static void pid_file_clean (const char *pid_file) { char *pid_file_worker; cuint_t len; if (pid_file == NULL) return; /* Clean main choerkee pid file */ remove_pid_file (pid_file); /* Clean also "worker" pid file */ len = strlen (pid_file); pid_file_worker = (char *) malloc (len + 8); if (unlikely (pid_file_worker == NULL)) { return; } memcpy (pid_file_worker, pid_file, len); memcpy (pid_file_worker + len, ".worker\0", 8); remove_pid_file (pid_file_worker); free (pid_file_worker); }
void initialize_panel (int sig) { (void) sig; bindToGalax(); if (!ts) { fprintf(stderr, "error: ts_open\n"); remove_pid_file(); if (ioctl (fd_uinput, UI_DEV_DESTROY) < 0) die ("error: ioctl"); close (fd_uinput); exit(-1); } if (ts_config(ts)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: ts_config\n"); remove_pid_file(); if (ioctl (fd_uinput, UI_DEV_DESTROY) < 0) die ("error: ioctl"); close (fd_uinput); exit(-1); } }
void signal_handler(int sig) { (void) sig; set_keyboard_brightness_value(0); remove_pid_file(); printf("Killed!\n"); exit(1); }
void handle_falling_child() { struct plugins_list_entry *list = NULL; int j, ret; /* we first scan failed_plugins[] array for plugins failed during the startup phase: when we are building plugins_list, we cannot arbitrarily delete nodes (plugins) from it */ for (j = 0; j < MAX_N_PLUGINS; j++) { if (failed_plugins[j]) { list = search_plugin_by_pid(failed_plugins[j]); if (list) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN: connection lost to '%s-%s'; closing connection.\n", list->name, list->type.string); close(list->pipe[1]); delete_pipe_channel(list->pipe[1]); ret = delete_plugin_by_id(list->id); if (!ret) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN: no more plugins active. Shutting down.\n"); if (config.pidfile) remove_pid_file(config.pidfile); exit(1); } } failed_plugins[j] = 0; } else break; } j = waitpid(-1, 0, WNOHANG); list = search_plugin_by_pid(j); if (list) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN: connection lost to '%s-%s'; closing connection.\n", list->name, list->type.string); close(list->pipe[1]); delete_pipe_channel(list->pipe[1]); ret = delete_plugin_by_id(list->id); if (!ret) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN: no more plugins active. Shutting down.\n"); if (config.pidfile) remove_pid_file(config.pidfile); exit(1); } } signal(SIGCHLD, handle_falling_child); }
void signal_handler (int sig) { (void) sig; remove_pid_file(); if (ioctl (fd_uinput, UI_DEV_DESTROY) < 0) die ("error: ioctl"); close (fd_uinput); exit(1); }
/** * Teardown the gui. */ static void teardown ( int pfd ) { // Cleanup font setup. textbox_cleanup ( ); // Release the window. release_keyboard ( ); // Cleanup view rofi_view_cleanup (); // Cleanup pid file. remove_pid_file ( pfd ); }
int create_pid_file ( const char *pidfile ) { if ( pidfile == NULL ) { return -1; } int fd = g_open ( pidfile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR ); if ( fd < 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to create pid file." ); return -1; } // Set it to close the File Descriptor on exit. int flags = fcntl ( fd, F_GETFD, NULL ); flags = flags | FD_CLOEXEC; if ( fcntl ( fd, F_SETFD, flags, NULL ) < 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to set CLOEXEC on pidfile." ); remove_pid_file ( fd ); return -1; } // Try to get exclusive write lock on FD int retv = flock ( fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB ); if ( retv != 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to set lock on pidfile: Rofi already running?\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "Got error: %d %s\n", retv, strerror ( errno ) ); remove_pid_file ( fd ); return -1; } if ( ftruncate ( fd, (off_t) 0 ) == 0 ) { // Write pid, not needed, but for completeness sake. char buffer[64]; int length = snprintf ( buffer, 64, "%i", getpid () ); ssize_t l = 0; while ( l < length ) { l += write ( fd, &buffer[l], length - l ); } } return fd; }
/* * Handle options to control the daemon */ void daemon_manager(const char *bin, const char *cmd) { pid_t pid; char *str; str = str_tolower(cmd); if (strcmp(str, "start") == 0) { if (load_pid_file() > 0) { printf("Daemon is already running\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pid = create_daemon(bin); /* If the returned pid is < 0, there was a problem with the fork and we exit with a failure */ if (pid < 0) { free(str); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* If the returned pid > 0 it is the pid of the child and we are the parent. Save the pid to the pid file and exit with success */ if (pid > 0) { save_pid_file(pid); free(str); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* If this point is reached, the fork was successfull and we are the child process. Continue as daemon from here on. */ } else if (strcmp(str, "stop") == 0) { pid = load_pid_file(); if (pid <= 0) { printf("No pid file, cannot stop\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Send a SIGTERM signal to the daemon */ kill(pid, SIGTERM); remove_pid_file(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (strcmp(str, "restart") == 0 ) { /* Leave empty for now */ } free(str); }
static void stop_gstreamill (gint number) { /* run in SINGLE_JOB_MODE? just exit */ if (gstreamill->mode == SINGLE_JOB_MODE) { g_printf ("Interrupt signal received\n"); exit (0); } /* run in background, stop gstreamill and remove pid file. */ gstreamill_stop (gstreamill); if (number == SIGTERM) { remove_pid_file (); } }
static void stop_gstreamill (gint number) { /* run in foreground? just exit */ if (!gstreamill->daemon) { g_printf ("Interrupt signal received\n"); exit (0); } /* run in background, stop gstreamill and remove pid file. */ gstreamill_stop (gstreamill); if (number == SIGTERM) { remove_pid_file (); } }
