コード例 #1
ファイル: mywarn.c プロジェクト: brianmckenna/rex2nc
 * _myWarn() (Private) -- Arthur Taylor / MDL
 *    This prints a warning message of level "f_errCode" to the devices that
 * are allowed to receive those levels of warning messages.
 * f_errCode = 1=note, 2=warning, 3=error. (Input)
 *      file = File of initial call to myWarn module (or NULL). (Input)
 *   lineNum = Line number of inital call to myWarn module. (Input)
 *       fmt = Format to define how to print the msg (Input)
 *        ap = The arguments for the message. (Input)
 * RETURNS: int
 *    0 ok
 *   -1 vfprintf or fprintf had problems
 *   -2 allocSprintf had problems
 *  3/2007 Arthur Taylor (MDL): Created.
static int _myWarn(uChar f_errCode, const char *file, int lineNum,
                   const char *fmt, va_list ap)
   int ierr = 0;        /* Error return code */

   if (fmt == NULL) {
      return ierr;
   /* Check if the warnDetail level allows this message. */
   if (warn.f_stdout && (warn.f_stdout <= f_errCode)) {
      if (file != NULL) {
         if (fprintf(stdout, "(%s line %d) ", file, lineNum) < 0) {
            ierr = -1;
      if (vfprintf(stdout, fmt, ap) < 0) {
         ierr = -1;
   if (warn.f_stderr && (warn.f_stderr <= f_errCode)) {
      if (file != NULL) {
         if (fprintf(stderr, "(%s line %d) ", file, lineNum) < 0) {
            ierr = -1;
      if (vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap) < 0) {
         ierr = -1;
   if (warn.f_log && (warn.f_log <= f_errCode)) {
      if (file != NULL) {
         if (fprintf(warn.fp, "(%s line %d) ", file, lineNum) < 0) {
            ierr = -1;
      if (vfprintf(warn.fp, fmt, ap) < 0) {
         ierr = -1;
   if (warn.f_mem && (warn.f_mem <= f_errCode)) {
      if (file != NULL) {
         if (reallocSprintf(&warn.buff, "(%s line %d) ", file, lineNum) < 0) {
            ierr = -2;
      if (allocSprintf(&warn.buff, &warn.buffLen, fmt, ap) != 0) {
         ierr = -2;
   return ierr;
コード例 #2
ファイル: inventory.cpp プロジェクト: StephenHolzman/UVAmisc
 * GRIB2Inventory2to7() --
 * Arthur Taylor / MDL
 *   Inventories sections 3 to 7, filling out the inv record with the data in
 * section 4.  (Note: No Call to FORTRAN routines here).
 *   sectNum = Which section we are currently reading. (Input)
 *        fp = An opened file pointer to the file to the inventory of (In/Out)
 *   gribLen = The total length of the grib message. (Input)
 *   buffLen = length of buffer. (Input)
 *    buffer = Holds a given section. (Input)
 *       inv = The current inventory record to fill out. (Output)
 *  prodType = The GRIB2 type of product: 0 is meteo product, 1 is hydro,
 *             2 is land, 3 is space, 10 is oceanographic. (Input)
 *    center = Who produced it (Input)
 * subcenter = A sub group of center that actually produced it (Input)
 * RETURNS: int (could use errSprintf())
 *  0 = "Ok"
 * -5 = Problems Reading in section 2 or 3
 * -6 = Problems Reading in section 3
 * -7 = Problems Reading in section 4
 * -8 = Problems Parsing section 4.
 * -9 = Problems Reading in section 5
 * -10 = Problems Reading in section 6
 * -11 = Problems Reading in section 7
 *   3/2003 Arthur Taylor (MDL/RSIS): Created.
 *   4/2003 AAT: Modified to not have prodType, cat, subcat, templat in
 *          inventoryType structure.
 *   8/2003 AAT: curTot no longer serves a purpose.
 *   1/2004 AAT: Added center/subcenter.
static int GRIB2Inventory2to7 (sChar sectNum, DataSource &fp, sInt4 gribLen,
                               uInt4 *buffLen, char **buffer,
                               inventoryType *inv, uChar prodType,
                               unsigned short int center,
                               unsigned short int subcenter)
   uInt4 secLen;        /* The length of the current section. */
   sInt4 foreTime;      /* forecast time (NDFD treats as "projection") */
   uChar foreTimeUnit;  /* The time unit of the "forecast time". */
   /* char *element; *//* Holds the name of the current variable. */
   /* char *comment; *//* Holds more comments about current variable. */
   /* char *unitName; *//* Holds the name of the unit [K] [%] .. etc */
   int convert;         /* Enum type of unit conversions (metaname.c),
                         * Conversion method for this variable's unit. */
   uChar cat;           /* General category of Meteo Product. */
   unsigned short int templat; /* The section 4 template number. */
   uChar subcat;        /* Specific subcategory of Product. */
   uChar fstSurfType;   /* Type of the first fixed surface. */
   double fstSurfValue; /* Value of first fixed surface. */
   sInt4 value;         /* The scaled value from GRIB2 file. */
   sChar factor;        /* The scaled factor from GRIB2 file */
   sChar scale;         /* Surface scale as opposed to probability factor. */
   uChar sndSurfType;   /* Type of the second fixed surface. */
   double sndSurfValue; /* Value of second fixed surface. */
   sChar f_sndValue;    /* flag if SndValue is valid. */
   uChar timeRangeUnit;
   sInt4 lenTime;       /* Used by parseTime to tell difference between 8hr
                         * average and 1hr average ozone. */
   uChar genID;         /* The Generating process ID (used for GFS MOS) */
   uChar probType;      /* The probability type */
   double lowerProb;    /* The lower limit on probability forecast if
                         * template 4.5 or 4.9 */
   double upperProb;    /* The upper limit on probability forecast if
                         * template 4.5 or 4.9 */
   uChar timeIncrType;
   sChar percentile = 0;

