//!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! //! \brief GuidewareTrackingWindow::startNaigation //! void GuidewareTrackingWindow::startNaigation(){ //! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- collaborativeState = "on"; //on/off collaborativeName = this->patientHandling->getName(); collaborativeType = "navi"; //standby/normal/reconstruct/reconstructed collaborativePath = this->patientHandling->getCTImagePath() + "navi"; QFile f(this->configuratonFilePath); if(!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { cout << "Open failed." << endl; } QTextStream txtOutput(&f); QString s1(collaborativeState); QString s2(collaborativeName); QString s3(collaborativeType); QString s4(collaborativePath); txtOutput << "state:" << s1 << endl; txtOutput << "name:" << s2 << endl; txtOutput << "type:" << s3 << endl; txtOutput << "path:" << s4 << endl; f.close(); //! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- }
bool capacity_test( ) { bool rc = true; std::string s1; std::string s2("Hello, World!"); if( s1.capacity( ) == 0) FAIL if( s2.size( ) > s2.capacity( ) ) FAIL if( s1.empty( ) == false ) FAIL if( s2.empty( ) == true ) FAIL s2.clear( ); if( s2.empty( ) == false ) FAIL std::string s3("Hello"); s3.resize( 2 ); if( s3.size( ) != 2 || s3 != "He" ) FAIL s3.resize( 5, 'x' ); if( s3.size( ) != 5 || s3 != "Hexxx" ) FAIL s3.resize( 40, 'y' ); if( s3.size( ) != 40 || s3 != "Hexxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" ) FAIL std::string s4("Hello"); std::string::size_type new_s4capacity = ( 7 * s4.capacity( ) ) / 2; s4.reserve( new_s4capacity ); if( s4.capacity( ) < new_s4capacity || s4.size( ) != 5 || s4 != "Hello" ) { FAIL } return( rc ); }
bool erase_test( ) { bool rc = true; std::string s1( "Hello, World!" ); s1.erase( ); if( s1 != "" || s1.size( ) != 0 || INSANE( s1 ) ) FAIL std::string s2( "Hello, World!" ); s2.erase( 2, 3 ); if( s2 != "He, World!" || s2.size( ) != 10 || INSANE( s2 ) ) FAIL std::string s3( "Hello, World!" ); s3.erase( 7, 6 ); if( s3 != "Hello, " || s3.size( ) != 7 || INSANE( s3 ) ) FAIL std::string s4( "Hello, World!" ); s4.erase( s4.begin( ) ); if( s4 != "ello, World!" || s4.size( ) != 12 || INSANE( s4 ) ) FAIL std::string s5( "Hello, World!" ); s5.erase( s5.begin( ) + 2, s5.begin( ) + 5 ); if( s5 != "He, World!" || s5.size( ) != 10 || INSANE( s5 ) ) FAIL return( rc ); }
//=========================================================================== int main () { // Define, output default constructed value string s1("blah"); std::cout << "string 1: "; std::cout << s1; std::cout << "\n"; // Define, output 1 digit number string s2("pooltable"); std::cout << "string 2: "; std::cout << s2; std::cout << "\n"; // Define, output 3 digit number string s3("crazy man"); std::cout << "string 2: "; std::cout << s3; std::cout << "\n"; // Define, output 90 digit number string s4("this project is really hard to understand, as a cs major i have no life."); std::cout << "string 3: "; std::cout << s4; std::cout << "\n"; }
//!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! //! \brief GuidewareTrackingWindow::changeStateToReconstruct //! void GuidewareTrackingWindow::changeStateToReconstruct(){ collaborativeState = "on"; collaborativeName = this->patientHandling->getName(); collaborativeType = "reconstruct"; collaborativePath = this->patientHandling->getCTImagePath() + "reconstruct"; QFile f(this->configuratonFilePath); if(!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { cout << "Open failed." << endl; } QTextStream txtOutput(&f); QString s1(collaborativeState); QString s2(collaborativeName); QString s3(collaborativeType); QString s4(collaborativePath); txtOutput << "state:" << s1 << endl; txtOutput << "name:" << s2 << endl; txtOutput << "type:" << s3 << endl; txtOutput << "path:" << s4 << endl; f.close(); }
