// Create the color-space window colorwnd_t *colorwnd_init(rtk_app_t *app, mezz_mmap_t *mmap) { colorwnd_t *wnd; wnd = malloc(sizeof(colorwnd_t)); wnd->canvas = rtk_canvas_create(app); // Set up the canvas rtk_canvas_movemask(wnd->canvas, 0); rtk_canvas_size(wnd->canvas, 512, 512); rtk_canvas_scale(wnd->canvas, 1, 1); rtk_canvas_origin(wnd->canvas, 0, 0); wnd->vufig = rtk_fig_create(wnd->canvas, NULL, 0); rtk_fig_origin(wnd->vufig, -256, -256, 0); rtk_fig_color(wnd->vufig, 0, 0, 0); rtk_fig_rectangle(wnd->vufig, 128, 128, 0, 256, 256, 1); wnd->yufig = rtk_fig_create(wnd->canvas, NULL, 0); rtk_fig_origin(wnd->yufig, 0, -256, 0); rtk_fig_color(wnd->yufig, 0, 0, 0); rtk_fig_rectangle(wnd->yufig, 128, 128, 0, 256, 256, 1); wnd->vyfig = rtk_fig_create(wnd->canvas, NULL, 0); rtk_fig_origin(wnd->vyfig, -256, 0, 0); rtk_fig_color(wnd->vyfig, 0, 0, 0); rtk_fig_rectangle(wnd->vyfig, 128, 128, 0, 256, 256, 1); return wnd; }
// Draw the map scan void map_draw(map_t *map) { int x,y; double scale = map->proxy->resolution; rtk_fig_show(map->fig, 1); rtk_fig_clear(map->fig); puts( "map draw" ); rtk_fig_color_rgb32(map->fig, 0xFF0000 ); rtk_fig_rectangle(map->fig, 0,0,0, map->proxy->width * scale, map->proxy->height * scale, 0 ); // TODO - combine contiguous cells to minimize the number of // rectangles we have to draw - performance is pretty nasty right // now on big maps. for( x=0; x<map->proxy->width; x++ ) for( y=0; y<map->proxy->height; y++ ) { switch( map->proxy->cells[ x + y * map->proxy->width ] ) { case -1: // empty: draw nothing break; case 0: // unknown: draw grey square rtk_fig_color_rgb32(map->fig, 0x808080 ); rtk_fig_rectangle(map->fig, (x - map->proxy->width/2.0) * scale + scale/2.0, (y - map->proxy->height/2.0) * scale + scale/2.0, 0, scale, scale, 1); break; case +1: // occupied: draw black square rtk_fig_color_rgb32(map->fig, 0x0 ); rtk_fig_rectangle(map->fig, (x - map->proxy->width/2.0) * scale + scale/2.0, (y - map->proxy->height/2.0) * scale + scale/2.0, 0, scale, scale, 1); break; default: puts( "Warning: invalid occupancy value." ); break; } } return; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { rtk_app_t *app; rtk_canvas_t *canvas; rtk_fig_t *fig1, *fig2, *fig3; int i; app = rtk_app_create(); canvas = rtk_canvas_create(app); rtk_app_start(app); fig1 = rtk_fig_create(canvas, NULL); rtk_fig_rectangle(fig1, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.5); rtk_fig_ellipse(fig1, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.5); rtk_fig_arrow(fig1, 0, 0, M_PI / 4, 1.0, 0.2); fig2 = rtk_fig_create(canvas, fig1); rtk_fig_origin(fig2, 1, 0, 0); rtk_fig_scale(fig2, 0.5); rtk_fig_rectangle(fig2, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.5); rtk_fig_ellipse(fig2, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.5); rtk_fig_arrow(fig2, 0, 0, M_PI / 4, 1.0, 0.2); fig3 = rtk_fig_create(canvas, NULL); i = 0; while (!rtk_app_quit(app)) { //rtk_fig_origin(fig1, 0, 0, i * 0.012); rtk_fig_clear(fig3); rtk_fig_origin(fig3, sin(i * 0.07), -1.0, 0); rtk_fig_rectangle(fig3, 0, 0, i * 0.1, 0.5, 1.0); rtk_fig_arrow(fig3, 0, 0, -i * 0.1, 0.8, 0.20); rtk_fig_text(fig3, 0.0, 0.2, 0, "some text"); i++; usleep(20000); } rtk_app_stop(app); rtk_canvas_export(canvas, "test.fig"); //rtk_canvas_destroy(canvas); rtk_app_destroy(app); return 0; }
