コード例 #1
ファイル: Tracker2D.cpp プロジェクト: bucketzxm/slam
float Tracker2D::getSampleProbability(int sample_id)
	cv::Point2f sample = m_particleFilterTracker.getSampleByIndex(sample_id);

	 *calculate the histogram of H value in the ROI

	int height = m_currentHSV.rows;
	int width = m_currentHSV.cols;

	// need to check the boundary
	int leftUpX = (int)(sample.x - m_trackerSize /2 );
	leftUpX = leftUpX < 0 ? 0: leftUpX;
	int leftUpY = (int)(sample.y - m_trackerSize /2 );
	leftUpY = leftUpY < 0 ? 0 : leftUpY;
	int rightBottomX = (int)(sample.x + m_trackerSize / 2);
	rightBottomX = rightBottomX >= width ? width - 1 : rightBottomX;
	int rightBottomY = (int)(sample.y + m_trackerSize / 2);
	rightBottomY =  rightBottomY >= height ? height - 1 : rightBottomY;

	int roiWidth = rightBottomX - leftUpX;
	int roiHeight = rightBottomY - leftUpY;

	if( roiWidth <= 5 && roiHeight <= 5){
	  return 0.0f;

	//cv::Mat roiMat(m_currentHSV, cv::Rect((int)(sample.x - m_trackerSize / 2), (int)(sample.y - m_trackerSize / 2), m_trackerSize, m_trackerSize));
	cv::Mat roiMat(m_currentHSV, cv::Rect(leftUpX, leftUpY, roiWidth, roiHeight));

	cv::Mat histforH;

	calculateHueHistogram(roiMat, histforH);

	//std::cout << "Sample feature: " << std::endl;
	//std::cout << histforH << std::endl;

	cv::Mat histForHNorm;
	cv::normalize(histforH, histForHNorm, 1.0, 0.0, cv::NORM_MINMAX);

	 *Gaussian distribution.
	float differenceSquare = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < m_histogramSize ; i++)
		float delta = m_objectHfeature[i] - histForHNorm.at<float>(i);
		delta = delta * delta;
		differenceSquare += delta;

	//std::cout << differenceSquare  << std::endl;
	//std::cout << expf(-differenceSquare / m_sigma) << std::endl;

