int nfs41_op_exchange_id(struct nfs_argop4 *op, compound_data_t * data, struct nfs_resop4 *resp) { char str_verifier[NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE * 2 + 1]; char str_client[NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT * 2 + 1]; nfs_client_record_t * pclient_record; nfs_client_id_t * pconf; nfs_client_id_t * punconf; int rc; int len; char * temp; bool_t update; const char * update_str; log_components_t component = COMPONENT_CLIENTID; #if 0 /** @todo: plante le client sous windows. Ai-je réellement besoin de cela ???? */ /* Check flags value (test EID4) */ if(arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_flags & all_eia_flags != arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_flags) { res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status = NFS4ERR_INVAL; return res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status; } #endif if(isDebug(COMPONENT_SESSIONS)) component = COMPONENT_SESSIONS; #define arg_EXCHANGE_ID4 op->nfs_argop4_u.opexchange_id #define res_EXCHANGE_ID4 resp->nfs_resop4_u.opexchange_id #define res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok resp->nfs_resop4_u.opexchange_id.EXCHANGE_ID4res_u.eir_resok4 resp->resop = NFS4_OP_EXCHANGE_ID; update = (arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_flags & EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A) != 0; if(isDebug(component)) { DisplayOpaqueValue(arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_clientowner.co_ownerid.co_ownerid_val, arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_clientowner.co_ownerid.co_ownerid_len, str_client); sprint_mem(str_verifier, arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_clientowner.co_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); update_str = update ? "UPDATE" : "NO UPDATE"; } LogDebug(component, "EXCHANGE_ID Client addr=%s id=%s verf=%s %s --------------------", data->pworker->hostaddr_str, str_client, str_verifier, update_str); /* Do we already have one or more records for client id (x)? */ pclient_record = get_client_record(arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_clientowner.co_ownerid.co_ownerid_val, arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_clientowner.co_ownerid.co_ownerid_len); if(pclient_record == NULL) { /* Some major failure */ LogCrit(component, "EXCHANGE_ID failed"); res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status = NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT; return res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status; } /* * The following checks are based on RFC5661 * * This attempts to implement the logic described in 18.35.4. IMPLEMENTATION */ P(pclient_record->cr_mutex); if(isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[HASHTABLE_DISPLAY_STRLEN]; display_client_record(pclient_record, str); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Client Record %s cr_pconfirmed_id=%p cr_punconfirmed_id=%p", str, pclient_record->cr_pconfirmed_id, pclient_record->cr_punconfirmed_id); } pconf = pclient_record->cr_pconfirmed_id; if(pconf != NULL) { /* Need a reference to the confirmed record for below */ inc_client_id_ref(pconf); } if(pconf != NULL && !update) { /* EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A not set */ /** @todo FSF: old code ifdefed out nfs_compare_clientcred with _NFSV4_COMPARE_CRED_IN_EXCHANGE_ID */ if(!nfs_compare_clientcred(&pconf->cid_credential, &data->credential) || !cmp_sockaddr(&pconf->cid_client_addr, &data->pworker->hostaddr, IGNORE_PORT)) { /** @todo FSF: should also check if there is no state */ P(pconf->cid_mutex); if(valid_lease(pconf)) { V(pconf->cid_mutex); /* CASE 3, client collisions, old clientid is expired */ if(isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[HASHTABLE_DISPLAY_STRLEN]; display_client_id_rec(pconf, str); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Expiring %s", str); } /* Expire clientid and release our reference. */ nfs_client_id_expire(pconf); dec_client_id_ref(pconf); pconf = NULL; } else { V(pconf->cid_mutex); /* CASE 3, client collisions, old clientid is not expired */ if(isDebug(component)) { char confirmed_addr[SOCK_NAME_MAX]; sprint_sockip(&pconf->cid_client_addr, confirmed_addr, sizeof(confirmed_addr)); LogDebug(component, "Confirmed ClientId %"PRIx64"->'%s': Principals do not match... confirmed addr=%s Return NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE", pconf->cid_clientid, str_client, confirmed_addr); } res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status = NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE; /* Release our reference to the confirmed clientid. */ dec_client_id_ref(pconf); goto out; } } else if(memcmp(arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_clientowner.co_verifier, pconf->cid_incoming_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE) == 0) { /* CASE 2, Non-Update on Existing Client ID */ /* Return what was last returned without changing any refcounts */ LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Non-update of confirmed ClientId %"PRIx64"->%s", pconf->cid_clientid, str_client); punconf = pconf; goto return_ok; } else { /* CASE 5, client restart */ /** @todo FSF: expire old clientid? */ LogDebug(component, "Restarted ClientId %"PRIx64"->%s", pconf->cid_clientid, str_client); } } else if(pconf != NULL) { /* EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A set */ if(memcmp(arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_clientowner.co_verifier, pconf->cid_incoming_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE) == 0) { /** @todo FSF: old code ifdefed out nfs_compare_clientcred with _NFSV4_COMPARE_CRED_IN_EXCHANGE_ID */ if(!nfs_compare_clientcred(&pconf->cid_credential, &data->credential) || !cmp_sockaddr(&pconf->cid_client_addr, &data->pworker->hostaddr, IGNORE_PORT)) { /* CASE 9, Update but wrong principal */ if(isDebug(component)) { char confirmed_addr[SOCK_NAME_MAX]; sprint_sockip(&pconf->cid_client_addr, confirmed_addr, sizeof(confirmed_addr)); LogDebug(component, "Confirmed ClientId %"PRIx64"->'%s': Principals do not match... confirmed addr=%s Return NFS4ERR_PERM", pconf->cid_clientid, str_client, confirmed_addr); } res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status = NFS4ERR_PERM; } else { /* CASE 6, Update */ /** @todo: this is not implemented, the things it updates aren't even tracked */ LogMajor(component, "EXCHANGE_ID Update not supported"); res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status = NFS4ERR_NOTSUPP; } } else { /* CASE 8, Update but wrong verifier */ if(isDebug(component)) { char str_old_verifier[NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE * 2 + 1]; sprint_mem(str_old_verifier, pconf->cid_incoming_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); LogDebug(component, "Confirmed clientid %"PRIx64"->'%s': Verifiers do not match... confirmed verifier=%s", pconf->cid_clientid, str_client, str_old_verifier); } res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status = NFS4ERR_NOT_SAME; } /* Release our reference to the confirmed clientid. */ dec_client_id_ref(pconf); goto out; } else if(pconf == NULL && update) { LogDebug(component, "No confirmed clientid to update for %s", str_client); res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status = NFS4ERR_NOENT; goto out; } /* At this point, no matter what the case was above, we should remove any * pre-existing unconfirmed record. */ punconf = pclient_record->cr_punconfirmed_id; if(punconf != NULL) { /* CASE 4, replacement of unconfirmed record */ /* Delete the unconfirmed clientid record */ if(isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[HASHTABLE_DISPLAY_STRLEN]; display_client_id_rec(punconf, str); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Replacing %s", str); } /* unhash the clientid record */ remove_unconfirmed_client_id(punconf); } /* Now we can proceed to build the new unconfirmed record. We have determined * the clientid and setclientid_confirm values above. */ punconf = create_client_id(0, pclient_record, &data->pworker->hostaddr, &data->credential); if(punconf == NULL) { /* Error already logged, return */ res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status = NFS4ERR_RESOURCE; goto out; } memcpy(punconf->cid_incoming_verifier, arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_clientowner.co_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); if(gethostname(punconf->cid_server_owner, sizeof(punconf->cid_server_owner)) == -1) { /* Free the clientid record and return */ free_client_id(punconf); res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status = NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT; goto