TEST(functor_call_traits, non_const_this_ref_functor) { member_op f; member_op const &cf = f; functor_call_traits functor; EXPECT_THROW(functor(f, 0l, 0.0, 0, ""), std::exception); EXPECT_EQ(3.1415926, functor_call_traits::call(cf)); functor_call_traits::call(f); EXPECT_EQ(5.6, functor_call_traits::call(cf)); std::string s1("hello"); char const *s2 = ", "; std::string const s3("world"); std::string s4("!"); std::string out("some test string"); EXPECT_EQ(17, functor(f, 17)); EXPECT_EQ( s1.size() + std::strlen(s2) + s3.size() + s4.size(), (functor(f, s1, s2, s3, s4, out)) ); EXPECT_EQ("hello, world!", out); typedef std::integral_constant<int, functor(f, 2, 3, 5)> c; EXPECT_EQ(2 + 3 + 5, c::value); EXPECT_EQ(57, functor(f, 57, true)); EXPECT_EQ(-57, functor(f, 57, false)); }
TEST(call_traits_static_member, call_static_member) { EXPECT_THROW( sm_traits::static_member<static_fn>::call(0l, 0.0, 0, ""), std::exception ); std::string s1("hello"); char const *s2 = ", "; std::string const s3("world"); std::string s4("!"); std::string out("some test string"); EXPECT_EQ(17, sm_traits::static_member<static_fn>::call(17)); EXPECT_EQ( s1.size() + std::strlen(s2) + s3.size() + s4.size(), sm_traits::static_member<static_fn>::call(s1, s2, s3, s4, out) ); EXPECT_EQ("hello, world!", out); typedef std::integral_constant< int, sm_traits::static_member<static_fn>::call(2, 3, 5) > c; EXPECT_EQ(2 + 3 + 5, c::value); EXPECT_EQ(57, sm_traits::static_member<static_fn>::call(57, true)); EXPECT_EQ(-57, sm_traits::static_member<static_fn>::call(57, false)); }
TEST(call_traits_free_function, functor_free_function) { ff_traits::free_function functor; EXPECT_THROW(functor(0l, 0.0, 0, ""), std::exception); std::string s1("hello"); char const *s2 = ", "; std::string const s3("world"); std::string s4("!"); std::string out("some test string"); EXPECT_EQ(17, functor(17)); EXPECT_EQ( s1.size() + std::strlen(s2) + s3.size() + s4.size(), functor(s1, s2, s3, s4, out) ); EXPECT_EQ("hello, world!", out); typedef std::integral_constant<int, functor(2, 3, 5)> c; EXPECT_EQ(2 + 3 + 5, c::value); EXPECT_EQ(57, functor(57, true)); EXPECT_EQ(-57, functor(57, false)); }
void StdStringTestCase::StdConstructors() { wxString s1(wxT("abcdefgh")), s2(wxT("abcdefghijklm"), 8), s3(wxT("abcdefghijklm")), s4(8, wxT('a')); wxString s5(s1), s6(s3, 0, 8), s7(s3.begin(), s3.begin() + 8); wxString s8(s1, 4, 8); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( wxT("abcdefgh"), s1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( s1, s2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( wxT("aaaaaaaa"), s4 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( wxT("abcdefgh"), s5 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( s1, s6 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( s1, s7 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( wxT("efgh"), s8 ); const char *pc = s1.c_str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "bcd", wxString(pc + 1, pc + 4) ); const wchar_t *pw = s2.c_str(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "a", wxString(pw, pw + 1) ); }
