks[BOTTOM] = rcz < MAX_REGION_CHUNK ? read_chunk(reg, rcx, rcz + 1, opts->rotate, &flags, opts->ylimits) : read_chunk(nregions[BOTTOM], rcx, 0, opts->rotate, &nflags, opts->ylimits); nchunks[LEFT] = rcx > 0 ? read_chunk(reg, rcx - 1, rcz, opts->rotate, &flags, opts->ylimits) : read_chunk(nregions[LEFT], MAX_REGION_CHUNK, rcz, opts->rotate, &nflags, opts->ylimits); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (nchunks[i] == NULL) { chunk->nbids[i] = NULL; chunk->nbdata[i] = NULL; chunk->nblight[i] = NULL; chunk->nslight[i] = NULL; } else { chunk->nbids[i] = nchunks[i]->bids; chunk->nbdata[i] = nchunks[i]->bdata; chunk->nblight[i] = nchunks[i]->blight; chunk->nslight[i] = nchunks[i]->slight; } } // render chunk image onto region image uint32_t cpx, cpy; if (opts->isometric) { // translate orthographic to isometric coordinates cpx = rpx + (rcx + MAX_REGION_CHUNK - rcz) * ISO_CHUNK_X_MARGIN; cpy = rpy + (rcx + rcz) * ISO_CHUNK_Y_MARGIN; } else { cpx = rpx + rcx * CHUNK_BLOCK_LENGTH; cpy = rpy + rcz * CHUNK_BLOCK_LENGTH; } // loop through rotated chunk's blocks for (int16_t rbz = MAX_CHUNK_BLOCK; rbz >= 0; rbz--) for (int16_t rbx = MAX_CHUNK_BLOCK; rbx >= 0; rbx--) if (opts->isometric) { // translate orthographic to isometric coordinates uint32_t px = cpx + (rbx + MAX_CHUNK_BLOCK - rbz) * ISO_BLOCK_WIDTH / 2; uint32_t py = cpy + (rbx + rbz) * ISO_BLOCK_TOP_HEIGHT; render_iso_column(img, px, py, tex, chunk, rbx, rbz, opts); } else render_ortho_column(img, cpx + rbx, cpy + rbz, tex, chunk, rbx, rbz, opts); // free chunks, or save them for the next iteration if we're not at the end of a row free_chunk(nchunks[TOP]); free_chunk(nchunks[RIGHT]); free_chunk(nchunks[BOTTOM]); if (rcx == 0) { free_chunk(chunk); free_chunk(nchunks[LEFT]); } else { prev_chunk = chunk; new_chunk = nchunks[LEFT]; } } } close_region_file(reg); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) close_region_file(nregions[i]); }
int do_EM (params *pars, out_data *output) { SIG_COND = true; catch_SIG(); int iter = ( strcmp("e", pars->init_values) == 0 ? 0 : 1 ); double lkl_epsilon = 0; double est_epsilon = 0; sem_init(&pars->_launch_thread_semaph, 0, pars->n_threads); sem_init(&pars->_running_thread_semaph, 0, 0); // To avoid warnings from Valgrind sem_init(&pars->_running_thread_semaph, 0, -pars->n_chunks); pthread_mutex_init(&pars->_F_lock, NULL); while( (est_epsilon > pars->min_epsilon || lkl_epsilon > pars->min_epsilon || iter <= pars->min_iters) && iter <= pars->max_iters && SIG_COND ) { // Print of initial Lkl if( iter == 1 && pars->verbose >= 1 ) { output->global_lkl = full_HWE_like(pars, output->site_freq, output->indF, 0, pars->n_ind); printf("==> Initial LogLkl: %.15f\n", output->global_lkl); fflush(stdout); } // Next Iteration... time_t iter_start = time(NULL); if( iter > 0 && pars->verbose >= 1 ) printf("\nIteration %d:\n", iter); //////////////////////////////// // Loop through all chunks... // //////////////////////////////// for(uint64_t c = 0; c < pars->n_chunks; c++) { // Wait for room to launch more threads while( sem_wait(&pars->_launch_thread_semaph) ); if( pars->verbose >= 5 ) printf("\tChunk %lu of %lu\n", c+1, pars->n_chunks); // Declare structure pth_params *pth_struct = new pth_params; // Reserve memory for chunk data pth_struct->chunk_data = new double* [pars->max_chunk_size]; #ifdef _USE_BGZF for(uint64_t s = 0; s < pars->max_chunk_size; s++) pth_struct->chunk_data[s] = new double[pars->n_ind * 3]; #endif // Fill in PThread structure pth_struct->pars = pars; pth_struct->chunk_size = read_chunk(pth_struct->chunk_data, pth_struct->pars, c); pth_struct->chunk_abs_start_pos = c * pars->max_chunk_size; pth_struct->iter = iter; pth_struct->output = output; // Initialize and set thread detached attribute pthread_t thread_id; pthread_attr_t pt_attr; pthread_attr_init(&pt_attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&pt_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); // Launch thread int rc = pthread_create(&thread_id, &pt_attr, run_chunk, (void*) pth_struct); if(rc) error(__FUNCTION__,"pthread_create() failed!"); if( pars->verbose >= 6 ) { int n_free_threads = 0; sem_getvalue(&pars->_launch_thread_semaph, &n_free_threads); printf("Thread launched! Available slots: %d\n", n_free_threads); } fflush(stdout); } //////////////////////////////////// // Wait for all threads to finish // //////////////////////////////////// int n_free_threads = 0; do { while( sem_wait(&pars->_running_thread_semaph) ); sem_getvalue(&pars->_launch_thread_semaph, &n_free_threads); if( pars->verbose >= 6 ) printf("Waiting for all threads to finish: %d\n", pars->n_threads - n_free_threads); }while(n_free_threads < (int) pars->n_threads); est_epsilon = 0; ///////////////////////////////////// // Indiv post-iteration processing // ///////////////////////////////////// if( pars->verbose >= 2 ) printf("\tInd F:\t"); for(uint16_t i = 0; i < pars->n_ind; i++) { // Get new indF and check for interval... double new_indF = check_interv(output->indF_num[i] / output->indF_den[i], false); // If LRT, do not estimate indF (it is fixed) if(pars->calc_LRT) new_indF = output->indF[i]; // Calculate iter epsilon est_epsilon += pow(new_indF - output->indF[i], 2); // Store new indF new_indF = ( new_indF == 1 ? 0.9999 : new_indF ); output->indF[i] = new_indF; // Reset variables... output->indF_num[i] = 0; output->indF_den[i] = 0; // Debug if( pars->verbose >= 2 ) printf("\t%.9f", output->indF[i]); } if( pars->verbose >= 2 ) printf("\n"); //////////////////////////////////// // Site post-iteration processing // //////////////////////////////////// if( pars->verbose >= 4 ) printf("\tFreq:\t"); for(uint64_t s = 0; s < pars->n_sites; s++) { if(output->site_freq[s] == 0) continue; if(!pars->freq_fixed){ double new_site_freq = check_interv(output->site_freq_num[s] / output->site_freq_den[s], true); est_epsilon += pow(new_site_freq - output->site_freq[s], 2); output->site_freq[s] = (new_site_freq > 0.99 ? 0.99 : new_site_freq); } // Reset variables... output->site_freq_num[s] = 0; output->site_freq_den[s] = 0; output->site_prob_var[s] = output->site_tmpprob_var[s]; output->site_tmpprob_var[s] = 0; // Debug if( pars->verbose >= 4 ) printf("\t%.9f", output->site_freq[s]); } if( pars->verbose >= 4 ) printf("\n"); /////////////////// // Calculate Lkl // /////////////////// double new_global_lkl = 0; for(uint16_t i = 0; i < pars->n_ind; i++) { output->ind_lkl[i] = full_HWE_like(pars, output->site_freq, output->indF, i, 1); new_global_lkl += output->ind_lkl[i]; } // Parameter epsilon est_epsilon = sqrt(est_epsilon)/(pars->n_ind + pars->n_sites); // Lkl epsilon calculation - On first iteration, since there is no global_lkl, calculate Lkl epsilon based on current lkl lkl_epsilon = (new_global_lkl - output->global_lkl)/fabs(output->global_lkl); output->global_lkl = new_global_lkl; // Print iteration info if( iter > 0 && pars->verbose >= 1 ) { time_t iter_end = time(NULL); printf("\tLogLkl: %.15f\t epsilon: %.15f %.15f\ttime: %.0f (s)\n", output->global_lkl, lkl_epsilon, est_epsilon, difftime(iter_end, iter_start) ); } iter++; fflush(stdout); /////////////////////////////// // Dump iteration parameters // /////////////////////////////// char* pars_file = (char*) malloc( (strlen(pars->out_file)+5+1)*sizeof(char) ); memset(pars_file, '\0', (strlen(pars->out_file)+5+1)*sizeof(char)); strcat(pars_file, pars->out_file); strcat(pars_file, ".pars"); // Write the last iteration to disk FILE* last_est_pars = fopen(pars_file, "w"); if(last_est_pars == NULL) error(__FUNCTION__, "Cannot open PARS file!"); fwrite(&output->global_lkl, sizeof(double), 1, last_est_pars); fwrite(output->ind_lkl, sizeof(double), pars->n_ind, last_est_pars); fwrite(output->indF, sizeof(double), pars->n_ind, last_est_pars); fwrite(output->site_freq, sizeof(double), pars->n_sites, last_est_pars); fclose(last_est_pars); free(pars_file); /////////////// // For debug // /////////////// if( pars->quick ) break; } if( iter > pars->max_iters ) printf("WARN: Maximum number of iterations reached! Check if analysis converged... \n"); return 0; }