コード例 #1
ファイル: estimator.cpp プロジェクト: byu-magicc/ROSflight2
void Estimator::run()
  float acc_kp, ki;
  uint64_t now_us = RF_.sensors_.data().imu_time;
  if (last_time_ == 0)
    last_time_ = now_us;
    last_acc_update_us_ = last_time_;
  else if (now_us < last_time_)
    // this shouldn't happen
    last_time_ = now_us;


  float dt = (now_us - last_time_) * 1e-6f;
  last_time_ = now_us;
  state_.timestamp_us = now_us;

  // Crank up the gains for the first few seconds for quick convergence
  if (now_us < static_cast<uint64_t>(RF_.params_.get_param_int(PARAM_INIT_TIME))*1000)
    acc_kp = RF_.params_.get_param_float(PARAM_FILTER_KP)*10.0f;
    ki = RF_.params_.get_param_float(PARAM_FILTER_KI)*10.0f;
    acc_kp = RF_.params_.get_param_float(PARAM_FILTER_KP);
    ki = RF_.params_.get_param_float(PARAM_FILTER_KI);

  // Run LPF to reject a lot of noise

  // add in accelerometer
  float a_sqrd_norm = accel_LPF_.sqrd_norm();

  turbomath::Vector w_acc;
  if (RF_.params_.get_param_int(PARAM_FILTER_USE_ACC)
      && a_sqrd_norm < 1.1f*1.1f*9.80665f*9.80665f && a_sqrd_norm > 0.9f*0.9f*9.80665f*9.80665f)
    // Get error estimated by accelerometer measurement
    last_acc_update_us_ = now_us;
    // turn measurement into a unit vector
    turbomath::Vector a = accel_LPF_.normalized();
    // Get the quaternion from accelerometer (low-frequency measure q)
    // (Not in either paper)
    turbomath::Quaternion q_acc_inv(g_, a);
    // Get the error quaternion between observer and low-freq q
    // Below Eq. 45 Mahony Paper
    turbomath::Quaternion q_tilde = q_acc_inv * state_.attitude;
    // Correction Term of Eq. 47a and 47b Mahony Paper
    // w_acc = 2*s_tilde*v_tilde
    w_acc.x = -2.0f*q_tilde.w*q_tilde.x;
    w_acc.y = -2.0f*q_tilde.w*q_tilde.y;
    w_acc.z = 0.0f; // Don't correct z, because it's unobservable from the accelerometer

    // integrate biases from accelerometer feedback
    // (eq 47b Mahony Paper, using correction term w_acc found above
    bias_.x -= ki*w_acc.x*dt;
    bias_.y -= ki*w_acc.y*dt;
    bias_.z = 0.0;  // Don't integrate z bias, because it's unobservable
    w_acc.x = 0.0f;
    w_acc.y = 0.0f;
    w_acc.z = 0.0f;

  if (attitude_correction_next_run_)
    attitude_correction_next_run_ = false;
    w_acc += RF_.params_.get_param_float(PARAM_FILTER_KP_ATT_CORRECTION)*(q_correction_ - state_.attitude);

  // Handle Gyro Measurements
  turbomath::Vector wbar;
  if (RF_.params_.get_param_int(PARAM_FILTER_USE_QUAD_INT))
    // Quadratic Interpolation (Eq. 14 Casey Paper)
    // this step adds 12 us on the STM32F10x chips
    wbar = (w2_/-12.0f) + w1_*(8.0f/12.0f) + gyro_LPF_ * (5.0f/12.0f);
    w2_ = w1_;
    w1_ = gyro_LPF_;
    wbar = gyro_LPF_;

  // Build the composite omega vector for kinematic propagation
  // This the stuff inside the p function in eq. 47a - Mahony Paper
  turbomath::Vector wfinal = wbar - bias_ + w_acc * acc_kp;