void StdStringTestCase::StdConversion() { std::string strStd("std::string value"); wxStdWideString strStdWide(L"std::wstring value"); wxString s1(strStd); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "std::string value", s1 ); wxString s2(strStdWide); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "std::wstring value", s2 ); wxString s3; s3 = strStd; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "std::string value", s3 ); s3 = strStdWide; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "std::wstring value", s3 ); wxString s4("hello"); // wxString -> std::string conversion is only available in wxUSE_STL case, // because it conflicts with conversion to const char*/wchar_t*: #if wxUSE_STL std::string s5 = s4; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "hello", s5 ); wxStdWideString s6 = s4; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "hello", s6 ); #endif std::string s7(s4); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s7 == "hello" ); wxStdWideString s8(s4); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s8 == "hello" ); }
std::vector<Student> createStudents() { Student s1("Dimitar", "Radenkov", 28, "08889793457", "*****@*****.**", std::vector < int > {1, 2, 3, 5}); Student s2("Ralica", "Vaskova", 32, "088998899889", "*****@*****.**", std::vector < int > {4, 2, 3, 4}); Student s3("Nikol", "Georgieva", 18, "08989898989", "*****@*****.**", std::vector < int > {2, 2, 2, 2}); Student s4("Alexander", "Radenkov", 19, "08989898989", "*****@*****.**", std::vector < int > {6, 6, 6, 6}); std::vector<Student> students{ s1, s2, s3, s4 }; return students; }
void insert() { /* MemStat memStat("insert"); */ String s1("1234", 5), s2("1234"); String s3("1235", 4), s4("1232"); String s5; insert2(); cout << "insert" << endl; s1.insert(1, s1.cStr()); assert(s1.length() == 9); s2.insert(1, s2); assert(s2.length() == 8 && s2 == "11234234"); s5.insert(0, s3); assert(s3 == s5); s5.insert(2, "abcdef", 4); assert(s5 == "12abcd35"); s3.insert(s3.length(), "abcd"); assert(s3 == ((String)("1235") + "abcd")); s3 = "1234"; s3.insert(0, 'x', 5); assert(s3 == "xxxxx1234"); s3 = "1234"; s3.insert(2, 'x', 5); assert(s3 == "12xxxxx34"); s3 = "1234"; s3.insert(s3.length(), 'x', 5); assert(s3 == "1234xxxxx"); }
void TestVariant() { bool b1 = is_base_of<nuiObject, nuiWidget>::value; bool b2 = is_base_of<nuiWidget, nuiObject>::value; bool b3 = is_base_of<nuiObject*, nuiWidget*>::value; bool b4 = is_base_of<nuiWidget*, nuiObject*>::value; bool b5 = is_base_of<nuiObject, nuiObject>::value; bool b6 = is_base_of<nuiWidget, nuiWidget>::value; nuiVariant s1(12); nuiVariant s2(12.34); nuiVariant s3(-10); nuiVariant s4(nglString(_T("ProutString"))); nuiVariant s5(new nuiObject()); nuiVariant s6(new nuiWidget()); int r = s1; nglString r0 = s3; nglString r1 = s4; nuiObject* pObj1 = s5; nuiObject* pObj2 = s6; nuiWidget* pW1 = s5; nuiWidget* pW2 = s6; NGL_OUT(_T("sizeof nuiVariant: %d\n"), sizeof(nuiVariant)); }
int main(void) { static const struct st3 a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; l1(100); l2(100, 200); l3(100, 200, 300); l4(100, 200, 300, 400); l5(100, 200, 300, 400, 500); l6(100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600); l7(100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700); l8(100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800); d1(); d2(43); d3(100, 200); d4(a); d5('a', 43, a); d6('a', 1); c1(44); c2(100, 'a', 3.4); c3(200, 2.777, 'q'); c4(200, 1); c5(1.1, 2.2); c6(1.23, 45.6); c7('z', 0x200); a1('a'); a2(10); a3(20); a4(102030405060LL); b1('a', 20); b2(30, 'b'); b3(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60); s1(sx); s1p(&sx); s2(sy); s3(sz); s4(sq); s5(sa); s6(sb); r1(); r3(); r4(); q1(200, sx); q2(300, 't', sx); q3(400, 410, sy); q4(500, 510, sq); q5(600, 610, 'z', 'q', sq); real1("fresh air"); real2(); return 0; }