out; } snprintf(punconf->cid_server_scope, sizeof(punconf->cid_server_scope), "%s_NFS-Ganesha", punconf->cid_server_owner); rc = nfs_client_id_insert(punconf); if(rc != CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { /* Record is already freed, return. */ res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status = clientid_error_to_nfsstat(rc); goto out; } return_ok: /* Build the reply */ res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_clientid = punconf->cid_clientid; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_sequenceid = punconf->cid_create_session_sequence; #if defined(_USE_FSALMDS) && defined(_USE_FSALDS) res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_flags = EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_MDS | EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_DS | EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_REFER; #elif defined(_USE_FSALMDS) res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_flags = EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_MDS | EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_REFER; #elif defined(_USE_FSALDS) res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_flags = EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_DS | EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_REFER; #elif defined(_USE_DS) res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_flags = EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_MDS | EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_DS | EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_REFER; #else res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_flags = EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_NON_PNFS | EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_REFER; #endif res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_state_protect.spr_how = SP4_NONE; len = strlen(punconf->cid_server_owner); temp = gsh_malloc(len); if(temp == NULL) { LogDebug(component, "Could not allocate memory for so_major_id in response"); /** @todo FSF: not the best way to handle this but keeps from crashing */ len = 0; } else memcpy(temp, punconf->cid_server_owner, len); res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_server_owner.so_major_id.so_major_id_len = len; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_server_owner.so_major_id.so_major_id_val = temp; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_server_owner.so_minor_id = 0; len = strlen(punconf->cid_server_scope); temp = gsh_malloc(len); if(temp == NULL) { LogDebug(component, "Could not allocate memory for eir_server_scope in response"); /** @todo FSF: not the best way to handle this but keeps from crashing */ len = 0; } else memcpy(temp, punconf->cid_server_scope, len); res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_server_scope.eir_server_scope_len = len; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_server_scope.eir_server_scope_val = temp; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_server_impl_id.eir_server_impl_id_len = 0; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok.eir_server_impl_id.eir_server_impl_id_val = NULL; if(isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[HASHTABLE_DISPLAY_STRLEN]; sprint_mem(str_verifier, arg_EXCHANGE_ID4.eia_clientowner.co_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); display_client_id_rec(punconf, str); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "EXCHANGE_ID reply Verifier=%s %s", str_verifier, str); } res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status = NFS4_OK; out: V(pclient_record->cr_mutex); /* Release our reference to the client record */ dec_client_record_ref(pclient_record); return res_EXCHANGE_ID4.eir_status; } /* nfs41_op_exchange_id */
int nfs4_op_setclientid(struct nfs_argop4 *op, compound_data_t *data, struct nfs_resop4 *resp) { SETCLIENTID4args * const arg_SETCLIENTID4 = &op->nfs_argop4_u.opsetclientid; SETCLIENTID4res * const res_SETCLIENTID4 = &resp->nfs_resop4_u.opsetclientid; clientaddr4 * const res_SETCLIENTID4_INUSE = &resp->nfs_resop4_u.opsetclientid.SETCLIENTID4res_u.client_using; char str_verifier[NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE * 2 + 1]; char str_client[NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT * 2 + 1]; char str_client_addr[SOCK_NAME_MAX + 1]; nfs_client_record_t *client_record; nfs_client_id_t *conf; nfs_client_id_t *unconf; clientid4 clientid; verifier4 verifier; sockaddr_t client_addr; int rc; resp->resop = NFS4_OP_SETCLIENTID; if (data->minorversion > 0) { res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4ERR_NOTSUPP; return res_SETCLIENTID4->status; } copy_xprt_addr(&client_addr, data->req->rq_xprt); if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { sprint_sockip(&client_addr, str_client_addr, sizeof(str_client_addr)); DisplayOpaqueValue(arg_SETCLIENTID4->, arg_SETCLIENTID4->, str_client); sprint_mem(str_verifier, arg_SETCLIENTID4->client.verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); } LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "SETCLIENTID Client addr=%s id=%s verf=%s callback={program=%u r_addr=%s r_netid=%s} ident=%u", str_client_addr, str_client, str_verifier, arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_program, arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_location.r_addr, arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_location.r_netid, arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback_ident); /* Do we already have one or more records for client id (x)? */ client_record = get_client_record(arg_SETCLIENTID4->, arg_SETCLIENTID4->, 0, 0); if (client_record == NULL) { /* Some major failure */ LogCrit(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "SETCLIENTID failed"); res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT; return res_SETCLIENTID4->status; } /* The following checks are based on RFC3530bis draft 16 * * This attempts to implement the logic described in * 15.35.5. IMPLEMENTATION Consider the major bullets as CASE * 1, CASE 2, CASE 3, CASE 4, and CASE 5. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&client_record->cr_mutex); if (isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[HASHTABLE_DISPLAY_STRLEN]; display_client_record(client_record, str); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Client Record %s cr_confirmed_rec=%p " "cr_unconfirmed_rec=%p", str, client_record->cr_confirmed_rec, client_record->cr_unconfirmed_rec); } conf = client_record->cr_confirmed_rec; if (conf != NULL) { /* Need a reference to the confirmed record for below */ inc_client_id_ref(conf); if (!nfs_compare_clientcred(&conf->cid_credential, &data->credential) || !cmp_sockaddr(&conf->cid_client_addr, &client_addr, true)) { /* CASE 1: * * Confirmed record exists and not the same principal */ if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char confirmed_addr[SOCK_NAME_MAX + 1]; sprint_sockip(&conf->cid_client_addr, confirmed_addr, sizeof(confirmed_addr)); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Confirmed ClientId %" PRIx64 "->'%s': Principals do not match... confirmed addr=%s Return NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE", conf->cid_clientid, str_client, confirmed_addr); } res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE; res_SETCLIENTID4_INUSE->r_netid = (char *)netid_nc_table[conf->] .netid; res_SETCLIENTID4_INUSE->r_addr = gsh_strdup(conf->cid_cb.v40.cb_client_r_addr); /* Release our reference to the confirmed clientid. */ dec_client_id_ref(conf); goto out; } /* Check if confirmed record is for (v, x, c, l, s) */ if (memcmp (arg_SETCLIENTID4->client.verifier, conf->cid_incoming_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE) == 0) { /* CASE 2: * * A confirmed record exists for this long * form client id and verifier. * * Consider this to be a possible update of * the call-back information. * * Remove any pre-existing unconfirmed record * for (v, x, c). * * Return the same short form client id (c), * but a new setclientid_confirm verifier (t). */ LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Update ClientId %" PRIx64 "->%s", conf->cid_clientid, str_client); clientid = conf->cid_clientid; new_clientid_verifier(verifier); } else { /* Must be CASE 3 or CASE 4 * * Confirmed record is for (u, x, c, l, s). * * These are actually the same, doesn't really * matter if an unconfirmed record exists or * not. Any existing unconfirmed record will * be removed and a new unconfirmed record * added. * * Return a new short form clientid (d) and a * new setclientid_confirm verifier (t). (Note * the spec calls the values e and r for CASE * 