int main(int argc, char** argv) { /** * fprintf(stdout) | ./block l d x y * option: * -x [gpu, cpu] * -m [lin, sph, exp, gau] * -l [1..13] */ if(argc<5) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: not enough arguments.\n"); exit(1); } int level = atoi(argv[1]); int depth = atoi(argv[2]); int xblock = atoi(argv[3]); int yblock = atoi(argv[4]); grid g; features f; model m; spectrum s; /* Stdin -> features */ readfeatures(&f); /* Estimate grid based on model */ singleblock(&g, level, depth, xblock, yblock); readgrid(&g); /* Predict using model */ int i; if(f.n>0) { if(argc<11) { fprintf(stderr, "argc: %d\n", argc); for(i=0;i<argc;i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", argv[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "Error: not enough arguments.\n"); exit(1); } m.type = atoi(argv[5]); m.nugget = atof(argv[6]); m.range = atof(argv[7]); m.sill = atof(argv[8]); m.a = atof(argv[9]); m.MSE = atof(argv[10]); predict(&g, &m, &f); heatspectrum(&s); } /* Write image */ printppm(&g, &f, &s, f.n==0 ? 1 : 0); return 0; }
int main() { int i,j,k,l; memcount = 0; readgrid(); printf("Grid reading finished, memcount = %ld\n",memcount); double tol = 1e-6; //0.1; double kappa = 0.0, beta = 0.5, omega = 1 - kappa/beta, alpha0 = 1-omega; double tin = 1000.0, tw = 0.0; double dh1 = 0.0, dh2 = 100.0; double sigma = 5.67e-8; buildcoeffs(alpha0,beta); printf("Built co-efficients, memcount = %ld\n",memcount); tb = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*nbcfaces); t = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*ncells); memcount += sizeof(double)*nbcfaces + sizeof(double)*ncells; //printf("Memcount = %ld\n",memcount); for( i = 0 ; i < ncells ; i++ ) t[i] = 0.0; for( i = 0 ; i < nbcfaces ; i++){ if( bcname[i] == BOTTOM ){ int face_num = bf_to_f[i]; if( xf[face_num] >= dh1 && xf[face_num] <= dh2 ) tb[i] = tin; else tb[i] = tw; } else tb[i] = tw; } /* for( i = 0 ; i < nbcfaces ; i++ ) */ /* printf("%lf\n",tb[i]); */ phic_old = malloc_2d(ncells,4); phic_new = malloc_2d(ncells,4); sc = malloc_2d(ncells,4); memcount += sizeof(double)*4*ncells*3 + sizeof(double*)*3*ncells; //printf("Memcount = %ld\n",memcount); for( i = 0 ; i < ncells ; i++ ){ for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ;j++){ phic_old[i][j] = 0.0; phic_new[i][j] = 0.0; } } sb = malloc_2d(nbcfaces,4); phib = malloc_2d(nbcfaces,4); memcount += sizeof(double)*4*nbcfaces*2 + sizeof(double*)*2*nbcfaces; //printf("Memcount = %ld\n",memcount); for( i = 0 ; i < nbcfaces ; i++ ){ for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) phib[i][j] = 0.0; } phiv = malloc_2d(nnodes,4); memcount += sizeof(double)*4*nnodes + sizeof(double*)*nnodes; //printf("Memcount = %ld\n",memcount); for( i = 0 ; i < nnodes ; i++ ) for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) phiv[i][j] = 0.0; dphi = malloc_2d(nfaces,4); memcount += sizeof(double)*4*nfaces + sizeof(double*)*nfaces; //printf("Memcount = %ld, dphi = %p\n",memcount,dphi); for( i = 0 ; i < nfaces ; i++ ) for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) dphi[i][j] = 0.0; double resid0,resid1,resid2,resid3; resid0 = tol * 2; resid1 = tol * 2; resid2 = tol * 2; resid3 = tol * 2; for( i = 0 ; i < nbcfaces ; i++ ){ sb[i][0] = 4.0 * sigma * tb[i] * tb[i] * tb[i] * tb[i]; sb[i][1] = 0.0; sb[i][2] = 4.0 * sigma * tb[i] * tb[i] * tb[i] * tb[i]; sb[i][3] = 0.0; } for( i = 0 ; i < ncells ; i++ ){ sc[i][0] = 0.0; sc[i][1] = 0.0; sc[i][2] = 0.0; sc[i][3] = -20.0 * alpha0 * sigma * t[i]*t[i]*t[i]*t[i] * beta * volcell[i]; } int count = 0; double start_t = rtclock(); while ( resid0 > tol || resid1 > tol || resid2 > tol || resid3 > tol ){ /* while(count < 1 ){ */ for(i = 0 ; i < nbcfaces ; i++ ){ double new_phib[4]; double lhs_matrix[4][4]; int currf = bf_to_f[i]; assert( currf >=0 && currf < nfaces); assert( bf_to_c[i] >=0 && bf_to_c[i] < nfaces); for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) new_phib[j] = sb[i][j]; for( k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++ ) for( l = 0 ; l < 4 ; l++ ){ new_phib[k] += bc[i][4*k+l] * dphi[currf][l] + bb[i][4*k+l]*phic_new[bf_to_c[i]][l]; lhs_matrix[k][l] = ba[i][4*k+l]; } inverse_multiply(new_phib,lhs_matrix); for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) phib[i][j] = new_phib[j]; } for( i = 0 ; i < nnodes ; i++ ) for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) phiv[i][j] = 0.0; for( i = 0 ; i < nbcfaces ; i++ ){ int currf = bf_to_f[i]; int n1 = lfv0[currf]; int n2 = lfv1[currf]; assert(currf >=0 && currf < nfaces ); assert(n1 >=0 && n1 < nnodes ); assert(n2 >=0 && n2 < nnodes ); for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ){ phiv[n1][j] += phib[i][j] * wbfv[i][0]; phiv[n2][j] += phib[i][j] * wbfv[i][1]; } } for( i= 0 ; i < ncells ; i++ ){ for( j = ia_cv[i] ; j < ia_cv[i+1] ; j++ ){ int currv = lcv[j]; assert(currv >=0 && currv < nnodes); if( bnode[currv] == 0 ) for( k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++ ) phiv[currv][k] += phic_new[i][k] * wcv[j]; } for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) phic_old[i][j] = phic_new[i][j]; } for( i = 0 ; i < nfaces ; i++ ){ int n1 = lfv0[i]; int n2 = lfv1[i]; assert(n1 >= 0 && n1 < nnodes ); assert(n2 >= 0 && n2 < nnodes ); double xv1 = xv[n1]; double xv2 = xv[n2]; double yv1 = yv[n1]; double yv2 = yv[n2]; /* if( i == 0 ) { */ /* printf("i= %d, phiv[%d]=[%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf], phiv[%d]=[%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf]\n",i,n1,phiv[n1][0],phiv[n1][1],phiv[n1][2],phiv[n1][3],n2,phiv[n2][0],phiv[n2][1],phiv[n2][2],phiv[n2][3]); */ /* } */ for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) dphi[i][j] = ( phiv[n2][j] - phiv[n1][j] ) / sqrt( ( xv2 - xv1 ) * ( xv2 - xv1 ) + ( yv2 - yv1 ) * ( yv2 - yv1 ) ); /* if( i == 0 ) */ /* printf("i=%d,dphi[%d]=[%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf]\n",i,i,dphi[i][0],dphi[i][1],dphi[i][2],dphi[i][3]); */ } for( i = 0 ; i < ncells ; i++ ){ double diag_matrix[4][4]; double new_phi[4]; for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ){ for( k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++ ) diag_matrix[j][k] = 0.0; new_phi[j] = sc[i][j]; diag_matrix[j][j] = vol_vec[i][j]; } for( j = ia_cf[i] ; j < ia_cf[i+1] ; j++ ){ int currf = lcf[j]; if( bface[currf] == 0 ){ int