void compare() { /* MemStat memStat("compare"); */ String s1("1234", 5), s2("1234"); String s3("1235", 5), s4("1232"); String s5; cout << "compare" << endl; assert(s1.compare(s2) != 0); assert(compare(s1,s2) != 0); assert(s2.compare(s2) == 0); assert(s2.compare("12345", 4) == 0); assert(s1.compare(s3) < 0); assert(compare(s2, s3) < 0); assert(compare(s2, "1235") < 0); assert(compare("1235", s2) > 0); assert(s1.compare(s4) > 0); assert(s2.compare(s5) > 0); assert(s5.length() == 0); assert(s5.compare("") == 0); assert(compare(s5,"") == 0); assert(compare("",s5) == 0); assert(s1 != "1234"); assert(s2 == "1234"); assert("1234" == s2); assert("1234" != s1); }
int main() { char text[] = "world"; String s0; String s1("hello"); String s2(s0); String s3 = s1; String s4(text); s2 = s1; foo(s1); bar(s1); foo("temporary"); bar("temporary"); String s5 = baz(); std::vector<String> svec; svec.reserve(8); svec.push_back(s0); svec.push_back(s1); svec.push_back(s2); svec.push_back(s3); svec.push_back(s4); svec.push_back(s5); svec.push_back(baz()); svec.push_back("good job"); for (const auto &s : svec) { std::cout << s.c_str() << std::endl; } }
void ReadFilterData(bool reload) { static bool loaded = false; if (!loaded || reload) { loaded = true; QFile f1("berichten/forbidden_sentences.txt"); QFile f2("berichten/forbidden_start.txt"); QFile f3("berichten/forbidden_sentences_ai.txt"); QFile f4("berichten/forbidden_start_ai.txt"); f1.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); f2.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); f3.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); f4.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); QTextStream s1(&f1); QTextStream s2(&f2); QTextStream s3(&f3); QTextStream s4(&f4); disallowed_contents = s1.readAll().split('\n'); disallowed_begins = s2.readAll().split('\n'); disallowed_contents_ai = s3.readAll().split('\n'); disallowed_begins_ai = s4.readAll().split('\n'); } }
void test() { Pboom boom; StringMetBits s1("alfa"); StringMetBits s2("beta"); StringMetBits s3("delt"); StringMetBits s4("jaja"); StringMetBits s5("baby"); boom.insert(s1); boom.insert(s1); boom.insert(s2); boom.insert(s2); boom.insert(s2); boom.insert(s3); boom.insert(s4); boom.insert(s5); boom.insert(s5); std::cout << s1 << ": " << boom.get(s1) << std::endl; std::cout << s2 << ": " << boom.get(s2) << std::endl; std::cout << s3 << ": " << boom.get(s3) << std::endl; std::cout << s4 << ": " << boom.get(s4) << std::endl; std::cout << s5 << ": " << boom.get(s5) << std::endl; }
TEST(ArrayTest, getNumRows) { TwoDArray<int> i4(10, 5, 42); TwoDArray<double> d4(2, 9, 9.9); TwoDArray<std::string> s4(6, 8, "e"); EXPECT_EQ(10, i4.access(8,2)); EXPECT_EQ(2, d4.access(0,0)); EXPECT_EQ(6, s4.access(5,7)); }
