コード例 #1
ファイル: user.c プロジェクト: ClockworkSoul/MortalRemains
nomask static int cmd_hook(string cmd) {
   string file;
   string verb;
   int foo ;
   mapping before, after ;

   verb = query_verb();
   if (environment() && environment()->valid_exit(verb)) {
      verb = "go";
      cmd = query_verb();

   file = (string)CMD_D->find_cmd(verb, explode(query("PATH"), ":"));
   if(file && file != "")
   before = rusage() ;
      foo = (int)call_other(file, "cmd_" + verb, cmd);
        after = rusage() ;
    	"/adm/daemons/profile"->log_cmd(verb,before,after) ;

	return foo ;

   if (environment() && environment()->query("quiet")) return 0 ;
	before = rusage() ;
   foo = (int)EMOTE_D->parse(verb, cmd);
    if (foo) {
    	after = rusage() ;
    	"/adm/daemons/profile"->log_cmd(verb,before,after) ;
	return foo ;
	before = rusage();
#ifndef INTERMUD
if(verb == "gwiz" || verb == "interwiz"){
		printf("Sorry, %s does not support intermud.\n",capitalize(mud_name()));
return 1;
#endif /* INTERMUD */
    foo = (int) CHANNELS_D -> parse_channel( verb, cmd );
     if( foo ) {
	    after = rsuage();
	      "/adm/daemons/profile" -> log_cmd( verb, before, after );
    return foo;
コード例 #2
nomask static int cmd_hook(string cmd) {
   string file;
   string verb;
   int foo ;
   mapping before, after ;

   verb = query_verb();
   if (environment() && environment()->valid_exit(verb)) {
      verb = "go";
      cmd = query_verb();

   file = (string)CMD_D->find_cmd(verb, explode(query("PATH"), ":"));
   if(file && file != "")
   before = rusage() ;
      foo = (int)call_other(file, "cmd_" + verb, cmd);
        after = rusage() ;
    	"/adm/daemons/profile"->log_cmd(verb,before,after) ;

	return foo ;

   if (environment() && environment()->query("quiet")) return 0 ;
	before = rusage() ;
   foo = (int)EMOTE_D->parse(verb, cmd);
    if (foo) {
    	after = rusage() ;
    	"/adm/daemons/profile"->log_cmd(verb,before,after) ;
	return foo ;
	before = rusage();
    foo = (int) CHANNELS_D -> parse_channel( verb, cmd );
     if( foo ) {
	    after = rsuage();
	      "/adm/daemons/profile" -> log_cmd( verb, before, after );
    return foo;
コード例 #3
ファイル: usage_d.c プロジェクト: Hobbitron/tmi2_fluffos_v3
void create() {
    mapping r;


    memory = memory_info() / 1000;
    users = sizeof(users());
// rusage() not available everywhere. If you really
// really need it, figure it out.
#if 0
    r = rusage();
    cpu = (r["utime"] + r["stime"]) / ( uptime() + 1 ) / 10.0;
    obs = sizeof(objects());

    pastobs = allocate(TRACK_NUM);
    pastusers = allocate(TRACK_NUM);
    pastmem = allocate(TRACK_NUM);
    pastcpu = allocate(TRACK_NUM);

    pastmem[counter] = memory;
    pastusers[counter] = users;
    pastobs[counter] = obs;
    pastcpu[counter] = cpu;

    lastmem = 0;
    lastusers = 0;
    lastcpu = 0.0;
    lastobs = 0;

    counter = 0;
    times = 0.0;

    call_out("sample", CALL_TIME);
コード例 #4
ファイル: mudinfo.c プロジェクト: mudchina/nitan3
int main(object me) 
        float value;
        mapping r;

        if (time() - me->query_temp("scan_time") < 10
           && ! wizardp(me))
                return notify_fail("等等,系统喘气中……\n");

        r = rusage();
        value = SCALE * (r["utime"] + r["stime"]) / uptime();

