コード例 #1
std::pair<int,int> SudokuGenerator::randomCell (char** sudoku, std::vector<std::pair<int,int>>& cells) const {
    while (!cells.empty ()) {
        int pos = rand () % (int) cells.size();
        if (isEmpty (cells[pos].first, cells[pos].second, sudoku)) {
            std::pair<int,int> cell = cells[pos];
            removeFromCell (cells, pos);
            return cell;
        else {
            removeFromCell (cells, pos);
    return std::make_pair (-1,-1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: cellsShearing.cpp プロジェクト: dhouhadhouha/DynamO
  GCellsShearing::runEvent(Particle& part, const double) const

    size_t oldCell(partCellData[part.getID()]);
    magnet::math::MortonNumber<3> oldCellCoords(oldCell);
    Vector oldCellPosition(calcPosition(oldCellCoords));

    //Determine the cell transition direction, its saved
    int cellDirectionInt(Sim->dynamics->
			 getSquareCellCollision3(part, oldCellPosition, cellDimension));
    size_t cellDirection = abs(cellDirectionInt) - 1;

    magnet::math::MortonNumber<3> endCell = oldCellCoords; //The ID of the cell the particle enters

    if ((cellDirection == 1) &&
	(oldCellCoords[1] == ((cellDirectionInt < 0) ? 0 : (cellCount[1] - 1))))
	//We're wrapping in the y direction, we have to compute
	//which cell its entering
	endCell[1] = (endCell[1].getRealValue() + cellCount[1] 
		      + ((cellDirectionInt < 0) ?  -1 : 1)) % cellCount[1];

	//Remove the old x contribution
	//Calculate the final x value
	//Time till transition, assumes the particle is up to date
	double dt = Sim->dynamics->getSquareCellCollision2(part, oldCellPosition, cellDimension);
	//Predict the position of the particle in the x dimension
	Sim->dynamics->advanceUpdateParticle(part, dt);
	Vector tmpPos = part.getPosition();
	//This rewinds the particle again

	//Adding this extra half cell ensures we get into the next
	//simulation image, to calculate the position of the new cell
	tmpPos[1] += ((cellDirectionInt < 0) ? -0.5 : 0.5) * cellDimension[1];

	//Determine the x position (in cell coords) of the particle and
	//add it to the endCellID
	Sim->BCs->applyBC(tmpPos, dt);
	endCell[0] = getCellID(tmpPos)[0];

	addToCell(part.getID(), endCell.getMortonNum());
	//Get rid of the virtual event that is next, update is delayed till
	//after all events are added

	//Check the entire neighbourhood, could check just the new
	//neighbours and the extra LE neighbourhood strip but its a lot
	//of code
	if (isUsedInScheduler)
	    BOOST_FOREACH(const size_t& id2, getParticleNeighbours(part))
		Sim->ptrScheduler->addInteractionEvent(part, id2);

		BOOST_FOREACH(const nbHoodSlot& nbs, sigNewNeighbourNotify)
		  nbs.second(part, id2);