Creature* TimeQueue::getMinCreature() { CHECK(creatures.size() > 0); removeDead(); QElem elem =; if (elem.time == elem.creature->getTime()) return elem.creature; else { queue.pop(); removeDead(); queue.push({elem.creature, elem.creature->getTime()}); CHECK(>getTime() ==; return; } }
void Room::update(float time, glm::vec3 player_pos) { /*CREACION DE BALAS*/ for (Enemy *enemy : enemies){ if (enemy->type() == 3 and ((Arbok*)enemy)->isShooting()){ // Arbok, puede tener una bala glm::vec3 dirBullet = glm::normalize(player_pos - enemy->position()); glm::vec3 posBullet = enemy->position() + dirBullet * enemy->radius() * 2.0f; enemies.push_back(new Bullet(posBullet,dirBullet,0,enemy->getPower()*2,enemy->radius())); } // otro enemigo dispara 8 balas } /*REBOTE EN LAS PAREDES */ for (Enemy *enemy : enemies) { glm::vec3 nextpos = enemy->stepTest(time, player_pos); RoomWhere npos = where(nextpos.x, nextpos.z, enemy->radius()); if (npos == CAN_BE and !enemiesCollision(enemy,nextpos)) enemy->step(); else if(npos == COLLISION and enemy->type() == 4) enemy->step(); else if (npos == E_COLLISION or npos == W_COLLISION) enemy->reflectDirection(-1,1); else if (npos == N_COLLISION or npos == S_COLLISION) enemy->reflectDirection(1,-1); else if (npos > CAN_BE and enemy->type() == 4) //bala muere en las puertas enemy->receiveImpact(1); } /*calcular colisiones de las balas*/ for (Enemy *enemy : enemies) { int damage = bulletCollision(enemy); if (damage>0) enemy->receiveImpact(damage); } for (ParticleEngine *pe : particles) pe->step(time); removeDead(); }
/*runs the physics simulation until it is stopped*/ void MyLevel::run(){ { Lock l(runningMutex); running=true; } float32 timeStep = 1.0f / stepsPerSecond;//seconds int32 velocityIterations = 6; int32 positionIterations = 2; LOG(INFO)<<"physics simulation of level started"; bool bossEncounterStarted=false; try{ while(isRunning()){ if(!bossEncounterStarted && bossEncounter){ bossEncounterStarted=true; startBossEncounter(); } moveScreen(); removeDead(); createNewObjects(); world.Step(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations); tickAll(timeStep); redrawForClient(); respawnAll(); //if no megamans left exit if(allMegamansDead()){ LOG(INFO)<<"all megamans dead"; game->notify(new LevelFinished(LOST,id)); this->stop(); } usleep(timeStep* 1000000 ); } }catch(std::exception& e){ LOG(ERROR)<<e.what(); } LOG(INFO)<<"physics simulation of level stopped"; }
void optimize(SYMBOL *funcsp) { //printf("optimization start\n"); if (chosenAssembler->gen->pre_gcse) chosenAssembler->gen->pre_gcse(intermed_head); #ifdef DUMP_GCSE_INFO if (icdFile && funcsp) fprintf(icdFile, "\n*************************FUNCTION %s********************************\n", funcsp->name); #endif /* * icode optimizations goes here. Note that LCSE is done through * DAG construction during the actual construction of the blocks * so it is already done at this point. * * Order IS important!!!!!!!!! be careful!!!!! * * note that some of these optimizations make changes to the code, * with the exception of the actual global optimization pass we are * never really deleting dead code at the time we make changes * becase we aren't 100% certain what will really be dead * we do separate dead-code passes occasionally to clean it up */ /* Global opts */ flows_and_doms(); gatherLocalInfo(funcsp); if (cparams.prm_optimize && !functionHasAssembly) { Precolor(); RearrangePrecolors(); //printf("ssa\n"); TranslateToSSA(); //printf("const\n"); if (optflags & OPT_CONSTANT) { ConstantFlow(); /* propagate constants */ RemoveInfiniteThunks(); // RemoveCriticalThunks(); doms_only(FALSE); } // if (optflags & OPT_RESHAPE) // Reshape(); /* loop