bool insert_test( ) { bool rc = true; std::string s0( "INSERTED" ); std::string s1( "Hello, World!" ); s1.insert( 2, s0 ); if( s1 != "HeINSERTEDllo, World!" || s1.size( ) != 21 || INSANE( s1 ) ) { FAIL } std::string s2( "Hello, World!" ); s2.insert( 0, s0 ); if( s2 != "INSERTEDHello, World!" || s2.size( ) != 21 || INSANE( s2 ) ) { FAIL } std::string s3( "Hello, World!" ); s3.insert( 13, s0 ); if( s3 != "Hello, World!INSERTED" || s3.size( ) != 21 || INSANE( s3 ) ) { FAIL } std::string s4( "Hello, World!" ); s4.insert( 0, s0, 2, 2 ); if( s4 != "SEHello, World!" || s4.size( ) != 15 || INSANE( s4 ) ) { FAIL } std::string s5( "Hello, World!" ); s5.insert( 0, s0, 2, 128 ); if( s5 != "SERTEDHello, World!" || s5.size( ) != 19 || INSANE( s5 ) ) { FAIL } // Do multiple insertions to verify reallocations. // This should probably also be done for the other insert methods as well. std::string s6( "Hello" ); char input = 'a'; for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { std::string::iterator p = s6.insert( s6.begin( ), input ); if( *p != input ) FAIL; if( s6.size( ) != 6 + i ) FAIL; if( INSANE( s6 ) ) FAIL; ++input; } if( s6 != "jihgfedcbaHello" ) FAIL; std::string s7( "Hello, World!" ); s7.insert( s7.end( ), 3, 'z' ); if( s7 != "Hello, World!zzz" || s7.size( ) != 16 || INSANE( s7 ) ) { FAIL } // Need to test other insert methods. return( rc ); }
bool assign_test( ) { bool rc = true; std::string s1( 5, 'x' ); const char *shrt_string = "Shorty"; const char *long_string = "This string is longer than 8 characters"; const std::string s2( shrt_string ); const std::string s3( long_string ); std::string s4( 5, 'x' ); std::string s5( 5, 'x' ); std::string s6( 5, 'x' ); std::string s7( 5, 'x' ); std::string s8( 5, 'x' ); std::string s9( 5, 'x' ); const char *raw = "This is a very, very long string"; s1 = s2; if( s1.size( ) != 6 || s1 != shrt_string || INSANE( s1 ) ) FAIL s1 = s3; if( s1.size( ) != 39 || s1 != long_string || INSANE( s1 ) ) FAIL s4 = shrt_string; if( s4.size( ) != 6 || s4 != shrt_string || INSANE( s4 ) ) FAIL s4 = long_string; if( s4.size( ) != 39 || s4 != long_string || INSANE( s4 ) ) FAIL s5 = 'y'; if( s5.size( ) != 1 || s5 != "y" || INSANE( s5 ) ) FAIL s6.assign( s3, 35, 5 ); if( s6.size( ) != 4 || s6 != "ters" || INSANE( s6 ) ) FAIL s6.assign( s3, 5, 16 ); if( s6.size( ) != 16 || s6 != "string is longer" || INSANE( s6 ) ) FAIL s7.assign( raw, 4 ); if( s7.size( ) != 4 || s7 != "This" || INSANE( s7 ) ) FAIL s7.assign( raw, 10 ); if( s7.size( ) != 10 || s7 != "This is a " || INSANE( s7 ) ) FAIL s8.assign( "Shorty" ); if( s8.size( ) != 6 || s8 != "Shorty" || INSANE( s8 ) ) FAIL s8.assign( long_string ); if( s8.size( ) != 39 || s8 != long_string || INSANE( s8 ) ) FAIL s9.assign( 7, 'x' ); if( s9.size( ) != 7 || s9 != "xxxxxxx" || INSANE( s9 ) ) FAIL s9.assign( 8, 'y' ); if( s9.size( ) != 8 || s9 != "yyyyyyyy" || INSANE( s9 ) ) FAIL return( rc ); }
bool TestExtString::test_stringdata() { // None of these should assert. StackStringData s1; String s2(StringData::MaxSmallSize / 2, ReserveString); String s3(StringData::MaxSmallSize * 2, ReserveString); String s4(StringData::MaxSmallSize * 2, ReserveString); s4.mutableSlice().ptr[0] = 'a'; return Count(true); }
int main() { // Step(a) - construct a triangular face. Arrangement_2 arr; Segment_2 s1(Point_2(667, 1000), Point_2(4000, 5000)); Segment_2 s2(Point_2(4000, 0), Point_2(4000, 5000)); Segment_2 s3(Point_2(667, 1000), Point_2(4000, 0)); Halfedge_handle e1 = arr.insert_in_face_interior(s1, arr.unbounded_face()); Vertex_handle v1 = e1->source(); Vertex_handle v2 = e1->target(); Halfedge_handle e2 = arr.insert_from_right_vertex(s2, v2); Vertex_handle v3 = e2->target(); arr.insert_at_vertices(s3, v3, v1); // Step (b) - create additional two faces inside the triangle. Point_2 p1(4000, 3666), p2(4000, 1000); Segment_2 s4(Point_2(4000, 5000), p1); Segment_2 s5(p1, p2); Segment_2 s6(Point_2(4000, 