currcell; double alpha; if( lfc0[currf] == i ){ currcell = lfc1[currf]; alpha = 1; } else{ alpha = -1; currcell = lfc0[currf]; } for( k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++ ) for( l = 0 ; l < 4 ; l++ ){ new_phi[k] -= (fclink[currf][k*4+l] * phic_old[currcell][l] + alpha * ftlink[currf][k*4+l] * dphi[currf][l]) ; diag_matrix[k][l] -= fclink[currf][k*4+l]; } } else{ int currbf = f_to_bf[currf]; assert(currbf >= 0 ); for( k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++ ) for( l = 0 ; l < 4 ; l++ ){ new_phi[k] -= (fclink[currf][k*4+l] * phib[currbf][l] + ftlink[currf][k*4+l] * dphi[currf][l]) ; diag_matrix[k][l] -= fclink[currf][k*4+l]; } } } inverse_multiply(new_phi,diag_matrix); for( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) phic_new[i][j] = new_phi[j]; } resid0 = 0.0; resid1 = 0.0; resid2 = 0.0; resid3 = 0.0; for( i = 0 ; i < ncells ; i++ ){ double temp = phic_new[i][0] - phic_old[i][0]; resid0 += temp * temp; temp = phic_new[i][1] - phic_old[i][1]; resid1 += temp * temp; temp = phic_new[i][2] - phic_old[i][2]; resid2 += temp * temp; temp = phic_new[i][3] - phic_old[i][3]; resid3 += temp * temp; } resid0 = sqrt(resid0) / ncells; resid1 = sqrt(resid1) / ncells; resid2 = sqrt(resid2) / ncells; resid3 = sqrt(resid3) / ncells; count++; #ifndef NDEBUG printf("%d %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",count,resid0,resid1,resid2,resid3); #endif } double stop_t = rtclock(); printf("[IEC]:OriginalTime:%lf\n",stop_t - start_t); //printf("%d %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",count,resid0,resid1,resid2,resid3); /* print_output(); */ free(xc); free(yc); free(xf); free(yf); free(volcell); free(areaf); free(vecfx); free(vecfy); free(xv); free(yv); free(ia_cf); free(ia_cv); free(lcf); free(lcv); /* free_2d_int(lfc); */ /* free_2d_int(lfv); */ free(lfc0); free(lfc1); free(lfv0); free(lfv1); free(bface); free(f_to_bf); free(bf_to_f); free(bf_to_c); free(bnode); free(bctype); free(bcname); free(wcv); free_2d(wbfv); free(t); free(tb); free_2d(sc); free_2d(sb); free_2d(phic_new); free_2d(phic_old); free_2d(phib); free_2d(phiv); free_2d(dphi); free_2d(fclink); free_2d(ftlink); free_2d(vol_vec); free_2d(ba); free_2d(bb); free_2d(bc); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { srand(atoi(argv[1])); //Take argument to write special extension to file double Btotalple, Bnurseple, Bspawnple, Btotalsol, Bnursesol, Bspawnsol ; /* biomass on nursery, total biomass */ //Read in the data readgrid(&GridFood , X_MAX, Y_MAX, 52, theFood); cout << "Read Food completed" << endl; readgrid(&GridTemp , X_MAX, Y_MAX, 52, theTemp); cout << "Read Temp completed" << endl; readgrid(&GridLMort , X_MAX, Y_MAX, 52, theLMort); cout << "Read Larval Mortality completed" << endl; readgrowthgam(&WeekPropFood,52,theGrowthGam); cout << "Read growth gam completed" << endl; /* INITIALISE INDIVIDUALS AT START, FIRST PLAICE, THEN SOLE */ for(int i=0; i < POPMAX; i++) { ple[i].sex = (i%2)+1; ple[i].weight = BORNWGHT; ple[i].id = id ; ple[i].stage = 1 ; /* everybody should be mature */ ple[i].age = 52 ; ple[i].u_m = U_M ; ple[i].u_f = U_F; if(SPAREA == 1){ ple[i].X = 75 ; ple[i].Y = 