void register_AABox_class(){ { //::SireVol::AABox typedef bp::class_< SireVol::AABox > AABox_exposer_t; AABox_exposer_t AABox_exposer = AABox_exposer_t( "AABox", "\nAn AABox is an axis-aligned bounding box that is the smallest box that is aligned with the three cartesian axes that completely encases a CoordGroup. It is trivial to obtain the bounding sphere from the AABox. The AABox is used by the distance calculators to quickly determine whether two CoordGroups are within the cutoff radius, and to obtain all CoordGroups that are within particular regions of space.\n\nAuthor: Christopher Woods\n", bp::init< >("Construct an empty AABox") ); bp::scope AABox_scope( AABox_exposer ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::Vector const & >(( bp::arg("point") ), "Construct an AABox that completely encloses the point point") ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::Vector const &, SireMaths::Vector const & >(( bp::arg("cent"), bp::arg("extents") ), "Construct an AABox with center at cent, and half-extents extents") ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< QVector< SireMaths::Vector > const & >(( bp::arg("coordinates") ), "Construct an AABox that completely encases the points in coordinates") ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::Vector const *, int >(( bp::arg("coords"), bp::arg("ncoords") ), "Construct an AABox that completely encases the points in coords") ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireVol::CoordGroupBase const & >(( bp::arg("coordgroup") ), "Construct an AABox that completely encases the CoordGroup coordgroup") ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireVol::CoordGroupArray const & >(( bp::arg("cgarray") ), "Construct an AABox that completely encases all of the points in all of the\nCoordGroups in cgarray") ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireVol::CoordGroupArrayArray const & >(( bp::arg("cgarrays") ), "Construct an AABox that completely encases all of the points in all of the\nCoordGroups in all of the arrays in cgarrays") ); { //::SireVol::AABox::add typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*add_function_type)( ::SireVol::AABox const & ) ; add_function_type add_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::add ); AABox_exposer.def( "add" , add_function_value , ( bp::arg("other") ) , "Add another AABox to this one - this forms the union of both of the\nboxes." ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::add typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*add_function_type)( ::SireMaths::Vector const & ) ; add_function_type add_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::add ); AABox_exposer.def( "add" , add_function_value , ( bp::arg("point") ) , "Add a point to this box" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::add typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*add_function_type)( ::QVector< SireMaths::Vector > const & ) ; add_function_type add_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::add ); AABox_exposer.def( "add" , add_function_value , ( bp::arg("points") ) , "Add lots of points to this box" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::boundingSphere typedef ::SireMaths::Sphere ( ::SireVol::AABox::*boundingSphere_function_type)( ) const; boundingSphere_function_type boundingSphere_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::boundingSphere ); AABox_exposer.def( "boundingSphere" , boundingSphere_function_value , "Return the sphere that just contains this AABox" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::center typedef ::SireMaths::Vector const & ( ::SireVol::AABox::*center_function_type)( ) const; center_function_type center_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::center ); AABox_exposer.def( "center" , center_function_value , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() , "" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::contains typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*contains_function_type)( ::SireVol::AABox const & ) const; contains_function_type contains_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::contains ); AABox_exposer.def( "contains" , contains_function_value , ( bp::arg("other") ) , "Return whether or not this box contains other" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::contains typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*contains_function_type)( ::SireMaths::Vector const & ) const; contains_function_type contains_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::contains ); AABox_exposer.def( "contains" , contains_function_value , ( bp::arg("point") ) , "Return whether or not this box contains the point point" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::SireMaths::Vector const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("point") ) , "Return an AABox constructed to contain the coordinates of point" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::SireVol::CoordGroupBase const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("coordgroup") ) , "Return an AABox constructed to contain the coordinates in coordinates" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::SireVol::CoordGroupArray const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("cgarray") ) , "Return an AABox constructed to contain all of the CoordGroups in cgarray" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::SireVol::CoordGroupArrayArray const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("cgarrays") ) , "Return an AABox constructed to contain all of the CoordGroups in the\narrays in cgarrays" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::QVector< SireMaths::Vector > const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("coords") ) , "Return an AABox constructed to contain the coordinates in coordinates" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::SireMaths::Vector const &,::SireMaths::Vector const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("mincoords"), bp::arg("maxcoords") ) , "Construct a new AABox from the passed minimum and maximum