void av_shutdown(int rc) { pid_t pid; pid = check_pid_file(); if (!pid) remove_pid_file(); notice("shutdown"); shutdownlog(); free( drweb_id ); if ( connect_to != NULL ) free( connect_to ); if ( bind_to != NULL ) free( bind_to ); exit(rc); }
void my_sigint_handler(int signum) { struct plugins_list_entry *list = plugins_list; if (config.syslog) closelog(); /* We are about to exit, but it may take a while - because of the wait() call. Let's release collector's socket to improve turn- around times when restarting the daemon */ if (config.acct_type == ACCT_NF || config.acct_type == ACCT_SF) close(config.sock); #if defined (IRIX) || (SOLARIS) signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); #else signal(SIGCHLD, ignore_falling_child); #endif signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); fill_pipe_buffer(); sleep(2); /* XXX: we should really choose an adaptive value here. It should be closely bound to, say, biggest plugin_buffer_size value */ while (list) { if (memcmp(list->type.string, "core", sizeof("core"))) kill(list->pid, SIGINT); list = list->next; } wait(NULL); Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( %s/%s ): OK, Exiting ...\n",, config.type); if (config.acct_type == ACCT_PM && !config.uacctd_group /* XXX */) { if ( { if (pcap_stats(glob_pcapt, &ps) < 0) printf("\npcap_stats: %s\n", pcap_geterr(glob_pcapt)); printf("\n"); printf("%u packets received by filter\n", ps.ps_recv); printf("%u packets dropped by kernel\n", ps.ps_drop); } } if (config.pidfile) remove_pid_file(config.pidfile); exit(0); }
void sigusr_handler(int signum) { if (signum==SIGUSR1) { if (!starttime) { grab_isp_info(0); if (current_isp>=num_isps) current_isp=0; DrawISPName(); RedrawWindow(); } else { got_sched=1; warn_pref(); } } else { remove_pid_file(); exit(0); } }
/* handler for any quit signal. cleans up memory and exits gracefully. */ void handle_quit_signal(int signum) { if (verbose) log_write("Received signal %d, exiting.\n", signum); /* kill anything in our process group, including all handler childs */ killpg(getpid(), SIGTERM); /* free things */ free_all_globals(); /* shut down log */ log_close(); remove_pid_file(get_pid_filename()); /* return an error if there was one */ if (signum < 0) exit(signum); exit(0); }
int main ( int argc, char ** argv ) { cmd_set_arguments ( argc, argv ); if ( setlocale ( LC_ALL, "" ) == NULL ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to set locale.\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /** * Char function */ TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\n" ) == '\n' ); TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\a" ) == '\a' ); TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\b" ) == '\b' ); TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\t" ) == '\t' ); TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\v" ) == '\v' ); TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\f" ) == '\f' ); TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\r" ) == '\r' ); TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\\\" ) == '\\' ); TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\0" ) == 0 ); TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\x77" ) == 'w' ); TASSERT ( helper_parse_char ( "\\x0A" ) == '\n' ); /** * tokenize */ TASSERT ( levenshtein ( "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1), "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1) ) == 0 ); TASSERT ( levenshtein ( "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1), "aap ", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap ", -1) ) == 1 ); TASSERT ( levenshtein ( "aap ", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap ", -1), "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1) ) == 1 ); TASSERTE ( levenshtein ( "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1), "aap noot", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap noot", -1) ), 5 ); TASSERTE ( levenshtein ( "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1), "noot aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "noot aap", -1) ), 5 ); TASSERTE ( levenshtein ( "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1), "noot aap mies", g_utf8_strlen ( "noot aap mies", -1) ), 10 ); TASSERTE ( levenshtein ( "noot aap mies", g_utf8_strlen ( "noot aap mies", -1), "aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "aap", -1) ), 10 ); TASSERTE ( levenshtein ( "otp", g_utf8_strlen ( "otp", -1), "noot aap", g_utf8_strlen ( "noot aap", -1) ), 5 ); /** * Quick converision check. */ { char *str = rofi_latin_to_utf8_strdup ( "\xA1\xB5", 2 ); TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( str, "¡µ" ) == 0 ); g_free ( str ); } { char *str = rofi_force_utf8 ( "Valid utf8", 10 ); TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( str, "Valid utf8" ) == 0 ); g_free ( str ); char in[] = "Valid utf8 until \xc3\x28 we continue here"; TASSERT ( g_utf8_validate ( in, -1, NULL ) == FALSE ); str = rofi_force_utf8 ( in, strlen ( in ) ); TASSERT ( g_utf8_validate ( str, -1, NULL ) == TRUE ); TASSERT ( g_utf8_collate ( str, "Valid utf8 until �( we continue here" ) == 0 ); g_free ( str ); } // Pid test. // Tests basic functionality of writing it, locking, seeing if I can write same again // And close/reopen it again. { const char *path = "/tmp/"; TASSERT ( create_pid_file ( NULL ) == -1 ); int fd = create_pid_file ( path ); TASSERT ( fd >= 0 ); int fd2 = create_pid_file ( path ); TASSERT ( fd2 < 0 ); remove_pid_file ( fd ); fd = create_pid_file ( path ); TASSERT ( fd >= 0 ); remove_pid_file ( fd ); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { long cache_hits, cache_misses; /* Parse command line, exit on error */ parse_args(argc, argv); if (!opt_no_banner) { fprintf(stderr, "VNC Reflector %s. Copyright (C) 2001-2003, Inc.