4). */ LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Replace ClientId %" PRIx64 "->%s", conf->cid_clientid, str_client); clientid = new_clientid(); new_clientid_verifier(verifier); } /* Release our reference to the confirmed clientid. */ dec_client_id_ref(conf); } else { /* CASE 5: * * * Remove any existing unconfirmed record. * * Return a new short form clientid (d) and a new * setclientid_confirm verifier (t). */ LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "New client"); clientid = new_clientid(); new_clientid_verifier(verifier); } /* At this point, no matter what the case was above, we should * remove any pre-existing unconfirmed record. */ unconf = client_record->cr_unconfirmed_rec; if (unconf != NULL) { /* Delete the unconfirmed clientid record. Because we * have the cr_mutex, we have won any race to deal * with this clientid record (whether we raced with a * SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM or the reaper thread (if either * of those operations had won the race, * cr_punconfirmed_id would have been NULL). */ if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[HASHTABLE_DISPLAY_STRLEN]; display_client_id_rec(unconf, str); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Replacing %s", str); } /* unhash the clientid record */ remove_unconfirmed_client_id(unconf); unconf = NULL; } /* Now we can proceed to build the new unconfirmed record. We * have determined the clientid and setclientid_confirm values * above. */ unconf = create_client_id(clientid, client_record, &client_addr, &data->credential, 0); if (unconf == NULL) { /* Error already logged, return */ res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4ERR_RESOURCE; goto out; } if (strmaxcpy(unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_client_r_addr, arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_location.r_addr, sizeof(unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_client_r_addr)) == -1) { LogCrit(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Callback r_addr %s too long", arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_location.r_addr); res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4ERR_INVAL; goto out; } nfs_set_client_location(unconf, &arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_location); memcpy(unconf->cid_incoming_verifier, arg_SETCLIENTID4->client.verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); memcpy(unconf->cid_verifier, verifier, sizeof(NFS4_write_verifier)); unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_program = arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_program; unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_callback_ident = arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback_ident; rc = nfs_client_id_insert(unconf); if (rc != CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { /* Record is already freed, return. */ res_SETCLIENTID4->status = clientid_error_to_nfsstat(rc); goto out; } if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[HASHTABLE_DISPLAY_STRLEN]; sprint_mem(str_verifier, verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); display_client_id_rec(unconf, str); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "SETCLIENTID reply Verifier=%s %s", str_verifier, str); } res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4_OK; res_SETCLIENTID4->SETCLIENTID4res_u.resok4.clientid = clientid; memcpy(res_SETCLIENTID4->SETCLIENTID4res_u.resok4.setclientid_confirm, &verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); out: pthread_mutex_unlock(&client_record->cr_mutex); /* Release our reference to the client record */ dec_client_record_ref(client_record); return res_SETCLIENTID4->status; }
int nfs4_op_setclientid_confirm(struct nfs_argop4 *op, compound_data_t *data, struct nfs_resop4 *resp) { SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4args * const arg_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4 = &op->nfs_argop4_u.opsetclientid_confirm; SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4res * const res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4 = &resp->nfs_resop4_u.opsetclientid_confirm; nfs_client_id_t *conf = NULL; nfs_client_id_t *unconf = NULL; nfs_client_record_t *client_record; clientid4 clientid = 0; char str_verifier[NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE * 2 + 1]; const char *str_client_addr = "(unknown)"; /* The client name, for gratuitous logging */ char str_client[CLIENTNAME_BUFSIZE]; /* Display buffer for client name */ struct display_buffer dspbuf_client = { sizeof(str_client), str_client, str_client}; /* The clientid4 broken down into fields */ char str_clientid4[DISPLAY_CLIENTID_SIZE]; /* Display buffer for clientid4 */ struct display_buffer dspbuf_clientid4 = { sizeof(str_clientid4), str_clientid4, str_clientid4}; int rc; /* Make sure str_client is always printable even * if log level changes midstream. */ display_printf(&dspbuf_client, "(unknown)"); display_reset_buffer(&dspbuf_client); resp->resop = NFS4_OP_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM; res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status = NFS4_OK; clientid = arg_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->clientid; display_clientid(&dspbuf_clientid4, clientid); if (data->minorversion > 0) { res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status = NFS4ERR_NOTSUPP; return res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status; } if (op_ctx->client != NULL) str_client_addr = op_ctx->client->hostaddr_str; if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { sprint_mem(str_verifier, arg_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->setclientid_confirm, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); } else { str_verifier[0] = '\0'; } LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM client addr=%s clientid=%s setclientid_confirm=%s", str_client_addr, str_clientid4, str_verifier); /* First try to look up unconfirmed record */ rc = nfs_client_id_get_unconfirmed(clientid, &unconf); if (rc == CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { client_record = unconf->cid_client_record; if (isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, unconf); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Found %s", str); } } else { rc = nfs_client_id_get_confirmed(clientid, &conf); if (rc != CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { /* No record whatsoever of this clientid */ LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "%s clientid = %s", clientid_error_to_str(rc), str_clientid4); res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status = clientid_error_to_nfsstat_no_expire(rc); return res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status; } client_record = conf->cid_client_record; if (isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, conf); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Found %s", str); } } PTHREAD_MUTEX_lock(&client_record->cr_mutex); inc_client_record_ref(client_record); if (isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_record(&dspbuf, client_record); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Client Record %s cr_confirmed_rec=%p cr_unconfirmed_rec=%p", str, client_record->cr_confirmed_rec, client_record->cr_unconfirmed_rec); } /* At this point one and only one of pconf and punconf is non-NULL */ if (unconf != NULL) { /* First must match principal */ if (!nfs_compare_clientcred(&unconf->cid_credential, &data->credential) || op_ctx->client == NULL || unconf->gsh_client == NULL || op_ctx->client != unconf->gsh_client) { if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char *unconfirmed_addr = "(unknown)"; if (unconf->gsh_client != NULL) unconfirmed_addr = unconf->gsh_client->hostaddr_str; LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Unconfirmed ClientId %s->'%s': Principals do not match... unconfirmed addr=%s Return NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE", str_clientid4, str_client_addr, unconfirmed_addr); } res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status = NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE; dec_client_id_ref(unconf); goto out; } else if (unconf->cid_confirmed == CONFIRMED_CLIENT_ID && memcmp(unconf->cid_verifier, arg_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->setclientid_confirm, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE) == 0) { /* We must have raced with another SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM */ if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = { sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, unconf); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Race