coordinates" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::halfExtents typedef ::SireMaths::Vector const & ( ::SireVol::AABox::*halfExtents_function_type)( ) const; halfExtents_function_type halfExtents_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::halfExtents ); AABox_exposer.def( "halfExtents" , halfExtents_function_value , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() , "" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::intersects typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*intersects_function_type)( ::SireVol::AABox const & ) const; intersects_function_type intersects_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::intersects ); AABox_exposer.def( "intersects" , intersects_function_value , ( bp::arg("other") ) , "Return whether this box intersects with box" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::isEmpty typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*isEmpty_function_type)( ) const; isEmpty_function_type isEmpty_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::isEmpty ); AABox_exposer.def( "isEmpty" , isEmpty_function_value , "Return if the AABox is empty" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::isNull typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*isNull_function_type)( ) const; isNull_function_type isNull_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::isNull ); AABox_exposer.def( "isNull" , isNull_function_value , "Return if the AABox is null" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::maxCoords typedef ::SireMaths::Vector ( ::SireVol::AABox::*maxCoords_function_type)( ) const; maxCoords_function_type maxCoords_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::maxCoords ); AABox_exposer.def( "maxCoords" , maxCoords_function_value , "" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::minCoords typedef ::SireMaths::Vector ( ::SireVol::AABox::*minCoords_function_type)( ) const; minCoords_function_type minCoords_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::minCoords ); AABox_exposer.def( "minCoords" , minCoords_function_value , "" ); } AABox_exposer.def( bp::self != bp::self ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::self + bp::self ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::self + bp::other< SireMaths::Vector >() ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::self + bp::other< QVector< SireMaths::Vector > >() ); { //::SireVol::AABox::operator= typedef ::SireVol::AABox const & ( ::SireVol::AABox::*assign_function_type)( ::SireVol::AABox const & ) ; assign_function_type assign_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::operator= ); AABox_exposer.def( "assign" , assign_function_value , ( bp::arg("other") ) , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() , "" ); } AABox_exposer.def( bp::self == bp::self ); { //::SireVol::AABox::radius typedef double ( ::SireVol::AABox::*radius_function_type)( ) const; radius_function_type radius_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::radius ); AABox_exposer.def( "radius" , radius_function_value , "" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::recalculate typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*recalculate_function_type)( ::SireVol::CoordGroupBase const & ) ; recalculate_function_type recalculate_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::recalculate ); AABox_exposer.def( "recalculate" , recalculate_function_value , ( bp::arg("coordgroup") ) , "Recalculate the AABox so that it completely encloses the CoordGroup coordgroup" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::recalculate typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*recalculate_function_type)( ::SireVol::CoordGroupArray const & ) ; recalculate_function_type recalculate_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::recalculate ); AABox_exposer.def( "recalculate" , recalculate_function_value , ( bp::arg("cgarray") ) , "Recalculate the AABox so that it completely encloses the CoordGroups\nin the array cgarray" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::recalculate typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*recalculate_function_type)( ::SireVol::CoordGroupArrayArray const & ) ; recalculate_function_type recalculate_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::recalculate ); AABox_exposer.def( "recalculate" , recalculate_function_value , ( bp::arg("cgarrays") ) , "Recalculate the AABox so that it completely encloses the CoordGroups\nin the arrays cgarrays" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::recalculate typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*recalculate_function_type)( ::QVector< SireMaths::Vector > const & ) ; recalculate_function_type recalculate_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::recalculate ); AABox_exposer.def( "recalculate" , recalculate_function_value , ( bp::arg("coordinates") ) , "Recalculate the AABox so that it completely encloses the coordinates" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::toString typedef ::QString ( ::SireVol::AABox::*toString_function_type)( ) const; toString_function_type toString_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::toString ); AABox_exposer.def( "toString" , toString_function_value , "Return a string representation of this AABox" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::translate typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*translate_function_type)( ::SireMaths::Vector const & ) ; translate_function_type translate_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::translate ); AABox_exposer.def( "translate" , translate_function_value , ( bp::arg("delta") ) , "Translate this AABox by delta" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::typeName typedef char const * ( *typeName_function_type )( ); typeName_function_type typeName_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::typeName ); AABox_exposer.def( "typeName" , typeName_function_value , "" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::what typedef char const * ( ::SireVol::AABox::*what_function_type)( ) const; what_function_type what_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::what ); AABox_exposer.def( "what" , what_function_value , "" ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::withinDistance typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*withinDistance_function_type)( double,::SireVol::AABox const & ) const; withinDistance_function_type withinDistance_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::withinDistance ); AABox_exposer.def( "withinDistance" , withinDistance_function_value , ( bp::arg("dist"), bp::arg("box") ) , "Return whether or not this box is within dist of box box.