\n\n" "HorizonLive provides e-Learning and collaborative synchronous presentation\n" "solutions in a totally Web-based environment. For more information about\n" "HorizonLive, please see our website at\n\n", VERSION); } log_write(LL_MSG, "log_open"); if (!log_open(opt_log_filename, opt_file_loglevel, (opt_foreground) ? opt_stderr_loglevel : -1)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error opening log file (ignoring this error)\n", argv[0]); } log_write(LL_MSG, "Starting VNC Reflector %s", VERSION); /* Fork the process to the background if necessary */ if (!opt_foreground) { if (!opt_no_banner) { fprintf(stderr, "Starting in the background, " "see the log file for errors and other messages.\n"); } if (getpid() != 1) { signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); if (fork ()) return 0; setsid(); } close(0); close(1); close(2); log_write(LL_INFO, "Switched to the background mode"); } log_write(LL_MSG, "init_screen_info()"); /* Initialization */ if (init_screen_info()) { log_write(LL_MSG, "read_password_file()"); read_password_file(); set_host_encodings(opt_request_tight, opt_tight_level); set_client_passwords(opt_client_password, opt_client_ro_password); fbs_set_prefix(opt_fbs_prefix, opt_join_sessions); set_active_file(opt_active_filename); set_actions_file(opt_actions_filename); log_write(LL_INFO, "---------- haciendo bind -----------"); aio_init(); if (opt_bind_ip != NULL) { if (aio_set_bind_address(opt_bind_ip)) { log_write(LL_INFO, "Would bind listening sockets to address %s", opt_bind_ip); } else { log_write(LL_WARN, "Illegal address to bind listening sockets to: %s", opt_bind_ip); } } log_write(LL_INFO, "----------main.c-----------"); /* Main work */ if (connect_to_host(opt_host_info_file, opt_cl_listen_port)) { if (write_pid_file()) { set_control_signals(); aio_mainloop(); remove_pid_file(); } } /* Cleanup */ if (g_framebuffer != NULL) { log_write(LL_DETAIL, "Freeing framebuffer and associated structures"); free(g_framebuffer); free_enc_cache(); } if ( != NULL) free(; get_hextile_caching_stats(&cache_hits, &cache_misses); if (cache_hits + cache_misses != 0) { log_write(LL_INFO, "Hextile BGR233 caching efficiency: %d%%", (int)((cache_hits * 100 + (cache_hits + cache_misses) / 2) / (cache_hits + cache_misses))); } } log_write(LL_MSG, "Terminating"); /* Close logs */ if (!log_close() && opt_foreground) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error closing log file (ignoring this error)\n", argv[0]); } /* Done */ exit(1); }
int run_network(void*(*func)(void*)){ struct sockaddr_in sockserv,sockclient; int clientfd; int socketfd; socklen_t clientsocklen; pthread_t children[NUMTHREADS]; struct threadData data[NUMTHREADS]; int i,j; stop = 0; #ifdef DETACHED_THREADS pthread_attr_t attr; #endif fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; int retval; int sec; int usec; int port; clientfd = socketfd = 0; bzero(&sockserv,sizeof(sockserv)); sec = 0; usec = 10; port = determine_port(); socketfd = createSocket(); BOOT_LOG_STR("Socket Creation: ", strerror(errno)); setupSockAndBind(socketfd, &sockserv, port); BOOT_LOG_STR("Socket Bind: ", strerror(errno)); listen(socketfd,NUMTHREADS); BOOT_LOG_STR("Socket Listen: ", strerror(errno)); BOOT_LOG_NUM("Server listening on port: ", port); BOOT_LOG_NUM("Green Serv Process ID: ", getpid()); create_pid_file(); clientsocklen = sizeof socketfd; #ifdef DETACHED_THREADS BOOT_LOG_STR("Detached threads is defined", ""); pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); #endif signal(SIGINT, stop_server); signal(SIGTERM, stop_server); signal(SIGQUIT, stop_server); signal(SIGHUP, stop_server); FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(socketfd, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = sec; tv.tv_usec = usec; i=j=0; if(errno != 13){ while(stop == 0){ for(i=0; i < NUMTHREADS && stop == 0; i++){ retval = select((socketfd+1)/*see "man select_tut"*/, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); /* Reset select */ tv.tv_sec = sec; tv.tv_usec = usec; if(retval == -1 || ! FD_ISSET(socketfd, &rfds)){ /* From select_tut: * * After select() has returned, readfds will be cleared * of all file descriptors except for those that are immediately * available for reading. * * Because we always want to monitor the setwe add the socket back in. */ FD_SET(socketfd, &rfds); i--; continue; } FD_SET(socketfd, &rfds); /* We have yet to recieve anything or check for the header */ clientfd = accept(socketfd,(struct sockaddr*)&sockclient,&clientsocklen); if(clientfd != -1){ data[i].clientfd = clientfd; #ifndef DETACHED_THREADS pthread_create(&children[i],NULL,func,&data[i]); #else NETWORK_LOG_LEVEL_2("Spawning detached thread"); pthread_create(&children[i],&attr,func,&data[i]); #endif }else{ NETWORK_LOG_LEVEL_1("Connection shutdown."); NETWORK_LOG_LEVEL_2("Invalid file descriptor from client connection."); NETWORK_LOG_LEVEL_2("If shutting down server ignore previous warning."); i--; /* Move thread index back one */ } } /*Gobble Up the resources (if not detaching threads) *If you do want to detach threads change the define. *in net.h */ #ifndef DETACHED_THREADS NETWORK_LOG_LEVEL_1("Pausing to Join threads. One moment..."); for(j=0; j < NUMTHREADS && j < i; ++j){ pthread_join(children[j],NULL); } #endif } } #ifdef DETACHED_THREADS pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); #endif