int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #include "setRootCase.H" #include "createTime.H" #include "createMesh.H" Info << "Reading T_init" << endl; volScalarField T_init ( IOobject("T_init", runTime.constant(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ), mesh ); Info << "Reading P_init" << endl; volScalarField P_init ( IOobject("P_init", runTime.constant(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ), mesh ); Info << "Reading rt_init" << endl; volScalarField rt_init ( IOobject("rt_init", runTime.constant(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ), mesh ); Info << "Reading r_init" << endl; volScalarField r_init ( IOobject("r_init", runTime.constant(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ), mesh ); Info << "Reading or creating tracer field rhof_init" << endl; surfaceScalarField rhof_init ( IOobject("rhof_init", runTime.constant(), mesh, IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT), linearInterpolate(rt_init) ); Info << "Creating T" << endl; volScalarField T ( IOobject("T", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), T_init ); Info << "Creating P" << endl; volScalarField P ( IOobject("P", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), P_init ); Info << "Creating rt" << endl; volScalarField rt ( IOobject("rt", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), rt_init ); Info << "Creating rl" << endl; volScalarField rl ( IOobject("rl", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), r_init ); Info << "Creating rv" << endl; volScalarField rv ( IOobject("rv", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), r_init ); Info << "Creating rl_diag" << endl; volScalarField rl_diag ( IOobject("rl_diag", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), r_init ); Info << "Creating rv_diag" << endl; volScalarField rv_diag ( IOobject("rv_diag", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), r_init ); Info << "Creating rl_analytic" << endl; volScalarField rl_analytic ( IOobject("rl_analytic", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), r_init ); Info << "Creating rv_analytic" << endl; volScalarField rv_analytic ( IOobject("rv_analytic", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), r_init ); Info << "Creating rt_analytic" << endl; volScalarField rt_analytic ( IOobject("rt_analytic", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), r_init ); Info << "Creating S" << endl; volScalarField S ( IOobject("S", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), r_init ); Info << "Creating rhof" << endl; surfaceScalarField rhof ( IOobject("rhof", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ), rhof_init ); IOdictionary rtDict ( IOobject ( "totalMoistureDict", mesh.time().system(), mesh, IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ); IOdictionary rlDict ( IOobject ( "liquidWaterDict", mesh.time().system(), mesh, IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ); IOdictionary rvDict ( IOobject ( "waterVapourDict", mesh.time().system(), mesh, IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ); IOdictionary tempDict ( IOobject ( "tempDict", mesh.time().system(), mesh, IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ); IOdictionary PDict ( IOobject ( "pressureDict", mesh.time().system(), mesh, IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ); const noAdvection velocityField; autoPtr<tracerField> rtVal(tracerField::New(rtDict, velocityField)); autoPtr<tracerField> rlVal(tracerField::New(rlDict, velocityField)); autoPtr<tracerField> rvVal(tracerField::New(rvDict, velocityField)); autoPtr<tracerField> tempVal(tracerField::New(tempDict, velocityField)); autoPtr<tracerField> PVal(tracerField::New(PDict, velocityField)); Info << "writing rt for time " << runTime.timeName() << endl; rtVal->applyTo(rt); rt.write(); Info << "writing