コード例 #1
/** Execute the algorithm.
void LoadILLReflectometry::exec() {
  // Retrieve filename
  std::string filenameData = getPropertyValue("Filename");

  // open the root node
  NeXus::NXRoot dataRoot(filenameData);
  NXEntry firstEntry = dataRoot.openFirstEntry();

  // Load Monitor details: n. monitors x monitor contents
  std::vector<std::vector<int>> monitorsData = loadMonitors(firstEntry);

  // Load Data details (number of tubes, channels, etc)

  std::string instrumentPath = m_loader.findInstrumentNexusPath(firstEntry);
  setInstrumentName(firstEntry, instrumentPath);

  initWorkSpace(firstEntry, monitorsData);

  g_log.debug("Building properties...");

  g_log.debug("Loading data...");
  loadDataIntoTheWorkSpace(firstEntry, monitorsData);

  // load the instrument from the IDF if it exists
  g_log.debug("Loading instrument definition...");

  // 1) Move

  // Get distance and tilt angle stored in nexus file
  // Mantid way
  ////	auto angleProp =
  /// dynamic_cast<PropertyWithValue<double>*>(m_localWorkspace->run().getProperty("dan.value"));
  // Nexus way
  double angle =
      firstEntry.getFloat("instrument/dan/value"); // detector angle in degrees
  double distance = firstEntry.getFloat(
      "instrument/det/value"); // detector distance in millimeter

  distance /= 1000.0; // convert to meter
  g_log.debug() << "Moving detector at angle " << angle << " and distance "
                << distance << std::endl;
  placeDetector(distance, angle);

  // Set the channel width property
  auto channel_width = dynamic_cast<PropertyWithValue<double> *>(
      "channel_width", *channel_width, true); // overwrite

  // Set the output workspace property
  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", m_localWorkspace);
コード例 #2
ファイル: LoadRaw.cpp プロジェクト: trnielsen/mantid
    /** Executes the algorithm. Reading in the file and creating and populating
     *  the output workspace
     *  @throw Exception::FileError If the RAW file cannot be found/opened
     *  @throw std::invalid_argument If the optional properties are set to invalid values
    void LoadRaw::exec()
      // Retrieve the filename from the properties
      m_filename = getPropertyValue("Filename");

      LoadRawHelper *helper = new LoadRawHelper;
      FILE* file = helper->openRawFile(m_filename);
      ISISRAW iraw;
      iraw.ioRAW(file, true);

      std::string title(iraw.r_title, 80);
      g_log.information("**** Run title: "+title+ "***");
      // Read in the number of spectra in the RAW file
      m_numberOfSpectra = iraw.t_nsp1;
      // Read the number of periods in this file
      m_numberOfPeriods = iraw.t_nper;
      // Need to extract the user-defined output workspace name
      Property *ws = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
      std::string localWSName = ws->value();

      // Call private method to validate the optional parameters, if set

      // Read the number of time channels (i.e. bins) from the RAW file
      const int channelsPerSpectrum = iraw.t_ntc1;
      // Read in the time bin boundaries
      const int lengthIn = channelsPerSpectrum + 1;
      float* timeChannels = new float[lengthIn];
      iraw.getTimeChannels(timeChannels, lengthIn);
      // Put the read in array into a vector (inside a shared pointer)
      boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec> timeChannelsVec
                          (new MantidVec(timeChannels, timeChannels + lengthIn));
      // Create an array to hold the read-in data
      int* spectrum = new int[lengthIn];

      // Calculate the size of a workspace, given its number of periods & spectra to read
      specid_t total_specs;
      if( m_interval || m_list)
        total_specs = static_cast<specid_t>(m_spec_list.size());
        if (m_interval)
          total_specs += (m_spec_max-m_spec_min+1);
          m_spec_max += 1;
        total_specs = m_numberOfSpectra;
        // In this case want all the spectra, but zeroth spectrum is garbage so go from 1 to NSP1
        m_spec_min = 1;
        m_spec_max = m_numberOfSpectra + 1;

      double histTotal = static_cast<double>(total_specs * m_numberOfPeriods);
      int32_t histCurrent = -1;

      // Create the 2D workspace for the output
      DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr localWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataObjects::Workspace2D>
      localWorkspace->getAxis(0)->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create("TOF");
      // Run parameters
      helper->loadRunParameters(localWorkspace, &iraw);
      delete helper;
      helper = NULL;