close(socketfd); remove_pid_file(); BOOT_LOG_STR("Exiting Server...", ""); wait(NULL); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { HTTPMgmt *httpmgmt; HTTPStreaming *httpstreaming; GMainLoop *loop; GOptionContext *ctx; GError *err = NULL; gboolean foreground; struct rlimit rlim; GDateTime *datetime; gchar exe_path[512], *date; ctx = g_option_context_new (NULL); g_option_context_add_main_entries (ctx, options, NULL); g_option_context_add_group (ctx, gst_init_get_option_group ()); if (!g_option_context_parse (ctx, &argc, &argv, &err)) { g_print ("Error initializing: %s\n", GST_STR_NULL (err->message)); exit (1); } g_option_context_free (ctx); GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (GSTREAMILL, "gstreamill", 0, "gstreamill log"); if (version) { print_version_info (); exit (0); } /* stop gstreamill. */ if (stop) { gchar *pid_str; gint pid; g_file_get_contents (PID_FILE, &pid_str, NULL, NULL); if (pid_str == NULL) { g_print ("File %s not found, check if gstreamill is running.\n", PID_FILE); exit (1); } pid = atoi (pid_str); g_free (pid_str); g_print ("stoping gstreamill with pid %d ...\n", pid); kill (pid, SIGTERM); exit (0); } /* readlink exe path before setuid, on CentOS, readlink exe path after setgid/setuid failure on permission denied */ memset (exe_path, '\0', sizeof (exe_path)); if (readlink ("/proc/self/exe", exe_path, sizeof (exe_path)) == -1) { g_print ("Read /proc/self/exe error: %s", g_strerror (errno)); exit (2); } if (prepare_gstreamill_run_dir () != 0) { g_print ("Can't create gstreamill run directory\n"); exit (3); } /* if (set_user_and_group () != 0) { g_print ("set user and group failure\n"); exit (4); } */ if (job_file != NULL) { /* gstreamill command with job, run in foreground */ foreground = TRUE; } else { /* gstreamill command without job, run in background */ foreground = FALSE; } if (gst_debug_get_default_threshold () < GST_LEVEL_WARNING) { gst_debug_set_default_threshold (GST_LEVEL_WARNING); } /* initialize ts segment static plugin */ if (!gst_plugin_register_static (GST_VERSION_MAJOR, GST_VERSION_MINOR, "tssegment", "ts segment plugin", ts_segment_plugin_init, "0.1.0", "GPL", "GStreamer", "GStreamer", "")) { GST_ERROR ("registe tssegment error"); exit (17); } /* subprocess, create_job_process */ if (shm_name != NULL) { gint fd; gchar *job_desc, *p; Job *job; gchar *log_path, *name; gint ret; /* set subprocess maximum of core file */ rlim.rlim_cur = 0; rlim.rlim_max = 0; if (setrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim) == -1) { GST_ERROR ("setrlimit error: %s", g_strerror (errno)); } /* read job description from share memory */ job_desc = NULL; fd = shm_open (shm_name, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (ftruncate (fd, job_length) == -1) { exit (5); } p = mmap (NULL, job_length, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); job_desc = g_strdup (p); if ((job_desc != NULL) && (!jobdesc_is_valid (job_desc))) { exit (6); } /* initialize log */ name = (gchar *)jobdesc_get_name (job_desc); if (!jobdesc_is_live (job_desc)) { gchar *p; p = jobdesc_get_log_path (job_desc); log_path = g_build_filename (p, "gstreamill.log", NULL); g_free (p); } else { log_path = g_build_filename (log_dir, name, "gstreamill.log", NULL); } ret = init_log (log_path); g_free (log_path); if (ret != 0) { exit (7); } /* launch a job. */ datetime = g_date_time_new_now_local (); date = g_date_time_format (datetime, "%b %d %H:%M:%S"); fprintf (_log->log_hd, "\n*** %s : job %s starting ***\n\n", date, name); g_date_time_unref (datetime); g_free (date); job = job_new ("name", name, "job", job_desc, NULL); job->is_live = jobdesc_is_live (job_desc); job->eos = FALSE; loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE); GST_INFO ("Initializing job ..."); if (job_initialize (job, TRUE) != 0) { GST_ERROR ("initialize job failure, exit"); exit (8); } GST_INFO ("Initializing job done"); GST_INFO ("Initializing job's encoders output ..."); if (job_encoders_output_initialize (job) != 0) { GST_ERROR ("initialize job encoders' output failure, exit"); exit (8); } GST_INFO ("Initializing job's encoders output done"); GST_INFO ("Starting job ..."); if (job_start (job) != 0) { GST_ERROR ("start livejob failure, exit"); exit (9); } datetime = g_date_time_new_now_local (); date = g_date_time_format (datetime, "%b %d %H:%M:%S"); fprintf (_log->log_hd, "\n*** %s : job %s started ***\n\n", date, name); g_date_time_unref (datetime); g_free (date); g_free (name); g_free (job_desc); signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal (SIGUSR1, sighandler); signal (SIGTERM, stop_job); g_main_loop_run (loop); } else { /* set parent process maximum of core file */ rlim.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; rlim.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; if (setrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim) == -1) { GST_ERROR ("setrlimit error: %s", g_strerror (errno)); } } /* run in background? */ if (!foreground) { gchar *path; gint ret; /* pid file exist? */ if (g_file_test (PID_FILE, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { g_print ("file %s found, gstreamill already running !!!