0), p2); Halfedge_handle e4 = arr.split_edge(e2, s4, Segment_2(Point_2(4000, 0), p1)); Vertex_handle w1 = e4->target(); Halfedge_handle e5 = arr.split_edge(e4->next(), s5, s6); Vertex_handle w2 = e5->target(); Halfedge_handle e6 = e5->next(); Segment_2 s7(p1, Point_2(3000, 2666)); Segment_2 s8(p2, Point_2(3000, 1333)); Segment_2 s9(Point_2(3000, 2666), Point_2(2000, 1666)); Segment_2 s10(Point_2(3000, 1333), Point_2(2000, 1666)); Segment_2 s11(Point_2(3000, 1333), Point_2(3000, 2666)); Halfedge_handle e7 = arr.insert_from_right_vertex(s7, w1); Vertex_handle v4 = e7->target(); Halfedge_handle e8 = arr.insert_from_right_vertex(s8, w2); Vertex_handle v5 = e8->target(); Vertex_handle v6 = arr.insert_in_face_interior(Point_2(2000, 1666), e8->face()); arr.insert_at_vertices(s9, v4, v6); arr.insert_at_vertices(s10, v5, v6); arr.insert_at_vertices(s11, v4, v5); // Step(c) - remove and merge faces to form a single hole in the traingle. arr.remove_edge(e7); arr.remove_edge(e8); e5 = arr.merge_edge(e5, e6, Segment_2(e5->source()->point(), e6->target()->point())); e2 = arr.merge_edge(e4, e5, s2); print_arrangement(arr); return 0; }
void SendAudioFrame(const unsigned char* audbuf, unsigned framesize) { CheckBegin(); //fprintf(stderr, "Writing 01wb of %u bytes\n", framesize); const unsigned char header[] = { s4("01wb"), u32(framesize) }; FlushWrite(avifp, header, sizeof(header)); FlushWrite(avifp, audbuf, framesize); }
void SendVideoFrame(const unsigned char* vidbuf, unsigned framesize) { CheckBegin(); //fprintf(stderr, "Writing 00dc of %u bytes\n", framesize); const unsigned char header[] = { s4("00dc"), u32(framesize) }; FlushWrite(avifp, header, sizeof(header)); FlushWrite(avifp, vidbuf, framesize); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); std::random_device rd; random_engine gen(rd()); int imageSize = 300; QList<QImage> images; for (int n = 0; n < 28; ++n) images << randomImage(imageSize, gen); std::uniform_int_distribution<> dImage(0, images.size()-1); QStackedWidget display; QPushButton ready("I'm Ready!"); QLabel label, labelHidden; display.addWidget(&ready); display.addWidget(&label); display.addWidget(&labelHidden); QTimer splashTimer; QStateMachine machine; QState s1(&machine), s2(&machine), s3(&machine), s4(&machine); splashTimer.setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(&s1, &QState::entered, [&]{ display.setCurrentWidget(&ready); ready.setDefault(true); ready.setFocus(); }); s1.addTransition(&ready, "clicked()", &s2); QObject::connect(&s2, &QState::entered, [&]{ label.setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(images.at(dImage(gen)))); display.setCurrentWidget(&label); splashTimer.start(250 + std::uniform_int_distribution<>(1500, 3000)(gen)); }); s2.addTransition(&splashTimer, "timeout()", &s3); QObject::connect(&s3, &QState::entered, [&]{ display.setCurrentWidget(&labelHidden); splashTimer.start(2000); }); s3.addTransition(&splashTimer, "timeout()", &s4); QObject::connect(&s4, &QState::entered, [&]{ display.setCurrentWidget(&label); splashTimer.start(3000); }); s4.addTransition(&splashTimer, "timeout()", &s1); machine.setInitialState(&s1); machine.start(); display.show(); return a.exec(); }
