コード例 #1
void dataeditfrm::contmenu()
    QMenu* contextMenu = new QMenu( this );
    Q_CHECK_PTR( contextMenu );

    QAction* add_row = new QAction( tr("&Add supplier"), this );
	connect(add_row , SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addrow()));
    QAction* del_row = new QAction( tr("&Delete supplier"), this );
	connect(del_row , SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(removerow()));
    QAction* checkaddr = new QAction( tr("&Check address"), this );
	connect(checkaddr , SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(seladdress()));
	QAction* sel_sup = new QAction( tr("&Select this supplier"), this );
	connect(sel_sup , SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(acceptsp()));

    contextMenu->exec( QCursor::pos() );
    delete contextMenu;
コード例 #2
/* auxiliary function required by mnewt */
int usrfun(FTYPE *U_target,FTYPE *pr0,int numnormterms,int whichcons, int primtoUcons, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, FTYPE *prguess, int n, FTYPE *beta, FTYPE **alpha,FTYPE*norm)
  static FTYPE **alpha5;
  FTYPE prstart[NPR];
  FTYPE *pr;
  static FTYPE U[NPR],U_curr[NPR];
  struct of_state q;
  int i, j, k;
  int pl,pliter;
  int failreturn=0;
  void removerow(int row, FTYPE **alpha5,FTYPE**alpha);
  static int firstc=1;

  if (firstc) {
    firstc = 0;
    alpha5 = dmatrix(1, 5, 1, 5);


  // Doing this constrained iteration may lead to non-convergence, but then we adjust U if that happens until we converge.

  // store old pr
  PLOOP(pliter,pl) prstart[pl]=pr[pl];

  // these checks seem to cause problems with convergence of any kind // GODMARK
  // we need to make sure densities are ok while iterating.
  if(0&&jonchecks) fixup1zone(pr,ptrgeom,0);

  // once pr lead to imaginary u^t, state is invalid and U cannot be found.
  // Thus, need to adjust pr while iterating to keep pr in line
  // essentially we are doing a constrained damped Newton's method.
  if(0&&jonchecks) failreturn=check_pr(pr,pr0,ptrgeom,-100);
  if(0&&jonchecks) if(failreturn>=1)
                     FAILSTATEMENT("utoprim.c:usrfun()", "mnewt check:check_pr()", 2);

  // just check
  if(jonchecks) failreturn=check_pr(pr,pr0,ptrgeom,-2);


    // if didn't fail, we are guarenteed a good state and U.
    // problem here is that now pr is different and doesn't help
    // converge to Utarget, maybe kills possibility of convergence which
    // would later be just fixed at the end
    // so should probably adjust Utarget somehow to compensate for adjustment in pr.  Use dudp to fix U_target along the way
    /* normalize error = beta to \rho u^t */
    failreturn=get_state(pr, ptrgeom, &q);
      FAILSTATEMENT("utoprim.c:usrfun()", "get_state()", 1);

    failreturn=primtoU(primtoUcons,pr, &q, ptrgeom, U);

    // DEBUG:
    //    dualfprintf(fail_file,"nprlist: %d %d %d %d\n",nprstart,nprend,nprlist[nprstart],nprlist[nprend]);
    //    dualfprintf(fail_file,"1primtoUcons=%d ptrgeom.g=%21.15g\n",primtoUcons,ptrgeom->g);
    //    for (pl = 0; pl < INVERTNPR ; pl++)
    //      dualfprintf(fail_file,"pr[%d]=%21.15g U[%d]=%21.15g\n",pl,pr[pl],pl,U[pl]);

      FAILSTATEMENT("utoprim.c:usrfun()", "primtoU()", 1);

    PLOOP(pliter,pl) U_curr[pl]=U[pl];
    // convert from normal U to iterative U

    failreturn=dudp_calc(WHICHEOS, whichcons,GLOBALMAC(EOSextraglobal,ptrgeom->i,ptrgeom->j,ptrgeom->k),pr, &q, ptrgeom, alpha5);
      FAILSTATEMENT("utoprim.c:usrfun()", "dudp_calc()", 1);

    // convert from normal alpha to iterative alpha
    for (j = 0; j < INVERTNPR ; j++){
      for (k = 0; k < INVERTNPR ; k++){



    // normalize matrix
    // more general normalization
    for (j = 0; j < INVERTNPR ; j++){
      for (k = 0; k < INVERTNPR ; k++){
        // GODMARK: correction:
        if(fabs(alpha[j + 1][k + 1])>NUMEPSILON){
          // old version (bug)
          //    if(alpha[j + 1][k + 1]>NUMEPSILON){
          *norm+=fabs(alpha[j + 1][k + 1]);
    *norm=(FTYPE)(numnormterms)/(*norm); // (i.e. inverse of average)

    for (j = 0; j < INVERTNPR ; j++)
      for (k = 0; k < INVERTNPR ; k++)
        alpha[j + 1][k + 1] *= (*norm);

    // below assumes alpha at U_curr isn't too different from at U_target
    // doesn't seem to work
      for (j = 0; j < INVERTNPR ; j++){
      for (k = 0; k < INVERTNPR ; k++){
      // should really use average alpha from initial pr and new pr, but try just new pr's dudp

    // determine normalized error
    for (k = 0; k < INVERTNPR ; k++)
      beta[k + 1] = (U_curr[k] - U_target[k]) *(*norm);

    // DEBUG:
    //    dualfprintf(fail_file,"primtoUcons=%d\n",primtoUcons);
    //    for (k = 0; k < INVERTNPR ; k++)
    //      dualfprintf(fail_file,"pr[%d]=%21.15g U_curr[%d]=%21.15g U_target[%d]=%21.15g\n",k,pr[k],k,U_curr[k],k,U_target[k]);

    // error is huge if failed, a marker for failure
    for (k = 0; k < INVERTNPR ; k++)
      beta[k + 1] = 1.E30;
  return (0);