// Draw the ir scan void ir_draw(ir_t *ir) { int i; double dr, da; double points[3][2]; for (i = 0; i < ir->proxy->data.ranges_count; i++) { rtk_fig_show(ir->scan_fig[i], 1); rtk_fig_clear(ir->scan_fig[i]); // Draw in the ir itself rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ir->scan_fig[i], COLOR_IR); rtk_fig_rectangle(ir->scan_fig[i], 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.05, 0); // Draw in the range scan rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ir->scan_fig[i], COLOR_IR_SCAN); dr = ((double)ir->proxy->data.ranges[i]); da = 20 * M_PI / 180 / 2; points[0][0] = 0; points[0][1] = 0; points[1][0] = dr * cos(-da); points[1][1] = dr * sin(-da); points[2][0] = dr * cos(+da); points[2][1] = dr * sin(+da); rtk_fig_polygon(ir->scan_fig[i], 0, 0, 0, 3, points, 1); } }
// Initialise the sample interface int sample_init(imagewnd_t *imagewnd, colorwnd_t *colorwnd, mezz_mmap_t *mmap) { int i; double r; sample = malloc(sizeof(sample_t)); sample->mmap = mmap; sample->radius = 5; // Create sample point figures on the image for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(sample->figs); i++) { sample->figs[i] = rtk_fig_create(imagewnd->canvas, imagewnd->imagefig, 1); rtk_fig_movemask(sample->figs[i], RTK_MOVE_TRANS); rtk_fig_origin(sample->figs[i], sample->mmap->width/2, sample->mmap->height/2, 0); rtk_fig_color(sample->figs[i], COLOR_SAMPLE); r = sample->radius + 2; rtk_fig_rectangle(sample->figs[i], 0, 0, 0, r, r, 0); rtk_fig_line(sample->figs[i], -2 * r, 0, -r, 0); rtk_fig_line(sample->figs[i], +2 * r, 0, +r, 0); rtk_fig_line(sample->figs[i], 0, -2 * r, 0, -r); rtk_fig_line(sample->figs[i], 0, +2 * r, 0, +r); } // Create figures to put on the color space sample->vufig = rtk_fig_create(colorwnd->canvas, colorwnd->vufig, 2); sample->yufig = rtk_fig_create(colorwnd->canvas, colorwnd->yufig, 2); sample->vyfig = rtk_fig_create(colorwnd->canvas, colorwnd->vyfig, 2); return 0; }
// Update the YUV plots void sample_update_yuv() { int i; int pixel, r, g, b; rtk_fig_clear(sample->vufig); rtk_fig_clear(sample->yufig); rtk_fig_clear(sample->vyfig); for (i = 0; i < sample->pixel_count; i++) { pixel = sample->pixels[i]; if (sample->mmap->depth == 16) { r = R_RGB16(pixel); g = G_RGB16(pixel); b = B_RGB16(pixel); } else if (sample->mmap->depth == 32) { r = R_RGB32(pixel); g = G_RGB32(pixel); b = B_RGB32(pixel); } rtk_fig_color(sample->vufig, r / 256.0, g / 256.0, b / 256.0); rtk_fig_rectangle(sample->vufig, V_RGB(r, g, b), U_RGB(r, g, b), 0, 2, 2, 1); rtk_fig_color(sample->yufig, r / 256.0, g / 256.0, b / 256.0); rtk_fig_rectangle(sample->yufig, Y_RGB(r, g, b), U_RGB(r, g, b), 0, 2, 2, 1); rtk_fig_color(sample->vyfig, r / 256.0, g / 256.0, b / 256.0); rtk_fig_rectangle(sample->vyfig, V_RGB(r, g, b), Y_RGB(r, g, b), 0, 2, 2, 1); } }