rl for time " << runTime.timeName() << endl; rlVal->applyTo(rl); rl.write(); Info << "writing rv for time " << runTime.timeName() << endl; rvVal->applyTo(rv); rv.write(); Info << "writing rl_diag for time " << runTime.timeName() << endl; rlVal->applyTo(rl_diag); rl_diag.write(); Info << "writing rv_diag for time " << runTime.timeName() << endl; rvVal->applyTo(rv_diag); rv_diag.write(); Info << "writing rl_analytic for time " << runTime.timeName() << endl; rlVal->applyTo(rl_analytic); rl_analytic.write(); Info << "writing rv_analytic for time " << runTime.timeName() << endl; rvVal->applyTo(rv_analytic); rv_analytic.write(); Info << "writing rt_analytic for time " << runTime.timeName() << endl; rtVal->applyTo(rt_analytic); rt_analytic.write(); Info << "writing S for time " << runTime.timeName() << endl; S.write(); Info << "writing qf for time " << runTime.timeName() << endl; rtVal->applyTo(rhof); rhof.write(); Info << "writing T" << endl; tempVal->applyTo(T); T.write(); Info << "writing P" << endl; PVal->applyTo(P); P.write(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void CalculateDragForce ( cfdemCloud& sm, const volScalarField& alpf_, const volVectorField& Uf_, const volScalarField& rho_, const bool& verbose_, vectorField& DragForce_, const labelListList& particleList_ ) { // get viscosity field #ifdef comp const volScalarField nufField = sm.turbulence().mu()/rho_; #else const volScalarField& nufField = sm.turbulence().nu(); #endif // Local variables label cellI(-1); vector drag(0,0,0); vector Ufluid(0,0,0); vector position(0,0,0); scalar voidfraction(1); vector Up(0,0,0); vector Ur(0,0,0); scalar ds(0); scalar nuf(0); scalar rhof(0); vector WenYuDrag(0,0,0); interpolationCellPoint<scalar> voidfractionInterpolator_(alpf_); interpolationCellPoint<vector> UInterpolator_(Uf_); // //_AO_Parallel DragForce_.resize(particleList_.size()); for(int ii =0; ii < particleList_.size(); ii++) { int index = particleList_[ii][0]; cellI = sm.cellIDs()[index][0]; drag = vector(0,0,0); Ufluid = vector(0,0,0); WenYuDrag = vector(0,0,0); DragForce_[ii] = vector(0,0,0); if (cellI > -1) // particle Found { position = sm.position(index); if ( alpf_[cellI] > 1. ) Pout << " voidfraction > 1 " << alpf_[cellI] << endl; voidfraction = voidfractionInterpolator_.interpolate(position,cellI); Ufluid = UInterpolator_.interpolate(position,cellI); if ( voidfraction > 1. ) { Pout << " Int. voidfraction > 1 " << " value= " << voidfraction; voidfraction = alpf_[cellI]; Pout << " mod. value = " << voidfraction << endl; } Up = sm.velocity(index); Ur = Ufluid-Up; ds = 2*sm.radius(index); rhof = rho_[cellI]; nuf = nufField[cellI]; // Drag force WenYuDragForce(Ur,ds,rhof,nuf,voidfraction,WenYuDrag); if(verbose_ && index <= 1) { Info << "" << endl; Pout << " index = " << index << endl; Pout << " position = " << position << endl; Pout << " Up = " << Up << endl; Pout << " Ur = " << Ur << endl; Pout << " dp = " << ds << endl; Pout << " rho = " << rhof << endl; Pout << " nuf = " << nuf << endl; Pout << " voidfraction = " << voidfraction << endl; Pout << " drag = " << WenYuDrag << endl; Info << " " << endl; } } for(int j=0;j<3;j++) DragForce_[ii][j] = WenYuDrag[j]; } }
void kinematicSingleLayer::solveThickness ( const volScalarField& pu, const volScalarField& pp, const fvVectorMatrix& UEqn ) { if (debug) { InfoInFunction << endl; } volScalarField rUA(1.0/UEqn.A()); U_ = rUA*UEqn.H(); surfaceScalarField deltarUAf(fvc::interpolate(delta_*rUA)); surfaceScalarField rhof(fvc::interpolate(rho_)); surfaceScalarField phiAdd ( "phiAdd", regionMesh().magSf() * ( fvc::snGrad(pu, "snGrad(p)") + fvc::snGrad(pp, "snGrad(p)")*fvc::interpolate(delta_) ) - fvc::flux(rho_*gTan()) ); constrainFilmField(phiAdd, 0.0); surfaceScalarField phid ( "phid", fvc::flux(U_*rho_) - deltarUAf*phiAdd*rhof ); constrainFilmField(phid, 