static RBOOL getStoreConf ( ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; RPU8 storeFile = NULL; RU32 storeFileSize = 0; rpHCPIdentStore* storeV2 = NULL; OBFUSCATIONLIB_DECLARE( store, RP_HCP_CONFIG_IDENT_STORE ); OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( store ); if( rpal_file_read( (RPNCHAR)store, (RPVOID)&storeFile, &storeFileSize, FALSE ) ) { if( sizeof( rpHCPIdentStore ) <= storeFileSize ) { storeV2 = (rpHCPIdentStore*)storeFile; if( storeV2->enrollmentTokenSize == storeFileSize - sizeof( rpHCPIdentStore ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; rpal_debug_info( "ident store found" ); if( NULL != ( g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken = rpal_memory_alloc( storeV2->enrollmentTokenSize ) ) ) { rpal_memory_memcpy( g_hcpContext.enrollmentToken, storeV2->enrollmentToken, storeV2->enrollmentTokenSize ); g_hcpContext.enrollmentTokenSize = storeV2->enrollmentTokenSize; } g_hcpContext.currentId = storeV2->agentId; } else { rpal_debug_warning( "inconsistent ident store, reseting" ); rpal_file_delete( (RPNCHAR)store, FALSE ); } } rpal_memory_free( storeFile ); } OBFUSCATIONLIB_TOGGLE( store ); // Set some always-correct defaults = RP_HCP_ID_MAKE_PLATFORM( RP_HCP_PLATFORM_CURRENT_CPU, RP_HCP_PLATFORM_CURRENT_MAJOR, RP_HCP_PLATFORM_CURRENT_MINOR ); return isSuccess; }
static RVOID processFile ( rSequence notif ) { RPCHAR fileA = NULL; RPWCHAR fileW = NULL; RPU8 fileContent = NULL; RU32 fileSize = 0; CryptoLib_Hash hash = { 0 }; if( NULL != notif ) { obsLib_resetSearchState( matcherA ); obsLib_resetSearchState( matcherW ); if( ( rSequence_getSTRINGA( notif, RP_TAGS_FILE_PATH, &fileA ) && obsLib_setTargetBuffer( matcherA, fileA, ( rpal_string_strlen( fileA ) + 1 ) * sizeof( RCHAR ) ) && obsLib_nextHit( matcherA, NULL, NULL ) ) || ( rSequence_getSTRINGW( notif, RP_TAGS_FILE_PATH, &fileW ) && obsLib_setTargetBuffer( matcherW, fileW, ( rpal_string_strlenw( fileW ) + 1 ) * sizeof( RWCHAR ) ) && obsLib_nextHit( matcherW, NULL, NULL ) ) ) { // This means it's a file of interest. if( ( NULL != fileA && ( ( DOCUMENT_MAX_SIZE >= rpal_file_getSize( fileA, TRUE ) && rpal_file_read( fileA, (RPVOID*)&fileContent, &fileSize, TRUE ) && CryptoLib_hash( fileContent, fileSize, &hash ) ) || CryptoLib_hashFileA( fileA, &hash, TRUE ) ) ) || ( NULL != fileW && ( ( DOCUMENT_MAX_SIZE >= rpal_file_getSizew( fileW, TRUE ) && rpal_file_readw( fileW, (RPVOID*)&fileContent, &fileSize, TRUE ) && CryptoLib_hash( fileContent, fileSize, &hash ) ) || CryptoLib_hashFileW( fileW, &hash, TRUE ) ) ) ) { // We acquired the hash, either by reading the entire file in memory // which we will use for caching, or if it was too big by hashing it // sequentially on disk. rSequence_unTaintRead( notif ); rSequence_addBUFFER( notif, RP_TAGS_HASH, (RPU8)&hash, sizeof( hash ) ); notifications_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_DOCUMENT, notif ); } if( rMutex_lock( cacheMutex ) ) { if( NULL == fileContent || !rSequence_addBUFFER( notif, RP_TAGS_FILE_CONTENT, fileContent, fileSize ) || !HbsRingBuffer_add( documentCache, notif ) ) { rSequence_free( notif ); } rMutex_unlock( cacheMutex ); } else { rSequence_free( notif ); } if( NULL != fileContent ) { rpal_memory_free( fileContent ); } } else { rSequence_free( notif ); } } }
static RVOID injectIntoProcess ( ) { RNCHAR strSeDebug[] = _NC( "SeDebugPrivilege" ); processLibProcEntry* procIds = NULL; processLibProcEntry* tmpProcId = NULL; rSequence targetProc = NULL; RU32 targetPid = 0; RPWCHAR procName = NULL; RWCHAR targetProcName[] = _WCH( "EXPLORER.EXE" ); HANDLE hProc = NULL; RU32 selfSize = 0; RPVOID remoteDest = NULL; SIZE_T payloadSize = 0; RPU8 payloadBuff = NULL; rpal_debug_info( "getting debug privilege to inject..." ); if( !Get_Privilege( strSeDebug ) ) { rpal_debug_error( "could not get debug privilege, are we running as admin?" ); return; } rpal_debug_info( "getting process list to find explorer.exe" ); procIds = processLib_getProcessEntries( FALSE ); tmpProcId = procIds; while( NULL != tmpProcId ) { if( NULL != ( targetProc = processLib_getProcessInfo( tmpProcId->pid, NULL ) ) ) { if( rSequence_getSTRINGN( targetProc, RP_TAGS_FILE_PATH, &procName ) ) { rpal_string_toupper( procName ); if( NULL != rpal_string_strstr( procName, targetProcName ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "found the target process: %d", tmpProcId->pid ); targetPid = tmpProcId->pid; } else { rpal_debug_info( "not target process, next..." ); } } else { rpal_debug_warning( "process without file path, odd..." ); } rSequence_free( targetProc ); targetProc = NULL; if( 0 != targetPid ) { break; } } tmpProcId++; } rpal_memory_free( procIds ); if( 0 != targetPid ) { rpal_debug_info( "getting size of self..." ); if( (RU32)(-1) != ( selfSize = rpal_file_getSize( g_self_path, FALSE ) ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "opening target process with right privileges..." ); if( NULL != ( hProc = OpenProcess( PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_WRITE, FALSE, targetPid ) ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "allocating required memory in remote process..." ); if( NULL != ( remoteDest = VirtualAllocEx( hProc, NULL, selfSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ) ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "reading payload to memory before writing it to remote." ); if( rpal_file_read( g_self_path, (RPVOID*)&payloadBuff, (RU32*)&payloadSize, FALSE ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "writing payload to remote process." ); if( WriteProcessMemory( hProc, remoteDest, payloadBuff, payloadSize, &payloadSize ) && payloadSize == selfSize ) { rpal_debug_info( "successfully written payload to remote process. This should look like an injected PE although no thread was started." ); } else { rpal_debug_error( "error writing payload to remote process." ); } rpal_memory_free( payloadBuff ); } else { rpal_debug_error( "error reading ourselves as payload." ); } } else { rpal_debug_error( "error allocating memory in remote process." ); } CloseHandle( hProc ); } else { rpal_debug_error( "error opening process with VM privilges." ); } } else { rpal_debug_error( "error getting size of self." ); } } }