        write(NOR + WHT "\n\t\t         .__________ 系 统 资 讯 __________.\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t ─────────────────────────\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 游戏的识别名称:  " + MUD_NAME + "\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 界面系统的版本:  " + __VERSION__ + "\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 系统函数库版本:  Nitan Mudlib Version 2.1\n");
        printf(NOR + WHT "\t\t CPU 使用百分比:  %f %% 被这个游戏使用中\n", value );
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t CPU 的负担状况:  " + query_load_average() + "\n");
        printf(NOR + WHT "\t\t 共使用的记忆体:  %s bytes\n", memory_expression(memory_info()) );
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 线上使用者总数:  " + sizeof( users() ) + "  个人在线上\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 注册使用者总数:  " + count_ppls() + "  个人在本游戏注册\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 载入的物件总数:  " + sizeof( objects() ) + " 个物件\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 心跳总数的资讯:  " + sizeof(heart_beats()) + " 个\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 延迟呼叫数资讯:  " + sizeof(call_out_info()) + " 个\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 系统负载的资讯:  " + query_load_average() + "\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 讯息传输的资讯:  " + query_rusage_message() + "\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 连续执行的时间:  " + dotime() + "\n");
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 游戏现在的状态:  " + STATUS + "\n" NOR);
        write(NOR + WHT "\t\t 游戏对 PK 限制:   每天不超过 8 人,每人不超过 2 次\n\n" NOR);

        me->set_temp("scan_time", time());

        return 1;
コード例 #5
ファイル: _mudinfo.c プロジェクト: Hobbitron/tmi2_fluffos_v3
string do_info(string args) {
   mapping r;
   float cpu;
   string mach, vers, name, up, memory, listing;
   int obs, i;
   mixed *info, *services;
   if(args && args != ""){
       args = I3_D->query_network_name(args);
           return("Could not obtain information about that MUD\n");
       info = I3_D->query_mud(args);
       services = keys(info[10]);
       listing = "";
           listing += services[i]+", ";
       listing += "\n";
       return ( "" +
           pad( "MUD NAME:         " + args, PAD ) +
           "MUDLIB:   " + info[5] + "\n" +
           pad( "ADDRESS:          " + info[1] + " " + info[2], PAD ) +
           "DRIVER:   " + info[7] + "\n" +
           pad("MUD TYPE:         " + info[8], PAD ) +
           "CPU USE:  " + "Unknown" + " %\n" +
           pad("CURRENT USERS:    " + "Unknown", PAD ) +
           "MEMORY:   " + "Unknown" + "\n" +
           pad("MUD STATUS:       " + info[9], PAD ) +
           "OBJECTS:  " + "Unknown\n" +
           pad("SERVICES:         " + listing, PAD) +
       "" );
    r = rusage();
    obs = sizeof( objects() );
    mach = arch();
    name = capitalize( mud_name() );
    vers = version();
    cpu = SCALE * (r["utime"] + r["stime"]) / uptime();
    memory = (string) CMD_MEM -> parse_mem( memory_info() );
    up = format_time( uptime() );
    return ( "" +
        pad( "MUD NAME:         " + name, PAD ) +
      "MUDLIB:   " + MUDLIB_NAME + " (" + MUDLIB_VERSION_NUMBER + ")\n" +
        pad( "ARCHITECTURE:     " + mach, PAD ) +
      "DRIVER:   " + vers + "\n" +
   pad("DRIVER UPTIME:    " + up, PAD ) +
           "CPU USE:  " + cpu + " %\n" +
   pad("CURRENT USERS:    " + sizeof( users() ), PAD ) +
      "MEMORY:   " + memory + "\n" +
   pad("MUD STATUS:       " + STATUS, PAD ) +
        "OBJECTS:  " + obs + " loaded.\n" +
      "" );
コード例 #6
mixed cmd(string arg) {
	mapping info;