      // Loop over the number of periods in the raw file, putting each period in a separate workspace
      for (int period = 0; period < m_numberOfPeriods; ++period) {

        if ( period > 0 ) localWorkspace =  boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataObjects::Workspace2D>

        specid_t counter = 0;
        for (specid_t i = m_spec_min; i < m_spec_max; ++i)
          // Shift the histogram to read if we're not in the first period
          int32_t histToRead = i + period*total_specs;
          loadData(timeChannelsVec,counter,histToRead,iraw,lengthIn,spectrum,localWorkspace );
          if (++histCurrent % 100 == 0) progress(static_cast<double>(histCurrent)/histTotal);
        // Read in the spectra in the optional list parameter, if set
        if (m_list)
          for(size_t i=0; i < m_spec_list.size(); ++i)
            loadData(timeChannelsVec,counter,m_spec_list[i],iraw,lengthIn,spectrum, localWorkspace );
            if (++histCurrent % 100 == 0) progress(static_cast<double>(histCurrent)/histTotal);
        // Just a sanity check
        assert(counter == total_specs);

        std::string outputWorkspace = "OutputWorkspace";
        if (period == 0)
          // Only run the Child Algorithms once
          runLoadInstrument(localWorkspace );
          runLoadMappingTable(localWorkspace );
          runLoadLog(localWorkspace );
          const int period_number = 1;
          Property* log=createPeriodLog(period_number);
          // Set the total proton charge for this run
          // (not sure how this works for multi_period files)
        else   // We are working on a higher period of a multiperiod raw file
          // Create a WorkspaceProperty for the new workspace of a higher period
          // The workspace name given in the OutputWorkspace property has _periodNumber appended to it
          //                (for all but the first period, which has no suffix)
          std::stringstream suffix;
          suffix << (period+1);
          outputWorkspace += suffix.str();
          std::string WSName = localWSName + "_" + suffix.str();
          declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<DataObjects::Workspace2D>(outputWorkspace,WSName,Direction::Output));
          g_log.information() << "Workspace " << WSName << " created. \n";

        if (localWorkspace)

        // Assign the result to the output workspace property

      } // loop over periods

      // Clean up
      delete[] timeChannels;
      delete[] spectrum;
コード例 #3
ファイル: LoadRaw2.cpp プロジェクト: trnielsen/mantid
    /** Executes the algorithm. Reading in the file and creating and populating
     *  the output workspace
     *  @throw Exception::FileError If the RAW file cannot be found/opened
     *  @throw std::invalid_argument If the optional properties are set to invalid values
    void LoadRaw2::exec()
      // Retrieve the filename from the properties
      m_filename = getPropertyValue("Filename");
      LoadRawHelper *helper = new LoadRawHelper;
      FILE* file = helper->openRawFile(m_filename);
      isisRaw->ioRAW(file, true);
      std::string title(isisRaw->r_title, 80);
      g_log.information("**** Run title: "+ title + "***");

      // Read in the number of spectra in the RAW file
      m_numberOfSpectra = isisRaw->t_nsp1;
      // Read the number of periods in this file
      m_numberOfPeriods = isisRaw->t_nper;
      // Read the number of time channels (i.e. bins) from the RAW file
      const int channelsPerSpectrum = isisRaw->t_ntc1;
      // Read in the time bin boundaries
      const int lengthIn = channelsPerSpectrum + 1;

      // Call private method to validate the optional parameters, if set

      // Calculate the size of a workspace, given its number of periods & spectra to read
      specid_t total_specs;
      if( m_interval || m_list)
        if (m_interval)
          total_specs = (m_spec_max-m_spec_min+1);
          m_spec_max += 1;
            total_specs = 0;

        if (m_list)
            if (m_interval)
                for(std::vector<specid_t>::iterator it=m_spec_list.begin();it!=m_spec_list.end();)
                    if (*it >= m_spec_min && *it <m_spec_max)
                        it = m_spec_list.erase(it);

            if (m_spec_list.size() == 0) m_list = false;
            total_specs += static_cast<specid_t>(m_spec_list.size());
        total_specs = m_numberOfSpectra;
        // In this case want all the spectra, but zeroth spectrum is garbage so go from 1 to NSP1
        m_spec_min = 1;
        m_spec_max = m_numberOfSpectra + 1;

