コード例 #1
ファイル: cmontecarlo.c プロジェクト: karandesai-96/tardis
/** Insert a value in to an array of line frequencies
 * @param nu array of line frequencies
 * @param nu_insert value of nu key
 * @param number_of_lines number of lines in the line list
 * @return index of the next line ot the red. If the key value is redder than the reddest line returns number_of_lines.
line_search (const double *nu, double nu_insert, int64_t number_of_lines,
             int64_t * result)
  tardis_error_t ret_val = TARDIS_ERROR_OK;
  int64_t imin = 0;
  int64_t imax = number_of_lines - 1;
  if (nu_insert > nu[imin])
      *result = imin;
  else if (nu_insert < nu[imax])
      *result = imax + 1;
      ret_val = reverse_binary_search (nu, nu_insert, imin, imax, result);
      *result = *result + 1;
  return ret_val;
コード例 #2
void find_duplication_distances(const bpp::Tree &tree,
        const vector<int> &breadth_first_visit_order,
        const map<int, AttributeT> attribute_of_node,
        const map<int, map<AttributeT, TreeDistanceInfo<ObjectT, 
                                                    nullObjectValue> *> *>
        const LeftRightIdsOfNodeIdMap &idMap,
        const map<int, int> &nodeIdOfLeftIdMap,
        const map<ObjectT, int> &leaf_of_object,
        const map<int, ObjectT> &object_of_leaf,
        const map<ObjectT, map<ObjectT, set<int> *> *> 
        map<ObjectT, map<ObjectT, DupInfo *> *> &duplication_node_of_objects,
        map<int, ObjObjInfo *>
        map<int, ObjObjInfo *>
        map<int,  double> 
          &greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant) {

  if (alternative_nearest_objects.size() == 0) {
    // There is nothing to do here but set the root
    int rootId = tree.getRootId();
    greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant[rootId] = -1;
  // A maximal node is one for which, for some attribute, it is not the case
  // that the node, its parent, and all its siblings have the same nearest
  // object in the tree with that attribute.  There must be at least two
  // distinct objects with the same attribute such that they are the nearest
  // object with that attribute to some of the node, its parent, and its
  // siblings.  All such pairs of objects, and the maximal nodes to which they
  // pertain, have previously been recorded in alternative_nearest_objects.

  // For each pair of objects in alternative_nearest_objects, we will find
  // the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of that pair of objects.  That is
  // the duplication node for the pair of objects.  We also will find the tree
  // distance between the two objects.  If the tree obeyed a molecular clock,
  // then half this tree distance would tell us how long ago the duplication
  // happened, and each of the two objects would be exactly this distance from
  // the duplication node.  Because the tree does not obey a molecular clock,
  // for any particular duplication node, the distances we get this way from
  // different pairs of duplicated objects that descend from it may be
  // different.  For each duplication node, we will record the maximum of all
  // such distances for any pair of duplicated objects descending from that
  // node, and which pair of objects yielded this maximum.  Call this maximum
  // duplication_node_distance.  

  // For each maximal node, it is maximal due to several possible pairs of
  // alternative nearest objects.  It may not always be the case that for each
  // pair of alternative nearest objects causing a particular node to be
  // maximal, one or both members of the pair will be descendants of the maximal
  // node.  The duplication node between them also may not be a descendant of
  // the maximal node.  The duplication distance of a maximal node will be the
  // maximum duplication_node_distance for all duplication nodes of pairs of
  // alternative nearest objects to the maximal node.  We will find the
  // duplication distance for each maximal node, and record which pair of
  // objects has the duplication_node_distance yielding that duplication
  // distance.  Note that this pair of objects may not be the same as the one
  // yielding the duplication_node_distance of the duplication node.

  // We find the distances from each of the objects that cause nodes to be
  // maximal to each of their ancestors.
  map<int, map<ObjectT, double> *> distances_to_maximizing_objects;
  find_distances_to_maximizing_objects(tree, breadth_first_visit_order,

  // The left_ids and right_ids of the nodes in this tree have previously been
  // computed and passed in idMap (which has idMap[nodeId] == pair<left_id,
  // right_id>).  These numbers, which were computed by a modified preorder tree
  // traversal, have the useful properties that:
  // node N1 descends from ndoe N2 if and only if (iff):
  //   left_id(N1) >= left_id(N2) and right_id(N1) <= right_id(N2)
  // node N is an ancestor of nodes N1, ..., Nk iff:
  //   left_id(Ni) >= left_id(N) for all i = 1,...,k and
  //   right_id(Ni) <= right_id(N) for all i = 1,...,k
  // node N is the most recent common ancestor of nodes N1, ..., Nk iff
  //   node N is an ancestor of nodes N1, ..., Nk and
  //   any of the following equivalent conditions holds:
  //   (i) node N has the greatest left_id among ancestors of nodes N1,...,Nk
  //   (ii) node N has the least right_id among ancestors of nodes N1,...,Nk
  //   (iii) node N appears last in the breadth_first_search_order among
  //   ancestors of nodes N1,...,Nk
  // We'll be using (iii).

