/*! \brief Translate a resource tree into a menu structure * * \param [in] menu The GHidMainMenu widget to be acted on * \param [in] shall The base menu shell (a menu bar or popup menu) * \param [in] res The base of the resource tree * */ void ghid_main_menu_real_add_resource (GHidMainMenu *menu, GtkMenuShell *shell, const Resource *res) { int i, j; const Resource *tmp_res; gchar mnemonic = 0; for (i = 0; i < res->c; ++i) { const gchar *accel = NULL; char *menu_label; const char *res_val; const Resource *sub_res = res->v[i].subres; GtkAction *action = NULL; switch (resource_type (res->v[i])) { case 101: /* name, subres: passthrough */ ghid_main_menu_real_add_resource (menu, shell, sub_res); break; case 1: /* no name, subres */ tmp_res = resource_subres (sub_res, "a"); /* accelerator */ res_val = resource_value (sub_res, "m"); /* mnemonic */ if (res_val) mnemonic = res_val[0]; /* The accelerator resource will have two values, like * a={"Ctrl-Q" "Ctrl<Key>q"} * The first Gtk ignores. The second needs to be translated. */ if (tmp_res) accel = check_unique_accel (translate_accelerator (tmp_res->v[1].value)); /* Now look for the first unnamed value (not a subresource) to * figure out the name of the menu or the menuitem. */ res_val = "button"; for (j = 0; j < sub_res->c; ++j) if (resource_type (sub_res->v[j]) == 10) { res_val = _(sub_res->v[j].value); break; } /* Hack '_' in based on mnemonic value */ if (!mnemonic) menu_label = g_strdup (res_val); else { char *post_ = strchr (res_val, mnemonic); if (post_ == NULL) menu_label = g_strdup (res_val); else { GString *tmp = g_string_new (""); g_string_append_len (tmp, res_val, post_ - res_val); g_string_append_c (tmp, '_'); g_string_append (tmp, post_); menu_label = g_string_free (tmp, FALSE); } } /* If the subresource we're processing also has unnamed * subresources, it's a submenu, not a regular menuitem. */ if (sub_res->flags & FLAG_S) { /* SUBMENU */ GtkWidget *submenu = gtk_menu_new (); GtkWidget *item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (menu_label); GtkWidget *tearoff = gtk_tearoff_menu_item_new (); gtk_menu_shell_append (shell, item); gtk_menu_item_set_submenu (GTK_MENU_ITEM (item), submenu); /* add tearoff to menu */ gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (submenu), tearoff); /* recurse on the newly-added submenu */ ghid_main_menu_real_add_resource (menu, GTK_MENU_SHELL (submenu), sub_res); } else { /* NON-SUBMENU: MENU ITEM */ const char *checked = resource_value (sub_res, "checked"); const char *label = resource_value (sub_res, "sensitive"); const char *tip = resource_value (sub_res, "tip"); if (checked) { /* TOGGLE ITEM */ gchar *name = g_strdup_printf ("MainMenuAction%d", action_counter++); action = GTK_ACTION (gtk_toggle_action_new (name, menu_label, tip, NULL)); /* checked=foo is a binary flag (checkbox) * checked=foo,bar is a flag compared to a value (radio) */ gtk_toggle_action_set_draw_as_radio (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action), !!strchr (checked, ',')); } else if (label && strcmp (label, "false") == 0) { /* INSENSITIVE ITEM */ GtkWidget *item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label (menu_label); gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item, FALSE); gtk_menu_shell_append (shell, item); } else { /* NORMAL ITEM */ gchar *name = g_strdup_printf ("MainMenuAction%d", action_counter++); action = gtk_action_new (name, menu_label, tip, NULL); } } /* Connect accelerator, if there is one */ if (action) { GtkWidget *item; gtk_action_set_accel_group (action, menu->accel_group); gtk_action_group_add_action_with_accel (menu->action_group, action, accel); gtk_action_connect_accelerator (action); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (action), "activate", menu->action_cb, (gpointer) sub_res); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (action), "resource", (gpointer) sub_res); item = gtk_action_create_menu_item (action); gtk_menu_shell_append (shell, item); menu->actions = g_list_append (menu->actions, action); menu->special_key_cb (accel, action, sub_res); } /* Scan rest of resource in case there is more