\n(using infinite cartesian axes)" ); } AABox_exposer.staticmethod( "from" ); AABox_exposer.staticmethod( "typeName" ); AABox_exposer.def( "__copy__", &__copy__); AABox_exposer.def( "__deepcopy__", &__copy__); AABox_exposer.def( "clone", &__copy__); AABox_exposer.def( "__rlshift__", &__rlshift__QDataStream< ::SireVol::AABox >, bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() ); AABox_exposer.def( "__rrshift__", &__rrshift__QDataStream< ::SireVol::AABox >, bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() ); AABox_exposer.def( "__str__", &__str__< ::SireVol::AABox > ); AABox_exposer.def( "__repr__", &__str__< ::SireVol::AABox > ); } }
void register_AABox_class(){ { //::SireVol::AABox typedef bp::class_< SireVol::AABox > AABox_exposer_t; AABox_exposer_t AABox_exposer = AABox_exposer_t( "AABox", bp::init< >() ); bp::scope AABox_scope( AABox_exposer ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::Vector const & >(( bp::arg("point") )) ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::Vector const &, SireMaths::Vector const & >(( bp::arg("cent"), bp::arg("extents") )) ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< QVector< SireMaths::Vector > const & >(( bp::arg("coordinates") )) ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::Vector const *, int >(( bp::arg("coords"), bp::arg("ncoords") )) ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireVol::CoordGroupBase const & >(( bp::arg("coordgroup") )) ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireVol::CoordGroupArray const & >(( bp::arg("cgarray") )) ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::init< SireVol::CoordGroupArrayArray const & >(( bp::arg("cgarrays") )) ); { //::SireVol::AABox::add typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*add_function_type )( ::SireVol::AABox const & ) ; add_function_type add_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::add ); AABox_exposer.def( "add" , add_function_value , ( bp::arg("other") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::add typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*add_function_type )( ::SireMaths::Vector const & ) ; add_function_type add_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::add ); AABox_exposer.def( "add" , add_function_value , ( bp::arg("point") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::add typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*add_function_type )( ::QVector< SireMaths::Vector > const & ) ; add_function_type add_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::add ); AABox_exposer.def( "add" , add_function_value , ( bp::arg("points") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::boundingSphere typedef ::SireMaths::Sphere ( ::SireVol::AABox::*boundingSphere_function_type )( ) const; boundingSphere_function_type boundingSphere_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::boundingSphere ); AABox_exposer.def( "boundingSphere" , boundingSphere_function_value ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::center typedef ::SireMaths::Vector const & ( ::SireVol::AABox::*center_function_type )( ) const; center_function_type center_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::center ); AABox_exposer.def( "center" , center_function_value , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::contains typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*contains_function_type )( ::SireVol::AABox const & ) const; contains_function_type contains_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::contains ); AABox_exposer.def( "contains" , contains_function_value , ( bp::arg("other") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::contains typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*contains_function_type )( ::SireMaths::Vector const & ) const; contains_function_type contains_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::contains ); AABox_exposer.def( "contains" , contains_function_value , ( bp::arg("point") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::SireMaths::Vector const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("point") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::SireVol::CoordGroupBase const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("coordgroup") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::SireVol::CoordGroupArray const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("cgarray") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::SireVol::CoordGroupArrayArray const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("cgarrays") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::QVector< SireMaths::Vector > const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("coords") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::from typedef ::SireVol::AABox ( *from_function_type )( ::SireMaths::Vector const &,::SireMaths::Vector const & ); from_function_type from_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::from ); AABox_exposer.def( "from" , from_function_value , ( bp::arg("mincoords"), bp::arg("maxcoords") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::halfExtents typedef ::SireMaths::Vector const & ( ::SireVol::AABox::*halfExtents_function_type )( ) const; halfExtents_function_type halfExtents_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::halfExtents ); AABox_exposer.def( "halfExtents" , halfExtents_function_value , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::intersects typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*intersects_function_type )( ::SireVol::AABox const & ) const; intersects_function_type intersects_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::intersects ); AABox_exposer.def( "intersects" , intersects_function_value , ( bp::arg("other") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::isEmpty typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*isEmpty_function_type )( ) const; isEmpty_function_type isEmpty_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::isEmpty ); AABox_exposer.def( "isEmpty" , isEmpty_function_value ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::isNull typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*isNull_function_type )( ) const; isNull_function_type isNull_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::isNull ); AABox_exposer.def( "isNull" , isNull_function_value ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::maxCoords typedef ::SireMaths::Vector ( ::SireVol::AABox::*maxCoords_function_type )( ) const; maxCoords_function_type maxCoords_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::maxCoords ); AABox_exposer.def( "maxCoords" , maxCoords_function_value ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::minCoords typedef ::SireMaths::Vector ( ::SireVol::AABox::*minCoords_function_type )( ) const; minCoords_function_type minCoords_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::minCoords ); AABox_exposer.def( "minCoords" , minCoords_function_value ); } AABox_exposer.def( bp::self != bp::self ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::self + bp::self ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::self + bp::other< SireMaths::Vector >() ); AABox_exposer.def( bp::self + bp::other< QVector< SireMaths::Vector > >() ); { //::SireVol::AABox::operator= typedef ::SireVol::AABox const & ( ::SireVol::AABox::*assign_function_type )( ::SireVol::AABox const & ) ; assign_function_type assign_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::operator= ); AABox_exposer.def( "assign" , assign_function_value , ( bp::arg("other") ) , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() ); } AABox_exposer.def( bp::self == bp::self ); { //::SireVol::AABox::radius typedef double ( ::SireVol::AABox::*radius_function_type )( ) const; radius_function_type radius_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::radius ); AABox_exposer.def( "radius" , radius_function_value ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::recalculate typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*recalculate_function_type )( ::SireVol::CoordGroupBase const & ) ; recalculate_function_type recalculate_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::recalculate ); AABox_exposer.def( "recalculate" , recalculate_function_value , ( bp::arg("coordgroup") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::recalculate typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*recalculate_function_type )( ::SireVol::CoordGroupArray const & ) ; recalculate_function_type recalculate_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::recalculate ); AABox_exposer.def( "recalculate" , recalculate_function_value , ( bp::arg("cgarray") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::recalculate typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*recalculate_function_type )( ::SireVol::CoordGroupArrayArray const & ) ; recalculate_function_type recalculate_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::recalculate ); AABox_exposer.def( "recalculate" , recalculate_function_value , ( bp::arg("cgarrays") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::recalculate typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*recalculate_function_type )( ::QVector< SireMaths::Vector > const & ) ; recalculate_function_type recalculate_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::recalculate ); AABox_exposer.def( "recalculate" , recalculate_function_value , ( bp::arg("coordinates") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::toString typedef ::QString ( ::SireVol::AABox::*toString_function_type )( ) const; toString_function_type toString_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::toString ); AABox_exposer.def( "toString" , toString_function_value ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::translate typedef void ( ::SireVol::AABox::*translate_function_type )( ::SireMaths::Vector const & ) ; translate_function_type translate_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::translate ); AABox_exposer.def( "translate" , translate_function_value , ( bp::arg("delta") ) ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::typeName typedef char const * ( *typeName_function_type )( ); typeName_function_type typeName_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::typeName ); AABox_exposer.def( "typeName" , typeName_function_value ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::what typedef char const * ( ::SireVol::AABox::*what_function_type )( ) const; what_function_type what_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::what ); AABox_exposer.def( "what" , what_function_value ); } { //::SireVol::AABox::withinDistance typedef bool ( ::SireVol::AABox::*withinDistance_function_type )( double,::SireVol::AABox const & ) const; withinDistance_function_type withinDistance_function_value( &::SireVol::AABox::withinDistance ); AABox_exposer.def( "withinDistance" , withinDistance_function_value , ( bp::arg("dist"), bp::arg("box") ) ); } AABox_exposer.staticmethod( "from" ); AABox_exposer.staticmethod( "typeName" ); AABox_exposer.def( "__copy__", &__copy__); AABox_exposer.def( "__deepcopy__", &__copy__); AABox_exposer.def( "clone", &__copy__); AABox_exposer.def( "__rlshift__", &__rlshift__QDataStream< ::SireVol::AABox >, bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() ); AABox_exposer.def( "__rrshift__", &__rrshift__QDataStream< ::SireVol::AABox >, bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() ); AABox_exposer.def( "__str__", &__str__< ::SireVol::AABox > ); AABox_exposer.def( "__repr__", &__str__< ::SireVol::AABox > ); } }