  // We'll be looking up nodes by either their left_id or their right_id.  The
  // nodeIdOfLeftIdMap was passed in, but we now create a nodeIdOfRighgtIdMap as
  // well, using the idMap (which has idMap[nodeId] == pair<left_id, right_id>).
  map<int, int> nodeIdOfRightIdMap;
  map<int, pair<int, int> >::const_iterator node_id_iter;
  for (node_id_iter = idMap.begin(); node_id_iter != idMap.end();
        ++node_id_iter) {
    nodeIdOfRightIdMap[node_id_iter->second.second] = node_id_iter->first;

  // We will be finding the tree distances between pairs of
  // alternative_nearest_objects.  To make it easy to test the condition that
  // N is an ancestor of N1 and N2, i.e., that
  // left_id(N1) >= left_id(N) and left_id(N2) >= left_id(N) and
  // right_id(N1) <= right_id(N) and right_id(N2) <= right_id(N),
  // we will keep track of each pair of leaves N1 and N2 as
  // left_id = min(left_id(N1), left_id(N2)) and
  // right_id = max(right_id(N1), right_id(N2)).
  map<int, vector<int> *> other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids;
  map<int, vector<int> *>::const_iterator right_left_iter;
  int leftId0, leftId1, rightId0, rightId1, leftId, rightId;
  map<ObjectT, set<int> *>::const_iterator obj_nodes_iter;
  map<ObjectT, map<ObjectT, set<int> *> *>::const_iterator
  int obj0, obj1, lesserObj, greaterObj;
  map<ObjectT, int>::const_iterator obj_leaf_iter;
  map<int, pair<int,int> >::const_iterator node_left_right_iter;
  map<ObjectT, map<ObjectT, DupInfo *> *>::iterator obj_obj_dup_iter;
  for (obj_objs_nodes_iter 
        = alternative_nearest_objects.begin();
        != alternative_nearest_objects.end();
      ++obj_objs_nodes_iter) {
    obj0 = obj_objs_nodes_iter->first;
    obj_leaf_iter = leaf_of_object.find(obj0);
    node_left_right_iter = idMap.find(obj_leaf_iter->second);
    leftId0 = node_left_right_iter->second.first;
    rightId0 = node_left_right_iter->second.second;
    for (obj_nodes_iter = obj_objs_nodes_iter->second->begin();
        obj_nodes_iter != obj_objs_nodes_iter->second->end();
        ++obj_nodes_iter) {
      obj1 = obj_nodes_iter->first;
      lesserObj = (obj0 < obj1) ? obj0 : obj1;
      greaterObj = (obj0 < obj1) ? obj1 : obj0;
      obj_obj_dup_iter = duplication_node_of_objects.find(lesserObj);
      if (obj_obj_dup_iter == duplication_node_of_objects.end()) {
        duplication_node_of_objects[lesserObj] = new map<ObjectT, DupInfo *>;
      obj_leaf_iter = leaf_of_object.find(obj1);
      node_left_right_iter = idMap.find(obj_leaf_iter->second);
      leftId1 = node_left_right_iter->second.first;
      rightId1 = node_left_right_iter->second.second;
      leftId = (leftId0 < leftId1) ? leftId0 : leftId1;
      rightId = (rightId0 > rightId1) ? rightId0 : rightId1;
      right_left_iter = other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids.find(leftId);
      if (right_left_iter == other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids.end()) {
        other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids[leftId] = new vector<int>;
  // We sort the left_ids and right_ids.  This way when we are checking whether
  // a node is an ancestor of some pair, it will be easy for us to only check
  // those pairs of which it could possibly be an ancestor.
  vector<int> sorted_left_ids_of_leaves;
  for (right_left_iter = other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids.begin(); 
      right_left_iter != other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids.end(); 
      ++right_left_iter) {
  std::sort(sorted_left_ids_of_leaves.begin(), sorted_left_ids_of_leaves.end());