\n", PID_FILE); exit (10); } /* media directory */ path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/dvr", MEDIA_LOCATION); if (!g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { g_printf ("Create DVR directory: %s", path); if (g_mkdir_with_parents (path, 0755) != 0) { g_printf ("Create DVR directory failure: %s", path); } } g_free (path); path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/transcode/in", MEDIA_LOCATION); if (!g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { g_printf ("Create transcode directory: %s", path); if (g_mkdir_with_parents (path, 0755) != 0) { g_printf ("Create transcode directory failure: %s", path); } } g_free (path); path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/transcode/out", MEDIA_LOCATION); if (!g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { g_printf ("Create transcode directory: %s", path); if (g_mkdir_with_parents (path, 0755) != 0) { g_printf ("Create transcode directory failure: %s", path); } } g_free (path); /* log to file */ path = g_build_filename (log_dir, "gstreamill.log", NULL); ret = init_log (path); g_free (path); if (ret != 0) { g_print ("Init log error, ret %d.\n", ret); exit (11); } /* daemonize */ if (daemon (0, 0) != 0) { fprintf (_log->log_hd, "Failed to daemonize"); remove_pid_file (); exit (1); } /* create pid file */ if (create_pid_file () != 0) { exit (1); } /* customize signal */ signal (SIGUSR1, sighandler); signal (SIGTERM, stop_gstreamill); datetime = g_date_time_new_now_local (); date = g_date_time_format (datetime, "%b %d %H:%M:%S"); fprintf (_log->log_hd, "\n*** %s : gstreamill started ***\n\n", date); g_free (date); g_date_time_unref (datetime); } /* ignore SIGPIPE */ signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE); /* gstreamill */ gstreamill = gstreamill_new ("daemon", !foreground, "log_dir", log_dir, "exe_path", exe_path, NULL); if (gstreamill_start (gstreamill) != 0) { GST_ERROR ("start gstreamill error, exit."); remove_pid_file (); exit (12); } /* httpstreaming, pull */ httpstreaming = httpstreaming_new ("gstreamill", gstreamill, "address", http_streaming, NULL); if (httpstreaming_start (httpstreaming, 10) != 0) { GST_ERROR ("start httpstreaming error, exit."); remove_pid_file (); exit (13); } if (!foreground) { /* run in background, management via http */ httpmgmt = httpmgmt_new ("gstreamill", gstreamill, "address", http_mgmt, NULL); if (httpmgmt_start (httpmgmt) != 0) { GST_ERROR ("start http mangment error, exit."); remove_pid_file (); exit (14); } } else { /* run in foreground, start job */ gchar *job, *p, *result; JSON_Value *val; JSON_Object *obj; /* ctrl-c, stop gstreamill */ signal (SIGINT, stop_gstreamill); /* ctrl-\, stop gstreamill */ signal (SIGQUIT, stop_gstreamill); if (!g_file_get_contents (job_file, &job, NULL, NULL)) { GST_ERROR ("Read job file %s error.", job_file); exit (15); } p = gstreamill_job_start (gstreamill, job); val = json_parse_string (p); obj = json_value_get_object (val); result = (gchar *)json_object_get_string (obj, "result"); GST_INFO ("start job result: %s.", result); if (g_strcmp0 (result, "success") != 0) { exit (16); } json_value_free (val); g_free (p); } g_main_loop_run (loop); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; int result; uid_t uid = -1; gid_t gid = -1; /* process command-line arguments */ result = process_arguments(argc, argv); if (result != OK || show_help == TRUE || show_license == TRUE || show_version == TRUE) { if (result != OK) printf("Incorrect command line arguments supplied\n"); printf("\n"); printf("NSCA - Nagios Service Check Acceptor for Icinga\n"); printf("Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Icinga Development Team and Community Contributors (\n"); printf("Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors\n"); printf("Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Ethan Galstad\n"); printf("Version: %s\n", PROGRAM_VERSION); printf("Last Modified: %s\n", MODIFICATION_DATE); printf("License: GPL v2\n"); printf("Encryption Routines: "); #ifdef HAVE_LIBMCRYPT printf("AVAILABLE"); #else printf("NOT AVAILABLE"); #endif printf("\n"); #ifdef HAVE_LIBWRAP printf("TCP Wrappers Available\n"); #endif printf("\n"); } if (result != OK || show_help == TRUE) { printf("Usage: %s -c <config_file> [mode]\n", argv[0]); printf("\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" <config_file> = Name of config file to use\n"); printf(" [mode] = Determines how NSCA should run. Valid modes:\n"); printf(" --inetd = Run as a service under inetd or xinetd\n"); printf(" --daemon = Run as a standalone multi-process daemon\n"); printf(" --single = Run as a standalone single-process daemon (default)\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Notes:\n"); printf("This program is designed to accept passive check results from\n"); printf("remote hosts that use the send_nsca utility. Can run as a service\n"); printf("under inetd or xinetd (read the docs for info on this), or as a\n"); printf("standalone daemon.\n"); printf("\n"); } if (show_license == TRUE) display_license(); if (result != OK || show_help == TRUE || show_license == TRUE || show_version == TRUE) do_exit(STATE_UNKNOWN); /* open a connection to the syslog facility */ /* facility may be overridden later */ get_log_facility(NSCA_LOG_FACILITY); openlog("nsca", LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, log_facility); /* make sure the config file uses an absolute path */ if (config_file[0] != '/') { /* save the name of the config file */ strncpy(buffer, config_file, sizeof(buffer)); buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; /* get absolute path of current working directory */ strcpy(config_file, ""); getcwd(config_file, sizeof(config_file)); /* append a forward slash */ strncat(config_file, "/", sizeof(config_file) - 2); config_file[sizeof(config_file) - 1] = '\0'; /* append the config file to the path */ strncat(config_file, buffer, sizeof(config_file) - strlen(config_file) - 1); config_file[sizeof(config_file) - 1] = '\0'; } /* read the config file */ result = read_config_file(config_file); /* exit if there are errors... */ if (result == ERROR) do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL); /* generate