// Draw the map scan void vectormap_draw(vectormap_t *map) { unsigned ii, jj; uint32_t colour = 0xFF0000; double xCenter, yCenter; const uint8_t * feature; size_t feature_count; rtk_fig_show(map->fig, 1); rtk_fig_clear(map->fig); // draw map data for (ii = 0; ii < map->proxy->layers_count; ++ii) { // get a different colour for each layer the quick way, will duplicate after 6 layers colour = colour >> 4 & colour << 24; rtk_fig_color_rgb32(map->fig, colour); // render the features for (jj = 0; jj < map->proxy->layers_data[ii]->features_count; ++jj) { feature = playerc_vectormap_get_feature_data( map->proxy, ii, jj ); feature_count = playerc_vectormap_get_feature_data_count( map->proxy, ii, jj ); if ((feature) && (feature_count > 0)) player_wkb_process_wkb(map->proxy->wkbprocessor, feature, feature_count, (playerwkbcallback_t)(rtk_fig_line), map->fig); } } // draw map extent rtk_fig_color_rgb32( map->fig, 0xFF0000 ); xCenter = map->proxy->extent.x1 - (map->proxy->extent.x1 - map->proxy->extent.x0)/2; yCenter = map->proxy->extent.y1 - (map->proxy->extent.y1 - map->proxy->extent.y0)/2; rtk_fig_rectangle( map->fig, xCenter, yCenter, 0, map->proxy->extent.x1 - map->proxy->extent.x0, map->proxy->extent.y1 - map->proxy->extent.y0, 0 ); return; }
// Draw the map scan void map_draw(map_t *map) { double scale = map->proxy->resolution; double color; char val; char* cellsDrawn=(char*)calloc(map->proxy->width*map->proxy->height,sizeof(char)); int mapWidth=map->proxy->width; int mapHeight=map->proxy->height; int x,y; double ox,oy; double rectangleWidth,rectangleHeight; int startx, starty; int endx,endy; rtk_fig_show(map->fig, 1); rtk_fig_clear(map->fig); puts( "map draw" ); rtk_fig_color(map->fig, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ); rtk_fig_rectangle(map->fig, 0,0,0, mapWidth * scale, mapHeight* scale, 1 ); for( y=0; y<mapHeight; y++ ) for( x=0; x<mapWidth; x++) { if(cellsDrawn[x+y*mapWidth]==TRUE) continue; startx=x; starty=y; endy=mapHeight-1; val = map->proxy->cells[ x + y * mapWidth ]; if(val==0) continue; while(x < mapWidth) { int yy = y; while(yy+1 < mapHeight) { if(map->proxy->cells[x+(yy+1)*mapWidth]==val) yy++; else break; } if( yy < endy ) endy=yy; if(x+1<mapWidth && map->proxy->cells[(x+1)+y*mapWidth]==val && cellsDrawn[(x+1)+y*mapWidth]==FALSE) x++; else break; } endx=x; map_mark_cells(cellsDrawn,mapWidth,mapHeight,startx,starty,endx,endy); rectangleWidth=(endx-startx+1)*scale; rectangleHeight=(endy-starty+1)*scale; ox=((startx-mapWidth/2.0f)*scale+rectangleWidth/2.0f); oy=((starty-mapHeight/2.0f)*scale+rectangleHeight/2.0f); color = (double)val/map->proxy->data_range; // scale to[-1,1] color *= -1.0; //flip sign for coloring occupied to black color = (color + 1.0)/2.0; // scale to [0,1] rtk_fig_color(map->fig, color, color, color ); rtk_fig_rectangle(map->fig, ox, oy, 0, rectangleWidth, rectangleHeight,1); } free(cellsDrawn); return; }
// Draw the ranger scan void ranger_draw(ranger_t *ranger) { int ii = 0, jj = 0; int point_count; double point1[2], point2[2]; double (*points)[2]; double current_angle = 0.0f, temp = 0.0f; unsigned int ranges_per_sensor = 0; // Drawing type depends on the selected sensor type // Singular sensors (e.g. sonar sensors): // Draw a cone for the first range scan of each sensor // Non-singular sensors (e.g. laser scanner): // Draw the edge of the scan and empty space // Calculate the number of ranges per sensor if (ranger->proxy->sensor_count == 0) ranges_per_sensor = ranger->proxy->ranges_count; else ranges_per_sensor = ranger->proxy->ranges_count / ranger->proxy->sensor_count; if (rtk_menuitem_ischecked(ranger->device_item)) { // Draw sonar-like points = calloc(3, sizeof(double)*2); temp = 20.0f * M_PI / 180.0f / 2.0f; for (ii = 0; ii < ranger->proxy->sensor_count; ii++) { rtk_fig_show(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 1); rtk_fig_clear(ranger->scan_fig[ii]); rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_SONAR_SCAN); // Draw a cone for the first range for each sensor // Assume the range is straight ahead (ignore min_angle and resolution properties) points[0][0] = 0.0f; points[0][1] = 0.0f; points[1][0] = ranger->proxy->ranges[ii * ranges_per_sensor] * cos(-temp); points[1][1] = ranger->proxy->ranges[ii * ranges_per_sensor] * sin(-temp); points[2][0] = ranger->proxy->ranges[ii * ranges_per_sensor] * cos(temp); points[2][1] = ranger->proxy->ranges[ii * ranges_per_sensor] * sin(temp); rtk_fig_polygon(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 0, 0, 0, 3, points, 1); // Draw the sensor itself rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_LASER); rtk_fig_rectangle(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 0, 0, 0, ranger->proxy->sensor_sizes[ii].sw, ranger->proxy->sensor_sizes[ii].sl, 0); } free(points); points=NULL; } else { // Draw laser-like if (rtk_menuitem_ischecked(ranger->style_item)) { // Draw each sensor in turn points = calloc(ranger->proxy->sensor_count, sizeof(double)*2); for (ii = 0; ii < ranger->proxy->sensor_count; ii++) { rtk_fig_show(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 1); rtk_fig_clear(ranger->scan_fig[ii]); // Draw empty space points[0][0] = ranger->proxy->sensor_poses[ii].px; points[0][1] = ranger->proxy->sensor_poses[ii].py; point_count = 1; current_angle = ranger->start_angle; // Loop over the ranges for (jj = ii * ranges_per_sensor; jj < (ii + 1) * ranges_per_sensor; jj++) { range_to_point(ranger, jj, ii, current_angle, points[point_count]); // Move round to the angle of the next range current_angle += ranger->resolution; point_count++; } rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_LASER_EMP); rtk_fig_polygon(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 0, 0, 0, point_count, points, 1); // Draw occupied space rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_LASER_OCC); current_angle = ranger->start_angle; for (jj = ii * ranges_per_sensor; jj < (ii + 1) * ranges_per_sensor; jj++) { range_to_point(ranger, jj, ii, current_angle - ranger->resolution, point1); range_to_point(ranger, jj, ii, current_angle + ranger->resolution, point2); rtk_fig_line(ranger->scan_fig[ii], point1[0], point1[1], point2[0], point2[1]); current_angle += ranger->resolution; } } free(points); points = NULL; } else { // Draw a range scan for each individual sensor in the device for (ii = 0; ii < ranger->proxy->sensor_count; ii++) { rtk_fig_show(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 1); rtk_fig_clear(ranger->scan_fig[ii]); rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_LASER_OCC); current_angle = ranger->start_angle; // Get