      // If there is not enough memory use ManagedRawFileWorkspace2D.
      if ( ConfigService::Instance().getString("ManagedRawFileWorkspace.DoNotUse") != "1" &&
           m_numberOfPeriods == 1 && MemoryManager::Instance().goForManagedWorkspace(total_specs,lengthIn,channelsPerSpectrum) &&
          total_specs == m_numberOfSpectra)
        const std::string cache_option = getPropertyValue("Cache");
        size_t option = find(m_cache_options.begin(),m_cache_options.end(),cache_option) - m_cache_options.begin();
        DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr localWorkspace =
          new ManagedRawFileWorkspace2D(m_filename, static_cast<int>(option)));
        progress(0.,"Reading raw file...");
        helper->loadRunParameters(localWorkspace, isisRaw.get());
        runLoadInstrument(localWorkspace );
        runLoadMappingTable(localWorkspace );
        runLoadLog(localWorkspace );
        const int period_number = 1;
        Property* log=createPeriodLog(period_number);
        for (int i = 0; i < m_numberOfSpectra; ++i)
          localWorkspace->getAxis(1)->setValue(i, i+1);

      float* timeChannels = new float[lengthIn];
      isisRaw->getTimeChannels(timeChannels, lengthIn);
      // Put the read in array into a vector (inside a shared pointer)
      boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec> timeChannelsVec
                          (new MantidVec(timeChannels, timeChannels + lengthIn));

      // Need to extract the user-defined output workspace name
      Property *ws = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
      std::string localWSName = ws->value();

      Progress pr(this,0.,1.,total_specs * m_numberOfPeriods);

      // Create the 2D workspace for the output
      DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr localWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataObjects::Workspace2D>
      localWorkspace->getAxis(0)->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create("TOF");
      // Run parameters
      helper->loadRunParameters(localWorkspace, isisRaw.get());
      delete helper;
      helper = NULL;

      // Loop over the number of periods in the raw file, putting each period in a separate workspace
      for (int period = 0; period < m_numberOfPeriods; ++period) {

        if ( period > 0 )
            localWorkspace =  boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataObjects::Workspace2D>

        int counter = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= m_numberOfSpectra; ++i)
            int histToRead = i + period*(m_numberOfSpectra+1);
            if ((i >= m_spec_min && i < m_spec_max) ||
                (m_list && find(m_spec_list.begin(),m_spec_list.end(),i) != m_spec_list.end()))
                // Copy the data into the workspace vector, discarding the 1st entry, which is rubbish
                // But note that the last (overflow) bin is kept
                MantidVec& Y = localWorkspace->dataY(counter);
                Y.assign(isisRaw->dat1 + 1, isisRaw->dat1 + lengthIn);
                // Fill the vector for the errors, containing sqrt(count)
                MantidVec& E = localWorkspace->dataE(counter);
                std::transform(Y.begin(), Y.end(), E.begin(), dblSqrt);
                // Set the X vector pointer and spectrum number
                localWorkspace->setX(counter, timeChannelsVec);
                localWorkspace->getAxis(1)->setValue(counter, i);
                // NOTE: Raw numbers go straight into the workspace
                //     - no account taken of bin widths/units etc.

        // Just a sanity check
        assert(counter == total_specs);

        std::string outputWorkspace = "OutputWorkspace";
        if (period == 0)
          // Only run the Child Algorithms once
          runLoadInstrument(localWorkspace );
          runLoadMappingTable(localWorkspace );
          runLoadLog(localWorkspace );
          const int period_number = period + 1;
          Property* log=createPeriodLog(period_number);
          // Set the total proton charge for this run
          // (not sure how this works for multi_period files)
        else   // We are working on a higher period of a multiperiod raw file
          // Create a WorkspaceProperty for the new workspace of a higher period
          // The workspace name given in the OutputWorkspace property has _periodNumber appended to it
          //                (for all but the first period, which has no suffix)
          std::stringstream suffix;
          suffix << (period+1);
          outputWorkspace += suffix.str();
          std::string WSName = localWSName + "_" + suffix.str();
          declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<DataObjects::Workspace2D>(outputWorkspace,WSName,Direction::Output));
          g_log.information() << "Workspace " << WSName << " created. \n";
          //remove previous period data
          std::stringstream index;
          index << (period);
          std::string prevPeriod="PERIOD "+index.str();
          //add current period data
          const int period_number = period + 1;
          Property* log=createPeriodLog(period_number);

        // check if values stored in logfiles should be used to define parameters of the instrument

        // Assign the result to the output workspace property

      } // loop over periods

      // Clean up
      delete[] timeChannels;
      //delete[] spectrum;