the CRC 32 table */ generate_crc32_table(); /* how should we handle client connections? */ switch (mode) { case INETD: /* chroot if configured */ do_chroot(); /* if we're running under inetd, handle one connection and get out */ handle_connection(0, NULL); break; case MULTI_PROCESS_DAEMON: /* older style, mult-process daemon */ /* execution cascades below... */ install_child_handler(); /* | | | */ case SINGLE_PROCESS_DAEMON: /* | | V */ /* daemonize and start listening for requests... */ if (fork() == 0) { /* we're a daemon - set up a new process group */ setsid(); /* handle signals */ signal(SIGQUIT, sighandler); signal(SIGTERM, sighandler); signal(SIGHUP, sighandler); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* close standard file descriptors */ close(0); close(1); close(2); /* redirect standard descriptors to /dev/null */ open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); /* get group information before chrooting */ get_user_info(nsca_user, &uid); get_group_info(nsca_group, &gid); /* write pid file */ if (write_pid_file(uid, gid) == ERROR) return STATE_CRITICAL; /* chroot if configured */ do_chroot(); /* drop privileges */ if (drop_privileges(nsca_user, uid, gid) == ERROR) do_exit(STATE_CRITICAL); do { /* reset flags */ sigrestart = FALSE; sigshutdown = FALSE; /* wait for connections */ wait_for_connections(); if (sigrestart == TRUE) { /* free memory */ free_memory(); /* re-read the config file */ result = read_config_file(config_file); /* exit if there are errors... */ if (result == ERROR) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Config file '%s' contained errors, bailing out...", config_file); break; } } } while (sigrestart == TRUE && sigshutdown == FALSE); /* remove pid file */ remove_pid_file(); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Daemon shutdown\n"); } break; default: break; } /* we are now running in daemon mode, or the connection handed over by inetd has been completed, so the parent process exits */ do_exit(STATE_OK); /* keep the compilers happy... */ return STATE_OK; }
int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) { struct bthid_server srv; struct sigaction sa; char const *pid_file = BTHIDD_PIDFILE; char *ep; int32_t opt, detach, tval; memset(&srv, 0, sizeof(srv)); memset(&srv.bdaddr, 0, sizeof(srv.bdaddr)); detach = 1; tval = 10; /* sec */ while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "a:c:dH:hp:t:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'a': /* BDADDR */ if (!bt_aton(optarg, &srv.bdaddr)) { struct hostent *he; if ((he = bt_gethostbyname(optarg)) == NULL) errx(1, "%s: %s", optarg, hstrerror(h_errno)); memcpy(&srv.bdaddr, he->h_addr, sizeof(srv.bdaddr)); } break; case 'c': /* config file */ config_file = optarg; break; case 'd': /* do not detach */ detach = 0; break; case 'H': /* hids file */ hids_file = optarg; break; case 'p': /* pid file */ pid_file = optarg; break; case 't': /* rescan interval */ tval = strtol(optarg, (char **) &ep, 10); if (*ep != '\0' || tval <= 0) usage(); break; case 'h': default: usage(); /* NOT REACHED */ } } openlog(BTHIDD_IDENT, LOG_PID|LOG_PERROR|LOG_NDELAY, LOG_USER); /* Become daemon if required */ if (detach && daemon(0, 0) < 0) { syslog(LOG_CRIT, "Could not become daemon. %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno); exit(1); } /* Install signal handler */ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sighandler; if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL) < 0 || sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL) < 0 || sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL) < 0) { syslog(LOG_CRIT, "Could not install signal handlers. %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno); exit(1); } sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; if (sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL) < 0) { syslog(LOG_CRIT, "Could not install signal handlers. %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno); exit(1); } sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sa.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP|SA_NOCLDWAIT; if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL) < 0) { syslog(LOG_CRIT, "Could not install signal handlers. %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno); exit(1); } if (read_config_file() < 0 || read_hids_file() < 0 || server_init(&srv) < 0 || write_pid_file(pid_file) < 0) exit(1); for (done = 0; !done; ) { if (elapsed(tval)) client_rescan(&srv); if (server_do(&srv) < 0) break; } server_shutdown(&srv); remove_pid_file(pid_file); clean_config(); closelog(); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ int result=OK; int x; char buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; char *env_string=NULL; #ifdef HAVE_SSL DH *dh; char seedfile[FILENAME_MAX]; int i,c; #endif /* set some environment variables */ asprintf(&env_string,"NRPE_MULTILINESUPPORT=1"); putenv(env_string); asprintf(&env_string,"NRPE_PROGRAMVERSION=%s",PROGRAM_VERSION); putenv(env_string); /* process command-line args */ result=process_arguments(argc,argv); if(result!