expression reshaping */ //printf("stren\n"); if (optflags & OPT_LSTRENGTH) ReduceLoopStrength(); /* loop index variable strength reduction */ //printf("invar\n"); if (optflags & OPT_INVARIANT) MoveLoopInvariants(); /* move loop invariants out of loops */ if (optflags & OPT_GLOBAL) { //printf("alias\n"); AliasPass1(); } //printf("ssa out\n"); TranslateFromSSA(FALSE); removeDead(blockArray[0]); // RemoveCriticalThunks(); if (optflags & OPT_GLOBAL) { //printf("alias 2\n"); AliasPass2(); //printf("global\n"); GlobalOptimization(); /* partial redundancy, code motion */ AliasRundown(); } //printf("end opt\n"); RemoveCriticalThunks(); removeDead(blockArray[0]); RemoveInfiniteThunks(); } else { RemoveCriticalThunks(); RemoveInfiniteThunks(); } /* backend modifies ICODE to improve code generation */ if (chosenAssembler->gen->post_gcse) { chosenAssembler->gen->post_gcse(intermed_head); } /* register allocation - this first where we go into SSA form and backi s because * at this point for global allocation we had to reuse original * register names, but the register allocation phase works better * when registers are disentangled and have smaller lifetimes * * while we are back in SSA form we do some improvements to the code that will * help in register allocation and code generation. */ definesInfo(); liveVariables(); doms_only(TRUE); //printf("to ssa\n"); TranslateToSSA(); CalculateInduction(); /* lower for backend, e.g. do transformations that will improve the eventual * code gen, such as picking scaled indexed modes, moving constants, etc... */ //printf("prealloc\n"); Prealloc(1); //printf("from ssa\n"); TranslateFromSSA(TRUE); //printf("peep\n"); peep_icode(FALSE); /* peephole optimizations at the ICODE level */ RemoveCriticalThunks(); removeDead(blockArray[0]); /* remove dead blocks */ //printf("allocate\n"); /* now do the actual allocation */ AllocateRegisters(intermed_head); /* backend peephole optimization can sometimes benefit by knowing what is live */ //printf("live\n"); CalculateBackendLives(); sFree(); peep_icode(TRUE); /* we do branche opts last to not interfere with other opts */ //printf("optimzation done\n"); }
void removeDead(BLOCK *b) { static BRIGGS_SET *live; BITINT *p; int j,k; QUAD *tail; BLOCKLIST *bl; BOOL done = FALSE; if (b == blockArray[0]) { int i; liveVariables(); live = briggsAlloc(tempCount); for (i=0; i < blockCount; i++) if (blockArray[i]) { QUAD *tail = blockArray[i]->head; while (tail != blockArray[i]->tail->fwd) { tail->live = tail->alwayslive; tail = tail->fwd; } blockArray[i]->visiteddfst = FALSE; } } b->visiteddfst = TRUE; briggsClear(live); p = b->liveOut; for (j=0; j < (tempCount + BITINTBITS-1)/BITINTBITS; j++,p++) if (*p) for (k=0; k < BITINTBITS; k++) if (*p & (1 << k)) { briggsSet(live, j*BITINTBITS + k); } tail = b->tail; while (tail != b->head->back) { markLiveInstruction(live, tail); tail = tail->back; } bl = b->succ; while (bl) { if (!bl->block->visiteddfst) removeDead(bl->block); bl = bl->next; } if (b == blockArray[0]) { QUAD *head = intermed_head; BOOL changed = FALSE; int i; for (i=0; i < blockCount; i++) { BLOCK *b1 = blockArray[i]; if (b1) { QUAD *head = b1->head; while (head != b1->tail->fwd) { if (!head->live) { if (head->dc.opcode != i_block && !head->ignoreMe && head->dc.opcode != i_label) { changed = TRUE; RemoveInstruction(head); if (head->dc.opcode == i_coswitch || head->dc.opcode >= i_jne && head->dc.opcode <= i_jge)//FIXME && || { BLOCKLIST *bl = head->block->succ->next; head->block->succ->next = NULL; while (bl) { if (bl->block->critical) UnlinkCritical(bl->block); bl = bl->next; } } } } head = head->fwd; } } } if (changed) { removeDead(b); } } }