against confirm for %s", str); } res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status = NFS4_OK; dec_client_id_ref(unconf); goto out; } else if (unconf->cid_confirmed != UNCONFIRMED_CLIENT_ID) { /* We raced with another thread that dealt * with this unconfirmed record. Release our * reference, and pretend we didn't find a * record. */ if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = { sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, unconf); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Race against expire for %s", str); } res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status = NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID; dec_client_id_ref(unconf); goto out; } } if (conf != NULL) { if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID) && conf != NULL) display_clientid_name(&dspbuf_client, conf); /* First must match principal */ if (!nfs_compare_clientcred(&conf->cid_credential, &data->credential) || op_ctx->client == NULL || conf->gsh_client == NULL || op_ctx->client != conf->gsh_client) { if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char *confirmed_addr = "(unknown)"; if (conf->gsh_client != NULL) confirmed_addr = conf->gsh_client->hostaddr_str; LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Confirmed ClientId %s->%s addr=%s: Principals do not match... confirmed addr=%s Return NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE", str_clientid4, str_client, str_client_addr, confirmed_addr); } res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status = NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE; } else if (memcmp( conf->cid_verifier, arg_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->setclientid_confirm, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE) == 0) { /* In this case, the record was confirmed and * we have received a retry */ if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = { sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, conf); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Retry confirm for %s", str); } res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status = NFS4_OK; } else { /* This is a case not covered... Return * NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE */ if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = { sizeof(str), str, str}; char str_conf_verifier[NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE * 2 + 1]; sprint_mem(str_conf_verifier, conf->cid_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, conf); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Confirm verifier=%s doesn't match verifier=%s for %s", str_conf_verifier, str_verifier, str); } res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status = NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE; } /* Release our reference to the confirmed clientid. */ dec_client_id_ref(conf); goto out; } /* We don't need to do any further principal checks, we can't * have a confirmed clientid record with a different principal * than the unconfirmed record. Also, at this point, we have * a matching unconfirmed clientid (punconf != NULL and pconf * == NULL). */ /* Make sure we have a reference to the confirmed clientid * record if any */ if (conf == NULL) { conf = client_record->cr_confirmed_rec; if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID) && conf != NULL) display_clientid_name(&dspbuf_client, conf); /* Need a reference to the confirmed record for below */ if (conf != NULL) inc_client_id_ref(conf); } if (conf != NULL && conf->cid_clientid != clientid) { /* Old confirmed record - need to expire it */ if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, conf); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Expiring %s", str); } /* Expire clientid and release our reference. */ nfs_client_id_expire(conf, false); dec_client_id_ref(conf); conf = NULL; } if (conf != NULL) { /* At this point we are updating the confirmed * clientid. Update the confirmed record from the * unconfirmed record. */ if (isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, unconf); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Updating from %s", str); } /* Copy callback information into confirmed clientid record */ memcpy(conf->cid_cb.v40.cb_client_r_addr, unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_client_r_addr, sizeof(conf->cid_cb.v40.cb_client_r_addr)); conf->cid_cb.v40.cb_addr = unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_addr; conf->cid_cb.v40.cb_program = unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_program; conf->cid_cb.v40.cb_callback_ident = unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_callback_ident; nfs_rpc_destroy_chan(&conf->cid_cb.v40.cb_chan); memcpy(conf->cid_verifier, unconf->cid_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); /* unhash the unconfirmed clientid record */ remove_unconfirmed_client_id(unconf); /* Release our reference to the unconfirmed entry */ dec_client_id_ref(unconf); if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, conf); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Updated %s", str); } /* Check and update call back channel state */ if (nfs_param.nfsv4_param.allow_delegations && nfs_test_cb_chan(conf) != RPC_SUCCESS) { set_cb_chan_down(conf, true); LogCrit(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "setclid confirm: Callback channel is down"); } else { set_cb_chan_down(conf, false); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "setclid confirm: Callback channel is UP"); } /* Release our reference to the confirmed clientid. */ dec_client_id_ref(conf); } else { /* This is a new clientid */ if (isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, unconf); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Confirming new %s", str); } rc = nfs_client_id_confirm(unconf, COMPONENT_CLIENTID); if (rc != CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status = clientid_error_to_nfsstat_no_expire(rc); LogEvent(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "FAILED to confirm client"); /* Release our reference to the unconfirmed record */ dec_client_id_ref(unconf); goto out; } /* check if the client can perform reclaims */ nfs4_chk_clid(unconf); if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, unconf); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Confirmed %s", str); } /* Check and update call back channel state */ if (nfs_param.nfsv4_param.allow_delegations && nfs_test_cb_chan(unconf) != RPC_SUCCESS) { set_cb_chan_down(unconf, true); LogCrit(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "setclid confirm: Callback channel is down"); } else { set_cb_chan_down(unconf, false); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "setclid confirm: Callback channel is UP"); } /* Release our reference to the now confirmed record */ dec_client_id_ref(unconf); } if (isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_record(&dspbuf, client_record); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Client Record %s cr_confirmed_rec=%p cr_unconfirmed_rec=%p", str, client_record->cr_confirmed_rec, client_record->cr_unconfirmed_rec); } /* Successful exit */ res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status = NFS4_OK; out: PTHREAD_MUTEX_unlock(&client_record->cr_mutex); /* Release our reference to the client record and return */ dec_client_record_ref(client_record); return res_SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM4->status; }