=OK || show_help==TRUE || show_license==TRUE || show_version==TRUE){ printf("\n"); printf("NRPE - Nagios Remote Plugin Executor\n"); printf("Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Ethan Galstad ([email protected])\n"); printf("Version: %s\n",PROGRAM_VERSION); printf("Last Modified: %s\n",MODIFICATION_DATE); printf("License: GPL v2 with exemptions (-l for more info)\n"); #ifdef HAVE_SSL printf("SSL/TLS Available: Anonymous DH Mode, OpenSSL 0.9.6 or higher required\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBWRAP printf("TCP Wrappers Available\n"); #endif printf("\n"); #ifdef ENABLE_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS printf("***************************************************************\n"); printf("** POSSIBLE SECURITY RISK - COMMAND ARGUMENTS ARE SUPPORTED! **\n"); printf("** Read the NRPE SECURITY file for more information **\n"); printf("***************************************************************\n"); printf("\n"); #endif #ifndef HAVE_LIBWRAP printf("***************************************************************\n"); printf("** POSSIBLE SECURITY RISK - TCP WRAPPERS ARE NOT AVAILABLE! **\n"); printf("** Read the NRPE SECURITY file for more information **\n"); printf("***************************************************************\n"); printf("\n"); #endif } if(show_license==TRUE) display_license(); else if(result!=OK || show_help==TRUE){ printf("Usage: nrpe [-n] -c <config_file> <mode>\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -n = Do not use SSL\n"); printf(" <config_file> = Name of config file to use\n"); printf(" <mode> = One of the following two operating modes:\n"); printf(" -i = Run as a service under inetd or xinetd\n"); printf(" -d = Run as a standalone daemon\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Notes:\n"); printf("This program is designed to process requests from the check_nrpe\n"); printf("plugin on the host(s) running Nagios. It can run as a service\n"); printf("under inetd or xinetd (read the docs for info on this), or as a\n"); printf("standalone daemon. Once a request is received from an authorized\n"); printf("host, NRPE will execute the command/plugin (as defined in the\n"); printf("config file) and return the plugin output and return code to the\n"); printf("check_nrpe plugin.\n"); printf("\n"); } if(result!=OK || show_help==TRUE || show_license==TRUE || show_version==TRUE) exit(STATE_UNKNOWN); /* open a connection to the syslog facility */ /* facility name may be overridden later */ get_log_facility(NRPE_LOG_FACILITY); openlog("nrpe",LOG_PID,log_facility); /* make sure the config file uses an absolute path */ if(config_file[0]!='/'){ /* save the name of the config file */ strncpy(buffer,config_file,sizeof(buffer)); buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1]='\x0'; /* get absolute path of current working directory */ strcpy(config_file,""); getcwd(config_file,sizeof(config_file)); /* append a forward slash */ strncat(config_file,"/",sizeof(config_file)-2); config_file[sizeof(config_file)-1]='\x0'; /* append the config file to the path */ strncat(config_file,buffer,sizeof(config_file)-strlen(config_file)-1); config_file[sizeof(config_file)-1]='\x0'; } /* read the config file */ result=read_config_file(config_file); /* exit if there are errors... */ if(result==ERROR){ syslog(LOG_ERR,"Config file '%s' contained errors, aborting...",config_file); return STATE_CRITICAL; } /* generate the CRC 32 table */ generate_crc32_table(); /* initialize macros */ for(x=0;x<MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS;x++) macro_argv[x]=NULL; #ifdef HAVE_SSL /* initialize SSL */ if(use_ssl==TRUE){ SSL_library_init(); SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(); meth=SSLv23_server_method(); SSL_load_error_strings(); /* use week random seed if necessary */ if(allow_weak_random_seed && (RAND_status()==0)){ if(RAND_file_name(seedfile,sizeof(seedfile)-1)) if(RAND_load_file(seedfile,-1)) RAND_write_file(seedfile); if(RAND_status()==0){ syslog(LOG_ERR,"Warning: SSL/TLS uses a weak random seed which is highly discouraged"); srand(time(NULL)); for(i=0;i<500 && RAND_status()==0;i++){ for(c=0;c<sizeof(seedfile);c+=sizeof(int)){ *((int *)(seedfile+c))=rand(); } RAND_seed(seedfile,sizeof(seedfile)); } } } if((ctx=SSL_CTX_new(meth))==NULL){ syslog(LOG_ERR,"Error: could not create SSL context.\n"); exit(STATE_CRITICAL); } /* ADDED 01/19/2004 */ /* use only TLSv1 protocol */ SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx,SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3); /* use anonymous DH ciphers */ SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx,"ADH"); dh=get_dh512(); SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx,dh); DH_free(dh); if(debug==TRUE) syslog(LOG_INFO,"INFO: SSL/TLS initialized. All network traffic will be encrypted."); } else{ if(debug==TRUE) syslog(LOG_INFO,"INFO: SSL/TLS NOT initialized. Network encryption DISABLED."); } #endif /* if we're running under inetd... */ if(use_inetd==TRUE){ /* make sure we're not root */ check_privileges(); /* redirect STDERR to /dev/null */ close(2); open("/dev/null",O_WRONLY); /* handle the connection */ handle_connection(0); } /* else daemonize and start listening for requests... */ else if(fork()==0){ /* we're a daemon - set up a new process group */ setsid(); /* close standard file descriptors */ close(0); close(1); close(2); /* redirect standard descriptors to /dev/null */ open("/dev/null",O_RDONLY); open("/dev/null",O_WRONLY); open("/dev/null",O_WRONLY); chdir("/"); /*umask(0);*/ /* handle signals */ signal(SIGQUIT,sighandler); signal(SIGTERM,sighandler); signal(SIGHUP,sighandler); /* log info to syslog facility */ syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Starting up daemon"); /* write pid file */ if(write_pid_file()==ERROR) return STATE_CRITICAL; /* drop privileges */ drop_privileges(nrpe_user,nrpe_group); /* make sure we're not root */ check_privileges(); do{ /* reset flags */ sigrestart=FALSE; sigshutdown=FALSE; /* wait for connections */ wait_for_connections(); /* free all memory we allocated */ free_memory(); if(sigrestart==TRUE){ /* read the config file */ result=read_config_file(config_file); /* exit