コード例 #1
static int cmd_cache(char *args)
    bool success;
    uint32_t tmpAddr = expr(args, &success);
    printf("addr:%x:%x   cache_total:%u  cache_nothit:%u\n", tmpAddr, readcache(tmpAddr, 4), cache.total, cache.nothitnum);
    return 0;
コード例 #2
ssize_t pfs_read(int filedes, void *buf, ssize_t nbyte, off_t offset, int *cache_hit)
{//READ filename w offset length END.
	*cache_hit = readcache(filedes, offset, nbyte);//what's the usage of filedes here????
		return nbyte;//cachehit
	int ofI = 0;
	while((ofI < ofnum)&&(openfiles[ofI]->fd != filedes))
	if(ofI == ofnum)
		return -1;
	OpenFile* of = openfiles[ofI];
	char spacket[BUFFER_SIZE]; //Buffer for client data
	char Offset[7];
	char Length[7];
	strcat(spacket,"READ ");
	strcat(spacket, of->filename);
	strcat(spacket, Offset);
	strcat(spacket, " ");
	strcat(spacket, Length);
	strcat(spacket, " ");
	strcat(spacket," END.");
	if (send(mmFD, spacket, sizeof(spacket), 0) == -1)	//READ pfs_file1 offset length END.
		perror("Error in sending!");
	char rpacket[BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; //Buffer for client data
	int size = MMR(rpacket, BUFFER_SIZE);//READ filename offset length END.
	//offset ... nbyte
	//start = fsoffset + offset/(size*ONEKB), offset -> fsoffset + (offset+length)/(size*ONEKB)
	//first: offset % (size*ONEKB) -> min(offset+length, size*ONEKB)
	//last: 0 -> (offset+length)%(size*ONEKB)
	unsigned fsstart, from, to, plen;
	unsigned os = offset;
	unsigned len = nbyte;
	int i;
	for(i= of->fsoffset + (offset/(STRIP_SIZE*ONEKB)); (i-of->fsoffset)*(STRIP_SIZE*ONEKB) < (offset+nbyte); i++)
	{//Send for each FSs -> READ pfs_file1 w from to(plen) END.
		//if (!fork())
		//{ // this is the child process
		//	close(myTFD); // child doesn't need the listener
		strcpy(spacket,"READ ");
		strcat(spacket, of->filename);
		strcat(spacket, " ");
		strcat(spacket, of->mode);
		strcat(spacket, " ");
		//0 ,1 ,2 ,3  + 4 ,5 ,6 ,7  + 8 ,9 ,10,11
		//12,13,14,15 + 16,17,18,19 + 20,21,22,23
		//24,25,26,27 + 28,29,30,31 + 32,33,34,35
		//os=19->32 -> l=13, i=4, sw=3,
		fsstart = (i/of->stripe_width)*(STRIP_SIZE*ONEKB);
		from = fsstart + os%(STRIP_SIZE*ONEKB);
		to = fsstart + min(os%(STRIP_SIZE*ONEKB)+len, STRIP_SIZE*ONEKB);
		plen = to - from;
		char From[10];
		char PLen[10];
		int2str(from, From, 10);
		int2str(plen, PLen, 10);
		strcat(spacket, From);
		strcat(spacket, " ");
		strcat(spacket, PLen);
		strcat(spacket, " END.");
		if (send(fs[i%of->stripe_width].fd, spacket, sizeof(spacket), 0) == -1)
			perror("Error in sending!");
		//	close(newfd);
		//	exit(0);
		int size;
		char rpacket[plen]; //Buffer for client data
		if ((size = recv(fs[i%of->stripe_width].fd, rpacket, sizeof(rpacket), 0)) == -1)
			perror("Error in receiving!");
		rpacket[size] = '\0';
		printf("Server: %s\n",rpacket);
		strncat(buf, rpacket, plen);
		os += plen;
		len -= plen;
	return nbyte;