コード例 #1
ファイル: test.c プロジェクト: BBK-PiJ-2012-34/fazell
int main() {

	int compressedSize = 0;
	int decompressedSize = 0;

	char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] = {'h','f','u','h','i','u','g','h','e','r','i','u','g','i','i','i','e','e','e','r','r','r','r','r','r','r','r','f','f','f','f','f','f','w','e'};
	char encoded[BUFFER_SIZE];
	char decoded[BUFFER_SIZE];

	printBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
	compressedSize = rleEncode(buffer, encoded);

	printf("Encoded: ");
	printBuffer(encoded, BUFFER_SIZE);
	decompressedSize = rleDecode(encoded, decoded);

	printf("Compressed size: %i\n", compressedSize);

	printf("Decoded: size - %i\n", decompressedSize);
	printBuffer(decoded, BUFFER_SIZE);

	return 0;
コード例 #2
// ****************************************************************************
//  Method: avtImgCommunicator::
//  Purpose:
//  Programmer: Pascal Grosset
//  Creation: July 2013  
//  Modifications:
// ****************************************************************************
void avtImgCommunicator::gatherAndAssembleEncodedImages(int sizex, int sizey, int sizeSending, float *images, int numDivisions){
  #ifdef PARALLEL
    float *tempRecvBuffer = NULL;
    int *recvSizePerProc = NULL;
    int *offsetBuffer = NULL;
    int totalDivisions = 0;
    std::map<float,int> depthPartitions;  //float: z-value, int: division index

    // Only proc 0 receives data
    if (my_id == 0){
      int divIndex = 0;
      int totalSize = 0;
      recvSizePerProc = new int[num_procs]; 
      offsetBuffer = new int[num_procs];  

      for (int i=0; i<num_procs; i++){
        int numBoundsPerBlock = boundsPerBlockVec[i].size()/2;
        totalDivisions += numBoundsPerBlock;
        int sizeEncoded = 0;
        for (size_t j=0; j<boundsPerBlockVec[i].size(); j+=2){
          depthPartitions.insert( std::pair< float,int > ( (boundsPerBlockVec[i][j] + boundsPerBlockVec[i][j+1]) * 0.5, divIndex ) );   
          sizeEncoded += compressedSizePerDiv[divIndex]*5;
        totalSize += sizeEncoded;
        recvSizePerProc[i] = sizeEncoded;

        if (i == 0)
          offsetBuffer[i] = 0;
          offsetBuffer[i] = offsetBuffer[i-1] + recvSizePerProc[i-1];

      tempRecvBuffer = new float[ totalSize ];

        //  send   recv  others
    MPI_Gatherv(images, sizeSending, MPI_FLOAT,    tempRecvBuffer, recvSizePerProc, offsetBuffer,MPI_FLOAT,        0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    // all send to proc 0

    if (my_id == 0){
      // Create a buffer to store the composited image
      imgBuffer = new float[sizex * sizey * 4];
      // Front to back
      for (int i=0; i<(sizex * sizey * 4); i+=4){
        imgBuffer[i+0] = background[0]/255.0; 
        imgBuffer[i+1] = background[1]/255.0; 
        imgBuffer[i+2] = background[2]/255.0; 
        imgBuffer[i+3] = 1.0;

      int count = 0;
      int offset = 0;
      int index = 0;

      if (depthPartitions.size() > 0){
        std::map< float,int >::iterator it;
          debug5 << it->first << " => " << it->second << "    compressedSizePerDiv[count]: " << compressedSizePerDiv[count] << std::endl;

          imageBuffer temp;
          temp.image = new float[sizex*sizey*4];
          index = it->second;

          if (index == 0)
            offset = 0;
            offset = 0;
            for (int k=0; k<index; k++)
              offset += compressedSizePerDiv[k];

          rleDecode(compressedSizePerDiv[index], tempRecvBuffer, offset*5, temp.image);

              for (int j=0; j<sizey; j++){
            for (int k=0; k<sizex; k++){
              int imgIndex = sizex*4*j + k*4;                   // index in the image 

              // Back to front compositing
              imgBuffer[imgIndex+0] = clamp((imgBuffer[imgIndex+0] * (1.0 - temp.image[imgIndex+3])) + temp.image[imgIndex+0]);
              imgBuffer[imgIndex+1] = clamp((imgBuffer[imgIndex+1] * (1.0 - temp.image[imgIndex+3])) + temp.image[imgIndex+1]);
              imgBuffer[imgIndex+2] = clamp((imgBuffer[imgIndex+2] * (1.0 - temp.image[imgIndex+3])) + temp.image[imgIndex+2]);

              delete []temp.image;
              temp.image = NULL;

        }while( it!=depthPartitions.begin() );

      if (tempRecvBuffer != NULL)
        delete []tempRecvBuffer;
      tempRecvBuffer = NULL;

      if (offsetBuffer != NULL)
        delete []offsetBuffer;
      offsetBuffer = NULL;

      if (recvSizePerProc != NULL)
        delete []recvSizePerProc;
      recvSizePerProc = NULL;