the first point range_to_point(ranger, ii * ranges_per_sensor, ii, ranger->start_angle, point1); // Loop over the rest of the ranges for (jj = ii * ranges_per_sensor + 1; jj < (ii + 1) * ranges_per_sensor; jj++) { range_to_point(ranger, jj, ii, current_angle, point2); // Draw a line from point 1 (previous point) to point 2 (current point) rtk_fig_line(ranger->scan_fig[ii], point1[0], point1[1], point2[0], point2[1]); point1[0] = point2[0]; point1[1] = point2[1]; // Move round to the angle of the next range current_angle += ranger->resolution; } } } // For each sensor... for (ii = 0; ii < ranger->proxy->sensor_count; ii++) { if (rtk_menuitem_ischecked(ranger->intns_item)) { // Draw an intensity scan if (ranger->proxy->intensities_count > 0) { current_angle = ranger->start_angle; for (jj = ii * ranges_per_sensor; jj < (ii + 1) * ranges_per_sensor; jj++) { if (ranger->proxy->intensities[0] != 0) { range_to_point(ranger, jj, ii, current_angle, point1); rtk_fig_rectangle(ranger->scan_fig[ii], point1[0], point1[1], 0, 0.05, 0.05, 1); } current_angle += ranger->resolution; } } } // Draw the sensor itself rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_LASER); rtk_fig_rectangle(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 0, 0, 0, ranger->proxy->sensor_sizes[ii].sw, ranger->proxy->sensor_sizes[ii].sl, 0); } } }
// Draw the laser scan void laser_draw(laser_t *laser) { int i; int style; double ax, ay, bx, by; double r, b, res; int point_count; double (*points)[2]; rtk_fig_show(laser->scan_fig, 1); rtk_fig_clear(laser->scan_fig); if (!rtk_menuitem_ischecked(laser->style_item)) { rtk_fig_color_rgb32(laser->scan_fig, COLOR_LASER_OCC); // Draw in the range scan for (i = 0; i < laser->proxy->scan_count; i++) { bx = laser->proxy->point[i].px; by = laser->proxy->point[i].py; if (i == 0) { ax = bx; ay = by; } rtk_fig_line(laser->scan_fig, ax, ay, bx, by); ax = bx; ay = by; } } else { res = laser->proxy->scan_res / 2; // Draw in the range scan (empty space) points = calloc(laser->proxy->scan_count,sizeof(double)*2); for (i = 0; i < laser->proxy->scan_count; i++) { r = laser->proxy->scan[i][0]; b = laser->proxy->scan[i][1]; points[i][0] = r * cos(b - res); points[i][1] = r * sin(b - res); } rtk_fig_color_rgb32(laser->scan_fig, COLOR_LASER_EMP); rtk_fig_polygon(laser->scan_fig, 0, 0, 0, laser->proxy->scan_count, points, 1); free(points); points = NULL; // Draw in the range scan (occupied space) rtk_fig_color_rgb32(laser->scan_fig, COLOR_LASER_OCC); for (i = 0; i < laser->proxy->scan_count; i++) { r = laser->proxy->scan[i][0]; b = laser->proxy->scan[i][1]; ax = r * cos(b - res); ay = r * sin(b - res); bx = r * cos(b + res); by = r * sin(b + res); rtk_fig_line(laser->scan_fig, ax, ay, bx, by); } } // Draw in the intensity scan for (i = 0; i < laser->proxy->scan_count; i++) { if (laser->proxy->intensity[i] == 0) continue; ax = laser->proxy->point[i].px; ay = laser->proxy->point[i].py; rtk_fig_rectangle(laser->scan_fig, ax, ay, 0, 0.05, 0.05, 1); } // Draw in the laser itself rtk_fig_color_rgb32(laser->scan_fig, COLOR_LASER); rtk_fig_rectangle(laser->scan_fig, 0, 0, 0, laser->proxy->size[0], laser->proxy->size[1], 0); return; }