if there are errors... */ if(result==ERROR){ syslog(LOG_ERR,"Config file '%s' contained errors, bailing out...",config_file); return STATE_CRITICAL; } } }while(sigrestart==TRUE && sigshutdown==FALSE); /* remove pid file */ remove_pid_file(); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Daemon shutdown\n"); } #ifdef HAVE_SSL if(use_ssl==TRUE) SSL_CTX_free(ctx); #endif /* We are now running in daemon mode, or the connection handed over by inetd has been completed, so the parent process exits */ return STATE_OK; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { long cache_hits, cache_misses; #if CHROMIUM char *argv[] = { "vncreflector" }; (void) parse_args; (void) report_usage; /*opt_log_filename = "reflector.log";*/ opt_log_filename = NULL; opt_no_banner = 1; opt_foreground = 1; opt_stderr_loglevel = 5; #else /* Parse command line, exit on error */ parse_args(argc, argv); #endif if (!opt_no_banner) { fprintf(stderr, "VNC Reflector %s. Copyright (C) 2001-2003, Inc.\n\n" "HorizonLive provides e-Learning and collaborative synchronous presentation\n" "solutions in a totally Web-based environment. For more information about\n" "HorizonLive, please see our website at\n\n", VERSION); } if (!log_open(opt_log_filename, opt_file_loglevel, (opt_foreground) ? opt_stderr_loglevel : -1)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error opening log file (ignoring this error)\n", argv[0]); } log_write(LL_MSG, "Starting VNC Reflector %s", VERSION); /* Fork the process to the background if necessary */ if (!opt_foreground) { if (!opt_no_banner) { fprintf(stderr, "Starting in the background, " "see the log file for errors and other messages.\n"); } if (getpid() != 1) { signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); if (fork ()) return 0; setsid(); } close(0); close(1); close(2); log_write(LL_INFO, "Switched to the background mode"); } /* Initialization */ if (init_screen_info()) { read_password_file(); set_host_encodings(opt_request_tight, opt_tight_level); set_client_passwords(opt_client_password, opt_client_ro_password); fbs_set_prefix(opt_fbs_prefix, opt_join_sessions); set_active_file(opt_active_filename); set_actions_file(opt_actions_filename); aio_init(); if (opt_bind_ip != NULL) { if (aio_set_bind_address(opt_bind_ip)) { log_write(LL_INFO, "Would bind listening sockets to address %s", opt_bind_ip); } else { log_write(LL_WARN, "Illegal address to bind listening sockets to: %s", opt_bind_ip); } } /* Main work */ if (vnc_spu.server_port == -1) { /* Try a series of port numbers until we find one that's free * for us. Then, signal our parent thread that the port number * is available. */ int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_SERVER_PORTS; i++) { int p = FIRST_SERVER_PORT + i; if (wait_for_client(p)) { /* OK, we've got our port number now. So signal parent thread. */ crLockMutex(&vnc_spu.lock); vnc_spu.server_port = p; opt_cl_listen_port = vnc_spu.server_port; crSignalCondition(&vnc_spu.cond); crUnlockMutex(&vnc_spu.lock); if (write_pid_file()) { /*set_control_signals()*/ aio_mainloop(); remove_pid_file(); } break; } } if (i == NUM_SERVER_PORTS) { log_write(LL_ERROR, "Unable to find a free port in the range" " %d through %d", FIRST_SERVER_PORT, FIRST_SERVER_PORT + NUM_SERVER_PORTS - 1); exit(1); } } else { /* user-configured port number */ opt_cl_listen_port = vnc_spu.server_port; if (wait_for_client(opt_cl_listen_port)) { if (write_pid_file()) { /*set_control_signals()*/ aio_mainloop(); remove_pid_file(); } } } /* Cleanup */ if (g_framebuffer != NULL) { log_write(LL_DETAIL, "Freeing framebuffer and associated structures"); free(g_framebuffer); free_enc_cache(); } if ( != NULL) free(; get_hextile_caching_stats(&cache_hits, &cache_misses); if (cache_hits + cache_misses != 0) { log_write(LL_INFO, "Hextile BGR233 caching efficiency: %d%%", (int)((cache_hits * 100 + (cache_hits + cache_misses) / 2) / (cache_hits + cache_misses))); } } log_write(LL_MSG, "Terminating"); /* Close logs */ if (!log_close() && opt_foreground) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error closing log file (ignoring this error)\n", argv[0]); } /* Done */ exit(1); }
int create_pid_file (void) { int fd; char *pidfile; char buf[100]; ssize_t cnt; char* procpid = malloc( sizeof(buf) + 15 ); pidfile = default_pid_file(); if (file_exists(pidfile)) { // check if /proc/{pid}/cmdline exists and contains opengalax // if it does, means opengalax is already running, so we exit cowardly // if it does not contain opengalax, then we remove the old pid file and continue fd = open(pidfile, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { fprintf (stderr,"Could not open pid file: %s\n", pidfile); return 0; } cnt=read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); buf[cnt]='\0'; close(fd); strcpy(procpid, ""); strcat(procpid, "/proc/"); strcat(procpid, buf); strcat(procpid, "/cmdline"); if (file_exists(procpid)) { fd = open(procpid, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { fprintf (stderr,"Could not open file: %s\n", procpid); return 0; } cnt=read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); buf[cnt]='\0'; close(fd); if (strstr(buf,"opengalax") != NULL) { fprintf (stderr,"Refusing to start as another instance is already running\n"); return 0; } else { if (!remove_pid_file()) return 0; } } } fd = open(pidfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not write pid file: %s\n", pidfile); return 0; } sprintf( buf, "%d", getpid() ); if (write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)) < 1) { perror("Something wrong happening while writing pid file"); close(fd); return 0; } close(fd); free(procpid); return 1; }