int Lobby::runScene(){ RenderManager::getRenderManager()->setBackground("Lobby_bg.png"); // number of players in lobby createPlayerCount(); // creating buttons createButtons(); createClassButts(); createSlots(); while (true){ updateLobby(); checkButtons(); changePlayerSelectionImage(); // try to start the game if everyone is ready if (numPlayers == numPlayersReady) { NetworkManager::sInstance->TryReadyGame(); } // start the game if (NetworkManager::sInstance->GetState() >= NetworkManager::NMS_Starting){ removeAllButtons(); SceneManager::GetSceneManager()->AssembleScene(); return SCENE_GAME; } } }
void DisconectedView::init() { removeAllButtons(); setBordered(true); setAllowResize(false); resize(screen->getWidth(),screen->getHeight()); moveTo(0,0); int bsize = Surface::getTextLength(" ") * 8; addButtonCenterText(iXY((getClientRect().getSizeX()/2)-(bsize/2), (getClientRect().getSizeY()/2)+(Surface::getFontHeight() * 2)), bsize, "Ok", "", buttonOk); }
// init //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AreYouSureResignView::init() { removeAllButtons(); setBordered(false); setAllowResize(false); setDisplayStatusBar(false); resize(screen->getPix()); moveTo(0,0); int x = (getClientRect().getSize().x - (141 * 2 + 20)) / 2; int y = getClientRect().getSize().y/2 + 30; addSpecialButton( iXY(x, y), "YES", bYES); x += 141 + 10; addSpecialButton( iXY(x, y), "NO", bNO); } // end AreYouSureResignView::init
// init //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AreYouSureExitView::init() { removeAllButtons(); setBordered(false); setAllowResize(false); setDisplayStatusBar(false); moveTo(0, 0); resize(SCREEN_PIX); int x = (getClientRect().getSize().x - (141 * 2 + 20)) / 2; int y = SCREEN_YCENTER + 30; addSpecialButton( iXY(x, y), "YES", bYES); x += 141 + 10; addSpecialButton( iXY(x, y), "NO", bNO); } // end AreYouSureExitView::init
// initButtons //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OptionsTemplateView::initButtons() { removeAllButtons(); removeComponents(); MenuTemplateView::initButtons(); int xTextStart = bodyTextRect.min.x; int x = xTextStart; int y = bodyTextRect.min.y; int yOffset = 17; int arrowButtonWidth = 16; int col = 200; // Settings //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int minWidth = 19 * 8; add( new Separator( bodyTextRect.min.x, y, bodyTextRect.max.x, "VISUAL", componentActiveTextColor) ); y += yOffset; x = xTextStart; checkBoxFullscreen = new CheckBox(); checkBoxFullscreen->setLabel("Fullscreen"); checkBoxFullscreen->setLocation(x+ col, y); checkBoxFullscreen->setStateChangedCallback(this); add(checkBoxFullscreen); y += yOffset; x = xTextStart; checkBoxDrawAllShadows = new CheckBox(); checkBoxDrawAllShadows->setLabel("Draw All Shadows"); checkBoxDrawAllShadows->setState(GameConfig::video_shadows); checkBoxDrawAllShadows->setLocation(x+ col, y); checkBoxDrawAllShadows->setStateChangedCallback(this); add(checkBoxDrawAllShadows); x = xTextStart; char res_str[20]; choiceResolution = new Choice(); choiceResolution->setName("Resolution"); choiceResolution->addItem("current"); SDL_Rect** modes = SDL_ListModes(0, SDL_FULLSCREEN); int cur_mode = 0; if ( modes && modes != (SDL_Rect**)-1 ) { while ( modes[cur_mode] ) { if ((modes[cur_mode]->w > 799) && (modes[cur_mode]->h > 599) ) { snprintf(res_str,sizeof(res_str),"%dx%d", modes[cur_mode]->w, modes[cur_mode]->h); res_str[sizeof(res_str)-1] = 0; choiceResolution->addItem(res_str); } ++cur_mode; } } choiceResolution->setLocation(x, y-3); choiceResolution->select(0); choiceResolution->setMinWidth(minWidth); choiceResolution->setStateChangedCallback(this); add(choiceResolution); current_width = 0; current_height = 0; y += yOffset; x = xTextStart; checkBoxBlendSmoke = new CheckBox(); checkBoxBlendSmoke->setLabel("Blend Smoke"); checkBoxBlendSmoke->setState(GameConfig::video_blendsmoke); checkBoxBlendSmoke->setLocation(x+ col, y); checkBoxBlendSmoke->setStateChangedCallback(this); add(checkBoxBlendSmoke); y += yOffset; #ifdef _WIN32 x = xTextStart; checkBoxUseDirectX = new CheckBox(); checkBoxUseDirectX->setLabel("Use DirectX"); checkBoxUseDirectX->setState(GameConfig::video_usedirectx); checkBoxUseDirectX->setLocation(x+ col, y); checkBoxUseDirectX->setStateChangedCallback(this); add(checkBoxUseDirectX); #endif x = xTextStart; choiceMiniMapUnitSize = new Choice(); choiceMiniMapUnitSize->setName("Mini Map Unit Size"); choiceMiniMapUnitSize->addItem("Small"); choiceMiniMapUnitSize->addItem("Large"); choiceMiniMapUnitSize->setLocation(x, y); choiceMiniMapUnitSize->select(gameconfig->radar_unitsize); choiceMiniMapUnitSize->setMinWidth(minWidth); choiceMiniMapUnitSize->setStateChangedCallback(this); add(choiceMiniMapUnitSize); y += yOffset*2; // VISUAL OPTIONS add( new Separator( bodyTextRect.min.x, y, bodyTextRect.max.x, "INTERFACE", componentActiveTextColor) ); y += yOffset; x = xTextStart; add( new Label( x, y+3, "Scroll Rate:", windowTextColor) ); x += optionsMeterStartX; addButtonCenterText(iXY(x - 1, y), arrowButtonWidth, "<", "", bDecreaseScrollRate); x += optionsMeterWidth + arrowButtonWidth; addButtonCenterText(iXY(x + 1, y), arrowButtonWidth, ">", "", bIncreaseScrollRate); y += yOffset*3; // SOUND OPTIONS add( new Separator( bodyTextRect.min.x, y, bodyTextRect.max.x, "SOUND", componentActiveTextColor) ); y += yOffset; x = xTextStart; add( new Label( x, y, "Sound Status:", windowTextColor) ); checkBoxSoundEnabled = new CheckBox(); checkBoxSoundEnabled->setLabel(gameconfig->enablesound?"Enabled":"Disabled"); checkBoxSoundEnabled->setState(gameconfig->enablesound); x += optionsMeterStartX; checkBoxSoundEnabled->setLocation(x, y-2); checkBoxSoundEnabled->setStateChangedCallback(this); add(checkBoxSoundEnabled); y += yOffset; x = xTextStart; add( new Label( x, y+3, "Sound Volume:", windowTextColor) ); x += optionsMeterStartX; addButtonCenterText(iXY(x - 1, y), arrowButtonWidth, "<", "", bDecreaseSoundVolume); x += optionsMeterWidth + arrowButtonWidth; addButtonCenterText(iXY(x + 1, y), arrowButtonWidth, ">", "", bIncreaseSoundVolume); y += yOffset; y += yOffset; x = xTextStart; add( new Label( x, y, "Music Status:", windowTextColor) ); checkBoxMusicEnabled = new CheckBox(); checkBoxMusicEnabled->setLabel(gameconfig->enablemusic?"Enabled":"Disabled"); checkBoxMusicEnabled->setState(gameconfig->enablemusic); x += optionsMeterStartX; checkBoxMusicEnabled->setLocation(x, y-2); checkBoxMusicEnabled->setStateChangedCallback(this); add(checkBoxMusicEnabled); y += yOffset; x = xTextStart; add( new Label( x, y+3, "Music Volume:", windowTextColor) ); x += optionsMeterStartX; addButtonCenterText(iXY(x - 1, y), arrowButtonWidth, "<", "", bDecreaseMusicVolume); x += optionsMeterWidth + arrowButtonWidth; addButtonCenterText(iXY(x + 1, y), arrowButtonWidth, ">", "", bIncreaseMusicVolume); y += yOffset; } // end OptionsTemplateView::initButtons
LobbyMenu::~LobbyMenu(){ removeAllButtons(); removePlayerCount(); SceneManager::GetSceneManager()->AssembleScene(); }