   if ((sectNum == 2) || (sectNum == 3)) {
      /* Jump past section (2 or 3). */
      sectNum = -1;
      if (GRIB2SectJump (fp, gribLen, &sectNum, &secLen) != 0) {
         errSprintf ("ERROR: Problems Jumping past section 2 || 3\n");
         return -6;
      if ((sectNum != 2) && (sectNum != 3)) {
         errSprintf ("ERROR: Section 2 or 3 mislabeled\n");
         return -5;
      } else if (sectNum == 2) {
         /* Jump past section 3. */
         sectNum = 3;
         if (GRIB2SectJump (fp, gribLen, &sectNum, &secLen) != 0) {
            errSprintf ("ERROR: Problems Jumping past section 3\n");
            return -6;
   /* Read section 4 into buffer. */
   sectNum = 4;
   if (GRIB2SectToBuffer (fp, gribLen, &sectNum, &secLen, buffLen,
                          buffer) != 0) {
      errSprintf ("ERROR: Problems with section 4\n");
      return -7;
   GS4_RADAR = 20, GS4_SATELLITE = 30
   /* Parse the interesting data out of sect 4. */
   MEMCPY_BIG (&templat, *buffer + 8 - 5, sizeof (short int));
   if ((templat != GS4_ANALYSIS) && (templat != GS4_ENSEMBLE)
       && (templat != GS4_DERIVED)
       && (templat != GS4_PROBABIL_PNT) && (templat != GS4_STATISTIC)
       && (templat != GS4_PROBABIL_TIME) && (templat != GS4_PERCENTILE)
       && (templat != GS4_ENSEMBLE_STAT)
       && (templat != GS4_RADAR) && (templat != GS4_SATELLITE)
       && (templat != GS4_DERIVED_INTERVAL)) {
      errSprintf ("This was only designed for templates 0, 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, "
                  "10, 11, 12, 20, 30\n");
      return -8;
   cat = (*buffer)[10 - 5];
   subcat = (*buffer)[11 - 5];
   genID = 0;
   probType = 0;
   lowerProb = 0;
   upperProb = 0;
   if ((templat == GS4_RADAR) || (templat == GS4_SATELLITE) ||
       (templat == 254)) {
      inv->foreSec = 0;
      inv->validTime = inv->refTime;
      timeIncrType = 255;
      timeRangeUnit = 255;
      lenTime = 0;
   } else {
      genID = (*buffer)[14 - 5];
      /* Compute forecast time. */
      foreTimeUnit = (*buffer)[18 - 5];
      MEMCPY_BIG (&foreTime, *buffer + 19 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
      if (ParseSect4Time2sec (foreTime, foreTimeUnit, &(inv->foreSec)) != 0) {
         errSprintf ("unable to convert TimeUnit: %d \n", foreTimeUnit);
         return -8;
      /* Compute valid time. */
      inv->validTime = inv->refTime + inv->foreSec;
      timeIncrType = 255;
      timeRangeUnit = 1;
      lenTime = (sInt4) (inv->foreSec / 3600);
      switch (templat) {
         case GS4_PROBABIL_PNT: /* 4.5 */
            probType = (*buffer)[37 - 5];
            factor = (sChar) (*buffer)[38 - 5];
            MEMCPY_BIG (&value, *buffer + 39 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
            lowerProb = value * pow (10.0, -1 * factor);
            factor = (sChar) (*buffer)[43 - 5];
            MEMCPY_BIG (&value, *buffer + 44 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
            upperProb = value * pow (10.0, -1 * factor);
         case GS4_DERIVED_INTERVAL: /* 4.12 */