  int least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id,
  vector<int>::iterator j, k;
  int r;
  AttributeT attr;
  int nodeId, childId;
  double distanceToLesserObj, distanceToGreaterObj, duplication_node_distance,
  map<int, ObjObjInfo *>::iterator node_obj_pair_iter;
  map<int, int>::const_iterator int_node_iter;
  map<int, AttributeT>::const_iterator node_attr_iter;
  map<int, ObjectT>::const_iterator leaf_obj_iter;
  map<ObjectT, int>::const_iterator ancestral_iter;
  map<int, map<AttributeT, TreeDistanceInfo<ObjectT,
                  nullObjectValue> *> *>::const_iterator dist_attr_node_iter;
  // Now we go up the tree computing the distances between each pair of
  // alternative nearest objects, and all the duplication_node_distances.
  for (int i = breadth_first_visit_order.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    nodeId = breadth_first_visit_order[i];
    const vector<int> &children = tree.getSonsId(nodeId);
    duplication_node_distance = -1.0;
    for (int c = 0; c < children.size(); ++c) {
      childId = children[c];
        = pair_of_objects_yielding_duplication_node_distance.find(childId);
      if (node_obj_pair_iter
          != pair_of_objects_yielding_duplication_node_distance.end()) {
        new_duplication_node_distance = getDuplicationNodeDistance(childId,
        if (duplication_node_distance < 0.0) {
            = new ObjObjInfo();
          duplication_node_distance = new_duplication_node_distance;
        } else {
          if (new_duplication_node_distance > duplication_node_distance) {
            duplication_node_distance = new_duplication_node_distance;
    node_left_right_iter = idMap.find(nodeId);
    leftId = node_left_right_iter->second.first;
    rightId = node_left_right_iter->second.second;
    // If the binary_search returns -1, this means leftId is before the
    // beginning of sorted_left_ids_of_leaves.  So it will be correct that j =
    // sorted_left_ids_of_leaves.begin()
    j = sorted_left_ids_of_leaves.begin() + 1 
            + binary_search(leftId, sorted_left_ids_of_leaves);
    least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id = *j;
    // least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id will be increasing as we go
    // through this loop; we stop when it goes past rightId.
    while (j != sorted_left_ids_of_leaves.end()
          && least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id < rightId) {
        = nodeIdOfLeftIdMap.find(least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id);
      node_attr_iter = attribute_of_node.find(int_node_iter->second);
      leaf_obj_iter = object_of_leaf.find(int_node_iter->second);
      obj0 = leaf_obj_iter->second;
      // If the binary_search returns -1, this means rightId is after the end of
      // the right_ids that are paired with
      // least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id (since they are sorted in
      // reverse order).  So it will be correct that k =
      // other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids[least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id]->begin().
      // beginning of the right_ids that are paired with
      // least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id.  Hence none of them can be
      // descendant from this node, and we should continue.
      k = other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids[
          + 1 + reverse_binary_search(rightId,
      greatest_right_id_less_than_node_right_id = *k;
      // greatest_right_id_less_than_node_right_id will be decreasing as we go
      // through this loop; we stop when it goes past leftId.
      while (k != other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids[
          && greatest_right_id_less_than_node_right_id > leftId) {
        int_node_iter = nodeIdOfRightIdMap.find(
        leaf_obj_iter = object_of_leaf.find(int_node_iter->second);
        obj1 = leaf_obj_iter->second;
        // This node is the duplication node of obj0, obj1
        lesserObj = (obj0 < obj1) ? obj0 : obj1;
        greaterObj = (obj0 < obj1) ? obj1 : obj0;
          = (*distances_to_maximizing_objects[nodeId])[lesserObj];
          = (*distances_to_maximizing_objects[nodeId])[greaterObj];
          = new DupInfo(nodeId, distanceToLesserObj, distanceToGreaterObj);
          = (distanceToLesserObj + distanceToGreaterObj) / 2;
        if (duplication_node_distance < 0.0) {
            = new ObjObjInfo();
                              nodeId]->setValues(lesserObj, greaterObj);
          duplication_node_distance = new_duplication_node_distance;
        } else {
          if (new_duplication_node_distance > duplication_node_distance) {
                                nodeId]->setValues(lesserObj, greaterObj);
            duplication_node_distance = new_duplication_node_distance;
        // Since we've found the MRCA of obj0, obj1, we don't need to check
        // for this pair any more.  In fact, we had better not, otherwise we
        // would erroneously keep setting the duplication node to other
        // ancestors closer to the root of the tree.  So we must erase
        // right_id here.
        k = other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids[
        if (k != other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids[
                            least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id]->end()) {
          // Now k points to the item that originally came *after*
          // greatest_right_id_less_than_node_right_id in the vector, which
          // means that it is *less* than
          // greatest_right_id_less_than_node_right_id (since the vector is in
          // reverse order), and hence still less than rightId.
          greatest_right_id_less_than_node_right_id = *k;
      if (other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids[
                    least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id]->size() == 0) {
        // Since we've found the duplication nodes of all pairs with obj0, we
        // don't need to check it any more.  So we can erase the left_id.
        delete other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids[
        j = sorted_left_ids_of_leaves.erase(j);
      } else {
      // Now j points to the item that originall came after
      // least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id in sorted_left_ids_of_leaves,
      // which means that it greater than
      // least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id, and hence also than leftId.
      if (j != sorted_left_ids_of_leaves.end()) {
        least_left_id_greater_than_node_left_id = *j;
  if (other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids.size() > 0) {
    cerr << "Warning: other_leaf_right_ids_of_leaf_left_ids ended nonempty"
      << endl;