void CNativeToolbar::createToolbar(rho_param *p) { if (!rho_rhodesapp_check_mode() || !rho_wmsys_has_touchscreen() ) return; int bar_type = TOOLBAR_TYPE; m_rgbBackColor = RGB(220,220,220); m_rgbMaskColor = RGB(255,255,255); m_nHeight = MIN_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT; rho_param *params = NULL; switch (p->type) { case RHO_PARAM_ARRAY: params = p; break; case RHO_PARAM_HASH: { for (int i = 0, lim = p->v.hash->size; i < lim; ++i) { const char *name = p->v.hash->name[i]; rho_param *value = p->v.hash->value[i]; if (strcasecmp(name, "background_color") == 0) m_rgbBackColor = getColorFromString(value->v.string); else if (strcasecmp(name, "mask_color") == 0) m_rgbMaskColor = getColorFromString(value->v.string); else if (strcasecmp(name, "view_height") == 0) m_nHeight = atoi(value->v.string); else if (strcasecmp(name, "buttons") == 0 || strcasecmp(name, "tabs") == 0) params = value; } } break; default: { LOG(ERROR) + "Unexpected parameter type for create_nativebar, should be Array or Hash"; return; } } if (!params) { LOG(ERROR) + "Wrong parameters for create_nativebar"; return; } int size = params->v.array->size; if ( size == 0 ) { removeToolbar(); return; } if ( m_hWnd ) { removeAllButtons(); }else { RECT rcToolbar; rcToolbar.left = 0; rcToolbar.right = 0; = 0; rcToolbar.bottom = m_nHeight; Create(getAppWindow().m_hWnd, rcToolbar, NULL, WS_CHILD|CCS_NOPARENTALIGN|CCS_NORESIZE|CCS_NOMOVEY|CCS_BOTTOM|CCS_NODIVIDER | TBSTYLE_FLAT |TBSTYLE_LIST|TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT ); //TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE SetButtonStructSize(); } for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { rho_param *hash = params->v.array->value[i]; if (hash->type != RHO_PARAM_HASH) { LOG(ERROR) + "Unexpected type of array item for create_nativebar, should be Hash"; return; } const char *label = NULL; const char *action = NULL; const char *icon = NULL; const char *colored_icon = NULL; int nItemWidth = 0; for (int j = 0, lim = hash->v.hash->size; j < lim; ++j) { const char *name = hash->v.hash->name[j]; rho_param *value = hash->v.hash->value[j]; if (value->type != RHO_PARAM_STRING) { LOG(ERROR) + "Unexpected '" + name + "' type, should be String"; return; } if (strcasecmp(name, "label") == 0) label = value->v.string; else if (strcasecmp(name, "action") == 0) action = value->v.string; else if (strcasecmp(name, "icon") == 0) icon = value->v.string; else if (strcasecmp(name, "colored_icon") == 0) colored_icon = value->v.string; else if (strcasecmp(name, "width") == 0) nItemWidth = atoi(value->v.string); } if (label == NULL && bar_type == TOOLBAR_TYPE) label = ""; if ( label == NULL || action == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) + "Illegal argument for create_nativebar"; return; } if ( strcasecmp(action, "forward") == 0 && rho_conf_getBool("jqtouch_mode") ) continue; m_arButtons.addElement( new CToolbarBtn(label, action, icon, nItemWidth) ); } CSize sizeMax = getMaxImageSize(); m_nHeight = max(m_nHeight,; int nBtnSize = m_nHeight-MIN_TOOLBAR_IDENT; SetButtonSize(max(nBtnSize,, max(nBtnSize,; SetBitmapSize(,; m_listImages.Create(,, ILC_MASK|ILC_COLOR32, m_arButtons.size(), 0); SetImageList(m_listImages); for ( int i = 0; i < (int)m_arButtons.size(); i++ ) addToolbarButton( *m_arButtons.elementAt(i), i ); AutoSize(); alignSeparatorWidth(); ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); #if defined (OS_WINDOWS) RECT rcWnd; getAppWindow().GetWindowRect(&rcWnd); getAppWindow().SetWindowPos( 0, 0,0,rcWnd.right-rcWnd.left-1,, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_FRAMECHANGED); getAppWindow().SetWindowPos( 0, 0,0,rcWnd.right-rcWnd.left,, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_FRAMECHANGED); #else getAppWindow().SetWindowPos( 0, 0,0,0,0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_FRAMECHANGED); #endif }
void CNativeToolbar::OnFinalMessage(HWND /*hWnd*/) { removeAllButtons(); }