コード例 #1
ファイル: protocol.c プロジェクト: koo5/grbl
void protocol_init() 
  report_init_message(); // Welcome message   
  PINOUT_DDR &= ~(PINOUT_MASK); // Set as input pins
  PINOUT_PORT |= PINOUT_MASK; // Enable internal pull-up resistors. Normal high operation.
  PINOUT_PCMSK |= PINOUT_MASK;   // Enable specific pins of the Pin Change Interrupt
  PCICR |= (1 << PINOUT_INT);   // Enable Pin Change Interrupt
コード例 #2
void protocol_init() 
  report_init_message(); // Welcome message   
//  PINOUT_DDR &= ~(PINOUT_MASK); // Set as input pins										//引脚设置为输入
//  PINOUT_PORT |= PINOUT_MASK; // Enable internal pull-up resistors. Normal high operation.	//预上拉
//  PINOUT_PCMSK |= PINOUT_MASK;   // Enable specific pins of the Pin Change Interrupt		//打开对应引脚的PCI中断
//  PCICR |= (1 << PINOUT_INT);   // Enable Pin Change Interrupt								//使能C口的PCI中断
コード例 #3
ファイル: protocol.c プロジェクト: RoelandK/GRBL_LM4F120H5QR
void protocol_init() 
  char_counter = 0; // Reset line input
  iscomment = false;
  report_init_message(); // Welcome message

#ifdef PART_LM4F120H5QR // code for ARM
  SysCtlPeripheralEnable( PINOUT_PERIPH ); ///Enable the GPIO module for PINOUT port
  SysCtlDelay(26); ///give time delay 1 microsecond for GPIO module to start

  GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput( PINOUT_PORT, PINOUT_MASK ); // Set as input pins
  GPIOPortIntRegister( PINOUT_PORT, pinout_interrupt ); //register a call-back funcion for interrupt
  GPIOIntTypeSet( PINOUT_PORT, PINOUT_MASK, GPIO_BOTH_EDGES ); // Enable specific pins of the Pin Change Interrupt
  GPIOPinIntEnable( PINOUT_PORT, PINOUT_MASK ); // Enable Pin Change Interrupt
#else // code for AVR
  PINOUT_DDR &= ~(PINOUT_MASK); // Set as input pins
  PINOUT_PORT |= PINOUT_MASK; // Enable internal pull-up resistors. Normal high operation.
  PINOUT_PCMSK |= PINOUT_MASK;   // Enable specific pins of the Pin Change Interrupt
  PCICR |= (1 << PINOUT_INT);   // Enable Pin Change Interrupt
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: MrSurly/grbl
int main(void)
  // Initialize system upon power-up.
  serial_init();   // Setup serial baud rate and interrupts
  settings_init(); // Load Grbl settings from EEPROM
  stepper_init();  // Configure stepper pins and interrupt timers
  system_init();   // Configure pinout pins and pin-change interrupt

  memset(sys_position,0,sizeof(sys_position)); // Clear machine position.
  sei(); // Enable interrupts

  // Initialize system state.
    // Force Grbl into an ALARM state upon a power-cycle or hard reset.
    sys.state = STATE_ALARM;
    sys.state = STATE_IDLE;
  // Check for power-up and set system alarm if homing is enabled to force homing cycle
  // by setting Grbl's alarm state. Alarm locks out all g-code commands, including the
  // startup scripts, but allows access to settings and internal commands. Only a homing
  // cycle '$H' or kill alarm locks '$X' will disable the alarm.
  // NOTE: The startup script will run after successful completion of the homing cycle, but
  // not after disabling the alarm locks. Prevents motion startup blocks from crashing into
  // things uncontrollably. Very bad.
    if (bit_istrue(settings.flags,BITFLAG_HOMING_ENABLE)) { sys.state = STATE_ALARM; }

  // Grbl initialization loop upon power-up or a system abort. For the latter, all processes
  // will return to this loop to be cleanly re-initialized.
  for(;;) {

    // Reset system variables.
    uint8_t prior_state = sys.state;
    memset(&sys, 0, sizeof(system_t)); // Clear system struct variable.
    sys.state = prior_state;
    sys.f_override = DEFAULT_FEED_OVERRIDE;  // Set to 100%
    sys.r_override = DEFAULT_RAPID_OVERRIDE; // Set to 100%
    sys.spindle_speed_ovr = DEFAULT_SPINDLE_SPEED_OVERRIDE; // Set to 100%
		memset(sys_probe_position,0,sizeof(sys_probe_position)); // Clear probe position.
    sys_probe_state = 0;
    sys_rt_exec_state = 0;
    sys_rt_exec_alarm = 0;
    sys_rt_exec_motion_override = 0;
    sys_rt_exec_accessory_override = 0;

    // Reset Grbl primary systems.
    serial_reset_read_buffer(); // Clear serial read buffer
    gc_init(); // Set g-code parser to default state
    plan_reset(); // Clear block buffer and planner variables
    st_reset(); // Clear stepper subsystem variables.

