コード例 #1
ファイル: patrol_commands.c プロジェクト: quakenet/newserv
void _init(void) {
  registercontrolhelpcmd("patroljoin", NO_OPER, 1, &pc_cmd_patroljoin, "Usage: patroljoin <channel>\nJoins a patrol client to a channel.");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("patrolpart", NO_OPER, 1, &pc_cmd_patrolpart, "Usage: patrolpart <#id>\nRemoves a patrol client from a channel.");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("patrollist", NO_OPER, 0, &pc_cmd_patrollist, "Usage: patrollist\nLists patrol channels.");

  schedulerecurring(time(NULL) + 5, 0, 10, &pc_sched_check, NULL);
コード例 #2
ファイル: luacontrol.c プロジェクト: quakenet/newserv
void lua_startcontrol(void) {
  registercontrolhelpcmd("inslua", NO_DEVELOPER, 1, &lua_inslua, "Usage: inslua <script>\nLoads the supplied Lua script..");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("rmlua", NO_DEVELOPER, 1, &lua_rmlua, "Usage: rmlua <script>\nUnloads the supplied Lua script.");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("reloadlua", NO_DEVELOPER, 1, &lua_reloadlua, "Usage: reloadlua <script>\nReloads the supplied Lua script.");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("lslua", NO_DEVELOPER, 0, &lua_lslua, "Usage: lslua\nLists all currently loaded Lua scripts and shows their memory usage.");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("forcegc", NO_DEVELOPER, 1, &lua_forcegc, "Usage: forcegc ?script?\nForces a full garbage collection for a specific script (if supplied), all scripts otherwise.");
  registerhook(HOOK_CORE_STATSREQUEST, lua_controlstatus);
コード例 #3
ファイル: trusts_commands.c プロジェクト: quakenet/newserv
static void registercommands(int hooknum, void *arg) {
  commandsregistered = 1;

  registercontrolhelpcmd("trustlist", NO_OPER, 2, trusts_cmdtrustlist, "Usage: trustlist [-v] <#id|name|IP|&qid>\nShows trust data for the specified trust group.");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("trustlistrelay", NO_RELAY, 2, trusts_cmdtrustlist, "Same as trustlist, but for the relay.");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("trustglinesuggest", NO_OPER, 1, trusts_cmdtrustglinesuggest, "Usage: trustglinesuggest <user@host>\nSuggests glines for the specified hostmask.");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("trustspew", NO_OPER, 1, trusts_cmdtrustspew, "Usage: trustspew <#id|name>\nShows currently connected users for the specified trust group.");
コード例 #4
ファイル: fakeusers.c プロジェクト: quakenet/newserv
void _init() {
  if (!fakeuser_loaddb()) {
    Error("fakeuser", ERR_FATAL, "Cannot load database");

  registercontrolhelpcmd("fakeuser", NO_OPER, 4, &fakeadd, "Usage: FAKEUSER nick <ident> <host> <realname>\nCreates a fake user.");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("fakelist", NO_OPER, 0, &fakelist, "Usage: FAKELIST\nLists all fake users.");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("fakekill", NO_OPER, 2, &fakekill, "Usage: FAKEKILL nick\nRemoves a fake user");
コード例 #5
ファイル: splitlist_commands.c プロジェクト: quakenet/newserv
void _init(void) {
  registercontrolhelpcmd("splitlist", NO_STAFF, 0, &spcmd_splitlist, "Usage: splitlist\nLists servers currently split from the network.");
  registercontrolcmd("splitdel", 10, 1, &spcmd_splitdel);
  registercontrolhelpcmd("splitadd", 10, 3, &spcmd_splitadd,
      "Usage: splitadd <servername> [+flags] [split time as unix timestamp]\n"
      " Adds a server as split from the network.\n"
      " Flags:\n"
      "  +c: Client server\n"
      "  +h: Hub server\n"
      "  +s: Service\n"
      "  +Q: Q/CServe\n"
      "  +S: S/spamscan\n"
      "  +X: Other critical service\n"
      " If no flags are given, an attempt to figure them out based on name\n"
      " will be made, but it's likely not a good one.");
コード例 #6
void relayfinishinit(int hooknum, void *arg) {
  sstring *s;

  deregisterhook(HOOK_CHANSERV_DBLOADED, relayfinishinit);

  registercontrolhelpcmd("checkhashpass", NO_RELAY, 3, csa_docheckhashpass, "Usage: checkhashpass <username> <digest> ?junk?");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("settempemail", NO_RELAY, 2, csa_dosettempemail, "Usage: settempemail <userid> <email address>");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("setemail", NO_RELAY, 3, csa_dosetemail, "Usage: setmail <userid> <timestamp> <email address>");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("resendemail", NO_RELAY, 1, csa_doresendemail, "Usage: resendemail <userid>");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("activateuser", NO_RELAY, 1, csa_doactivateuser, "Usage: activateuser <userid>");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("addchan", NO_RELAY, 3, csa_doaddchan, "Usage: addchan <channel> <userid> <channel type>");

  if(!s || !s->content || !s->content[0]) {
    Error("chanserv_relay",ERR_WARNING,"createaccountsecret not set, createaccount disabled.");
  } else if(s->length != KEY_BITS / 8 * 2 || !hex_to_int(s->content, createaccountsecret, sizeof(createaccountsecret))) {
    Error("chanserv_relay",ERR_WARNING,"createaccountsecret must be a %d character hex string.", KEY_BITS / 8 * 2);
  } else {
    registercontrolhelpcmd("createaccount", NO_RELAY, 5, csa_docreateaccount, "Usage: createaccount <execute> <username> <email address> <encrypted password> <activate user>");
    createaccountsecret_ok = 1;

コード例 #7
ファイル: fsck.c プロジェクト: quakenet/newserv
void _init() {
  registercontrolhelpcmd("fsck",NO_DEVELOPER,0,dofsck, "Usage: fsck\nRuns internal structure check.");
コード例 #8
ファイル: jupe_commands.c プロジェクト: quakenet/newserv
void _init(void) {
  registercontrolhelpcmd("addjupe", NO_OPER, 3, ju_addjupe, "Usage: addjupe <servername> <duration> <reason>");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("activatejupe", NO_OPER, 1, ju_activatejupe, "Usage: activatejupe <servername>");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("deactivatejupe", NO_OPER, 1, ju_deactivatejupe, "Usage: deactivatejupe <servername>");
  registercontrolhelpcmd("jupelist", NO_OPER, 0, ju_jupelist, "Usage: jupelist");
コード例 #9
ファイル: settime.c プロジェクト: quakenet/newserv
void _init()
    settime_schedule = schedulerecurring(time(NULL) + 300, 0, 1800, &settime_sendsettime, NULL);
    registercontrolhelpcmd("settime",NO_DEVELOPER,0,&settime_cmd,"Usage: settime\nForce send a settime to network.");

コード例 #10
ファイル: carrot.c プロジェクト: quakenet/newserv
void _init() {
  registercontrolhelpcmd("carrot",NO_OPERED,2,ca_carrot,"Usage: carrot <#channel|user> ?user?");