コード例 #1
ファイル: draw13.c プロジェクト: kleopatra999/mess-svn
INLINE void render_quad(sdl_info *sdl, texture_info *texture, render_primitive *prim, int x, int y)
	SDL_Texture	*texture_id;
	SDL_Rect target_rect;

	target_rect.x = x;
	target_rect.y = y;
	target_rect.w = round_nearest(prim->bounds.x1 - prim->bounds.x0);
	target_rect.h = round_nearest(prim->bounds.y1 - prim->bounds.y0);

	if (texture)
		texture_id = texture->texture_id;

		texture->copyinfo->time -= osd_ticks();
#if 0
		if ((PRIMFLAG_GET_SCREENTEX(prim->flags)) && video_config.filter)
			SDL_SetTextureScaleMode(texture->texture_id,  DRAW2_SCALEMODE_BEST);
			SDL_SetTextureScaleMode(texture->texture_id,  DRAW2_SCALEMODE_NEAREST);
		SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(texture_id, texture->sdl_blendmode);
		set_coloralphamode(texture_id, &prim->color);
		SDL_RenderCopy(sdl->sdl_renderer,  texture_id, NULL, &target_rect);
		texture->copyinfo->time += osd_ticks();

		texture->copyinfo->pixel_count += MAX(STAT_PIXEL_THRESHOLD , (texture->rawwidth * texture->rawheight));
		if (sdl->last_blit_pixels)
			texture->copyinfo->time += (sdl->last_blit_time * (INT64) (texture->rawwidth * texture->rawheight)) / (INT64) sdl->last_blit_pixels;
		texture->copyinfo->perf = ( texture->copyinfo->pixel_count * (osd_ticks_per_second()/1000)) / texture->copyinfo->time;
		UINT32 sr = (UINT32)(255.0f * prim->color.r);
		UINT32 sg = (UINT32)(255.0f * prim->color.g);
		UINT32 sb = (UINT32)(255.0f * prim->color.b);
		UINT32 sa = (UINT32)(255.0f * prim->color.a);

		SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(sdl->sdl_renderer, map_blendmode(PRIMFLAG_GET_BLENDMODE(prim->flags)));
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(sdl->sdl_renderer, sr, sg, sb, sa);
		SDL_RenderFillRect(sdl->sdl_renderer, &target_rect);
コード例 #2
ファイル: draw13.cpp プロジェクト: bradhugh/mame
void texture_info::render_quad(const render_primitive &prim, const int x, const int y)
	SDL_Rect target_rect;

	target_rect.x = x;
	target_rect.y = y;
	target_rect.w = round_nearest(prim.bounds.x1) - round_nearest(prim.bounds.x0);
	target_rect.h = round_nearest(prim.bounds.y1) - round_nearest(prim.bounds.y0);

	SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(m_texture_id, m_sdl_blendmode);
	set_coloralphamode(m_texture_id, &prim.color);
	//printf("%d %d %d %d\n", target_rect.x, target_rect.y, target_rect.w, target_rect.h);
	// Arghhh .. Just another bug. SDL_RenderCopy has severe issues with scaling ...
	SDL_RenderCopy(m_renderer->m_sdl_renderer,  m_texture_id, nullptr, &target_rect);
	//SDL_RenderCopyEx(m_renderer->m_sdl_renderer,  m_texture_id, nullptr, &target_rect, 0, nullptr, SDL_FLIP_NONE);
	//SDL_RenderCopyEx(m_renderer->m_sdl_renderer,  m_texture_id, nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, SDL_FLIP_NONE);
コード例 #3
ファイル: draw13.cpp プロジェクト: bradhugh/mame
void quad_setup_data::compute(const render_primitive &prim, const int prescale)
	const render_quad_texuv *texcoords = &prim.texcoords;
	int texwidth = prim.texture.width;
	int texheight = prim.texture.height;
	float fdudx, fdvdx, fdudy, fdvdy;
	float width, height;
	float fscale;
	/* determine U/V deltas */
	if ((PRIMFLAG_GET_SCREENTEX(prim.flags)))
		fscale = (float) prescale;
		fscale = 1.0f;