  // Propagate Dynamics (only if we've moved)
  float sqrd_norm_w = wfinal.sqrd_norm();
  if (sqrd_norm_w > 0.0f)
    float p = wfinal.x;
    float q = wfinal.y;
    float r = wfinal.z;

    if (RF_.params_.get_param_int(PARAM_FILTER_USE_MAT_EXP))
      // Matrix Exponential Approximation (From Attitude Representation and Kinematic
      // Propagation for Low-Cost UAVs by Robert T. Casey)
      // (Eq. 12 Casey Paper)
      // This adds 90 us on STM32F10x chips
      float norm_w = sqrtf(sqrd_norm_w);
      turbomath::Quaternion qhat_np1;
      float t1 = cosf((norm_w*dt)/2.0f);
      float t2 = 1.0f/norm_w * sinf((norm_w*dt)/2.0f);
      qhat_np1.w = t1*state_.attitude.w + t2*(-p*state_.attitude.x - q*state_.attitude.y - r*state_.attitude.z);
      qhat_np1.x = t1*state_.attitude.x + t2*( p*state_.attitude.w + r*state_.attitude.y - q*state_.attitude.z);
      qhat_np1.y = t1*state_.attitude.y + t2*( q*state_.attitude.w - r*state_.attitude.x + p*state_.attitude.z);
      qhat_np1.z = t1*state_.attitude.z + t2*( r*state_.attitude.w + q*state_.attitude.x - p*state_.attitude.y);
      state_.attitude = qhat_np1.normalize();
      // Euler Integration
      // (Eq. 47a Mahony Paper), but this is pretty straight-forward
      turbomath::Quaternion qdot(0.5f * (-p*state_.attitude.x - q*state_.attitude.y - r*state_.attitude.z),
                                 0.5f * ( p*state_.attitude.w + r*state_.attitude.y - q*state_.attitude.z),
                                 0.5f * ( q*state_.attitude.w - r*state_.attitude.x + p*state_.attitude.z),
                                 0.5f * ( r*state_.attitude.w + q*state_.attitude.x - p*state_.attitude.y));
      state_.attitude.w += qdot.w*dt;
      state_.attitude.x += qdot.x*dt;
      state_.attitude.y += qdot.y*dt;
      state_.attitude.z += qdot.z*dt;

  // Extract Euler Angles for controller
  state_.attitude.get_RPY(&state_.roll, &state_.pitch, &state_.yaw);

  // Save off adjust gyro measurements with estimated biases for control
  state_.angular_velocity = gyro_LPF_ - bias_;

  // If it has been more than 0.5 seconds since the acc update ran and we are supposed to be getting them
  // then trigger an unhealthy estimator error
  if (RF_.params_.get_param_int(PARAM_FILTER_USE_ACC) && now_us > 500000 + last_acc_update_us_
      && !RF_.params_.get_param_int(PARAM_FIXED_WING))
コード例 #2
ファイル: estimator.hpp プロジェクト: abhay-agarwal/AirSim
void Estimator::run_estimator(const vector_t& accel, const vector_t& gyro, const uint64_t& imu_time)
    _current_state.now_us = imu_time;
    if (last_time == 0 || _current_state.now_us <= last_time)
        last_time = _current_state.now_us;

    float dt = (_current_state.now_us - last_time) * 1e-6f;
    last_time = _current_state.now_us;

    // Crank up the gains for the first few seconds for quick convergence
    if (imu_time < (uint64_t)params->get_param_int(Params::PARAM_INIT_TIME)*1000)
        kp = params->get_param_float(Params::PARAM_FILTER_KP)*10.0f;
        ki = params->get_param_float(Params::PARAM_FILTER_KI)*10.0f;
        kp = params->get_param_float(Params::PARAM_FILTER_KP);
        ki = params->get_param_float(Params::PARAM_FILTER_KI);

    // Run LPF to reject a lot of noise
    run_LPF(accel, gyro);