            if (InventoryParseTime (*buffer + 37 - 5, &(inv->validTime)) != 0) {
               printf ("Warning: Investigate Template 4.12 bytes 37-43\n");
               inv->validTime = inv->refTime + inv->foreSec;
            timeIncrType = (*buffer)[50 - 5];
            timeRangeUnit = (*buffer)[51 - 5];
            MEMCPY_BIG (&lenTime, *buffer + 52 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
/* If lenTime == missing (2^32 -1) we might do something, but not with 255.*/
            if (lenTime == 255) {
               lenTime = (inv->validTime -
                          (inv->refTime + inv->foreSec)) / 3600;
         case GS4_PERCENTILE: /* 4.10 */
            percentile = (*buffer)[35 - 5];
            if (InventoryParseTime (*buffer + 36 - 5, &(inv->validTime)) != 0) {
               printf ("Warning: Investigate Template 4.10 bytes 36-42\n");
               inv->validTime = inv->refTime + inv->foreSec;
            timeIncrType = (*buffer)[49 - 5];
            timeRangeUnit = (*buffer)[50 - 5];
            MEMCPY_BIG (&lenTime, *buffer + 51 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
/* If lenTime == missing (2^32 -1) we might do something, but not with 255.*/
            if (lenTime == 255) {
               lenTime = (inv->validTime -
                          (inv->refTime + inv->foreSec)) / 3600;
         case GS4_STATISTIC: /* 4.8 */
            if (InventoryParseTime (*buffer + 35 - 5, &(inv->validTime)) != 0) {
               printf ("Warning: Investigate Template 4.8 bytes 35-41\n");
               inv->validTime = inv->refTime + inv->foreSec;
            timeIncrType = (*buffer)[48 - 5];
            timeRangeUnit = (*buffer)[49 - 5];
            MEMCPY_BIG (&lenTime, *buffer + 50 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
/* If lenTime == missing (2^32 -1) we might do something, but not with 255.*/
            if (lenTime == 255) {
               lenTime = (inv->validTime -
                          (inv->refTime + inv->foreSec)) / 3600;
         case GS4_ENSEMBLE_STAT: /* 4.11 */
            if (InventoryParseTime (*buffer + 38 - 5, &(inv->validTime)) != 0) {
               printf ("Warning: Investigate Template 4.11 bytes 38-44\n");
               inv->validTime = inv->refTime + inv->foreSec;
            timeIncrType = (*buffer)[51 - 5];
            timeRangeUnit = (*buffer)[52 - 5];
            MEMCPY_BIG (&lenTime, *buffer + 53 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
/* If lenTime == missing (2^32 -1) we might do something, but not with 255.*/
            if (lenTime == 255) {
               lenTime = (inv->validTime -
                          (inv->refTime + inv->foreSec)) / 3600;
         case GS4_PROBABIL_TIME: /* 4.9 */
            probType = (*buffer)[37 - 5];
            if ((uChar) (*buffer)[38 - 5] > 128) {
               factor = 128 - (uChar) (*buffer)[38 - 5];
            } else {
               factor = (*buffer)[38 - 5];
            MEMCPY_BIG (&value, *buffer + 39 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
            lowerProb = value * pow (10.0, -1 * factor);