work */ for (j = 0; j < sub_res->c; j++) { const char *res_name; /* named value = X resource */ if (resource_type (sub_res->v[j]) == 110) { res_name = sub_res->v[j].name; /* translate bg, fg to background, foreground */ if (strcmp (res_name, "fg") == 0) res_name = "foreground"; if (strcmp (res_name, "bg") == 0) res_name = "background"; /* ignore special named values (m, a, sensitive) */ if (strcmp (res_name, "m") == 0 || strcmp (res_name, "a") == 0 || strcmp (res_name, "sensitive") == 0 || strcmp (res_name, "tip") == 0) break; /* log checked and active special values */ if (action && strcmp (res_name, "checked") == 0) g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (action), "checked-flag", sub_res->v[j].value); else if (action && strcmp (res_name, "active") == 0) g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (action), "active-flag", sub_res->v[j].value); else /* if we got this far it is supposed to be an X * resource. For now ignore it and warn the user */ Message (_("The gtk gui currently ignores \"%s\"" "as part of a menuitem resource.\n" "Feel free to provide patches\n"), sub_res->v[j].value); } } break; case 10: /* no name, value */ /* If we get here, the resource is "-" or "@foo" for some foo */ if (res->v[i].value[0] == '@') { GList *children; int pos; children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (shell)); pos = g_list_length (children); g_list_free (children); if (strcmp (res->v[i].value, "@layerview") == 0) { menu->layer_view_shell = shell; menu->layer_view_pos = pos; } else if (strcmp (res->v[i].value, "@layerpick") == 0) { menu->layer_pick_shell = shell; menu->layer_pick_pos = pos; } else if (strcmp (res->v[i].value, "@routestyles") == 0) { menu->route_style_shell = shell; menu->route_style_pos = pos; } else Message (_("GTK GUI currently ignores \"%s\" in the menu\n" "resource file.\n"), res->v[i].value); } else if (strcmp (res->v[i].value, "-") == 0) { GtkWidget *item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new (); gtk_menu_shell_append (shell, item); } else if (i > 0) { /* This is an action-less menuitem. It is really only useful * when you're starting to build a new menu and you're looking * to get the layout right. */ GtkWidget *item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label (_(res->v[i].value)); gtk_menu_shell_append (shell, item); } break; } } }
static void add_resource_to_menu (Widget menu, Resource * node, XtCallbackProc callback) { int i, j; char *v; Widget sub, btn; Resource *r; for (i = 0; i < node->c; i++) switch (resource_type (node->v[i])) { case 101: /* named subnode */ n = 0; stdarg (XmNtearOffModel, XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED); sub = XmCreatePulldownMenu (menu, node->v[i].name, args, n); XtSetValues (sub, args, n); n = 0; stdarg (XmNsubMenuId, sub); btn = XmCreateCascadeButton (menu, node->v[i].name, args, n); XtManageChild (btn); add_resource_to_menu (sub, node->v[i].subres, callback); break; case 1: /* unnamed subres */ n = 0; #if 0 if ((v = resource_value (node->v[i].subres, "fg"))) { do_color (v, XmNforeground); } if ((v = resource_value (node->v[i].subres, "bg"))) { do_color (v, XmNbackground); } if ((v = resource_value (node->v[i].subres, "font"))) { XFontStruct *fs = XLoadQueryFont (display, v); if (fs) { XmFontList fl = XmFontListCreate (fs, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); stdarg (XmNfontList, fl); } } #endif if ((v = resource_value (node->v[i].subres, "m"))) { stdarg (XmNmnemonic, v); } if ((r = resource_subres (node->v[i].subres, "a"))) { XmString as = XmStringCreateLocalized (r->v[0].value); stdarg (XmNacceleratorText, as); //stdarg(XmNaccelerator, r->v[1].value); note_accelerator (r->v[1].value, node->v[i].subres); } v = "button"; for (j = 0; j < node->v[i].subres->c; j++) if (resource_type (node->v[i].subres->v[j]) == 10) { v = node->v[i].subres->v[j].value; break; } stdarg (XmNlabelString, XmStringCreateLocalized (v)); if (node->v[i].subres->flags & FLAG_S) { int nn = n; stdarg (XmNtearOffModel, XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED); sub = XmCreatePulldownMenu (menu, v, args + nn, n - nn); n = nn; stdarg (XmNsubMenuId, sub); btn = XmCreateCascadeButton (menu, "menubutton", args, n); XtManageChild (btn); add_resource_to_menu (sub, node->v[i].subres, callback); } else { Resource *radio = resource_subres (node->v[i].subres, "radio"); char *checked = resource_value (node->v[i].subres, "checked"); char *label = resource_value (node->v[i].subres, "sensitive"); if (radio) { ToggleItem *ti = (ToggleItem *) malloc (sizeof (ToggleItem)); ti->next = toggle_items; ti->group = radio->v[0].value; ti->item = radio->v[1].value; ti->callback = callback; ti->node = node->v[i].subres; toggle_items = ti; if (resource_value (node->v[i].subres, "set")) { stdarg (XmNset, True); } stdarg (XmNindicatorType, XmONE_OF_MANY); btn = XmCreateToggleButton (menu, "menubutton", args, n); ti->w = btn; XtAddCallback (btn, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc) radio_callback, (XtPointer) ti); } else if (checked) { if (strchr (checked, ',')) stdarg (XmNindicatorType, XmONE_OF_MANY); else stdarg (XmNindicatorType, XmN_OF_MANY); btn = XmCreateToggleButton (menu, "menubutton", args, n); XtAddCallback (btn, XmNvalueChangedCallback, callback, (XtPointer) node->v[i].subres); } else if (label && strcmp (label, "false") == 0) { stdarg (XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING); btn = XmCreateLabel (menu, "menulabel", args, n); } else { btn = XmCreatePushButton (menu, "menubutton", args, n); XtAddCallback (btn, XmNactivateCallback, callback, (XtPointer) node->v[i].subres); } for (j = 0; j < node->v[i].subres->c; j++) switch (resource_type (node->v[i].subres->v[j])) { case 110: /* named value = X resource */ { char *n = node->v[i].subres->v[j].name; if (strcmp (n, "fg") == 0) n = "foreground"; if (strcmp (n, "bg") == 0) n = "background"; if (strcmp (n, "m") == 0 || strcmp (n, "a") == 0 || strcmp (n, "sensitive") == 0) break; if (strcmp (n, "checked") == 0) { note_widget_flag (btn, XmNset, node->v[i].subres->v[j].value); break; } if (strcmp (n, "active") == 0) { note_widget_flag (btn, XmNsensitive, node->v[i].subres->v[j].value); break; } XtVaSetValues (btn, XtVaTypedArg, n, XtRString, node->v[i].subres->v[j].value, strlen (node->v[i].subres->v[j].value) + 1, NULL); } break; } XtManageChild (btn); } break; case 10: /* unnamed value */ n = 0; if (node->v[i].value[0] == '@') { if (strcmp (node->v[i].value, "@layerview") == 0) insert_layerview_buttons (menu); if (strcmp (node->v[i].value, "@layerpick") == 0) insert_layerpick_buttons (menu); if (strcmp (node->v[i].value, "@routestyles") == 0) lesstif_insert_style_buttons (menu); } else if (strcmp (node->v[i].value, "-") == 0) { btn = XmCreateSeparator (menu, "sep", args, n); XtManageChild (btn); } else if (i > 0) { btn = XmCreatePushButton (menu, node->v[i].value, args, n); XtManageChild (btn); } break; } }
Widget lesstif_menu (Widget parent, char *name, Arg * margs, int mn) { Widget mb = XmCreateMenuBar (parent, name, margs, mn); char *filename; Resource *r = 0, *bir; char *home_pcbmenu, *home; int screen; Resource *mr; display = XtDisplay (mb); screen = DefaultScreen (display); cmap = DefaultColormap (display, screen); /* homedir is set by the core */ home = homedir; home_pcbmenu = NULL; if (home == NULL) { Message ("Warning: could not determine home directory (from HOME)\n"); } else { home_pcbmenu = Concat (home, PCB_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, ".pcb", PCB_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, "pcb-menu.res", NULL); } if (access ("pcb-menu.res", R_OK) == 0) filename = "pcb-menu.res"; else if (home_pcbmenu != NULL && (access (home_pcbmenu, R_OK) == 0)) filename = home_pcbmenu; else if (access (lesstif_pcbmenu_path, R_OK) == 0) filename = lesstif_pcbmenu_path; else filename = 0; bir = resource_parse (0, pcb_menu_default); if (!bir) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: internal menu resource didn't parse\n"); exit(1); } if (filename) r = resource_parse (filename, 0); if (!r) r = bir; if (home_pcbmenu != NULL) { free (home_pcbmenu); } mr = resource_subres (r, "MainMenu"); if (!mr) mr = resource_subres (bir, "MainMenu"); if (mr) add_resource_to_menu (mb, mr, (XtCallbackProc) callback); mr = resource_subres (r, "Mouse"); if (!mr) mr = resource_subres (bir, "Mouse"); if (mr) load_mouse_resource (mr); if (do_dump_keys) DumpKeys2 (); return mb; }