int nfs4_op_create_session(struct nfs_argop4 *op, compound_data_t *data, struct nfs_resop4 *resp) { /* Result of looking up the clientid in the confirmed ID table */ nfs_client_id_t *conf = NULL; /* XXX these are not good names */ /* Result of looking up the clientid in the unconfirmed ID table */ nfs_client_id_t *unconf = NULL; /* The found clientid (either one of the preceding) */ nfs_client_id_t *found = NULL; /* The found client record */ nfs_client_record_t *client_record; /* The created session */ nfs41_session_t *nfs41_session = NULL; /* Client supplied clientid */ clientid4 clientid = 0; /* The client address as a string, for gratuitous logging */ const char *str_client_addr = "(unknown)"; /* The client name, for gratuitous logging */ char str_client[CLIENTNAME_BUFSIZE]; /* Display buffer for client name */ struct display_buffer dspbuf_client = { sizeof(str_client), str_client, str_client }; /* The clientid4 broken down into fields */ char str_clientid4[DISPLAY_CLIENTID_SIZE]; /* Display buffer for clientid4 */ struct display_buffer dspbuf_clientid4 = { sizeof(str_clientid4), str_clientid4, str_clientid4 }; /* Return code from clientid calls */ int i, rc = 0; /* Component for logging */ log_components_t component = COMPONENT_CLIENTID; /* Abbreviated alias for arguments */ CREATE_SESSION4args * const arg_CREATE_SESSION4 = &op->nfs_argop4_u.opcreate_session; /* Abbreviated alias for response */ CREATE_SESSION4res * const res_CREATE_SESSION4 = &resp->nfs_resop4_u.opcreate_session; /* Abbreviated alias for successful response */ CREATE_SESSION4resok * const res_CREATE_SESSION4ok = &res_CREATE_SESSION4->CREATE_SESSION4res_u.csr_resok4; /* Make sure str_client is always printable even * if log level changes midstream. */ display_printf(&dspbuf_client, "(unknown)"); display_reset_buffer(&dspbuf_client); if (op_ctx->client != NULL) str_client_addr = op_ctx->client->hostaddr_str; if (isDebug(COMPONENT_SESSIONS)) component = COMPONENT_SESSIONS; resp->resop = NFS4_OP_CREATE_SESSION; res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = NFS4_OK; clientid = arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_clientid; display_clientid(&dspbuf_clientid4, clientid); if (data->minorversion == 0) return res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = NFS4ERR_INVAL; LogDebug(component, "CREATE_SESSION client addr=%s clientid=%s -------------------", str_client_addr, str_clientid4); /* First try to look up unconfirmed record */ rc = nfs_client_id_get_unconfirmed(clientid, &unconf); if (rc == CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { client_record = unconf->cid_client_record; found = unconf; } else { rc = nfs_client_id_get_confirmed(clientid, &conf); if (rc != CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { /* No record whatsoever of this clientid */ LogDebug(component, "%s clientid=%s", clientid_error_to_str(rc), str_clientid4); if (rc == CLIENT_ID_EXPIRED) rc = CLIENT_ID_STALE; res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = clientid_error_to_nfsstat_no_expire(rc); return res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status; } client_record = conf->cid_client_record; found = conf; } PTHREAD_MUTEX_lock(&client_record->cr_mutex); inc_client_record_ref(client_record); if (isFullDebug(component)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_record(&dspbuf, client_record); LogFullDebug(component, "Client Record %s cr_confirmed_rec=%p cr_unconfirmed_rec=%p", str, client_record->cr_confirmed_rec, client_record->cr_unconfirmed_rec); } /* At this point one and only one of conf and unconf is * non-NULL, and found also references the single clientid * record that was found. */ LogDebug(component, "CREATE_SESSION clientid=%s csa_sequence=%" PRIu32 " clientid_cs_seq=%" PRIu32 " data_oppos=%d data_use_drc=%d", str_clientid4, arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_sequence, found->cid_create_session_sequence, data->oppos, data->use_drc); if (isFullDebug(component)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, found); LogFullDebug(component, "Found %s", str); } data->use_drc = false; if (data->oppos == 0) { /* Special case : the request is used without use of * OP_SEQUENCE */ if ((arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_sequence + 1 == found->cid_create_session_sequence) && (found->cid_create_session_slot.cache_used)) { data->use_drc = true; data->cached_res = &found->cid_create_session_slot.cached_result; res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = NFS4_OK; dec_client_id_ref(found); LogDebug(component, "CREATE_SESSION replay=%p special case", data->cached_res); goto out; } else if (arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_sequence != found->cid_create_session_sequence) { res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = NFS4ERR_SEQ_MISORDERED; dec_client_id_ref(found); LogDebug(component, "CREATE_SESSION returning NFS4ERR_SEQ_MISORDERED"); goto out; } } if (unconf != NULL) { /* First must match principal */ if (!nfs_compare_clientcred(&unconf->cid_credential, &data->credential)) { if (isDebug(component)) { char *unconfirmed_addr = "(unknown)"; if (unconf->gsh_client != NULL) unconfirmed_addr = unconf->gsh_client->hostaddr_str; LogDebug(component, "Unconfirmed ClientId %s->'%s': Principals do not match... unconfirmed addr=%s Return NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE", str_clientid4, str_client_addr, unconfirmed_addr); } dec_client_id_ref(unconf); res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE; goto out; } } if (conf != NULL) { if (isDebug(component) && conf != NULL) display_clientid_name(&dspbuf_client, conf); /* First must match principal */ if (!nfs_compare_clientcred(&conf->cid_credential, &data->credential)) { if (isDebug(component)) { char *confirmed_addr = "(unknown)"; if (conf->gsh_client != NULL) confirmed_addr = conf->gsh_client->hostaddr_str; LogDebug(component, "Confirmed ClientId %s->%s addr=%s: Principals do not match... confirmed addr=%s Return NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE", str_clientid4, str_client, str_client_addr, confirmed_addr); } /* Release our reference to the confirmed clientid. */ dec_client_id_ref(conf); res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE; goto out; } /* In this case, the record was confirmed proceed with CREATE_SESSION */ } /* We don't need to do any further principal checks, we can't * have a confirmed clientid record with a different principal * than the unconfirmed record. */ /* At this point, we need to try and create the session before * we modify the confirmed and/or unconfirmed clientid * records. */ /* Check flags value (test CSESS15) */ if (arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_flags & ~(CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_PERSIST | CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_BACK_CHAN | CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_RDMA)) { LogDebug(component, "Invalid create session flags %" PRIu32, arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_flags); dec_client_id_ref(found); res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = NFS4ERR_INVAL; goto out; } /* Record session related information at the right place */ nfs41_session = pool_alloc(nfs41_session_pool); if (nfs41_session == NULL) { LogCrit(component, "Could not allocate memory for a session"); dec_client_id_ref(found); res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT; goto out; } nfs41_session->clientid = clientid; nfs41_session->clientid_record = found; nfs41_session->refcount = 2; /* sentinel ref + call path ref */ nfs41_session->fore_channel_attrs = arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_fore_chan_attrs; nfs41_session->back_channel_attrs = arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_back_chan_attrs; nfs41_session->xprt = data->req->rq_xprt; nfs41_session->flags = false; nfs41_session->cb_program = 0; PTHREAD_MUTEX_init(&nfs41_session->cb_mutex, NULL); PTHREAD_COND_init(&nfs41_session->cb_cond, NULL); for (i = 0; i < NFS41_NB_SLOTS; i++) PTHREAD_MUTEX_init(&nfs41_session->slots[i].lock, NULL); /* Take reference to clientid record on behalf the session. */ inc_client_id_ref(found); /* add to head of session list (encapsulate?) */ PTHREAD_MUTEX_lock(&found->cid_mutex); glist_add(&found->cid_cb.v41.cb_session_list, &nfs41_session->session_link); PTHREAD_MUTEX_unlock(&found->cid_mutex); /* Set ca_maxrequests */ nfs41_session->fore_channel_attrs.ca_maxrequests = NFS41_NB_SLOTS; nfs41_Build_sessionid(&clientid, nfs41_session->session_id); res_CREATE_SESSION4ok->csr_sequence = arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_sequence; /* return the input for wanting of something better (will * change in later versions) */ res_CREATE_SESSION4ok->csr_fore_chan_attrs = nfs41_session->fore_channel_attrs; res_CREATE_SESSION4ok->csr_back_chan_attrs = nfs41_session->back_channel_attrs; res_CREATE_SESSION4ok->csr_flags = 0; memcpy(res_CREATE_SESSION4ok->csr_sessionid, nfs41_session->session_id, NFS4_SESSIONID_SIZE); /* Create Session replay cache */ data->cached_res = &found->cid_create_session_slot.cached_result; found->cid_create_session_slot.cache_used = true; LogDebug(component, "CREATE_SESSION replay=%p", data->cached_res); if (!nfs41_Session_Set(nfs41_session)) { LogDebug(component, "Could not insert session into table"); /* Release the session resources by dropping our reference * and the sentinel reference. */ dec_session_ref(nfs41_session); dec_session_ref(nfs41_session); /* Decrement our reference to the clientid record */ dec_client_id_ref(found); /* Maybe a more precise status would be better */ res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT; goto out; } /* Make sure we have a reference to the confirmed clientid record if any */ if (conf == NULL) { conf = client_record->cr_confirmed_rec; if (isDebug(component) && conf != NULL) display_clientid_name(&dspbuf_client, conf); /* Need a reference to the confirmed record for below */ if (conf != NULL) inc_client_id_ref(conf); } if (conf != NULL && conf->cid_clientid != clientid) { /* Old confirmed record - need to expire it */ if (isDebug(component)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, conf); LogDebug(component, "Expiring %s", str); } /* Expire clientid and release our reference. */ nfs_client_id_expire(conf, false); dec_client_id_ref(conf); conf = NULL; } if (conf != NULL) { /* At this point we are updating the confirmed * clientid. Update the confirmed record from the * unconfirmed record. */ display_clientid(&dspbuf_clientid4, conf->cid_clientid); LogDebug(component, "Updating clientid %s->%s cb_program=%u", str_clientid4, str_client, arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_cb_program); if (unconf != NULL) { /* unhash the unconfirmed clientid record */ remove_unconfirmed_client_id(unconf); /* Release our reference to the unconfirmed entry */ dec_client_id_ref(unconf); } if (isDebug(component)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, conf); LogDebug(component, "Updated %s", str); } } else { /* This is a new clientid */ if (isFullDebug(component)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, unconf); LogFullDebug(component, "Confirming new %s", str); } rc = nfs_client_id_confirm(unconf, component); if (rc != CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = clientid_error_to_nfsstat_no_expire(rc); /* Need to destroy the session */ if (!nfs41_Session_Del(nfs41_session->session_id)) LogDebug(component, "Oops nfs41_Session_Del failed"); /* Release our reference to the unconfirmed record */ dec_client_id_ref(unconf); goto out; } nfs4_chk_clid(unconf); conf = unconf; unconf = NULL; if (isDebug(component)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, conf); LogDebug(component, "Confirmed %s", str); } } conf->cid_create_session_sequence++; /* Bump the lease timer */ conf->cid_last_renew = time(NULL); /* Release our reference to the confirmed record */ dec_client_id_ref(conf); if (isFullDebug(component)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_record(&dspbuf, client_record); LogFullDebug(component, "Client Record %s cr_confirmed_rec=%p cr_unconfirmed_rec=%p", str, client_record->cr_confirmed_rec, client_record->cr_unconfirmed_rec); } /* Handle the creation of the back channel, if the client requested one. */ if (arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_flags & CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_BACK_CHAN) { nfs41_session->cb_program = arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_cb_program; if (nfs_rpc_create_chan_v41( nfs41_session, arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_sec_parms.csa_sec_parms_len, arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_sec_parms.csa_sec_parms_val) == 0) { res_CREATE_SESSION4ok->csr_flags |= CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_BACK_CHAN; } } if (isDebug(component)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_session(&dspbuf, nfs41_session); LogDebug(component, "success %s csa_flags 0x%X csr_flags 0x%X", str, arg_CREATE_SESSION4->csa_flags, res_CREATE_SESSION4ok->csr_flags); } /* Release our reference to the session */ dec_session_ref(nfs41_session); /* Successful exit */ res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status = NFS4_OK; out: PTHREAD_MUTEX_unlock(&client_record->cr_mutex); /* Release our reference to the client record and return */ dec_client_record_ref(client_record); return res_CREATE_SESSION4->csr_status; }
int nfs4_op_exchange_id(struct nfs_argop4 *op, compound_data_t *data, struct nfs_resop4 *resp) { nfs_client_record_t *client_record; nfs_client_id_t *conf; nfs_client_id_t *unconf; int rc; int len; char *temp; bool update; EXCHANGE_ID4args * const arg_EXCHANGE_ID4 = &op->nfs_argop4_u.opexchange_id; EXCHANGE_ID4res * const res_EXCHANGE_ID4 = &resp->nfs_resop4_u.opexchange_id; EXCHANGE_ID4resok * const res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok = (&resp->nfs_resop4_u.opexchange_id.EXCHANGE_ID4res_u.eir_resok4); uint32_t pnfs_flags; in_addr_t server_addr = 0; resp->resop = NFS4_OP_EXCHANGE_ID; if (data->minorversion == 0) return res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = NFS4ERR_INVAL; if ((arg_EXCHANGE_ID4-> eia_flags & ~(EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_REFER | EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_MIGR | EXCHGID4_FLAG_BIND_PRINC_STATEID | EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_NON_PNFS | EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_MDS | EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_DS | EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A | EXCHGID4_FLAG_CONFIRMED_R)) != 0) return res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = NFS4ERR_INVAL; /* If client did not ask for pNFS related server roles than just set server roles */ pnfs_flags = arg_EXCHANGE_ID4->eia_flags & EXCHGID4_FLAG_MASK_PNFS; if (pnfs_flags == 0) { if (nfs_param.nfsv4_param.pnfs_mds) pnfs_flags |= EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_MDS; if (nfs_param.nfsv4_param.pnfs_ds) pnfs_flags |= EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_DS; if (pnfs_flags == 0) pnfs_flags |= EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_NON_PNFS; } /* If client did ask for pNFS related server roles than try to match the server roles to the client request. */ else { if ((arg_EXCHANGE_ID4->eia_flags & EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_MDS) && (nfs_param.nfsv4_param.pnfs_mds)) pnfs_flags |= EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_MDS; if ((arg_EXCHANGE_ID4->eia_flags & EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_DS) && (nfs_param.nfsv4_param.pnfs_ds)) pnfs_flags |= EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_DS; if (pnfs_flags == 0) pnfs_flags |= EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_NON_PNFS; } LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "EXCHANGE_ID pnfs_flags 0x%08x eia_flags 0x%08x", pnfs_flags, arg_EXCHANGE_ID4->eia_flags); update = (arg_EXCHANGE_ID4->eia_flags & EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A) != 0; server_addr = get_raddr(data->req->rq_xprt); /* Do we already have one or more records for client id (x)? */ client_record = get_client_record(arg_EXCHANGE_ID4->eia_clientowner.co_ownerid. co_ownerid_val, arg_EXCHANGE_ID4->eia_clientowner.co_ownerid. co_ownerid_len, pnfs_flags, server_addr); if (client_record == NULL) { /* Some major failure */ LogCrit(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "EXCHANGE_ID failed"); res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT; return res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status; } /* * The following checks are based on RFC5661 * * This attempts to implement the logic described in * 18.35.4. IMPLEMENTATION */ PTHREAD_MUTEX_lock(&client_record->cr_mutex); conf = client_record->cr_confirmed_rec; if (conf != NULL) { /* Need a reference to the confirmed record for below */ inc_client_id_ref(conf); } if (conf != NULL && !update) { /* EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A not set * * Compare the client credentials, but don't compare * the client address. Doing so interferes with * trunking and the ability of a client to reconnect * after being assigned a new address. */ if (!nfs_compare_clientcred(&conf->cid_credential, &data->credential)) { PTHREAD_MUTEX_lock(&conf->cid_mutex); if (!valid_lease(conf) || !client_id_has_state(conf)) { PTHREAD_MUTEX_unlock(&conf->cid_mutex); /* CASE 3, client collisions, old * clientid is expired * * Expire clientid and release our reference. */ nfs_client_id_expire(conf, false); dec_client_id_ref(conf); conf = NULL; } else { PTHREAD_MUTEX_unlock(&conf->cid_mutex); /* CASE 3, client collisions, old * clientid is not expired */ res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE; /* Release our reference to the * confirmed clientid. */ dec_client_id_ref(conf); goto out; } } else if (memcmp(arg_EXCHANGE_ID4->eia_clientowner.co_verifier, conf->cid_incoming_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE) == 0) { /* CASE 2, Non-Update on Existing Client ID * * Return what was last returned without * changing any refcounts */ unconf = conf; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_flags |= EXCHGID4_FLAG_CONFIRMED_R; goto return_ok; } else { /* CASE 5, client restart */ /** @todo FSF: expire old clientid? */ } } else if (conf != NULL) { /* EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A set */ if (memcmp(arg_EXCHANGE_ID4->eia_clientowner.co_verifier, conf->cid_incoming_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE) == 0) { if (!nfs_compare_clientcred(&conf->cid_credential, &data->credential) || op_ctx->client == NULL || conf->gsh_client == NULL || op_ctx->client != conf->gsh_client) { /* CASE 9, Update but wrong principal */ res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = NFS4ERR_PERM; } else { /* CASE 6, Update */ /** @todo: this is not implemented, the things it updates aren't even tracked */ LogMajor(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "EXCHANGE_ID Update not supported"); res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = NFS4ERR_NOTSUPP; } } else { /* CASE 8, Update but wrong verifier */ res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = NFS4ERR_NOT_SAME; } /* Release our reference to the confirmed clientid. */ dec_client_id_ref(conf); goto out; } else if (conf == NULL && update) { res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = NFS4ERR_NOENT; goto out; } /* At this point, no matter what the case was above, we should * remove any pre-existing unconfirmed record. */ unconf = client_record->cr_unconfirmed_rec; if (unconf != NULL) { /* CASE 4, replacement of unconfirmed record * * Delete the unconfirmed clientid record * unhash the clientid record */ remove_unconfirmed_client_id(unconf); } /* Now we can proceed to build the new unconfirmed record. We * have determined the clientid and setclientid_confirm values * above. */ unconf = create_client_id(0, client_record, &data->credential, data->minorversion); if (unconf == NULL) { /* Error already logged, return */ res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = NFS4ERR_RESOURCE; goto out; } unconf->cid_create_session_sequence = 1; glist_init(&unconf->cid_cb.v41.cb_session_list); memcpy(unconf->cid_incoming_verifier, arg_EXCHANGE_ID4->eia_clientowner.co_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); if (gethostname(unconf->cid_server_owner, sizeof(unconf->cid_server_owner)) == -1) { /* Free the clientid record and return */ free_client_id(unconf); res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT; goto out; } snprintf(unconf->cid_server_scope, sizeof(unconf->cid_server_scope), "%s_NFS-Ganesha", unconf->cid_server_owner); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Serving IP %s", unconf->cid_server_scope); rc = nfs_client_id_insert(unconf); if (rc != CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { /* Record is already freed, return. */ res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = clientid_error_to_nfsstat(rc); goto out; } return_ok: /* Build the reply */ res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_clientid = unconf->cid_clientid; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_sequenceid = unconf->cid_create_session_sequence; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_flags |= client_record->cr_pnfs_flags; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_flags |= EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_REFER; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_state_protect.spr_how = SP4_NONE; len = strlen(unconf->cid_server_owner); temp = gsh_malloc(len); if (temp == NULL) { /** @todo FSF: not the best way to handle this but keeps from crashing */ len = 0; } else memcpy(temp, unconf->cid_server_owner, len); res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_server_owner.so_major_id.so_major_id_len = len; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_server_owner.so_major_id.so_major_id_val = temp; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_server_owner.so_minor_id = 0; len = strlen(unconf->cid_server_scope); temp = gsh_malloc(len); if (temp == NULL) { /** @todo FSF: not the best way to handle this but keeps from crashing */ len = 0; } else memcpy(temp, unconf->cid_server_scope, len); res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_server_scope.eir_server_scope_len = len; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_server_scope.eir_server_scope_val = temp; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_server_impl_id.eir_server_impl_id_len = 0; res_EXCHANGE_ID4_ok->eir_server_impl_id.eir_server_impl_id_val = NULL; res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status = NFS4_OK; out: PTHREAD_MUTEX_unlock(&client_record->cr_mutex); /* Release our reference to the client record */ dec_client_record_ref(client_record); return res_EXCHANGE_ID4->eir_status; }
int nfs4_op_destroy_clientid(struct nfs_argop4 *op, compound_data_t *data, struct nfs_resop4 *resp) { DESTROY_CLIENTID4args * const arg_DESTROY_CLIENTID4 = &op->nfs_argop4_u.opdestroy_clientid; DESTROY_CLIENTID4res * const res_DESTROY_CLIENTID4 = &resp->nfs_resop4_u.opdestroy_clientid; nfs_client_record_t *client_record = NULL; nfs_client_id_t *conf = NULL, *unconf = NULL, *found = NULL; clientid4 clientid; int rc; resp->resop = NFS4_OP_DESTROY_CLIENTID; clientid = arg_DESTROY_CLIENTID4->dca_clientid; if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_clientid(&dspbuf, clientid); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "DESTROY_CLIENTID clientid=%s", str); } res_DESTROY_CLIENTID4->dcr_status = NFS4_OK; /* First try to look up confirmed record */ rc = nfs_client_id_get_confirmed(clientid, &conf); if (rc == CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { client_record = conf->cid_client_record; found = conf; } else { /* fall back to unconfirmed */ rc = nfs_client_id_get_unconfirmed(clientid, &unconf); if (rc == CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { client_record = unconf->cid_client_record; found = unconf; } /* handle the perverse case of a clientid being confirmed * in the above interval */ rc = nfs_client_id_get_confirmed(clientid, &conf); if (rc == CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { if (found != NULL) dec_client_id_ref(found); client_record = conf->cid_client_record; found = conf; } } /* ref +1 */ if (client_record == NULL) { /* Fine. We're done. */ res_DESTROY_CLIENTID4->dcr_status = NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID; goto out; } (void) inc_client_record_ref(client_record); PTHREAD_MUTEX_lock(&client_record->cr_mutex); if (isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_record(&dspbuf, client_record); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Client Record %s cr_confirmed_rec=%p " "cr_unconfirmed_rec=%p", str, client_record->cr_confirmed_rec, client_record->cr_unconfirmed_rec); } /* per Frank, we must check the confirmed and unconfirmed * state of client_record again now that we hold cr_mutex */ conf = client_record->cr_confirmed_rec; unconf = client_record->cr_unconfirmed_rec; if ((!conf) && (!unconf)) { /* We raced a thread destroying clientid, and lost. * We're done. */ goto cleanup; } if (conf) { /* We MUST NOT destroy a clientid that has nfsv41 sessions or * state. Since the minorversion is 4.1 or higher, this is * equivalent to a session check. */ PTHREAD_MUTEX_lock(&conf->cid_mutex); if (!glist_empty(&conf->cid_cb.v41.cb_session_list)) { res_DESTROY_CLIENTID4->dcr_status = NFS4ERR_CLIENTID_BUSY; PTHREAD_MUTEX_unlock(&conf->cid_mutex); goto cleanup; } PTHREAD_MUTEX_unlock(&conf->cid_mutex); /* Delete the confirmed clientid record. Because we * have the cr_mutex, we have won any race to deal * with this clientid record. */ if (isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, conf); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Removing confirmed clientid %s", str); } /* unhash the clientid record */ (void)remove_confirmed_client_id(conf); } if (unconf) { /* Delete the unconfirmed clientid record. Because we * have the cr_mutex, we have won any race to deal * with this clientid record. */ if (isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN]; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, unconf); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Removing unconfirmed clientid %s", str); } /* unhash the clientid record */ (void)remove_unconfirmed_client_id(unconf); } cleanup: PTHREAD_MUTEX_unlock(&client_record->cr_mutex); dec_client_record_ref(client_record); /* ref +0 */ if (found != NULL) dec_client_id_ref(found); out: return res_DESTROY_CLIENTID4->dcr_status; }