            if ((uChar) (*buffer)[43 - 5] > 128) {
               factor = 128 - (uChar) (*buffer)[43 - 5];
            } else {
               factor = (*buffer)[43 - 5];
            MEMCPY_BIG (&value, *buffer + 44 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
            upperProb = value * pow (10.0, -1 * factor);

            if (InventoryParseTime (*buffer + 48 - 5, &(inv->validTime)) != 0) {
               printf ("Warning: Investigate Template 4.9 bytes 48-54\n");
               inv->validTime = inv->refTime + inv->foreSec;
            timeIncrType = (*buffer)[61 - 5];
            timeRangeUnit = (*buffer)[62 - 5];
            MEMCPY_BIG (&lenTime, *buffer + 63 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
/* If lenTime == missing (2^32 -1) we might do something, but not with 255.*/
            if (lenTime == 255) {
               lenTime = (inv->validTime -
                          (inv->refTime + inv->foreSec)) / 3600;

   if (timeRangeUnit == 255) {
      timeRangeUnit = 1;
      lenTime = (sInt4) ((inv->validTime - inv->foreSec - inv->refTime) /
/*   myAssert (timeRangeUnit == 1);*/
   /* Try to convert lenTime to hourly. */
   if (timeRangeUnit == 0) {
      lenTime = (sInt4) (lenTime / 60.);
      /*timeRangeUnit = 1;*/
   } else if (timeRangeUnit == 1) {
   } else if (timeRangeUnit == 2) {
      lenTime = lenTime * 24;
      /*timeRangeUnit = 1;*/
   } else if (timeRangeUnit == 10) {
      lenTime = lenTime * 3;
      /*timeRangeUnit = 1;*/
   } else if (timeRangeUnit == 11) {
      lenTime = lenTime * 6;
      /*timeRangeUnit = 1;*/
   } else if (timeRangeUnit == 12) {
      lenTime = lenTime * 12;
      /*timeRangeUnit = 1;*/
   } else if (timeRangeUnit == 13) {
      lenTime = (sInt4) (lenTime / 3600.);
      /*timeRangeUnit = 1;*/
   } else {
      printf ("Can't handle this timeRangeUnit\n");
      //myAssert (timeRangeUnit == 1);
      return -8;
   if (lenTime == GRIB2MISSING_s4) {
      lenTime = 0;
   /* Find out what the name of this variable is. */
   ParseElemName (center, subcenter, prodType, templat, cat, subcat,
                  lenTime, timeIncrType, genID, probType, lowerProb,
                  upperProb, &(inv->element), &(inv->comment),
                  &(inv->unitName), &convert, percentile);
   if (strcmp (element, "") == 0) {
      mallocSprintf (&(inv->element), "unknown");
      mallocSprintf (&(inv->unitName), "[%s]", unitName);
      if (strcmp (comment, "unknown") == 0) {
         mallocSprintf (&(inv->comment), "(prodType %d, cat %d, subcat %d)"
                        " [%s]", prodType, cat, subcat, unitName);
      } else {
         mallocSprintf (&(inv->comment), "%s [%s]", comment, unitName);
   } else {
      if (IsData_MOS (center, subcenter)) {
         * See : http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/tablea.html *
         if (genID == 96) {
            inv->element = (char *) malloc ((1 + 7 + strlen (element))
                                            * sizeof (char));
            sprintf (inv->element, "MOSGFS-%s", element);
         } else {
            inv->element = (char *) malloc ((1 + 4 + strlen (element))
                                            * sizeof (char));
            sprintf (inv->element, "MOS-%s", element);
      } else {
         inv->element = (char *) malloc ((1 + strlen (element))
                                         * sizeof (char));
         strcpy (inv->element, element);
      mallocSprintf (&(inv->unitName), "[%s]", unitName);
      mallocSprintf (&(inv->comment), "%s [%s]", comment, unitName);
      inv->unitName = (char *) malloc ((1 + 2 + strlen (unitName))
                                       * sizeof (char));
      sprintf (inv->unitName, "[%s]", unitName);
      inv->comment = (char *) malloc ((1 + 3 + strlen (unitName) + strlen (comment))
                                      * sizeof (char));
      sprintf (inv->comment, "%s [%s]", comment, unitName);

   if ((templat == GS4_RADAR) || (templat == GS4_SATELLITE)
       || (templat == 254) || (templat == 1000) || (templat == 1001)
       || (templat == 1002)) {
      reallocSprintf (&(inv->shortFstLevel), "0 undefined");
      reallocSprintf (&(inv->longFstLevel), "0.000[-] undefined ()");
   } else {
      fstSurfType = (*buffer)[23 - 5];
      scale = (*buffer)[24 - 5];
      MEMCPY_BIG (&value, *buffer + 25 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
      if ((value == GRIB2MISSING_s4) || (scale == GRIB2MISSING_s1)) {
         fstSurfValue = 0;
      } else {
         fstSurfValue = value * pow (10.0, (int) (-1 * scale));
      sndSurfType = (*buffer)[29 - 5];
      scale = (*buffer)[30 - 5];
      MEMCPY_BIG (&value, *buffer + 31 - 5, sizeof (sInt4));
      if ((value == GRIB2MISSING_s4) || (scale == GRIB2MISSING_s1) ||
          (sndSurfType == GRIB2MISSING_u1)) {
         sndSurfValue = 0;
         f_sndValue = 0;
      } else {
         sndSurfValue = value * pow (10.0, -1 * scale);
         f_sndValue = 1;

      ParseLevelName (center, subcenter, fstSurfType, fstSurfValue,
                      f_sndValue, sndSurfValue, &(inv->shortFstLevel),

   /* Jump past section 5. */
   sectNum = 5;
   if (GRIB2SectJump (fp, gribLen, &sectNum, &secLen) != 0) {
      errSprintf ("ERROR: Problems Jumping past section 5\n");
      return -9;
   /* Jump past section 6. */
   sectNum = 6;
   if (GRIB2SectJump (fp, gribLen, &sectNum, &secLen) != 0) {
      errSprintf ("ERROR: Problems Jumping past section 6\n");
      return -10;
   /* Jump past section 7. */
   sectNum = 7;
   if (GRIB2SectJump (fp, gribLen, &sectNum, &secLen) != 0) {
      errSprintf ("ERROR: Problems Jumping past section 7\n");
      return -11;
   return 0;