コード例 #1
ファイル: rgeos_linearref.c プロジェクト: cran/rgeos
// Return closest point to given distance within geometry.
// 'spgeom' must be a LineString
SEXP rgeos_interpolate(SEXP env, SEXP spgeom, SEXP d, SEXP normalized) {

    GEOSContextHandle_t GEOShandle = getContextHandle(env);
    GEOSGeom geom = rgeos_convert_R2geos(env, spgeom);

    GEOSGeom res_geos;
    double dist;

    int nlines = length(GET_SLOT(spgeom, install("lines")));
    if (nlines < 1) {
        error("rgeos_project: invalid number of lines");

    int n = LENGTH(d);
    if (n < 1) {
        error("rgeos_interpolate: invalid number of requested points");

    int pc = 0;
    SEXP crd;
    PROTECT(crd = NEW_NUMERIC(n*2)); pc++;

    double x;
    double y;
    SEXP ans;

    // select interpolation function (normalized/unnormalized)
    GEOSGeometry GEOS_DLL *(*interp_fun)(GEOSContextHandle_t,
                                         const GEOSGeometry*,

    if (LOGICAL_POINTER(normalized)[0]) {
        interp_fun = &GEOSInterpolateNormalized_r;
    } else {
        interp_fun = &GEOSInterpolate_r;

    // interpolate points and store result in coord matrix
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

        dist = NUMERIC_POINTER(d)[i];

        res_geos = (*interp_fun)(GEOShandle, geom, dist);

        rgeos_Pt2xy(env, res_geos, &x, &y);

        NUMERIC_POINTER(crd)[i] = x;
        NUMERIC_POINTER(crd)[n+i] = y;

    GEOSGeom_destroy_r(GEOShandle, geom);
    GEOSGeom_destroy_r(GEOShandle, res_geos);

    // return coordinates as matrix
    PROTECT(ans = rgeos_formatcrdMat(crd, n)); pc++;

コード例 #2
ファイル: rgeos_geos2R.c プロジェクト: strategist922/rgeos-2
SEXP rgeos_geosring2Polygon(SEXP env, GEOSGeom lr, int hole) {
    GEOSContextHandle_t GEOShandle = getContextHandle(env);
    int pc=0;
    GEOSCoordSeq s = (GEOSCoordSequence *) GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq_r(GEOShandle, lr);
    if (s == NULL) 
        error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: CoordSeq failure");
    unsigned int n;
    if (GEOSCoordSeq_getSize_r(GEOShandle, s, &n) == 0)
        error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: CoordSeq failure");
    // Get coordinates
    SEXP crd;
    PROTECT(crd = rgeos_crdMatFixDir(PROTECT(rgeos_CoordSeq2crdMat(env, s, FALSE, hole)), hole)); pc += 2;
    // Calculate area
    GEOSGeom p = GEOSGeom_createPolygon_r(GEOShandle,GEOSGeom_clone_r(GEOShandle,lr),NULL,0);
    if (p == NULL) 
        error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: unable to create polygon");
    SEXP area;
    PROTECT(area = NEW_NUMERIC(1)); pc++;
    NUMERIC_POINTER(area)[0] = 0.0;
    if (!GEOSArea_r(GEOShandle, p, NUMERIC_POINTER(area)))
        error("rgeos_geosring2Polygon: area calculation failure");
    // Calculate label position
    SEXP labpt;
    PROTECT(labpt = NEW_NUMERIC(2)); pc++;
    GEOSGeom centroid = GEOSGetCentroid_r(GEOShandle, p);
    double xc, yc;
    rgeos_Pt2xy(env, centroid, &xc, &yc);
    if (!R_FINITE(xc) || !R_FINITE(yc)) {
        xc = 0.0;
        yc = 0.0;
        for(int i=0; i != n; i++) {
            xc += NUMERIC_POINTER(crd)[i];
            yc += NUMERIC_POINTER(crd)[(int) (n) +i];
        xc /= n;
        yc /= n;
    NUMERIC_POINTER(labpt)[0] = xc;
    NUMERIC_POINTER(labpt)[1] = yc;
    GEOSGeom_destroy_r(GEOShandle, centroid);
    GEOSGeom_destroy_r(GEOShandle, p);
    // Get ring direction
    SEXP ringDir;
    PROTECT(ringDir = NEW_INTEGER(1)); pc++;
    INTEGER_POINTER(ringDir)[0] = hole ? -1 : 1;
    // Get hole status
    SEXP Hole;
    PROTECT(Hole = NEW_LOGICAL(1)); pc++;
    LOGICAL_POINTER(Hole)[0] = hole;
    SEXP ans;
    PROTECT(ans = NEW_OBJECT(MAKE_CLASS("Polygon"))); pc++;    
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("ringDir"), ringDir);
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("labpt"), labpt);
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("area"), area);
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("hole"), Hole);
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("coords"), crd);
    SEXP valid;
    PROTECT(valid = SP_PREFIX(Polygon_validate_c)(ans)); pc++;
    if (!isLogical(valid)) {
        if (isString(valid)) 
            error(CHAR(STRING_ELT(valid, 0)));
            error("invalid Polygon object");