コード例 #1
main() {

    // Open i2c:
    int fh = open("/dev/i2c-3", O_RDWR);
    printf("Opening i2c port...\n");
        printf("ERROR opening i2c port.\n");
        printf("The i2c port is open.\n");

    // Reset Device
    printf("Reseting device...\n");
        printf("ERROR: Device not reset.\n");
        printf("Device is reset and ready for use.\n");

    // Set pwm frequency to 60 Hz (different depending on servo):
    float freq = 60;
    if(pwmFreq(fh, freq)!=1)
        printf("ERROR: setting pwm frequency\n");
        printf("Frequency set to %f Hz.\n", freq);

    // Make loop that rotates servos up and down simultaneously, lapping 10 times
    uint16_t pl1 = ServoMin;// small pulse length (may need editind depending on servo)
    uint16_t pl2 = ServoMax;// large pulse length (may need editind depending on servo)
    int switcher = 0;// Switches between 0 and 1 to change servo directions
    int loops = 1;// For loops 1-10
    int servo, servo1, servo2;// for calling every other servo inside while() loop

    int servonum = 0;
    uint16_t pl;

        printf("Pulse %d:\n", loops);

        for(servo = 0; servo < 8; servo++) {
            servo1 = 2*servo;// 0, 2, 4,...14
            servo2 = 2*servo+1;// 1, 3, 5,...15
            if(switcher == 0) {
                pwmPulse(fh, servo1, 0, pl1);
                pwmPulse(fh, servo2, 0, pl2);
            else {
                pwmPulse(fh, servo1, 0, pl2);
                pwmPulse(fh, servo2, 0, pl1);
        if(switcher == 0)
        switcher = 1;
        switcher = 0;

        usleep(1000000);// 0.5 sec delay

    resetDev(fh);// Stop pulses
コード例 #2
bool LSM303DHLC_Mag::init( uint8_t odr, uint8_t sens )
  if( send_reg1_8bit( reg_cra, odr ) != 1 ) {
    return false;
  if( send_reg1_8bit( reg_crb, sens ) != 1 ) {
    return false;
  if( send_reg1_8bit( reg_mode, 0 ) != 1 ) { // 0 = continous 1=single_shot
    return false;
  return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: L6470.cpp プロジェクト: campy/Sparkcube-by-campy
void L6470::init(int k_value) {
    // This is the generic initialization function to set up the Arduino to
    // communicate with the dSPIN chip.

    // set up the input/output pins for the application.
    pinMode(SLAVE_SELECT_PIN, OUTPUT); // The SPI peripheral REQUIRES the hardware SS pin-
    // pin 10- to be an output. This is in here just
    // in case some future user makes something other
    // than pin 10 the SS pin.

    pinMode(_SSPin, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(_SSPin, HIGH);
    pinMode(MOSI, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(MISO, INPUT);
    pinMode(SCK, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(BUSYN, INPUT);
    pinMode(RESET, OUTPUT);
    // reset the dSPIN chip. This could also be accomplished by
    // calling the "L6470::ResetDev()" function after SPI is initialized.
    digitalWrite(RESET, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RESET, LOW);
    digitalWrite(RESET, HIGH);

    // initialize SPI for the dSPIN chip's needs:
    // most significant bit first,
    // SPI clock not to exceed 5MHz,
    // SPI_MODE3 (clock idle high, latch data on rising edge of clock)
    SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16); // or 2, 8, 16, 32, 64

    // First things first: let's check communications. The CONFIG register should
    // power up to 0x2E88, so we can use that to check the communications.
    if (GetParam(CONFIG) == 0x2E88) {
        //Serial.println('good to go');
    else {
        //Serial.println('Comm issue');

#if  (ENABLE_RESET_PIN == 0)
    // First, let's set the step mode register:
    // - SYNC_EN controls whether the BUSY/SYNC pin reflects the step
    // frequency or the BUSY status of the chip. We want it to be the BUSY
    // status.
    // - STEP_SEL_x is the microstepping rate- we'll go full step.
    // - SYNC_SEL_x is the ratio of (micro)steps to toggles on the
    // BUSY/SYNC pin (when that pin is used for SYNC). Make it 1:1, despite
    // not using that pin.
    //SetParam(STEP_MODE, !SYNC_EN | STEP_SEL_1 | SYNC_SEL_1);

    SetParam(KVAL_RUN, k_value);
    SetParam(KVAL_ACC, k_value);
    SetParam(KVAL_DEC, k_value);
    SetParam(KVAL_HOLD, k_value);

    // Set up the CONFIG register as follows:
    // PWM frequency divisor = 1
    // PWM frequency multiplier = 2 (62.5kHz PWM frequency)
    // Slew rate is 290V/us
    // Do NOT shut down bridges on overcurrent
    // Disable motor voltage compensation
    // Hard stop on switch low
    // 16MHz internal oscillator, nothing on output
    // Configure the RUN KVAL. This defines the duty cycle of the PWM of the bridges
    // during running. 0xFF means that they are essentially NOT PWMed during run; this
    // MAY result in more power being dissipated than you actually need for the task.
    // Setting this value too low may result in failure to turn.
    // There are ACC, DEC, and HOLD KVAL registers as well; you may need to play with
    // those values to get acceptable performance for a given application.
    //SetParam(KVAL_RUN, 0xFF);
    // Calling GetStatus() clears the UVLO bit in the status register, which is set by
    // default on power-up. The driver may not run without that bit cleared by this
    // read operation.

    hardStop(); //engage motors