int nfs4_op_setclientid(struct nfs_argop4 *op, compound_data_t *data, struct nfs_resop4 *resp) { SETCLIENTID4args * const arg_SETCLIENTID4 = &op->nfs_argop4_u.opsetclientid; SETCLIENTID4res * const res_SETCLIENTID4 = &resp->nfs_resop4_u.opsetclientid; clientaddr4 * const res_SETCLIENTID4_INUSE = &resp->nfs_resop4_u.opsetclientid.SETCLIENTID4res_u.client_using; char str_verifier[NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE * 2 + 1]; struct display_buffer dspbuf_verifier = { sizeof(str_verifier), str_verifier, str_verifier}; char str_client[NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT * 2 + 1]; struct display_buffer dspbuf_client = { sizeof(str_client), str_client, str_client}; const char *str_client_addr = "(unknown)"; /* The clientid4 broken down into fields */ char str_clientid4[DISPLAY_CLIENTID_SIZE]; /* Display buffer for clientid4 */ struct display_buffer dspbuf_clientid4 = { sizeof(str_clientid4), str_clientid4, str_clientid4}; nfs_client_record_t *client_record; nfs_client_id_t *conf; nfs_client_id_t *unconf; clientid4 clientid; verifier4 verifier; int rc; resp->resop = NFS4_OP_SETCLIENTID; if (data->minorversion > 0) { res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4ERR_NOTSUPP; return res_SETCLIENTID4->status; } if (op_ctx->client != NULL) str_client_addr = op_ctx->client->hostaddr_str; if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { display_opaque_value(&dspbuf_client, arg_SETCLIENTID4->, arg_SETCLIENTID4->; display_opaque_bytes(&dspbuf_verifier, arg_SETCLIENTID4->client.verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); } else { str_client[0] = '\0'; str_verifier[0] = '\0'; } LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "SETCLIENTID Client addr=%s id=%s verf=%s callback={program=%u r_addr=%s r_netid=%s} ident=%u", str_client_addr, str_client, str_verifier, arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_program, arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_location.r_addr, arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_location.r_netid, arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback_ident); /* Do we already have one or more records for client id (x)? */ client_record = get_client_record(arg_SETCLIENTID4->, arg_SETCLIENTID4->, 0, 0); if (client_record == NULL) { /* Some major failure */ LogCrit(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "SETCLIENTID failed"); res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT; return res_SETCLIENTID4->status; } /* The following checks are based on RFC3530bis draft 16 * * This attempts to implement the logic described in * 15.35.5. IMPLEMENTATION Consider the major bullets as CASE * 1, CASE 2, CASE 3, CASE 4, and CASE 5. */ PTHREAD_MUTEX_lock(&client_record->cr_mutex); if (isFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_record(&dspbuf, client_record); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Client Record %s cr_confirmed_rec=%p cr_unconfirmed_rec=%p", str, client_record->cr_confirmed_rec, client_record->cr_unconfirmed_rec); } conf = client_record->cr_confirmed_rec; if (conf != NULL) { bool credmatch; /* Need a reference to the confirmed record for below */ inc_client_id_ref(conf); clientid = conf->cid_clientid; display_clientid(&dspbuf_clientid4, clientid); credmatch = nfs_compare_clientcred(&conf->cid_credential, &data->credential) && op_ctx->client != NULL && conf->gsh_client != NULL && op_ctx->client == conf->gsh_client; /* Only reject if the principal doesn't match and the * clientid has live state associated. Per RFC 7530 * Section 9.1.2. Server Release of Client ID. */ if (!credmatch && clientid_has_state(conf)) { /* CASE 1: * * Confirmed record exists and not the same principal */ if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char *confirmed_addr = "(unknown)"; if (conf->gsh_client != NULL) confirmed_addr = conf->gsh_client->hostaddr_str; LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Confirmed ClientId %s->'%s': Principals do not match... confirmed addr=%s Return NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE", str_clientid4, str_client, confirmed_addr); } res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE; res_SETCLIENTID4_INUSE->r_netid = (char *)netid_nc_table[conf->] .netid; res_SETCLIENTID4_INUSE->r_addr = gsh_strdup(conf->cid_cb.v40.cb_client_r_addr); /* Release our reference to the confirmed clientid. */ dec_client_id_ref(conf); goto out; } /* Check if confirmed record is for (v, x, c, l, s) */ if (credmatch && memcmp(arg_SETCLIENTID4->client.verifier, conf->cid_incoming_verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE) == 0) { /* CASE 2: * * A confirmed record exists for this long * form client id and verifier. * * Consider this to be a possible update of * the call-back information. * * Remove any pre-existing unconfirmed record * for (v, x, c). * * Return the same short form client id (c), * but a new setclientid_confirm verifier (t). */ LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Update ClientId %s->%s", str_clientid4, str_client); new_clientid_verifier(verifier); } else { /* Must be CASE 3 or CASE 4 * * Confirmed record is for (u, x, c, l, s). * * These are actually the same, doesn't really * matter if an unconfirmed record exists or * not. Any existing unconfirmed record will * be removed and a new unconfirmed record * added. * * Return a new short form clientid (d) and a * new setclientid_confirm verifier (t). (Note * the spec calls the values e and r for CASE * 4). */ LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Replace ClientId %s->%s", str_clientid4, str_client); clientid = new_clientid(); new_clientid_verifier(verifier); } /* Release our reference to the confirmed clientid. */ dec_client_id_ref(conf); } else { /* CASE 5: * * * Remove any existing unconfirmed record. * * Return a new short form clientid (d) and a new * setclientid_confirm verifier (t). */ clientid = new_clientid(); display_clientid(&dspbuf_clientid4, clientid); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "New client %s", str_clientid4); new_clientid_verifier(verifier); } /* At this point, no matter what the case was above, we should * remove any pre-existing unconfirmed record. */ unconf = client_record->cr_unconfirmed_rec; if (unconf != NULL) { /* Delete the unconfirmed clientid record. Because we * have the cr_mutex, we have won any race to deal * with this clientid record (whether we raced with a * SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM or the reaper thread (if either * of those operations had won the race, * cr_punconfirmed_id would have been NULL). */ if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, unconf); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Replacing %s", str); } /* unhash the clientid record */ remove_unconfirmed_client_id(unconf); unconf = NULL; } /* Now we can proceed to build the new unconfirmed record. We * have determined the clientid and setclientid_confirm values * above. */ unconf = create_client_id(clientid, client_record, &data->credential, 0); if (unconf == NULL) { /* Error already logged, return */ res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4ERR_RESOURCE; goto out; } if (strmaxcpy(unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_client_r_addr, arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_location.r_addr, sizeof(unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_client_r_addr)) == -1) { LogCrit(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "Callback r_addr %s too long", arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_location.r_addr); res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4ERR_INVAL; goto out; } nfs_set_client_location(unconf, &arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_location); memcpy(unconf->cid_incoming_verifier, arg_SETCLIENTID4->client.verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); memcpy(unconf->cid_verifier, verifier, sizeof(NFS4_write_verifier)); unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_program = arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback.cb_program; unconf->cid_cb.v40.cb_callback_ident = arg_SETCLIENTID4->callback_ident; rc = nfs_client_id_insert(unconf); if (rc != CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS) { /* Record is already freed, return. */ res_SETCLIENTID4->status = clientid_error_to_nfsstat_no_expire(rc); goto out; } if (isDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID)) { char str[LOG_BUFF_LEN] = "\0"; struct display_buffer dspbuf = {sizeof(str), str, str}; sprint_mem(str_verifier, verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); display_client_id_rec(&dspbuf, unconf); LogDebug(COMPONENT_CLIENTID, "SETCLIENTID reply Verifier=%s %s", str_verifier, str); } res_SETCLIENTID4->status = NFS4_OK; res_SETCLIENTID4->SETCLIENTID4res_u.resok4.clientid = clientid; memcpy(res_SETCLIENTID4->SETCLIENTID4res_u.resok4.setclientid_confirm, &verifier, NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE); out: PTHREAD_MUTEX_unlock(&client_record->cr_mutex); /* Release our reference to the client record */ dec_client_record_ref(client_record); return res_SETCLIENTID4->status; }