0.0); surfaceScalarField ddrhorUAppf ( "deltaCoeff", fvc::interpolate(delta_)*deltarUAf*rhof*fvc::interpolate(pp) ); regionMesh().setFluxRequired(; for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr_; nonOrth++) { // Film thickness equation fvScalarMatrix deltaEqn ( fvm::ddt(rho_, delta_) + fvm::div(phid, delta_) - fvm::laplacian(ddrhorUAppf, delta_) == - rhoSp_ ); deltaEqn.solve(); if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr_) { phiAdd += fvc::interpolate(pp) * fvc::snGrad(delta_) * regionMesh().magSf(); phi_ == deltaEqn.flux(); } } // Bound film thickness by a minimum of zero delta_.max(0.0); // Update U field U_ -= fvc::reconstruct(deltarUAf*phiAdd); // Remove any patch-normal components of velocity U_ -= nHat()*(nHat() & U_); U_.correctBoundaryConditions(); // Continuity check continuityCheck(); }
void EulerianParticleVelocityForce ( cfdemCloud& sm, const fvMesh& mesh, volVectorField& Uf_, volVectorField& Up_, volScalarField& rho_, volScalarField& alpf_, volScalarField& Pg_, volVectorField& MappedDragForce_, const labelListList& particleList_, const bool& weighting_ ) { // Neighbouring cells CPCCellToCellStencil neighbourCells(mesh); // get viscosity field #ifdef comp const volScalarField nufField = sm.turbulence().mu()/rho_; #else const volScalarField& nufField = sm.turbulence().nu(); #endif // Gas pressure gradient volVectorField gradPg_ = fvc::grad(Pg_); interpolationCellPoint<vector> gradPgInterpolator_(gradPg_); // Local variables label cellID(-1); vector drag(0,0,0); vector Ufluid(0,0,0); vector position(0,0,0); scalar voidfraction(1); vector Up(0,0,0); vector Ur(0,0,0); scalar ds(0); scalar nuf(0); scalar rhof(0); vector WenYuDrag(0,0,0); interpolationCellPoint<scalar> voidfractionInterpolator_(alpf_); interpolationCellPoint<vector> UInterpolator_(Uf_); scalar dist_s(0); scalar sumWeights(0); scalarField weightScalar(27,scalar(0.0)); Field <Field <scalar> > particleWeights(particleList_.size(),weightScalar); //Info << " particle size " << particleList_.size() << endl; // Number of particle in a cell scalarField np(mesh.cells().size(),scalar(0)); // Particle volume scalar Volp(0); vector gradPg_int(0,0,0); for(int ii = 0; ii < particleList_.size(); ii++) { int index = particleList_[ii][0]; cellID = sm.cellIDs()[index][0]; position = sm.position(index); Ufluid = UInterpolator_.interpolate(position,cellID); Up = sm.velocity(index); Ur = Ufluid-Up; ds = 2*sm.radius(index); // Calculate WenYu Drag voidfraction = voidfractionInterpolator_.interpolate(position,cellID); nuf = nufField[cellID]; rhof = rho_[cellID]; WenYuDragForce(Ur,ds,rhof,nuf,voidfraction,WenYuDrag); Volp = ds*ds*ds*M_PI/6; gradPg_int = gradPgInterpolator_.interpolate(position,cellID); //if (cellID > -1) // particle centre is in domain //{ if(weighting_) { labelList& cellsNeigh = neighbourCells[cellID]; sumWeights = 0; dist_s = 0; //Info << " index = " << index << " ii = " << ii << " cellID = " << cellID << endl; forAll(cellsNeigh,jj) { // Find distances between particle and neighbouring cells dist_s = mag(sm.mesh().C()[cellsNeigh[jj]]-position)/pow(sm.mesh().V()[cellsNeigh[jj]],1./3.); if(dist_s <= 0.5) { particleWeights[ii][jj] = 1./4.*pow(dist_s,4)-5./8.*pow(dist_s,2)+115./192.; } else if (dist_s > 0.5 && dist_s <= 1.5) { particleWeights[ii][jj] = -1./6.*pow(dist_s,4)+5./6.*pow(dist_s,3)-5./4.*pow(dist_s,2)+5./24.*dist_s+55./96.; } else if (dist_s > 1.5 && dist_s <= 2.5) { particleWeights[ii][jj] = pow(2.5-dist_s,4)/24.; } else { particleWeights[ii][jj] = 0; } sumWeights += particleWeights[ii][jj]; } forAll(cellsNeigh,jj) { if ( sumWeights != 0 ) { Up_[cellID] += Up*particleWeights[ii][jj]/sumWeights; MappedDragForce_[cellID] += (WenYuDrag + Volp * gradPg_int) * particleWeights[ii][jj]/sumWeights; } else { Up_[cellID] = vector(0,0,0); MappedDragForce_[cellID] = vector(0,0,0); } } } else {