    // Sync cleared gcode and planner positions to current system position.

    // Print welcome message. Indicates an initialization has occured at power-up or with a reset.

    // Start Grbl main loop. Processes program inputs and executes them.

  return 0;   /* Never reached */
コード例 #5
ファイル: protocol.c プロジェクト: halimbimantara/grbl
void protocol_main_loop()
  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  // Complete initialization procedures upon a power-up or reset.
  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  // Print welcome message   

  // Check for and report alarm state after a reset, error, or an initial power up.
  if (sys.state == STATE_ALARM) {
  } else {
    // All systems go! But first check for safety door.
    if (system_check_safety_door_ajar()) {
      bit_true(sys_rt_exec_state, EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR);
      protocol_execute_realtime(); // Enter safety door mode. Should return as IDLE state.
    } else {
      sys.state = STATE_IDLE; // Set system to ready. Clear all state flags.
    system_execute_startup(line); // Execute startup script.
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
  // Primary loop! Upon a system abort, this exits back to main() to reset the system. 
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
  uint8_t comment = COMMENT_NONE;
  uint8_t char_counter = 0;
  uint8_t c;
  for (;;) {

    // Process one line of incoming serial data, as the data becomes available. Performs an
    // initial filtering by removing spaces and comments and capitalizing all letters.
    // NOTE: While comment, spaces, and block delete(if supported) handling should technically 
    // be done in the g-code parser, doing it here helps compress the incoming data into Grbl's
    // line buffer, which is limited in size. The g-code standard actually states a line can't
    // exceed 256 characters, but the Arduino Uno does not have the memory space for this.
    // With a better processor, it would be very easy to pull this initial parsing out as a 
    // seperate task to be shared by the g-code parser and Grbl's system commands.
    while((c = serial_read()) != SERIAL_NO_DATA) {
      if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r')) { // End of line reached
        line[char_counter] = 0; // Set string termination character.
        protocol_execute_line(line); // Line is complete. Execute it!
        comment = COMMENT_NONE;
        char_counter = 0;
      } else {
        if (comment != COMMENT_NONE) {
          // Throw away all comment characters
          if (c == ')') {
            // End of comment. Resume line. But, not if semicolon type comment.
            if (comment == COMMENT_TYPE_PARENTHESES) { comment = COMMENT_NONE; }
        } else {
          if (c <= ' ') { 
            // Throw away whitepace and control characters  
          } else if (c == '/') { 
            // Block delete NOT SUPPORTED. Ignore character.
            // NOTE: If supported, would simply need to check the system if block delete is enabled.
          } else if (c == '(') {
            // Enable comments flag and ignore all characters until ')' or EOL.
            // NOTE: This doesn't follow the NIST definition exactly, but is good enough for now.
            // In the future, we could simply remove the items within the comments, but retain the
            // comment control characters, so that the g-code parser can error-check it.
            comment = COMMENT_TYPE_PARENTHESES;
          } else if (c == ';') {
            // NOTE: ';' comment to EOL is a LinuxCNC definition. Not NIST.
            comment = COMMENT_TYPE_SEMICOLON;
          // TODO: Install '%' feature 
          // } else if (c == '%') {
            // Program start-end percent sign NOT SUPPORTED.
            // NOTE: This maybe installed to tell Grbl when a program is running vs manual input,
            // where, during a program, the system auto-cycle start will continue to execute 
            // everything until the next '%' sign. This will help fix resuming issues with certain
            // functions that empty the planner buffer to execute its task on-time.

          } else if (char_counter >= (LINE_BUFFER_SIZE-1)) {
            // Detect line buffer overflow. Report error and reset line buffer.
            comment = COMMENT_NONE;
            char_counter = 0;
          } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { // Upcase lowercase
            line[char_counter++] = c-'a'+'A';
          } else {
            line[char_counter++] = c;
    // If there are no more characters in the serial read buffer to be processed and executed,
    // this indicates that g-code streaming has either filled the planner buffer or has 
    // completed. In either case, auto-cycle start, if enabled, any queued moves.

    protocol_execute_realtime();  // Runtime command check point.
    if (sys.abort) { return; } // Bail to main() program loop to reset system.
  return; /* Never reached */