53 ; } else if(SPAREA == 2){ ple[i].X = 91 ; ple[i].Y = 67 ; } int X = ple[i].X; int Y = ple[i].Y; int resX, resY; for(int dd=0; dd < L_CHR1; dd++){ //check juvenile strategy do{ple[i].juvXdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 left or right // ple[i].juvYdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 up or down // resX = (int) (ple[i].juvXdir[dd] * ple[i].swim()) ; resY = (int) (ple[i].juvYdir[dd] * ple[i].swim()) ; } while ((theTemp[1][X + resX][Y + resY ] < -15) ||(( X + resX) <0) || (( X + resX) > X_MAX) ||(( Y + resY) < 0) || ((Y + resY) > Y_MAX)); X += resX; Y += resY; ple[i].weight = ple[i].weight + ple[i].growth(theFood[(dd+6)%52][X][Y], theTemp[(dd+6)%52][X][Y],theGrowthGam[(dd+6)%52]); } for(int dd=0; dd <L_CHR2; dd++){ //check juvenile strategy ple[i].adultXdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 left or right // ple[i].adultYdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 up or down // } ple[i].weight = BORNWGHT; id++; } // for(int i=0; i < POPMAX; i++){ // sol[i].sex = (i%2)+1; // sol[i].weight = BORNWGHT ; // sol[i].id = id ; // sol[i].stage = 1 ; // sol[i].age = 52 ; // sol[i].u_m = U_M ; // sol[i].u_f = U_F; // if(SPAREA == 1){ // sol[i].X = 75 ; // sol[i].Y = 53 ; // } else if(SPAREA == 2){ // sol[i].X = 91 ; // sol[i].Y = 67 ; // } // int X = sol[i].X; // int Y = sol[i].Y; // int resX, resY; // for(int dd=0; dd < L_CHR1; dd++){ //check juvenile strategy // do{sol[i].juvXdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 left or right // // sol[i].juvYdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 up or down // // resX = (int) (sol[i].juvXdir[dd] * sol[i].swim()) ; // resY = (int) (sol[i].juvYdir[dd] * sol[i].swim()) ; // } while ((theTemp[1][X + resX][Y + resY ] < -15) ||(( X + resX) <0) ||((X + resX) > X_MAX) ||((Y + resY )< 0) ||((Y + resY) > Y_MAX)); // X += resX; // Y += resY; // sol[i].weight = sol[i].weight + sol[i].growth(theFood[(dd+6)%52][X][Y], theTemp[(dd+6)%52][X][Y],theGrowthGam[(dd+6)%52]); // } // for(int dd=0; dd < L_CHR2 ; dd++){ //check juvenile strategy // sol[i].adultXdir[dd] = (char)((rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 left or right // // sol[i].adultYdir[dd] = (char)((rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 up or down // // } // sol[i].weight = BORNWGHT; // id++; // } // end for loop over individuals / cout << "Initialisation of Plaice and Sole done" << endl; int aliveple = POPMAX, alivesol = POPMAX; string ext(".csv"); //Open file to write output to disk string SPname("_SPAREA"); char buffer [4]; string SP(itoa(SPAREA,buffer,10)); filename += ( argv[1] + SPname + SP + ext); cout << filename << endl; popname += (argv[1] + SPname + SP + ext); (filename.c_str() );; /* START SIM */ for(int t = 6; t < T_MAX; t++){ /* CALCULATE TOTAL BIOMASS AND BIOMASS ON NURSERY FOR TWO SPECIES */ Bnurseple = Btotalple = Bspawnple = Bnursesol = Btotalsol = Bspawnsol = 0; for(int n = 0 ; n < aliveple ; n++) { if (ple[n].stage < 3 ) { Btotalple += ple[n].weight ; if (ple[n].stage < 2 ) Bnurseple += ple[n].weight; } } // for(int n = 0 ; n < alivesol ; n++) { // if (sol[n].stage < 3 ) { // Btotalsol += sol[n].weight ; // if (sol[n].stage < 2 ) Bnursesol += sol[n].weight; // } // } Bspawnple = Btotalple - Bnurseple; // Bspawnsol = Btotalsol - Bnursesol; move(ple, aliveple, t%52, theTemp); // Move individuals every tenth timestep // // move(sol, alivesol, t%52, theTemp); // Move individuals every tenth timestep // age (ple, aliveple) ; // Function of ageing // // age (sol, alivesol) ; // Function of ageing // mortality(ple, LAMBDAple, aliveple ,Bnurseple ) ; // Function mortality // // mortality(sol, LAMBDAsol, alivesol ,Bnursesol ) ; // Function mortality */ growth (ple, aliveple, Bnurseple, t % 52, theFood, theTemp, theGrowthGam) ; // Function of growth // // growth (sol, alivesol, Bnursesol, t % 52, theFood, theTemp, theGrowthGam) ; // Function of growth // if(t%52 == 10 ) maturation (ple, aliveple) ; //Checked with Cindy, gonads start to develop in March // Function of maturation // // if(t%52 == 10 ) maturation (sol, alivesol) ; // Function of maturation // if(t%52 == 5) cout<<"i " << argv[1] <<" t " << t << " ssb ple " << Bspawnple<<" num ple "<<aliveple<< endl; //output(ple,t, 3); // Write biomass and number to screen, followed by data for 10$ // if(t%52 == 5) cout<<"i " << argv[1] << " t " << t << " ssb sol " << Bspawnsol<<" num sol "<<alivesol<< endl; //output(sol,t, 3); // Write biomass and number to screen, followed by data fo$ aliveple = alive2front (ple) ; // shuffle so that alives are in front*/ // alivesol = alive2front (sol) ; // shuffle so that alives are in front*/ if(t%52 == 5) aliveple = reproduction(ple, R1ple, R2ple, aliveple, Bspawnple, theTemp); // Function of reproduction in week 5*/ // if(t%52 == 5) alivesol = reproduction(sol, R1sol, R2sol, alivesol, Bspawnsol, theTemp); // Function of reproduction in week 5*/ if(t%52 == 5){ larvalmortality (ple, aliveple, theLMort); aliveple = alive2front (ple);} // larvalmortality depends on field, now uniform field where everybody survives // // if(t%52 == 5){ larvalmortality (sol, alivesol, theLMort); alivesol = alive2front (sol);} // larvalmortality depends on field, now uniform field where everybody survives // //Write output if ((t==6) ||( (t+A_MAX) % (int)(T_MAX/(T_STEP-1)) < 52 && t % 52 == 6)){ int nn = aliveple; int age = ple[nn].age; do{ age = ple[nn].age; nn--; } while ((nn > (aliveple - P_WRITE)) && (age <= 53)); minid = ple[nn + 1].id; maxid = ple[aliveple - 1].id; } else if ((t < 6 + A_MAX) ||( (t + A_MAX)% (int)(T_MAX/(T_STEP-1)) < A_MAX +52)){ for(int nn = 0; nn < aliveple; nn++){ if(ple[nn].stage < 3 && (ple[nn].id > minid & ple[nn].id < maxid)){ myfile <<t << "," << ple[nn].id << "," << (int) ple[nn].sex << "," << ple[nn].age << "," << (int) ple[nn].stage << "," << ple[nn].X << "," << ple[nn].Y << "," << ple[nn].weight << "," << (int) ple[nn].juvXdir[(int) (ple[nn].age)] << "," << (int) ple[nn].juvYdir[(int) (ple[nn].age)] << "," << (int) ple[nn].adultXdir[(t+1)%52] << "," << (int) ple[nn].adultYdir[(t+1)%52] << endl; } } } //Write output every 15 years (cycle of complete new population) if(t % (A_MAX) == 5){ writePopStruct(mypopulation, ple,aliveple,t);} } //end of timeloop myfile.close() ; mypopulation.close(); return 0 ; }