	fdudx = (texcoords->tr.u - texcoords->tl.u); // a a11
	fdvdx = (texcoords->tr.v - texcoords->tl.v); // c a21
	fdudy = (texcoords->bl.u - texcoords->tl.u); // b a12
	fdvdy = (texcoords->bl.v - texcoords->tl.v); // d a22

	width = fabsf(( fdudx * (float) (texwidth) + fdvdx * (float) (texheight)) ) * fscale;
	height = fabsf((fdudy * (float) (texwidth) + fdvdy * (float) (texheight)) ) * fscale;

	fdudx = signf(fdudx) / fscale;
	fdvdy = signf(fdvdy) / fscale;
	fdvdx = signf(fdvdx) / fscale;
	fdudy = signf(fdudy) / fscale;

#if 0
	printf("tl.u %f tl.v %f\n", texcoords->tl.u, texcoords->tl.v);
	printf("tr.u %f tr.v %f\n", texcoords->tr.u, texcoords->tr.v);
	printf("bl.u %f bl.v %f\n", texcoords->bl.u, texcoords->bl.v);
	printf("br.u %f br.v %f\n", texcoords->br.u, texcoords->br.v);
	/* compute start and delta U,V coordinates now */

	dudx = round_nearest(65536.0f * fdudx);
	dvdx = round_nearest(65536.0f * fdvdx);
	dudy = round_nearest(65536.0f * fdudy);
	dvdy = round_nearest(65536.0f * fdvdy);
	startu = round_nearest(65536.0f * (float) texwidth * texcoords->tl.u);
	startv = round_nearest(65536.0f * (float) texheight * texcoords->tl.v);

	/* clamp to integers */

	rotwidth = round_nearest(width);
	rotheight = round_nearest(height);

	//printf("%d %d rot %d %d\n", texwidth, texheight, rotwidth, rotheight);

	startu += (dudx + dudy) / 2;
	startv += (dvdx + dvdy) / 2;

コード例 #4
ファイル: draw13.cpp プロジェクト: bradhugh/mame
void renderer_sdl2::render_quad(texture_info *texture, const render_primitive &prim, const int x, const int y)
	SDL_Rect target_rect;

	target_rect.x = x;
	target_rect.y = y;
	target_rect.w = round_nearest(prim.bounds.x1 - prim.bounds.x0);
	target_rect.h = round_nearest(prim.bounds.y1 - prim.bounds.y0);

	if (texture)
		copy_info_t *copyinfo = texture->m_copyinfo;
		copyinfo->time -= osd_ticks();
		texture->render_quad(prim, x, y);
		copyinfo->time += osd_ticks();

		copyinfo->pixel_count += std::max(STAT_PIXEL_THRESHOLD , (texture->raw_width() * texture->raw_height()));
		if (m_last_blit_pixels)
			copyinfo->time += (m_last_blit_time * (INT64) (texture->raw_width() * texture->raw_height())) / (INT64) m_last_blit_pixels;
		copyinfo->perf = ( texture->m_copyinfo->pixel_count * (osd_ticks_per_second()/1000)) / texture->m_copyinfo->time;
		UINT32 sr = (UINT32)(255.0f * prim.color.r);
		UINT32 sg = (UINT32)(255.0f * prim.color.g);
		UINT32 sb = (UINT32)(255.0f * prim.color.b);
		UINT32 sa = (UINT32)(255.0f * prim.color.a);

		SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(m_sdl_renderer, map_blendmode(PRIMFLAG_GET_BLENDMODE(prim.flags)));
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(m_sdl_renderer, sr, sg, sb, sa);
		SDL_RenderFillRect(m_sdl_renderer, &target_rect);
コード例 #5
int GetArcToSegmentCount( int aRadius, int aErrorMax, double aArcAngleDegree )
    // calculate the number of segments to approximate a circle by segments
    // given the max distance between the middle of a segment and the circle

    // error relative to the radius value:
    double rel_error = (double)aErrorMax / aRadius;
    // minimal arc increment in degrees:
    double arc_increment = 180 / M_PI * acos( 1.0 - rel_error ) * 2;