void Engine::LoadScores() { iHiScore[0]= 10000; iHiScore[1]= 9000; iHiScore[2]= 8000; iHiScore[3]= 7000; iHiScore[4]= 6000; iHiScore[5]= 5000; iHiScore[6]= 4000; iHiScore[7]= 3000; iHiScore[8]= 2000; iHiScore[9]= 1000; string s1("HOLD"); string s2("DOWN"); string s3("KEYS"); string s4("MARY"); string s5("ON"); string s6("MAIN"); string s7("PAGE"); string s8("FOR"); string s9("CHEAT"); string s10("*****"); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","1a",iHiScore[0]); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","1b",s1); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","2a",iHiScore[1]); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","2b",s2); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","3a",iHiScore[2]); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","3b",s3); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","4a",iHiScore[3]); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","4b",s4); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","5a",iHiScore[4]); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","5b",s5); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","6a",iHiScore[5]); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","6b",s6); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","7a",iHiScore[6]); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","7b",s7); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","8a",iHiScore[7]); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","8b",s8); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","9a",iHiScore[8]); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","9b",s9); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","10a",iHiScore[9]); gSerializer.ReadVariable("score.dat","10b",s10); strcpy(szHiScore[0],s1.c_str()); strcpy(szHiScore[1],s2.c_str()); strcpy(szHiScore[2],s3.c_str()); strcpy(szHiScore[3],s4.c_str()); strcpy(szHiScore[4],s5.c_str()); strcpy(szHiScore[5],s6.c_str()); strcpy(szHiScore[6],s7.c_str()); strcpy(szHiScore[7],s8.c_str()); strcpy(szHiScore[8],s9.c_str()); strcpy(szHiScore[9],s10.c_str()); }
void TestDelegatingConstructor() { std::cout << "*****s1's constructor*****" << std::endl; Sales_data s1("978-7-121-15535-2", 0, 0); std::cout << "*****s2's constructor*****" << std::endl; Sales_data s2; std::cout << "*****s3's constructor*****" << std::endl; Sales_data s3("978-7-121-15535-2"); std::cout << "*****s4's constructor*****" << std::endl; Sales_data s4(std::cin); }
Stream<int> test1() { Stream<int> s0; Stream<int> s1(1, s0); lazyPrint(s1); Stream<int> s2(2, s1); Stream<int> s3(3, s2); Stream<int> s4(4, s3); std::cout << s1.get() << std::endl; lazyPrint(s4); return s4; }
TQSize KJanusWidget::minimumSizeHint() const { if( mFace == TreeList || mFace == IconList ) { TQSize s1( KDialog::spacingHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()*2 ); TQSize s2(0,0); TQSize s3(0,0); TQSize s4( mPageStack->sizeHint() ); if( mFace == TreeList ) { s1.rwidth() += style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_SplitterWidth ); s2 = mTreeList->minimumSize(); } else { mIconList->updateMinimumHeight(); mIconList->updateWidth(); s2 = mIconList->minimumSize(); } if( mTitleLabel->isVisible() ) { s3 += mTitleLabel->sizeHint(); s3.rheight() += mTitleSep->minimumSize().height(); } // // Select the tallest item. It has only effect in IconList mode // int h1 = s1.rheight() + s3.rheight() + s4.height(); int h2 = TQMAX( h1, s2.rheight() ); return TQSize( s1.width()+s2.width()+TQMAX(s3.width(),s4.width()), h2 ); } else if( mFace == Tabbed ) { return mTabControl->sizeHint(); } else if( mFace == Swallow ) { return mSwallowPage->minimumSize(); } else if( mFace == Plain ) { return mPlainPage->sizeHint(); } else { return TQSize( 100, 100 ); // Should never happen though. } }