	return expf(-differenceSquare / m_sigma);
コード例 #2
ファイル: CvProcessor.cpp プロジェクト: MarxGonzalez/openTSPS
 ofPixelsRef CvProcessor::process ( ofBaseImage & image ){
     if ( bTrackHaar ){
         processHaar( cameraBabyImage );
     if ( bTrackOpticalFlow ){
         processOpticalFlow( cameraSmallImage );
     ofxCv::threshold(differencedImage, threshold);
     // find contours
     contourFinder.setFindHoles( bFindHoles );
     contourFinder.setMinArea( minBlobArea * tspsWidth * tspsHeight );
     contourFinder.setMaxArea( maxBlobArea * tspsWidth * tspsHeight );
     contourFinder.findContours( differencedImage );
     // update people
     RectTracker& rectTracker    = contourFinder.getTracker();
     cv::Mat cameraMat           = toCv(cameraImage);
     //optical flow scale
     // float flowROIScale = tspsWidth/flow.getWidth();
     for(int i = 0; i < contourFinder.size(); i++){
         unsigned int id = contourFinder.getLabel(i);
         if(rectTracker.existsPrevious(id)) {
             CvPerson* p = (CvPerson *) getTrackedPerson(id);
             //somehow we are not tracking this person, safeguard (shouldn't happen)
             if(NULL == p){
                 ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "Person::warning. encountered persistent blob without a person behind them\n");
             p->oid = i; //hack ;(
             //update this person with new blob info
             // to-do: make centroid dampening dynamic
             //normalize simple contour
             for (int i=0; i<p->simpleContour.size(); i++){
                 p->simpleContour[i].x /= tspsWidth;
                 p->simpleContour[i].y /= tspsHeight;
             //find peak in blob (only useful with depth cameras)
             cv::Point minLoc, maxLoc;
             double minVal = 0, maxVal = 0;
             cv::Rect rect;
             rect.x      = p->boundingRect.x;
             rect.y      = p->boundingRect.y;
             rect.width  = p->boundingRect.width;
             rect.height = p->boundingRect.height;
             cv::Mat roiMat(cameraMat, rect);
             cv::minMaxLoc( roiMat, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc, cv::Mat());
             // set depth
             p->depth = p->highest.z / 255.0f;
             // set highest and lowest points: x, y, VALUE stored in .z prop
             // ease vals unless first time you're setting them
             if ( p->highest.x == -1 ){
                 p->highest.set(  p->boundingRect.x + maxLoc.x,  p->boundingRect.y + maxLoc.y, maxVal);
                 p->lowest.set(  p->boundingRect.x + minLoc.x,  p->boundingRect.y + minLoc.y, minVal);
             } else {
                 p->highest.x = ( p->highest.x * .9 ) + ( p->boundingRect.x + maxLoc.x ) * .1;
                 p->highest.y = ( p->highest.y * .9 ) + ( p->boundingRect.y + maxLoc.y ) * .1;
                 p->highest.z = ( p->highest.z * .9) + ( maxVal ) * .1;
                 p->lowest.x = ( p->lowest.x * .9 ) + ( p->boundingRect.x + minLoc.x ) * .1;
                 p->lowest.y = ( p->lowest.y * .9 ) + ( p->boundingRect.y + minLoc.y ) * .1;
                 p->lowest.z = ( p->lowest.z * .9) + ( minVal ) * .1;
             // cap highest + lowest
             p->highest.x = (p->highest.x > tspsWidth ? tspsWidth : p->highest.x);
             p->highest.x = (p->highest.x < 0 ? 0 : p->highest.x);
             p->highest.y = (p->highest.y > tspsHeight ? tspsHeight : p->highest.y);
             p->highest.y = (p->highest.y < 0 ? 0 : p->highest.y);
             p->lowest.x = (p->lowest.x > tspsWidth ? tspsWidth : p->lowest.x);
             p->lowest.x = (p->lowest.x < 0 ? 0 : p->highest.x);
             p->lowest.y = (p->lowest.y > tspsHeight ? tspsHeight : p->lowest.y);
             p->lowest.y = (p->lowest.y < 0 ? 0 : p->highest.y);
             // ROI for opticalflow
             ofRectangle roi = p->getBoundingRectNormalized(tspsWidth, tspsHeight);
             roi.x *= flow.getWidth();
             roi.y *= flow.getHeight();
             roi.width *= flow.getWidth();
             roi.height *= flow.getHeight();                
             // sum optical flow for the person
             if ( bTrackOpticalFlow && bFlowTrackedOnce ){
                 // TO-DO!
                 p->opticalFlowVectorAccumulation = flow.getAverageFlowInRegion(roi);
             } else {
                 p->opticalFlowVectorAccumulation.x = p->opticalFlowVectorAccumulation.y = 0;
             //detect haar patterns (faces, eyes, etc)
             if ( bTrackHaar ){
                 //find the region of interest, expanded by haarArea.
                 ofRectangle haarROI;
                 haarROI.x		= (p->boundingRect.x - haarAreaPadding/2) * haarTrackingScale > 0.0f ? (p->boundingRect.x - haarAreaPadding/2) * haarTrackingScale : 0.0;
                 haarROI.y		= (p->boundingRect.y - haarAreaPadding/2) * haarTrackingScale > 0.0f ? (p->boundingRect.y - haarAreaPadding/2) : 0.0f;
                 haarROI.width	= (p->boundingRect.width  + haarAreaPadding*2) * haarTrackingScale > cameraBabyImage.width ? (p->boundingRect.width  + haarAreaPadding*2) * haarTrackingScale : cameraBabyImage.width;
                 haarROI.height	= (p->boundingRect.height + haarAreaPadding*2) * haarTrackingScale > cameraBabyImage.height ? (p->boundingRect.height + haarAreaPadding*2) * haarTrackingScale : cameraBabyImage.height;
                 bool haarThisFrame = false;
                 for(int j = 0; j < haarObjects.size(); j++) {
                     ofRectangle hr = toOf(haarObjects[j]);
                     //check to see if the haar is contained within the bounding rectangle
                     if(hr.x > haarROI.x && hr.y > haarROI.y && hr.x+hr.width < haarROI.x+haarROI.width && hr.y+hr.height < haarROI.y+haarROI.height){
                         hr.x /= haarTrackingScale;
                         hr.y /= haarTrackingScale;
                         hr.width /= haarTrackingScale;
                         hr.height /= haarTrackingScale;
                         haarThisFrame = true;
             personUpdated(p, scene);
         } else {
             ofPoint centroid = toOf(contourFinder.getCentroid(i));
             CvPerson* newPerson = new CvPerson(id, i, contourFinder);
             personEntered(newPerson, scene);
     //reset scene
     if ( bTrackOpticalFlow && bFlowTrackedOnce ){
         scene->averageMotion = flow.getAverageFlow();
     } else {
         scene->averageMotion = ofPoint(0,0);
     scene->update( trackedPeople, tspsWidth, tspsHeight );
     // delete old blobs
     for (int i=trackedPeople->size()-1; i>=0; i--){
         Person* p = (*trackedPeople)[i];
         EventArgs args;
         args.person = p;
         args.scene  = scene;
         if (p == NULL){
             personWillLeave(p, scene);
             trackedPeople->erase(trackedPeople->begin() + i);
         } else if ( !(rectTracker.existsPrevious( p->pid ) && rectTracker.existsCurrent(p->pid)) && !rectTracker.existsCurrent(p->pid) ){
             personWillLeave(p, scene);
             trackedPeople->erase(trackedPeople->begin() + i);
     return differencedImage.getPixelsRef();