    // add in accelerometer
    float a_sqrd_norm = _accel_LPF.x*_accel_LPF.x + _accel_LPF.y*_accel_LPF.y + _accel_LPF.z*_accel_LPF.z;

    if (use_acc && a_sqrd_norm < 1.15f*1.15f*9.80665f*9.80665f && a_sqrd_norm > 0.85f*0.85f*9.80665f*9.80665f)
        // Get error estimated by accelerometer measurement
        vector_t a = vector_normalize(_accel_LPF);
        // Get the quaternion from accelerometer (low-frequency measure q)
        // (Not in either paper)
        quaternion_t q_acc_inv = quaternion_inverse(quat_from_two_vectors(a, g));
        // Get the error quaternion between observer and low-freq q
        // Below Eq. 45 Mahoney Paper
        q_tilde = quaternion_multiply(q_acc_inv, q_hat);
        // Correction Term of Eq. 47a and 47b Mahoney Paper
        // w_acc = 2*s_tilde*v_tilde
        w_acc.x = -2.0f*q_tilde.w*q_tilde.x;
        w_acc.y = -2.0f*q_tilde.w*q_tilde.y;
        w_acc.z = 0.0f; // Don't correct z, because it's unobservable from the accelerometer

                        // integrate biases from accelerometer feedback
                        // (eq 47b Mahoney Paper, using correction term w_acc found above)
        b.x -= ki*w_acc.x*dt;
        b.y -= ki*w_acc.y*dt;
        b.z = 0.0;  // Don't integrate z bias, because it's unobservable
        w_acc.x = 0.0f;
        w_acc.y = 0.0f;
        w_acc.z = 0.0f;

    // Pull out Gyro measurements
    if (quad_int)
        // Quadratic Integration (Eq. 14 Casey Paper)
        // this integration step adds 12 us on the STM32F10x chips
        wbar = vector_add(vector_add(scalar_multiply(-1.0f/12.0f,w2), scalar_multiply(8.0f/12.0f,w1)),
        w2 = w1;
        w1 = _gyro_LPF;
        wbar = _gyro_LPF;

    // Build the composite omega vector for kinematic propagation
    // This the stuff inside the p function in eq. 47a - Mahoney Paper
    wfinal = vector_add(vector_sub(wbar, b), scalar_multiply(kp, w_acc));

    // Propagate Dynamics (only if we've moved)
    float sqrd_norm_w = sqrd_norm(wfinal);
    if (sqrd_norm_w > 0.0f)
        float p = wfinal.x;
        float q = wfinal.y;
        float r = wfinal.z;

        if (mat_exp)
            // Matrix Exponential Approximation (From Attitude Representation and Kinematic
            // Propagation for Low-Cost UAVs by Robert T. Casey)
            // (Eq. 12 Casey Paper)
            // This adds 90 us on STM32F10x chips
            float norm_w = sqrtf(sqrd_norm_w);
            quaternion_t qhat_np1;
            float t1 = cosf((norm_w*dt)/2.0f);
            float t2 = 1.0f/norm_w * sinf((norm_w*dt)/2.0f);
            qhat_np1.w = t1*q_hat.w   + t2*(          - p*q_hat.x - q*q_hat.y - r*q_hat.z);
            qhat_np1.x = t1*q_hat.x   + t2*(p*q_hat.w             + r*q_hat.y - q*q_hat.z);
            qhat_np1.y = t1*q_hat.y   + t2*(q*q_hat.w - r*q_hat.x             + p*q_hat.z);
            qhat_np1.z = t1*q_hat.z   + t2*(r*q_hat.w + q*q_hat.x - p*q_hat.y);
            q_hat = quaternion_normalize(qhat_np1);
            // Euler Integration
            // (Eq. 47a Mahoney Paper), but this is pretty straight-forward
            quaternion_t qdot = {0.5f * (           - p*q_hat.x - q*q_hat.y - r*q_hat.z),
                0.5f * ( p*q_hat.w             + r*q_hat.y - q*q_hat.z),
                0.5f * ( q*q_hat.w - r*q_hat.x             + p*q_hat.z),
                0.5f * ( r*q_hat.w + q*q_hat.x - p*q_hat.y)
            q_hat.w += qdot.w*dt;
            q_hat.x += qdot.x*dt;
            q_hat.y += qdot.y*dt;
            q_hat.z += qdot.z*dt;
            q_hat = quaternion_normalize(q_hat);

    // Save attitude estimate
    _current_state.q = q_hat;

    // Extract Euler Angles for controller
    euler_from_quat(_current_state.q, &_current_state.euler.x, &_current_state.euler.y, &_current_state.euler.z);

    // Save off adjust gyro measurements with estimated biases for control
    _current_state.omega = vector_sub(_gyro_LPF, b);