  info = rusage();
  printf("Current statistics are:\n"+
				 "Memory: %d\nMajorfaults: %d\nUser time: %d\nSystem time: %d\n",
				 info["maxrss"], info["majflt"], info["minflt"],
				 info["utime"] / 1000, info["stime"] / 1000);
  return 1;
コード例 #7
ファイル: usage.c プロジェクト: Elohim/FGmud
mixed cmd(string str) {
    mapping info;
    string *cles;
    string ret;
    float x, fraction;

    if(!archp(previous_object())) return 0;
    info = rusage();
    cles = keys(info);

    foreach(string schlussel in cles){
        write(schlussel + ": "+info[schlussel]);
コード例 #8
ファイル: cpu.c プロジェクト: gongfuPanada/xyj2006
int main(object me) {
        mapping info;
        float x, fraction;
        string str;

        info = rusage();
        x = info["utime"] + info["stime"];
        // time is in msec, convert to sec
        x = (info["utime"] + info["stime"])/1000;
        fraction = x / uptime();    
        str = sprintf("CPU usage: %2.2f%%\n", fraction * 100);
        write( str );
        return 1;
コード例 #9
ファイル: usage_d.c プロジェクト: Hobbitron/tmi2_fluffos_v3
void sample() {
    mapping r;

    memory = lastmem + memory + (lastmem = memory_info() / 1000);
    users = lastusers + users + (lastusers = sizeof(users()));
    obs = lastobs + obs + (lastobs = sizeof(objects()));
#if 0
    r = rusage();
    cpu = lastcpu + cpu + (lastcpu = (r["utime"] + r["stime"]) / uptime() / 10.0);

    times = times + 1.0;

    pastmem[counter] = memory / times / 2;
    pastusers[counter] = users / times / 2;
    pastobs[counter] = obs / times / 2;
    pastcpu[counter] = cpu / times / 2;

    if (times == AVERAGING_NUM.0) {
        times = 0.0;

        counter = counter + 1;
        if (counter == TRACK_NUM)
            counter = 0;

        memory = lastmem;
        users = lastusers;
        cpu = lastcpu;
        obs = lastobs;

        pastmem[counter] = memory;
        pastusers[counter] = users;
        pastobs[counter] = obs;
        pastcpu[counter] = cpu;

        lastmem = 0;
        lastusers = 0;
        lastcpu = 0.0;
        lastobs = 0;

    call_out ("sample", CALL_TIME);
コード例 #10
ファイル: command.c プロジェクト: gongfuPanada/xyj2006
// This is the add_action hook handling movement, commands, emotes and
// channels. Optimization is needed.
// private nomask int command_hook(string arg)
nomask int command_hook(string arg)
	string verb, file;
        object me=this_object();

	int mem, utime, stime;
	mapping info;
	int ecost; // added by mon. 2/25/98

	mem = memory_info();
	info = rusage();
	utime = info["utime"];
	stime = info["stime"];

	verb = query_verb();

        //added by mon 11/23/97
        if(userp(me)&& (me->query_temp("d_mana"))>0) {
          if(me->query_temp("is_living")!=1) {
            if(verb!="bian" && verb!="say"
	    && verb!="tell" && verb!="reply" && verb!="look") {
	     return 1;

	/* mon 10/10/98
	if( !arg 
	&&	(environment() && stringp(environment()->query("exits/" + verb)))
	&&	stringp(file = find_command("go"))
	&&	call_other(file, "main", this_object(), verb))
	if( !arg 
	&&	(environment() && environment()->query("exits/" + verb))
	&&	stringp(file = find_command("go"))
	&&	call_other(file, "main", this_object(), verb))
	else if( stringp(file = find_command(verb))  
	&&  call_other(file, "main", this_object(), arg))

	else if( EMOTE_D->do_emote( this_object(), verb, arg ) )

	else if( CHANNEL_D->do_channel( this_object(), verb, arg ) )

	else return 0;

	info = rusage();
	PROFILE_D->log_command(verb, memory_info() - mem, info["stime"] - stime,
		info["utime"] - utime, ecost-eval_cost());

	return 1;