int ActionLoadVendorFrom (int argc, char **argv, Coord x, Coord y) { int i; char *fname = NULL; static char *default_file = NULL; char *sval; Resource *res, *drcres, *drlres; int type; bool free_fname = false; cached_drill = -1; fname = argc ? argv[0] : 0; if (!fname || !*fname) { fname = gui->fileselect (_("Load Vendor Resource File..."), _("Picks a vendor resource file to load.\n" "This file can contain drc settings for a\n" "particular vendor as well as a list of\n" "predefined drills which are allowed."), default_file, ".res", "vendor", HID_FILESELECT_READ); if (fname == NULL) AFAIL (load_vendor); free_fname = true; free (default_file); default_file = NULL; if (fname && *fname) default_file = strdup (fname); } /* Unload any vendor table we may have had */ n_vendor_drills = 0; n_refdes = 0; n_value = 0; n_descr = 0; FREE (vendor_drills); FREE (ignore_refdes); FREE (ignore_value); FREE (ignore_descr); /* load the resource file */ res = resource_parse (fname, NULL); if (res == NULL) { Message (_("Could not load vendor resource file \"%s\"\n"), fname); return 1; } /* figure out the vendor name, if specified */ vendor_name = (char *)UNKNOWN (resource_value (res, "vendor")); /* figure out the units, if specified */ sval = resource_value (res, "units"); if (sval == NULL) { sf = MIL_TO_COORD(1); } else if ((NSTRCMP (sval, "mil") == 0) || (NSTRCMP (sval, "mils") == 0)) { sf = MIL_TO_COORD(1); } else if ((NSTRCMP (sval, "inch") == 0) || (NSTRCMP (sval, "inches") == 0)) { sf = INCH_TO_COORD(1); } else if (NSTRCMP (sval, "mm") == 0) { sf = MM_TO_COORD(1); } else { Message ("\"%s\" is not a supported units. Defaulting to inch\n", sval); sf = INCH_TO_COORD(1); } /* default to ROUND_UP */ rounding_method = ROUND_UP; /* extract the drillmap resource */ drlres = resource_subres (res, "drillmap"); if (drlres == NULL) { Message (_("No drillmap resource found\n")); } else { sval = resource_value (drlres, "round"); if (sval != NULL) { if (NSTRCMP (sval, "up") == 0) { rounding_method = ROUND_UP; } else if (NSTRCMP (sval, "nearest") == 0) { rounding_method = CLOSEST; } else { Message (_ ("\"%s\" is not a valid rounding type. Defaulting to up\n"), sval); rounding_method = ROUND_UP; } } process_skips (resource_subres (drlres, "skips")); for (i = 0; i < drlres->c; i++) { type = resource_type (drlres->v[i]); switch (type) { case 10: /* just a number */ add_to_drills (drlres->v[i].value); break; default: break; } } } /* Extract the DRC resource */ drcres = resource_subres (res, "drc"); sval = resource_value (drcres, "copper_space"); if (sval != NULL) { PCB->Bloat = floor (sf * atof (sval) + 0.5); Message (_("Set DRC minimum copper spacing to %.2f mils\n"), 0.01 * PCB->Bloat); } sval = resource_value (drcres, "copper_overlap"); if (sval != NULL) { PCB->Shrink = floor (sf * atof (sval) + 0.5); Message (_("Set DRC minimum copper overlap to %.2f mils\n"), 0.01 * PCB->Shrink); } sval = resource_value (drcres, "copper_width"); if (sval != NULL) { PCB->minWid = floor (sf * atof (sval) + 0.5); Message (_("Set DRC minimum copper spacing to %.2f mils\n"), 0.01 * PCB->minWid); } sval = resource_value (drcres, "silk_width"); if (sval != NULL) { PCB->minSlk = floor (sf * atof (sval) + 0.5); Message (_("Set DRC minimum silk width to %.2f mils\n"), 0.01 * PCB->minSlk); } sval = resource_value (drcres, "min_drill"); if (sval != NULL) { PCB->minDrill = floor (sf * atof (sval) + 0.5); Message (_("Set DRC minimum drill diameter to %.2f mils\n"), 0.01 * PCB->minDrill); } sval = resource_value (drcres, "min_ring"); if (sval != NULL) { PCB->minRing = floor (sf * atof (sval) + 0.5); Message (_("Set DRC minimum annular ring to %.2f mils\n"), 0.01 * PCB->minRing); } Message (_("Loaded %d vendor drills from %s\n"), n_vendor_drills, fname); Message (_("Loaded %d RefDes skips, %d Value skips, %d Descr skips\n"), n_refdes, n_value, n_descr); vendorMapEnable = true; apply_vendor_map (); if (free_fname) free (fname); return 0; }