    // Ensure a minimal arc increment reasonable value for a circle
    // (360.0 degrees). For very small radius values, this is mandatory.
    arc_increment = std::min( 360.0/MIN_SEGCOUNT_FOR_CIRCLE, arc_increment );

    int segCount = round_nearest( fabs( aArcAngleDegree ) / arc_increment );

    // Ensure at least one segment is used (can happen for small arcs)
    return std::max( segCount, 1 );
コード例 #6
ファイル: draw13.c プロジェクト: kleopatra999/mess-svn
static void compute_setup(sdl_info *sdl, const render_primitive *prim, quad_setup_data *setup, int flags)
	const render_quad_texuv *texcoords = &prim->texcoords;
	int texwidth = prim->texture.width;
	int texheight = prim->texture.height;
	float fdudx, fdvdx, fdudy, fdvdy;
	float width, height;
	float fscale;
	/* determine U/V deltas */
		fscale = (float) video_config.prescale;
		fscale = 1.0f;

	fdudx = (texcoords->tr.u - texcoords->tl.u) / fscale; // a a11
	fdvdx = (texcoords->tr.v - texcoords->tl.v) / fscale; // c a21
	fdudy = (texcoords->bl.u - texcoords->tl.u) / fscale; // b a12
	fdvdy = (texcoords->bl.v - texcoords->tl.v) / fscale; // d a22

	/* compute start and delta U,V coordinates now */

	setup->dudx = round_nearest(65536.0f * fdudx);
	setup->dvdx = round_nearest(65536.0f * fdvdx);
	setup->dudy = round_nearest(65536.0f * fdudy);
	setup->dvdy = round_nearest(65536.0f * fdvdy);
	setup->startu = round_nearest(65536.0f * (float) texwidth * texcoords->tl.u);
	setup->startv = round_nearest(65536.0f * (float) texheight * texcoords->tl.v);

	/* clamp to integers */

	width = fabs((fdudx * (float) (texwidth) + fdvdx * (float) (texheight)) * fscale * fscale);
	height = fabs((fdudy * (float)(texwidth) + fdvdy * (float) (texheight)) * fscale * fscale);

	setup->rotwidth = width;
	setup->rotheight = height;

	setup->startu += (setup->dudx + setup->dudy) / 2;
	setup->startv += (setup->dvdx + setup->dvdy) / 2;

コード例 #7
ファイル: draw13.cpp プロジェクト: bradhugh/mame
int renderer_sdl2::draw(int update)
	texture_info *texture=nullptr;
	float vofs, hofs;
	int blit_pixels = 0;

	if (video_config.novideo)
		return 0;

	auto win = assert_window();
	osd_dim wdim = win->get_size();

	if (has_flags(FI_CHANGED) || (wdim.width() != m_width) || (wdim.height() != m_height))
		m_width = wdim.width();
		m_height = wdim.height();
		SDL_RenderSetViewport(m_sdl_renderer, nullptr);
		m_blittimer = 3;


	if (m_blittimer > 0)
		/* SDL Underlays need alpha = 0 ! */
		SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(m_sdl_renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE);
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(m_sdl_renderer, 0,0,0,0);
		SDL_RenderFillRect(m_sdl_renderer, nullptr);

	// compute centering parameters
	vofs = hofs = 0.0f;

	if (video_config.centerv || video_config.centerh)
		int ch, cw;

		ch = wdim.height();
		cw = wdim.width();

		if (video_config.centerv)
			vofs = (ch - m_blit_dim.height()) / 2.0f;
		if (video_config.centerh)
			hofs = (cw - m_blit_dim.width()) / 2.0f;

	m_last_hofs = hofs;
	m_last_vofs = vofs;


	// now draw
	for (render_primitive &prim : *win->m_primlist)
		Uint8 sr, sg, sb, sa;

		switch (prim.type)
			case render_primitive::LINE:
				sr = (int)(255.0f * prim.color.r);
				sg = (int)(255.0f * prim.color.g);
				sb = (int)(255.0f * prim.color.b);
				sa = (int)(255.0f * prim.color.a);

				SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(m_sdl_renderer, map_blendmode(PRIMFLAG_GET_BLENDMODE(prim.flags)));
				SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(m_sdl_renderer, sr, sg, sb, sa);
				SDL_RenderDrawLine(m_sdl_renderer, prim.bounds.x0 + hofs, prim.bounds.y0 + vofs,
						prim.bounds.x1 + hofs, prim.bounds.y1 + vofs);
			case render_primitive::QUAD:
				texture = texture_update(prim);
				if (texture)
					blit_pixels += (texture->raw_height() * texture->raw_width());
				render_quad(texture, prim,
						round_nearest(hofs + prim.bounds.x0),
						round_nearest(vofs + prim.bounds.y0));
				throw emu_fatalerror("Unexpected render_primitive type\n");


	m_last_blit_pixels = blit_pixels;
	m_last_blit_time = -osd_ticks();
	m_last_blit_time += osd_ticks();

	return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: draw13.c プロジェクト: kleopatra999/mess-svn
static int draw13_window_draw(sdl_window_info *window, UINT32 dc, int update)
	sdl_info *sdl = (sdl_info *) window->dxdata;
	render_primitive *prim;
	texture_info *texture=NULL;
	float vofs, hofs;
	int blit_pixels = 0;

	if (video_config.novideo)
		return 0;

    if (sdl->resize_pending)
		SDL_SetWindowSize(window->sdl_window, sdl->resize_width, sdl->resize_height);
		SDL_GetWindowSize(window->sdl_window, &window->width, &window->height);
		sdl->resize_pending = 0;
		SDL_RenderSetViewport(sdl->sdl_renderer, NULL);


	if (sdl->blittimer > 0)
		/* SDL Underlays need alpha = 0 ! */
		SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(sdl->sdl_renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE);
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(sdl->sdl_renderer, 0,0,0,0);
		SDL_RenderFillRect(sdl->sdl_renderer, NULL);

	// compute centering parameters
	vofs = hofs = 0.0f;

	if (video_config.centerv || video_config.centerh)
		int ch, cw;

		if ((window->fullscreen) && (!video_config.switchres))
			ch = window->monitor->center_height;
			cw = window->monitor->center_width;
			ch = window->height;
			cw = window->width;

		if (video_config.centerv)
			vofs = (ch - window->blitheight) / 2.0f;
		if (video_config.centerh)
			hofs = (cw - window->blitwidth) / 2.0f;

	sdl->last_hofs = hofs;
	sdl->last_vofs = vofs;


	// now draw
	for (prim = window->primlist->first(); prim != NULL; prim = prim->next())
		Uint8 sr, sg, sb, sa;

		switch (prim->type)
			case render_primitive::LINE:
				sr = (int)(255.0f * prim->color.r);
				sg = (int)(255.0f * prim->color.g);
				sb = (int)(255.0f * prim->color.b);
				sa = (int)(255.0f * prim->color.a);

				SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(sdl->sdl_renderer, map_blendmode(PRIMFLAG_GET_BLENDMODE(prim->flags)));
				SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(sdl->sdl_renderer, sr, sg, sb, sa);
				SDL_RenderDrawLine(sdl->sdl_renderer, prim->bounds.x0 + hofs, prim->bounds.y0 + vofs,
						prim->bounds.x1 + hofs, prim->bounds.y1 + vofs);
			case render_primitive::QUAD:
				texture = texture_update(window, prim);
				if (texture)
					blit_pixels += (texture->rawheight * texture->rawwidth);
				render_quad(sdl, texture, prim,
						round_nearest(hofs + prim->bounds.x0),
						round_nearest(vofs + prim->bounds.y0));
				throw emu_fatalerror("Unexpected render_primitive type\n");


	sdl->last_blit_pixels = blit_pixels;
	sdl->last_blit_time = -osd_ticks();
	sdl->last_blit_time += osd_ticks();

	return 0;
コード例 #9
ファイル: data.cpp プロジェクト: emmanueljay/C9-1_project
Data::travel_time (int dist)
    double const hours = ((double)dist) / ((double)(speed));
    return round_nearest (hours * 60.0);