  // Now we go through alternative_nearest_objects computing the duplication
  // distances of the maximal nodes.
  set<int>::iterator maximal_node_iter;
  int duplicationNodeId;
  map<int, ObjObjInfo *>::iterator obj_obj_max_node_iter;
  for (obj_objs_nodes_iter 
        = alternative_nearest_objects.begin();
        != alternative_nearest_objects.end();
      ++obj_objs_nodes_iter) {
    obj0 = obj_objs_nodes_iter->first;
    for (obj_nodes_iter = obj_objs_nodes_iter->second->begin();
        obj_nodes_iter != obj_objs_nodes_iter->second->end();
        ++obj_nodes_iter) {
      obj1 = obj_nodes_iter->first;
      lesserObj = (obj0 < obj1) ? obj0 : obj1;
      greaterObj = (obj0 < obj1) ? obj1 : obj0;
        = (*duplication_node_of_objects[lesserObj])
      for (maximal_node_iter = obj_nodes_iter->second->begin();
            maximal_node_iter != obj_nodes_iter->second->end();
            ++maximal_node_iter) {
        obj_obj_max_node_iter = pair_of_nearest_objects_to_maximal_node.find(
        if (obj_obj_max_node_iter 
              == pair_of_nearest_objects_to_maximal_node.end()) {
            = new ObjObjInfo();
                        *maximal_node_iter]->setValues(lesserObj, greaterObj);

        } else {
          if (getDuplicationNodeDistance(duplicationNodeId,
              > getMaximalNodeDistance(*maximal_node_iter,
                            pair_of_nearest_objects_to_maximal_node)) {
                        *maximal_node_iter]->setValues(lesserObj, greaterObj);

  // Now we go up the tree finding, for each maximal node, the greatest
  // duplication distance of any of its strict descendants (i.e., not including
  // itself) which is also a maximal node.  We store the pair of the maximal
  // node's own duplication distance and this for each of the maximal nodes, and
  // for the root.
  map<int, double> all_node_greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant;
  map<int, double>::const_iterator node_iter, parent_iter;
  int parentId;
  double currentDistance;
  for (int i = breadth_first_visit_order.size() - 1; i >= 1; --i) {
    nodeId = breadth_first_visit_order[i];
    node_iter = all_node_greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant.find(nodeId);
    parentId = tree.getFatherId(nodeId);
      = all_node_greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant.find(parentId);
    if (node_iter != all_node_greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant.end()) {
      if (parent_iter 
          == all_node_greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant.end()) {
          = node_iter->second;
      } else {
        if (node_iter->second > parent_iter->second) {
            = node_iter->second;
      = pair_of_nearest_objects_to_maximal_node.find(nodeId);
    if (obj_obj_max_node_iter 
        != pair_of_nearest_objects_to_maximal_node.end()) {
      if (node_iter == all_node_greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant.end()) {
        greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant[nodeId] = -1.0;
      } else {
        greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant[nodeId] = node_iter->second;
      currentDistance = getMaximalNodeDistance(nodeId, 
      if (parent_iter 
          == all_node_greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant.end()) {
          = currentDistance;
      } else {
        if (currentDistance > parent_iter->second) {
            = currentDistance;
  int rootId = tree.getRootId();
    = pair_of_nearest_objects_to_maximal_node.find(rootId);
  node_iter = all_node_greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant.find(rootId);
  if (node_iter == all_node_greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant.end()) {
    greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant[rootId] = -1.0;
  } else {
    greatest_distance_of_maximal_descendant[rootId] = node_iter->second;
  map<int, map<ObjectT, double> *>::iterator node_obj_dist_iter; 
  for (node_obj_dist_iter = distances_to_maximizing_objects.begin();
      node_obj_dist_iter != distances_to_maximizing_objects.end();
      ++node_obj_dist_iter) {
    delete node_obj_dist_iter->second;