コード例 #1
void RegistrationImplService::applyPatientRegistration(Transform3D rMpr_new, QString description)
	RegistrationTransform regTrans(rMpr_new, QDateTime::currentDateTime(), description);
	regTrans.mFixed = mFixedData;

	mPatientModelService->updateRegistration_rMpr(mLastRegistrationTime, regTrans);

	mLastRegistrationTime = regTrans.mTimestamp;
	reportSuccess(QString("Patient registration [%1] has been performed.").arg(description));
コード例 #2
void RegistrationImplService::applyImage2ImageRegistration(Transform3D delta_pre_rMd, QString description)
	RegistrationTransform regTrans(delta_pre_rMd, QDateTime::currentDateTime(), description);
	regTrans.mFixed = mFixedData;
	regTrans.mMoving = mMovingData;

	this->updateRegistration(mLastRegistrationTime, regTrans, this->getMovingData());

	mLastRegistrationTime = regTrans.mTimestamp;
	reportSuccess(QString("Image registration [%1] has been performed on %2").arg(description).arg(regTrans.mMoving) );
コード例 #3
	void updateRegistration(cx::DataPtr fixed, cx::DataPtr moving, cx::Transform3D delta_pre_rMd)
		QDateTime oldTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();

		cx::RegistrationTransform regTrans(delta_pre_rMd, QDateTime::currentDateTime(), "test");
		regTrans.mFixed = fixed->getUid();
		regTrans.mMoving = moving->getUid();

		cx::RegistrationApplicator applicator(mData);
		applicator.updateRegistration(oldTime, regTrans);
コード例 #4
/**\brief Identical to doFastRegistration_Orientation(), except data does not move.
 * When applying a new transform to the patient orientation, all data is moved
 * the the inverse of that value, thus giving a net zero change along the path
 * pr...d_i.
void RegistrationImplService::applyPatientOrientation(const Transform3D& tMtm, const Transform3D& prMt)
	Transform3D rMpr = mPatientModelService->get_rMpr();

	//create a marked(m) space tm, which is related to tool space (t) as follows:
	//the tool is defined in DICOM space such that
	//the tool points toward the patients feet and the spheres faces the same
	//direction as the nose
	Transform3D tMpr = prMt.inv();

	// this is the new patient registration:
	Transform3D tmMpr = tMtm * tMpr;
	// the change in pat reg becomes:
	Transform3D F = tmMpr * rMpr.inv();

	QString description("Patient Orientation");

	QDateTime oldTime = this->getLastRegistrationTime(); // time of previous reg
	this->applyPatientRegistration(tmMpr, description);

	// now apply the inverse of F to all data,
	// thus ensuring the total path from pr to d_i is unchanged:
	Transform3D delta_pre_rMd = F;

	// use the same registration time as generated in the applyPatientRegistration() above:
	RegistrationTransform regTrans(delta_pre_rMd, this->getLastRegistrationTime(), description);

	std::map<QString,DataPtr> data = mPatientModelService->getData();
	// update the transform on all target data:
	for (std::map<QString,DataPtr>::iterator iter = data.begin(); iter!=data.end(); ++iter)
		DataPtr current = iter->second;
		RegistrationTransform newTransform = regTrans;
		newTransform.mValue = regTrans.mValue * current->get_rMd();
		current->get_rMd_History()->updateRegistration(oldTime, newTransform);

		report("Updated registration of data " + current->getName());
		std::cout << "rMd_new\n" << newTransform.mValue << std::endl;


	reportSuccess("Patient Orientation has been performed");